(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Welcome to the Rod of Iron podcast, Fundamental Baptists breaking down discussions, dogma, and daily events. I am your host, Pastor Bruce Mejia of First Works Baptist Church, joined by the fundamentals of our church, Brother Haik Tov Mason, Brother Cody Houck, and at the board we have Brother Ulysses Hernandez. This is episode one of season number five. Five. You said what happened to all the other episodes in season four? What other episodes? What season four? What season four? It was a hiccup of a season. Okay, we're gonna go ahead and forget about it. It's a new year, new me, new podcast, amen? So 2024 season five, episode one. And this evening we're gonna talk about... Well, we're gonna talk a little bit about the Crunchy Mamas as an introduction, but we're mainly gonna focus on the Jews and their tunnels. What? This is a really big thing going on right now. That's what we call it. And so we're looking forward to a great episode tonight. Gentlemen, are we ready? Yeah, we're ready. Let's do it. Well, good evening gentlemen. How's it going? Should I say what I typically say? It's been a while, but we're back. Took a little break. I gotta say all the cliches of the... Little hiatus. Little hiatus, little Sabbath, little sabbatical. I gotta say all the cliches that I typically say. Did you check the cameras? Mascafé, that one's for Pastor Shelley. And what else did I forget anything? Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan. Ah, dang. See, joke's on you. See? See what happens when you try to be funny? That's why we need to bring it up again. See, this is why I have to constantly talk about it, because apparently you're not getting it. No, I'm just kidding. It's Genghis Khan. Is it? Really? I thought it was Genghis. Me too. Boy, I used to put a J in front of everything. It's because you guys don't read. It's because you guys don't read. That's why. Genghis Khan. So you guys bring your Stanley cups or what? My wife's got one. No. Yeah. My wife's got two. Oh, dang. I love my wife more. Just kidding. I got her a tank of a Stanley. It's like a Stanley. I mean, what do you call it? It's not even a tumbler anymore, right? What is that? Like a jug? Was that the gallon one? It's like a 65-ounce one, I think. And then she has her regular girly one. The very pastel pink. My wife's pink as well. Yeah. I got my wife hers a year ago before all the real big controversy came up. Yeah. What controversy are you talking about? I don't know. There just used to be a lot of people that hate this cup. I don't know. Stanley's originally started out as a male dominated cup, and then transitioned to becoming... I guess that's not a good word, huh? Transition. Became like a woman's cup. But ladies love that cup. They just... I actually don't know why they do. It's just the trendy thing right now. It's a trendy thing. But are all trends really bad though? No. You know what I mean? Can we say that trendiness is sinful in and of itself? To be trendy? Just because something popular comes up and you just join it? Especially when it's like a water cup. Yeah. Basically, if it makes you drink more water... Sounds pretty good. And the ladies like it. It's all fashionable. The ladies like it. They look fashionable. What'd you say? It makes you drink more water? Well, if you own one, it's to put water in and you carry it around because you want to... Not you, you. I'm talking about women. The universal... The women, they carry it around and they like to look trendy with it, but if it has water, they're going to drink out of it. My wife drinks a lot more water nowadays. Yeah. So does my wife because of it. I feel like it serves its purpose. And in my opinion, if you get me to spend a little cup or extra dollars to get a little more discipline in a certain area, why not? It's a good gift for a husband to give to a wife too. It's kind of like... Sometimes husbands are like, what do I get? It's a really easy one to get. It's girly. It's very girly. I don't really know what girly is, but I just... Whatever my wife has, I just consider to be girly because she's a very girly woman. Looks stylish, trendy. I don't want one. I got a Yeti. Because I know they have the male versions. Yeah. Of the Stanley, but I feel like Stanley now is like a woman's... Yeah. I don't think a guy could get a Stanley. You want to be a Stanley boy? I don't want to be a Stanley boy, but you got to take it easy because there's a couple guys in our church that have Stanley's, I think, if I'm not mistaken. In fact, this empty seat to the left of me, I think he has a Stanley cup. I'm sure it's navy blue. I'm sure it's dark gray. Nah, it's pink. Nah, I don't know. Probably they have black or something. I'm just saying, Stanley is no longer... You don't think of a thermos anymore. No. You think of those cups. I didn't even know they had a thermos before. See what I mean? Yeah. See what I'm talking about? But in my opinion, if a trend helps you to be more disciplined or helps you in a certain area, I don't see anything wrong with it. For example, the carnivore diet is a trendy diet, but it's good for you. People benefit from it. But like all trends, there's always going to be haters of that trend. But at the end of the day, if it's improving a person's life somehow, if they do it and it improves their life and there's nothing sinful about it, then let them have it. You know what I mean? I'm just saying, because old IFB will often just criticize everything that's trendy and stylish, but just because it's trendy and stylish. So should we be just like, I don't know, Amish? They're just leaning towards the Amish mentality. Is it because they considered coveting after something or just because somebody has it, then you also have to have it? Yeah, probably. They're probably just because people want it. But here's the thing is just like, you know, they covet too. They desire things that they don't call out. You know what I mean? They probably like specific cars or clothing. You know what I mean? It's like the Amish. You know what I mean? The Amish, they're all like uniform in how they live, but you know Amish are comparing their buggies. One's a little more newer than the other. They're comparing their horses. It's always going to exist to a certain extent. You know what I mean? I think you could desire something without becoming covetous though. I mean, if you could get a Stanley. Yeah, exactly. If you could just get it. It's a small price to pay if you want to make your wife happy, right? I don't even think it's that expensive. It's like 40 bucks, I think it is. Yeah. The one that I got my wife, that big jug. I don't know. I think it was like 100 bucks, but it's making her drink more water. So why not? Yeah. And you know, if the girls feel a little stylish as they're drinking water, then so be it. If they want to look a little more trendy and stylish, but it's making them drink water, you don't need to have at it. You know what I mean? Do they even look trendy when they drink it? I'm just saying what they think. You know what I mean? That's what they do. And I'm not saying that you have to be trendy to drink water. I'm just saying if it helps someone to do that, to drink water, or to be disciplined in a certain area, then so be it. You know what I mean? It's just weird that when people just become a little too overly aggressive, which leads me to a particular point that I've been thinking about. You guys know the crunchy movement? Yeah. Like the crunchy mamas? Yeah. The holistic. Holistic. That stuff is good. You know what I mean? But I actually came across an Instagram page, and it's of a crunchy mama, but she's actually making fun of the crunchy mama world. And I actually reposted one of her videos because it's actually really funny. And it's like she comes home, and she sits down, and her husband's there, and then she's like, honey, can you give me a foot rub? And he's like, honey, come on. She's like, what? And he's like, well, you're grounding all day. You know what grounding is? It's like when you're just walking barefoot. And she's like, oh, it's not that bad, but you look at her feet, and they're just dirty as hell, just like mud and dirt. And she's just exposing. She's being facetious, obviously, but she's saying sometimes crunchy mamas are a little extreme on certain areas. And she has another video where she's eating a Popsicle, and she brings it to her husband, and she's like, you want a Popsicle? And he's not crunchy. So the idea is she's the extreme one, and he's not. So he's like, you want a Popsicle? And he's like, oh, yeah, I love them. I love Popsicles. And he grabs it, and he starts eating. She's like, it's bone broth. It's like a bone broth. It's really healthy, and it's like, what in the world? But that's something a crunchy mama would do. So it shows you the extreme world of it. And the thing is, it's good to be a crunchy mama. It's good to be a crunchy person, period. Look at the definition of crunchy mama. It's good to have that holistic view and know what are the dangers of the foods that you eat, the air that you breathe, the things that you use, or whatever. Just to kind of have a, be your own doctor. That's basically like the philosophy. It's like, be your own doctor. Do your own research. Know what, what does that say? The term crunchy mom is typically used to describe a mother or female caregiver who typically follows a natural lifestyle and incorporates it into their parenting. A crunchy mom attempts to avoid modern medicine, limits reliance on technology, and eats only organic foods. So at face value, it's just like, cool. But the thing is, there's nothing wrong with that. Because you look at it as like, oh, that's good. But sometimes people can become so crunchy that they almost develop a holier than thou disposition, where it impedes them from socially interacting with others. And then they don't become charitable towards others. They can't interact with people. They can't go to people's houses. Because some people aren't as crunchy as them or something. Or yeah, or if they're just not crunchy at all. Yeah. That lady has this one video where it's like, they went to the friend's house. And a friend's like, oh, he comes and he brings him a cup of water. And she drinks it. And the husband's like, where'd you guys get the water from? And they're like, oh, it's just tap water. And then she's like, what if she just spits it out? Because God forbid she should drink tap water. At least it's not Arrowhead. Yeah, Arrowhead is gross. But obviously it's a joke, right? But the thing is, it's showing this world where people can't socially interact with other individuals and have charity towards them. They can't drink the water that's given to them. They can't eat the foods that are being presented. And God forbid you should ever have Thanksgiving dinner with a crunchy family. Really? Oh yeah, because there's certain sugars you can't have, foods you can't have, this has this, this is carcinogenic. And like, oh, don't light a candle, that's really bad. And so it's like a philosophy that's good, but when taken to an extreme, it's really annoying. You don't really want to be around people like that. And it's kind of crazy that they wouldn't have the discretion to just be kind to a person when they go to a person's house or something like that, and not express those extreme views to a person that doesn't really have those views. We're gonna talk about biblical views here, you know what I mean? This is like a standard, and people can make it a conviction based upon the evidence that's presented out there. But at the end of the day, as Christians, our Christian values and principles supersede that. So according to the Bible, eat what is before you, asking no questions for conscience sake. And the principle there is that you do it for the person who's giving it to you, you're being charitable towards that individual. You have a weaker conscience than you, you gotta be kind towards them and just do it anyways, you know what I mean? And so that's why right now I'm on carnivore, but I think right now is the best time to be on carnivore, because I'm not traveling. It's after the holidays and stuff too. It's after the holidays, but also I'm not traveling, because if I travel, I gotta eat whatever people put before me. Right. I'm not gonna be like, oh no, I can't touch those carbs, I'm on a cut right now, what are you doing to me? You know what I mean? You just gotta be kind and not be an obnoxious jerk. Come across as a jerk. Yeah. Because what if I traveled and I went to someone's house and they made me a meal and it's just carved up? Yeah, what's in there? Yeah, oh, can I just not have this and can I just have this part right here? And it's just not a Christian thing to do, you know what I mean? And so obviously it's good to be crunchy, it's good to have that holistic disposition, but you gotta be flexible. And most of these people, like the real extreme ones, they're the ones that move from the city and go to the middle of nowhere to live in the middle of the forest somewhere where the air is cleaner, blah, blah, blah, which obviously I think anybody would like to do that. But as a Christian, we don't really have the luxury to do that, because according to the Bible, we are to center our lives around spiritual things like the church. And I've seen a lot of these crunchy mamas and stuff on Instagram and stuff, and they'll be in the middle of nowhere in the woods and they want their own farm and they wanna just make everything there. And it seems nice, but it's not really something that- It's not realistic. I mean, but at the same time, you wanna be the center of Instagram? What is it? What do you really want? Do you want the attention or do you wanna be at home? And at the end of the day, again, in a perfect world, we can move out in the middle of nowhere if there is a fundamental Baptist church there, and there's a lot of people there. But you know what? We don't live in that world. God wants us to be where people are. And I'm not against raising chickens and stuff, I think that's great if you have the capability of doing so, but... It's not at the expense of just being in the middle of nowhere with your chickens, and you're not able to go preach the gospel, you're not going to church. You're not sowing, you're not... Everything comes at a price. Joining to a church, you know what I mean? And then another thing is like, well, we don't live in the city because of the air quality is so bad. But at the end of the day, there has to come a point... And I'm referring to those who are Christians, because people who are just crunchy and a holistic living is a religion to them. They're on a different plane, they obviously don't care what the Bible says, and they can claim Christianity all they want. Christians should know better though. There's a lot of them on social media, they claim to be Christians, but I wanna know what kind of church they go to, first and foremost. I wanna know what their doctrine is. And I wanna see if they take a holistic approach to the Bible, and not just pick and choose, you know what I mean? Certain parts of the Bible that aligns with their crunchy philosophy. As Christians, we're to take a holistic approach and take the entire Bible and obey all the commandments of God. And so for them, it's just like, well, they only take the health aspects of the Bible, and everything else about church and evangelism and soul winning and fellowship and love for the brethren just goes out the window. So Christians can't be falling into that trap, you know what I mean? But if they do, you just gotta remember to be charitable. And the Bible actually says a lot about just not talking. If you can not give your opinion, because you know it might offend your brother, offend your sister, or it's just not necessary, you know what I mean? Then the Bible says you should probably just keep your mouth shut. It's just better that way. Because at the end of the day, it's better to just try to have peace with your brethren. And obviously, there is a time and place for everything. There's a time and place to express that knowledge and talk to your brethren about certain things. But word fitly spoken and due season, how sweet it is. And again, I'm all for the holistic living and all that. Drinking a lot of water, eating organically. Staying away from medicine, like modern medicine, like pills. Yeah, exactly. And for example, my wife and I take a holistic approach to a certain extent. In certain areas of our life, like for example, we have our babies at home. The last baby we had was at home. It was a home birth. The two babies prior to that was at a birthing center. I mean, we're kind of moving along to try to have that liberty to be able to do it as holistic as possible and as natural as possible. But here's the thing, the crunchy mamas, let me show you how extreme they get. Just talk about birth. Okay? Yeah, you know where I'm going with this. It's like they're so crunchy that it's just like, you should eat your freaking placenta. They encourage wives that once the baby is born, the placenta that houses the baby, it comes out and then they're like... Not at the moment, but eventually they consume that placenta. Either they consume it by literally eating it or they put it into pill form. They encapsulate the placenta and then they take it in pill form because they have this view that it's like, oh, it's so good for you and it levels out your hormones and all this stuff. But here's the thing though, that's extreme. And in my opinion, humans don't learn that from other humans or the Bible. You get that from animals because animals do stuff like that. When a dog gives birth, the mom will eat. It's umbilical cord and stuff. That could be the downward spiral too. They get so natural that now they're looking at the animals. They become unnatural. You can't find that in the Bible. You know what I mean? It's not in the Bible and it's just such... Because I remember we were at our old midwife and she was telling my wife, she was trying to encourage her to eat her placenta. And I was just like, we're getting in and out. Because there's an in and out down the street from the midwives and they were like... You can have it. We're just going to do our regular double-double with fries and a shake and a coke. Thanks, but no thanks. Am I supposed to eat that too or what? Is this a two for one? It's just weird. And they're like, oh, once you have it, women who have taken it, they become... Their cheeks get all rosy and stuff. And I'm thinking this is probably an allergic reaction or something, bro. That ain't good. We got makeup at home. We're good. It's a placebo. It's a placebo. We got makeup at home. It's a placebo effect. You know what I mean? But I mean, for example, but we do keep the placebo. We do keep the placenta only because when you have the baby, that's your responsibility. You got to freeze it and you got to throw it away. Freeze it? Where? In the refrigerator, in the freezer. Where else would you freeze it, bro? I go nuts when the cucumbers go bad. I can't imagine that. Placenta in the fridge don't go crazy, bro. I mean, it's not just out in the open. How long has this been in here for? Yeah, it's our job to dispose of it because it's... Where do you dispose of it? In the trash. What do you mean, where? But why do you have to put it in the fridge? Okay, because of the fact that it comes from a human. See, what happens is... Let me explain something to you. So if we were to... Listen, if we're... We get the birds and a bee thought right now. I know. I can't believe I have to explain this. Maybe you can tell us afterwards or something. No, no, no. I want to know. The reason why is because it comes from the body, it has blood, it has all the fluids. So if you just took it and threw it into the trash, what happens to things that came out of a human that's in the trash until trash day comes? It's gonna smell, it's gonna... It comes from a human, it's like... You understand what I'm saying? So you have to freeze it, okay? And then when trash day comes, then you go throw it in the trash. Just time to birth right before the trash day and you're good to go. We're leaving that on the podcast so that everyone knows what a stupid comment that was. And that I did not approve of that dumb comment. But anyways, what I'm saying is that the holistic community, there's people that are for it. There's people that are against it, obviously. I'm one of them. But there's people who are for it and they believe in it. But you don't get that. You get that from animals. You get that idea from animals. And in fact, I'm not fully versed in that whole realm, okay? I just pay for the babies to be born. But I'm not fully versed in the whole placenta thing. But from what I've seen, it's like the placenta is there to absorb all the toxins and all the bad stuff or whatever. So it's like you're consuming it. It's like it's old wives' tale. It's old wives' fable. Probably Jewish too. And it's vain jangling of the holistic world that will increase into more ungodliness and uncleanness. You know what I mean? And it will eat as doth a canker. You understand? And so it's good to exercise yourself into godliness... It's good to do bodily exercise, meaning that you abstain from certain foods and you only eat certain foods, but not at the expense of being charitable towards others and just being obnoxious and being a person who people don't wanna be around. Gotta be mature about it, be kind. And obviously, someone's promoting a particular... Let's say, for example, that there's an individual who just loves McDonald's, right? And they wanna promote McDonald's as being a healthy food and they're on opposition of healthy eating, then obviously you should expose them and be like, no, that's wrong. If that's what you wanna eat and that's your business, but that's wrong. But to kinda just tear people down and stuff like that, just because that's what they do. It's just like, whatever. Obviously, when it comes to vegetarianism and veganism, that's a different story because the Bible is against that. That's not something that's taught in the Bible and that should be exposed. But you know what? The holistic group, the crunchy group, they can be as militant as the vegans. Is this a new fad? How long has this movement been around? They've probably always been around. I mean, there's always been natural people, but you gotta understand something that's like, with the age of the internet, everything is just magnified. So groups grow because of the internet. So there might have been pockets of people who held to these beliefs, but now more people do because of the internet. And this is... I was talking about my wife, and we'll get to the Jews and their tunnels in just a bit. But I was talking to my wife about this, like, you think to yourself, which one's the right diet? And then some people will be like, it's keto, which I was like that. Other people are like, carnivore. No, you gotta do a caloric deficit. No, you gotta eat vegetables. No, you gotta do this. And I've come to the conclusion that when you study all of the foods or diets that people have eaten throughout history, a lot of them don't work and a lot of them do. And because we have the internet and information is so readily available to us, we have essentially a plethora of diets to choose from that all work. And so you can just pick and choose whichever one you want because of the internet. You know what I mean? So it's like, at the end of the day, you just gotta choose which one works for you. And I did keto, it worked for me, but I'm not doing it now because I've just learned a little more and I feel like the carnivore is a better way to go. I've done the caloric deficit, that doesn't work for me as well. But for other people, it does. You know what I mean? So it's like we live in a day and age where you can just kind of choose which one works best for you only because all of the information is already readily available to us. Obviously, you can't take that approach to the Bible because there's only one truth, but in other areas of life, you can do that. You know what I mean? And so there's individuals who emphasize only power lifting, myself, and there's other people who are just like calisthenics, other people are just like jogging. Okay, well, whatever works for you. You know what I mean? Because everyone at the end of the day has different goals. People just want a healthy heart, then go run. You know what I mean? I don't run because the wicked flee with no man pursueth. I'm just kidding. It's kind of true though. You know what I mean? But you can choose anything because there's enough information under each category for you to make a good decision. You know what I mean? There's a lot of choices. Anyways, that's my approach on it. I'm probably going to preach on the extreme crunchy mama movement because it's a good movement, but it ends up delving into a lot of unnatural things too. And at the end of the day, you know what my wife told me? She's like, at the end of the day, all those crunchy people are just fearful people. They're just constantly scared. They're afraid if they take a sniff of that candle, oh man, they're done. Or if like- It gets to the microplastics that you drink from anything. It's like it gets to the point where everything's got microplastics in it. How do you avoid microplastics? Well, how about this? You know what's the most detrimental thing to your health? Stress. You know what induces stress? Fear. So what if you do all these holistic things, all these crunchy mama things, but then you're just constantly living in fear. It's just like you're being counterproductive because you're afraid. There's like a boogeyman around every corner. If you're fearful enough to kind of uplant your family and move them to the middle of nowhere, that's a lot of fear there working in you. What I'm saying is you're working so hard to keep your body healthy, but it's simultaneously afraid. And if you don't believe me, just go to the comment section to some of these crunchy mama. And it's just like, what am I supposed to do? Because I do this. And what am I supposed to do? What about this? And it's just like they're freaking out about everything. You know what I mean? And so it's like, it's just so vain. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a power of love and a sound mind. Perfect love casteth out fear. And it's not God's will for us to be constantly afraid. And people could say, well, I'm not afraid. I'm just inquiring. Nah, you scared. You scared. Otherwise you wouldn't be inquiring. I mean, I'm not saying no, because you got to inquire about some things. I don't know. Come on, hike. See what I mean? When people go a little bit extreme, it's like canker. I'm just saying like, it's good to inquire, but you can tell that there's fear there. Because it's like, well, what am I supposed to do? You know what I mean? How am I supposed to do that if I'm not there? If I live in the city, what am I going to do? It's just like they're just constantly freaking out. And when I came out with the vaccine documentary, that really pushed me over the edge when it came to the holistic community, because they're constantly contacting me over all these boogeymen. It's like, what am I supposed to do? Not boogeyman, but it's just like, what am I supposed to do? Are you all vaccinated? It's just like, get saved. You get a resurrect. I mean, I got vaccinated when I was a kid too, but I'm not going to live the rest of my life in fear, because at the end of the day, God can override all the mercury or whatever, and things that I can't control. God can still keep me alive longer or whatever. It's just like, it sounds like extreme carnality. It is. You're just in a flesh and that's all there is for you. Yeah. It's their religion. That's what I'm saying. And it's obviously not of God because of the fact that they're constantly living in fear. It's just like one of the reasons they can't come to a place like we're at... Because we're in the city. Because we're in the city and the air... What's it called? Chemtrails. The chemtrails, and you're breathing all that stuff in. But it's just like, I grew up here. This is where I was born and raised. And at the end of the day, there's nothing I can do about it. And I'm not gonna uproot my family to go to some freaking mountain in the middle of nowhere. I'm gonna live with you. And just be... Be neighbors with you, dude. I don't wanna do that. It's just... And if you think about it, it's just like, our immune system becomes stronger when we're around people. Because we're constantly getting their germs. I grew up on drinking water from a hose, scraping my knees on the asphalt, playing football, bleeding, playing through it, and getting infections. And the human body is way more resilient than some of these extreme holistic people would like to think. They think like... Well, a lot of these holistic people are just really weak too. They're just like, well, we didn't get COVID. Yes, because you're not around anybody. Yeah. You're not around anybody. It's almost like they're so worried that one McDonald's burger and they think like, now I'm gonna get stage four cancer now or something like that. And it's just... It's hard to live in that. Gotta be balanced. And again, I'm all for it. Do what you can with what you have. I feel like I heard a sermon about that recently. Did you guys hear or no? No, I don't remember. They all pay attention to the church. Where was it at if you did? I actually don't remember where I preached that. Oh, I preached that paperwork. Yeah. I'll see that as well. Oh yeah, that's what I didn't wanna know about. You gotta do what you can with what you have. So my opinion is, what you do is if you live in the city and you wanna take a holistic approach, then figure out what you can do do it, and be content with that, and leave the rest up to God, because God makes up the difference. And then the more resources you have or liberties that you have, expand your abilities to do that, but don't just live in fear because you can't do things. And then spread that fear to other people. And spread that fear to other people. And if we're referring to a saved individual too, it's like, they could live the most holistic life and clean life that they can, but if they're not doing God's will, it's like, God could cause them to be sick, God could... Yeah, exactly. They can be clean on the outside, but they have not yet cleaned the inside of the platter. And so it's important to have a clean heart, to be charitable towards your brethren. The way to your matters. The way to your matters of the law. And so that's why it's such a blessing to be a Christian, to be saved, to be a Christian, to have the Bible, because you could be a Christian anywhere. You know what I mean? It doesn't require for you to be in a certain geographical location to be a Christian. And so Christian virtues and practices should be exercised at all times and in all places. Amen? So recently, within the last couple of... Well, by the time of the release of this episode, last week, there was a major controversy in the city of New York, where they found an underground tunnel from a synagogue to a... I think they call it a mikvah, which is a Jewish bathhouse. And all of the major media companies or whatever, who are covering this, are just trying to make light of it. And they have all of the common talking points when anything controversial about the Jews is involved. What do they say? I don't know, like your anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. And here's the thing, it's like... Conservatives. I don't even think they gave time for anybody to come up with any conspiracy theories. Right? Because it happened... Because what happens is they found the tunnel, and this is more than just a tunnel, right? They found this tunnel, and then immediately it's just covered in cement by the NYPD. Immediately, you have the cement trucks in there. Yeah, it's just like... I thought if Fundamental Baptist Church, if Christian churches had tunnels under their church buildings going to anywhere... There'd be a long investigation. Oh, there'd be a huge investigation. They would not cover it up. The FBI would be here. The church would get shut down. They would not let Christians off the hook for that one. But somehow Jews in a synagogue can have a freaking tunnel from their synagogue to a bathhouse going under houses. No questions asked. No questions asked. They can throw a riot in because they're trying to fill it up. Yeah, and fight police on it. And fight police on it, and just nothing happened whatsoever. That's questionable. And obviously, because it's taking place with the synagogue, the main... The real story is not gonna be put out. You know what I mean? They're gonna cover it up as much as they possibly can. And in my opinion, if there's a tunnel dug by any religious organization, an investigation has to be made. And the reason why, if you could look up the Catholic thing, the reason why, like I told you, in Mexico, I think it was in Mexico, look it up, they have these underground tunnels from the priest room to the nuns. So they'd meet underground, fornicate, and they found dead bodies there of babies, they were being aborted there. That is fact. So when you have men working in darkness, and going under the cover of night, and it's a religious group, nothing good is happening. So I'm just saying, first of all, let's just... The history of tunnels. Before we get to anything else, just the tunnel aspect. Just the tunnel aspect. Any religious group making any tunnels like that, it's obviously 100% questionable, suspicious activity, it should be investigated extensively, diligent inquiry should be made, and not covered up, because of the fact that religious groups have done this in the past, and there's always something nefarious taking place behind it. Right? And it's immediately too. I mean, normally when it comes to code enforcement, or the fire department involved, normally they'll give you a period of time to, hey, this is out of code, this needs to be fixed, and this is the process. Normally there's a long process for these things. And this was immediately like, just get the cement trucks there, cover it up. Well, too, it's like, yeah, that would happen, right? They want it to be fixed, but how much more when it leads to another establishment? Right? Because there's differing stories, like it goes to like a woman's bathhouse, a mikvah. And there's another one with a men's mikvah. Yeah, a men's mikvah. And so I don't know exactly which one is the legitimate one. But either bathhouse, it's weird to have a tunnel going there. They found, what was it? Soiled mattresses in the tunnels. And high chairs. Yeah, I think there's blood on the mattress, they found a high chair. I mean, you go in there and you see that. No, nothing to see here. Wouldn't the police go in there and say, there's blood in here? This looks like a crime was committed or something. It's very questionable. But then you just fill it up and not do anything about it. Now, first and foremost, before we get into the main culprits of this, the NYPD is obviously a very corrupt police organization. I'm just going to say that. And if you look at the history of the NYPD, they've pretty much, they don't really have a good track record. And I was talking to you about the whole Son of Sam case in the 70s going into the 80s, where you had the Son of Sam shootings. And the main culprit, who they thought was the only suspect by the name of David Berkowitz, he was captured. And he admitted to participating in the shootings. And once the NYPD caught him, closed the case, gave promotions, the whole thing was shut down. The problem is, is that although David Berkowitz confessed to some of the shootings, he said that he didn't do all of the shootings. Aside from that, what are you doing back there? Everything all right, man? What's going on? Other than that, you have multiple eyewitnesses during that time who said, that's not what he looked like. Like I saw the shooter and that's not what he looked like. And they have sketches of the suspects, looked nothing like him. And so based upon the eyewitness accounts, there's multiple shooters, but the NYPD said, no, we got our man and that's it. What's even more questionable is that when they suspected that David Berkowitz was the shooter, which obviously he did participate in it, they went to his house in a place in New York called Yonkers. And what they did was when they suspected that a particular car belonged to him, that it was his vehicle, they broke into it, searched it. Well, what is it that you need before doing that? A warrant. A warrant. They didn't have a warrant for that. They found the 94 caliber. I think it was like, what is it? 94 caliber? Is that a caliber gun? I don't know. Who knows about guns? I think it was a 94 caliber weapon. They found all the stuff. They're like, oh, this is the guy. So then when they arrested him, then they went to go get the warrant and pursued a judge to sign off on the warrant afterwards. So they did all of these unethical things just to kind of close the case, get their promotions and move on. But then the case essentially remains unsolved because of the fact that according to the eyewitnesses, there were still multiple shooters. And the timing of when he was in a particular place where an eyewitness saw him and the timing of when a person was shot and killed, it's just like, it's impossible that he could have made it there. And so when you look at that whole entire thing, it's just like the NYPD, they look kind of shady. Berkowitz. Is that Swedish? No, no, that's Jewish. And it turns out he's part of a major cult or whatever, which, I mean, come on. But what I'm saying is that, and then I know someone who used to serve in the New York Police Department and he said, yeah, everyone's kind of corrupt. They just do whatever they want. And so it really doesn't surprise me that these Jews are digging this huge tunnel, very illegal, very suspect, very questionable. And then the NYPD is there just to kind of help out and just fill it up. Take a couple of Jewish blows, you know? Yeah, because weren't they fighting them or something or they're getting out of hand? Pull up some of those videos though. This is the one about the monastery. It's kind of hard to find now. Wow. You know, when I was looking at some of this stuff as well, like looking into the Jewish tunnel deal with the synagogue, even all these news reports, they all have differing facts about this case too, just like the mikvah, whether it was a men or women's mikvah. But there was a lot of different people who have very different things on what happened. Go ahead, press play. What is that? While new footage shows the illegal underground tunnel dug by a group of young Orthodox Jews. Expand the synagogue. Oh, they have enough money. They don't need to dig to expand. Why are they? There's others that say it was nine. Yeah, some said it was nine, some said it was 10, some said it was up to 15 or 12. Imagine these dozens of calls in a class of buildings. I have questions. Yeah, I mean, you know, if you don't expand 100 songs on the piano by letting. What was that? Are they all into real estate? They could buy the land if they want to, but obviously they want to hide something else. Would you do everything underground like a rat? I'm just saying, why is there mattresses in there that are stained? That's just, that should be a cause for question there. You know, like it's one thing to have a tunnel, but then when you start fighting like evidence in there of foul play, then, you know. I saw that mattress and like where the stain is, is like obviously, you know, somebody lays there and they bleed, they're gonna bleed. That's disgusting. And it's crazy that they're growing crazy about defending the whole. It's like, you know, like Sodom and Gomorrah or something. They're just like, they're just going crazy trying to break down the house. It's like, it's that they're implacable. They're rabid. Yeah, you would think like they'd kind of kowtow and just say, we've been caught and we don't want to keep fighting it and make things worse. Or they would want to cover it up or something. Yeah, they're bold about it. They're super bold because they know they control the medians. And they're not gonna get touched. They could spin it any way they want. They could pay off the cops probably. Like what we're saying right now would be considered majorly anti-Semitic. You know, anti-Semitic pasture makes conspiracies about Jewish tunnels that lead to Mikvos bath houses with bloody mattresses in there. Nothing happened. You know, it's just like weird. Yeah, it's so strange. And they're really bold. They don't care at all. And a lot of those guys who were getting arrested too, you just see them smiling and laughing about it. And they're still doing the little bobbing and weaving about it. Bobbing and weaving? To me, it just seems like they know. They're brazen. They're just brazen about it. They're super brazen about it. They're just gonna get let off the hook. And someone told me that that synagogue is questionable. I mean, all synagogues are questionable, bro. Come on, it's a synagogue. I personally think, and I can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, this is opinion. I don't know for sure that there's some sort of human trafficking that was probably taking place there. You know, you don't use that to expand. Some people said, oh, they built it during COVID. COVID's over, bro. That was 2020. We've never built tunnels to get to church. Some people were saying too, they were only digging for six months, some said a year, and then some say during COVID time. Yeah, see what is all these different... Well, they're gonna put out differing information and let the people just make a mess of it. Yeah. And then just calls anti-semite to whoever's... Well, they're very fortunate that basically the vast majority of the population will just kind of believe whatever it is that they say. By the end of this all, they're probably gonna come out as the heroes, as the victims. Oh, yeah. You know, and people are just anti-semitic for questioning anything about it. I heard there's like tunnels under like Gaza, and they're just like... It's like the same thing was going on over there. It's weird. But we were talking about a verse, a passage in the Bible that is very similar to the actions of these Jews. They're MO. They're MO. And it's a vision that God gave Ezekiel when he's showing him the greater abominations. Yeah, that's what I brought up, the head. I should bring it up now. Let me go ahead and read... Do you have the verses there? Oh, you do. What is it, Ezekiel? Yeah, there you go. Hold on a second, let's see. Let's read it from verse... I'll read verse number... We'll read from verse six. He said, Furthermore unto me, son of man, seeest thou what they do? Even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary, but turn thee yet again, and thou shall see greater abominations. And he brought me to the door of the court, and when I looked, behold, a hole in the wall. And he said unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall. And when I had digged in the wall, behold, a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. So I went in and saw, and behold, every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed upon the wall round about. And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand, and a thick cloud of incense went up. Then he said unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? For they say, The Lord seeth us not, the Lord hath forsaken the earth. He said unto me, He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. Man, I guess they're still doing the same thing, huh? Digging tunnels to do abominations. Digging tunnels to make abominable, to create abominable things, to participate in wicked things. Why? Because they say, The Lord seeth us not. Disgusting. And you know, Ben Shapiro hasn't really said anything about this whole thing this entire time. I mean, I could be wrong. Look up if he said anything about the Jewish tunnels. Pretty much, ah, there's nothing going on there. Just a bunch of young Jewish guys. I used to do the same thing when I was young or something. How come he's not speaking out against it or just covering it? You know what I mean? It's weird. But you know what? It's basically symbolically representing what the Jews, according to the flesh, according to the Bible, do. What they do in dark places, tunnels, digging, permeating society with their abominations. There was this guy who was saying for a while, he lived at the first floor or something, on the first floor or something. And he said for the longest time, he just kept hearing Jews, people speaking Yiddish, digging under his house or something. He's like, What in the world is going on? And it's crazy that they can just do that and not suffer any repercussions. The guys who got arrested, they're gonna be released. Priority back on the streets of whatever. I'm sure the judge and the attorneys, probably Jewish, the DA, they're probably down there themselves. The ancients, the elders. Man, they're gonna get what's coming to them, though. It's one of those things that shows us that even though we have the internet, where just pretty much anything can be exposed, any move you do, anything you say can just be exposed, they could do the worst and absolutely nothing happens. Which is absolutely insane. And I'm telling you, you have Christian churches ever try something like that, do something like that? Oh, man. Even something slightly out of code or something like that. Oh, yeah. The city will be all over. Well, they bombed our church. Look at what happened. Look at how they spun that story in the media. How they were the victims and we're the perpetrators, even though we were bombed. It's crazy. If some Christian church was digging something and they were caught, they definitely wouldn't be brazen enough to just be fighting the police over putting cement in it. It's just crazy that they're just so bold about it to just... Not only are they caught and they know nothing's going to happen, but then they'll fight police, not worried about it. They just cover it up and then they know the media is just going to... And really, it seems like the media has just got all these different stories of what happened and these different facts and no one's getting it really straight on what happened. And it's just going to blow over after a while. Yeah, because the information has become so convoluted and there's so many different versions of it that people don't really know which one to believe, and after a while they just lose interest. I've heard apparently on the Wikipedia article of this incident saying that the fire department found the tunnel, but then on different news coverages, it's saying that one of the... I forget what they call it, but one of the Jewish leaders or whatever at the synagogue found out the tunnel and called the police on it. They're going to be the heroes, they're going to be the victims at the end of all this. What in the world? And they're saying that the people who dug this were just these extremist Jews that just did it when no one... Undercover and no one... But then the other ones were saying that it was teenagers that did it. And then another version is just like, well, they hired people to come and dig this tunnel or whatever. It's like... No one's got their facts straight. It's just all these different ideas, all these different stories. Who is a liar? The he that denied that Jesus is... The Jews are the best at creating the narrative. Ever since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they just pay people off and say that his disciples came by night and took them away, and we will secure you. He's like, told them the NYPD, say that a bunch of teenagers did, and we'll cover you guys. The NYPD are like the Romans of Jesus' day. You know what I mean? It's just frustrating. I'm not really frustrated. If I think about it too much, I can be, yeah, because it's just one of those things that's just like no justice. But you kind of wonder how Ezekiel felt when he saw that. It's like, this is happening in my own backyard. My leaders are participating in abominable things. And really what the chapter is about is that God's showing him. God sees everything. That he sees everything. He sees the inner recess of the heart. So no matter how well that tunnel was hid, God saw every single tunnel. He sees all the wickedness that's taking place there. And they're treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath. Well, just wondering what the Christian response is going to be. Well, this is the Christian response. The Christian response from us is like, it's wicked. It's suspicious. The truth fears no investigation. So why did you cover it up so fast? So why did you cover it up so fast if nothing was happening? Why don't you go and investigate the bloody mattress and whatever? The high chair and items that were in there. The destination and the people who did it. The FBI should get involved. That's the Christian response. And you say, why? Well, because of the fact that it's a Jewish synagogue. And synagogues are of Satan. That's what the Bible says. Jesus said that they're of the synagogue of Satan. So it doesn't surprise me that these Nicolaitans are making holes from one place to another. And I don't think they were doing it to go do Bible studies or to get to the synagogue faster. It's a shortcut or something like that. From the mikveh bath house to the synagogue, I just highly doubt that. It just seems like it's a very questionable thing. And the fact that they covered it up so fast makes you more suspicious. Absolutely. And are they ever gonna have a real story? Are they gonna really figure out what actually happened? No. This is funny too, because everyone's asking all these questions, and the media is like, oh, everyone's... All these anti-Semitic comments. Well, why don't you have the official story of what happened? Exactly. Don't ask questions, Cody. You're thinking too much. Yeah. They'll just put another Holocaust movie out in a month. They'll just pull one out from the library like, oh, we haven't put this one out yet. Netflix or something. A new Holocaust survivor. It was 6.1 million. Yeah, I wanna know what other... You're talking about the Zionist Christians. Yeah. What are they gonna say about it? Well, brother, there's a God's chosen people. Where there's a will, there's a way and a whole. They're holy, kid. They're holy. They're God's holy people, brother. They walk in the path of righteousness. No, they don't. Anyways, at the end of the day, we don't know the full story. All we could do is speculate. And don't wanna know. It's probably so wicked. You're better not knowing. I mean, if that's what happened with the monasteries... And the Catholics are pretty bad. Yeah, just think what... Just think of what the synagogue of Satan will do. Good night in the morning. You could only imagine. And I'm just thinking, if it was just a regular tunnel that led to whatever, help you to get to the synagogue faster or whatever, why would you just throw such a huge fit about it? Why would you riot inside for? But they're just brazen. They don't care. Oh, man. I just thought... Yeah. Anyways. I wish they would have filled it up with concrete while... Never mind. Never mind. I have to cut that part out. They wanted to be in their tunnel so bad. They'd stay there forever. Weird. It doesn't help that they have a corrupt police system there too. They always do things before it gets approved. That's just one synagogue. There's so many synagogues out there. And apparently this synagogue's a really, really big one, really popular. 770 is what it's called. It's a really big synagogue. All these big rabbis go there. That one? That specific one? That specific one that had that tunnel. And then the Jewish leaders there, they claim that they had no idea that this tunnel was there. And it's just crazy. It'd be like you not knowing that there's some hole in this church, let alone one of the biggest synagogues in the US. What is that video of that guy crawling out of the sewer? It's that master splinter or what? Jewish mutant ninja turtle. Dreidels in a health shell. Can you pull that up? That has to do with the tunnel, right? That's a nice little symbol there. You know who made that for us? Louisa. Louisa Kenzari designed that. A hidden tunnel was discovered under a synagogue right in the heart of Brooklyn. Hard to believe, right? Let's dig deeper into the story. Sorry, we're supposed to show an actual tunnel video. It all started when videos began circulating on social media, primarily on X, showing an altercation between Jewish Hasidic men and New York police following the discovery of a secret tunnel under the global headquarters of a Jewish movement named Chabad Lubovich, commonly known as 770. The brawl began when the group's leaders dispatched cement trucks to seal the tunnel's opening with no police presence inside. Proponents of the tunnel then turned violent and tore off wooden panels inside the synagogue. The police were only then called to the scene and arrested nine people. The leaders refused to say when they found out about the tunnel. Although word of their existence had been circulating around the community over the past few weeks, according to several worshippers. Those in favor of the tunnel said they were carrying out an expansion plan long envisioned by Rabi Menac and Mendel Schneerson, a key figure in the movement. Some of the group's adherents believe that Schneerson, who died in 1994, is the Messiah and is still alive. Those who built the tunnel reportedly held this belief. They'd set out to carry out this expansion plan by connecting the synagogue to the whole empty space behind it. 21-year-old Zalmi Grossman said, adding that it was what the rabbi wants and what everybody wants. In February 2023, the founder of an initiative named Expand 770, Levi Jacobson, expressed the same desire and conviction. That I've urged that each and every Jew should participate physically and monetarily with Expanding 770. Following the brawl with the police, Marty Seeligson, a spokesperson for the group, condemned the construction of the tunnel, describing it as an act of vandalism committed by a group of misguided and extremist young men. Although social media is filled with theories linking the tunnel to child trafficking, exactly why they were built and what they were used for remains a mystery. Interesting. Yeah, I see secret tunnel. I see a lot too with these videos. They try to make light of it. Like it's just a joke. Like, oh, it's funny. It's like, what the heck is with these Jews? You know? Yeah. The music dude. Yeah. Very old. Yeah. Jovial music. It's like if they were serious about like, hey, there's like this big investigation, they wouldn't be having that type of music. They're just playing it off like, oh, these silly Jews, what are they digging this stupid tunnel or whatever. We're supposed to show you a real hole, a real tunnel. Sorry. Yeah. That's all intentional. Oh yeah. It's very intentional, you know? They know how to spin a story. Man, the media is just trash. You can't watch the news. You can't trust any source anymore. You know what I mean? Yeah. People are even getting on like other guys like Joe Rogan because they're just, he's not talking like serious. He's joking about it. He's just joking about it. What's because they probably, the ones who run those companies tell them like, they want you to talk about this, but you got to make like, the guy who signs this check probably tells them what to say. Yep. And he says, you got to make light of it. Make sure you joke about it. It's a nothing burger, blah, blah, blah. That's crazy. That's what they're just making this whole thing out to be. They know how to manipulate the masses very well. Yeah. Because that's what I hear with most of these people that are discussing this thing. It's just like, oh, it's funny. Social media, they got a lot of, they'll have the Mario music or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. All the while, there's probably children being trafficked through there and being molested and raped and like all types of wickedness is taking place. It's like, oh, nothing to see here. It's just these silly funny Jews that are doing something weird, but whatever. We just cover it up and they're just silly Jews doing the weird religious practices. Nothing to see here. It's crazy how something could be so open on the open and it's just like the king has no clothes on, but just like no one knows. You know what I mean? It's insane. It's crazy. But hey, that's the world we live in. You know what I mean? And if you don't have God, you don't have the Bible, you don't have Jesus Christ, you're not saved, man, that stuff will just drive you into a dark place because of your need for justice to be carried out will never be satiated. That's the whole thing with the Son of Sam case. There's a guy who researched that entire case. He exposed all of it. I mean, he found out a crazy amount of information and he went deep into the occult of what they were involved in and all this hetanic things that were taking place, the sacrifices that they were doing, and justice was never served. And in fact, it killed him. He ended up becoming very sick and that's all he thought about till the very last breath because he just was so frustrated and angry that justice was never served. And he went down this dark tunnel of conspiracy and all of these nefarious things that were taking place and it just ate him up inside that justice was never served. And literally on his deathbed, he's still telling people, hey, go talk to this person and investigate this individual. They're like, dude, you're dying. You should just let it go. These are your last moments. You're going to die. And he became a very bitter, angry, unhealthy person because of it. You think about people who just go into these rabbit holes. You could go down pretty deep into these rabbit holes. And if you're not saved, it's just going to stay there and it'll probably die there. It'll destroy you. That's why the Bible says to be wise concerning good and simple concerning evil because it can drive a righteous man mad that justice is not being carried out in our lifetime. We're not seeing it. You know what I mean? But when you put your faith in the fact that God, the righteous one, the judge of all the earth will do right, it's just like, these guys are going to get what's coming to them. I can wait. I'll wait upon the Lord because we know that he's going to do it. But obviously it's important to talk about it though. Explain to our audience that we're not ignorant of what's going on. This is what's possibly taken. This is what the Bible says. But at the end of the day, don't go down in that rabbit hole too far because you'll find yourself in a very dark abyss. Same thing with people who follow politics and they're excited about Trump taking office. Dude, he probably has his own tunnels. Trump tunnels. Trump tunnels. Trumples. Yeah. For sure. And they think he's going to fix everything. They think everything's going to go back to normal. And it's just like, to put your faith in the arm of the flesh is crazy. Yeah. Should never be done. But anyways, the Jews in their tunnels, my friends. And we'll see if anything else comes about this particular story. But wanted to chime in on that. I felt like it was a good idea for our first episode. Amen. And just what the Bible has to say about that. And so, because this came up recently, basically fits the biblical narrative of how the Jews operate, what they're like, and they're still up to no good up to this day. And those are like the church going Jews. Well, folks, that's pretty much it for episode number one. Hope you enjoyed that episode. Of course, you can watch the full episodes here on Rumble. And by the way, let me just say this. If you're watching this on Rumble, why haven't you subscribed to it? I mean, you're watching already. Just click the follow button. That's all you got to do. I know this episode is going to hit at least 1,000 views. But the problem is we only have like 720 followers. So some of you are not following yet. So just follow, hit that green ugly looking button right there on Rumble. Follow there. You can also follow on Spotify. This will be up on Spotify. Although the title will change a little bit for Spotify. Two's in their tunnels. Or yeah, we'll see how you word it. And then also, you can also listen to all the episodes on our website, fwcla.org online. Gentlemen, thank you so much for being here tonight. Looking forward to a great next episode in five months. No, I'm just kidding. Hopefully sooner. Season six. Season six. Season seven. Season seven. All right, folks. Have a good night. Bye.