(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I am your host pastor Bruce Mihia first works Baptist Church, and I'm joined by a special guest this evening We have brother Vitor Nadir And he's a member of our church. He's been coming for I want to say what six months seven months since March six months or so, right seven months and He's he's fairly new to our church but in all reality, he's become part of the furniture around here and he's doing a great job and It's a blessing to have him in our church and so I asked him to be on the show tonight because he's an interesting person and He's got a lot of interesting things to talk about and so we're gonna talk a little bit about Brazil Which is where he originally was where he was born Born and raised in Brazil until when into what age? 21 until 21. How old are you now? 2727 and then a brother Vitor is also a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu He is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor and he teaches pretty much daily weekly and that's pretty much his life right there I mean other than of course the things of God But I'm saying like his his his livelihood is is fighting is grappling and doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu. So we're gonna talk about that tonight But we're looking forward to a great episode brother Vitor. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me Hey, are we ready or what? Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun Oh Anyways, well Good to have you on the show tonight brother Vitor. So Seven months is about seven months ago. You came and I remember when we first got in contact I was very suspicious of you my friend You remember that because it was you know, obviously we're fresh off the bombing and I had a lot of people contacting me and I didn't know who was friend and who was foe who was trying to just find out what our address was so they can come and bomb us again and and so I was getting a lot of DMS on Instagram and Facebook and in different areas emails, of course and Vitor was one of them But you know, I didn't know Vitor. I'd never heard of Vitor Before I didn't see him like in on Facebook, you know or Anything related to new IFP. I never saw anything about him So he contacted me and he basically I think what you said was hey, I'm at the building I'm trying to go to church, but there's a red tape on it saying that it's closed or something And I don't remember what I told you. I think I said like give me your number and I'll give you a call. Yeah But you messaged me through Instagram. Yeah first first So anytime someone messages me obviously the first thing I'm gonna do is go on their profile, you know So I click on your profile and I just see this this I'm just gonna say it this long-haired Brazilian practitioner and I'm like, who's this guy? Is he trying to come and fight over here and I'm scrolling through I'm like, oh this guy's a fighter I'm like he he's trying to come down and get down I Was like, all right. Well, you ended up giving me your number. I gave you a call Oh, I didn't call you. What what happened? I was kind of anxious. I'm like, oh man, he's on my Instagram His church, but then I was actually like texting like hey, what's up, like give me the address you didn't give me the yeah Yeah, I was really waiting for it cuz I was looking for it I was like watching pastor Anderson's sermons all the time And you always kind of like give that little oh you guys watching the sermon like at home eating chips off your chest That's kind of like poking my spirit you know, so I felt like man I have to go to church and I found out about your church, but I Was always like oh I'm going next week. I'm going next week and then one day I've just decided like man I'm going to church So like I saw the building with the red tape and Turnup is gained a little bit you lie on his mic on his mic. Just make sure that he's Odd enough and I heard about the bombing so I was like, oh man, that's when I text you all that So I was coming back to the coming close to the day that There was the the day I told you I was gonna come and then I didn't have the address So you asked me all these questions Yeah, yeah I think I think I actually remember I was on my my street where I was living and I was like, I gotta give this guy a call. I called you right? Oh, I text you was I texting you But didn't we eventually talk on the phone? No. Oh, we never talked on the phone. Oh, man Well, I was that I what did I ask you? I don't remember now man. You asked me I Need I need to ask you a couple questions before before I give you the address like checking out on me So I was like, okay like you like you just got the bombing. So yeah, okay. I see I see why mm-hmm So you asked me what I think about salvation and I give the right answer it's like my face like cuz I was like already like Yeah, so and I think now I remember I remember thinking myself. Okay. Well You know if this guy's like an infiltrator He's pretty much done his homework pretty well because he was talking about like the reprobate doctrine He is talking about salvation by grace through faith alone Well, here's the reason this is the reason why I asked you about that obviously we don't do that to everyone right the reason I was asking you that is because If you're if you are a true listener You're gonna know what I'm talking about. You know what I mean? Like that's gonna be it's not an essential doctrine, but when it comes to listeners of the new IFB That's something that's kind of on the forefront of the mind. That's kind of what we're known for And so I was thinking myself well I'm gonna ask them things that only pertain to the new IFB if he's really a new IFB listener and So I don't ask that just to let the audience know I don't ask anybody who comes to our church I don't say what do you believe about the rapture? You know, it was only during that season when when people were contacting us Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we put you through the fire, huh? Hey, you came forth as gold Hey, but you know what though like I know that seems a little extreme but actually I talked to a person a couple months ago and They were they wanted the address to the church so I said give me your number and now I'm gonna give you a call and Most people who I say that to if they're like a new IP they're like for sure like they want to talk to me They're like, I'm gonna talk to pastor me. Yeah, he's gonna give me a call Yeah, they're like they're kind of excited about it so I called this guy and Then he was like really wishy-washy Like I asked him about salvation and he was kind of like not giving me the right answers at all And he was just kind of like yeah, I don't really agree with you guys on this and and you know You know eternal security but they almost seemed like the answers almost seemed scripted and so he goes but I want the address to your church, so I want to come by and visit your church and It seems so like insincere and so fake. I was like, well for sure. Well, I'll give you a call You know, I basically told him like don't call us We'll call you or something like that and then I never heard from that guy ever again, you know So there is definitely people who were kind of fishy and they were kind of weird but you weren't one of them and But I do remember going to some of the guys I was like this guy said you and I showed him the profile picture I was like this guy said he wants to come to our church I was like, what do you think about this guy? Do you think he's trying to come fight or what? Like you think you you think is he for us or is he for the Lord? Is he for is it for us or for our enemies, you know, and so but um Then you got the address Man like I don't really know any details, but I know you're gonna be here for the tribulation. Yes Yes Good answer and that's when I was like, okay. I think this guy's legit You came in a Thursday on the third the first Thursday in the new building. So yeah. Oh the first Thursday in a new building. Yes. Oh Oh, that's cool. Well, the the funny thing is is I remember thinking myself Well, he's legit he's gonna be coming to church and I'm gonna have to talk to him about his hair I'll think eventually I'm gonna have to talk cuz you have some pretty long luxurious hair The folks are looking at you right now on the rod of iron He looked very different. It was the old man and then we're gonna tell him to put off the old man But he had I think you had blonde hair Yeah, he was the Brazilian Samson Oh Yeah, Tarzan, that's what they called you Tarzan And I remember when you said you were gonna come and I was thinking myself man, I'm gonna have to tell him but I was like But if he listens to us, he should know and then you came and your hair was cut. I was like, whoa Look at that. That's cool. So I had this process like when I was listening for this and service He talked about that a lot like it is a shame This process I'm like man, that was one of the things I was kind of put out Yeah, go to church later in the year. I was like, I don't know if I cut my hair How long did you grow it out for like almost five years five years man It's a long time But it's like the thing to do huh to grow it out like that I don't know or is it just like a jiu-jitsu my cultural thing Process was I always like like as a kid I had like long big ears So I was like, oh I look better with long hair and I've never even heard like from the Bible There's a shame for me to have long hair. Yeah, so And my mom also like my mom also likes to grow up my brother's hair. Yeah, so we had like nice hair So it's good to have it like Last time my dad's bald like my whole family is bald So I want like I'm growing bald too. So I was like man, I think it's the last time I'll be able to grow it out So just let it go You're like I'm gonna wait to go to church for a while cuz I need a it's gonna be the last time This is a lot my last chance to sin Yeah, that was like five years ago, so I'm like lo and behold that was the last time Okay, so did you cut it yourself or did you have someone else cut it? Okay, what do you just took some some scissors or? Did you cry did you cry You know when you look in the mirror Yeah Yep, amen Well, good deal. Yeah, I remember that and I remember I remember kind of feeling like when you came I'm like, alright Well, that's one thing I don't have to worry about It's a little awkward, you know, I mean when you have to and I wasn't like necessarily gonna confront you but eventually You know, I was gonna end up preaching on it Everybody What'd you say oh Yeah, yeah, I was like just look for the guy with long hair. We're just all looking for the guy with long hair Yeah. Yeah. Well the the thing is like in my opinion the way I Typically preach is whatever issue comes up in the church Whatever I feel is like an open thing in the church that needs to be corrected I pretty much preach on it like that Sunday I won't wait more than a couple weeks to preach on it just because it's fresh in everyone's mind Yeah, you know what? I mean, so if you ever hear me preach a sermon where I'm just kind of like ripping face on something in the church It's probably because it took place like that week Oh, yeah, have you seen it happen? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, not all the time But most of the time just because like, you know Pastors, I think sometimes are afraid to do that because they don't want to offend people But they lose members or something But I do it because I love the people and and you got to keep a pulse on it So you just got a you got a you got a hit hit the wound while it's fresh You know what? I mean? Well, it's fresh in their mind. And so sometimes I'll wait a couple weeks But I remember I was thinking about you. I was I was thinking I was like well I'm gonna have to preach on hair in the next couple weeks, but I But you you saved me the trouble. Yeah, so well good deal. So you said you came from Brazil when you're 21? Yeah, and What part of Brazil? Okay, and You grew up there with your parents Yeah, my mom and my dad they never got married But this got separated when I was four. Mm-hmm, but I didn't have problems with that because they always made sure to be there for me I was really like I was like close to your parents. Yeah, I was really important for them they made they made this pact that they would never like leave me or Make me feel like I don't have one of them. Mmm, so I see a lot of people in their parents divorce That's one of the things they struggle. Yeah traumas and stuff. I never had that. I don't really have any Well, that's that's great. Yeah, cuz that is true. That does happen a lot Yeah, so you never felt like you had a parent that was absent They were always kind of there and they weren't Christians or anything like that And then you said you said you had a brother. I have a brother from my mom's side Okay, how old is he he I have two actually ones 19 yeah, he just turned 19 and the other one is eight Once 19 and one is eight. Yeah, Felipe and he caught them. Oh, okay. Are they in Brazil? No, they're in Florida with my mom Oh, okay. Oh you went to go visit them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah That's cool. That's awesome well, um So years ago before I got saved I was really into Brazilian culture because of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and I really like the language and you know, I really like the history of like the Gracie's and how jiu-jitsu came about But obviously, you know a lot of Brazil Brazilian culture is very wicked. Yes, right and I Have a couple friends in the new IV who are Brazilian. We have some Brazilians in our church and From what I hear it's very receptive But it's but it's also a very dark place Right, and I'm sure you experienced a lot of that firsthand, right? What are some things you can tell me about Brazil? Man, they mostly Catholic. Oh, yeah, they are mostly Catholic It's like I I'm not sure about the numbers, but it's a big number It has a really strong influence in Brazil Yeah because the Portuguese they came and They colonized Brazil like they started like catechizing the the native population and doing all that and then they brought The African slaves and they also try to convert them to convert them But you know what happens when you're trying to force people into Christianity like Catholic Catholicism they makes the religion. Yeah, right. So Especially the city I'm from is the one of this the city outside Africa with the most black people Oh, okay over 80% of the population is black. So And they have a strong strong cultural identity, you know that they valued that very much You know like you're saying like they're um, they're nationalists in a sense or what like they're very proud to be Brazilian They're very proud to have the black history. Oh, I see what you're saying. Okay, so So they value the religion. There's a religion. They're called two religions like it's kind of the same branch So it's a ubunda and condom black It's like this African tribal religion that gives like a deity for everything from nature So they have the gutted mountains. They got out like water or whatever and to this day, what's weird is like to this day they have like Festivals they have all these like holy days for these deities a Tribal African religion has influenced in the 21st century. That's crazy. You see like that's how backwards they are Didn't you say that that's actually where capoeira also originated right as the black slaves The history goes that they used to pretend they're dancing but they were actually training their martial art how to fight Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of stories about it like that the way they Pray for these deities. It's like mixing the Catholic idols with their idols so they put it like behind or close or inside the other idols So they will worship their own idols But when their their masters will come and see them or they worship in marry or they're worshiping the Saints away Hmm, so there's a lot of That's that's interesting you said that because yeah the thing we're just working on we're working on a project right now but the first episode is just talking about the origins of Halloween like where it comes from and Not to spoil it, but basically like you said Really where it comes from is Catholicism mixing in with pagans and pagan Celtic tribes as well as pagan Romans So they took because they were trying to enforce Catholicism basically what ended up happening is they ended up mixing in together and just adopting and reimagining Everything that the pagans are doing and make a long story short. That's basically where Halloween came from it came from the Catholics mixing in with these pagans because they're trying to like Convert them and so instead of converted them They just adopted everything that they did in order to reach the heathen or whatever But it seems everywhere the Catholic Church went they did that. Yeah, it's it's a real thing Yeah everywhere like if you research history of any country Yep If the Catholics came to try to colonize you and convert people that and then it was just mix in just a different branch of Yeah. Yeah, that's the same thing with a couple or was it five four years ago or something? We this one we came out with the day of the dead and the day of the dead is a festival by by Aztecs who were basically You know The Catholics were trying to be convert them and then they would just amalgamate and blend and that's where they get it from, you know So they don't make real converse. They just blend Religions, you know Yeah, so aside from the paganism or aside from like the religion of Brazil, you know What else is Brazil known for what is what's another thing party? Party oh they like to party everywhere all over the world comes for the carnival comes for. Oh, yeah, that's really bad Carnival is pretty bad, isn't it? It's very wicked it it's fags all over the place It's people having sex and like people Drinking and using drugs. It's just debauchery the streets and people look forward for this The whole year long people I get get ready they make payments for the cameras, you know like the special places like hi so they can see enjoy these things with with more You know extra things. Yeah extra drink free drinks like all-inclusive stuff, you know They love party in Brazil. That's sexual tourism too. It's very strong like prostitution. Oh, man That's sad for real for for Salvador man, it's crazy. Yeah We never think too much about it I'm like man I hate that place but people over there They're just deceived. But yeah, cuz the culture like they grew up there. They don't know better Well, like the way they do it we're gonna talk about this later But it's in the history the way they they influenced by left left is ideology For many generations already, it's like earlier than here here We see like the the left ideology like being more prevalent. Mm-hmm like a couple years I don't know like the 2000s. Yeah say over there since the 1960s or 50s. Well, that's kind of like almost the same thing here like the 60s and 70s is where you have like the sexual revolution here in America where it really got bad and Obviously the 2000s it just got worse. Yeah, but you see like over there they start infiltrating the institution of the institutions before Okay, here they have the institutions now. Yeah over there. They have the patron of the education over there It's Paulo Freire. He's like I had like his influences like openly Marxist So you have this guy that's like idolized over there like what are you gonna think about a place that Has they don't care about education. Yeah, like Inductrination. Yeah, that's what they do The I actually went to college to do law to be a lawyer one more year would be a lawyer. So man, you see the Professors they just try to like Put that into you. It's crazy My wife was just telling me. What was she telling me about? Um, oh, no, no, no, not my wife miss Kelly Francescini You know miss Kelly from our church Someone from our church was just telling me that basically Their teacher and they're saying that basically they no longer want to do zoom, you know what zoom is right the Online education teaching or whatever, you know because of coven But they don't want to do it anymore because of the fact that now when they do zoom or when they were doing zoom in 2020 the parents We're listening in on Everything that the teacher was saying and they're like what in the world is this person teaching my kids? Because they try to teach all their leftist Disgusting ideologies and filth and and just perversion and it's like a biology class It's like a math class or something. And so they're just like appalled Of you know what these two obviously they shouldn't be appalled because these are leftist institutions liberal institutions that want to convert the next generation But they they saw it in their own home, you know, they're like on there and so a lot of the teachers actually quit They're like, I don't want to do this anymore because I'm getting caught basically, you know Like the parents are catching on which is pretty wicked You know what? I mean that they're that they would be willing to do something like that, but over there it's more open They clearly have an agenda and the parents actually they agree with that because yeah being indoctrinated Indoctrinated before and their parents and their parents so we have like over five generations. Yeah this ideology now Well, you know what? I was just telling someone on Sunday. I remember when I was in high school and I was I was in a biology class with my buddies and the teacher was really cool in the sense of that she just kind of let us do whatever we wanted and and you know just Speak however, we wanted, you know say certain words that were not good You know and and she was fine with it until we said fag Okay, and then when we use that word She was just appalled right and this is a biology class so she was really upset and which we couldn't understand because in our opinion like we're seeing a lot worse things than that and We didn't really consider fact to be a bad word And this is when we were like 17 16 17 or something. And then the next class period She came and she said okay class Well, we're not we're not gonna be going through any biology today I'm actually bringing in a friend of mine another student and he's gonna give us a little bit of a lecture on what it means to be gay and Me my friends are like what is this a joke? She literally brought some tranny into the class and for like an hour He just spewed out a bunch of filth and and disgusting stuff and was basically saying like He was saying I mean I can't even repeat what he was saying cuz it was so nasty because he was basically saying like when people make fun of Me for being gay. This is what I tell them And then my friends looked at each other and were like this guy's gonna get beat up He's gonna end up getting beat up and So and he was saying and and I was thinking my mind like I wasn't even saved at that time But I was thinking to my mind. How is it that she thinks that St. Fag is offensive? But yet she's accepting of this literal filth like like perversion like she was saying he would he was saying some like Disgusting stuff and like and she's fine with this. I'm like, this is crazy and I wasn't even saved But um, he ended up actually getting beat up like after after school Then he ended up getting jumped and wasn't surprising back in my day because that's just what it would happen But he got beat up really bad for that and so But I was thinking what you're saying right there was like then, you know, they push that stuff But like back in high school, we only had one teacher that was like that, but I'm sure it's more prevalent now Teaching Oh Kids teaching little kids. Oh, that's why Bolsonaro now He got a huge backlash because of that because he doesn't wonder in the schools What we would call like conservative conservative is he the one that got stabbed yeah, okay. Yeah Yeah, I remember that and immediately like the media just brushed that off. Yeah still today We don't I mean we kind of know who order and who did it but they made it like the guy is mentally disabled and The guy like right away. He had a lawyer like he super expensive lawyer the guy who stabbed him the guy who stabbed him and He is like a former member of the Workers Party Which is the leftist strong strong left body over there man like politics in Brazil I'm on fire. That's crazy. Yeah, pretty dangerous over there. I'm sure Man, so let me ask you so you came here when you're 21, but you're training Brazilian jiu-jitsu Over there now, where did you train over there? It was DFT. Well, I started with Professor Sam Milton in Porto Seguro. That's the first like cuz my first ever contact with jiu-jitsu was in 2007 with my stepfather who's a black belt. Okay. Yeah, so He got my my uncle my mother's brother into jiu-jitsu today My uncle is or is still is already also a black belt and he got my brother Felipe the 19 years old man and Everybody was doing jiu-jitsu, but I was doing my attack as I started my time when I was 14 Oh, but you did Brazilian jiu-jitsu first. I did. Yeah, my first contact with martial arts seven years old, right? No 2007 Oh 2007, okay Yeah, Oh Wow 2007 Wow, that's when I got saved Was in 2007 when I was 21 So that's when you first started doing jiu-jitsu That was my first contact with jiu-jitsu in 2007 So I did like for a month that was like my summer vacation, you know from school. I'll go to Porto. I was living in Salvador and I'll go to Porto Seguro with my mom was living there and I would like spend the summer vacation with her And they were training jiu-jitsu. I was like, okay, I'll try jiu-jitsu So I did it I would do for a month and get kind of good start like Understand it and then go back to solid like oh man and then I did this for like two three years and then 2012 I actually decided okay. Oh, I like this and I'm gonna start training over there So and I went back I started training a GFT with professor Zach Amorice Mm-hmm. It's like man. He has his whole family's black buds Wow has four guys They are jiu-jitsu black but super tough. So you got serious with Brazilian jiu-jitsu in 2012. Yes so from 2012 up until 2021 that's how long it took you to get your brown belt. Yeah. Wow, but I Wouldn't say I was taking serious I was training very often cuz like it was just something that I like my dad didn't want me to get too much into it Because of school. Okay, I wasn't really into school. Yeah This output to just go into jiu-jitsu, yeah martial arts I'm like man first day I ever stepped on the mountain like yo, that's what I'm gonna do. You liked it And you got good at it, yeah, so Yeah, it was just very pleasurable, you know, yeah, it didn't feel like I was working or something. It was like It's just something you enjoy to do It's meant to be like I'm here like I have the people like it was like good people and you can have your relationships and You also work in your body you work in your mind that's one of the good things about jiu-jitsu it's like chess Yeah, so you get all these factors together. It makes it a very addicting martial. Yeah Yeah, it's a lot of fun and then you started doing Muay Thai when Okay Actually Muay Thai that got me like really oh I want to be a fighter when I grow up. Oh cuz of Muay Thai. Yeah I'm really into like sparring all that Muay Thai is a lot of fun. I did Muay Thai for a couple years and It's very brutal on the body it is and It's brutal on the shins, but it makes your body like a weapon basically and in my opinion. It's the best Stand up martial art in the world. I know some people differ on that I don't know how you what do you think about that? Some people say kung-fu karate in my opinion Muay Thai is like the best one. What do you think? Like today we got the kickboxing like leveling up because of like high level athletes from the MMA They're doing practicing the striking but it's a combination of boxing They have the footwork and the yeah, you know that foot a combination of kickboxing Boxing and Muay Thai. Yeah, that's the perfect striking martial art. Yeah Which that's the what the MMA fighters do today You can get better but like the high level ones like Israel just the champions that you can see right what they do and you see Yeah Yeah, and in the 90s Muay Thai was was very obviously 80s and 90s. It was really a popular Striking sport because it was new in the sense that it introduced knees and elbows. That's what made it unique right is like their their ability to just Hone in on the on the elbows It was like they would cut you up with simply like elbows and and of course you have your knees that are like giant knuckles You know, I mean you get someone in the Thai clench and just break ribs and stuff I mean, I remember when I was doing Muay Thai The Muay Thai fighters didn't look like Muay Thai fighters Yeah, the guy there's a guy that I was that I was sparring with and He would always kick my butt but the guy if when he when he would wear street clothes He looked like a nerd Yeah, they're just like that and I remember even his name was nerdy and I remember like we're fighting He got me in a Thai clench and he cracked my rib And I was like my rib was messed up for like a couple months But I remember thinking myself if someone tries to pick a fight with this guy in the street in his street clothes. Oh Man mercy on him because they just don't know who they're messing with and a lot of these guys are very humble Like the Muay Thai guys, I'm sure there's there's some guys are pretty crazy out there Usually make you humble. Yeah, cuz you just learned there's always someone better than you Yep, you're you learn to share your knowledge with other people that makes you humble. Yeah Yeah, that's one of the things or yours asking for someone's help. Yeah Yeah that too like when you ask him for someone's help, yeah makes you humble Yeah, so yeah martial arts usually were supposed to make you humble some crazy guys are like the exception I remember at the gym that I was I was training at there's a guy and he was a seasoned Muay Thai kickboxer very much in shape would would compete and he was just he was very big but he was like the Nicest guy in the world, right? Very nice and and always would help me Very patient and I remember one time he came into the gym and he came late and he was he looked he looked mad and I think his name was Armin if I remember correctly and and I remember You know, he was sitting there and he was wrapping his hands and you just look really mad. I was hey, what's up army? He's like, hey, how's it going? And I'm like everything. All right. He's like, no, it's not. All right, and I'm like what happened? I was like what's going on? you know and he ended up telling me a story that he had gotten out of class in college and some random guy just wanted to come and pick a fight with him and The guy was like cussing him out he was just I don't know if he was like drunk or just didn't like him for whatever reason and An Armin was just like please leave me alone. I Don't want to fight you leave me alone and the guy's yelling at him He's pointing his finger in his face and he's like he's threatening to fight him and the in Armin's like leave me alone, please I don't want any trouble so the guy punches Armin in the face, he just cracks him right in the mouth, right and Armin like he gets hit and he comes back and he's like, please don't do that He's like don't do that Yeah, yeah exactly that's a man who is slow to anger and he's big-time better than the mighty You know, he gets punched in the mouth. It doesn't faze him at all He's just like please don't do that the guy tries to hit him again and Armin just throws an elbow and just lays him out on conscience on the grass and the guy's knocked out and Armin was upset because he had to do that and He's just like I'm so mad that I did that, you know, and I'm like why I mean the guy looks I mean Armin was sizable like he was a big guy Like why would you want to pick a fight with that guy? But I'm ever since then I was thinking myself like man You got to be careful who you fight in the street That's one of the cool things about jiu-jitsu. You can actually neutralize your opponent without hurting him Yeah, because if was a situation like that, you could just like take the guy down just like okay man stop Yeah, it's not gonna be good for you. That's one of my to my students. They have private classes with me They're talking to me the other day. I have a 62 year old guy And a 20 year old guy they both told me the same thing It's kind of empowering because in a situation like that if you don't know like you have no idea how to defend yourself You're gonna feel threatened. You're gonna start like oh man, like yeah, he's gonna hurt me He's gonna kill me or something like that and you're gonna start like losing your mind and walking around like this. It's very stressful Mm-hmm. So they're telling me it's very empowering now that you walk on the streets like you have a superpower I'm not at the mercy of any guy that just comes to me and choose to hurt me Yeah, you can you can like you know that you're gonna be okay, right? So you can just walk on the street and it's one last thing to like to really worry about your mom Yeah, and you can walk with your wife and like, you know, like something happens other than a knife or a gun You're gonna be okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so they're telling me like man, I've been feeling like it's just I feel good now and they thank me so much. That's one of the things I love about Yeah, man I do encourage people to run if they if they can like to avoid the fight just run but if you have to if you must defend yourself or You know, obviously like if I'm with my wife, I can't run and if they're trying to do something to my family then You know, I'm just gonna die trying you know what I mean? But I don't know how much of the Muay Thai and jiu-jitsu I still remember but hopefully I remember enough to defend my wife I mean, you're not gonna like look scared, you know, yeah, I'm gonna be like, okay. Okay, it's going down Yeah, and they're gonna handle yourself in a proper way. Yeah, this is the psychology of bullying, you know, right like you feel this Okay, what do you want with me? You know, why are you bothering me guys gonna be like, oh man, what's up with this? That's another thing with jiu-jitsu like Muay Thai fighters daily. They look a little bigger. They look different Jiu-jitsu guys they can just be anyone sometimes because because they're women Yeah, I've always been told like jiu-jitsu is the martial art of leverage, you know It kind of helps like the smaller guy defeat the bigger guy because of leverage, you know what I mean? Which is a good thing. Well, no one of the one of the world champions in jiu-jitsu now is this guy Mikey? Mizumichi There's like five four and skinny looking he uses glasses he runs funny But like when you see the guy fighting Like jiu-jitsu has changed especially like going coming to America and Americans really kind of know how to how to make a sport grow, you know, like Implement method of training and make real athletes. Yeah Brazil week. Okay. It's Brazilian jiu-jitsu, whatever but Americans now are taking over they kind of popularized it and are seeking to perfect it and Taken to like the next level basically if you get the the work ethic for what wrestlers for example, and you put into jiu-jitsu What I like about Brazilian jiu-jitsu to its um, there's a lot of spiritual applications you can make to it Because You know you think of like basketball or any sport that would require for you to work with other people, you know Obviously, there's there's spiritual applications you can make to that because in the sense of like you're working with a team, right? You can kind of apply that to like your church But really the Christian life often is a one-on-one fight with you and your flesh with you and the devil with you in the world and Typically when Satan goes to war with you He doesn't go to war with you and other people He usually takes you on one-on-one and the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers Against the rulers of the darkness of this world And so it's like it's a literal wrestling match in the spiritual realm and you think of like Jacob right who wrestled with the angel, you know, and And he when he became Israel all night, I mean that's a long sparring session that's a long time and You know and so there's a lot of parallels between the Christian life being a fight and literal martial art And I think martial arts is good for you too, because it kind of gives you like mental How should I say stability to just kind of stay in the fight because when you're sparring or when you're I'm sure when you're Competing it's a mental game too. Just didn't like not give up or push forward even the day-to-day because one of the biggest spiritual applications that I see is Persist not is Consistency. Mm-hmm to get good at jujitsu as as of Anything in life is consistency. Yeah, especially the Christian life. So In jujitsu if you're just trained like whenever you feel like You're not gonna get good Yeah If you're preparing for a tournament and you don't have the consistency to train every day and like to stay on the schedule You're not gonna get good. You're gonna get there and get wood. Yeah So that's one of the biggest things I see and also endurance endurance you can apply to just Go train whenever don't feel like Go train whenever you're tired if you're tired just keep going I tell a lot of guys like a lot of my friends they train you to like they ask me like oh How you get cardio how you get better at doing jujitsu? You just do it. You just roll Oh, how do I get more cardio for rolling? They want to run they want to hike they want to do all this other stuff I just roll. Hmm. So like they roll like five minutes They get super tired because a different like there's nothing that can match the jujitsu intensity and if I can go So like running doesn't translate, you know, you can run like an ultra marathon you can be ready for that But then you fight like one round of jujitsu five minutes you die So let me get this straight. So basically when it comes to and we'll come back to the consistency point, but when it comes to endurance in jujitsu The best way to build endurance is by actually doing jujitsu and it's not by running on a treadmill It's not by hiking or doing what pretty much mainstream would say Yeah, if you want to build some stamina, you have to go run a couple miles or whatever So the only way you get better or is last longer in jujitsu is by actually doing jujitsu Minutes and they get tired and then like we usually do like a normal training most gyms they do the they do the positional training and then Like 20 minutes 30 minutes to the end of the class. They just do rolling which is this sparring Yeah, so it's like five minutes rounds one minute rest so you can find another partner and then you can start another round So a lot of people they do they'll do this five minutes and then take the next round out off. Oh So you only get used to roll when you're when you're fresh You don't know you don't really know how to push when you're tired You know doesn't work like yeah, you're not gonna get better you gotta push through that point because there's a point a lot of people like that do did you to agree with me that You roll you roll and then you get tired if you just decide, okay, I'm not gonna stop I'm gonna keep going you get tired for like One more round and then you catch your second wind after that the second wind you can just go forever That's a pretty awesome point there because I'm sure that applies to a lot of different Exercising areas where if you just stick it out because you know, you kind of hit a lid sometimes of how much strength you have or You know how much you can take or endure and the answer is not to take a break the answer is Push through that and then you actually end up lifting your lid so you can do more It's like even when you're preaching the like the lot the Christian life gets hard. We get like financial problems We get like all these different problems in our life And then the answer to this problem is like we're gonna focus on this problem and then we leave church out Yeah, where's the most important thing you can leave the most important thing out yeah, you're just gonna get crash yeah That's good. Yeah, because in that's true a lot of people in the Christian life They're like they go through an issue and they're like, well, I'm gonna take this five-minute break Yeah, cuz I'm tired and they sit out because you know, they got to take care of their finances They got to take care of their family. They got to take care of all these things, but that's not the answer The answer is stay in church Stay in the Word of God Stay in the Christian life keep doing what you're supposed to be doing even though you're tired Even though you're discouraged even though you're depressed even though you're you're just kind of weak and then you know What the Lord says my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness So it's like you push through that and then you start realizing. Well, I could actually handle a lot more than I thought so the way you can handle more stress and more anguish in the Christian life is just by Doing what you're supposed to be doing in the midst of anguish You know what? I mean? That's a really good point. That's very good Endurance in the Christian life the Bible says if thou faint in the day of adversity thy strength is small And that's that's definitely true I didn't know that when it came to jujitsu, but I guess it would translate very well to the spiritual life when it comes to that Jujitsu actually has way too many Spiritual parallels. That's why I got so many. I don't even know what to do with them We have to do a part two of this podcast. No, cuz actually a lot of people who sell jiu-jitsu is my religion I'm sick and tired of hearing this People jiu-jitsu is my religion because they just dedicate their lives that some people can become athletes That's that's their like biggest aspiration. That was mine like before I got saved It was like oh, I want to be a world champion. Yeah, but then after I got saved I started like Rethinking my priorities in life. That's why I kind of gave up on my MMA career, which was like a teenage dream. I Actually trained for like over a year to like start getting fights like doing the kovitz and stuff But then after I got saved like I said like my priorities just like shifted So I'm like man, I can't be like why why do I want to be MMA fighter? Why why do I want to be a jujitsu world champion? Why do I do these things? So I started like rethinking all these things. Yeah, and now I'm so happy Amen fulfilled like my my job is jiu-jitsu, but it's not like my religion. I use jiu-jitsu jiu-jitsu to Like meet people in the gym and when I see like I guess I'm targets. My goal is like to get my whole gym Saved Well, the cool thing about that is that you're actually succeeding in that area because Vitor has been bringing a lot of people to church And then of course, we got a fall program coming up and you might take the the lead on that But he's been bringing like for a couple weeks It was just like a bunch of new people and it's like how'd you hear about the church? It's like oh Vitor is my instructor or Vitor trains my kids or Vitor does this, you know Yeah Yeah, beat that, huh? And they said they're gonna come back to come back. That's pretty cool. Yeah, that's that's great well, I mean everything has its place and I think you can love jiu-jitsu and still serve the Lord just like you can love any hobby that you do or anything that really improves your life and And still love the Lord and love the Bible as long as you understand that Jesus Christ is the preeminent one I think when things start taking Priority over the Lord church Bible, you know things that are the most important then at that point You need to take a step back Yeah, it becomes like idolatry to a certain extent and you begin to the Bible says You know seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and these things shall be added unto you and you know I come from like a type of Baptist Christianity where there's just like you can't do MMA you can't do jiu-jitsu You can't do Muay Thai No, no, no, it was independent fundamental Baptist but they had this attitude where it was just like you can't do any of those things because they're just They're gonna take your attention away from God or whatever and that's definitely the case. It can be the case You know if you're not careful, but I think if you just have the right priorities Yeah, and I think the Lord is pleased when you do these things, you know, God wants us to enjoy life and Part of enjoying life is doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu lifting weights or fighting or you know what I mean? Just kind of exercising your body As long as you keep the most important thing the most important thing because you go soul winning you're in church You're reading your Bible, you know what I mean? You got your wife and and and you know You you're being a blessing to the church, but you're also succeeding as a jiu-jitsu instructor and a practitioner Actually, the Christian life has been helping a lot like a man with my work ethic as being a husband as Dealing with the kids and with the people around me Yeah, I'm really trying to like I pray every day to help me be a light unto the world Yeah, so I can see more people say people can look at me. So people with Victor is Christian and That's the Christian one people to see me. Amen. That's awesome. Good deal, man Yeah, and um, I think you're doing a great job Vitor stay faithful and now and like you made some friends at our church He's made some friends at our church Like you got your little friends going on and now you're getting guys from our church to in the in the jiu-jitsu class now, too Right John's training John's been on the podcast. He's the the guy who flies airplanes. He's the Assyrian guy Well, he doesn't fly him anymore, but he used to But he's getting really into it He's getting really good. Amen You really say judicious for smart people, you know, I mean, so are we like This podcast is over John is a very smart guy. He's good with music. He's a smart guy very versatile. Yeah So Yeah, he is he gets a super good like he can't just see something and he practiced one time And That's great crazy That's awesome. So nice. He's like a protege or something. What are they calling it in Brazilian jiu-jitsu? They Phenom That's what they used to call What did they call it Vitor bell for right? They called him the phenom because he got his black belt when he was 18 or something Something like that, but not really he did at 19 He was like 200 something pounds because all these steroids and stuff. He was actually like Yikes I'm not sure if it was a black belt I don't know how it is in Brazil, but I feel like I heard that you can't receive your black belt, even if you Even if you earn it or you you you deserve it, you can't get into your 18. Is that correct? Yeah, we have one exception to this rule was Mikael Gavron this athlete is 17 But he was beating up in advance and like beating up black belts. Everybody was like, why is this guy not black belt? He's been he should just get on the black belt. Yeah, he's been training his whole life like over like 15 years of jiu-jitsu So he has more jiu-jitsu than a lot of black belts that are competing today. So they gave it to him when he was 17 Yeah, and he's 17 He just fought like he just competed in one of the biggest tournaments today because jiu-jitsu is now growing because of this guy Gordon Ryan Like he came this very smart mindset Make money of jiu-jitsu because jiu-jitsu we usually we go compete we pay Yeah, we pay to sign up for the tournament we get a medal like the world champion like the world champion jiu-jitsu. He's poor You know cuz cuz like you don't make any money like you you have to know how to market like how to make your train your labor It's like a trademark your You know, you basically have to market yourself market yourself so you can like raise like teach more privates So you don't make any money you competing competing you actually spend money competing. Yeah, the biggest one, but now that's changing Okay, now there's more people that interested in jiu-jitsu and watch jiu-jitsu even people that don't compete Don't train jiu-jitsu because usually people that watch jiu-jitsu tournaments is only people that compete that limits a lot Oh, I see, you know, so that limits the whole sport so that money cannot be made Yeah, so now that's changed. Well, I remember I think hike told me that jiu-jitsu classes have become very expensive Right because I remember when I was training when I was 18 19 and 20 I paid 145 for both Muay Thai and Brazilian jiu-jitsu Like they would charge like a hundred from we tie and then like a hundred or yeah like a hundred for jiu-jitsu But if you did both they would give you like a discount or something like that. How much is it now? It depends like it can be around this price. Okay, but some jeans will be like a month Yeah, I'll stick to the spiritual battles I'm gonna go ahead and just Stick to a spiritual wrestling against principalities and powers I'm gonna go ahead and just wrestle against the angel That's pretty expensive and the geez get a little expensive too right if you want like a good game Specific design or I mean like how is it jiu-jitsu ghee a fashion thing? So people they release like a specific amount like a hundred Yeah, when people like oh they're crazy about the sneakers that's only like 10,000 so it gets so it's the people who are putting them out they're just because that's actually a Very smart business move. You just make a limited amount of something and it they go how much do they cost now? Thousand bucks good night I'll just put on the Lord Jesus Christ Make I'm just gonna put off the old man put on the new man Which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness doesn't cost me much That's True it just didn't cost me something. I got it for free Man that's expensive. What did I pay for my gear? I think I paid maybe like 200 bucks for my ghee Well, those are the really cheap ones My instructor told me not to get the $60 ones because those will tear when you're like training Yeah, and so I can't remember the one that I got but I had I had black Pants and then a Had a white ghee top What yeah had different with with black trim, but it was tough Like it would not tear like it never it never tore anything like that I don't know how it is right now But when I started people have only one ghee and they would train the whole week without washing They would train and then put in the Sun to dry and then the next training session. Oh Man like talk about ringworm Really stuff infection ringworm It doesn't happen in Brazil, I don't know if it happens Wow When I was at that gym, let's see. How much is that? 129 and then the black one is what? 130 Second there's more like $200. I'm on the rod of iron podcast right now for the height. Would you what do you want? Just kidding? Okay, I'll call you back Yes, random times calling on the church What's the most expensive one there I Yeah, like 200 220 200, yeah, that's what I paid for my I think I paid like 200 That's the word I've been looking for brand Oh brand I remember one time I Was training because I would train Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday and Then on Friday we had like a I think Friday was just rolling Like there was no necessarily because you know throughout the week you do drills and stuff like that and Friday we just rolled and Super sweaty and I remember like he would give us these breathing exercises and it was the worst hated it He used to have us lay down after after the rolling session get our ghee top and then put it over our face And then we just like and then we just like breathe were like Because we felt like we couldn't breathe and then you would tell us is like you could breathe it's just hot air He's like you just relax, but you felt like you couldn't breathe, but you're breathing just hot air And then I went home and I put my my ghee inside my gym bag and I forgot about it And then Monday Monday I went to go train and I pulled it out and it was just the most horrific smell and then I remember like I was training Am I the guy that I was rolling with he was like I can't train with it's like this smells too I had to get a loner Yeah, yeah, it gets pretty bad I think I think it was growing mold or something, but I think people get like Ringworm and staph infection because they don't clean the mats. I Don't know man, I just know that first time I've ever I never caught it though. I never got it Yeah, let me just make that very clear Podcasts past from here has never gotten ringworm or staph infection from a rolling session at all My friends did And I remember like he came to train even after he had the ringworm and he had his leg bandaged up I'm like what happened your leg? He was like, oh just you know, he won't want to say but then later on he told me I'm like, dude, you came to a session With that on you that's like contagious. That's wicked I'm like, dude, you got leprosy Yeah, that's pretty bad Just as fun. I probably will never do it ever again just cuz I don't have time to do it But it's it's a lot of fun. I remember it being a lot of fun and It does train you mentally. I will say that and it gives you a lot of flexibility, too I mean you have to be pretty flexible, right? Yeah, well that's in that case you have to as like the Christian life could be easier if you read the Bible, you know Do you know brother David Negara He's from steadfast Baptist. He first he was attending faithful word Baptist and then he moved to Texas But he went there for a sowing marathon and he's the guy I was telling you about that He got a bunch of people saved there. So as dark as Brazil is The the darker the night the brighter the light and so, you know people still need to get saved there I'm sure there's a lot of people were receptive there. He got a lot of people saved and so Who knows brother Vitor? Maybe one day you'll go back to go preach the gospel there. Why not? You speak Portuguese You should be doing a Portuguese gospel presentation. I'm working on that. Okay, good I have talked to John about it. I'm just working on on my knowledge cuz I haven't Yeah, well that's that's a goal in the future that maybe you might want to do cuz you speak Portuguese fluently It's your first language, yes the thing I'm working on also, I'm not I'm not really into debate That's one thing. I've noticed when I started like getting more passionate about About like different subjects It's like I'm not really into debates if a person has a really strong opinion about something. Yeah, I know they're wrong like sometimes Like about it can be about nutrition, but working out by jujitsu about faith about anything Yeah If the person has a really is really passionate about you just kind of submit to it or just kind of give them the way Whatever that's kind of you supposed to do. I mean, that's what the Bible says you should it's hard But like I just feel like I should be more competent in Doing so even though I'm not going to I should be able to oh, I see what you're saying Well, I mean, I guess what you're what you're saying is you just like to defend the faith when needed, right? Like you want to earnestly contend for the faith not because you want it's like the guys who come and train at your gym You know, they don't want to fight in the street but they want to learn jujitsu in case it ever does come up or something, you know, and It's it's better to Know it and not have to use it then have to use it and not know it. Yeah, you know what I mean? But yeah, I mean we never want to get into debates. I encourage our people never to get into debates. It's a waste of time And anytime like someone challenges me to a debate in my mind. I've already set in my mind that I'm already that I'm already, right? That's why I know I don't walk away feeling like a failure. I'm just like, well, I'm right I know that I'm right, you know because I have the truth so that kind of like deters me from wanting to Debate with someone and the Bible says a heretic after the first and second after the second first and second admonition reject You know because that person has been has has subverted I've been doing that a lot because people know that they know it's funny like when you become a Christian Like I don't know if the way you handle yourself it changes or something, but people kind of feel judged by your presence You know that they're like before I even say something they start changing the way they talk. They don't cuss anymore Yeah, they're there you're the salt of the earth Yeah, so they start like feeling judged by me or like if they have a strong opinion about something I know what they know what I believe. Yeah, they want to come to me kind of talk about it I'm like, yeah, but the Bible says that and they're trying to debate with me That's what I'm very good at like Get out of the bay. Yeah, cuz oh you're saying sometimes you You you find yourself in situations where people seem to want to challenge your beliefs Just don't feel like it because people are get good at debating they get good at putting all these arguments and stuff I'm like, man, I'm not good at it, but I Know I have the truth. I know what I believe, you know, like why I'm right But I don't know how to put it at what right as good as they do with it Yeah, I mean you've only been saved for a little bit I mean it's gonna take some time and just Just learning the Bible and and one of the best ways to prepare for that is just keep going soul winning because what's gonna happen is that You're gonna be presented with someone who makes a better argument for their false doctrine than you do and then you're gonna be humbled And then you're gonna be the one we'll go home and study that out so that when it comes up again that doesn't happen again Cuz you're you're the silent partner are you saying Whose team are you on I mean Saturday's a good brother on Wednesdays. I go to brother John. Uh-huh central like just me and him and He actually has helped me a lot what team are you on though brother Jacob's over the Jacobs team, okay That's on Sunday. So every day I've been going with different people on Wednesdays just me and brother John on Saturdays I mean with brother Ulysses and whoever goes usually mean brother John too and On Sundays, it's like me and brother Cody and Jacob and got me Yeah, amen so You're just learning from all of that so far. I got seven people saved. Awesome. So yeah, it's very exciting. That's great Well, keep up the great work brother Vitor Well, you know what? It was great to have you on the podcast today as I learned a lot I learned a lot especially when it came to This the subject of endurance and all that, you know and how you kind of paralleled that to the Christian life. That's really good But it's good having you man stay faithful stay consistent in church And I'm proud of you and just keep going forward for the Lord But folks thank you so much for tuning in. It's a bit of a different episode today We just have one guest here and every once in a while. I'd like to do that just bring someone in from our church just to kind of pick their brain a little bit and Get a little bit of their experience of life and the things that they've learned in times past even up until now And so thank you so much for tuning in you can watch the full episodes Of course on YouTube once the strike has taken off and then of course you can watch them on on the website Fwbcla.org and then you could also listen to it the audio on Spotify as well if you have a subscription to that But thank you so much for tuning in folks. Have a great evening. We'll see you in the next episode You