(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I am your host pastor Bruce me here first works Baptist Church joined by the fundamentalists in our church We have brother hiked off macy and brother Adam Kinzara and Marco Sanchez And of course at the board we do have brother Ulysses Hernandez our church evangelist looking forward to tonight's episode We're gonna be discussing a couple things here. We're gonna be talking about the Taliban and Vaccines are they sinful? Are they wicked? Are they evil? Is it the mark of the beast and we'll get into some other topics tonight. I've been away for a while And so we're back on coming coming back with the with the with a vengeance and so looking forward to tonight's episode Gentlemen, are we ready? Let's do this. All right, here we go done done it on done it on done it on and on You This is my second podcast today, I think you're gonna say you say a cup of coffee it is I did the olive crown podcast earlier today, and it was uh, it's pretty cool. We had people from Poland and the UK in London listening and dude when we were doing it was like Midnight over there. Okay, that's pretty cool. Ten more days till 9-eleven never forget Hey never forget it was an inside job. I know what are we supposed to remember or what? The general population is supposed to remember. I just remember going to my mom's room what they're trying to get people to remember Yeah, what are they trying to get you? What am I supposed to remember? They're just trying to get people to remember Honestly at the end of the day when they say when they say never forget they're saying never forget the victim Yeah of 9 that makes sense. That's what it killed by our government. Yeah Which is pretty crazy How crazy how far governments will obviously we don't adhere to the mainstream The story the official the official story of 9-eleven Obviously a major no plane no plane hit building said, you know I learned about and I haven't been an inside job in high school by my teacher He would have worksheets like showing us like no plane hit building seven Yeah, Joel demolition You use I remember him showing us and I'm like I mean, we're seeing the ramifications of it even to this day because like when I travel TSA is just Ridiculous all up in your business, isn't it crazy? Cuz I I mean I was born into it But there was like a time before like you didn't have to take off your shoes at the airport Oh Adam there is more than just that there's a time when your family could actually walk with you all the way up to the gate the gate where you go inside the Air that's so crazy to me. I mean you could do that. I mean in the 50s when people used to fly I'm not saying people like literally Our pastor actually people could not fly when when people would Yeah 50s and 60s when people would fly it was actually considered like Like a luxury like people would dress up in a shirt and tie and they would um They would like they had waiters Like the flight attendants were like waiters that would come and bring you lobster and all these things It was considered like it was like a luxury basically. Yeah, I posted a mean it's so it's very true though and You know, you can get a flight in the morning or in morning or whatever. You just go there. Just purchase it You didn't really need like an ID or anything like that like a cuz back in even I think in the 50s 40s and 50s IDs. Yeah. Yeah 40s 50s 60s 70s not until the 80s maybe IDs didn't even have your face on it. Yeah, it was just like your name That's why a lot of people were able to get away with a lot of crimes and stuff like that You know you think of like Ted Bundy he committed a lot of his crimes and Washington and Utah I think some in California and So in order to avoid a lot of the authorities what he did is he changed his appearance a little bit and then he went to Florida and he had committed I mean he was like he was on the run for a long time and they already knew who he was and When they had pulled him over or something like that in Florida He just pulled out a driver's license and it was just a different person's name And didn't even have like his picture on there or something like that But what I'm saying is like, you know back in those days it was a lot different and I remember flying when I was 10 maybe 9 or 10 going to Central America and You know, it's a lot different like you can just literally walk up to the gate Your family would walk with you and stuff and they see you at the window where the plane is and all that. It's different now TSA is horrible, you know, they know that. Oh, yeah, but like you mentioned people would wear like suits and stuff now People go in there flip-flops, but there's a reason why they do that though It's a lot more uncomfortable now, right? Well, not just that but just it they're just trying to be comfortable going through TSA Because if you go in dress shoes and everything, it's just a hassle Untying your shoes and as you're taking off your clothes You're taking off your clothes to put it on the on the whatever the thing You know the thing the conveyor belt They're rushing you. Yeah, come on. Let's go. You feel like you're in prison or some camp. Let's go put it on the bow Yelling at you the whole time Well, I don't really experience that a whole lot just because I have TSA pre-check and TSA pre-check is $80 for five years. It's good for five years sponsored by a TSA pre-check TSA pre-check you just go and you go through a different line. You don't have to wait with everyone else and You don't you just put your stuff on there and You go through and that's it. Whereas the other ones you got to go through the naked body scanner You know, you got to put your hands up Naked body scanner. I like wow, they have that kind of technology. I Hate it, but you know like a Los Angeles is really bad with it like TSA's LAX is crazy LAX is really bad. But Phoenix Arizona is the worst really? Yeah, it's the when it comes to TSA They're the absolute worst that I've ever experienced They have a chip on their show all TSA workers have a chip on their shoulder, but they they have like two chips Like they were like when I was there. They're the ones who were yelling like get it go And you can't even ask anything and I remember I was wearing my Babylon USA t-shirt Okay, it was the weirdest thing ever did I tell you about this mm-hmm I was wearing my Babylon USA t-shirt And I was going through and my my TSA pre-check obviously didn't work or something they made me still like do a bunch of stuff and take off my shoes and this lady This dyke lady was just yelling right get your stuff Just kind of like yelling and I get through and she goes. Hey, how did you know we're Babylon? And I was kind of like look at her and she was like move along she was like Maybe she's listening. Yeah. No, she's not listening or if she is she's not a she's not a friend of ours. Yeah But but TSA is terrible though, they'll make you um, take off your shoes your belt Unfortunately, I had so I have TSA pre-check the last time I flew I went through and I Traveled with my family and we brought the stroller so my son his eyes came with me and so he was on the stroller and I took him with me and They put me through the the metal detector and then they put the stroller through and the stroller rang and They're like, sorry, sir. We're gonna have to check you cuz your stroller Check the stroller. I'm like, why don't you just check your stroller? And they literally had to pad me down and everything like I'm like and I told my I literally told him this cuz he was About to do it. I was like, so you're gonna molest me. I Thought that you're gonna molest me because my stroller went off and he's and he the he agreed. He's like, yeah I mean I have to check you But I think he was embarrassed after I told him that so he did like a light pad he's like hover handing Now the the queers are on the plane they're stewards, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's where they keep all the that is true Isn't it isn't it crazy how that's that's like in two after 2001 after 9-eleven that became like the new normal Oh, yeah, Airport. Yep, and it's very very much like a normal thing And the thing is like a lot of TSA workers. They really don't really know a Whole lot like they don't really know what they're doing. Well cops, aren't they? They act like I think it's like Muscle heads kind of they act like cops Yeah, they they uh, they get honest they get on these power trip they're not critical thinkers You know what I'm saying? They just need to be told what to do. I mean, it's a pretty like low like low job you literally just like Follow the orders and that's it. You don't ask questions. You just do what you're told. Yep Many a times I've gotten my stuff go through and then you know If I have camera gear or something and then they have to take it out and like brush it Do they ever like do you ever have like a thing where they? Like have to see the stuff on your laptop or camera or anything. No, they've never done anything like that Don't they need a warrant for that? You can't just no they don't need a warrant for that I mean, that's a pastor Anderson when you I guess it's international flights actually nevermind. Yeah international is a lot different. Yeah International flights are terrible. Are you guys remember when we went to Belize? Do you remember coming back is that when you process that we have to go through you got kicked out or whatever, right? No kicked out not kicked out. I get well then some of you Damn, really trying to take pictures. Now. Why do you have the light on? I do Oh Thanks getting old No, we want to Belize we came back and We didn't get kicked out. We came because of the whole COVID thing. Yeah. Yeah. Do you remember that? Oh, man, that was a crazy trip, by the way, we might be going to Belize in November We're supposed to meet about that this week What happened? Did you look up the restrictions? Ah Got you slacking anytime I mentioned something that I talked to him we're about to talk about he like he like shrivels He's like damn you like walks out of the room We might be going to Belize in November depending upon the restrictions which I heard there's not a whole lot of restrictions there Milan went to Belize with his wife alone, like just nobody else Like from the church. I mean, no, it's just them. They kind of took a vacation over there and He said it was good. He said, you know, they got a bunch of people saved They did have to have their masks But he said that they had it off most of the time But I don't know I think the only thing you have to do is prove show proof that you're not Contaminated or whatever like, you know, you got it. You don't have COVID or something a recent test Yeah, yeah result which I'd rather get a test now then back then Because back then they did the the nasal. Oh, they don't do that in the lobotomy, you know We're I think it's a it's a it's a simpler test. It's I think it's just a quick swab. Yes That one's good because you can just fake it even if you do have COVID I'm a super spreader. I don't have I don't have COVID. I Mean as far as I know I got a hardcore last year. So when you get a hardcore We're talking about the variance the different variants Ulysses and I and he's like you so have you heard of the Lambada? very But it's lambda cuz is the new very that's called lambda which is a Greek letter I like Lambada I Told I was like, oh man, I don't feel good. I think I got the lumbar Stop it. So I think it I think it's worth it the pre-check What? No worth going to Belize. I mean preaching. Yeah, of course is worth it Well, the the majority of the airports that I go to you can use it The only time I couldn't really use it. It was not effective at all was when I went to Russia Russia yeah, that was that's when I went to Sweden Russia was like a layover Oh Russia Russia Russia, I will never go back to Russia That was the worst experience ever that was a crazy Airport Moscow you're gonna break yes, I told him already He's not he's not actually rush the the the metal detectors don't even work there It's all it's all a show they have you go through a metal detector It's like it's like the airport is like an empty warehouse It's like everything's nobody's going to Russia. And then when you're going through a line, there's this girl. She's checking your your ID and Then I kind of like looked at her and she's I was like, I don't think she even knows what she's doing She's she can't even read But I went there and I Because you know I've been through many metal detectors just through airports and I was like this metal detector doesn't even look like it's working And so people are putting their stuff to the metal detector and I had I don't know if it was like my belt or I had Like a metal pen or something like that. I was like, I'm gonna keep this on me Just see what happens to see if it even rings So I kept a bunch of stuff on me that was metal and then I put my bag in and I went through the metal detector Didn't even go off And I remember when I was uh, it was hard trying to find my gate because no one wanted to help me But when I finally found it because everything's in Russian, right? But when I when I finally found it we're in line We're about to get on the airplane. So I'm already there. I've already passed through security and all that I'm about to get him to the airplane and this Russian worker comes up to me. He's like passport And I'm like, okay, so I give him my passport he runs off He's all he looks at it he's like where are you going I'm like Sweden He's like, where are you from? I'm like read it. Yeah, it's like America you United States and he's like You don't look American. He just gives it back to me. He just walks away. I was like, dude, get me out of here, bro So let me say this one last thing and we'll move on on my way to Russia That was a crazy flight. Was it straight like straight America Russia straight America, Russia I With straight America Russia non-stop. Yeah, that's the word I was looking for straight way It was close to 12 hours, I think maybe 12 13 hours to Moscow and It's a massive plane it's a massive plane like there's three rows and the middle row has like five seats or something and I sat next to this dude and this dude had the worst hygiene I've ever seen And I was like, I gotta be on an airplane For 12 hours straight next to this guy It was the worst and then when we landed it was crazy It the plane landed like it was landed by a Russian Like Russians are crazy, dude, and it was just like it bounced a couple times People are like yelling like going all over the place and I'm like, dude, this is it I'm gonna die in Russia and we finally make it and everyone's all But for our people next to me we're watching like Russian like sitcoms or something like that I never would have taken that trip. Well speaking of 9-eleven Flights Planes Nice segue of 9-eleven the tall of the subject of the Taliban has Arisen again due to some recent events, correct? Correct. And So go ahead Adam. Tell us all about it Sure Like yeah, I mean I guess I'll do it he's been dying to tell us this whole time no Well, we're not with the cave when you were born Anyways the Taliban recently took over Afghanistan. Mm-hmm The second time which is cool, which is a good thing Tell us why it's a good thing before I get into that just like you take the kind of understand who the Taliban are By the way, pastor Mahid does not agree with what the statements made in I'm not saying the Taliban are like a actually, I'll get them to that later, but Yeah, so Taliban like they started around the 90s or they really rose to prominence in the 90s Right after the Soviet Union pulled out of Afghanistan so they invaded Afghanistan and it went horribly and it failed and they pulled out and From that like records from the war a lot of like local warlords or regional warlords rose up in Afghanistan pitos Basically, yeah, and a lot of them practice this this practice called Baka Bazi Which is I think it means like boy Boy like pleasure or something like that a boy boy something or boy servants and I think something like that And it was just basically this practice where they would just sodomize It's just pedophilia pedophilia where it's just widespread and these warlords would do it and it was accepted among like those warlord communities Yeah So the Taliban they grew and like in as a reaction of this as like a violent reaction and it was started by this guy called Mullah Omar He died like maybe six years ago But he he started basically raging war against these warlords his local and regional warlords If in particular why is it is it because of Their the power that they had they were trying to usurp their authority Or is it because they were just not in agreement with I think it was it was very much a moral Morally moral issue moral issue. So the the Taliban had started as like a Aesthetics, I think is a word where they're like very spiritual and like almost like not monks But like they were like kind of like that They were ascetics and they like Followed like the rule of the law and a lot like the word of law the letter of the law So they it was just kind of like a moral crusade against these people and that's where like the practice of hanging people from cranes Started in like the Middle East was Mullah Omar hanging these these sodomite warlords and these kidnappers and stuff like that from crane from cranes And eventually it got to the point where they became so powerful that they became the the government of Afghanistan 2001 by 2001 they were in control of Afghanistan. It was like an Islamic Emirate And all that stuff, but what also happened 2001 was not 11 and 9-11 supposedly was was orchestrated by Osama bin Laden or whatever and supposedly Osama bin Laden went to Afghanistan to hide amongst Taliban and that was the Official reason we went to Afghanistan was to find Osama bin Laden who allegedly was hiding among The Taliban the Taliban which eventually wasn't true. He was hiding in our ally in Pakistan Not at all in Afghanistan wasn't even hidden among Taliban fighters or anything so and I was in 2011 I think like it was Obama or whatever that announced it So yeah, we basically went in there in 2001 guns blazing We we toppled like the the Afghan Taliban regime and all this stuff and immediately We started kind of enforcing The quote-unquote American values and democracy and stuff like that So it stopped really being about Catching Osama bin Laden started be about like nation-building and changing like the fabric of Afghanistan and what that means is It's about conquering and basically establishing Authority there by the Americans basically. Yeah, and and and as much them Yeah And it's but and what's especially wicked about that is like on one of the main genders was to make Afghanistan more democratic and apparently what that means is allowing LGBT Feminism quote-unquote women's rights all this stuff, right and so much so much that Said like that every like many many American bases even in 2007 and 2011 stuff had pride flags Just waving in the American bases There was articles written about how in like 2012 before it was even like fully legalized or whatever How how important pride flags are in Afghanistan? Well, the proof of that is like recently they interviewed The town some of the Taliban or something like that some of the members and it was just like this woman. Yeah She says she says like so like under your rule, you know, will will people be able to vote for a woman and elect a woman He just chuckles at it, yeah, stop funny stop he just look he's like He just chuckles that I was like that's pretty funny and he tells him to stop filming basically After that, he's like, oh that was so really funny. He thought it was a joke But yeah, we started like even even trying to get Afghan used to eat soy, too We planted thousands of acres of soy in Afghanistan Yeah, we spent like millions of dollars with on the soy initiative in Afghanistan trying to get Afghan You see soybeans and they just wouldn't they just refused it feminized them. They were trying to take their heroin and give them soy Yeah, well that was another reason too is the Taliban were very anti the heroin trade like they had like the poppies grow in Afghanistan that's where that's where that's made from And so they were like burning those fields and stuff like that. And obviously we can't have that. It's got a flow, right? It's got to go to China. It's got to go to here. It's got it We got to make our opiates opiates somehow, right? So Americans in America can like die of overdose and an addiction and all this stuff. So it's all kind of interlinked But yeah eventually After like 20 years and like I think we have like 6,000 dead Americans and like 100,000 dead Afghanis. We finally pulled out. Yeah Well, I mean the reality is you know, the military should have never been there in the first place Yeah, a lot of people have this misconception that Americanism is Christianity or you know, it's it's it has biblical values That's the impression that Americans have here then when we go to other places We're improving their quality of life and their systems and their beliefs and their their, you know they're their customs because they think that that People that go when Americans go over there when the military goes right Christian there that they're spreading Christian values But it's actually the exact opposite Even if they weren't even if they were spreading Christian values, they should still shouldn't be there You don't spread Christian values to the military you spread it through Christian through missionaries Military missionaries, right but that's not what they're doing, you know, and so in some way to since we're seen as like the America seen as like the biggest Christian force in the world We're kind of like hurting the cause of Christ It's like, you know We're going over there and bombing all these people and killing all these people in the military says oh, we're Christian It's like Afghanis don't want to have anything to do with that. I don't want yeah, they're giving Christianity a bad name Yeah and especially if when they're promoting feminism and LGBT and they're and they're working like our military is working with the those former warlords and Those pedophiles sodomizing boys and all this stuff. Those were their allies. That was the Afghan government that we were supporting So there's like tons of stories about that. You can look it up Well, we'll see what happens to Afghanistan in the next couple years. Let's see. Let's see what the Taliban does there, right? Yeah, I mean there already it looks So so like in in Kabul like the capital they had like bikini models and stuff on like the Shop windows or whatever they took that down. They're like painting over it. They're covering it up all this stuff They outlawed LGBT you put the death now if you're if you're a fag, right? So a lot of these people who are running who are trying to get on those planes to come here like in that big cargo They're probably sodomized or so here's our sodomites or their collaborators who were like who are feminists or all this stuff That's that's people who are trying to run away And what's also really insane is like if you if you did you guys see that picture of like full of Afghanis? Yeah, it's all men. Have you noticed all single 30 20 year old men? Well, I don't know if they're single but you obviously you can't tell if they're single I mean now they are yeah Yeah, but I'm saying if they're married, they're not you're not considered single if you're married Yeah, even if your wife's not with you, but I'm saying like the air the picture of the airplane is like only men Yeah, and a lot of you don't see children. You don't see Women there a lot of them are abandoning their families actually a lot of those man Oh, man So if you we've got like literally the drudges of society like coming from Afghanistan as bad as it already is everybody Muslim we're not even getting the like the quote-unquote like good ones with one was like values or whatever We're getting like the feminists the fags the men who are willing to abandon their families all this stuff. All right getting the worst Yeah, you know sad. Yeah Well, I preached a sermon a couple weeks ago called immigration from a biblical perspective Yeah, and we wouldn't have to worry about all this if America Like those people would not want to come here if we were Christian if we're if we had Christian values in a Christian System yeah, you know, I mean just a moral system but there but you know, you you put sugar out you're gonna get you know The ants you're gonna get the worst of people to come and so you're gonna get the sugar lovers So that's why they're coming over here But people have this this this warped perspective of what American it America is and they think That we promote values and all these like good values, but it's it's not the case, you know There's also now recently there's this narrative coming up that the Taliban is killing Christians in Afghanistan Supposedly and Glenn Beck. He raised two million dollars to protect Christians and Afghanistan Glenn Beck is anti-christian Mormon He's anti-christian. Yeah Yeah, but yeah, he raised like two million or like 20 million or something like that to protect Christians Afghanistan Of course, there's no reports of Christians being killed in Afghanistan. So where's that money gone exactly? I guess Oh, I mean, there's no Christians being killed. I guess we could I mean the only Christians are like probably the military Well, you know if there's any Christians out there there may they might be like Orthodox or something. Maybe not Yeah, you know, who knows? Yeah, maybe there's some of the military. I doubt that there's any Large pockets of Christian. Well, the military is not even allowed to evangelize either and I understand but they're allowed to push hang a handout LGBT pamphlets and like feminism pamphlets and all this stuff. So Yeah, that's crazy well You know, it's basically going back to where it needs to be right in Afghanistan That's what it needs to be. We should we shouldn't have been there in the first place Yeah, we killed Osama bin Laden ten years ago. Yeah Yeah, that was the case if it was a matter of just capturing him Yeah, which obviously even when it comes to that 9-eleven, we don't believe the official story. He's not the one who did it. Amen You know, it's like it was a straw man. He were he operated as a straw man to push a Narrative false flag, right? Yeah. Yeah How many guys did they send it to you how many troops into Afghanistan, I don't know probably like tens of thousands a lot after one guy after one guy and he wasn't even in Afghanistan I Wanted to even kill the studio in Burbank. So we don't even have his body. He's a studio in Burbank Are the Twin Towers even real have you ever been? Yeah, they are I've never seen them You know, what's those Afghan is touchdown as soon as they go through TSA they're gonna like oh dang like I Mean, I mean they're coming they're coming here cuz what pastor said like there's money here to globalization That's that was the purpose of America going over there. You know, it's just trying to conquer land and set up their garrisons and just Spread Americanism and wicked values over there. That was the purpose of it I mean, yeah, but to an extent it like at least right now it failed to an extent. Yeah Yep, which is good. I mean it it's good that it failed. Yeah, but you know People over there. They're still gonna go to hell. Unfortunately. Yeah, you know what I mean? Cuz they they're obviously following Islam and Muhammad and the Quran and all that and even though they're executing Good punishments for capital crimes as America should be doing Unfortunately, they're still gonna go to hell yeah, you know what I mean? Cuz they're not saved so I There's like I think there's like a misconception. So what wait, wait, so what do you I mean, so obviously the Taliban They don't allow evangelism over there, right? Um, I I don't I don't think so probably not under Sharia law. They don't allow evangelism But I think there's there's there's like I was reading about this and just through my own experience Like I come from a Muslim background, right? I really I'm not Afghani. I'm from North Africa but Just from my own experience like talking to people like I've been to Tunisia before and all this stuff I think the the reason those laws are in a place where like you can't Evangelize or whatever I think it's very much like to protect the people there like the from becoming Christian cuz like When I talk to people they're like, they're not Muslim at all like in Tunisia They're like it's like it's like Hispanic Catholics almost like how easy is it to get them saved? You just show them what the Bible says And a lot of these people they're not like Jews or something where they hate the Bible or they hate Jesus or something like that I mean they reference him to some degree. Yeah, they call him prophet and stuff like that So, I mean if you tell them, you know, I'm coming in the name of this prophet I I don't think they'd have a vitriolic like reaction to what you I think it's very much like the same deal with Hispanic Catholics and like that They're it's part of their identity that they're that they're Catholic but like I don't it's just it is Obviously, they don't view Jesus Christ as we would view Jesus Christ I mean, but they still have some level of reverence and respect towards him. Just how you'd say like a Catholic does Oh, yeah, they're not gonna spit on the ground when they hear the name of Jesus exactly Yeah, you know so I mean we've damaged our like the reputation of Christianity and like Afghanistan I think most of the Muslim world since like 2000 since 9-11, but and I think that's kind of bond on purpose they they really do want Islam to be the enemy and America to be this hub of Christianity and they hate us because we're Christian You know, maybe he's just part of all, you know, it's just leading up to this And times and pushing a narrative there to cause the United States just to hate Afghanistan and Muslims even more. Yeah, so it's unfortunate but it's part of what's their agenda probably Yeah, that's what I was going for. I think like making Islam the enemy So like I think maybe like the Antichrist defeats Islam or something like that. And then why preach that in my revelation 6? Sherman. Yeah, we're You know you could it's a possibility that when he goes conquering and to conquer a great military win for him that would Cause him to be a hero the eyes of the people is the fact that if you were to conquer Their number one enemy which would be the Muslims. Yeah, you know, I mean The Mahdi yeah Defeats him, you know what I mean that can be like a really big win for them Yeah, and that's how he gains this credibility as a conquering king general or whatever Yeah And I think it's also interesting that like if you look at all the major religions of the world like Christianity Buddhism whatever all of them are like going more towards being more universal and more Ecumenical and more like United except for Islam except for Islam. Yeah, who's pulling back? Hold on when he's going forth conquering and to conquer we still don't know who he is, right? So, how would we worship him then? Well, I'm not Well, no, no, no, I don't think I don't think I don't think his victory I Don't think what does that mean a mouse in your pocket? It's just the same. I don't think his victory over the imam Would would cause people to worship him it would cause him to be I said it would give him credibility as a great war hero General yeah war hero and I think because that would be like the greatest battle between the Jews and the Muslims you know what I mean, because obviously they hate each other and That could potentially be the war that would cause for him to to receive a deadly wound to the head rise to prom Yeah a rise to prominence and then you know, obviously, you know, because the Bible does say in Revelation chapter 6 He's going forth conquering to conquer. You gotta ask yourself. Well, what is he conquering? Yeah, yeah who is he and and Babylon always needs an enemy to to like yeah portray You know America and Israel always are in cahoots. Yeah, you know what I mean? They have a common enemy Yeah Islam and so I Don't think it's a far-fetched idea. I think it's a it's a credible idea and I didn't say that the world would worship him Because of the wars I think the the conquering would give him credibility You know because of the fact that the narrative that's being pushed towards Republican conservatives Christians is that Islam is like the Antichrist? Yeah, that the imam is the antichrist the whole thing with Ishmael like you Smell exactly because they view Ishmael as being Muslims. Yeah representing the Muslims Arabs exactly So if you were to conquer them, it was it would be like a great win for the Republican conservatives The whole world is gonna worship the Antichrist Except after except us after after After he raises from the dead, correct? Yes, including Muslims. I mean if he defeats them. Well, yeah, I think so. Absolutely Yeah, cuz here's the thing is that he if he defeats them and he conquers them then body fails Yeah, then he you know, I think somehow The the remnant Muslims will amalgamate into I thought his orders be like the embodiment of Let's say whatever the Buddhists worship and the Muslims. I don't think that I don't I don't necessarily Agree with that. He's not gonna be like this one piece of the puzzle that just they know I think I think him rising from the dead will be the final Measure of credibility that he needs for the entire world to say Okay, this is the guy you know what I mean? And it could be like, you know, the Buddhists could say like oh, this is the one we've been looking for But it but you look at religions today like you're mentioning how they're all just kind of unifying a lot of the radicalism in Hinduism and Buddhism very small so watered down That it leaves room open for a potential person who's not a Hindu is not a Buddhist and then say well, this is just a guy That's why he's saying like Islam is the one religion that In a sense has still remained purified from the amalgamation of ecumenicalism Yeah, any other religion like they haven't allowed other religions to infiltrate Their way of customs and beliefs. What's interesting is they've tried like in Germany They have like they've tried to get mosques run by women or something. Oh, and you know what happens to those women They die right they die. Yeah Yeah, I mean But I'm sure they've been attempts, but they've failed miserably For the most part of the religions have been watered down which obviously we don't care what other religions do Yeah, they're a false way, but I'm saying you can see how easy I mean if you have Christians that are Christians that are gonna worship the Antichrist mainstream Christianity and you would think well, how can mainstream Christianity worship the Antichrist if they you know have the truth What's because it's it's it's an apostate. It's apostate churches that will worship you So if if you know that the tip of the spear so to speak obviously I'm not talking about safe Christians You know are being deceived by the Antichrist how much more how much more every other religion Buddhists or Hindus? Yeah, that's not founded by Christianity or doesn't have the truth will be deceived by them. Yeah, so and I think the the Yeah, the ecumenism that's being Pushed forth until the religions kind of aids in that And some some of those major religions in the world are already very ecumenical like Hinduism Already has like Jesus as like one of their gods and Buddhism like Jesus who absolutely so I mean What would he what's your thoughts? Is this all new to you or something or what you feel like you act like we've like the first time we've talked about this What is? So My my take on this is all right great. All right, that's a response. Thank you so much for that Diane My take on this is the fact that he's gonna he's gonna come We we're not gonna know who he is. He's just gonna be some military general or fighting these battles. He's going forth conquering to conquer And he's just gonna gain. I've always likened it unto He's gonna be like the kings of the Old Testament and if you think about it Revelation 6 the Bible says that he's given a crown. So it's like almost as if he's anointed King. He's not the king yet He's given one, but we don't know who he is until He receives the deadly wounds of the head his deadly wound is healed and then he proclaims himself to be God well in the Old Testament David for example was anointed King, but was not yet the king and From the period of when he was anointed to the time that he actually took the throne He fought a lot of battles and he gained a lot of credibility You know David has killed his 10,000, you know saws killed his thousands, but David is ten thousands So we kind of rose to prominence and credibility as just a regular general Right before he actually took the throne Understand so I think in like manner he's gonna do this. The Antichrist is gonna do the same thing He's gonna be some unknown person, you know Conquering all these all these people all these lands and nations and I personally think that one of them is gonna be The Nate or Afghanistan or the nation Muslim Muslim nations Yeah, and which will give them the most credibility even with Christians So then when he falls when he dies, I think even Christians are gonna mourn for him You know, look at this great hero, yeah, it's great military hero Look how much like reverence or whatever we show to like dead soldiers in Afghanistan What about like some great hero, you know that like conquered Islam and went forth? He's gonna be like a king that at a times at a time when kings go forth to battle He's gonna be like one of those guys. Yeah, you know and according to the Jews. He's already here Oh, yeah, I saw it. What was that? Was that real? I don't know what you're talking about. Like they said the Messiah has been born already or something. Yeah. Well they had they I just saw a video of these two rabbis talking and They're at one of them was asking like when are we gonna reveal him and he's like he's like he's already here We're just waiting. He's invisible. He's already here. Well, I don't know if that means But then again, you know rabbis are they're liars, you know, so He's bluffing yeah, he could be bluffing too, you know but um Anyways, yeah, it's pretty interesting Hopefully just to wrap it up. Hopefully like If that isn't the case Islam isn't gonna be this this like this enemy that the world's gonna unite against or whatever Hopefully now that we pulled out of Afghanistan. Hopefully I think tensions in the Middle East kind of calmed down Yeah, like with the Muslim world or something. Yep, because I think if they do like Soul winning there might be impossible or even like immigrants who come here from the Muslim world can get saved even easier if they're not just like if they don't Just hate Christianity off the get-go because they bombed their house or killed their dad or something like that like a church I went to in Canada 50% of it was was like Iranians like ex ex Muslims basically there. I we had a guy called brother Muhammad Wow, I would change my name if it was Muhammad, but yeah a Deal Well, let's switch the subject here Just briefly actually man going uh going a little long tonight, huh? Hey, it's been a while. Did you guys get your vaccine yet? I've gotten yeah, I've got I'm trying to collect all of them five year AstraZeneca It's sketchy I Have a question so people who say that the vaccine is the mark of the beast. Mm-hmm Wouldn't what do we know who the Antichrist is first? Because don't the doesn't the mark yeah get get distributed after correct Yeah, you're the wrong. So for all these people just saying like there's so many things wrong with that that there's just teaching Yeah, and it really makes me upset when people say because I see it a lot on Instagram, for example, and It just really ticks me off when I hear that. I would say because they say it's so dogmatically and They're so the human about it that it irritates the fire to me and it really shows the ignorance of people but you know I thought about it for a while and I'm wondering like because because I've talked to multiple people who believe that vaccines are the mark of the beast multiple people and I've said look this is why it's not it's not that hard, you know, here are the reasons why let me show you the scriptures And they're like, oh, okay, and then they're still teaching. It's the mark of the beast The the number is six six six, you know And then I saw a really stupid post the other day and it literally said, you know I've had that whole 666 thing about the vaccine and it says so why are Christians saying that it's not the mark of the beast And they said and they put the references Okay, deceive the very like no, this is what they put as a reference revelation 23 Then The new new revelation. Wait, what? Yeah, exactly And I commented on there I was just like the same idiots that are telling you that the vaccines are the mark of the beasts are the same ones They're telling you to reference Revelation 23 expansion pack. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, yeah revelation 23, jude 3 Matthew 29 mark 17 outtakes Proverbs 32 the Book of Mormon. Yeah It's like what and But but here's the thing. Here's my opinion on on why there's so many people saying this in Christianity on social media or whatever Cuz there's dumb. There's good. There's a there's a Christianity and tick-tock and Instagram That I feel like whoa Christianity Yeah, but I feel like it's it's only subject to those platforms for some reason I don't know why I don't think so on Facebook It's like super watered-down like effeminate like the one the reaction you did to like he's coming back. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, it's like that Well, there's that and then there's and then there's there's like these conspiracy theorists. Okay. It's like the guy who I Destroyed. Oh, yeah that guy just on that on that live stream lives out of the motel. Yes Yeah, it's some some guy who claims to be a Bible teacher and stuff but um So this is the reason I believe why people are teaching this because the the the The medical freedom community is very large. Okay, and It's it's a very large community, but it's not made up of Christians. It's made up of just people who just are freedom lovers and a Percentage of that a large percentage of that are Christians or claim to be Christians And then an even smaller percentage of that are actually like safe Christians, right? So you have these freedom lovers who you know, they're they're anti-vaxx They're for medical freedom, you know, they're for the naturalist approach and you know they would say a lot of the same things that we say and They obviously understand and see that the vast majority of these freedom lovers are Christians, you know You got a good percentage of them that are Christians. They're believers. So what I think that they're doing is that they're kind of infiltrating and seeking to Take the Bible to fit their agenda to fit their narrative, basically So they're twisting all these Bible verses and all these things and that's where I think the whole Vaccine is the mark of the beast is coming from Okay, they're not real believers because I actually talked to someone who I led to the Lord and And this person was telling me they're like I get so frustrated because a lot of the freedom The medical freedom people these anti-vaxxers who claim to be Christian, you know, they're always saying these weird things and I'm like, yeah Why are they saying that he goes because they're not even Christian they claim Christianity. Just use it as a tool well, they use it as a platform and Initially a lot of them would use it as a platform in order to be exempt from certain things So they don't really believe the Bible. They don't believe in God. They don't believe in Jesus. They just claim Christianity so they can say well It's my religious conviction not to do this thing Yeah, there's it's like it's like the same group of people who are like get into esoteric stuff like Nephilim and like well the Bible Well, you know, it's not a hundred percent true, but still has like all this like interesting stuff Yeah, and you know, these are the same people that talk about like the book of Enoch exactly J sure the Gospel of Thomas and Nephilim these are the same people who do this. Yeah, and so there's a ton of them on there. You know, I mean, but here's the thing You can hate vaccines and not twist the Bible. Yeah So why do you have to twist the Bible and pervert the Bible? To make it fit what you believe, right? It's okay to say that vaccines are wicked and it's a valid point It's credit yourself when you bring in the Bible when you twist the Bible to push that narrative. You don't have to do that There's enough secondary principles in the Bible that you can use To teach that it's not a wise thing to take vaccines It's not a biblical thing to take it without trying to say that the vaccine is the mark of the beast now Here's the thing is because a lot of people are saying that right now. This is the mark of the beast Antichrist Where's the antichrist? Where's the abomination of desolation? Have you had yeah, they'll say 75 days has been not only that but how about this? Have you seen anyone take the vaccine in the right hand or in their forehead? I mean, I'll do it I Mean that's so stupid. Yeah, it says Have you bought have you seen anyone buy or sell if you're not taking the mortgage fees? Have you been able to buy and so that's all allegorical that's all metaphor is for what though? What is it allegory like all the great wonders and yeah, but where the two prophets those are that's where the two olive tree Oh, she and Bill Gates to process. Where's the hundred and forty four thousand. That's us Those are the freedom fighters It just makes me so mad it makes me so mad that um that people do and you know what like there's people who are not Baptist who who like follow me on Instagram and They agree with me And they don't you know, they'll say yeah, that's that's kind of weird that people say it's the mark of the beast I don't think it is. I think they're really bad I think they're they're really wicked and everything But I'm not gonna say it's the mark of the beast cuz they're saved like I've talked to them They're safe people and they have the spirit of truth dwelling within them And so obviously the spirit is telling them like hey the spirit speak at the expressly. This is not true. That's actually crazy That's I was so wanting out here and I got a lady saved and she we just started talking about vaccine stuff and Okay, I mean good conversation Break the ice with that was after she got saved. Okay. Yeah, and she was like, yeah, you know I hear I hear people thinking like saying like it's the mark of the beast I don't really think that I think it's like a precursor to the mark of the beast I think it's like condition which I agree with. Yeah, I agree with that precursor, but to say it's the mark of the beast Yeah, like that idiot that I that I destroyed online He was saying, you know, it's the mark of the beast. I'm like, have you bought or sold? That is a matters people in China who can't buy or sale I'm like our Christians dying because you know when when the mark of the beast is rolled out Christians are dying a Lot of Christians are making war with the Saints exactly. What has that happened recently? That's when Trump lost But it's just people were ignorant of the Bible and you know stupid posts like that where it's just like revelation 23 I just proof Yeah, you know what if revelation 23 says that the vaccine is the mark of the beast I'll believe it People are crazy man, but here's the thing, you know vaccines do you think they're sinful? I do not think they're sinful because and and I made a video about this Like a month ago when I was doing the other podcast the olive crown podcast, you know sin is the transgression of the law You know and so Nowhere in the Bible does it say thou shalt not take a vaccine But you can pull out secondary principles in the Bible that teach that they're basically when you put them together You see over the span of the Bible. Yeah, maybe this is not good. They are wicked. They are evil Number one because of the fact that they have a bordered fetal tissue in it Which obviously if you if you take a vaccine you're being a partaker of their evil deeds Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them The Bible says neither be partakers of other men's sins. You understand? So there is a definite greed And covetous agenda behind vaccines people make money off of it. So I don't think it's right not only that but it's not Good to put all these foreign substances into your body just from a health perspective from a health perspective You know if your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which you have of God a year and not your own You shouldn't be injecting aluminum Aluminum aluminum on monkey parts monkey parts kidneys into your body so That's it right there. I mean that that's all you need and the Bible says Jesus said they that are whole have no need of a physician So if you're not sick, you know, you don't really need that those things Do you think well, would you say like you can still get a biblical like religious exemption then even though it's not like Explicitly like absolutely. Yeah, absolutely and we give them out to our church members Who need it for their job? We'll make it specific. We will put the Bible verses on there We'll put their names and how long they've been attending our church. I'll sign it We'll put it on the letterhead and you can take it to your job We're gonna put a general one for the public for anybody who wants it But it's gonna be very general if they want it for their job. Thank you. Not. Yeah it's not gonna be very specific obviously, but um Yeah, I mean I Don't think you should take it. I think you know for people to say that you should I mean I know Christians that have taken the vaccine. Yeah, which is crazy, you know, and it's even crazier that the people that the California when California was even entertaining the possibility of mandating vaccines If you wanted to go to restaurants and stores and all these things The only thing that was exempt from that list was churches churches and grocery stores That was the only thing and you know, I was talking my wife I was like, well, you know, I guess we're not eating out anymore if this happens, you know I mean like I guess we're just well door dash you could order from here Well, I mean you could go to drive-throughs and stuff like that. Yeah, but I'm saying like we're guess we're not gonna be going anywhere You know, the church isn't gonna be going anywhere. We're just gonna have to cater everything in it fully. I mean everything They dropped it the Democrat who's trying to push that dropped it Chick-fil-a church What about churches chicken Chick-fil-a is actually very what in and out has Bible verses Good well, they were they're planning on doing it in the city of Los Angeles. We talked about that earlier I think that's how it's probably gonna happen won't be a Well, they're gonna propose it also in 2022 for California again Oh, they are reason the reason they backed off of it is because they felt it would hurt Gavin Newsom for this whole recall election thing, you know, but that guy's already hurt it is He's hurt he's but people who don't even go to church to say Oh if you take the vaccine that's a sin and all this and that it's like dude You probably sin all the time like not probably You're a sinner so I feel convicted You're wicked you're wicked Pastor me he exposed part one No, it's like they don't even go to church. They're hypocrites. They're hypocrites. The vaccine is a sin, dude So many things are sin Well, look a lot of people have asked me about it and then they'll try to correct me on it and I'll ask them I said have you read the Bible cover to cover once? No response. What's the Bible? It's like so you're trying to tell you I'm not the best Christian. I'm not the best pastor, but I will say this I've read the Bible multiple times over the last 15 years of my life or not my 15 years of my life Yeah over the last 15 years of my life, you know, I've read it multiple times. I'm a pastor I teach the Bible. I Read the Bible every single day cover to cover. I read it every single year and you know what? Never once have I seen anything being mentioned about a vaccine So it's interesting that these people want to teach it They understand neither what they say nowhere have they affirmed because they desire to be teachers of the law But they don't even know what they're talking about, you know, and it really quite frankly it ticks me off You know, it just it just frustrates the fire at me when I see these people online You know trying to push this when they haven't even read they watch a bunch of YouTube videos They watch a bunch of clips about it, you know, but they don't know what they're talking about but you know, he that is ignorant let him be ignorant still he that is filthy let him be filthy still and You know, just let him be stupid It's like guy if you're taking care of a family if you have kids to feed you have a wife to feed and your job Is mandating the vaccine? What are you gonna do? Let your family starve Well, this is what I've told people over the last couple of weeks even before pastor Anderson made the video someone asked me here and They said what do you do? Like what should we do? And I'm like Well, I mean it really depends on how important the job is for you, right? like if it's that important then you know You do have to feed your family and I always tell them and you're always gonna get a resurrected body and people hate when I say that Because they feel like that's compromising You know and I'm sure like you said that people were saying that pastor Anderson was compromising on his stance or whatever But these people are idiots. Let me just be honest with you. Okay, and and and this is why Because of the fact that you can never do right for them, you know We're approaching this from a logical biblical perspective And the biblical perspective is this if the job is that important to you and you have to feed your family you know then I guess you're gonna take the vaccine and I don't think you're wicked for doing that. I don't think you're evil for doing that I think obviously I believe the vaccine is is bad and it's gonna be detrimental to your health But I don't think you're a wicked person for doing that and if you take it Well, I mean you have to provide for your family But if you feel like well now I can just get another job then go get another Well, in fact, you'd be wicked if you don't provide for your family. It's actually wicked not to provide for your family Yeah, exactly. I think I think you know what a lot of these people who don't take the vaccine You know what they do they do smoke pot Yeah, I guarantee you they drink alcohol Don't go to church. I guarantee. Yeah, I guarantee you they don't go to church You know, yeah, there's so they're like they they're these self-righteous holier-than-thou People just because they're not taking the vaccine, but they're committing all kinds of other sins Somebody was getting on me because I was saying like if it was like life or death take the vaccine I was telling him like no, I wouldn't I wouldn't die just not like being alive is more important than yeah Taking this vaccine because if I'm alive I can still work for God I can so yep You have my family so be with my brother and look look this doesn't mean that we're gonna take the vaccine Yeah, I mean I will do whatever it takes Not to get it because I don't want it. Yeah. Yeah, I don't want I want that stuff in my body I don't want to inject my children with that I want my wife to have it and I will encourage our church members not to get it Yeah, you understand but if it comes down to it, like someone said what do you do if they mandate it? I'm like, well, what do you mean? I'm not I'm gonna do whatever it takes not to get it What if they did just what if they just force you to take what if they hold you down? Yeah, I said well if they hold me down they forced me to take it And they're like and they're like, oh no, I can't do that. I'm like, dude, they just forced you You can't win with these people You understand but here's the thing a lot of these lost in your own scenario A lot of this stems from fear. Yeah. Yep. They're just afraid how so Because they come up with these irrational scenarios Right that are never gonna happen And if they do happen notice that the people who are not even freaking out about this are often people are just serving God Yeah, they're just walking with the Lord. They're just kind of living about their day. They're not well, they're not Careful, you know, they're not full of care. Yeah, you know The people who are not who are completely fearful You're just afraid of sudden fear of the desolation of the wicked are those who are just not serving God Because at the end of the day if you're serving the Lord if you're reading your Bible, you're winning souls to Christ You're going to church We're on we're with the Lord then we're on the winning side We're on the winning side God's gonna take care of us no matter what and look if you're falling apart right now when this whole vaccine happens, oh Man, just imagine it's only gonna get worse from here folks. Don't I say this like every other like sermon? It's only gonna get worse black showing. Yeah Because I'm trying to get people to understand out the real mark of the beast like Yeah, I try to protest that Yeah, try to try hey when they roll out the real mark of the beast try to go protest that and try to get a Your balance to be signed your body your choice. I try to recall it Recall the antichrist. Yeah, try to try to use your body your choice on that one You know, yeah, it's gonna be your body Body no choice. I Also think people like yeah, you were saying people make up these scenarios chip you won't have to get a vaccine they're like I'll take You were saying like people make up these scenarios in their heads and stuff like oh what if it this happens this happens this happens Like I think also a lot of them perish for lack of knowledge like literally just do your research There's like a lot of ways out of it. Yeah, I'm like secular protectors. We should we still live in America There's religious exemption. Yeah, anyways They're gonna be afraid no matter what it is Well, yeah Obama's president. Oh, no, it's over. Yeah, it's they create these irrational And I've met listen, listen, I met people who have these irrational fears Yeah, and they're and here's the thing is like they come to you for answers and when you give them the answer is just not Good enough. It's not good enough. It's just like but there's still gonna happen. It's like, alright Well, I don't know what to tell you. You know what you should tell me. She'd be like, yeah Oh just trip them out. No, why don't you just teach false doctrine? That's crazy what he just just like mislead them that'd be really fun. You just go back on everything you just talked about right now So are we against the vaccines? Absolutely. Should I do you think I do I think you should take it? No, are the ways to get out of it? Yes What if I'm just completely forced to take it then I guess you got to take What do you want from me What do you want from me? You know you what they want me to say is like, oh no, dude You got to pull out the guns and just shoot everyone on your lawn So at the end of the day vaccines are not sinful, but I believe they are evil I believe the the promoters of the vaccine are evil. There's an agenda behind it That's that's been evidence since before the kovat 19 vaccine. It's always been that way with the flu vaccine You know all these other ones that they have they make money off of it. So there's obviously a nefarious agenda behind it You should not take it I don't think you should if you're a Christian But if you do then for because you're trying to provide for your family you feel like you can't get any other job Like it's like you don't want me to give them a third choice You know, I was like, well, I guess you could just die. I guess you could die you could overthrow the government It's like what do you want me to tell you? These are your options? Look, this is what the Bible says sufficient unto the day. Yeah is the evil thereof. Yeah You know cuz they tell me like oh no, we gotta fight this it's coming in 2022 though I was like well sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof Also, if you do have to take it look at nicotine patches and hit me up in 2022 Why nicotine patches? So so there's there's some there were some studies in France talking about how will that extract the metals from your No, it's so nicotine Deactivate some of the spike proteins from either catching coven or getting the vaccine Because essentially what happens if you get the vaccine you're basically turning your immune system into like a subscription service We're like, no, it's it's almost as if you have AIDS like not that far Was that a hyperbole that was a little bit of hyperbole go watch password me a sermon hyperbole That was a little extreme right but it's anyways long story short nicotine can deactivate some of the spike proteins that like weaken your I'm Not he's not promoting anybody's to smoke cigarettes patches or gum Yeah, so you're promoting patches and gum. I mean don't just don't get a team patches. I mean just don't get addicted to it Yeah, I don't recommend that Look up the studies do your own research. Yeah, do your own research? We do we do not promote the the the putting on a nicotine patches or gum in order to help you after the vaccine I'm fact, I'm cutting that out of this All right fellas, well, I think that's it for tonight you want to do you want to say something stupid, too Well, you know, hey that was a great episode Had a good time Talking about different things there. Well folks, you know, hope to see you in the next episode trying to get that word Uh, we're gonna be uploading this of course to YouTube and then we will make sure it gets on Spotify the audio will also be available on the website after we see la org which has been updated and So looking forward to seeing you on the next episode. Thank you so much for tuning in You