(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Welcome to the rod of iron podcast season number two Fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events. I'm your host pastor Bruce me He first works Baptist Church, and I'm joined by the fundamentalists in our church brother hike top Maci And we have brother Marco Sanchez and we got a new guest with us tonight And that is one of our church members brother Cody He said Hawk, but the way the right way to pronounce it is how that's right Cody hoke No, thank God, it's not that'd be pretty rough. I'd have to get my name change Brother Cody hoke is with us tonight. And so this is the episode number one of season two We took a bit of a break, you know, we had a couple things going on You know, we had a holidays got a church bombed You know had to just kind of do president, you know president stuff like that little thing We have to take care of and kind of wait till the dust settled a little bit But we are in our new building in a new podcast room. This room is awesome, right? Yeah, the other podcast room was like man looking forward to a great first episode of the rod of iron podcast Really? We're gonna be discussing all the events leading up to The church bombing and so a lot of people been asking about that and some of the details of what happened Not everyone has all the information and so we're gonna be talking about that and in the protests And who knows whatever comes up in the conversation and so looking forward to a great evening. Amen, man Yeah, you guys ready? Let's discuss get started a man ton ton and on ton and on ton and on and on Oh You never seen that commercial like so it was like I forgot what was called But it was like a commercial like it would be like you dial this number and they'll send you a ringtone Basically you pay for like five bucks for a ringtone. I remember the days when you had to pay for a ringtone Yeah, it's like if you wanted like Power Rangers or something like that You actually have to pay for that ringtone Phones have come a long way And this new chip in my hand, so that's pretty cool Yeah, what do you guys think about that Amazon? What does it call Amazon one? No, is that what it's called? Yeah, I think so. Yeah I wish we could look it up somehow, but yeah, it's Amazon one Okay, so you guys heard about that new Amazon one one world order exactly. You just freaking stole my That is the right hand right there Look at this I do where it starts. I have like three IDs right now Look at this Well, she has it on their left hand, but they're just trying to you know, integrate it Well, it's probably the left is not far from the right. Yeah, it's probably inverted so That's pretty convenient though Yo Cody that kind of looks like you bro Oh, no, that means I love you that means I love you that's the same thing What in the world Simply by being you That one was on the right hand for sure, did you see that that was on the right hand for sure Even if it's on the left hand, it's still Taking you closer to that. See you looking it's even pointing, right? Mmm look how many likes oh no, you can't see it or you can just click on the actual YouTube And then you're gonna see look how many how many likes does it have? Oh, you already dislike How many likes does it have you like I Can read it they took it away. I think no they did You lie You have one job You had one job you like put pause All right, it's pause. Okay now so it has one what? Oh, no, it just says like and dislike. No, they did take it away okay, so Read some of the comments. Hey, what's going on? You like yeah, just go home for the day, man Long day. It's been rough. Yeah, it's been a rough day All right, just forget it forget it. Anyways, I'm gonna I'm gonna go off of memory here But from what I remember that video had like a thousand. There you go. There you go. Yeah Maybe you should be the evangelist I Moved on from that you lad on Daniel Daniel ally it says let's see Oh, it says this comment section gives me some hope that there are still people out there who know the Bible God bless everyone in chimpanzee J. Ramirez You know, look at this one putting cheerful music and nice animation won't make up for losing your spirit and being cast away from the protection Of Jesus for eternity. Hey, at least that person knows that when you take the mark of the beast you become a reprobate Yeah, actually Zoe is doesn't it says Greek meaning equals life. That is true So the way you say life in Greek is Zoe, isn't that interesting? You've given your life away. I Mean, I just think about that So yeah, that is the mark of the beast basically, but it won't no no, let me take that back It's not the mark of the beast It's the precursor to the mark of the beast mark of the beast is found in Revelation chapter 13 Versus 16 through 18, I believe and that's only gonna be implemented in the last 75 days So here's the thing This is probably gonna be implemented in the United States obviously because it's an Amazon and in fact scroll up you like If you look at it, how old is the video? September 29 to 2020. All right. So this is something that's already been I Mean, they've been promoting it since then right? So if they've been promoting it since then it's gonna catch momentum within the next couple years But the mark of the beast in Revelation chapter 13 is worldwide Yeah, so basically it needs to succeed here so that all the other nations Will accept that in my opinion The mark of the beast is that it's not gonna be something that's enforced upon people I think it's gonna become the norm within the next 10 years as far as that technology is concerned and Then that way people just transition into where you can't buy or sell If you don't have the mark of the beast the number of his name the number of the beast The number six hundred three score and six on you or whatever So it has to be like normalized first to society and Amazon is trying to normalize it But I mean there's people who are like completely bucking it though. So that's a good thing, right? What Are your thoughts? Oh, yeah, look see thousand one hundred likes four thousand four hundred dislikes Ain't that interesting and only a hundred and forty thousand views It's funny cuz I just barely found out about it like last week when I sent it to you guys I Just really found out about it. That is so crazy. Isn't that interesting since September? That's what he was like six months Think about this fifty years ago You know people or let's say a hundred years ago Bible believe in Christians who knew about the mark of the beast They never would have thought this technology would existed like it notice any cartoon like that. Like what in the world? Yeah, we hear you hear about like some Baptist and Baptist history Like they would say like the crucifix is the mark of the beast they would say something like that Like how they even come up with that I forgot it was it's one of those Baptist history books Like they got all the crucifixes and they that's the group that got all the crucifixes and burn them to make politicians I think with the police or that the Donna test those either the Donna test or the politicians. Yeah in Europe Don't your Armenians come from the politicians? I think politicians come from Armenians Why don't you go ahead and speaking to that Mike hike Or take I suppose like every generation kind of had kind of surmised. Yeah But what did you say this generation has it the closest That crazy I mean they have a commercial for it now it's like I Mean to be honest like yeah, like you were saying like it's not something that's gonna be forced upon it's gonna be something that's like, you know be convenient like for example, like Couple months ago. My car got locked at a.m. P.m. Because I was trying to pay for gas and Automatically my my bank was like oh just use ample pay and I was using Apple pay for like a minute now because you can Just scan it at the pump. Now. You can just scan it wherever you go. I'm like, this is super convenient I just made me realize like man the mark of the beast is gonna be really convenient. Oh, yeah Well, that's really convenient right there. Just your hand Yeah, you kind of wonder like so when you do that like thieves or what if they just cut off your hand sees your hand What do they use your your your fingerprints or There's actually something in your hand. It might be like your whole hand that you well You think about it like the chip that we use in our phone in our cards Like it doesn't have no battery or anything like that So it's just like, you know, you can just scan it or like the tap it tap cards. Hmm Yeah, so it's probably something like that. I Just like uses like very low voltage or like uses like whatever voltage the well doesn't your body create voltage? Yeah So that Amazon with Tesla well infrared to infrared new rolling to Elon Musk with his chip that goes inside the forehead. Yeah. Yeah in the brain or whatever the frontal lobe cortex You can see how that can work You know, well, they got infrared technology, too Cuz at work I use like just a card and there's like a scanner up like right here now as I'm driving It's already reading this the chip from inside my car. So it's like it just uses infrared technology like the majority of the world This Is gonna be normalized, you know leading up to the end of the world and what I mean the end of the world I'm talking about like the beginning of sorrows Yeah, the last 75 days. It's already gonna be normalized. But during the last 75 days, it's like basically it's gonna be just a worldwide thing Mm-hmm, and then the only things that are gonna be added is like well, you just can't buy yourself period You know if you don't have this and people are like, oh great Well, I was already planning to get that anyways, you know I mean, I mean if even if it's gonna be way more convenient, I mean and if somehow with the hand Yeah, I mean and let's say they already have it. I Was like, well, you need to get upgraded one. So just come get a girl upgraded one and that's when they damn their selves But come on, that's not I don't think that's coincidence that the girl's name is Zoe and in Greek. It means life It's like a Zoe is just giving away your life Like what the occult is about just symbolism and yeah esoteric Statements and whatnot So pretty interesting though, huh? Oh, let's see. Amazon one lets you pay with your palm Amazon Wants can you stop moving? All right, once it's palm recognition technology and stores stadiums and office buildings All right, scroll up. Let's see what else it says. I mean, yeah scroll down. I mean Amazon is unveiling its its own palm recognition technology today that will be used initially To turn your hand into a personal credit card inside the company's physical retail stores Amazon one uses the palm of your hand to identify you using a combination of surface area details like lines and ridges alongside vein patterns to create a palm signature At first palm signature will be used in Amazon's own ghost stores in Seattle and the company also plans to add Amazon one to other Amazon stores in the coming months. Actually. I heard that there's already an Amazon one store somewhere around here Yeah in Ontario or San Bernardino there are that what's that place called where we went to the America? What's it called? America where we live We're currently in America the one where we went to go pick up the Mac mini The Americana it's somewhere around there. There's one over there. There's an Amazon one store there. Yeah or Amazon Um, I forgot to call it like grocery store or something like that. Yeah Amazon fresh. Yeah They have one Amazon fresh It's pretty interesting yeah As an accelerationist Let's just all get the Amazon we just we're just kind of looking forward to the end are we I'm actually buying stock in that There's one in North Hollywood and Whittier Amazon fresh Whittier Oh Amazon fresh. Well, look at where this Amazon one store is though And then add to that world order just kidding. I Mean doesn't that kind of go with the whole the great reset? Yeah, cuz Amazon's part of that. Yeah that palm of Companies, they're gonna rule the world or whatever They probably it's just probably like Just part of their system. I think Amazon one is just part of their system is not like yet Interesting interesting interesting. What do you think brother hike a silicone chip? Isn't it? Just like Basically a piece of plastic or silicone that they make an etching in. Can you talk into the mic? I feel like you've gotten more Can you guys hear him turn me up you lie Well, no, you just need to talk louder Yeah, I think that's what it is, too I think I think we've done everything we've could with yeah to turn you up But I think what it is is that you just don't talk very loud So you just gotta like get into the mic and speak Well, I don't know a lot about Silicon chips Silicon Valley Silicon Valley. I don't know. I Got nothing to say about it at this point What doesn't even necessarily need to be like silicon like it could just be like a just a mesh of wires in it, too Like copper wires like have you ever seen like a transponder like that? You used to get into like a property like a private property But you ever open one of those things up is just chips and there's like no battery in it It only uses that like the power from whatever you're scanning it to yeah, I just use that power to like read it. Mm-hmm Yep Just insert that into your hand. It's like boom. You have a mark of the beast right there And the mark of the beat my name mark of the beast might not even be a chip Yeah, I don't even be that I mean if they're doing it with The ridges on your palm. Yeah, this is even easier. That's like yeah, I think genetic That's what kind of made me think cuz they kind of literally make etchings in silicon That's I don't know. I got to do a little bit more research on it before I speak on it. So I Mean obviously is a precursor. Yeah Mm-hmm, so cuz you when I heard about neuro link I was like, well that kind of helps us to understand how it would be in your forehead. What about the palm because Elon Musk is not necessarily working on anything for the palm, but then Amazon is yeah hmm, so They're gonna work together. I wonder if it's gonna be something like with like your DNA or something It says and no, man My buyer sells say if he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name So each of these ways condemn you we often refer to as the mark of the beast but it says The mark the name of the beast or the number of his name so You lie, are you looking up the church bombing or what? What? No, no. Oh You talk about the video the actual video, you know, I have to look those up I'm talking about just no not on YouTube. Look up just articles. Look at the Los Angeles Times article What do you mean you need to use one that's one of them. Oh, yeah, that is that is the one Alright, so let's talk about this for a little bit. So what does that headline even mean? Well, Los Angeles Times After explosion at rabidly anti-gay church. Yeah, the bombing is not enough. Like you don't you never read this article. I Don't think so. Oh, yeah, this is the most Gaslighting article out of every article that was written about our church and myself Like yeah explosion was not enough. Oh, that's that's more needs to be done. That's not that this is the art Yeah, you even said that you read this one. Yeah, this is the guy who called me a reprobate. Yeah The reprobate pastors like what so, you know, we finished off 2020 We finished thought we didn't finish off 2020 with the bang but we definitely started it with the bang Yeah Now it 2020 was great. You know, there's a lot of pretty bond different A lot of different things that happened in 2020, but then come 2021 sodom I got a hold of some of my preaching and they decided to expose me in the city of El Monte but the funny thing is is that I exposed my content to the world even prior to that. So everyone knows what I believe. We're not ashamed of it We want people to find out so now yeah, we want people to find our content so this person went on a campaign against me and basically recruited The gay community sort. Yeah recruited the baser sort to basically attack our church and threaten us and and try to protest our church and so You know, it was a little there's a lot of tension in the very beginning and then they finally decided they were gonna do an actual protest and It was gonna be like a drive-by protest or something, right like a caravan but then some outside people also joined them people who were not part of El Monte and You know, they're perverse people man. They're saying all manner of evil in front of children Yeah, they were saying yelling out vulgar obscenities in front of children sexually immoral perversions in front of our children and They're doing this to show that how much of a threat I am and the thing is, you know, the El Monte police They specifically told me like hey, we're neutral in this situation. We're not gonna get involved We just want to make sure that there's no violence But then they started realizing that they're these people are actually the the violent ones Because they're violating children as they're walking in you know by the speech that they're saying the things that they're saying and children have to listen to that they have to look at that and so and So they decided to basically kind of look out for us while we're there and For us it's kind of like another day in the office because we weren't really For us it was actually kind of exciting, you know to have that protest and our people were excited I mean we had really high attendances Especially during the protests and it didn't deter anybody from coming to our church And in fact when people heard about the protests they came to visit our church because they're thinking man these people This independent fundamental Baptist Church is crazy. This pastor's great. I want to go see what's going on here. Like this is cool. And so You know You can watch the sermon online and you can hear the protesters outside and so they're planning to have a second protest And it was actually gonna be a drag queen contest, right? But let me back up so a week prior to the initial protest Right, brother. Ulysses. I told brother Ulysses. I said hey, we need to put security cameras up because once the protest happens We want to make sure that if they do anything we have it on camera and you know We can prove it or whatever if they break the law or whatever So we I don't know what was it like a week before a Week before we put up those cameras. They came they protested we got it on camera we got all their vulgarities and everything all their perversions on camera and So then the I don't know if it was the week after they're supposed to do a drag queen contest you guys remember that yeah and They literally said they wanted to make us throw up, you know And and just you know, cuz they're so peaceful and so kind and so loving to the community They want to make other people throw up. Yeah, so then We're like man, isn't that funny though? They admit what they're doing is like so disgusting that it would make one something normal people I love it when they say things it's like just yeah, just say whatever is in your heart Yeah, because for them to say yeah, let's make them throw up. It's like they know they know Yeah, and what they're doing is so disgusting that it would make someone throw up right that's why I don't eat I didn't eat that morning, you know Yeah, don't eat on a don't go on a full stomach today So then obviously people are threatening us on social media. They're threatening to burn down the church and and for us it's like well, you know Yay, all that will live godly in Christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution. This comes with the territory We're not gonna back down right and what do we mean by not backing down? What do we mean by that guys? You're not gonna stop preaching the truth. Yeah We're still gonna go to church. Yeah, we're still gonna keep preaching the truth. We're still gonna go soul winning We're not gonna apologize for anything, right? I'm not gonna get up and say hey Well, I didn't really mean that and you guys take me into context and I think we could be I was young. I was young. Yeah, I was young. I was dumb. That was like three days ago If you would already apologize So we're just we're not gonna back down. Nope and I preach a sermon called preparations for warfare and In that sermon I specifically said that we're not gonna get violent war. It's not a literal war. It's spiritual warfare We're not gonna get physical with anybody couldn't have been more clear And in fact, I was deterring people from our church from getting physical with people and so we have to tell people heck Hey, we're not fighting back physically This is how we fight back is by standing for the truth. And of course they twisted that and say he wants to go to war He said he's literally gonna go to he's literally gonna go to war he's literally gonna be violent And the thing is like for me they do that Probably hoping to piss me off But it doesn't because anybody with two brain cells to rub together Can hear my sermon and hear that I'd be like wow these people just lied Yeah, and there's a lot of people that contact me and say man those people lied about you and then I don't even know these People like the people who contact they're like they lied about you. You never even said anything like that I don't even agree with everything you're saying, but I know this you were not lying You know, you said this X Y & Z. They're the ones who are actually lying. And So, you know, we were trying to prepare for the following Sunday because there was gonna be a drag queen contest and They were gonna start at the City Hall And because they were mad at the City Hall for some reason. I don't remember what they were mad about They try to get the mayor on their side because they're trying to sign a petition That they reached about 14,000 signatures to get me kicked out of the money I think did it hit 15,000 No, it hit 15,000. I hope it did that they wanted the mayor to they wanted us out Yeah, they wanted the mayor to kick us out. Yeah, and the mayor couldn't I mean obviously they don't know the laws and the laws You don't kick anybody out. This ain't the 1800s like we exile you He's a witch If it was the 1800s, it would be the other way around. Yeah, actually yeah There is a hate group in El Monte, huh? Oh is it still going up That's cool, it's funny why challenge them to reach 50,000 so they still got a long ways to go Picture right there To Sign the fusion sign the petition. I know we should bump up those numbers, huh? So Look, it's still going up. That's cool. Oh Yeah, look at that 86 7 so Your message made it in the picture beware of dogs. Oh snaps my what look at right there. It says beware of dogs So then We were It's still there has to who would have thought when you hung that on your doorknob that it would have make like national news Whole world would be able to the funny thing is someone told me that you should hang that like when I first got that He's hanging out outside the church I'm like I would but that thing will get taken down so fast by someone walking by now they're promoting it Yeah, they're promoting it. So kind of work down and I get to keep it So then we're just praying and wondering like hey, you know, what's gonna go on, you know this or they're gonna come protest They're gonna come Do the drag queen contest? We don't want to expose our children to that. What would you woman who wear tights hoochie mamas? The city where he preaches ghetto vaccines unclean he even hated on dia de los He should hear what we called him but Mahia eventually made a name for himself among hate watch groups for anti gay rhetoric at the vilest kind imaginable at National conferences Mahia has ripped apart the LGBTQ pride flags Openly wish for the American government to execute fags. He has not only described him He has proudly described himself from the pulpit as and as homo hatin and called one critic a stinking filthy sodomy and another wicked dyke It's funny social media the father of three tells critics to hang yourself He not only shared on Twitter last year a picture caption West Hollywood With his face superimposed on an Islamic State fighter who was about to throw someone off roof, but also wrote. I love it I Mean he has somehow kept the quiet presence locally. Yeah, because we're not bombing anyway Me he has somehow kept a quiet presence locally until the beginning of 2021 when activists launched an offensive against and often offensive against the against the Offensive they lost a bomb. Yeah, they submitted a petition with more than 15,000 signatures to Omani mayor Jessica Okona asking her to help shut down first works next came a ruckus of protest on January 17th Outside the storefront ministry during morning and evening services that featured a car caravan dancing bullhorns and chant. We're here. We're queer We don't want Bruce me here So anyways it says this past Sunday was supposed to be the biggest action yet a rally outside the City Hall with the drag show a March to me. He is Church and prizes for the best dress instead first works at empty Something bigger that happened. Yeah, you know what happened was they bombed our Yeah, well, isn't that what we said when it happened like well, thank God So they came on and we'll put the video up I don't know you lie if you can get the video of the church getting bombed You have to look for your password, huh? So They put up on Friday, I'm sorry Saturday early Saturday morning Someone came like at one o'clock in the morning tagged all over our church building and broke the window and then put a bomb in there and blew up the church building and Then brother Ulysses who was my part-time employer at that time or as the media likes to call him brother Ulysses Fernandez with the why you really with the why? He gives me a call and he says hey they blew up the building and Well, actually what happened was I told him hey don't call me unless someone blows up the church or something being facetious And he called me he said you told me not to call you unless someone blows up the church Well someone blew up the church So then the police show up, but then the FBI shows up as well. Oh, thank goodness The FBI's on the case the FBI shows up they interrogate us and get the information from us and we hand over Footage because we got him on camera and everything like that. And then these people are trying to make it seem as though They're the victims. Yeah, that's the craziest part. Thank goodness. None of them got hurt Isn't that funny that no one said thank goodness that no one even though we hate the pastor Thank goodness that the children were not hurt. Yeah notice they didn't say that Yeah, we were completely against the pastor, you know and all these things but they didn't say thank God that the children were not there When that happened because we don't want anything to happen to the children No, in fact, they said the exact opposite. They said well, it's too bad that the pastor wasn't inside the building when the bomb went off Yeah, that's what they said But of course, they're trying to keep El Mani friendly The way you keep El Mani friendlies by throwing bombs into buildings and terrorizing people Waking up the neighborhood and look the majority they want to make it seem as though the majority of El Mani is Against me displacing families from their homes for the whole night. Yep They want to make it seem as though the majority of Omanis for them But from what I remember I saw people on the news against what they did. Mm-hmm, and there's people from El Mani that were Telling the sodomites to get away from the families when they're walking to their car yelling at them Telling you know get away from them and everything You know because at the end of the day they can gaslight the community all they want And make it seem as though everyone's cool with it. But the reality is not people are not there hated. Yeah bombings aren't cool Yeah Look, I know I'm telling you I know people there's people have contacted me who are even liberals Who are not for my message or what? I'm saying? They think it's wrong when I'm preaching but they despise what happened to our to our church. They're not cool with it They're like, this is wrong. Come on, like it's bombing a church building. That's like bombing anything Yeah, but especially a church building Especially a church building. You're like the lowest of the low. It's at the bottom you I I Thought you were saying they were at the bottom. Oh, yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah the most bottom you could go. Oh, that's it right there, right? Go to the bottom of the stage at the bottom go to the bottom of the screen To the right to the right to the right to the right to the right to the right to the right to the right by The trash can right by the trash can right there. They should be in there. Okay, click that right there. There it is Double click it You like struggling go to the top open and finder just go to open and finder It's probably loading you like struggling go where the arrows at you see what it up Dang, bro up up up all the way right there. There you go. Click on that Okay, go to He keeps doing the same thing I'm Ulysses has this thing where it's like if something doesn't work He just keeps trying the same exact thing over and over again Who's who's the person that said that if something doesn't work a couple of times it's insanity, but you keep doing it Yeah, that was a Albert Einstein He's doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results, right? Yeah. Okay. Okay, then hike does exact Go to quick time Okay What you need to do is go into finder and go to downloads Oh my soul But if the desktop not hooked up you because that screen is gonna be like the one that's gonna be Screening everything. No, no. No. Yeah, there it is. It's right there Okay, play it that's the bomb it's always That's it that's it Yeah, we didn't get a front a side of that but you know the tasty goodie or whatever that thing's called in tasty Bowl Yeah, they have it when they have the footage when the building actually blows up dang Because they have a front view of it. Well, he shook the camera a little bit. Oh, no. No, I'm just kidding It was us who blew it up, right? Yeah, isn't that what they said? He blew up his own building Yeah, okay. I blew up my own building sure So they blow up the building and The FBI gets involved and You know, these people are trying to look like the victims trying to make it seem as though, you know This was against them and everything and then you have this LA Times news reporter Which obviously no one takes journalists like that serious. Yeah, anybody who reads that article and believes everything he says Sensational is is an idiot too. Mm-hmm because anyone with any brains is like, how are you gonna say the dairy? He's not the victim. That was his building. He got blown up. That was a church that got blown up. What's wrong with this guy? So But you know what though? The bombing was like one of the best things that happened to our church. Yeah, you know Because we were we made national news made national news International right? Yeah international. We're in Africa. There's people from Africa contacting and saying we stand with pastor Bruce Mihir And I mean we were on the LA Times. Yep That's awesome, I think I think that's cool New York Times no to yeah, New York Times LA Times are on Fox 11 news We're on MSNBC We were on a lot of different news outlets which and then they you know, the the Fox 11 news clip was just amazing This looks awesome the hottest part of the service yeah, but it just made us look cool. Yeah Like especially the way it ended. Yeah, you're so filthy I'm still not apologizing and then my little laugh All right, we're still filthy the news reporter Look you think obviously we want to reach liberals if they're open to the gospel. Mm-hmm But the people who are probably the most receptive towards the gospel, let's just be honest art conservatives Yeah, and we obviously understand that there's a false left-right paradigm Are you cold or what? Well, you got a jacket on How are you cold? Are you guys cold? Uh-huh perfectly fine. Now, we're good work. I turn it down more bro. Just kidding Yeah conservative there's a lot of conservatives that were reached through that and Then I got to go on info wars and preach the gospel in there. That was awesome. Yeah, amen Thousands of people hundreds, you know, it's funny the Fox 11 lady after the clip She's like, oh we reached out to Bruce Mihir, but he was in no comment. Yeah, no comment one day We're there like the day of the protest. Yeah, the day of the protest We have photo evidence Liars, yeah to all those conservatives watching, you know Fox or something like that They wanted to make us they wanted to make us look bad They thought that we're gonna like be afraid of the fact that our churches on the news on these newspaper outlets We're thankful, but it's like that's what we want though What they don't understand is that we're not like the independent fundamental Baptist of yesteryear. Yeah This new IFB we thrive on things like that. It's like cha-ching Thank you. Yeah, you're giving me a bunch of New Year's to listen to hear the message Right, that's right. It's like a gold mine. They rewarded us like not only Do they reward us also God rewards us for these things? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. We get rewarded here in this lifetime Yeah, and then the life to come So and then we you know, we're we were in the wilderness for like what was it two weeks three three weeks three weeks We're meeting in under the tabernacle and we still had high attendances in that under a tent. Yeah We were under a tent for three weeks meeting at a undisclosed location Shout out to For letting us uh helping us out with that And You know what? We still had high attendances. We still got a bunch of people saved Life went on. Yeah, and then you know what heard about the bombing and came to church. They're like, oh man I want to see this church. Yeah, and we got new people. We got new people. Thank you. We got new converts We got new church members. Yep. We kept breaking record attendances and you know what now we got a brand new building Nicer one to better than before nicer. Look at his podcast room, dude so You know I was stressing out prior to the bombing and prior to the protest because I knew that within a year We're gonna renew either we're gonna renew our lease or had to find a different place and I'm like man Where are we gonna go? Cuz the church is is growing and like this building is not sufficient to like hold us and we were crammed in that building Yeah, I mean like we're everyone was like side by side in that building like most services, right? It was very very congested. No parking, right? Yeah We don't have that problem anymore. Yeah, and you know, you know praying for months like Lord just please provide a building for us and and God's like, all right. I Will move them against you And you know what we got something way better when I found out we're getting this I was like Remember when everyone walked in here, they're like, whoa, when we first walked into this building We got like people got lost in this building. Yeah The children go freaking out the parents or that thought that their parents left them And we're getting settled in and now like before we had a small little podcaster now We had a room specifically dedicated for the podcast We have a lot of different rooms. We had a fellowship all now We have parking, you know, and so the lesson is that all things work together for good so they're gonna get them Yeah, you know, they're gonna get so don't didn't they tell you they have some suspects you like they do right? You got suspects. They're not gonna be able to get away suspects plural Suspects plural. Well, yeah, there was like Yeah snaps. Yep so And Now they're they want me out of Omani. Oh, there it is. Look, that's the building That's what it looked like inside after the bombing. Well, why'd you click out? Oh And the piano still good And so is the pulpit the attacks on my life have left me deformed and scarred Palpatine I'm gonna get that uh that little Palpatine piano I'm gonna get that that little like designer has tattooed or something It's like Adam and I were talking about like how we have children and our children ask us about the piano You know, it's gonna be like a Deuteronomy and when your children shall ask, what are these things? Well son sit down So they're there They bombed our church. I don't really know what they're what the motive is. Well, obviously the motive was because they hate us Um But I don't know what they were trying to accomplish they spray-painted it on the wall get out Maybe they just wanted us to leave. Yeah, because they knew the Americano wasn't be able to get us out Yeah, and they know that we wouldn't leave on their own volition. Yeah, they like they understand these cameras good They knew that they weren't gonna be able to scare us out and We're not meeting in that building because we can't yeah, the city will not permit us to meet there And it's not because we're first works Baptist Church, but because of structural structural engineering, yeah Yeah, and they say well, yeah, therefore we succeeded not really cuz I'm still gonna preach the same sermons And I even told them during the protest if you if you move me somewhere else. I'm still gonna preach the same Yeah, nothing's gonna change and it makes them look like the bad guys because they're the ones that Bombed the church. We didn't do anything, right? We came out winning. Yeah, so What's going on with them? Well, what's going on with them is that The FBI already has suspects. I Remember when we got there remember that you lied like the FBI showed up and they're like, all right, we're taking over So and even one of the officials they're just like we're on your side these people are not gonna get away with this So Who wants to be on the side of homos though? Yeah, I want to be on that side never And increase my children's faith And increase our faith it strengthen our church Yeah, our church members were proud of our church before but now they're just like we're gonna force works all other level It's a whole other level my friend because now people were like we go to first work. Yeah We're it as a badge of honor People thought they thought that by doing that it was gonna scare our church members Dude one of our church members just like I hope this protest is not a bust. Yeah Like I hope it's not gonna be a bus like and it wasn't it was it exceeded our expectations You know what? It proved it proved that what we're doing is right. Yep Yep, because yay all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution And obviously it's it was stressful. But you know what life is stress. That's what life's all about Stress is good. Stress is good for you. Stress is good for them good for the muscles, right? Yeah You need stress in your life hike So and even this guy the guy who wrote the article calling me a reprobate the LA Times dude he's obviously a friend of these these sodomites and But even that worked out together for good for good because What's his name? Geraro? What is it? Gerano for us. This is our philosophy any normal person reading these articles. Oh, they're gonna know about side They understand what's going on. They know exactly what's going see homos. They're like scooted in their brain. They don't they're skewed and God is against him. God is he the Bible says that God is against him his face is against them to do evil The Bible says that's scary to have your and look let me say this is that hey, you know, why do you know why? We're not going back and trying to like fight them and try to start stuff with them and try to avenge ourselves Because the Bible tells us avenge not yourselves vengeance belonger than to me. I will repay Yeah, God says don't worry about this. I'm gonna pay them back for this And God's payback is always better than our payback. Yeah, that's right Way better God gets creative He's a creator It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God that's for Christian or unbeliever It's it's scary when God strikes vengeance on a Christian. Yeah Because you think to yourself well, you know God can just take my life if you wanted to and take me to heaven But what if you just choose not to and just choose to just give you like a disease or something and make your life miserable here, right But how much more of the unsaved who persecute the righteous Yeah, and more and more so and I'm not just saying like us like we're righteous. But what about our children? the innocent he hears the cry of the innocent and So and you know what? Anytime our children were afraid God knows what that they're afraid and that makes God angry Yeah, that they struck fear into the hearts of our children Because God loves our children more than we do Mm-hmm So make no mistake about it. God is very mad very upset and You know a couple weeks ago not a couple weeks ago, who was it a month and a half ago You know, God struck one of these reprobates dead Yeah, he killed them The guy died like a horrible death. Yep in an alleyway in an alleyway Well, he was bludgeoned to death. Yeah, and they try to point the fingers and I was like, oh these guys did is like dude Our God did it. Yeah, we didn't we just prayed for it. Yeah But it remind reminded me of the fact that like God does avenge his people So I'm not stressed about about it. We had already thought about it. Yeah yeah, it was a completely different incident that happened last year where this guy was persecuting us hard and not just persecuting us, but our friends and God took care of them. They don't know when it's gonna happen. That's crazy You know what when it comes upon them, we probably won't even know Cuz think about this one. God says vengeance is mine. That means he's taking it personal Yeah, so we might never ever find out about it, but God it satisfies God Yeah, like yeah well in the midst of all this persecution is when we found out about it That's why I was thinking myself. Wow. God is he obviously I knew you Yeah, everything's beautiful in his time, yeah, everything is beautiful in his time What does it mean to be beautiful means like well put together? Yeah, cuz like during even that during that time we were being persecuted but like we found that he died It was like dang that was like comforting right there. I was like come choice Yeah, it was comforting in a time of like it was very comforting Yeah, it's pretty much like when the bomb went off that dude was like planning on buying those shoes and That's when he made the deal no, you're right it is comforting because you know why We a righteous person gets frustrated at the acts of the wicked Yeah, and the fact that we think that they get away with these things That they can bomb our church hop on the plane and head back to wherever they came from and no one ever finds them And we're just like man. They just got away with it. But of course they didn't get away with it God has their number finite world God sees it all. Yep. His eyes run to and fro the Bible says beholding the good and the evil So the Bible tells us so he's keeping record and that makes me a lot of comforts like well You know what God's gonna take care of it Right. If you took care of this one guy he's gonna take He's been taking care of wicked people Since the beginning of time. Yeah He's always taking care of his people by taking care of the wicked who persecuted the righteous From the blood of righteous able able. Yeah, exactly. He set Cain apart. He made sure that nobody touched Cain. Yeah, right Yep, cuz he's probably gonna judge him. Yeah, he's like he's smiling on it. Yep His blood cries unto me from the ground. The Bible says And you know what Abel's blood cried out revenge so Amen to that he says so what should we do then? Well, we should do what we've been doing this whole time podcast Hey when souls Preach God's Word Fellowship we just started a bunch of new soul winning times. Yep Amen new cities new cities We're covering new city soul winners. Yeah new soul winners new church members new church new church building new podcast season 2 Evangelist. Oh, yeah Yeah, I was able to hire a full-time evangelist now Brother Ulysses Hernandez aka Ulysses Fernandez What'd you say no, I was gonna say like anytime now he said he signs papers like have you ever used a different name Yeah, I was able to hire a full-time evangelist and he's helping me around the church He does a lot of minute of the administration, but he's also taking over like the sowing program so we can do more soul winning Wonderful. Thank you Lord. Yeah It's Good you can't like who'd have known like December like Christmas is here, you know, like who that's pretty nice It's gonna happen. It was nice. We have no idea. It was nice because we had a nice Christmas Who would thought by March dude would be in a new building the church would grow I never would have thought that bro come January. I was already stressing. I was like man I gotta figure out what we're gonna do for a new building Like I think about obviously buildings are not everything but here's the thing as the church grows. You need space Yeah, she'd heard of me like you need space to grow and so that could become a little stressful and I've been praying for a building for a long time since we like a year and a half ago when we signed the lease for the second half or whatever and So God's like I'll take care of that God answered it in the craziest way possible because he knows what things we have need of exceedingly abundantly above all that We can ask her think Say less and he's like it's like it's like we asked for a building is like well Why don't I give you building publicity new church members new sowing areas new this new this and that instead? Okay Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're all pray for it to rain side How many here pastor Anderson sermon from Sunday Mm-hmm He was just talking about job Yeah lie who yeah, and there's this part where it's just like, you know, cuz God is like talking about in his dissertation He talks about Leviathan and all these things and then you know, he's talking about jobs response and how jobs like, you know I'm nothing. It's just like so people try to use that as like oh, you know, God was correcting job And that's why job is just like he's like no It's just that like when God speaks and he's like he's like talking to you out of a whirlwind at a tornado You're just like I'm nothing like I'm stupid. You know, he when he's talking to you about dinosaurs and stuff Like you're just like I'm nothing. I'm stupid. I'm sorry. He like that's how you are in the presence of God, right? You're humbled. Well, bro. Well his higher his ways are higher than our faces Yeah, but look put it this way God could have chosen to come down any way you want it. He came in a tornado. Yeah Okay, people are fearful of a tornado going by what if one just stops right in front of you That's a scary starts talking to you about dinosaurs. Yeah You're of course you're gonna apologize for things that you probably didn't know you're like you you pray didn't do It's funny how like God like you have to watch that clip. It's so funny when he talks about that I went on a trip and I went to go preach for pastor Aaron Thompson at Spokane Spokane, that's Spokane Spokane. I want to offend them spoking and Somehow we got on the topic of numerology. Oh, I said, you know, yeah this happened to us I was against an interesting we're talking about the church bombing and I said isn't it interesting that this happened into our church like three and a half years into our church And I said just like the tribulation is three and a half years Jesus the ministry was three and a half years Elijah three and a half years and then we just started going over all these numbers and he's like Oh, you should preach a sermon on biblical numerology. I'm like, yeah He said make sure you give me credit. So I never gave him credit on that sermon Because I didn't want to I'm just kidding, but I'm doing it here. So that's what I'm saying Biblical numerology. He came up with the idea. I just fleshed it out. So unlike manner I should do the same with your sermon man. That's good. I like that sermon I'm gonna preach it on Friday though. The funny thing is is that What is the funny thing oh That was pretty When I went to pure words, uh-huh, I had some ideas for sermons and I told Maury the ideas He's like you're gonna preach it over there. Not over here Yeah, if you're gonna preach a sermon somewhere else don't tell us about what you're gonna preach We'll just watch it online brah That's a cool idea. I'm appreciate on Friday cuz I don't have an idea for Friday. That'd be good. I'll watch it. I guess I Guess if I got no choice, what are you preaching it? Um, I'm preaching that shield of faith This church with pastor Joe Jones Joe Jones Nobody all right, who isn't it? It's supposed to be Mike Jones. Yes I couldn't laugh. He was like, I don't know if it's supposed to be Mike Jones or yeah, but I didn't know So I totally forgot about it Pastor you kind of got the name wrong. These guys are as dry as a persimmons It's biting into a persimmons. That's it. If you get the the wrong type of persimmons, there's two different type. Is it really? Yeah, how do you know that? Because there's a Japanese type because there's a Japanese guy that was actually living in the dorms with us and he was telling us about It because I told like I don't like persimmons and he's like, oh you probably got the Japanese one the juicy one Oh, yeah, that's the one that's a sweet one. Yeah, I hate persimmons Okay, I bite into it. Just it gives you cotton mouth You gotta wait for the to the right to what do you think Cody I never had one I Don't even know what that is I don't I think it was Chris care. You've never had a persimmon. I give him I give him one at my his mustache Won't allow him to get it that close About to buy in the mustache just rejects it. Yeah, it's not enter I gotta cut that and then send it to him Oh You see this this is on Saturday morning When the church got bombed and the city came and boarded up the the windows and and painted over it and the people were like Oh, yeah, he did that to himself. Look how fast he painted his building. He's into it You know the city's in it with him and everything. Look how fast he did. I was like I was like, wait, if you look at church bombing it has like a bunch of other church behind me as well They color match the paint even that's crazy. I remember like there was another Baptist church Yeah, there was another Baptist church burning him that got bombed like I think it was like in the 40s Well as far as I know no independent fundamental Baptist Church has ever been bombed Yeah, I think they were like a Southern Baptist Church. So we're we we hold the record. Yeah, we hold the title nice Is that Chris's picture oh No, no, that looks like one of Chris's pictures, huh? Mm-hmm. Look at the sign still up there That's good Hey if it was up to me and You know what? My church will be all our people would be 100% behind it. We would have met on Sunday. Yep With shards every with shards and glass everywhere. We would have met we wouldn't care. We would have signed the victory You know why because from the beginning we've always said we don't necessarily even need a building to have Church. Yep. Yeah, so I've never I've never emphasized the building Like how important it obviously it's important because we live in California in the United States and it's like, yeah I have four walls. We just need an address to text people to meet. Yeah We met in a tent. Yeah, and people still came like a lot of people and they stayed and they came back It's like dude, there you go So it's funny. They think we have so much attachment to the building or El Mani. It's just a tool look Well, yeah, exactly I love El Mani because I love the people there and we've got a bunch of people saved there and Even the law enforcement said we've never had problems with you. Like you you're not the problem because we never had problems with you But here's the thing, you know how we chose El Mani All there's a building and I didn't even choose it was it was Alex Barea Alex Barea was looking for a building found that building there I was like, let's do it because you know what the Holy Ghost witnesses in every city, you know So there's no city that it's not good to start a church it's like started anywhere so so anyways Let's continue on with this conversation. Probably gonna actually close it right about getting older or what? Hey, yeah getting older is good, bro. Yeah, I like getting older. I Lived out my young years already, you know As a teenager, I was I lived as a teenager when I became when I when I went into my 20s I just I literally I got saved when I was 21, and I spent my 20s just serving the Lord and you know what that's important because The 20s from what I've heard is like when people make the worst mistakes Yeah, you know they make a lot of dumb mistakes Hey, I read the Bible college do whatever else I was gonna do as an unsafe 21 year old But yeah, Bible calls are pretty bad though Just just so you know, we don't promote Bible college you do not promote Bible college But you know, we did learn some good things in Bible college. We have some good memories there, right? Yeah, I Was just really like I have known Marcus for a really long time Not really a long time eight years right seven it's 2011 Yeah Yeah, ten years And he's getting married. Yeah He's getting married to Ariel. Mm-hmm and Ariel is a Texan Who shall be converting to? Californian a Californian Now I'm really happy for you guys That's it's gonna be great and you're getting married soon. Yeah, what is it again? 46 days? How many hours? How many minutes are you just say a date, you know May 1st, May 1st, it's like six weeks Like How many more months like six weeks Yeah, how does your baby it's like he's 47 47 months or something like heck do you don't use years anymore? You get you get a pass if it's like before one year but but they'll be like, oh it's at the end months Yeah, I'm like, okay, so someone asked me if my child is like 10 months old, right 11 months just don't even answer them if they ask me like how old is your you're like avoid foolish questions Yeah, let's say they ask me like how does your I would say oh he's almost one yeah Like I don't say like 10 months. Yeah, I don't say 11 months you go by months. Ah You're every day He does the months thing why though he likes the 40 in two months like whenever we talk about the great tribulation When I say three and a half years ago, he's actually 42 months How long is the tribute? How long is the tribulation the beginning of stars a great tribulation 42 months? I Just say like he's almost a year or if he's like 13 months 14 months I say yeah, he's a year old Yeah, he's here 42 some months. No children are very impressionable. I Knew that before but I know that so much the more now Because my son is only four years old and he picks up on a lot and it's pretty amazing how much he picks up How much he actually understands even when it comes to like deep spiritual truths? He gets it very well because probably you didn't baby him. Well, of course we baby Read the Bible 42 months not three and a half. Yeah. I mean, we don't like we don't do goo goo gaga, but we don't also like like We're giving them the gospel we don't say like imputation or anything like that, you know We just talk to him normally. Yeah, and then also that's here's my me talking to my wife And I'm like on our way to church. My wife and I typically just talk about my sermon Told you respond to that if you talk to them like you would talk to an adult Just don't talk to them like they're babies, you know, they actually respond to that Like even with the whole church bombing It opened his eyes up to that world and He's like, um, he just said a lot of profound things during that time. I'm trying to think of something. He said recently I was like Oh Yeah, yeah, that's who I tell you guys about that. Yeah, that's pretty cool. I'll never forget that that's gonna go down in history like the history of our life as a family as like a marker for my son and myself Because when that whole protest happened in the first protest you remember when um, a Jacob ran out any and he removed the sodomite from our property, right? because there's a time when when he ran out and they were protesting remove them and then all the sodomites rushed him and Then all the guys in our church rushed outside and then I'm running down the aisle trying to pull guys back you know like the angels pulling lot back into the House and my son was in the back with with my wife and he got scared, you know It's a fearful thing. Mm-hmm He's just like he got really scared and my wife just looked at him and said hey, do you want some gum? You want some like trying to like like this distract him Bruce have some gum and he was like about to take any looking he's like no, I'm okay. God's gonna take care of us He's like, I know God's gonna take care of us Look forward. He's like God's gonna protect us It's like David he's four years old. Yeah weeks later with the armor when Actually when we were like driving here He told my wife he said mom. I just want to thank you for offering me gum that day Wow He's like, but I I know that God was gonna protect us, but thank you for offering me that gum Like not in a very like somber like and it kind of like Cuz he understood that my wife was trying to comfort him distract him and help him not to be afraid And he's like, thank you for offering me that but I knew that God was gonna protect us. That's it That's like important to me To know that my son has confidence in the Lord and he it like we want to instill confidence in him But when he exerts it on his own and says No, I don't want the gum. God's gonna protect us. Like I don't need gun to come for me. God is my comfort Yeah, that's real for your old. Yeah, you know, I mean just just for future reference. I do like juicy food Those things only last like five seconds Big leak to yeah But um, they're very impressionable, you know And where did he learn that from? I'm sure he learned it from us as parents But how about just from people in the church? Yeah Seeing everyone in their boldness not raid not scared. Just taking a stand. That's the kind of children I want to raise You know, what's funny though? None of us refuse food. So how did he learn that? Because you never refuse comfort food I can tell Yeah So things like that. He's he's he said multiple things like that and it made me realize like man. He's four, but he's not Like what we think a four-year-old's mind is yeah It's very mature and it's learning and he's learning the most right now, you know, and so, um Yeah, it's pretty cool but anyways That was a great first episode. I think yeah, right Brother Cody, what do you think? It's great. Yeah, I liked it It's nice for us to cover the church bombing Todd give our side a little bit on that. Yeah, man Amen to that and so looking forward to a great Thursday Service looking for you guys are gonna be whoever's watching this right now Stay on the channel Because the sermons coming up for Thursday night and so because this obviously is gonna air on Thursday Yeah, and then tomorrow which would be Friday when you're listening to this I'm gonna be a shield the faith Baptist Church preaching for a pastor Joe Jones looking forward to seeing him. He's a great friend He's awesome He always has really good sermon title ideas right Apologicians is one that stands out. Yeah. Yeah, that's a cool one quacks anonymous. Yeah Yeah, he has a lot of good sermon titles good concepts, what's that? Quick saying Baptist he preached at the fundamentalist conference And so, um looking forward to being there with them in Boise, Idaho. I know a lot of their guys are fighters They're like jujitsu practitioners and stuff. So My man nice and then Sunday's coming and Sunday Sunday's coming and We're gonna have a great Sunday of soul winning actually Saturday going to a new Sony area. Amen South Central and then Sunday we're hitting the new areas. It's gonna be great And so the days are very bright ahead of us. The future is very bright It's always been bright the path of the righteous is it's brighter and brighter every single day, you know And so we're gonna say the lamp to our feet. Yeah I Mean serving the Lord. It's just there's there's always there's not only a silver lining everything silver Yeah, and so thank God for that man. I think we're gonna sign off So make sure that you subscribe to the channel hit the like button Put a comment in the section below and then of course this episode will be not only on YouTube But it's also gonna be on Spotify And so if you want to listen to just the audio you can go on Spotify Of course, we'll update the website as well put that on there if you want to see the full episodes or listen to them And so that's pretty much it folks. Thank you so much for tuning in. We'll see you in the following episode Have a great night You