(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I am your host pastor Bruce me here first works Baptist Church, and I'm joined by a special guest tonight. We have brother John Sieber from our church John the Assyrian and He he's adidas doubt right now. And so yeah pants and shoes. You can't see but I got the You know, I just got finished doing an interview with them A guy on YouTube and on Instagram King no pal and he's a big Trump supporter, but he um, it's so it's pretty cool He believes just like we do he listens to our preaching but every time like a good point was made He had a button he could press and it would go It was all like you have this audience and like rapper base put the death pedophiles King James, I'm a I Gotta we gotta get a button like that for the for the rod of iron podcast So with that being said brother John Sieber is with us tonight And Looking forward to a great episode. We're just gonna get into some random topics tonight. And so John Thanks for coming on the on the podcast tonight for me. Yeah second time back. Yeah back again back again Yeah, and if you don't remember brother John was on the podcast a couple as it was actually last year Wow it was last year and he was the he was talking about being a pilot and He was also talking about his experience in the monastery He lived in a monastery for quite some time and the horrors of the monastery life And so we're looking forward to what he has for us tonight Don't mean to put you on the spot, but I just did and so excited to have you. Yeah. All right Alright guys, let's get started done done and done and done and on and out So Anyways, um Yeah, because like you leases his car During the last podcast He was for all here and then there was like a text message that came in and it was from you leases But I didn't know I just didn't really pay attention to it But then I realized I was like, oh, yeah, he texted me So I look and he said someone someone's outside stealing my car trying to steal my car we all run outside and The police are already out there Believe it or not Ulysses is out there his vehicles out there and there's this Drunk guy out there and I guess the story goes is that this? drunk individual was inside of you leases his car and kind of just like looking around and stuff and you lease his wife was actually in the foyer and she's like looking at him do this and I think she asked them like hey Did you I don't know what did she ask you like oh Yeah, where did you park the car? He's like in front of the church? He's like, well, there's someone in your car in the car right now So he ran out there and this guy was out there and there's another individual who had actually had already called the police, right? And he's looking at him do this. He's like this guy's trying to steal the vehicle Well, it turns out this guy had the same exact vehicle as Ulysses And he was saying that you know, oh I thought it was my car I thought was my car and the funny thing is we go out there and I'm looking at Ulysses vehicle I'm like man Ulysses did a horrible job parking this vehicle Like why is it look like I'm like this guy this looks bad the police is right here like but it's actually Ulysses It's actually the drunk guys vehicle and they're actually like about two spaces away from each other So, I don't know if the guy was lying He might have been lying or something But for sure his vehicle was almost the exact same one as brother who leases they look Yeah, and then another thing is this guy never leaves his vehicle unlocked I leave my I used to leave my vehicle unlocked all the time Like wait if I go to the store not at night But during the day if I go to the store, I leave it unlocked because I figured what are they gonna steal? There's nothing there's nothing in my vehicle on 30 40 minutes. Yeah, there's nothing of value inside my vehicle other than of course my Bible and all that stuff, but who's gonna want that and And He always locks it like this guy could be driving the most raunchy his bucket vehicle in the world He's the log you he'll lock and do the beeping sounds that beep-beep Oh Milan well, that's a different story. Milan had a tick He had a what is that? He had a he had obsessive compulsive disorder when it came to locking doors So all doors, I believe so for sure His vehicle door like you'd press the button like 50 times just to make sure You know, I'll cut this out of the podcast, but that was pretty funny though. Yeah this yeah He was obsessive. He had obsessive compulsive disorder with a lot of things like he couldn't make left turns. Oh, yeah He basically would make a right turn until he reached it reached his destination So if you had to make a left turn he would like He would make a ride and ride and ride and right and just kind of go all the way around to Got to wherever you had to go to how would he be able to watch NASCAR? Oh God oh Man yeah, how would he come to this church? He wouldn't be able to come here unless you just get off of you know Yeah, another freeway. Yeah So you can Obsessive compulsive disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder. I know nothing about that You don't we can't talk about it because John doesn't know anything about it. You reading any new books or what? No, I've been super busy with you know between work and all the music stuff. Aren't you learning Greek right now? I Have that on a hold right now really? Yeah, so I got Too much stuff that I try to learn at the same time. Yeah, I always do. Yeah Well, John, so John is is in charge of our orchestra Okay in our church. He's doing a great job. He's always learning these weird instruments the Saxon net or the Claire Claire phone is clarinet The bass clarinet looks like a like a dark version of a saxophone or something Cody makes the same joke about it every time He's like, hey, you're gonna throw it on the floor and turn into a snake. He told me that joke on Sunday He's really proud of that like four times. That's it right there. That's the bass clarinet. That's it right there, right? Yep Yeah, it's the dark side of the saxophone. Yeah, sounds great though. It's nice and bassy Yeah, we needed something like that in the orchestra cuz we had a bunch of flutes and yeah I was playing the other clarinet which no one can hear. Yeah, so This is at least something people can hear. Well, don't say no one can hear cuz isn't Malia Learn He influenced Malia to learn the clarinet and I think she's learning it right? Yeah Yeah, we didn't get some of the podcasts and says you can't even hear the clarinet. Well the shout out to Malia She knows that about it. I told her I was like cuz she's like, oh, you know, I'm nervous about playing You know and all this cuz everyone whenever I try to get people in the orchestra They always use that right and I'm like, don't worry. The clarinet is really easy. No one will even hear you You already told her that I Thought I was like look there's seven billion people in the world and only like 150 of those people are in this building and they're not gonna hear you anyway, so You're fine. No, you got nothing. John is a little rough. Hey Malia. We can hear you. Okay, we're Gonna mic up every single instrument. I mean, we've already miked up a couple instruments already, but we want to hear the clarinet Yeah, and you know, I really want the clarinet to get added back into because now we have kind of Like four instruments that are playing in a certain range we have the soprano and the alto and The bass now between you know, the cello and the bass clarinet. What do we have? We have we've got a flute we have a tin whistle tin whistle slash recorder slash recorder, which by the way, the the The offertory on Sunday night was awesome. You liked it. I loved it. I didn't expect it. It was kind of on the fly I didn't even practicing it for a couple weeks, but Whenever I'm at work, I listen to hymns all day. Yeah, and I just try and imagine like, you know What instruments would that sound good with? Yeah, and I wanted that one to be with guitar. It sounded amazing So, oh, yeah, what about her? Yeah, it's hard that the flute in the tin was right So Eric, you know, we knew he wasn't gonna be there. Yeah yesterday anyway, and I was like, oh man, this works out perfect Yeah, so yeah, that one sounds really good. And then I got a whole bunch more stuff to play But yeah, we got the flute tin whistle slash recorder and Louisa. She's gonna be learning the flute as well, too Yeah, we got a bunch of talented people in the orchestra. They're just like music genius. Yeah, brother Carrie's got the trumpet Yeah, and he's gonna be learning the saxophone. Yeah, so brother brother Chevy is our rock star Yeah, well the guitar not the electric guitar folks, yeah acoustic steel string nylon string both of them He's really good because he doesn't read music I'm sure he can read music, but he does he can't we use he says he used to be able to read music But he's like, but I can't do that anymore But but the thing is the guy is just has an ear for music Yeah He can just play and it just sounds like great the offertory that we had Because I can't give him a piece in like sheet music, you know, he just has to like hey Can I can you uh, you know learn this piece and then play it on Sunday night? I just sent him a video Of the song and I'm like, hey Chevy. Can you learn this? He's like, yeah, he only has to listen to thing like one time He knows all the chords. I don't remember when it was but we're We were I was going over some song. It was like a Christmas song and he had never heard it before and And Eric wasn't there to play it I just was singing it and he started playing it on the guitar just from like The way I was singing it and it sounded great So he's he's doing a good job as well, but the Chevy with the with the guitar then we have got perfect pitch That's what he has. You know, you can hear a note. I've even tested him or you know playing note on the piano He's like, oh, that's an a-flat Wow So he could tell you what note everything is That's why he can hear the key of a piece and he knows what chords go with a piece like that So he can just kind of like memorize the music that way and then we have brother Ulysses wife who plays the cello Right. She's doing a good job. I love the cello. I love the how deep the cello sounds sounds like chocolate It does Yeah, you're right. Actually. I said that some people in their life. They're like, what do you mean by that? But it's like if I'm gonna describe the sound it's like Well, because when you think of chocolate you think of rich chocolate rich rich, you know darker yeah Well, you know, it's not this bright cheery sort of thing. Yeah That's a good way to describe it. Yeah, the cello is very chocolatey. It's very it's very deep. It's very brown It's very delicious. No, I'm just kidding Delicious to the to the ears, right? It touches the soul though, and then uh, then we have now a Bass clarinet, but I was gonna call the clarinet sax. Yeah bass clarinet. It sounds great Yeah, and we got a bunch more coming. Yeah, Malia's got learning the clarinet Yeah, so we got Malia on the clarinet. So he's learning the violin violin brother hikes learning the cello Hike from the rata buyer podcast learning the French horn. Oh, that's right. Yeah, and he's he's uh, he played the trumpet When he was in school for okay or five years. Yeah, so all that experience Well, you know, what's great about this is the fact that we're calling them out right now. So there there's no going back I think I'm doing yeah, there's no going back now. They have to learn it. Oh We almost forgot Brother Jason with the cymbals Oh high-sounding cymbal He doesn't yeah, he does a good job. His cymbals and his tubular bells, too. And then brother Brother Jacob with the snare drums when needed, you know what we have like a victory through grace type song Where it requires of some sort of marching type sound and he's good at it because he used to do it in high school Yeah, yeah, so so orchestras doing great. Of course Eric the professional right doing a great job on the piano Yeah, but the John you're doing a great job with the orchestra. I'm looking forward to well We don't want to talk about the projects that we're working on. Those are secret secret. It's a secret. Okay Okay, so you guys stay tuned for the building knows about it Yeah, but not everyone now not everyone who tunes into the rod of iron podcast. All right Projects we'll keep it. We'll keep it a secret. We've said too much already. Yeah So we'll move on to the next subject. But yeah, the music ministry is going great and John's one of those guys He's like, uh, what is that? What is that called? He's like a savant kind of with all the without the other weird stuff attached to it Yeah, he these guys just learns instruments on a fly, right? He just give him an instrument. He just learns it So yeah, thanks for helping out in the orchestra doing a good job. Yeah. Love you. Amen So Speaking of languages you said you took a break from Greek, right? So like I said, cuz I'm learning all this other stuff Right now, you know kind of felt lower on the list of priorities. I'd still really want to learn Greek I love learning languages, you know in general I spent that whole year in Turkey where that's pretty much all I was doing Yeah, I was spending time learning languages and actually before I had even gone on that trip I had wanted to learn Greek That was my plan was I'd go to Turkey For a year and learn Syriac and Turkish and then I'd go to Greece and learn Greek Yeah, that's what I wanted to do. I came back early because a family stuff and whatnot And I never got that chance to learn Greek So I started with Pimsleur and all that but do you know Syriac Right, yeah, you can read it yeah, I can read it which was the hardest part learning how to read it because You know, it's a different alphabet. It looks very different Greek is You know a lot easier to read because it's so lots more similar to Latin. It's very phonetic. Yeah, and Greek has vowels and right so Syriac there's no vowels. It's only consonants So you have to know what the vowels are. Yes on the context Yeah, I took a break from studying Greek for a little bit Just because of everything that was going on with the bombing and everything all my energies went to other things, right? But I love learning Greek and I don't know if I'll ever master Greek But just I feel like spending a lifetime learning it is still worth it. Not only for my brain's sake but just for Just just to learn another language, especially a language that's attached to the New Testament Yeah, you know and because I was learning I'm learning modern Greek and then reading the Greek New Testament and then also Memorizing a thousand of the most frequently used Greek words in the New Testament as well and One thing that inspires me to learn it is the fact that obviously I want to read the Greek New Testament completely But and but also because I want to refute people who try to downplay the King James, right? There's a lot of people like that. Yeah, and they like to go back to the grief Yeah, kind of scholar or whatever like these James Y type exactly Then you hear them even if you just take a couple lessons on Pimsleur, yeah, you hear how Greek sounds you're like, okay This is how this language is supposed to sound. It sounds like it sounds that way and then you hear someone like James White So, you know Sklei Ross, Esten, Hala, Goss and Toss and you're like What is the matter with this guy? Yeah, he doesn't know anything sounds like a Star Wars language or something. Yeah, you see people like that Well, you know the thing is the people believe them. Oh, yeah people take them for experts. Absolutely. Oh, yeah this person I knew this guy who claimed to be like a Greek expert and the guy is a total heretic like he was a wolf and and he used to go to the church that I used to attend and Just a complete wolf and and he would go around Telling people that why they shouldn't use the King James Bible But everyone knew him as the man who knew Greek because he would always bring up these Greek terms and this is what it really says in the Greek and who couldn't refute him because no one knew Greek and So when he would tell me that because he would try to influence me and some of the other young guys I would just tell him like You know you you do know more than me But I'm just gonna stick with the King James because I believe that's what it is. I believe it's it's the Word of God Exactly and you know, even if maybe he does know a lot of Greek the people who translated the King James Bible Oh, you know more. Yeah, they know now studying Greek looking back I realized that this guy didn't even know any great whatsoever, which is often the case, you know Yeah, they don't know anything What they're doing is they're referencing their lexicons and and all that and they're not even doing a month They don't even know modern Greek which I've learned within the last couple of years that obviously one of the best ways to learn Greek is Learn kini kini Greek is to learn modern Greek and to have the modern pronunciation to it Right, and I've learned that if sometimes when people claim to know Greek and they know biblical Greek But they can't even speak the language. You just kind of lost credibility Yeah, because how are you gonna teach me Spanish when you don't even speak Spanish, right? How are you gonna teach me what the Spanish Bible says if you don't even you can't speak a lick of it You can't hold a conversation in Spanish. Yeah, so I learned that of course through pastor Anderson and Just personal studies and even as like I'm not deeply into Greek But just a surface study of Greek and reading through the Greek New Testament learning some of the vocabulary words already, I've kind of like debunked a lot of the things that people throw out there and Just in your casual reading of the book of John or or you know, the book of Revelation Or even through the book of James. I've seen things I'm like, well these people have lied about this or this person lied about this like this is actually what it actually says So it's it's really good I like learning Greek it's good for the mind, but it's also good just to be able to to Debunk the gainsayers and what they say against the King James Bible and then to Lord willing if I ever do quote-unquote master it and what I consider to master the language or to be fluent should I say is Be able to hold a conversation is when I'm able to win Greek speakers to the Lord Because that's really what I want to do I want to be able to go to Greece one day With my Greek New Testament and just start the conversation in Greek and preach the gospel in Greek and get them saved in Greek You know pray in Greek and do everything in Greek not have to rely on any English No, just kind of speak it as though it's a it's like a heart language, right? I would love to do that and that's my goal eventually. Do you have a time frame when you want to do? Well, I'm I want to head to Greece Greece not Cyprus. I want to head to Greece next summer next summer. I'd like to yes And of course pastor Robinson we've been planning this trip for many many Eons, not eons, but for a long time We've been wanting to go and of course with kovat and everything everything shut down and over there in Greece It's the whole kovat is really bad very bad over there. Yeah, the law also is very bad Like yeah, you can even get fined for oh, yeah, not wearing a mask outside Yeah, if I remember correctly like in Greece you have to Text if you want to get outside like you have to text the government like can I go out? It's like crazy. So obviously they're probably nowhere near You know where we're at right now in the United States that things even here, you know, they've started loosening up But it's still pretty bad. You know, it's like so hopefully by next year if they open up, you know I'd like to go and Greece is very large. So it's obviously not a Trip where we're just gonna hit all of Greece. We have to go to somewhere specific ingress and I'm either thinking you know Thessaloniki or Athens or one of the islands like St. Mykonos, that's one of the islands you want to go somewhere with like a lot of population. Yes Yeah, a lot of the population density and I don't know. I mean, you know, it's I guess we'll see when we get there Who's really receptive towards the gospel? Obviously, you know pastor Anderson said that a lot of the younger generation are very open to the gospel because they're rejecting Orthodox, right? And it just reminds me of the Catholics because a lot of the younger Catholics Yeah straight away from Catholicism because of it of their self righteousness and the self righteous attitude The Catholics have and priests and all that and they're kind of open towards the gospel, you know So I think it might be the same with the Orthodox. Yeah, you gotta catch them in that in-between point Yeah, because they're they're obviously they're rejected Catholicism. Yeah an orthodoxy, but they can go and catch it. Yeah They would be like, you know, oh no, I'm completely atheist Yeah stuff like that where because of the Catholic Church of the Orthodox Church and they just hate everything about the Bible, right? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, but the Robinson actually gave me a Bible the the Bible of the bear. It's a massive Bible It's really awesome. It's this first Spanish. Can you talking to someone on your watch man or something? He loves that watch He gave me the Bible of the bear and it's a massive Bible was the first canonized bout Bible in Spanish 1569 it's really good But I'm intrigued by those things especially when it comes, you know, Greek is very similar to Spanish, right? Even the the sound of it. Yeah, you know, yeah I think that's what helps with my pronunciation as well Which I'm sure even speaking Syriac helps with the pronunciation in Greek. Would you say or no? They sound quite a bit different Yeah, yeah, I would say they sound very different what it would see you speak Syriac and what else Turkish So does Turkish help you with the pronunciation? No, okay, Turkish and Greek are like enemy languages. Oh, yeah Well, you know language transfer. Yeah, the whole idea behind that it was started by I believe a Cypriot man. Oh Yeah, they have Greek people and Turkish yeah So he it was used as a tool to get the Turkish people to art to get Turkish people to be able to learn Greek Greek Yeah, people learn Turkish invites. It's the vast difference of the the language right so that you know communication good Yes between them so that you know possibly through that there would be less strife. There would be less So is there a lot of strife between Turkish people and Greeks? I mean, I don't know how it is now, but I Don't remember exactly when it was but even in the last century There was a lot of bad stuff because Cyprus a lot of bad stuff and Turkish aggression and all that Yeah, so I mean if you talk to like the young people, yeah Yeah, the metropolitan areas in Turkey, you know, of course, they're not for anything like that, but it's a Country where it's still The government is still very corrupt In government and the people are not really the same thing and it's becoming more Islamic also where Turkey used to be a country That was you know Muslim Empire the Ottoman Empire Yeah And then with the revolution they became completely secularized to the point where you weren't allowed to wear like a hijab in public You know, you couldn't wear the burka and stuff like that. It was made, you know illegal and They changed from the Arabic alphabet to the Latin alphabet so they were trying to like westernize, yeah the country But now it's going more back towards that words, you know Islamism and stuff like that and with that comes You know all the Islamic teachings of jihad Conquering everything. Yeah, you see in all of Muslim history, they're always just trying to conquer and expand and all that You know They even went as far as Spain everything conquered all of Spain. So You know with that Coming back. There may be more Aggression tension, you know in the future. Well, I hope that I mean my hope is that Greece would one day to open and then we can preach the gospel there. But who knows maybe maybe you know There won't be an opportunity. We don't know sometimes you wonder about certain countries Because obviously Greece at one time was the hub of Christianity, right? Just like Jerusalem one time was the hub of Christianity so to speak where the truth was, but then it died out Different parts of the world have been that way and Greece was kind of like that because you had all these Gentiles believing on Jesus Christ or starting these churches the church at Thessalonica and And There's churches in Athens. There's there's there's Gentile believers in in Turkey, you know modern-day Turkey and their their Greek speakers there and all these things but then it just kind of died out So you kind of wonder if God allowed it to kind of close up a little bit because they kind of had their chance I hope that's not the case Because I would love to go over there and just I think it'd be very nostalgic to go but win people to Christ Where a lot of the original quote-unquote Christians were from the New Testament, but you never know, you know I guess another good thing if we never go over there is that I can learn the language just make videos in Greek You know just make videos and promote it over there. Yeah preach the gospel in Greek and Preach biblical truths in Greek make little videos in Greek so we can send that over there So who knows but doesn't it seem like it keeps moving west? Yeah central hub of Christianity you know starting in like Israel and then into Greece and then into Europe and England over to America and it keeps moving westward, you know Well, it's funny you say westward because now Who I mean, I'm I still think it's here But you see a lot of things going on in the Philippines For example, right and there's a there's a lot of missionaries being sent out of there A lot of people are very receptive towards the gospel. And in fact, I had a Filipino missionary contact me I don't know a couple weeks ago maybe was a couple weeks ago and he was a guy who I knew back in the day when I was in the old IFP Church and he's an old IFP missionary and it was funny because Somehow I found out that he was you know, cuz missionaries in the old IFP they do deputation What that means is they go to different churches to get support right so they can go on the mission field Well, he was doing that. So he was going on a deputation and he ended up going to Verity Baptist Church For deputation, right and you know pastor Jimenez is just like, you know, if he's preaching the gospel who cares what he believes about And times Bible prophecy if he's gonna get the work done, you know, I want to support a missionary and so I think he started getting supported by Verity Baptist Church and when I was at my old church I found out about that and so he ended up coming to our church and he he's like associated with someone that's associated with our church and just you know church that was sent out of our church and He came to our church and I was like, hey, I think I know you're you know, brother so-and-so and he's like, yeah I was like didn't you go to Verity Baptist Church and he was like Yeah, I did, you know kind of different on end times, but you know, they like so any I was like cool you know, I thought it was really cool that he went there and but he recently contacted me and said that he's making the switch to post-trip and He's like, you know, and he said, you know, I believe in the poster pre-wrath now. He goes I need your advice What do I do because I know I'm gonna catch a lot of heat for this and I said, yes You are and you're probably gonna lose everything and I was like, I'm just preparing you But I was like you just need to preach God's Word and preach the truth No matter what, you know and just wherever the chips may fall and just deal it deal with it, you know And so but he agrees with this on a lot of stuff, but he was telling me that A lot of the churches over there. They're very ruckmanite, you know They heard that from Jerry and For the Jeff from Verity as well. Yeah, because there's a lot of Baptist churches out there. Yeah supposedly, but they're all ruckmanites, right? Which is unfortunate because it's the tears being sown among the wheat You know because you have a lot of people that are getting saved over there I mean anytime I hear about like a new IFB mission strip going to Going to the Philippines a ton of people are getting say you got brother Matthew stuck you over there Well over there all the time the wheels over there and now we have this guy who's who's out there and he's getting a bunch Of people saved and even Filipino people here, you know, oh, yeah, they're Filipino and they're always well They they kind of remind me of Belizeans. Yeah. Yeah, because Belizeans are just very kind Very polite very polite. They will not tell you no, which is good and bad It's good because they'll give you the time of day and they'll listen, you know, they might not even be really interesting exactly Your time going along to get in to get along kind of thing But it's interesting how you said that it was moving west and it seems like it's going kind of like around the world again But who knows? We'll see. Hey, did you guys hear about that? Um about those aliens You guys hear about that? No, I Don't believe in aliens But you know that the the the correct term Apparently is uaps Okay. Oh, I have heard of this heard of this. I've heard of this from my dad Oh, really? I had a conversation with my dad other morning over some coffee and He was talking about it because he's a good old conversation between a father son. So let me tell you about uaps Well, he's a he's a pilot right my dad. So He's uh, you know We'll get into that we don't don't don't tell that yeah, let me let me talk about this first and then you'll jump in with that So we're living in the day and age where Movies are coming to life now. It seems things that were only talked about in movies Seem to be come a reality later on and I'm not saying it's real I'm just saying like the government media social media the news They're making they're speaking of it as though it's actually real and what I mean by that is, you know Back in the day you would hear about UFOs and you see movies about UFOs and aliens People just kind of laugh it off. But now they're actually coming out and saying that These UFOs are real and they're not calling them UFOs. They're calling them uaps, which is unidentified aerial phenomenon, right? and the reason they're coming out with it is because of the fact that Apparently these pilots are seeing these uaps fairly frequently, okay, and they're capturing these uaps on camera on radar and You know and so no one was doing anything about it And so the these these pilots just basically or I'm sorry not the pilot but someone who works for the government basically took this to the New York Times or something and just published it basically, right and Now like they're catching a lot of heat they're saying hey What are you doing about this because now these pilots are coming out and say well we see this all the time We're seeing these uaps all the time. We see them every day. Anytime we fly out. We see them over and over again We're always capturing them and we're always Addressing letting our superiors know that we're seeing these things and we don't and they just kind of brush it off Well now it's getting to the point where they're they're giving The Senate like a lot of heatness in the in the Senate's basically Colin coming out and saying well you guys better Bring a report about what these things are by the end of June. We need to find out what these things are and these pilots who are Who are basically testifying to seeing these things who are witnessing these uaps they don't believe it's aliens But I'm sure a lot of people out there like they're aliens, you know They're just saying like one of the pilots was saying I don't think it's aliens I'm thinking it's like China or Russia and Some you know, it's it's a security breach right what we see it's a risk Because of the fact that these uaps are traveling at an extreme velocity They're fast as jet can go about 2,600 miles an hour or something like that to 2,000 miles an hour Whereas these uaps can travel up to 13,000 miles an hour and You know, they have there's no don't leave a contrail. Yeah, that's one thing that my dad Yeah, cuz he's been looking into this, you know, cuz he Watches airplane stuff all the time. Your father's a pilot. My father is a pilot, right? So, you know, he's been into aviation his whole life. And so has he ever seen a UAP? Yes. Oh, man Yes, we have it on here on the rod of iron podcast first folks We need to have brother brother John's dad. Come on. They brought of iron podcast. I'm just kidding. Go ahead. So Actually few years ago and it's not something that he sees all the time. Okay, but a few years ago and he saw Some kind of well walk us through what happened He was flying when you know describe the story a little bit. It was sunny out He was flying In cruise. So, you know, what does that mean way up there cruise altitude? You know somewhere between depending on where he was flying, you know somewhere between 30,000 feet 41,000 feet something like that so way up there and Out of you know, all of a sudden he saw some kind of it, you know He took a video of it too. So I've seen in it's like some small little Looks like a light and it's not a reflection of it was below him. No, no, it was you know Off to the horizon. Yeah, and It was moving in a way That did not look normal more natural in any way, you know Cuz an airplane if it was an airplane and it was just like a reflection of the Sun off an airplane an airplane Just gradually gradually slow moves across one direction But this thing was like, you know, like nothing like nothing. Yeah, you know weird thing and He asked The controller air traffic control he said, you know, we're seeing this thing out in front of us You know what it is, and they just say no, we don't see anything so Did he what did he record it with with this phone? Yeah, so it was moving all weird. He saw that he was like, ah, that's probably something I should capture on video Yeah, so he recorded it. He sure he still has the video Let's get that video real quick. Yeah And then another one that he had seen he and his friend had seen Actually from the ground Where they were at the airport and actually I may have a picture of it. Oh my yeah You see it here first folks on the rod of iron podcast yeah, so Apparently, this is something that people frequently see now the unfortunate thing is is that the public will hear about this and The vast majority of People will think that they are actually aliens You know like little green men or something. Yeah, which my dad does not believe. Yeah, cuz your dad's probably a reasonable individual, right? who oh Yeah, I see they're on 60 minutes. What does it say Navy pilots recall? Okay, can you make that screen bigger? Oh Wait, I know what this is. This is not this is basically I saw this too. I saw this as well. This is what he saw when he was flying No, this is something else this from the ground. So I saw this. This is basically I Don't know if I'm describing this correctly, I'll put it on the screen just a little bit but they're sending something into orbit basically and This is just what it looks like when it's sent into orbit when like NASA sends something into orbit like a like a Satellite of some sort because I actually saw this one time and I was like, what am I looking at? Like I saw it with my own eyes To you about two years ago. That's about when this happened. Okay, that's Yeah, you just lost all credibility But it looked like this thing yeah hanging in the sky then you saw this too, right I saw that yeah Yeah, I remember looking at that and I was thinking myself aliens. What in the world? No, I just thought to myself like did the government just mess up and just like make this happen right now Yeah, I'm like, what am I eating here? I was actually at a birthday party I was at some kids birthday party with my wife and we just looked at him. I was like, look at that I was like, what is that? Am I seeing this? Am I my mind's playing tricks on me. I forgot here I'll tell you what it is right now. I'll tell you what it is right now Because I talked to someone who's into all this stuff or whatever the NASA I know there's people out there that hate NASA People in our in our church I don't care Let's see here Where is this? Let's see here He Messaged me about it this guy documentary Come on oh, maybe I don't have it nevermind Anyways This guy told me what it was, but I don't see it on here. He was just telling me that it's it's some sort of Because he highlighted it in his stories and basically said alright this has now they find they finally send it into orbit It's gonna be up, you know for this amount of time or whatever and I was like, oh man I was wondering what that was and He was just saying that it's some project that NASA was working on But that's definitely different than what we're than what your dad's all right Right. So this is separate what he saw is they're leaving a trail light. Yeah, which leaves no trail Yeah, cuz it has propulsion but it doesn't have any like Exhaust or anything that it leaves behind right right, but even you know if it Didn't have any exhaust or anything like that if there was something moving through a medium like air at that speed Yeah, it would disrupt the air just in the same way, you know You move through the water in a boat, even if you don't cause a ripple effect Yeah, you say you're in a row boat you can still see you know the wake created by the boat Mm-hmm because it's you know pushing through that medium. So does that happen with aircrafts as well? Well, yeah, I mean an example of a good example of when that happens is when an aircraft breaks the sound barrier Oh, yeah, I've seen as you see the the shockwave. Yeah Mach cone. Yeah I've seen that I've seen that because What it's doing is it's going through the air and it's punching through the air so fast where the air can't You know just slip around the aircraft and it just busts around it Wow so if something was moving at an incredible speed, you know, like The thing that my dad saw in that video It would leave something behind even if it didn't have propulsion or whatever, even if it was something that's why my dad He was saying, you know, he's like They're saying it's moving at this crazy speed But it's not leaving anything in the air, you know Because anything that would move that fast would leave some kind of Contrail some kind of wake unless it's some sort of advanced technology that the government we have no idea how it works, but that's what I would reckon it is because well, it's either that or some sort of It or it's just some sort of Visual that the government's creating that's not even really there Right, wouldn't that be an explanation for like some I'm not saying it's like a hologram But it may be some sort of technology word. It looks like it's there, but it's not really there like a Projection of right, you know because like you said it for something to remove at that speed It would have to leave some sort of ripple effect in the in the in the air around it right around it But who knows it could be all kinds of stuff and you know, even if we look back Things that now for us are kind of like old technology. Yeah, if you look back, you know, 60 70 years ago There they were things that are unfathomable Absolutely, like the sr-71 this really really fast plane, you know goes over Mach 3 three times the speed of sound Yeah, you know it's faster than a bullet and it's a manned airplane so you have a man inside of an airplane is moving faster than a bullet and If you were to try to describe that to someone even 70 years ago, they would think like oh, no, that's crazy You know, nothing moves that fast. Yeah possible and all this But now it's just normal now because and that's another thing that the government had kept secret for so long Because they started developing that in the 60s. Yeah, they started flying it. I think in 1964 but in total secrecy and Same thing they try made sure to keep things covered up and all that, you know the surveillance aircraft and people had You know questions and sightings and the government had thought I kind of talk around it. So Well, that's what that's what I think is situation. Yeah right now just with I believe it's just some some advanced technology that the government's working on Because if these pilots are saying that they see this every single day You know what? I mean? Like if it was China or Russia you know and they had this technology to just breach Security and just fly and not be able to be captured I mean, don't you think like they would have done something about it? Like they would bomb us or destroy us, right? I mean, that's some pretty advanced technology but secondly You know there is the government just probably testing something out and like you said, you know There's technology back in the day that I mean, I'm sorry. There's technology today That even 50 years ago people would think it's just unfathomable I remember being a kid watching a cartoon called Dick Tracy and Dick Tracy was this He was like a detective and he's talking to his watch Right, and we thought it was just like the coolest thing ever like to talk into your watch. It's never possible It's just science fiction stuff, but here's an eyewash, right? Okay, you know our phones are little computers that fit even 50 years ago We would never have imagined that what we can do on a phone like you could literally operate everything on a phone You know your credit cards are on here You can literally just swipe your foot your watch or your phone on it and then you just pay for something It's just easy, you know, so it's not far-fetched that these uaps are just simply the government testing out some advanced technology But I'll tell you what, it's not It's not aliens. Okay. And the reason we know it's not aliens is because of the fact that aliens aren't real exactly God did not make aliens. Okay, and so but unfortunately, you know, I guarantee you There's gonna be the vast majority of people in this world Who because they watch too many X-Files and sci-fi movies and Star Wars that they really believe it's aliens. Yeah, and There's a whole culture behind that and I think it's an anti-god culture, of course Yeah, because I had this conversation with my dad too because he was like, oh, yeah People are saying it's aliens and whatever and I was like well aliens. That's If you believe the Bible or if you claim to believe the Bible you can't believe in a no You know if there were aliens on some planet light years away, why did God send Jesus here exactly? You know, why wouldn't God ever mention that he made all these other people right on these other planets Yeah, you know forgot so loved the world this world, right, you know, so I Mean even for a lot more reasons but I've heard I've heard people try to use the Bible to justify the aliens exist because of the visions that Ezekiel saw and the You know the terminology the Bible uses and the wording But it's it's so far-fetched to think that there are some other created beings and here's the thing more often than not people Will state that aliens because they believe in aliens. Well, these are actually creators, you know, they were here from it They were here millions of years ago And that's how we came about and they create all these crazy You know theories of how we came to life. I mean Joe Rogan who's a pretty popular podcast guy believes in aliens I mean he believes The aliens exist and that we're communicating with them already and all these things and people follow that guy and they fall into that Trap of nonsense, you know But you can't be a Bible believe in Christian and believe in aliens just bottom line and some people they want to justify They want to say they don't believe in aliens, but they kind of do so they try to choose the safe ground I was like, well, it's demons. They look like aliens or something, you know but folks, I mean If that's you don't be offended what I just said, you know, they don't demons don't operate at that level You know, what are they doing there? Anyway, exactly. Well, it's a spaceship. What are they? What do they got to do up there? You know demon exactly. Well, he's all the power of the air Right, you know people say like that but it's you know, obviously this is what I believe when it comes to demons, okay is Demons influence The powers of this world the authorities of this world to carry out a satanic nefarious agenda, right They don't they they'll give up they'll empower them by giving them authority, but they don't give them into technology Men create technology, right? We create things We have the ability to create things because God has given us that mind to be able to do so, right? And so there are human beings in this world who are very talented Who have a lot of ingenuity their creators as we're creating his image exactly. So therefore we go. Yeah, so therefore we create What Satan does is he seeks out the creators of this world to influence them to turn those creations into something to become Inventors of evil things as the Bible puts it. You see what I'm saying? So I don't think people are communicating with demons to learn technology I think some people are just endowed with a lot of knowledge and Creativity and Satan seeks those people out by giving them a bad intention. Yeah, or Authority right power because power corrupts you know, I mean and So, you know and and the proof of that is this is that if if demons were? Giving human beings technology then why does he just give everyone technology, you know the knowledge of technology I'll tell you why because of the fact that not everyone's a creator. So that's that's why he chooses these People of authority or clout or influence and they rule over them, you know They possess them because inventions are not evil, you know People want to say like a phone is evil or something or you know, I don't know. The internet is evil It's not these are honest or anything. Yeah, but there's people who believe that This can be used for good things It's the people who use it who can who can very much take it into an evil Avenue and do wicked things with it, you know, so Who knows what's going on with those uaps? It's a new technology They move very fast Okay and These pilots are coming out and they're just like I don't think they're aliens. I just think they're just advanced technology and you know, we just don't know what it is, but it's causing such a stir that the government or the the the Senate is basically saying all right You need to create a report or come up with a report and report on this and let me know what this is They're saying this to who they're asking you who to make this for the I don't know them military or something the government or something and you know Cuz I'm not familiar with this whole thing are all of these sightings and all of these videos or whatever Oh, they all taken place over our country. They all together over America. Yes, they are I'm sure there's their sightings in other places But all of these ones that are being talked about these videos They're coming out with are from our area and they'll say, you know Cuz they'll show the videos and this is the worst thing about this is that the videos are always bad Always pixelated right it's radar and you just like a circle or something But they they claim that they have better video of these uaps like 50 feet away But they don't want to release that It's nonsensical and it's unfortunate because I'm telling you just a lot of people are gonna take that and they're gonna run with it and say Aliens exist and I think sometimes even things like this can turn more people away from God because it's like well Here's fact we've seen aliens we haven't seen God and that that's the thing though Also because those people they say that and they say all well aliens are real Therefore the Bible can't be true because they know that the two can't mix right so someone who tries to make right to mix them Yeah, they're on the wrong side of both, you know, they're they make no sense at all. Even someone who's yeah Yeah, I'm not involved in it at all can say well, yeah the Bible and aliens obviously don't mix right Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if 10 15 years from now we just have like a new form of technology I mean, then we go from horses to Vehicles, I mean try explaining a vehicle to like someone in the Bible times, right? Like what? It's kind of exponential growth too. Yeah, because I mean so much has happened there was you know, how many thousands of years before where the developments in technology were really minimal, you know stuff like architecture and Primitive forms of engineering and all that but you know, whatever in the last century we've gone from So little to so much and it's all accelerating because if we can use the technology itself to create more, right? So Yeah, and it is exponential because when it comes to things of the internet or just computers It doesn't grow gradually. It's very exponential like it just it's it's uh, it speeds up more That's why it's not hard to think to believe that The New World Order could be around right around the corner The entire could be right around the corner because of the fact that the technology is just getting so advanced You know you you 50 years ago if you're talking about the mark of the beast people would say it's like a tattoo that says 666 on your arm or on your forehead, right? But now we can see it would be more of like a technology Technological chip that's implanted in your right hand or in your forehead, you know, but anyways, yeah, I thought that was interesting Maybe you can shoot over that video of your dad. I'll see if I can find it. See if you can get it Yeah, he's uh, he should be back. He was on a trip Wherever he's been flying all over the place. Yeah on work ation He goes to all these fancy places in this airplane and just he sends me videos. He's like, huh? I'm at work and he's just walking on the beach. There's like these crystal blue waters and everything. Oh like video call him And I'm like like four in the morning cuz over there I have to call him at four in the morning Yeah, because of a huge time difference and I'm just like a wreck, you know started my day He's either the blue beach. Yeah, just in the dark and you know, the video opens up and he's just sitting there There's like a bunch of yachts behind him. He's like, this is my room and I'm like man. Wow. Yeah, that's pretty cool. But He doesn't even like it. He's always away. He doesn't get to see his kids and stuff. So yeah Yeah But yeah, see if you can get that video And I know we'll shoot that on the on the broad of iron podcast if you guys saw it on here already That means we got it before John got it to us before we get it tonight. Yeah, I'll be good You should we I can post it tomorrow or something. I can put it on the video tomorrow. Yeah, well brother John Thank you so much for being here. Really appreciate is there anything else you want to talk about? No, I mean I exhausted all the stuff. I wanted to talk about last well Yeah, you talked about airplanes the monastery and all that. So hey, I was glad to have you on here, man We talked about some pretty interesting things good conversational is so amen folks. Well, thank you so much for tuning in to the rod of iron Podcast be sure to watch the episodes full episodes on YouTube or you can go on Spotify listen to them on audio You can go on our website fwbcla.org And so looking forward to seeing you all on the next episode. Thank you so much for tuning in. God bless You