(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Music🎵 How's it going everybody? You're watching the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, right here on my YouTube channel, youtube.com slash Ben the Baptist. And the topic for the night, the topic for the night, Mystery Babylon. You might be hearing the piano in the background there. Mystery Babylon. Who is Mystery Babylon? Well, we're going to show you this evening that the theory that Mystery Babylon of the End Times, described in the Book of Revelation, is that the United States is not just a palatable one, but also a theory that makes the most sense out of all of them. We believe Mystery Babylon is in fact the United States. When you look at everything going on in our country right now, not just geopolitically with all the wars that this nation has been a part of, but also the civil unrest going on domestically. You look at how this country is being judged. You look at the wickedness of America. You look at the bloodshed that America has been the catalyst for, not just domestically, but all over the world. You look at the connections between America as we know it today in 2020 and the Babylonian Empire, which was during its time a global superpower. It just assures the United States is the global superpower of the modern era. I think that, yeah, there's plenty of connections to be made between the USA and Babylon. Of course, Paul Wittenberger put out a documentary about this in 2017, I believe, called Babylon USA. I highly recommend you check it out. This podcast is going to be sort of just like a preliminary look at the doctrine. We'll be going over some scriptures here tonight that will illustrate this point and sort of an overview here on Babylon in the end times and why we think the United States fits that mold perfectly. Right now, I want to introduce my guest for the night, brother Marcel Lugo from Revival Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. Brother Marcel, welcome back to the Sword of the Spirit podcast. Welcome back to this live stream. It's always fun to record one of these with you. How are you doing tonight? Doing well, man. Thanks for having me. Glad to be here. Glad to talk with you. Always love to catch up with you. So, it's great to be here. Thanks for having me. Absolutely. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're talking about end times Bible prophecy. The very first episode of this show I did was about this subject. I've always been interested in it. You and I have had our discussions off the air about it. Before we dive into the Bible, there are riots going on all over the country right now. Cities are burning. Cars are exploding. It's insane. It's insane what's happening. The United States is being judged by God. Not only did you have the pandemic, the reaction to the pandemic and the oppression associated with that, but then you also have the looting and the violence and the destruction and businesses getting broken into, stealing, cars getting ignited on fire. The National Guard is even, there's rumors the National Guard has come in and they're trying to enforce law and order. I mean, it's just crazy what's going on. There is civil unrest going on right now. And you see when a country is going through something like this, it's obviously the judgment of God. When God's blessing a nation, there's peace. But when God is judging a nation, like what happened when King Asa screwed up and relied on the physicians to the Lord, he had wars and that was a consequence of his action. That was God's judgment on Judah at the time. The United States obviously has heaped up so much wrath on itself. And I think we're starting to see it even today that God is judging the nation. What are your thoughts on everything going on right now as we talk about Babylon and just you look at current events today as you see it, isn't it just unbelievable? Yeah, I mean, it's insane what's going on right now. I just feel like we're in a movie, you know, feel like we're in that perfect movie or something like that. And it's just crazy to kind of believe that we're living in this type of time. You know, I never would have thought 2020 would have started off like this. But yeah, I mean, I definitely think God's judgment big time. I mean, God's biggest judgment on the finances of America. You know, it kind of made me think of Rehoboam. You know, when he fell into sin, Egypt came and took all his shields of gold. So it's kind of like a tactic, prosperity, his wealth. And you see America being vandalized, all the looting, the robbery, everything that's going on. And the whole thing with COVID is like the wealth of America just being, you know, trampled down, you know, even though we're in debt already, but just making it that much worse. So yeah, I definitely think it's God's judgment. There's no peace right now. And the Bible says it's because, You know, if you're seeing people rioting and distilling and breaking and vandalizing and just doing whatever they want, you know, that, you know, you're being cold, you know, because in the day, you know, if you're loving your neighbor as yourself, you're not going to go and destroy their property, steal from them, you know, out of justice for a man that died. You know, how does that bring injustice when you, you know, you're doing more injustice? But it's definitely God's judgment. Well, we're warned that this would happen in 2 Timothy 3. It says, This know also that in the last days, perilous times shall come. And then it goes on and it lists the attributes of what men are going to be like during this time. But man, the looting, the robbery, the violence, the rioting, the media hysteria attached to all of that as well on top of COVID-19. 2020 has been a roller coaster, but you know what? Yeah, you got the murder hornets. Yeah, murder hornets, the murder hornets. I almost botched that there, kind of caught me off guard. But look, this is what matters. Look, I don't care what's going on politically. I don't care what's going on in our culture today. If the foundation of your life is on this book, brother Marcel, you're going to be just fine. And Bible-believing Christians shouldn't be afraid of anything. The Bible says that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. And as long as your faith is in this book, as long as you're living for the Lord Jesus Christ, then all things will work together for good for you. Amen. And so that's why we're having a podcast tonight and we got a positive attitude because, hey, it's all about the Word of God. It's all about Scripture. It's all about serving Jesus Christ. And even if this world is burning down around us, we're going to be just fine. You know, the Bible says that... God is going to take good care of us. Exactly. God has never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. Let's talk about Babylon now, Marcel. I guess before we totally dive into the Scriptures, what are your thoughts on this subject in general? Is this something you've studied a lot? What are your thoughts just in general on Babylon in the end times and how this plays into everything we're going to see occur in the book of Revelation? I mean, Babylon is definitely an interesting subject. Anything that's in the book of Revelation, anything that's in the end times, it's always been very interesting to me just to know what's going to happen in the future. What's the most interesting to me because my belief that Babylon is the United States is that we're living in that time right now. Maybe 2,000 years ago, they didn't know who that mystery of Babylon was. Maybe they didn't have speculation. But we can see by the description in Revelation 17 and 18 that America fits that bill. But it's something that I studied a lot a while ago. When I first moved to Jacksonville, Adam Fanning had the view of Jerusalem being Babylon. So it was kind of different from Pastor Anderson's view. So I was definitely challenged on it, and I wasn't really too shored up on it. So I had to do a lot of studying myself to kind of figure out exactly what I believed about it because I wasn't just going to believe. I wasn't just going to listen to what somebody said. I had to prove it myself through description, but I was just going to prove all things. So I studied it inside and out. Me and you talked about it for hours when I first moved up here. So it's definitely a subject that interests me, and I had a lot of fun discussions with you doing it and other brothers in the church. So I definitely like the subject though. I used to believe it was Jerusalem. I wasn't going to throw you under the bus. Pretty hardcore. Someone taught it to me. I won't mention the guy's name because I think he's saved, and I don't want to bash him too much here. But some of those other guys are devils. Jake Strickland and all those guys. Adam Fanon, obviously. But this guy, I think he's probably safe, so I don't want to be too hard on him. But here's the thing. He did teach me this doctrine. It wasn't necessarily Fanon because Fanon can't teach the Bible to save his life, so I didn't learn anything from him. Yeah, he was just parodying everything that Donnie said. Yeah. The thing is, there's a lot of holes. I sat down with my Bible a year ago now. Actually, over a year ago. And I just studied this out. I looked at it again. I went back to the drawing board on this. And obviously it's not a significant doctrine or anything. It's a secondary or even a tertiary issue. But I went through, I was looking at it, and I realized the Jerusalem theory just has too many holes. And I want to talk about those holes to start things off, why I don't believe it's Jerusalem. There's another theory out there that says it's the Catholic Church. That one falls on its face in many different ways. I'm not going to touch too much on that though. I want to start off with what I think is probably the most second popular view amongst at least our crowd, which is that Babylon is Jerusalem. Why I don't believe it's Jerusalem. There are a number of reasons why. Reason number one is that the Bible says that it's going to be destroyed in one hour. In Revelation 18, verse 10, the Bible says, standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, alas, alas, that great city, that mighty city, for in one hour is thy judgment come. In verse 17 it says, for in one hour, so great riches has come to naught, and every shipmaster and all the company and ships and sailors and as many as trade by sea stood afar off. Verse 19, and they cast dust on their heads and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, alas, alas, that great city wherein were made rich, all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness, for in one hour is she made desolate. Now here's why I keep bringing that up. A lot of people who believe Babylon's Jerusalem think that its destruction is almost like a process that starts at the midpoint of Daniel's 70th week and goes to the end, but the Bible's clear it's destroyed in one hour. It's a quick thing. Yeah, so exactly, and that was one of the flaws they had about it when we were talking about it before was that they believed that it happened at the midpoint because they believed Jerusalem was Babylon, so they thought that when the city was encompassed with armies and it was trotting on the foot of the Gentiles, they believed that that's when the judgment of Babylon started, but the Bible's very clear that the judgment does not start until the end of the sixth seal, the beginning of the seventh seal, if I'm not mistaken, I haven't looked at it, but it doesn't happen until the last, last judgment. Maybe it's after the last judgment that God actually judges Babylon, but when he does judge it, it happens so fast within one hour, so it's not a process, it's not something that takes the time. It's gonna happen right away and it's gonna be sunken and then it's gonna be no more inhabited. Right, exactly. It's not something that takes years and years to occur. It's not a three and a half year process. It is one hour, very clear. I read several scriptures on that. And there's another thing, too. Revelation 16, verse 19. Revelation 16, let me actually, I'll start reading in verse 18. And there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts and the cities of the nations fell and great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. Here's the problem. If the great city in verse 19 is Jerusalem, that was being divided into three parts, which everybody agrees with, but if Jerusalem in verse 19 is Babylon, that verse makes no sense. It's total nonsense. Because essentially what it would be saying is that the great city which is Babylon according to the Jerusalem is Babylon crowd, Babylon is divided into the three parts and then Babylon came in remembrance before God. Well, it had just been divided, which is a supernatural act of God, okay, so it had just been divided and then all of a sudden it comes in remembrance before God again, it was just divided. He just finished dividing it. How does that make any sense? He destroyed it and then he just remembered he destroyed it. Right, so, no. And I've heard the explanation Frankly, it was just from this one guy, okay, who taught it to me. But he said, well, God is remembering the original Babylonian empire there. But that doesn't even fit with the context. It doesn't even fit with the context. It has nothing to do with the Babylonian empire. We're in the New Testament and what this is referring to is the fact that Jerusalem was split into three parts and then Mystery Babylon, the Spiritual Babylon, the global empire at the time, came in a remembrance before God so that he can pour out his wrath justifiably on that wicked nation. That's what's happening here. I think Revelation 16, 19 doesn't make any sense if Jerusalem is Babylon. Exactly, and you see right there that it happened at the seventh seal, so that's when God actually poured the judgment on it. And then, if I'm not mistaken Yeah, seventh seal, you're right. It's been a while since we talked about it, but they believe that New Jerusalem comes down from heaven. So they say it's going to be destroyed in one hour and then New Jerusalem is going to come down and that's what's going to be inhabited. It's not going to be the old Jerusalem. That's dumb. Yeah, it's retarded. Because the whole point is this. If it's destroyed in one hour, the house is never going to be inhabited, but then New Jerusalem comes down and is inhabited again. That doesn't make any sense. I mean, it's still technically being inhabited. Yeah, by doubles. Well, no, what I mean is even if you think, oh, well, it's New Jerusalem that's coming down at the millennium, so technically Babylon is not being inhabited again. No, it still is. That city is inhabiting the land. You see what I'm saying? So that's not even a good way to get around it. Babylon is not going to be inhabited again, ever. The Bible is so clear on that. And I'll get to those verses, obviously, here in a minute. Another, actually, right now. I'm going to get to it right now. Another reason why I don't think Jerusalem is Babylon is because Babylon is never going to be inhabited again. Therefore, where would Jesus Christ rule and reign from during the millennium? Jeremiah 51, verse 62. Then shalt thou say, O Lord, thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate forever. And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates. Now, here's the thing. Some people might say, well, that's Jeremiah 51. It doesn't have anything to do with the end times. False. Because there are certain elements of Jeremiah 50 and 51 that were not fulfilled when the Babylonian empire was dismantled. Like this, verse 64. And thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her, and that shall be weary. Thus far are the words of Jeremiah. Now, hold on a minute. That literally sounds like Revelation 18. That's not a coincidence. It's the same verbiage, talking about it sinking, and talking about a stone, being bound to it, et cetera. Now, that just reeks of the book of Revelation right there. Jeremiah 50, verse 13, it says, Because of the wrath of the Lord, it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate. Everyone that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished and hiss at all her plagues. And then, of course, you have Revelation 18, 21. And a mighty angel took up a stone like a millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. At all. There's a certain finality to the language there. There's going to be nobody that inhabits it again. It's done forever. It's not going to be found inhabited by anyone at all. No people, no cities. It's done at that point. And you can make the connection to Jeremiah 15, 51, because there's something in Bible prophecy called layered fulfillment. This is what I call it. A layered fulfillment. Where certain things were fulfilled at the time, and other things are fulfilled later. The book of Daniel, for example, has a lot of different examples of this, where certain scriptures would apply to Antiochus Epiphanes, who was a king that came out of the Seleucid empire. And of course, you could also say that those scriptures are fulfilled with the Antichrist in the end times. And so the same thing applies to Jeremiah 15, 51, and all throughout scripture, layered fulfillment, dual fulfillment, whatever you want to call it. But you don't want to be too rigid when you're looking at prophecy. What do you think about all that, Marcel? Yeah, of course. I mean, that's why in the Old Testament they saw it through a glass darkly, so God always gave them visions and stuff, but I think he always meant for them to be like the end times. If you think of Joel, it talks about how who shall call upon him in the Lord, and it says his son shall be darkened, and he shall pour his spirit on all flesh. But we know, even though I think the immediate fulfillment of that was Babylon at that time, but I think the actual fulfillment it's talking about was when Peter in Acts 2, when he went and preached at the day of Pentecost, and that's what I think was actually fulfilled. So we see how that was dual fulfillment right there. And just another thing, too, like you were saying, they said it's never going to be inhabited again, but we know that Jesus Christ is going to be reigning from Jerusalem at the millennial reign for a thousand years. So if Jerusalem is Babylon, and the Bible keeps emphasizing how it's going to be destroyed, it's never going to be inhabited, it's going to be, you know, as a stone sunk, it says, And thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her, and they shall be weary. So if God is just emphasizing how they're going to sink and nobody's going to be inhabited, it wouldn't make no sense at all if Jesus Christ is going to rule from there two days later, you know, at the millennial reign. He's going to come back into battle, Armageddon, and just rule. So that's definitely one of the big holes that they have in there. I mean, it talks about in Isaiah, it says, I've come to pass on the last day, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow into it, and many people shall go and say, Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his way, that we will walk in his path. But Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. So we see clearly that in the millennial reign that Jesus Christ, the law, is going to come from Jerusalem. So if Jerusalem is Babylon, and it's going to be destroyed, it's going to be sunken, it's never going to be inhabited again, it wouldn't make sense that Jesus Christ is going to come and rule from that same exact place that has just been destroyed. Yep, excellent point. Another argument they'll say as well, why does the Bible mention Babylon being destroyed in Revelation 14 when it isn't until Revelation 18? The Bible does say in Revelation 14, 18, And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon has fallen, has fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fordication. Well, there's an easy answer to this. Romans 4 says, As it is written, I had made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed, even God who quickened it the dead, and calleth those who were dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. That's how God articulates His message, oftentimes. In Revelation 14, 8 is no exception. It mentions Babylon has fallen, has fallen in the present tense, because again, God calleth those things which be not as though they were. Although it doesn't get destroyed until later on in the timeline, it's mentioned as being destroyed present tense in Revelation 14 for that reason. Yeah, if you see Revelation 14, when it talks about, you know, and lo, a lamp set at Mount Zion within 144,000, we know that's in heaven, and we know that when God poured out His wrath at the midpoint at 144,000, you know, they're going to be sealed, and they're going to come to the earth, and they're going to do the works. So for me, what it kind of seemed like is prophesying of what's going to take place in the future, because in 16, it said, I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting God to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kingdom, tongue, and people. So we know that when we go up, 144,000 comes down, they're going to do the work of the Lord. They're going to come down and preach. But right now, they're in chapter 14, they're in heaven still. You know, they haven't went down yet to preach the everlasting gospel. Right. And it also, yes, and it also, you know, Babylon has fallen, has fallen, so that's going to take place as well in the near future as well. Kevin Doty in the chatroom mentions something pretty good here. He brings up Revelation 11, verse 8, which says, talking about the two witnesses, and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Jerusalem is designated as a spiritual city. It's spiritually Sodom and Egypt, not Babylon. And they get their wrath, they get their judgment, starting at the midpoint. If you read Luke chapter 21, the abomination of desolation, the antichrist taking over, Jerusalem does get judged. Make no mistake about that. But it's a separate judgment from Babylon because it's a separate entity, a separate city from Babylon. And here's something you have to understand, okay? When you read the Old Testament and the New Testament, you have to recognize the connection. So, for example, in the Old Testament, Babylon made war with physical Israel. Jeremiah 50 says in verse 17, Israel is a scattered sheep, the lions have driven him away. First, the king of Assyria hath devoured him. And that's a reference to the Assyrian empire taking over the northern kingdom. And last, this Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones, which is a reference to Judah and the 70 years of captivity. So, Babylon makes war with the physical Israel. And then in the New Testament, it's mystery Babylon making war with what? Spiritual Israel. Revelation 17, verse 6, And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. She is drunken with the blood of the saints because she's responsible for the persecution of the saints. Spiritual Israel, the Israel of God. It's a perfect parallel when you separate Jerusalem from Babylon. Exactly. So, what would you say to, remember the scripture they used to say about, you know, and he says rejoice thou in heaven, you know, the apostles and the saints and the prophets because, you know, Babylon has fallen and, you know, God has avenged you on her. That was something that they used to bring up too. So, what do you think about that? Yeah, definitely. I will address that here. I'm actually trying to find that verse that's in Revelation 18, right? I believe Revelation 18, let me see, oh, 20. Okay, there it is, yeah. Rejoice over her thou heaven and ye holy apostles and prophets for God hath avenged you on her. This is my view on that scripture because the Jerusalem side would look at that and say, well, it refers to apostles, therefore it must be talking about Jerusalem. This is what I think. And you can feel free to disagree, but Babylon has changed hands throughout history. We know that. 1 Peter chapter 5 says in verse 13, the church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluted you, and so doth Marcus my son. So, Babylon, obviously, in terms of that name, that spiritual designation has shifted throughout history. It means global empire. Whatever nation is a global empire at the time, you could call it, quote, Babylon. At one point, that was the Roman Empire. And so, in Revelation 18, verse 20, the apostles were persecuted as a result of the Roman Empire, which was Babylon at one point in history. That's what I think. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I definitely agree because we know that Babylon, they shifted from empire to empire, whichever was the great empire. So, I'll take the same view. You know, at the time when the apostles were there, it was the Roman Empire, and they would be considered Babylon because we know Babylon was always the rule of the world, you know, Lord that made the empire. And then we also see in, you know, even the Book of Acts, you see Herod, you know, he was a king, and the Tetrarch, and the Bible says he killed James. You know, he killed any apostle. And technically, you know, he wasn't a Jew. He was a Roman. Right. You actually, you know, he ruled in the Roman Empire, so he technically was from the nation of Babylon, spiritually, which killed the apostles. So, that's what I'll say to God, because even back then, you know, Babylon was, you know, killing the saints, and in the future, which is America, Babylon is going to be killing the saints as well. Exactly. Yeah, that's something that, you know, they used to bring up as well. Well, see, it killed the apostles, so it can't be America. It has to be Jerusalem. Oh, not really. I used to say that myself, so I know exactly what you're talking about. All right, let's talk about now why we think it's the United States. Let's make some connections here. First of all, though, it's important for people, sorry, for people to understand that, actually, hold on, there's one last thing I forgot. This, I think, this is the nail in the coffin of the Jerusalem theory, okay? I forgot about this one, and then we'll move on. What have you got? Revelation 17, verse 16. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the horn, shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and to give her kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. Now, I want you to think about this for a moment. If Jerusalem is Babylon, and the Antichrist is ruling from Jerusalem, then why in the world would the ten kings burn that city with fire from which the Antichrist is ruling from? It doesn't make any sense, and you might say, well, they get into an argument with the Antichrist. Well, here's the problem with that. In verse 12, the Bible says, and the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. The antecedent of these is not just the kings, folks. It's the kings and the Antichrist who have one mind and are executing their will. One will is expressed through these ten kings and the Antichrist. They're on the same page, and when Babylon is destroyed, it's destroyed because they've decided to discard her like a whore. It wouldn't make any sense for that to be Jerusalem. The Antichrist is ruling from Jerusalem, and how am I supposed to think about this? I'm supposed to believe that they randomly turn against the Antichrist here in Revelation 17, and they destroy his city, but then in Revelation 19, all of a sudden they're on the same team again, fighting Jesus Christ at Armageddon. Hello? Right? That's it. That's the final nail in the coffin. Yeah, and that's why it says in Revelation 17, it says they should give their power unto the beast, and it says these have one mind, shall give their power and strength unto the beast, and it says these shall make war with the lamb, and the lamb shall overcome them. So it shows how the ten kings give their power unto the beast, and it says that those same ten kings with the beast are going to make war against the lamb. So if Jerusalem is Babylon, and they're going to go and kill, the ten kings are going to go kill Babylon, so they're going to destroy the Antichrist, and then they're going to go to war with the lamb by themselves or something like that, when the Bible clearly says that the ten kings plus the Antichrist, they're going to go forth to war with the lamb. Right. All right, now let's move on here. We spent a little too much time on that. We have to understand the... Yeah, you better get that off your chest. Yeah. We have to understand the kings in Revelation 17 first. Okay, we're going to move on now to talk about the connections between the United States and Babylon. But first of all, I just wanted to mention this. In Revelation 17, it says in verse 9, and here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth. So Babylon is a global empire. In verse 10, and there are seven kings, five are fallen and one is, and the other is not yet come, and when he cometh he must continue a short space, and the beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goeth into perdition. So here's what this is talking about. You have to understand these eight kings it's referring to here in Revelation 17 if you want to really dive into this doctrine. The five kings which are fallen would be the kings of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece. The one is would be the king of the Roman Empire who was in charge at the time that John the Revelator is writing this scripture. The seventh is going to be the Antichrist. The Antichrist is that seventh king. And here's what's interesting. In verse 10, it says he must continue a short space. We know that the Antichrist first appears on the scene as a political figure before he gets a deadly wound to the head and then he comes back through a false satanic quote resurrection. The Bible talks about this I believe in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 when it says he that now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way. That's the political Antichrist. He's going to be taken out of the way and then come back as a religious figure courtesy of a fake resurrection or a satanic resurrection. At that point he'll sit in the temple of God and proclaim himself to be God. He is the eighth in verse 11. The beast that was and is not even, he is the eighth and is of the seventh and goeth into perdition. So those are your five kings. The one is, which is the king of the Roman Empire. The seventh is the Antichrist as a political figure. The eighth is the Antichrist as a false deity, as a religious figure. So how does that tie in with Babylon? You know, with him being the seventh and stuff like that. Well, because a lot of people are confused and think that a lot of people who would discount the Babylon as United States theory think that what we teach is that the seventh is the United States and so the eighth then must be some other nation that comes later whether it's Jerusalem or something else. But that's not the case. These are kings that it's talking about. And the seventh would be the Antichrist who rules over a world government. It's not necessarily that he's ruling over, see the seventh king isn't ruling over one nation, necessarily. Right? He's got a global government. The eighth is just the Antichrist coming in as a religious figure. So that's how it sort of plays into it. But let's talk about some of the attributes here of Babylon. The first one I wanted to cover is in Jeremiah 50. It says in verse 38, A drought is upon her waters and they shall be dried up for it is the land of graven images and they are mad upon their idols. So the first thing I want to bring up with respect to Babylon is that it's a land of graven images, Marcel. And obviously you have the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. In Daniel chapter 3, they refuse to bow down to this image set up by Nebuchadnezzar, aka Donald Trump. Nebuchadnezzar and Donald Trump, I mean, folks, there is so much there. They are really similar. But they don't want to bow down to that idol. They refuse to bow down to that idol. Babylon is a land of idolatry. And the United States, we're going to make connections now, the United States is a land of idolatry. Go to Washington, D.C. It's full of statues, these weird pagan idols that are frankly just disgusting. But what are your thoughts on that as far as idolatry kind of being a clue here? Because you look at America, there's plenty of idolatry going on. Yeah, I mean, I definitely agree. I mean, Washington, D.C. is definitely full of idolatry. And one thing I was going to say as well to add to that, it talks about how Babylon, it talks about how she sitteth on many waters, and it talks about how those are different nations and stuff like that. So if you think about America, it has every single nation under heaven inside of this one country. And if this one country has every nation, all of them are bringing their idolatry in there. Not everybody believes in God where we believe. Because if you look at the Catholic Church, they believe in Mary, and they bow down to her statue and to all the apostles and the saints and stuff like that. So every nation is coming in with their idolatry. So there's still idolatry going on today, whereas not everybody in America worships an idol specifically, but every religion in here has their own idolatry. You think of Buddha, I think of my grandmother's house. You know, it's definitely filled with idolatry in America today. Yeah, there's like these weird gargoyles in D.C. And then how about this? The Washington Monument. I mean, I'm not even going to get into it. I'm not going to get into it, folks, okay? But that speaks for itself. The Washington Monument, you have this here. The statue. There's so many statues like this. What were you saying? I was going to say the Washington Monument kind of looks like the Tower of Babel. Yeah. Yeah, you could say that for sure. And then you have, you know, statues right here. So, you know, past presidents, Abraham Lincoln, are memorialized through these statues. That is like textbook idolatry right there. And then how about this? You have the U.S. dollar, which has the Eye of Horus on it, this Illuminati New World Order symbol on all of the currency, the one dollar bill, the currency right there in your face. This country worships false gods. Look at this thing. What the hell is that? Some satanic gargoyle. Okay. This is all over Washington, D.C. This is all over... Who likes those DCs from Mortal Kombat? Good night. It's all over the United States, so those are just some examples there. So what is that called? That's called a gargoyle right there? Yeah. What in the world? I've never seen that in my life. Yeah. So, there you go. What I see in America, though. Right. Another thing is that Babylon is also a land of sorceries. Isaiah 47 says this in verse 9. But these two things shall come to thee in a moment and one day, the loss of children and widowhood, they shall come upon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments. Sorceries. What do you think of when you think of that word, sorceries? We do like maybe witchcraft or magic or something like that. Exactly. That's exactly what I think. And check this out. Yeah, I was driving today, and they had like, I seen like some place that had like a palm reader or something like that. I guess they could just tell your future, pay a couple bucks. Yeah. Kind of like what Saul did. Those are all over the malls, the shopping malls, and you know, just a lot of different public places have it. But think about this. Here's a connection to Babylon. Why witchcraft is on the rise? So one of the attributes of Babylon is that it is full of sorceries, and in America, witchcraft and other sorceries, well, it's on the rise, according to the Atlantic Monthly. Americans' interest in spellcasting tends to wax as instability rises and trust in establishment ideas plummets. So instead of turning to the God of the Bible because of, quote, instability, instead of getting in church and reading their Bibles and getting right with God and going out and evangelizing and getting people saved and living a godly life and upholding godly values, this country turns to sorceries. This country turns to witchcraft, and that's what Babylon is, full of sorceries, according to Isaiah 47. So there you go. Anything you want to add before I move on? No, not to that. Alright, Jeremiah 50, verse 23, the next attribute of Babylon. It had military might. It was a very powerful nation. And this is so interesting. Jeremiah 50, verse 23, it says, How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken? How has Babylon become a desolation among the nations? Folks, the United States can be described as the hammer of the whole earth. The United States is the policeman of the whole earth. It's America that gets involved in foreign conflicts and foreign military intervention for the purpose of regime change to feed the military industrial complex. You look at the Iraq war. You look at the war in Afghanistan. You look at what we did in Libya and Syria and Egypt and Yemen. Today, the Trump administration's military action in Yemen. It just goes on and on and on and on and on. All these conflicts. We have military bases all over the planet, on the Korean peninsula, I mean everywhere. We've got our battleships all over the place. We've got military bases all over the world. America is the hammer of this entire world, just as Babylon was described there in Jeremiah 50. Yeah, it reminds me of a member of that game we used to play in church, Rise. Was it Rise or no, Risk? It was Risk. Yeah, for a reason that you have to put your little truths all over the world. Yeah, I mean that's definitely America. I mean another good scripture I think about, it talks about Jeremiah says, Behold, I'm against thee, O destroyed mountain. So usually mountains will be referred to like a kingdom. It says, I am against thee, O destroyed mountain, sayeth the Lord, which destroyeth all the earth. And I will stretch out my hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, that will make thee a burnt mountain. So it shows right there that Babylon, and talking about the Old Testament Babylon, it said that they were a destroyed mountain. Likewise, Babylon in the New Testament as well, which is America I believe, because they have their military might all over the world. They're also that destroyed mountain that destroys all the earth. You know, because whenever there's going to be a major war again, I don't see America falling. I believe they're going to be the ones that are going to stamp the residue with their feet. Yeah, that's a great scripture. I appreciate you sharing that. And it resonates with America today. Look at the military budgets. This is a chart for those of you who aren't watching the stream, but you're just listening to it. I have up a world military budgets chart with some of the more powerful nations. America trumps every other country on the face of the planet in terms of military spending. The United States is that red bar there. Second is China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, the United Kingdom, India, France, Japan. Those countries do not compare at all. There's no competition here. America spends more than any other country by far on the military, because it's the United States that gets involved in the most military conflict. You know what? We're the ones that dropped the nuclear bomb. It wasn't anyone else. On Nagasaki, on Japan, we are the hammer of the whole earth. We are the military might of the whole earth. It would make sense for God to use the Babylonian empire as the instrument of his destruction. In Jeremiah 51, it says in verse 20, Thou art my battle-axe and weapons of war, for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. Babylon destroyed kingdoms, and guess what? America has destroyed plenty of kingdoms as well. I got another one to add to that, because that was a nice bar. The battle-axe says, though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she shall fortify the heights of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the Lord. So we see that Babylon said that they mount up to heaven, and though she shall fortify her strength, so she's just getting stronger and stronger, but God is able to destroy them in one hour. That's right. To go to show you how strong and how God can judge any nation, and God can bring any nation to not. Absolutely. You mentioned this to start the broadcast off, but the prosperity of our land. In Revelation 18, it says in verse 7, How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously. So much torment and sorrow give her, for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. So Babylon lives deliciously. And also, here's another thing, too. It says, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. That, I think, also plays into the extreme patriotism that some people have with respect to the United States. This idea that, oh, America's gonna beat everybody else. It's all about USA. Nobody can take us down. We got the strongest military flag-waving. Go freedom America. You know what I mean? It's this sort of pride, this national pride that's uniquely American. And the horror of Revelation has that exact same mentality, but also glorifies herself, lives deliciously, has all these riches, and the United States enjoys those same delicacies. People have private property. People have homes. They have nice cars. They go to nice restaurants. There's materialism. You look at the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, where people are trampling over themselves to go get a half-price toast or a Target or whatever at Walmart. People are fighting each other for television sets at Best Buy because of these sales that take place the day after Thanksgiving. So they spend a holiday talking about how thankful they are for the things they have in their life, and then the next day, actually that night at midnight, they'll go out and trample over each other like a bunch of wild dogs to go get these useless items they don't need and rack up even more credit card debt. But that's our country today, living deliciously, drunken with materialism and covetousness. Yeah, just to add to that, it talks about Revelation 17. It says, so he came away in the spirit and the wilderness, and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-colored beast full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns, and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold, precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. So the Bible says that she was decked with gold. The Bible says that she had scarlet, and it was purple and scarlet colored, so you know that back then to make that stuff was very expensive. So it just shows how she lived deliciously, and in just America, the prosperity that we have, even a low-class person in America is still living a lot better than people that are in a third-world country, have family in the Dominican Republic, and even the person living in the low-class is still living a lot better over there because their electricity turns off every single day. They don't have running water in most places. So over here, everybody has AC. Everybody has electricity that's working. If they just pay, they run their work hard. If they have just a decent job, they can make a way better living, living high-class compared to somebody over there. So we definitely have a lot of prosperity, and I think you covered this too, talking about the merchants of the earth and how they were weeping because nobody's able to go there to buy her merchandise anymore. So America's filled with merchandise, and everybody in the world comes here. We'll bring this shipment here. We buy everything from all over the world. We just love to buy it. We just love to spend money. So America definitely is a nation that is very prosperous. And it's a nation that is a global superpower. In Revelation 17, it says, And there came one of the seven angels, which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither, I will show unto thee the judgment of the great horde that sitteth upon many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness, and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns, and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication, and upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. Verse 18, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Now here's why I bring this up. Not only is America a global superpower, but also, according to the Bible, Mystery Babylon has influence over the entire planet. The kings are committing fornication with the great whore of Revelation, with Babylon. And in Revelation 18, verse 3, it says, For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. So the kings of the earth have fornicated with this whore. She has delicacy. She has a global influence. How does that not fit with the United States today? The music, the filth, the Hollywood, the degeneracy, it's all over the planet. You know, Marcel, I used to live in Lebanon, and guess what played at the local movie theaters there? American movies. If you walked into a media store at the mall, guess what you would find? American movies and American music. Obviously there's Lebanese stuff too, but American music. If I went to the electronics store to go buy some video games, you know what I would find? American video games, made in America. Or I guess, you know, Japanese companies or whatever, but you know what I mean, published in America. But it's produced. Produced here. American technology in terms of computers, Microsoft. The culture of Americana is global. It's not just here in the West. So, I mean, that fits perfectly. You definitely have a big influence, yeah, for sure. And guess what else, Marcel? Guess what else I saw too, real quick. When I lived in Lebanon, I could go to Burger King. I could go to McDonald's. I could go to KFC. Subway is all over the planet. All these fast food companies, these multinational corporations are all over the world. You can go get yourself some KFC in India if you wanted to. And I wouldn't recommend it, by the way, because those countries have virtually no regulations on food. And so a KFC fried chicken is going to be way more unhealthy for you in a third world country than it is here. But what are your thoughts on all that? Yeah, so what I was going to say too, so that means the McDonald's over there, they really use horse meat. You know what they say over here? Like McDonald's, they use like horse meat or they use human meat or something like that. It's just a rumor. Yeah, yeah, I've heard that, yeah. So since they have no regulations over there, they probably do that. But what I was going to say as well was if you think about like music artists over here in America, when they do their world tour, they go all over the world to perform their music, and that's all over the world. So they're bringing their influences. They're bringing their culture. And everybody wants to imitate that all over the world. So that's why everybody does look to America to see how they should walk, how they should talk, how they should dress. They try to be just like America. So that's why every nation is drinking of the wine of her fornication. Yeah, exactly. The American influence, these celebrities, these devil-worshipping, satanic, wicked, reprobate celebrities with all the content that's defiling everyone's eyes and defiling everyone's ears, the music videos, you know, all of it. It's all over the world. Yeah, exactly. They're bringing it all over the world to just promote their filth and their smile. Exactly. Even rap music. All this garbage, you know, talking about hoes and everything, dollar bills on the hoes and all that. I mean, people listen to that in foreign countries, too. That's the influence of Babylon. You brought this up already, but... It's funny because... Go ahead, sorry. No, I was going to say it's funny because you go to third-world countries or a Spanish country, they don't know a lick of English, but they can rap a whole English song. Right. People memorize it. Movies, too. I already talked about that. But, you know, that's how it goes. I watched the 1999 Star Wars in a foreign country in Lebanon. All right. Port City. You kind of already mentioned this, but in Revelation 18, it says in verse 18, And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city's like under this great city? And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, when we're made rich, all that had ships in the sea, by reason of her costliness, for in one hour is she made desolate. So it talks about ships in the sea. It appears to be a port city that also fits geographically with the United States. We're a major importer, exporter of goods, and you have a lot of different areas you can go to, and you can see the big cargo ships that are docked. And in Babylon USA, this is shown where they go and they look at the massive land, piece of land that's used for all the cargo ships and for all the different import and export goods that are brought in and out of the country. And America certainly leads the world in that department. So, yeah, I'm definitely on board with that being a connection. Yeah, for sure. I mean, like we said earlier, they're a major importer, and one day they're going to be spoiled. They're going to lose all their finances, you know, for good. But I think right now, I've got to judge them, so that's why, you know, he's attacking their finances right now. So I definitely think there's going to be a major inflation. Coming up, so. But God's people don't have nothing to worry about because, like you said earlier, I've never seen the righteous forsaken on a seed bag and bread. You know, my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory and Christ Jesus. So God's going to always provide for us. You know, we're going to make sure our needs are met. But, you know, for the world, you know, in America, it's going to be a tough time for a lot of individuals because now you either have to work or you're going to starve, you know, which, if a man don't work, neither shall he eat. Well, those are all of the attributes I had here written in my notes. We were just kind of going, doing like an overview. The next thing I wanted to move on would be, the next thing I wanted to move on to would be the destruction of Babylon. Just give a few scriptures on that and then we'll go ahead and wrap it up. But is there anything else you wanted to say in terms of the United States being Babylon or any other connections you could think of? Like I said, just sort of an overview here of the attributes of this city, what the Bible refers to as a great city in Revelation, making connections to Jeremiah 50 and 51 and some passages in Isaiah as well. But I think this was a good start, a good foundation for people who maybe haven't studied this out before. But I think there are so many connections to the United States. We could go all night if we really wanted to. Yeah, this whole budget, you could look at Daniel chapter 2, you could look at Daniel chapter 4, which is, well, you know, they are king, they already become strong, but that greatness is grown in many applications to see how great and prosperous America is and how it matches Babylon and the Old Testament. Right. Is there anything else you wanted to add before I move on to the next thing? Nothing off the top of my head right now. All right, well, it's destruction. Let's talk about that real quickly here because I think that's important when you look at the destruction of Babylon. And we kind of touched on this a little bit earlier, but here's why I wanted to bring it up because there have been so many sermons about the wickedness of this nation, the sinfulness of this nation, the precious innocent blood that is on the hands of this nation, that have been slaughtered because of the abortion clinics, is what I'm referring to, the abortion clinics across the country, Planned Parenthood, millions of babies a year dying, the sodomy and the degeneracy. America is a world leader in all those different departments and one day God is going to pour out His wrath on America. And it's so satisfying to read Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Jeremiah 50, 51, Isaiah 13 as well. When you look at all these scriptures about Babylon getting what is coming to it and then you look at everything going on today with our pop culture and the state of our country, it just makes you realize, you know what? We need to take comfort as Bible-believing Christians not to get too upset, not to get too worried about the persecution that's coming or upset about the spiritual state of our nation today even though it sucks to see what's going on and how far we've slid and how this nation's just fallen off a cliff. But at the end of the day, God is going to avenge. God is going to pour out His wrath. He's going to judge harshly America and we'll be out of here by that time because it happens at the end of Daniel's 70th week. Towards the end, we will be out of here 75 days after the midpoint. So, what are your thoughts on that before I just read a few scriptures on this because the rioting and the godlessness and the idolatry, the covetousness, the lust, but not just that, also the false religion and the apostate churches of this country, okay? The cup is going to reach, it's going to be full and it's going to be poured out. God's wrath is going to be poured out. Your thoughts on that? Yeah, I mean, it makes me think of like in the Old Testament where it talks about like Canaan and those nations and said that her nakedness has not yet come to a full. So, even though America is very horrible, you know, it's not yet at its worst. It's not at its peak, I believe, and I think it's going to continue to get a lot worse in the future. So, you know, God is just kind of just letting that cup build up and once he gets to the top, God's just going to pour out his wrath. I mean, as you go to talk about how it's going to be destroyed, I mean, you're going to see how it's burned and that's the worst type of judgment to be burned. You know, if you think of Jerusalem and when they were just in complete rebellion against God God brought Babylon to judge Judah and he burned the city, he burned the walls, he burned the house of God, he burned the houses, and that just goes to show, you know, God is consuming fire. You know, if you think of Sodom and Gomorrah, the wall of Sodomites, you know, he burned Sodom to ashes. You know, they were condemned, they were overthrown. So, you know, I don't want to kind of steal the thunder, but God was letting the cup fill up to the top and the cup filled up to his max. I mean, once it's that peak, you know, because people are a bunch of hypocrites, you know, they're over here and they're, you know, trying to bring justice for George and they're going to vandalize him, but why don't they bring justice for all the abortions that's going on, you know, why they're not, you know, destroying those Planned Parenthoods and breaking those down because of all those murders, you know. So, they're just complete hypocrites, you know, and every doctor needs to be put to death. Pastor Fritz, he just did a great sermon and he just, you know, touched on that, you know, everybody, they're so worried about George Floyd, but what about the doctor that's promoting the Planned Parenthood and stuff like that, why they're not making sure they're put to death as well, you know. I think it'd be great if every Planned Parenthood was nuked. Yeah, I mean, I've seen a statistic and it shows how, like, 30% of African Americans, like, they get their babies aborted. I think it was like 130,000, and if you look it up, there's a lot of them, but it's like, you're killing your babies every single day. Right. So, you're getting so mad that, you know, cops are killing you, you'll all stop killing your own babies. Yeah, and they're strategically placed in black neighborhoods, those Planned Parenthoods. Exactly. Millions of black babies a year are getting slaughtered at those organizations, at those clinics, and nobody cares. They're just foolish, because they care about, you know, one person that dies, which is tragic, but what about everybody that's, like, they say black lives matter, but why everybody killing themselves? You know, Chicago has the highest crime rate, and all they're doing is just all killing themselves. You know, so a lot of things stand together in unity and try to make a difference by actually bringing peace and trying to do what's right, you know, try to be righteous. Yeah, that's a good point right there, but you're not going to hear that on the corporate fake media. They don't want you thinking like that. They want you to be a victim. They want you to go along with the black lives matter, George Soros agenda, which is a total fraud, by the way. That thing is run by Sodomites, founded by Sodomites. Two of the three founders of black lives matter are dykes. You look on their website, it says, we want to destroy the nuclear family. Black lives matter can go to hell. Black lives matter can go to hell. Yeah, they talk about black transvestites. Trannies. Trannies and queers. It's disgusting. Like, what in the world? It's filthy and disgusting. If you're a Christian, you should have nothing to do with this black lives matter nonsense. Trannies? That's what you want to support? An organization that lifts up trans freaks who should be stoned to death? No, I'm good. Yeah. I don't buy into it. I don't believe in it. I don't support it. I think they need to burn the whole black lives matter movement and try to actually stand for something that's gonna make a difference. Yeah, exactly. As God, you know, doing the work of the Lord. I mean, look, I don't care what it is. I don't care if there's an organization that pops up tomorrow that says A-Rab Lives Matter. If they support a bunch of faggots, I'm not, I'm gonna preach against them. I'm gonna hate them, okay? Yeah, count me out of there. I'm not a respecter person. What's that? I said you can count me out of that. Yeah, I'm not a respecter of persons. Alright, let's look at a few verses here and then we'll wrap it up. Revelation 17, in verse 16, it says, In the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, he shall hate the horn, shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. Here's what's really cool about this verse. It says that, like you already mentioned, Babylon is gonna be burned with fire. And when you look at Jeremiah chapter 51, I think it gives you a clue as to what exactly this means. Cause in Jeremiah 51, it says in verse 1, Thus saith the Lord, behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind, and will send unto Babylon fanners that shall fan her, and shall empty her land, for in the day of trouble they shall be against her roundabout. Now you can make the argument that in Jeremiah chapter 51, this is figurative language when it uses the term wind. But, when you combine that with what the Bible says in Revelation 17, about the whore being burned with fire, wind and fire, well you combine those, and I think hypothetically here, obviously we don't know for sure, but what could happen, with regard to the destruction of Babylon, is that it's destroyed via a nuclear bomb. Several nuclear bombs, maybe it's one nuke per king, right? And they decide to wipe it off the face of the planet, fire and wind, those are two attributes of a nuclear bomb exploding. You would see the mushroom cloud, and then you would also see winds that will just topple any and all structures that happen to remain standing, that perhaps survive the initial blast. I think that fits perfectly with what we learned there in Revelation 17, the whore being burned with fire, and Jeremiah 51 telling us that God's sending a destroying wind to take this city out. Yeah, I mean, it's pretty deadly because the thing about, God already poured out his wrath for three and a half years, and it talks about how all green grass is going to be burnt up, a third of the trees are going to be burnt up, so you already know Babylon's already going to be filling that judgment, and then on top of that judgment, they're going to have the ten kings just destroy her completely, because she thinks she's going to make it out of the judgment pretty good, like, oh, you know, we made it out, we're still good, we're still prosperous, you know, and then God's like, mmm. Exactly. Got one more last thing for you. Yeah, and the ten kings orchestrate this, and it is God's judgment, because God uses wicked people to judge other wicked people throughout the scriptures. I mean, the Babylon Empire itself in the Old Testament is an example of this, Assyria is an example of this, Egypt is an example of this, where the Egyptians, and also you have those heathen nations and judges that came in, so all throughout the Bible, God will use a heathen nation to judge another wicked nation. Isaiah 13, this substantiates what you were saying earlier there, Marcel, about how there's a comparison to Sodom and Gomorrah. It says, in Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation, neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there, neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. Just as sure as Sodom and Gomorrah was thrown down, Babylon's gonna be thrown down, it's gonna be destroyed, never to be inhabited again, and I think the comparison to Sodom and Gomorrah isn't coincidental, because the United States resembles Sodom and Gomorrah. At Steadfast Baptist Church, we're working on a documentary called The Sodomite Deception, where we go through and we show how American culture slowly but surely has adopted the Sodomites and has gotten a lot more friendly toward them, and the anti-Sodomite laws have slowly evaporated, and now it's gotten to a point where America advocates for sodomy, the President of the United States celebrates it, there's Pride Month and things like that, so we resemble Sodom and Gomorrah, the same filthy perversion that was going on there is going on here, and it's been going on for so long. Finally, when God takes it out, all that pent-up frustration will be released. What do you think? Yeah, I mean, I think that's definitely not coincidental when you see the judgment of Sodom, he compares it with Babylon and Sodom, because you see the 10 kings, and in my opinion, I believe they're gonna have 10 nukes, so it's gonna be like when God rained out fire and brimstone from heaven, well, this time it's gonna be nukes, atomic bombs, Tsar bombs coming down from heaven and just destroying the entire America, you know? Yeah, that's gonna be real scary. But thankfully, we won't be there. Yeah, we're gonna be living our best lives, we'll be in heaven, enjoying the show, fellowship and rejoicing. And then we get to come back and watch Jesus Christ wipe out the New World Order at the Battle of Armageddon. Man, I cannot wait. Can you imagine when that time comes, how crazy it's gonna be? Me and Ben will be next to each other on horses. Like, man, what you doing on that donkey, man? That's right. Revelation 18, 21, it says, And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down and shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers and musicians and of pipers and trumpeters shall be found no more at all in thee and no craftsman of whatsoever craft he be shall be found any more in thee and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee for thy merchants were the great men of the earth for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And we talked a little about that before, about all nations have fornicated with the great whore of Babylon and American influence, which has corrupted all these other countries. You know, Barack Obama, one of his campaign pledges and by the way, Donald Trump, one of his policies as well, is to decriminalize sodomy all over the world. Okay, that's because the filth of this country isn't just limited here. We want to spread it all over to those other nations as well. And it says in verse 24, And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth. That's a reference to not just the persecution of Christians, but how about what we talked about already on the podcast, the military industrial complex and all the wars all over the planet that have started because of U.S. influence. So there's a lot more there in that chapter, but for sake of time, I'm not going to go through it all. It talks about the merchants and how they're upset with the merchants of the earth, they're upset and they're mourning over the destruction of Babylon and things like that. It talks about how they cast dust on their heads and they cried, weeping and wailing lamenting the fact that the great city has been judged and destroyed by God. But I think we covered a lot of this in terms of giving people a foundation. We covered a lot of the notes that I had written down and for sake of time, I'm going to go ahead and begin to wrap it up. But Marcel, thankfully, we're not going to be here to see the destruction of Babylon. We're going to be in heaven. We're not going to be in the United States when it gets blown up by those nukes. We're not going to be here to suffer through that because we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and everyone else who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ to have the Holy Spirit inside them are saved from that coming judgment, are saved from that wrath and also the wrath that is to come in hell, the second death. But you look at everything that's going to go down during this time, all the supernatural activity, God finally releasing all that pent-up frustration for the wickedness and the sin of this country. I think that the people who are, quote, left behind are going to be in for one heck of a show, man. Man, and they think it's crazy right now with all the rioting and looting going on. This is nothing. Can you imagine it being left behind when God's wrath is being poured out and everybody just, there's no government over here. Well, there's still going to be government, but everybody just pretty much is going completely crazy. Yeah, exactly. That's going to be true anarchy. These riots are going to look like a walk in the park. Coronavirus is going to look like a walk in the park on a cool summer day with a light breeze compared to everything else that's going to happen here. So, man, I'm just glad that we're saved and we don't have to see that come to pass because the rapture would have already taken place by this time. But we'll be back in Revelation 19 to see Jesus take this world back and set up his kingdom on this earth and bound Satan for a thousand years. Marcel, anything else you wanted to say before I go ahead and close the show? We covered a lot, I thought. It was basically an overview of this doctrine, an overview of why we think the United States is Mystery Babylon. Of course, it's possible we're proven wrong if some other global empire rises and the U.S. is put down, then, yeah, I guess it wasn't America. But right now, it definitely is. And if things continue geopolitically the way they are today, then it will be in the end times. Yeah, I'll just say last year, I was in the U.S. Yeah, I'll just say last thing, obviously, we did an overview so we couldn't really, you know, we didn't go into complete depth. But, you know, there are pastors that went into complete depth. So you can look up Babylon USA if this is something that interests somebody out there. If you're not really familiar with the subject, you know, you can check Pastor Emerson's Revelation Series. Check chapter 17, chapter 18. Many pastors in the NYB movement, they have done Revelation Series. You can check out, you know, their chapters as well. They're all pretty similar. If that's something that interests you, then you can go check out those chapters, see what they have to say about it. And obviously, we're just giving you warning. You know, okay, at the end of the day, you know, it seems like it lines up perfectly with the Bible with all those points that we just gave. But at the end of the day, you know, you have to make this own decision and try to make sure that you're saved and make sure that you're not going to be here for the judgment of Babylon because, you know, you don't want to be caught in that judgment. So just take heed and just take warning and God bless everybody and thank you, brother Ben, for having me on. It's always great to, you know, catch up with you. So thanks a lot. Hey, Marcel, why don't you plug your YouTube channel? Oh, yeah, so you can find me on KTVB Mark 40. I just started my channel not too long ago. I started to put my preaching up there and drop little sermon clips. So if you want, just subscribe, like. You know, we're trying to do a lot of work for the Lord there, so that's how you can keep up to date with what I got going on right now. That's right. All you got to do is just search for it on YouTube right there, KJV Mark 40, and it pops up. There he is. The Alpha. Look at that profile picture right there. Just hit subscribe. The face. A face for radio. No, I'm just kidding. But just subscribe there and you'll get his stuff. He's been preaching more often, folks. And Marcel, if you're willing, could you just share a little bit about what's going on in Miami for you and then we'll close it? Yeah, sure. So right now, pretty much, we have preaching going down in Miami once a month. So anybody that's in South Florida or anywhere, you want to just come check us out, see what we got going on. But we held our first services. In May 22nd, we had about 38 people there. We had 23 soldiers. We had 23, 24 salvations. So right now, we're just having preaching services being held there once a month. I'll be preaching there once a month. This is something that we're working to hopefully get a church down there in the future. So if you want to be part of something great, just make your way down there. We'll be doing videos. I'll drop them on my channel so you can be up to date with what's going on exactly down there. And you're going to be dropping some bars when you preach almost every time, I would hope. Straight bars. If I listen to your sermon and I don't hear many bars, I'm thinking, no, that wasn't a good one, man. Exactly. I got to make sure I satisfy you. I'm just being silly. You do a good job, Marcel. Keep up the good work, all right? Hey, listen, no backsliding on me, okay? You got to keep up that zeal, okay? And you need to start, you need to be like, who said, come with me and see my zeal for the Lord? You got to refresh my memory. Jehu. You need to be like Jehu and say to other people, come with me and see my zeal for the Lord and then go and figuratively slay the descendants of Ahab, Marcel. Keep up that zeal. Keep up the good work over there in Florida and I'll see you in a few months. Yes, sir. Take care, my brother. God bless. All right. Have a good night, Marcel. Take care. All right. So that was Marcel from Jacksonville. This is Benjamin Naim from Texas. And I'm going to go ahead and close the show. I want to say thanks to all of you for tuning in. On the live chat room, not as many viewers as usual because we're going up against some strong competition. But you know what? That's okay. Whether there are five people listening or 50, I think it's still worth doing this show because the point is to help provide folks with some good, solid biblical content on a platform that's severely lacking in that area. And in fact, seems to be going in the opposite direction with a bunch of heretic YouTube channels promoting a bunch of false doctrine, especially on the end times. There are so many deceivers and liars and false prophets out there who want to exploit end times Bible prophecy to make a buck. That's what they do. They want you to believe that they can predict the timing of the rapture or something crazy like that so you can donate to their channel. Well, you know what? I don't want your money. All I want is you to just watch the video. I want your views. I don't want your money. Share the content with your friends and family. Subscribe to YouTube.com slash Bend the Baptist for more. Go to Bend the Baptist KJV dot com for the archive of this program. And as I always say, God bless you all. I will talk to you guys again after a while. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.