(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Tonight live on the sword of the spirit podcast current events and then the main event topic The old covenant versus the new covenant. I'll be talking about six Differences between them it all starts right after this you 13th 2019 Monday night 9 p.m. Eastern That's when this show airs each and every single week live on youtube.com slash been the Baptist This is Benjamin naive here with all of you. Once again for another episode of the program tonight I'll be talking about some current events in particular I want to go over in an article in which well, there's some freaky news Mark Zuckerberg wants to make a brainship He wants basically transhumanism. I'll talk about that. Plus I'm going to show you an example of fake news I'm going to show you an example of the fake news media getting caught in the act Trying to fabricate a scenario that drums up support for another Middle Eastern war And then the main event topic is what I'm is what I'm calling it the old covenant Versus the new covenant I could spend hours talking about the differences between the two So for this podcast, I've chosen six differences I'm gonna cover on the show tonight six differences between the old covenant and the new covenant And the reason why I wanted to talk about this is because there is so much confusion When it comes to what's the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament? Testament covenant you can use those two words interchangeably. What is the difference between the two? some folks wrongly believe Ridiculously false heresy that says salvation was different in the Old Testament a lot of these Dispensational pastors out there who would teach that aren't even saved themselves But we're gonna find out the truth about this issue tonight coming up on the sword of the spirit podcast the old covenant versus the new covenant a lot of people will swing the other way and they'll just throw out the Old Testament completely now that we're under grace and so they'll say things like You can't preach out of Leviticus. You can't preach out of Exodus Those aren't for you and Basically, they don't believe that those books even count anymore Well, if God's law has been completely thrown out then I guess we live in a state of anarchy today sanctioned by God That sounds crazy because it's false and it's untrue and it's not even logical So stay tuned for that. It's coming up here on the program Live sort of the spirit podcast. I do want to make an announcement right off the bat Next Monday right here on the show. I'm gonna have a very special guest on Brother Peter James from the pillar and ground YouTube channel. He'll be joining me as my special guest next Monday night October 21st That's 9 p.m. Eastern as usual 8 p.m. Central brother Peter James will be here We'll be talking about the prospect of a Christian theocracy I put out a video that sparked some controversy this last week About how I would like to see a Christian theocracy Obviously, we're not gonna see that take place into the millennium and that is the perfect implementation of a Christian of a Christian theocracy with God himself in charge and That was God's original plan for the nation of Israel under the Old Testament didn't work out though Well one day God's law is coming back during the millennium What would a Christian theocracy look like? What would it look like if we lived under a government that actually abided by the Word of God and his law? We'll find out of course you can read the Bible to find that out We'll be talking about it next Monday night with a special guest brother Peter James from the pillar and ground YouTube channel That's next Monday, October 21st. You don't want to miss that show. I really look forward to it brother Peter James is an interesting mind and articulate Guy and certainly I think is gonna make for a very good guest here on the program Let's get started with a few items a couple of things I wanted to talk about before getting into the meat and potatoes of the show if you want to call it that and It involves Mark Zuckerberg as I bring the article up there Hopefully you can see it if you can't chat room go ahead and let me know But Mark Zuckerberg apparently is teasing the idea of an AI Brainship now. I want you to just take a look at this guy if you're watching the video feed Obviously if you're listening to the podcast, you can't see what's on the screen But if you're watching live on YouTube, you can see this guy Mark Zuckerberg. He looks like a demon He looks like a space alien. He doesn't even look human. Look at those lifeless zombie eyes right there I'm not even sure if they're real eyes and this guy wants to spy on your family He wants to socially engineer you to believe in the corporate sanitized mainstream media Narrative but here's the headline you see it on your screen Mark Zuckerberg teases AI Brainship, but it'll be different than Elon Musk's of course Elon Musk has this same idea as well Now some of you might be thinking Mark of the beast or something similar to the mark of the beast. That's actually not where I'm going with that right now I Think what we're seeing here is The transhumanist agenda being promoted by Mark Zuckerberg through this quote-unquote brain ship that he would like to see Implemented Elon Musk as well. There is an agenda for Transhumanism which is basically merging man with machine the unsaved carnal mind Knows it's gonna die one day and without Jesus Christ Of course people who aren't saved they go to hell the second death everlasting destruction in order to get around that human beings have tried to implement something called transhumanism Which is merging man with machine for the sole purpose of extending life on this earth And with the eventual goal of living forever right now The early stages of it are being used to enhance Human features things like brainpower and strength and things like that. Let's get back to the article here so you could see for yourself It says if Silicon Valley were to put a team of tech bros together on a project to merge computers and people The lineup wouldn't be complete without car and rocket man Elon Musk and the valley's most dubious robot Mark Zuckerberg I want you to notice how this is worded by the observer. They're trying to make it seem like it's fun They're trying to make it seem like it's cute. They're trying to make it seem like it's all just this cute little idea He's trying to merge man with machine and it's just all tech bros These geeks working together for the benefit of mankind. No, it's satanic. That's what it is In all fairness Musk has been proposed a plan to make an actual chip which is meant to be inserted into human brains. That sounds disgusting and You have to understand when the mark of the beast is implemented one day by the Antichrist they're going to Brand it in the same way as this is being promoted right now as this fun cool nerdy thing that's perhaps Silicon Valley bros have come up with that you should all take because it'll make your life that much easier Of course, if you're saved it'll be impossible for you to take the mark of the beast because Jesus said that People who are saved are not going to be deceived by the Antichrist and there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show Great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect Implying that it's not possible for the elect people who are saved to be deceived by the Antichrist But anyway getting back to the article I don't want to get too far off track here at a recent internal employee Q&A session the Facebook CEO hinted that such technology Could see promising use cases in Facebook's future augmented reality and virtual reality products Augmented reality. This is what? Pokemon go was if you were around for that you if you were paying attention, I should say for that You know Pokemon go was the mobile video game that was taking Popular culture by storm, of course it ended up fading away like all fads do but Pokemon go utilized Augmented reality. It's when they make video games merge with reality and people were walking around like literal Mindless drones with their phones just like this walking around in real life looking for Pokemon. They can catch people how about you satisfy yourself with that which is real with Reality but people so badly want to escape reality because reality for them is worse than it's ever been as people are sucked into endless consumerism and Worldliness which fails to bring them fulfillment. The only fulfillment you can ever find is through the Lord Jesus Christ Salvation which is only found through the Lord Jesus Christ and it's one of the many benefits of getting saved Not only is your soul sealed forever You know where you're going after you die But you also have an incredible sense of joy and fulfillment that a lost person simply doesn't Understand knowing that God is your father that he will never leave you nor forsake you and people Out in the world who are obsessing over buying the next tech gadget or going out on Black Friday Friday to trample over someone in Black Friday season is coming up just right around the corner time flies 2019 is gonna be drawing to a an end pretty soon But anyway people who obsess over That and go out on Black Friday to try and find the best deals to trample over someone for a half-price toaster They will never be satisfied And so that's why you see people who are trying so badly to escape reality They want to live in a virtual world. It's why people are addicted to video games It's why people are addicted to television shows and talk about television shows as if it's real life If you've ever stumbled upon some of these YouTube channels where they're reviewing television shows where they're reviewing video games They talk about it as if it's real When Christians have discussions on what the Bible says We talk about the Bible as if it's real because we're Christians We believe the Bible is real But these folks talk about television shows as if they believe the TV show is real like it's their religion it's crazy and they argue with each other about who the best character is and what motivation a particular character really had Etc all because they've rejected God all because the life they have isn't fulfilling but Christians we find fulfillment in Fellowship in going to church reading the Word of God prayer We know that we always have that in our lives again. I went down a rabbit hole. Sorry folks Let me get back to the article here. I tend to do that is go off track go down a rabbit hole It's a weakness of mine. I'm trying to get better. Let's get back to the article So augmented reality is what Facebook is trying to implement and here's a quote from Zuckerberg himself brain computer interface is an exciting idea He says well, I don't think it's exciting. I think I think it's satanic I think it's similar to what the Antichrist will likely in an implement when he's in charge And by the way, I'm not saying this is the mark of the beast. Don't take anything I'm saying out of context here the mark of beast obviously is gonna be implemented until Daniel 70th week until the the abomination of desolation Or the fifth seal whatever you believe but my point is This is similar to it. You could argue but I think what it more is a reference representation of is Transhumanism says right here Brain computer interface is an exciting idea Zuckerberg told employees according to a meeting transcript leaked earlier this month The field quickly branches into two approaches invasive and non-invasive. We're more focused on I think completely focused on Non-invasive non-invasive is like you wear a band or glasses you shine an optical light and get a sense of blood flow in certain areas of The brain so what people want is to enhance their brain power They want to use technology to do that But according to the Bible if you want to gain wisdom you study the Word of God that has plenty of wisdom And you don't need a brain chip to understand it. You need the Holy Ghost. I'm against this sort of transhumanist garbage But we see it is slowly being rolled out now as people turn to technology To enhance their lives and I'm not saying tech all technologies, but I'm using technology and in some ways it does enhance your life But when you start merging man with machine when you start bringing in the transhumanism To enhance brainpower of which by the way is just the first step on a road That will lead to these tech entrepreneurs trying to find a way for people to live forever That's where it gets devilish Now I want to show you this Here via Twitter. This is an example switching gears. This is an example of the fake news fabricating a story literally out of thin air ABC News Specifically out of thin air Trying to make it appear as if this violence going on in Syria right now is actually taking place in Syria Involving the Kurds and this is propaganda designed to spark the public to want war Because the corporate media is in bed with the political establishment and the globalist elite Who want a state of perpetual warfare to endlessly feed the military industrial complex It shouldn't shock you that this stuff happens, but I want to show you a brazen Example here. Take a look at this and I'll explain it after in case you don't understand This video right here appearing to show Turkey's military bombing curse I'll pause it for a minute on the left and if you're not watching this on video I'll describe it for you on the left. You have video footage of so-called violence in Syria on The right you have a gun range in the United States Okay, literally a gun range in the United States In a Syrian town the Kurds gone alongside the US against Isis now horrific reports of atrocities Committed by Turkish back fighters on those very allies So they're sensationalizing this footage. It's not even said they're just faking the footage They're faking it So people think oh wow Syria's geopolitical state is in disarray right now the United States needs to get involved It is insane and this is where they got their footage from Knob Creek night shoot 2017 a Gun range in America ABC News took this footage and Attempted to make it appear as if it was taking place in Syria to drum up support for more Military intervention in the Middle East if that isn't fake news I don't know what is and if that isn't gonna make the general public Wake up about this and shake them out of their trance I don't know what is and that's just a small example. We talked last week when I was on the air When I was on the air with What was his name? I forgot his name for a moment the ex-cia whistleblower Kevin ship when mr. Ship was on we talked a little about WikiLeaks and how it exposed that corporate media outlets are in bed with political elites and we see examples of that happening over and over and over again, but Big media wants war because war Brings them ratings and when they have ratings They're making money and all you want to do if you want to find out the root of corruption is follow the money Doesn't that sound familiar doesn't the Bible tell us? that It is the root of all evil. So Here's what I'm trying to explain to you folks. Okay, you have to understand that That The people in the corporate media they have an agenda. They have a narrative their job is to promote a narrative and Get people to believe in that narrative It's not about informing the public because if it were about informing the public their primary goal would be to present facts and then have you Interpret those facts, but that's not the news today. Anytime you flip on cable news. It's people giving you their opinion Without any actual fact just opinion. It's all opinionated because it's narrative driven news they fabricate a narrative and Then they twist facts in order to fit that narrative. That's what it's all about. That's what the news is Whereas actual news would be giving you facts allowing you to Interpret those facts for yourself and come up with your own opinion, but the corporate media wants to socially engineer you to subscribe to a particular opinion an opinion that aligns with a new world order globalist anti-god anti-family agenda And I think that that small clip just 16 seconds long shows you the tactics They're willing to use the deception and the lying and the dishonesty That they employ To brainwash you so the average person watches that clip and thinks man There's a lot of violence going on and there is there is some conflict in that region But they see the explosions and they see the drama and they see the effects Which is in reality a gun range in America, but they see that thinking it's going on in Syria that the Kurds are behind it Thinking that American troops have to get involved there when in reality the United States has no business invading a sovereign nation for the benefit of Israel and the military industrial complex, which is the incestuous relationship between weapons Manufacturers and Government, but that's a different topic for a different time small example there. Let's move on now to something This is the final article I want to get into before we move into the main event topic which is sort of a gimmicky name for the Topic at hand that I wanted to talk about on the show tonight Check this out CNN anchor Chris Cuomo apologizes for LGBTQ which Stands for something else, but we'll just go ahead and go with let God burn them quickly Town-hall remarks so CNN anchor Chris Cuomo who is a total globalist shill a leftist who hates God very likely a reprobate This guy made one remark. That was honestly You know Slightly you could say according to the Left according to progressives Politically incorrect and he has to apologize for it CNN primetime anchor Chris Cuomo apologized for making an insensitive remark supposedly during the cable news network's broadcast of a town hall event meant to elicit views on LGBTQ issues from Democratic candidates, so if you don't know what happened this past week the Democratic Party They hosted What was essentially a Fag town hall. It was about fags. It was about fag issues It was about the queers and it was about how they can pander to them even more Because evidently the Democrats haven't done a good enough job of pandering to these freaks Now the Republican Party is no better. They pander to them as well They're milk toast and watered down and if you're a mainstream Republican saying something as obvious as Marriage should be between a man and a woman Let me hide That constitutes a Controversial opinion according to them when in reality, it's as obvious as saying water is wet and the sky is blue but anyway, they had this town hall to pander to pedophiles and freaks and Chris Cuomo made a remark That triggered some of these social justice warrior mental illness patients who could barely tie their own shoelaces It says senator Kamala Harris who's running for president by the way on Thursday at the event told Cuomo her personal pronouns Were she her and her so this is literally what happened and I would play the video for you But I don't have it queued up and frankly. It's just a waste of all of our time anyway, so I'll just summarize it at this event Senator Kamala Harris gets up and after she introduces herself She then informs everyone what her personal pronouns are because we live in clown world today We're politicians who are running for president have to tell everyone what their preferred Pronouns are because apparently there are a thousand genders out there So you have to make it clear that you identify as a woman or a man Or an attack helicopter or whatever you quote-unquote Identify as because it's clown world that we live in today clown world Let's keep going here Cuomo responded mine, too So he makes a joke right because it's so insane That people have to do this they have to tell you what their Personal pronouns are what they prefer to be called what the preferred gender is I guess Kamala Harris rolled out of bed that morning and decided she's a woman that day and Cuomo Recognizing how ridiculous this is deep down inherently he responds. It says yeah mine, too Clearly making a joke now here's how he responded to the controversy surrounding that on Twitter because the people got upset with him and Look what it says right here. This is what he tweeted When senator Harris said her pronouns were she her and hers I said mine, too. I should not have I Apologize I'm an ally of the LGBTQ community, and I'm sorry because I'm committed to helping us achieve equality Thank you for watching our town hall Please please accept my apology please I just want to throw up I just want to throw up that this is this is what our society is today Here's my apology to the LGBTQ community go to hell Taking a page out of Pastor Shelley's book there You say why share a story like this because I want to show you that the pandering These people get I mean I saw a meme where instead of The image in Babylon that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that giant statue that they were Told to bow down to instead of that statue. It was a giant rainbow flag or something to that effect for the sodomites and It said you know they don't want Inclusiveness they don't want Tolerance what they want is worship what they want is for you to bow down to them and just incessantly Apologize all the time and just oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that You know and here's the thing whenever anyone apologizes to them or their sympathizers. It's never enough It's never enough and when you're dealing with reprobates What you have to understand is according to Romans chapter 1 one of their attributes is that they are Implacable what does that mean it means they can't be Placated they can't be placated So it doesn't matter how many times you apologize to them It doesn't matter how many times you grovel at their feet. They'll never be Placated now Chris Cuomo is an evil puppet of The corporate media, but even when he went off script slightly He had to get on Twitter and like an obedient dog Apologize to those filthy beasts And you know what's sad even Christians do the same thing Even independent fundamental Baptists do the same thing Even People who are supposed to be on our side of this spiritual warfare will apologize for what the Bible says and Apologize for Christianity and apologize for men of God who get up and preach the word Because they're sold out and they have no integrity and they have no backbone This guy Ben Shetler He goes on to all these atheist programs and Ben Shetler is the son of Jim Shetler the wicked devil from that from West Coast Bible Baptist College West Coast Bible College, whatever it's called The Bible College that churns out the effeminate sissies like Pastor polka dot and everything like that Ben Shetler He goes out and he goes on to all these different Podcasts with atheists and he apologizes he apologizes for Christianity Practically, I mean he doesn't say the words. I apologize, but that's what he's essentially doing in effect going on there saying I don't want to be hateful to Anybody and the homosexual community and I believe in speaking to them in love Well, I hate them Because the Bible says we should hate them because the Bible says they're haters of God and in Psalm chapter 139 David through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost said do not I hate them a Lord that hate thee I hate them with a perfect hatred I know I get into that a lot and that's not what the podcast is about tonight, but My point is that you have Christians so-called like Ben Shetler going on to atheist programs representing Christianity Dragging Christ's name through the mud looking like a giant sissy a mamby-pamby little queer bait and he mimics people like Chris Cuomo who get on Twitter and grovel at the feet of the god haters So we see that a lot of pastors today are doing that. Like I said, they're acting exactly like Chris Cuomo, they're acting exactly like these worldly puppets of the fake media. Let's go ahead and take a quick break I'm gonna recoup get less angry and talk some Bible tonight some Interesting Bible doctrine. What's the difference? We Giant issue that's a giant topic and there's so much to cover therefore. I'm not gonna hit all points, but I've got six Six main differences Wanted to hear some doctrine tonight as we say it steadfast Jacksonville bars After this old comment versus new company You You Hey, this is bastard Jonathan Schiller from steadfast Baptist Church Just wanted to give you the details about our Conference the fire breathing Baptist fellowship from November 20th to November 24 We meet at our church building at 58 40 Jacksonville Highway in Fort Worth, Texas We're gonna meet at 6 30 this evening and it's gonna be a special service We have two sermons and very excited about that on Wednesday evening We're gonna have pastor Aaron Thompson from sure foundation And we also gonna have pastor Roger minutes we're very bad this first in Sacramento, California in Thursday We're gonna do the same things. We're gonna meet back in the same building at 6 30 p.m But we're gonna have a couple other guest features with us. We're gonna have pastor Grayson Fritz from Knoxville, Tennessee Come and preach for us at all scripture Baptist Church And then we're also having pastor Joe major from faith Baptist Church and violence So they're gonna be there on Thursday evening and then on Friday We're gonna also leave the building at 6 30 p.m. And we're gonna have pastor David persons from Atlanta, Georgia He's gonna be coming from stronghold Baptist Church preaching for us. And then we're also gonna have pastor Steven Anderson So we've got a great lineup for those three nights and then on Saturday, we're gonna have a time of soul winning fellowship We're gonna be meeting at the building at 9 a.m. And without so many attending and then we'll kind of a free lunch time And we're gonna do some ice skating later that afternoon So we'd love for you to be able to join us for any and all of the events We'll put some more details in the description below as well as the information on Facebook But we're really excited about this conference on Sunday. We'll close off the weekend I'll be preaching both Sunday morning and Sunday evening services So we'd love for you to join us for this time of fellowship if you want any any questions or you need any more You can always email the church to step as Baptist AJV at gmail.com and we'd love to see you there. God bless that big day My name is Matt Powell I was in the Hebrew roots movement for almost two years and a lot of the doctrines that they taught people they hit on The surface and they wouldn't just come out and actually tell me what they believed And so all my friends in the Hebrew roots movement a lot of them just didn't say hey I believe that you can lose your salvation They would hide those beliefs and so coming out of the Hebrew roots movement has been a blessing And I hope that ultimately in this film that we can reach the people of the Hebrew roots movement with the gospel My name is David dong era and I grew up in the Hebrew roots movement and Thank God today. I know the truth and looking hindsight. I think that a lot of the things that I experienced and learned Especially a doctrine I think I can be a blessing to those that are still there today In the late 1800s modern Hebrew was invented and when modern Hebrew was invented the name Yeshua was invented with it So when somebody says that they're going back to the original they're not going back to the original at all In fact, they're going back to a counterfeit the name Yeshua was not invented till the 1800s So to say that it's his original name is false When I thank everybody for watching the sword of the spirit podcast tonight live Hello to the chat room Rhea YouTube 100 pillar in ground who was exhorting me to get more angry Brother Peter James, I'm gonna pop a blood vessel here. It's not good for my health there is such a thing as righteous anger all kidding aside and I Do sometimes lose it but It's not my intention It really is not my intention to get up here and scream the whole time, but sometimes I just get Passionate about things and I can't really help it faithful word Baptist 1611 Andrew J William Edward Hackman, I also saw Dustin lone and for those of you who follow Pastor Anderson's channel He's a big part of the Steven and it's her Anderson uncensored Q&A livestream and The Fed is in there as well I agree with that and the Fed talked about that last week on the show if you're just tuning in for the first time I saw a question in there from someone I forgot exactly who about whether or not you can tune into the show Outside of YouTube you can the audio only podcast. It's available on the stitcher radio app and also on Apple podcasts So if you just search for the term been the Baptist use all one word You will find sort of the spirit there and you could subscribe to it and get the podcast Every single week. It's uploaded as soon as the show goes off there. It might take some time It might appear probably the next morning Tuesday morning But regardless there is another way for you to tune in other than just YouTube And I think that's one of the reasons why I even wanted to start this is to give people an alternate platform To listen to this show because there is gonna come a day in which I can't upload the YouTube anymore Unfortunately, and I'm sure one of these podcasts will eventually get taken down from YouTube So for now since I'm under the radar on Apple podcasts and stitcher I'm using them until I eventually get taken off there and then I'll have to find another place to broadcast the message But Jesus said to go to the highest hilltop and preach from there. So that's what I'm trying to do and Turn hearts and minds to Christ now one aspect of the show is I don't only like to talk about current events which I do Regularly, but I also like to do interviews on this show and next Monday night at 9 p.m. Eastern Time I'm gonna have a very special guest from the pillar and ground YouTube channel Which was on hiatus for a little bit but is now back and you could argue It's better than ever with brother Peter James pillar and ground make sure you subscribe to it now Or when the show goes off the air whenever you find to be most convenient, but Peter James will be here next Monday 9 Eastern and we will be talking about the Implementation of a Christian theocracy what that would look like We'll see the perfect implementation of that when Jesus Christ Literally rules and reigns from Jerusalem one day starting at the millennium But what exactly would a Christian theocracy look like? Why would we like to see one? Brother Peter James will be here to discuss that topic with me next Monday at 9 Can't wait for that a lot of atheists a lot of God haters and watered-down Christians Would shudder to think about a Christian theocracy. They don't like it a lot of Christians and I'm about to get into this here They pretend like the Buddha the book of Leviticus doesn't exist and a lot of them say things like well the Jews They believe the Old Testament Christians believe the New Testament as if Christians have completely thrown out the Old Testament wrong lies And by the way, the Jews don't believe in the Old Testament because if they believed in the Old Testament they believe in Jesus Isn't that what Jesus said that if they received Moses and the prophets they would have received him, but they didn't the reason why they rejected Christ And the reason why they reject Christ today is because they reject the Old Covenant if you watch marching to Zion You'll see a lot of these Jews don't even believe the stories in the Old Testament are supposed to be taken literally but rather Figuratively, they're also very liberal from a social standpoint as well So something to keep in mind a talking point for whenever someone tells you Well, the Jews believe the Old Testament and Christians believe the New Testament wrong. No, they don't now What is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant? That's what I want to get in to here for the remainder of tonight's broadcast Now this is a very heavy Meaty topic and so I'm not gonna be able to get into all the differences tonight in great detail But when you're doing a podcast, I think it would be prudent for you to at least just touch on the surface level fundamental Level issues when it comes to doctrine and in this scenario, I think when it comes to the Old Covenant versus the New Covenant I just want to give you guys the fundamentals something that you can take a good foundation that you could take with you and then build on in your own study I Don't have all the answers. I don't pretend to have all the answers. But what I do like to talk about is Again fundamental truths that you can take and then build on yourself six points. I want to cover tonight Six Points I want to cover tonight six differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. So let's dive right in here The first difference is that the Old Covenant law was written on tables of stone Whereas the New Testament in the New Testament God's law is written on your heart in Exodus chapter 24 verse 12 the Bible says and the Lord sent unto Moses Come up to me into the mount and be there and I will give thee tables of stone and a law and commandments which I have written that thou mayest teach them and of course in the New Testament the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 8 which by the way, the book of Hebrews is essentially a commentary on the Old Testament It's one of my favorite books of the Bible because it explains to you what the carnal ordinance is and all these different Old Testament pictures actually represented and what their fulfillment is in the New Testament. It's a great book And I really enjoy studying it. It says in Hebrews 8 10 for this is the covenant that I would make with their With the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their mind And write them in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me Of people what I believe that's referencing is the Holy Ghost and so the Holy Spirit The presence of God is who you're sealed with when you get saved And so in that manner God's law now written on your heart rather than on Tables of stone which is what they were written on obviously When it comes to the Old Covenant and written on tables of stone and then placed in the Ark of the Covenant We know that Moses broke those tables when he saw the Israelites Worshipping a golden calf when he saw idolatry Permeating Israel he got angry and those tables were broken Picturing that even Moses broke the Old Covenant even Moses broke the Old Covenant the second difference Regarding the priesthood. Is that the Old Covenant priesthood was hereditary whereas the new and physical the New Testament priesthood is Spiritual and under the New Covenant. It doesn't matter who your daddy is It doesn't matter what lineage you come from. We're all one in Christ Jesus Whether you're a Jew or Greek whether you're male or female whether you're black or white green or yellow I don't care what color you are. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you have something in common with me You're saved and you have the Holy Spirit and you're of Christ It says in Exodus 29 in verse 44 and I will sanctify the tabernacle of the congregation in the altar I will sanctify also both Aaron and his sons to minister to me in the priest's office When it comes to the high priest it had to be someone Who was Aaronic meaning that it was someone who was of Aaron his sons and The priesthood in general was a Levitical priesthood meaning that in order to be a priest you had to be of the tribe of Levi well in the New Testament that changed and the Bible tells us in Hebrews that Because there was a change of the priesthood that signified also a change of the law But it says in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 9 a famous scripture in My estimation at least and a good one to go to if you want to try and prove Replacement theology it says in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 9, but ye talking to it audience That is not exclusively Jews, by the way. This is a Gentile audience. This epistle was written to The Saints in Asia minor it says in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 9, but ye are a chosen generation a royal Priesthood and holy nation a Peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light so under the New Covenant when you get saved you become a Priest now, here's why that makes sense because When you Get saved you now have access to the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ That's why we pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus by his authority Now in the Old Testament one of the ways in which people Communicated with God or had access to God was through the priesthood Well now you are a priest when you get saved another reason why The priesthood in Catholicism is a satanic lie and a counterfeit When you get saved you yourself become a priest and I'm not talking about these pedophile priests in a box who listen to people confess their sins to them and Do horrific things to children. That's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about a true biblical priest according to New Testament Christianity Now when it comes to the high priest like I mentioned moments ago They were ironic they had to be Aaron's sons now when it You know with respect to that There were many high priests in the Old Testament. It was hereditary. It was physical Also in the Old Testament There were multiple sacrifices done. It wasn't just one sacrifice there were sacrifices done on a set schedule Also, the high priests in the Old Testament were sinners the Bible tells us that there's not a just man upon the earth that do with good and sinneth not So every man who's ever been born is a sinner Jesus Christ was not a sinner because God can't sin But the high priests in the Old Testament were sinners because they were men they offered sacrifices for themselves And For the errors of the people the Bible says they offered animal sacrifices they entered a tabernacle that was made by man and As I said earlier they offered a way for people to communicate with God now here's the difference between that between the high priests in the Old Testament and the high priest Jesus Christ who's revealed as our high priest in the New Testament There's one high priest now. This is what that Priesthood is picturing. What does the high priest picture? He pictures Jesus Christ our high priest by the way There's just one and it's Jesus and there's also the high priest Jesus Christ. He offered just one sacrifice Forever Himself from the foundation of the world. The Bible says that he's the lamb slain from the foundation of the world The Bible says that all he had to do was die one time. Why do you think? Moses was rebuked by God because he smote the rock twice He was rebuked because Moses smiting the rock twice Pictures Jesus Christ being smitten truck twice because the rock pictures Christ Well, Jesus didn't have to be smitten twice. He only had to die once And of course Jesus was not a sinner like I've already touched on the Bible says that he knew no sin The Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin That we might be made the righteousness of God in him. He offered a sacrifice Solely for the transgressions of others whereas the high priests who were men in the Old Testament offered sacrifices for themselves also Jesus offered himself rather than an animal sacrifice and he entered a heavenly tabernacle Whereas the high priests Aaron's sons they entered a physical tabernacle and also Jesus Christ He offers us a chance to pray directly to God the Father through his authority Now the Old Testament sacrifices. Here's another difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant Is that the Old Testament sacrifices were physical whereas New Testament sacrifices are spiritual the Bible tells us in Leviticus chapter 2 and when they will offer a meat offering unto the Lord his offering shall be a fine flour and he shall pour Oil upon it and put frankincense thereon and he shall bring it to Aaron sons the priests and he shall take there out his Handful of the flour thereof and of the oil thereof with all the frankincense thereof and the priest shall burn the memorial of it Upon the altar to be made an offering made by fire of a sweet savor unto the Lord now That's just an example of one of the many offerings that had to be made in the the old Under the Old Covenant this one right here is the meat offering. They also offered up animals as a Sacrifice but the Bible tells us in 1st Peter chapter 2 he also was lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices Acceptable to God by Jesus Christ whereas in the Old Testament they offered up physical Sacrifices and physical offerings in the New Testament. We offer up spiritual Sacrifices spiritual sacrifices for example, like being thankful offering up praise to the Lord and being Gracious and thankful to God there are other spiritual sacrifices you could offer as well the fruit of your lips the Bible talks about in Hebrews chapter 13 and Your body the Bible talks about your body being offered as a living sacrifice a spiritual Sacrifice so that's a change there under the Old Covenant. We know that the sacrifices Picture Jesus Christ it tells us in Hebrews chapter 7 talking about Jesus who needeth not daily as those high priests to offer up Sacrifice first for his own sins and then for the people's for this he did once and that he offered up Himself and of course the Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter 9 how much more shall the blood of Christ? it's it actually it says in verse number 13 of that chapter for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the what and the Ashes of an high first spring thing the unclean Sanctified to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit? Offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God so we see a contrast being made there between the bulls and goats that were offered and Jesus that if they were if they Were able to make they sanctified the flesh rather than the Old Testament That's what they were able to do Then imagine what Jesus could do what his one offering did for you in a spiritual sense the offering the Sacrifices all that physical in the Old Testament whereas in the New Testament it was spiritual now another comparison You could make is that in the Old Covenant? They dwelt in a physical nation That's what was associated with that Old Covenant whereas a spiritual nation is Associated with the New Covenant the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 3 here therefore Oh Israel and observe to do it that I may that it may be well with thee and that she may increase mightily as the Lord God of thy fathers had promised thee in the land that floweth with milk and honey and it was that land that flows with milk and honey that God had Sanctified set apart and preserved for the children of Israel to inherit a land He wanted them to inherit to be a physical nation so that they can be a light to the Gentiles so that they could be Separate and sanctified a different nation compared to the heathen nations surrounding it and the nations that at one point Occupied the land God wanted those nations to be expelled in favor of Israel Of course, they failed at being a light to the Gentiles. They failed at being sanctified They broke God covenant with them. And so they were vomited out of that land We know that in 70 AD the Roman Empire came in and stopped them out Well now Jesus Christ, of course, he tells us and we know according to Matthew chapter 21 this truth has been revealed When Jesus said the kingdom shall be taken the kingdom will be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and so in the New Testament We dwell in a spiritual nation the spiritual nation of Israel The prerequisite to be a citizen is for you to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ It says in Galatians 6 16 that as many as walk according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel of God if you're saved you're a part of the Israel of God a Spiritual nation that has existed going all the way back to the beginning that does include the Old Testament It's a spiritual nation that has always existed and it's that spiritual nation that the Bible talks about in Romans 11 26 when it says and so all Israel shall be saved as as it is written There's a kind of come out of Zion a deliverer and shall turn away on godliness from Jacob We know that occurred when Jesus Christ died on the cross was buried and rose again God's new covenant That he made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah is speaking to a spiritual nation the spiritual seed that the Abrahamic covenant applies to now the Next point I want to make I'm not sure if this is my fourth point or not I'm not sure I've lost count. But anyway, we'll move on here the old covenant contained carnal ordinances divers Washings meats drinks etc. Whereas the new covenant contains ordinances such as the Lord's Supper and Baptism the Bible says in Leviticus chapter 5 or if a soul touch any unclean thing whether it be a carcass of an unclean beast or a carcass of unclean cattle or the carcass of unclean creeping things And if it be hidden from him, he also shall be unclean and guilty. So what's this talking about? This is the law Regarding the clean and the unclean I think the primary purpose of this law was to sanctify the children of Israel from the heathen nations Surrounding it so that they're different now. There might be a spiritual application. I'm not sure what that is yet Hopefully I'll find out one day. There was a dietary law as well instituted under the old comment It says in Leviticus chapter 11 verse 7 and the swine This is just an example and the swine though He divided the hoof and the cloven footed yet. He cheweth not the cut He is unclean to you of their flesh shall ye not eat and their carcass shall ye not touch So under the old covenant there was a dietary law and there were certain meats there were certain Foods that they couldn't eat that were considered unclean now the error of the Hebrew roots Judaizers those Antichrists who reject the gospel and hate Jesus Christ They call his name accursed and the Bible says that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed he heard the promo for the upcoming documentary against the Hebrew roots movement being produced by brother Matt Powell coming soon. Make sure you tune in for that when it's released. But anyway the error of false heretics like them those deceivers is that they believe The dietary law still applies today and that you need to avoid eating shellfish and that you need to avoid eating certain foods but in reality the dietary law has been fulfilled and That's exactly what the Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter number nine Let me flip over there real quickly Hebrews chapter number nine. It tells us in Hebrews chapter number nine It says The Holy Ghost this signifying that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest Well as the first tabernacle was yet standing which was a figure For the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the surface perfect as pertaining to the conscience listen to this which stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until what Until forever no imposed on them until The time of Reformation now it would have been forever if the old covenant was kept forever But what does the Bible say in Hebrews chapter 8 for finding fault with them? He saith behold the days come saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt because they continued not in my covenant and I regarded them not sayeth the Lord they're the ones who broke the Old covenant it was the Jews who couldn't handle it now the dietary law has been fulfilled it was imposed until the time of Reformation, which is the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and of course he was buried and he rose again the third day at Calvary The Bible also says in 1st Timothy chapter 4 that those who would have teach people to abstain from meats are Teaching a doctrine of devils. That's what the Hebrew roots movement teaches a doctrine of Devils now, of course We do know that in the Old Testament there were certain feast days that they had to adhere to and I'll give you some Examples of that you had the Passover the Passover pictures the blood of the Lamb The blood of the Lamb covering your sins, particularly the blood of the Lamb of God Jesus Christ Covering your sins for salvation so that when the blood was applied on the doorposts in Egypt that blood enabled the children of Israel To not be affected by the wrath of God back then Well, the same thing is true if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ his blood Protects you from God's wrath and it passes over you just as sure as it passed over the Israelites who were Captives in Egypt This is unrelated. But somebody says in the chat room bro. J Stu kjv USA equals Babylon now, that's end times We're not talking about that. But I do agree. I do agree. I just want to get some comments from the chat we've also got Some other things here Grammy Steven or I should say Grammy seven Steven that's a man's name Grammy seven says so glad to know the spiritual seed. Amen to that Grammy seven also says yes praise the Lord for taking me out of the demonic Roman Catholic Church That's right. The Roman Catholic Church is demonic. It's wicked. They teach a false doctrine. It's not Christianity They teach a false gospel and many false doctrines I should say but anyway, the Passover is an example of that and I showed you what it pictures also instituted under the Old Covenant is the Feast of unleavened bread which took place the day after the Passover on the 15th day of the first month of the Hebrew calendar year and the Feast of unleavened bread Symbolizes the sinlessness of Jesus Christ because leaven Tipifies sin the Feast of the firstfruits is another example, which clearly symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ our firstfruits from the dead So those are just some examples there But the Bible says in Leviticus chapter 23 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel and saying to them Concerning the feasts of the Lord which he shall proclaim to be holy Convocations even these are my feasts and so there were certain feast days that They had to keep under the Old Covenant It was an extra it was an important aspect of being a part of that physical nation of Israel But as members of the spiritual nation of Israel You don't have to worry about keeping any feast days because they've been fulfilled in Jesus Christ and the Bible says in Colossians 2 16 let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holy day or of the new moon or of The Sabbath days you don't have to keep the Sabbath you don't have to keep these feasts anymore under the New Covenant What we do keep under the New Covenant is the Lord's Supper and the Bible talks about that I'll give you an example in 1st Corinthians 11 It says in verse 24 and when he had given thanks he break in and said take eat This is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me Paul quoting what Jesus said After the same manner also he took the cup which he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do Ye as off as you drink it in Remembrance of me for as often as he eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord Unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord So clearly I gave you a few example there of the feast days and how the Passover Points to Jesus Christ being slain and his blood Covering our sin making it possible for God's wrath to pass over us the wrath that you would have Experienced in hell had you not gotten saved the Feast of Unleavened Bread the sinless is Christ the Feast of the firstfruits Etc and the Feast of weeks which points to the day of Pentecost those point to things that have been fulfilled by Christ, but the land the the the Lord's Supper that points back to What Jesus Christ accomplished for us at Calvary in verse 27 when it says whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of? The Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the bloody the body and blood of the Lord is talking about those who would Participate in the Lord's Supper while not being saved. That's a bad idea I'll just leave it at that different topic for a different time We also have baptism in the New Testament Which should be done in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost why because God is a Trinity there is one God and he is Father-son Holy Ghost three distinct persons with three wills and three Centers of consciousness yet. They are one God and so when Jesus Christ When Jesus Christ sorry, I like to look down at the chat from time to time just to see what's going on in there It can get crazy at times but when Jesus established Baptism when he made that commandment notice what he says in Matthew 28 19 go ye therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost You say well, what about the book of Acts when the Apostles are baptizing in the name of Jesus? Well, I believe they were doing that by the authority of Jesus Not verbatim in the name of Jesus what they said verbatim is the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost That of course points back to the death-grown resurrection of Jesus So there are certain ordinances that we follow under the New Covenant but of course they're different than the Old Covenant because There has been a change also of the law just to sure as the priesthood has been changed So These are some of the things that have been changed Now notice I didn't say anything about God's moral law So when I and others Preach Leviticus 2013 that's just as relevant today as it was when Moses received the law At the top about Sinai and if you don't like that then go cry about it because that's Bible for you today And we need more men to stand up for the Word of God Leviticus 2013 and God's moral law in general is still relevant It hasn't been done away with when I quoted to you Hebrews chapter 9 Did you notice it said nothing about his moral law? and that's part of the reason why I wanted to record this podcast tonight because it's so important to understand the true distinction not the distinction that you hear people making in the world and Unsaved false prophets who can't understand scripture because the natural man received but not the things of the Spirit of God Another difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament point number five is that When it comes to the Old Testament God dwelt in a physical temple Whereas in the New Testament God dwells in your body you have the Holy Ghost inside you if you're saved first Kings chapter 9 Notice what it says in verse number 2 First Kings chapter 9 verse 2 that the Lord appeared to Solomon the second time as he had appeared unto him at Gibeon and the Lord sent in him I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication that thou hast made before me I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built to put my name there forever and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually So God dwelt in the tabernacle the Ark of the Covenant Symbolized the presence of God it was placed in the tabernacle That's where God dwelt now in the New Covenant the Bible says first Corinthians 3 16 No, ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in You so watch how you live Christian. You got to watch how you live You got to make sure that you're not defiling the temple of God through fornication or adultery or other sins Because God might decide to destroy your temple and Take you home early. Didn't he destroy the temple in the Old Testament? Oh, yeah He did he sent Babylon to destroy it and then guess what he did after that He sent the Roman Empire to destroy it in 70 AD So if he would destroy that building he make no mistake about it He can and will destroy your body if you as a saved Christian decide to go out and live like the heathen and live like the world and commit wicked sins and Backslide finally the last point I want to talk about tonight The New Covenant brings spiritual salvation The New Covenant brings spiritual salvation the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 15 and for this cause He is the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death For the redemption of the transgressions that were under the First Testament They which are called might receive the promise of eternal Inheritance so the New Testament those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ That covers the transgressions that were under the Old Testament Romans 8 says for what the law could not do and that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin Condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh But after the spirit So what was the purpose of the law to bring you to Christ? It's a schoolmaster to bring you to Christ and before Christ came They called on God for salvation. It was always by faith and guess what? under the Old Testament When they called on God for salvation It was just as sure their sins were paid for just like that as if it had already happened because Jesus is the lamb Slain as if the death and resurrection Resurrection already happened because Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world Salvation has always been by faith the New Testament saves but that New Covenant Applies to the transgressions that were under the Old Covenant So those people who couldn't keep God's law, even though they were living before Christ's earthly ministry the reality is simple if they called on God for salvation if they believed on God for salvation They were saved Galatians 3 21 is the law then against the promises of God God forbid for there had been a law I'm sorry for if there had been a law given which could have given life Verily righteousness should have been given by the law But the scripture concluded all understand that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that Believe according to the Bible if there was a law that could Give that could offer you Righteousness that could make it possible for you to go to heaven then righteousness itself would have been by the law But that's not the case. And in fact, it's never the case no matter what the dipstick liars tell you. It's never been the case Salvation has always been by faith It'll always be by faith and it was always by faith going back to the very beginning But the Differences though the Old Covenant God's law couldn't save anyone Nobody can keep it, but the New Covenant saves and it covers the transgressions that were under the Old Covenant as well So those are some of the differences between the two The error again, and I know I've touched on this a lot But the error of many people out there is they just say alright, let's just throw out the Old Testament now But if that were the case Then we would also have to throw out God's moral law Which is total and complete nonsense because that would mean it's permissible for you to go out and murder people now But that's obviously not the case God's moral law still stands and we know he supports the death penalty We know that he supports certain measures to try and root out Sodomites like stoning them to death that's Leviticus 2013 and We know what he feels about these people We know what he feels about murder that murderers should be put to death we know how he feels about adultery these things haven't changed and The thing is you have to think about it like this and I've brought up this example before but if I were to tell my wife If I were to tell her this look You don't need to cook dinner anymore I'll cook dinner from now on you don't have to do it anymore Does that mean since there's been a change of that aspect of the law in the Naim household? That all of a sudden she can just throw out everything else Does that mean she could wear pants now? Does that mean she could just do whatever she wants? No, of course not Jesus Christ and the New Testament in general articulates to what what specifically has been changed and The things that haven't been changed It's not necessary for Jesus to reiterate those things again in the New Testament because you can just read about them in the Old Testament It's that simple so that's why I wanted to do this podcast because I think this truth needs to be spelled out for people so that there can Be a little bit less confusion and we can Not be smeared when we preach out of the New Testament when we preach out of Leviticus and Exodus and Deuteronomy and Numbers etc because that stuff the Bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine and There are still things that apply today God's moral law But there are differences and I think that this video or this YouTube This podcast what I should say Encapsulated some of those differences But folks that's gonna do it for this edition of the sort of the spirit podcast I want to thank the audience for tuning win tuning in bearing with me through this live stream And if you liked it come back again next time I want to see you again in the chat room. If you listen live be there Next Monday night at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. I'll be here with brother Peter James He's gonna be the special guest for the show. I can't wait for that show. It's gonna be a lot of fun We'll be talking about What a Christian theocracy might look like if it were to be implemented and we know it will be during the millennium And that'll be fun when God brings back his law when Jesus Christ Rules with a rod of iron a lot of liberals a lot of watered-down people out there Waterdown so-called Christians, they're not gonna be very happy about that, but it's gonna happen whether they like it or not. And So I can't wait to talk about that topic next week with brother Peter James his YouTube channel is pillar and ground make sure you subscribe to it and he'll be here next Monday at 9 Eastern until then this is Benjamin name signing off Another episode of the program is in the books. Make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel at youtube.com Slash bend the Baptist. Thank you to a real YouTube 100. We've got blessed be Beep be pleased. Oh Lord to deliver me kjb and I have be only as that's a long YouTube channel name there But thank you for tuning in Safari Sam Andrew J and others in the chat room. I do really appreciate your support hit the subscribe button if you'd like some more content But for now, I'm gonna sign off God bless you all And I'll talk to you guys again after a while You You You You You