(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everyone, it's the Return of the Sword of the Spirit podcast, episode number 25. This is Benjamin Naim here with you all after a short break. I needed this break because I was relocating to Texas, and so I just needed some time to make sure that that move goes smoothly. But I'll be here with brother Justin Zhang to talk about the spiritual state of China, what we could do to permeate the communist nation of China with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and so much more. It's gonna be a very interesting show. We'll also be offering you an update on the coronavirus outbreak. The show starts right after this. Go ahead, brother. The new strain of coronavirus continues to spread from China. The United States has announced that foreign citizens who've been in China in the past 14 days will be temporarily barred from entering the US. Australia says it will also refuse entry to all non-citizens arriving from China. So far 259 people have died from the disease, all of them in China. And there have now been confirmed cases of the disease in more than 20 countries across the world, forcing the World Health Organization to declare a global health emergency. All right, we are live officially right here on YouTube.com. YouTube.com slash Ben the Baptist. Thank you all very much for tuning into the show. It's the return of the Sword of the Spirit podcast. This is episode number 25. And I am Benjamin Naim here with you all with a very special guest. Brother Justin Zhang is joining me for this broadcast to talk about China, the spiritual state of China. What kind of false religions are they dealing with over there? Also the coronavirus. It's been in the news as of late. This viral outbreak that some are already calling a pandemic. I'll be talking with Brother Justin Zhang about that and so much more on the program. We started a few minutes late tonight. My apologies. We had some technical difficulties here. It's my first show at my new location in Texas. And so you'll have to bear with me if there are any issues tonight. That's why. But right now let's introduce him. Folks, he's never appeared on this show before. If you don't know who he is, he's got a YouTube channel. We'll be plugging that throughout tonight. Brother Justin Zhang, thank you for coming on the program and for talking about China and for talking about all the different topics we have on deck this evening. I think it's going to be a really interesting show. How are you doing tonight? I'm doing great. Thanks for inviting me on the show. Yeah, no problem at all. It's definitely, I think, a good time for it with this whole coronavirus thing going on. In addition to that, the missions conference with Pastor Steven Anderson and Faithful Word Baptist Church in which many different regions were highlighted, including Asia. And that kind of got me thinking about doing a podcast like this and highlighting specifically China itself. It's got a massive population of over a billion people. And for whatever reason, appears to be very hardened to the gospel. We'll be getting to that in a little bit. But before we really dive into the show tonight, for those who don't know you or are not familiar with you at all, can you just talk a little bit about your church and just tell the people just some background on who you are? Hey, my name is Justin Drone. I came from China as a freshman in high school in Jersey. And now I'm living in Indiana. I go to Charity Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can check out the church website and my YouTube channel. My church is a soul winning church, it's a King James Bible. It's a very like-minded church. It's a great church to grow in. And we would go out every single week, reach the last. We try to fulfill the Great Commission, all three steps of the Great Commission. Our pastor, Pastor Leo Mejia, he's a great pastor. We fellowship a lot. We are very friends with each other. So if you are in a lame church near Indiana region, check out our church. I'm sure you'll like it. Yeah. Well, hey, I think it's great that you found a good church to go to that allows you to fulfill the Great Commission and preach the gospel. We were talking off the air about this, but it's very important if you go to a church that isn't necessarily 100% aligned with the quote, new IFB movement, to be a blessing to that church, not to cause any division or strife over the areas in which you disagree. And you had expressed agreement in that sentiment saying, yeah, we should be a blessing. We shouldn't cause strife or division over the doctrines, like for example, the timing of the rapture or Zionism or whatever, that an old IFB church might not align with us on. And just talk a little bit about that just right off the bat here when it comes to just being a blessing to your church, even if it isn't a new IFB church. Right. And personally, I don't want to lump myself into any kind of system because we are not a denomination after all, because nobody agree 100% the same, even every single church, because if a church is truly independent, why are we Lord over other churches? The whole purpose is the autonomy of the local church. So there are so many lies spoken with either groups, you know, with all these systems, eschatological systems. But the worst thing you can do is to lump yourself into a belief system where you can get out of. I mean, the great thing is study the Bible to see what is true and find the best church in your area and just be a blessing. Because God commands you to go to church, you know, just don't be a pride arrogant man and think you know everything. But chances are, even if you go to a lame church, you can still learn stuff from the Word of God. Well, definitely agree with that, Brother Justin. Let's get into the coronavirus to start things off, and then we'll talk about the spiritual state of China, some of the false religions there, et cetera. But you actually put out a video right after mine about the coronavirus, and you offered your opinion on whether or not it is the judgment of God, and you can go into more detail on that tonight. But for those who don't know what's going on, let me just offer some background real quickly here, courtesy of this article. This is the latest on the coronavirus outbreak, courtesy of CNBC. It says coronavirus live updates. China says its death toll hits 425 as total cases rise to, get this number, 20,438. Now some people might look at that and say, well, the death ratio isn't significant there. But that doesn't matter to me. Look at the cases, 20,438 people in China right now are infected with the coronavirus, and there have been cases of this virus that have popped up all over the planet, including right here in the United States of America. We see 425 deaths, and I'm not glorifying this. I'm not happy about this. I don't want this to be the case. Here's a tweet from Donald Trump. He says, we're in very close communication with China concerning the virus, very few cases reported in the USA, but strongly on watch. We've offered China and President Xi any help that is necessary. Our experts are extraordinary. Of course, he's got to put that in there, his typical hyperbole. But you see, this is a chart, for those of you watching the video stream on YouTube, of the global spread of coronavirus. I did a video on this in which I kind of went through some of the facts at that time. And what hit me was just how easy it is for this virus to spread, and the fact that it can be transmitted to another individual, even if that person is displaying zero symptoms. If there's no outward manifestation of this illness, it could still be transferred to somebody else. It's very easily transferable from person to person. And I think that just exacerbates the problem. But when it comes to the coronavirus as it stands right now, some people think that it's contained and it's not a big deal. However, you do see there the number of cases have skyrocketed since the last time I talked about this in that video I uploaded last week. Now, brother Justin Jeong, I want to bring you in on this particular discussion. When it comes to the coronavirus, what have you heard about it? Do you know anyone there who have been able to offer you any reports on what's going on inside China? How crazy has it been there? Do you think it's really not that big of a deal at all? What's your perspective on this outbreak? My dad and my grandparents, they're actually in Shanghai, China, and they are affected by it because they told me about all the quarantine, every transportation has been canceled. So it's definitely a real virus. It's not something that's out of the blue. But I do think the government's story, we need to take a grain of salt on it. They might exaggerate or they might downplay the number for certain purposes. But the virus, as far as I heard, it's almost affected every single province in China. China has 56 provinces and also, from what I heard, it has infected multiple countries throughout the world. It's almost being labeled as a pandemic. And I also heard something about the U.A. flight was canceled. If you want to enter Australia, you have to stay away for two weeks, things like that. So it sounds like it's pretty serious. But to my impression, we can't trust the official story too much about it because, in my opinion, the CDC and the WHO, they engineer certain virus every once in a while to promote vaccination. And in the end, the goal is the New World Order is try to control it, try to bring the fear among the people, because if the people are afraid, the government can better control the population, especially in the Communist China. You know, that's a great point. And I was going to bring that up myself. So we're kind of thinking along the same wavelength when it comes to... Oh, sorry about that. Let's get that video fixed. There we go. With regard to this potentially being manufactured, Brother Justin, think about this for a moment. There was some civil unrest going on in China. It was in Hong Kong. I'm not sure if I'm wrong on the geography there, but it seems like the best way to quell the people in China. And by the way, I'm not going on record stating for a fact that this virus is totally manufactured. I don't know for sure yet, and I'm not going to come out and be very strong with regard to that perspective right now until I do a little bit more research. But I'm certainly leaning that way because think about this. What better way to quell an uprising? What better way to quell the people? What better way to stymie a movement against the communist regime than to introduce this clearly man-made virus into the population, which I think is a bioweapon of some sort that has been leaked into the public, whether it has been leaked intentionally or by accident, I think remains to be seen. But I don't blame anybody for leaning toward it being intentional. I'm definitely heading in that direction myself because what better way to quell the people than with this sort of outbreak that causes quarantines that essentially brings in martial law. It forces everyone to stay indoors. And there's also a suspension of civil liberties in a situation like this. Obviously in China, civil liberties are not exactly a mainstay there, but you have people now that are getting temperature readings at public transportation stations. You have people that are not allowed to leave their homes. You have curfews going on, et cetera. Brother Justin, this seems like a great way to control the population that seemed to be getting a little antsy over there. Right. Because the goal is to turn to a police state, turn to a Nazi Germany. In fact, the Bible is clear that the goal, the role of a government is to execute wrath upon him that do with evil is not to control, have a big government system. And especially in the communist China, again, we'll dive into the spiritual condition later part of the podcast, but the goal is to control, is to instill fear among the people. So people will rely on the government, they will do what they say. Now we've heard the term military industrial complex. Now in this case, I will, I will entitle that as the medical industrial complex, you know, because they want to make money again, if you trace the money, it all makes sense. The love of money is root of all evil. If you, they want to sell medicines, they want to sell vaccination. The way to gain money is to, you know, create a war or create a virus. So it's the same idea. Yeah. That medical industrial complex, another great point there. People here's the thing. Doctors make money when people are sick. The vaccine industry makes money when there are diseases to vaccinate against. You can't just believe everything you see. You have to look deeper. You got to follow the money and you want to talk about vaccines while they're all ready discussing. In fact, they're rushing toward a vaccine. Investors rush into biotechs working on coronavirus vaccine. That's not a coincidence. This outbreak is being used as a pretext to potentially, and I'm not saying this will definitely happen, but it looks like we're headed this way, forcibly vaccinate or inoculate the population with some sort of vaccine. And here's the thing. As a Christian, you have to understand this, folks. Jesus said that they that are whole need not a physician. And beyond that, they're putting aborted baby parts in these vaccines. They're abominable. They're filthy. They're unclean. And they're going to make everyone take it as a direct result of this vaccine. That's what it should say of this virus. That's where it looks like we're heading. So you're right. The medical industrial complex, I think, plays a part in this. And there's a system of command and control being employed by the globalist elites who use cases like this to further bring us closer to world government. They're exploited. It was Rahm Emanuel who said, never let a good crisis go to waste, brother Justin. And it doesn't seem like they're going to let this one go to waste either. Right. Yeah, especially the Bible says our body is a temple of the Holy Ghost. Why are we putting dead carcasses into our body? And I think everything is putting us in place to the mark of the beast, to the new world order, to get us used to taking stuff from the government, to get us used to taking the vaccination, getting stuff into our body. But if God creates everything that's perfect, our body has a perfect system to fight off these viruses. You know, I've heard even behind the light soapbox, it actually kills the coronavirus. I don't know if you have heard about that, the lysol killed the virus. No, I haven't heard that. Yeah. I just read some articles online today that the back of the lysol actually won the label is killed the coronavirus. To me, it's pretty interesting. Lysol. Yeah. And the description is it's just an extreme flu. And I think the government is withholding the treatment for some population control cases in China. Right. Yeah, for sure. Now, do they still have the one shot policy going on over there? Justin, do you have anything about that? The policy has been lifted recently. So now you can have two children. But the problem is, since that one child policy has been in China for so long, people are used to that system. So even if they allow two children, most people will still tend to have only one child. And of course, that leads to abortion, that leads to birth control, all this kind of stuff. Well, I think what you just said there is a pretty good segue to talk about is the coronavirus the judgment of God? You have to think about the ramifications of an outbreak like this. You're not just going to get a bunch of people sick, which, by the way, you brought it up earlier, but we can't fully trust the numbers that we're getting right now, especially coming from the Chinese, from the communist Chinese government, in the sense that I think they would want to downplay those numbers a little bit so as not to affect the local economy. I know that Donald Trump certainly has some motivation himself with his reelection campaign to want to downplay this too. I'm not so sure about those numbers. I think it's probably a lot worse than they're letting on. Or it could be better. We really just don't know what the agenda is for sure, but I take those numbers that they're releasing with a grain of salt. With all that in mind, though, is this the judgment of God in your estimation? Of course, because we know China is a wicked country. Back to the one child policy, the reason one child policy can work is you have to force abortion. You have to force during that. You have to disobey God's command of being fruitful and multiply. Of course, when you're killing God's children, God goes upon them to find their salvation. Plus, China is a heathen country. Of course, we'll dive more about the spiritual condition later, but the Bible is clear in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28. If you don't obey God's command, God will bring you curses. One of the curses is pestilence, inflammation, and extreme burning. Just like AIDS is the judgment of God, the virus, of course, happened in communist China. Of course, I believe it's definitely a judgment from God. There's that scripture in Deuteronomy chapter 28. You see it on your screens if you're watching the video feed. The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption and with a fever and with an inflammation and with an extreme burning and with a sword and with blasting and with mildew and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. One of the curses promised to the nation of Israel if they turn on the Lord. And also, the symptoms of the coronavirus include fever. It's a really bad flu, essentially. There's also another scripture, Brother Justin, I cited this in my video, but it is in Exodus and it deals with what God did to Egypt and said, if thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I have brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord that healeth thee. The Egyptians were a heathen nation and when you think about China, it also is a heathen nation. So I think it would make sense. You see the biblical precedent there set by the Lord that he would plague a heathen nation with illness. He did it to Egypt. You can make the argument he's doing it to China. It doesn't matter how serious you think this is, it's still a difficult problem for them to have to tackle and I think as a direct result of their rejection of the gospel, their embracing of false religion, Buddhism and idolatry that comes along with that and everything. And then when you combine that with the biblical present that that's been set in the Lord judging Egypt in that way, promising to judge the nation of Israel in that way, I think we see the very real possibility that God is judging China. You brought up how the police families with the one shot policy, although that's been relaxed lately. It doesn't seem like biblical standards and of course, this is not the case in the United States either with the mainstream culture here, but it seems like biblical standards in China are sort of non-existent. You said people are used to just having two kids and that means people are used to birth control and people are used to abortion. And of course, God will judge a nation that chooses to murder the innocent. Let's talk about some of the false religions there in China. Buddhism comes to mind for me, but what do you say about that? The spiritual condition of this country right now? Talk about it. Before I talk about that, the thought came into my mind that just like HIV is originally funding animals, right? And it's been transmitted by a natural means. So if the coronavirus is not engineered by the government, it actually came from animals, so there might be some unnatural means that's been transmitted, which means if they're walking unnaturally, if they're following the Romans one path, obviously it's the judgment of God, even if it's not pre-engineered by the government. I agree. How can an animal disease be on human beings without unnatural actions that's been involved? Sodomy, feistyality, especially China, concerning a heathen nation. So back to the religion, most Chinese, I think almost 70%, they claim as atheists, they deny God as a whole. And then only 2% claim to be Christians. Of course, among that 2%, the Roman Catholic church take a part as well. We know that they are not saved. And then we have Buddhism, we have Hinduism, we have Taoism, we have people who follow Confucius, and then we also have the religion of communism. And the reason I say that is in order to be an officer in the government, you have to renounce all of your religions. You have to swear to communism. That's why I say communism in itself is a religion. Absolutely. Communism is absolutely a religion. It's not just a system of government. Basically what it does is it lifts up a leader to the point of deity. To me, the nation that comes to mind that's an example of this, a clear example of this would be North Korea. When you look at North Korea and you see how the whole Kim dynasty has been lifted up to the point of deity, the people there believe that Kim Jong-un could read their minds. They literally bow down to statues of their dear leader. There's photos of them everywhere. And I see something similar, it's not the exact same thing in China, but I do see something similar there, brother Justin, in that you have this giant picture of the Chinese leader. Can we talk about that and then just deify this guy? There's a giant picture in the Tiananmen Square at Beijing, China, which is the capital of China and then it's a picture of Mao Zedong. Everyone heard about Mao Zedong who killed millions of its own people. He's a dictator, he's a communist, he's a founder of China. So idolatry is definitely present in China. They worship their leaders. They think their leaders, everything they do is right, you know, they deify their leaders, they worship their leaders. So I think there's a lot of similarities between China and North Korea. Certainly in that way, with the way that they lift up their leadership, calling them perfect essentially, and there's similarities with North Korea. Do you know, does it go to the extreme of putting people in political prison camps and things like that? Yes, I personally have a witness or someone close to me that has been in that situation, but then I do realize the idea of censorship is very severe in China. Let me just tell you a story in my past. Before I came to the US, I was in the middle school. I was in my Chinese class. I was taking a test, writing an essay, and I wrote an essay against the Chinese government, and then the teacher failed the test, and they kind of called my parents. That's one of the reasons I came to America, freedom of speech, so the censorship is there. They try to control, limit what you say about the government, but then I also heard there are some police agents in disguise. They kind of filter every single phone conversation, internet activities, so it's definitely there, the censorship, and also the persecution as well. And the internet, people can't go on certain websites and things like that, but when it comes to the false religion there, brother Justin, let's talk about the biggest one and what, kind of the gist of what they believe for a moment here. Well, I think the biggest one is not really Buddhism. I think it's atheism. Of course, atheism is very simple, just simply denying God. Of course, they know God, but they deny God. But then the next one I would think is definitely Buddhism or Hinduism. Now Buddhism is basically a spin-off of Hinduism because Bhagavad Gita, he disagreed with the caste system, and then he founded the Four Noble Truths and also the April Path. Of course, Buddhism, people think it's a philosophy, there's really no God, but they really worship themselves as a God because the goal of Buddhism is to reach nirvana, means the extinguishment of desire, and kind of deal by yourself, like only you can achieve that kind of highest state. Because Buddha himself is a man, of course, he died and go to hell, but then they deified a person over the true God, and then you probably have heard that they kind of dissemble Buddha's dead carcasses, his body part, and then he transports all his stupas to the Buddhist temples. So it's definitely a perverted religion, and to me it's an oxymoron because the goal of Buddhism is to extinguish desire, is to have no desire, but then the desire to have no desire is a desire in and of itself. Good point. So the whole system is corrupt, and then of course we know Buddha, he left, he's newly wedded wife, he kind of abandoned their family, which is obviously against what the Bible says. So that's basically Buddhism. Yeah, that's it in a nutshell. And you know what came to my mind is the satanic lie, and I'll pull it up here on the screen, that you could be as gods, which is what the serpent, the devil said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. One of the common themes of many false religions is that you can attain God-like attributes. You see it with Mormonism and their belief that one day they can be the god of their own planet. You see it in Buddhism in a sense reaching quote nirvana. It's definitely in play in new age religions. So people think they could be as gods, they've rejected the god of the Bible in favor of elevating themselves to that status of deity, much like communist leaders elevate themselves to a status of deity and expect the population to worship them. But do you think that as well when it comes to Genesis chapter number three there and what the devil said to Eve? For sure, because I think most false religions follow the pattern of Genesis chapter three. They all want to be like God, they all want to be good, be like God, and they want to be as wise as God. And we have different religions and world views in the world, but I like to think there are only two religions and one is a do. One type of view is to do this, do that, one is to do. And then the other type is you dumb, God Jesus Christ has done everything for you. So there are only two types, one to do things, one has already been done for you, and every false religion outside of the biblical Christianity is patterned by Genesis chapter three. Because if you have to do things, the goal is to be perfect, to be perfect is to be like God, and of course nobody can be like God. I sense some lag in the audio and video, I'm not sure if you kind of... There is a little bit of lag when it comes to the audio and video, but the audio is coming in perfectly clear, so we'll just have to deal with that lag, no big deal. Work salvation is an attempt to be like God, only God is perfect. We see the mark, the fingerprint of the devil's deception is the idea that you can elevate yourself to a God-like status. The Bible says in Titus chapter three, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Not by works of righteousness, folks, that we have done. It's not about the works that we've done. Just like you said, two religions in this world, it doesn't matter how many false religions are out there or how many there seem to be, when you boil it down, there's just two. There's work your way to heaven or whatever their concept of heaven is, whether it's being the God of your own planet or whatever wacky view, getting a better host vessel when you get reincarnated, whatever the case may be, there are two religions, two main concepts that are permeated around the world. One is do a bunch of commandments and perhaps maybe attain their concept of salvation and the other is done. Like you said, it's been done, it's finished, the work has been completed on your behalf and all you need to do is enter into that rest, enter into the rest provided that Jesus Christ provides for you a picture of the Sabbath. That's why they even celebrated it, to picture that salvation resting on Christ. And it's unfortunate, many multitudes of people in places like China will go to hell because they've rejected that gospel, they've rejected the free gift of salvation and instead they've embraced this idolatry. The Bible says, thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth. Justin, do you see this idolatry going on there? I think it's everywhere, you look at the statues and things like that all over the place, speak to the idolatry real quick. Yeah, in China, it's like the same when you go to Washington DC, right? You have all these islands and molten images. So if you go to China, every single major cities, every single museum, parks, they kind of have molten image of every famous person and then you literally worship them, you know, especially in the Buddhist temple, you know, it's one of the China, Chinese favorite sites. People go there, people kind of kiss the molten image, which is disgusting. Like thousands of people kissing that image and then they burn the incense, they kind of do all these rituals. To me, first it's lame, I mean it's disgusting, I mean a spread virus, but the other thing I mean, just purely worshiping of imperfect men, dishonoring God, disobeying God and if they follow their religion, of course they're going to send them to hell in the end. That's right. Christians out there who are totally watered down, not even saved, they would say things like well, you have to respect their belief systems and you can't just push what you believe on them. Look, I'm not going to force anyone to get saved, but the Bible is clear in Acts chapter 4, it says, neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and at the end of the day, you can either believe what the Bible clearly articulates or you can come up with your own God. You can come up with your own belief system and your own religion that says everyone is on a different pathway, all leading to the same deity. Well, let me tell you something, that deity, all these different religions are leading to is the devil. It's not the Lord Jesus Christ and in order to go to the Lord Jesus Christ, you have to go to in faith, believe on him, that's how you access the father. Whosoever denieth the son, the same hath not the father, the Bible says, but he that acknowledges the son, the same, but he that acknowledges the son hath the father also. It's really that simple. Right, and if you also think about the idea that not disrespecting other beliefs, I mean, it's stupid because just look at the Bible, Jesus has no regard in religion of Pharisees, you know, the Jeremiah, even Jeremiah and Ezekiel, they preach very hard against the false religion, they preach hard against idolatries, of course, if a certain belief system lead people to hell, why do we have any respect of that? You know, if they send people to hell, if they literally commit spiritual suicide, of course, we want to put them out of it, want to preach everything wrong against that kind of belief. Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to mock Buddhism, I'm going to mock Hinduism, I'm going to mock these false religions, I'm definitely going to mock communism, this man worshipping political cult there and in North Korea, so absolutely, I think we have to be, look at what Elijah did to the false prophets, he mocked them and then he slayed them. Now let's talk real quickly about the solution to all this because at the end of the day, yeah, you've got Buddhism, you've got Taoism, you've got atheism, which is huge there, but how do we fix this? Is it possible you think in our lifetimes that the gospel is permeated throughout China or is this going to be a real, real long-term thing process? To be honest, personally, I have no idea, but I would lean upon it would take a while because it's not legal to preach the gospel in China. You have to go underground, you have to go in disguise and personally, that's not my thing. I want to preach the gospel at the area that's the most receptive, you know, actually I would not recommend people to go to China, especially now because all the virus are going and spreading, especially having to go underground and my thought is if you spend one week, you know, what is greater, spending one week and have 10 salvations or spend a week and have one salvation? You know, it's better to go to a more receptive place. I'm not saying don't go to China ever, I'm just saying if you evangelize all places that are receptive that God opens the door, I believe God will open the door of those closed countries like North Korea, like China. Of course, we can use the internet. Of course, China banned YouTube, Facebook and stuff like that, but we can still use WeChat and also some Chinese video application and I personally have uploaded sermons to a Chinese website and Chinese people, they do view that, they haven't censored that yet. So we can use the internet, we can target a certain audience group, but I think going to China is not as productive because as fishers of man, we should target the area that's the most fish. You know, go to the Philippines, go to Mexico, even go to the West Coast, you know, reach the Chinese there and practice on Chinese first and then move on to the more difficult places. So my idea is it will probably take a while because China has 1.4 billion people, it will take a while for the gospel to spread and also it's not legal to share the gospel, especially with the virus outbreak. So I think it will at least take a while. But here's what I want to focus on with your answer. You said, let's go to the more receptive areas and then God will open the door for us to tackle these countries where right now it's illegal to preach the gospel like communist China, like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, North Korea, or Iran, or these other countries that right now are pretty much impossible to enter as a Bible-believing Christian in order to evangelize. But if we go to the more receptive areas, the Philippines, I'm going to hopefully go to the Bahamas on a mission trip with Steadfast Baptist Church. I've heard that is very receptive, I've heard Haiti is receptive, Mexico is receptive. There are tons of different places on this side of the planet and even over there near that Far East region where people want to hear the gospel, they want to get saved. And if we get those places, if we flip those places upside down, if we can get multitudes saved in those places, I think the door will open for us to one day wreak some havoc spiritually in China and perhaps get some people saved. But if we do get that opportunity, if that does happen in our lifetimes by some miracle, something opens up and we're able to go door-knocking there, is there a Chinese Bible that we would even be able to use if you were fluent in the language to get folks saved? Yeah, this is actually a very good question concerning the Bible versions because I'm fluent in Mandarin Chinese. In the Chinese Bible, there's a Bible version called the Chinese King James Version, the CKJV, Chinese King James Version, and I personally have examined that version. The translation method is almost identical as the King James Bible. Multiple scholars, they've been revealed multiple times, and then they use the TR rather than the West Coast and court perversion. So I think the Chinese King James Version, the CKJV, is the preserved Word of God, and people can definitely get saved out of that version because it's come from the incorruptible seed. Amen. That's awesome. Really glad to hear that we can use a Bible potentially if that were to ever happen by some miracle. Right. We were so when in there that we'd have a Bible we could use to reach people and get them saved. What are some Chinese attitudes about Christianity, whether it's people that live there or people outside? What have you noticed in your personal life at all when it comes to your people and what they think about Christianity? The thing about Chinese people is because I went to a mission trip reaching the Chinese in Los Angeles in 2018 with a pastor here, actually. What we found is we commonly think Chinese people are close to the gospel, but the fact is they are not close. They just haven't heard about the gospel. There's no seed being planted. So in 2018, we did a lot of seed planting because they want to hear about it. They want to learn how you can go to heaven for 100 percent. You can't lose your salvation. It's not that they are close. You may perceive they are close to the gospel, but the reason is they just haven't had any seed planted. They want to hear. They are eager to learn. We just need people to give them the gospel, you know. So I think the best way for people who want to evangelize the Chinese in America is actually to reach the Chinese in America first, because a lot of missionaries, they don't even know the language, and then they fly to China to be a missionary, and they have no fruit. But why don't you just stay here? Go to California. You will find plenty of Chinese. Train. Practice there. Then spend money to go to China. That's what we did. If you can't win Chinese people here, why bother going to China? And here, it's legal so far. I think they are open to the gospel. We just need to be persistent. We just need soul winners who know Chinese, who can spread the message to the Chinese. So I actually have a Chinese gospel presentation on my YouTube channel. You can check it out. If you know any Chinese, you can forward them that video. So that's basically it. We should do it in areas where you have the freedom to preach the gospel, and doing it in California, for example, trying to reach the Chinese there is a great way to practice. If the day comes where the door is open for us to actually send missionaries to China and make an impact, then starting in California is a great way to practice, or any other community where there's a lot of Chinese folks. In Houston, Texas, there was a giant Chinatown. I actually accidentally drove through it. I was lost, and then all of a sudden I ended up in China. I'm like, how did I get here? But there's a big population of people there. So I say, yeah, we start in the United States, and then if that door opens up, we'll get there eventually. You brought up people not even being fluent. That's just crazy. Imagine that. Being a missionary to a country not even fluent in the language. A lot of them, there are a lot of bogus missionaries who don't know the language, and we are paying them to stay at their language school for a couple of years. That doesn't make any sense. It's not what the Bible says about what a missionary should do. In fact, it doesn't even talk about the word missionary. It talks about the word evangelist. Some people may scorn at us, how dare you, don't encourage people to go to China. Especially in the Bible, especially in the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit forbid people to go to Asia, because they are not receptive. Because the goal is to get as many people saved as possible. And I believe the gospel will reach China, because during the end time, the gospel will be preached throughout the whole world once again. That's the whole purpose of tribulation. Make no mistake about that. It's exactly what Jesus promised. He said, and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come. Right. And also in the book of Daniel, in the end time, we shall do great exploits. We are living in the best time. I believe Jesus Christ will come in my generation. We are living in the most exciting time. We have a most what a prophecy, and then we have the Holy Spirit of God enduring in us. We should do a great work for God, but we should start at where we are at. Practice where you are at, and just reach, and just go one step further. And hopefully in my lifetime, the gospel will be reached throughout China, North Korea, and all these illegal countries. We were talking earlier about some of the false religions there, atheism, and things like that, and we connected it to the judgment of God on China right now, when you think about the coronavirus, and what's been going on, and the destabilization there. But if China were to soften its collective heart on the gospel of Christ, imagine if it were blessed instead, and just how much different their society would be if they believed on Christ, if they appealed to the word of God as the foundation of their society. Think about if we did that here in the United States again. At one point, this country was godly, in my opinion, but has since gone off the cliff morally with the Satan bowl recently, and that bunch of horrors at the halftime show with things like that. But I digress. I don't want to get into that rant. I think, brother Justin, if the doors are opened for China to repent, and people go in there, will we see a population that's ready to be saved, or are the individuals living in that country, because of all of the brainwashing, and the indoctrination, the false religion, going to be so hardened that it'll be very, very difficult to get salvations from the standpoint of people wanting to receive the truth? This is actually a very tough question, because I don't know if China as a nation has been turned to a reprobate nation yet, because that's a very dangerous place to be in, because from the Bible, we know a nation can be reprobated, not individual persons. But also, we have the case of Nineveh, and Nineveh is a wicked country, but the whole city, the whole country, they proclaim a fast, and they turn to the Lord. So it's either way, because there's no way to know their heart. Even though it's hard, but with God all things, it's possible. So I would tend to think, as long as we are actually praying for them, we are reaching them, if it's possible, there will be a large group of people that will be ready to be saved. And the reason is, I think they are sick of the Communist Party, just like we are. I think they kind of realize, hopefully this virus, the virus, haven't realized that they are not doing right. Even nature itself revealed through God's wrath, it will be able to turn them to salvation. So I think it's definitely a great possibility. And also, 2% of Chinese, they claim to be Christians. Of course not, not all 2% are saved. But these people, they've at least heard about the Gospel. And also, I believe all Chinese have the knowledge of Jesus Christ, because they taught them in their history lessons. So I think we just need, they don't know Christ, but it's taught in the history lessons. Of course they don't deify him, they think he's just a good person, but the history lessons did teach them about Jesus Christ's alleged death, burial, and the resurrection. So all we need is a group of sowing them at the right time, at the right place, and preach the Gospel to them. And the Gospel will work, you know, the Gospel will always work. I think it's so ridiculous, sometimes people will bring this objection to you and say, Well, what about these Far East countries, people that haven't heard about Jesus? What do you mean, haven't heard about Jesus? God manifest in the flesh that died on the cross, was buried and rose again. I think people heard about Jesus everywhere, okay? Right, definitely. And the Bible is clear that in Romans 10, that their voice went into the whole world. You know, I mean, I mean, God, I mean, I mean, in the Old Testament, God, I use Israel, the goal is to, you know, preach the whole world, the goal is always, you know, to reach the Gentile nation, not to seclude a certain nation, you know, and to me, it is ridiculous to think about that. But the point is still clear, the Gospel always works, the Bible always works. All we need is the people who will actually do the work. Yes. What would you say would be the most common objection you might face amongst those people? I know here in America, and you know this too, since you live here, but it seems like with most people, it's work salvation, repent of your sins type thing that you end up encountering a lot. What would it be over there? Is it going to be atheism? Are people going to be a little bit apprehensive to accept the existence of the God of the Bible? I would like to think it comes with a couple of waves, because maybe the first waves of outrage, they might be a little bit resistant, because they might not, the concept is kind of foreign to them, but the second wave and the third wave of preaching the Gospel will see a lot of people getting saved. So I think that that will probably be the pattern. Now, I think the most common objection or the turn off of Chinese people is they have the bad concept of hell, so every time you mention hell, they kind of just shut down, and things like that. But I'm not suggesting changing your Gospel presentation, but you might consider rephrasing the stuff, because the concept of hell is kind of a cultural thing that nobody talks about. So what I would do is kind of asking, if you died today, do you know for sure that, one thing is hell, the other thing is death, Chinese people don't want to talk about death. So every time I asked them, I said, do you know for sure that you will have eternal life in heaven? Do you know for sure that you are saved? Just avoid death in the first question, and then you can dig into what the Bible says about death and hell, because Chinese people normally is turned off if you mention death and hell in the first bit. Of course, don't change your presentation, just be careful that Chinese people have a strong stance against death and hell. Well, that's definitely an interesting tidbit. Cultural thing maybe. Yeah, it's the cultural thing, and personally, when I share the Gospel with them, I don't avoid that, because it's the Gospel presentation, but if you're not sharing the Bible, just random conversation, you want to avoid that if you just want to strike non-biblical conversations, because it's just a cultural thing. All right. Well, Brother Justin, is there anything else you wanted to add to the program before we begin to wrap it up? I think you mentioned about something that the Chinese people, they eat a lot of strange food, that's why the virus got spread, is that what you're saying? In a video I did, that is one of the theories going around that it originated in this food market at Wuhan, or however it's supposed to be pronounced, where people are eating bat soup and all sorts of what we would consider strange meals, some strange foods. I don't necessarily buy that, though. I think this was a bioweapon that was released, either intentionally or not, into the population, and you could, of course, look at the providential aspect in the sense that God's judgment on them, but the official story going around is this originated at a food market that was selling bats and all sorts of other things as well. As a Chinese, I eat a lot of strange food, and I just name a couple, chicken feet, pig brains, intestines, and things like that, and what God had coined, called Nao Dao O. Oh, absolutely. Anyway, I just ... Yeah, you kind of want to mention it. Personally, I don't think food is a problem. People have a joke, like Chinese people eat everything with legs except tables. That's pretty funny. But anyway, concerning food, just eat what you want for every creature of guys, you have nothing to eat but food, even if that means cats and dogs, and then I've eaten dogs. It's delicious. You should try it. Anyway. I might pass on that, but here's where I do agree with you. From a biblical perspective, yes, every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused. As long as it's sanctified with prayer, enjoy your bat soup, enjoy your pig intestines or whatever. I did know about pig feet and intestine and brain and all that stuff prior. My sister-in-law is Chinese and has definitely indulged in some of those meals in the past and has introduced them to me. The bat soup was new for me, though, and some of the foods I saw being sold at that market were definitely unorthodox for me. But don't take that as anything negative. It doesn't mean that I don't like the Chinese culture at all. I love Chinese culture. I just think that is a little strange from my perspective to be eating that stuff. Right. Personally, I don't believe the virus comes from eating animals. I don't think so either. To me, it's either biological weapons or people committing Romans 1, natural acts, sodomy, whatever, and transmit through the insects and natural means. Are the sodomites even a thing there? I don't really hear about it. Is China pro-sodomite or what? Yeah, China is a pro-sodomite. But most Chinese population presents that because China, even if it's communist, I would call them a conservative country. Because even if they are not Christian, but women, they wear skirts. Those women, they wear skirts, they dress like Baptists. So even if they are not a Christian country, they are pretty conservative on their physical standards-wise. Okay. I was just curious because you brought that up as a possibility, maybe a Romans 1 type situation. We won't get into details, but I know what you meant about what could have been the reason for this coronavirus. You probably think, let me ask you this real quick before we go off the air. Orange chicken and sort of the typical Chinese food that people get here when I go to Panda Express and stuff like that. That's not really Chinese food, is what I've heard. Panda, okay, here's a public service announcement. Panda Express is not Chinese food at all. Okay, there we go. I mean, orange chicken, I've never heard of it, but I came here, okay? Kung pao chicken is real, okay, you can enjoy that. But personally, I enjoy Panda Express, even if it's not authentic, it's still good, but I enjoy that. But it's different, completely different. Okay. Anyway. Yeah, so it's Americanese. It's not Chinese, it's Americanese food. There we go. Well, thanks for clearing that up, Justin. That may have been the most important part of this entire broadcast, so people can stop referring to that as Chinese. The podcast is sponsored by Panda Express. There we go. They would not want to do that. I do really enjoy Panda Express myself, though, so hey, if they're willing to be the sponsor without having to pay anything, I'd be cool with it. I go there regularly. One more thing I forgot to mention is the outbreak falls at a very great date, Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year, right. Yeah, it hits right around that day, and to me, that is not a coincidence at all. The most transportation, all the people are flowing, and it just makes sense it's kind of government made. Especially in close quarters, and then what I mentioned at the top of the show, the incubation period being upwards of 14 days in some cases, and that virus being capable of being transmitted from person to person during that incubation period when there are no symptoms apparent. That makes it exceeding dangerous, I think, in the sense of from a pandemic perspective, how this thing could spread very rapidly. That's one of the reasons why it has spread so rapidly in China. They're trying to control it right now. We'll see what happens. We'll see if they introduce a vaccine soon, and what the true agenda is behind all this. Time will tell, but for now, Justin, I do want to say thank you very much for coming on the show. It was a lot of fun, actually. My pleasure. This is the very first time I've even spoken to you, I'm pretty sure, and it's almost like we've known each other for years, and that's because of the fact that we have something in common, being saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. What I love so much about fellowship with other Christians is whether you just met them or you've known them for years, it feels like you've had that camaraderie for a long time. I look forward to having you back on again sometime soon. Sounds great. All right. Any last words for the people? Again, if you're in a lame church around Indianapolis, Indiana, if you don't go soloing, check out our church. The description is in my YouTube channel. It's Charity Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. My name is Justin. Don't check out my YouTube channel. If you know any Chinese people that you know, please send them a link of my Chinese gospel presentation, and let's reach the Chinese, and let's reach the world with the gospel. Thank you, brother Ben, for inviting me tonight. You're very welcome. Thanks for coming on. The Bible says, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel. We've got a lot of folks we need to reach everywhere, all over the planet. Subscribe to Justin Zhang's YouTube channel right now. You can see I've done so. It's grayed out. Yours will be red. Click that subscribe button. Check out his content, and if you're watching the video feed, you see the Bible Way to Heaven in Mandarin there on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Until next time, this is Benjamin Naim signing off. Thank you all for tuning in to the program. It's been fun, and it's great to be back right here on the Sword of the Spirit podcast. This was episode number 25. Make sure you subscribe on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, using the keyword Ben the Baptist. You can also find the show on Stitcher using that same keyword, and just as sure as I told you to subscribe to Justin Zhang's YouTube channel. Don't forget if you enjoyed this show and you'd like more content like this, hit the subscribe button to subscribe to my channel, Ben the Baptist, and then make sure for both Justin Zhang's channel and mine that you hit that little bell icon so you get notified whenever a new video is uploaded. We learned a lot on this program. We learned about the spiritual condition of China. We learned about what the people there believe. We learned about communism, and we learned a little bit more about the coronavirus outbreak. Is it the judgment of God? Well, I'll leave that question for you guys to answer. We gave you our opinion tonight, but what do you think? In the chat room, in the comments section, is the coronavirus the judgment of God? What did you think about the podcast as well? I want to hear your feedback, and, like I already said, if you did enjoy this, hit that subscribe button. I'll be back again next Monday night at 8 p.m. Central, 7, that would be 6 Pacific, sorry about that, 6 Pacific, 9 p.m. Eastern Time, right here, Monday night, every week thereafter. I'm back. God bless you all, and I'll talk to you guys again after a while. God bless you all, and God bless you all, and God bless you all, and God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. God bless you all.