(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Put our intro on. All right, welcome to the Rod of Iron podcast, Fundamental Baptist Breaking Down Discussions, Dogma, and Daily Events. I'm your host, Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church, joined by the fundamentalists in our church for a special edition of the election today. And so we have Brother Hytav Masian, Brother Ray Flores. We have Brother Adam Kinzari. Marco Sanchez will not be in camera frame because he's handling the live stream right over there. So we're excited to be here tonight. Gentlemen, how are we doing? Pretty good. Are we excited or what? I'm excited. I'm excited for the tribulation. Are you excited for the tribulation? I voted illegally five times. Ready for that third temple. Are you one of the architects for the abomination of desolation or what? I donated in Bible college. Marcos is an accelerationist. Yeah, he's an accelerationist. I send in checks every week too. I actually donate to Jared Kushner's campaign. For 50 cents a day, you can support Israel. Well, he is really a child. It's like hungry, he's just hungry for more money. Can we switch the silver with the gold and the gold with the silver? This podcast has taken a bad turn here. It's already getting pretty bad. We're not even a minute in. We're not even 60 seconds into the podcast. So we're doing a special edition of the election coverage. We're going to cover the election as much as we can. We're going to talk about different topics tonight, different subjects pertaining to the election and the President and Biden and Trump and everything that's going on. And really, if you think about it, it's going to be a pretty exciting night. Who knows what's going to happen. I'm excited. I'm excited too. And I'd even vote. I'm excited I'd even vote. Hey, can you guys get off your phones? It makes it better because no matter what happens, it's like, I don't care. Yeah. He's still funny to me. Looking at you, Hike. Hike's still trying to figure out how to use Spoon. Don't download the food app, Spoon. Adam's mic is a bit low. Hello? No, he just doesn't talk loud enough. We got loud enough, man. Okay. I'll talk louder. I think I could hear your headphones in. Oh yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you can turn yourself down here or something like that. Switch the camera angles or something first just because just so not everyone's looking at. So what's going on, gentlemen? Let's talk about what's going on tonight. No, seriously, did anybody vote? Did you vote? I would have voted. You would have voted if you could, but you're Canadian. Yes. You really would have voted? Yeah. Dude, he believes in voting. This guy believes in voting. Do you listen to the same preaching we do? Oh yeah. Actually, I recently finished Pastor Jimenez's series, like mixing religion and politics. It was really good. Did you get sad? Did I get sad? Yes. I don't know. No, I didn't. But it was really good. He made a lot of good points. Yeah, but you're sad because you can't vote though, right? I mean, I think it comes down to if you're looking at it. Well, does Pastor Jimenez promote voting? I don't think he does. Complete opposite. Complete opposite. So what does that have to do with what we're talking about? Well, I was going to get into it. I was going to say that I think it really matters more if you like it. It's really more of a decision between if you're pragmatic or if you're principled because Pastor Jimenez used an example. If a wife was choosing her husband, for example, she would not look at the things the husband would promise her. She would look at like the character of the husband, right? And how we should choose our leaders for their character and stuff like that. But I don't really see it that way because like a husband is somebody who you're stuck with forever and it's very much like somebody you're gonna have to live with and stuff like that. And when it comes to like choosing like a leader, like if I were to vote for Donald Trump, I would be doing it like I'd be choosing somebody for a job. Like say I needed to choose two contractors, I would choose the contractor who would do the job and he would do it for less money than the other guy like Biden who would do the same job. He'd do the same job but on his way out, he'd like kill my dog or something. So like that's why. This is why you would vote. That's a poor reason, I'm just kidding. Yeah, because it's not a contest. Because Trump won't kill a dog. Over a dog? That kind of goes along with what a lot of old IFB people would say. They would often say, you know, when they hear our type of preaching or our opinions on this matter, they'll often say, well we're not voting in a pastor, it's a president. So are you, you know, obviously a pastor is a lofty position, you know what I mean? It's a spiritual position, it's an important position, it's an honorable position, but isn't also being the president of the United States. So they're saying that basically, you know, if we're voting in a president it's okay if he's a whoremonger, it's okay if he committed fraud, or if it's okay that if he's perjured himself or he's just a liar, it's the president. But isn't the president of the United States, isn't that a high office in the land? Yep, it's a ruler. It's a ruler, right? So I see that a lot of older, and I'm not just saying this about you, though I am preaching to you, no I'm just kidding, is that, you know, a lot of old IFB people say that we're not voting in a pastor, so we just got to pick the best candidate. But here's the thing, is like, they often compare presidents to Old Testament kings. So they'll often cherry pick a lot of what they chose Old Testament kings for, or what the Old Testament kings did, like the exploits they did from like Josiah, for example. But they want to leave out what the requirements was for those kings, you know what I mean? Where they had to be a good upstanding moral character. Yeah, exactly, above reproach. They have to love the Lord, you know? And I had a conversation with someone about a week ago or something, and we were talking about that, and they were comparing Trump to Josiah. They're like, well maybe, you know, Josiah, he kind of withheld the wrath of God from Israel because, you know, he basically legislated righteousness and all these things. And so they wanted to compare those two, but I told them, I said, yeah, but here's the thing is that Josiah, like, loved the Lord. He found the word of God in the house of God. He got rid of the Sodomites, for one. Yeah. You know what I mean? So it's just like... You don't have Sodomite rallies. Yeah, Trump has Sodomite supporters who are like 100% for him. And he even said that he would do more for the Sodomites than Obama. So I think that argument has a lot of loopholes, and it falls apart because if you're really going to take it to that extent, you know, the President of the United States is a lofty position, you know, that a man who is above approach should be able to take. And that's why I don't vote because neither of these men love the Lord. Because you give your stamp of approval on a man who's a whoremonger. Yeah. And greedy and covetous and everything. So maybe it's a good thing you can't vote, Adam. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Hey, you're free to have that opinion though, you know what I mean? You're not the only one in our church who believes that. And there's other people who they believe in voting and, you know, that's their prerogative. That's what they want to do, you know. But in my opinion, they're already elected. What do you guys think about this? If you vote, you don't have the right to complain after. I don't believe that's true. Because when you're voting, you're not putting like, I agree with 100% of what this candidate's doing. I think anybody's allowed to complain and like complaining or like a lot of it can shift the direction of like policy that a leader makes a lot of the time. So like, for example, when Trump and his early presidency like bombed Syria, there was a lot of a lot of negative feedback to that from his core. Yeah. And since then, he hasn't really done any more like military maneuvers in the Middle East from the US point of view. And that's actually the reason I really like kind of the foreign policy that Trump likes because we aren't getting into any new wars. We're pulling out of wars. We're pulling like there's like rumors we're pulling out of Afghanistan. So there's like less innocent people being like bombed and murdered by us. Yeah. If Trump remains president, he's definitely good for the country. Yeah. No one's going to deny that. He's obviously good for the country if he remains president. And in my opinion, if Biden wins, it's good for our church. Good for the economy? Good for course. In general. Yeah, just in general. Like if Biden wins, I would say he's good for our church just because a bunch of conservative Republican Christians. Good for all churches. Will start waking up because they're asleep at the wheel right now because they're just really comfortable with having a Republican in the office. And they're just kind of free to roam and do whatever they want. And just they have their man in the highest office of the land. But if you have a liberal in the office, then they kind of become vigilant. And the reality is that our preaching will become very appealing to them. You know, because they'll be like, well, let's go vote for Biden then. That's Marcos's position. He's an accelerationist. Yeah, forgive Ray and the other guys. They're contacting people on Spoon right now. We're both we're live on Spoon and on YouTube. But on Spoon, you can actually call in. So people can listen on Spoon and they can call in. Pastor Anderson's on here as well, actually. He's listening in. Trump's policies are obviously better. Yeah, I would actually say that in a lot of ways, Trump's policies are even better for soul in it, because I know that's a lot. That's a big reason you say of California and specifically Los Angeles is one of the best places to live for a Christian, just because it's only is kind of like unparalleled compared to other big cities in the U.S. In a lot of ways, I think a Trump victory in that case would actually help that. It would it would obviously it's a lot easier to soul in somebody who is in some ways like right wing than it is this whole win. Some like godless like atheist who supports abortion and all this stuff and is like kind of hard into Christianity and stuff. But if people feel like they're living in a Christian country and they believe in Christian values, whether or not those be like legitimate. I feel like they're people are a lot more receptive to the gospel. Right. Well, you know, America's greatest threat is God himself. And you know, there's a lot of Christians out there who are who are losing it right now. They're freaking out. Jack Treiber. Yeah, Jack Treiber being one of them. The vibrato in that man's voice. Like when he's been preaching the last couple of weeks. You like crying? Yeah, dude, I'm telling you. Well, he cries for every sermon he preaches. It's just that fake humility. How does he do that? That's like an old IV thing. He's an actor. He's an actor. He just turns on the, you know, turns on the faucet and he just starts tearing up. He just starts leaking. He thought he was going to be like a like a John MacArthur. Like, you know, we're going to have services and we're going to sue them or they're, then he ended up just like capitulating to. Sorry to work for you, Jack. Is John MacArthur also from California? Yeah, yeah. He is in California. I don't know if he's from California, but he is in California. Santa Clara. Santa Clarita. Excuse me. By Six Flags. Yeah, by Six Flags. His church is in Sun Valley. It was right behind my house in North Hollywood. Oh, how did you uh? I've been there a few times. I didn't know what I was doing. Yeah, in his church there's Six Flags. I'm sure. I'm sure there's more. What's going on? It collapsed? Yeah, it collapsed. Oh, hit collapse. Why what's with you and this? Hey, you stick to the mic. I'm trying to help him. It looks good. What's wrong with it? Don't worry about it. The map? It's fine. It's good. He's scared that Biden's going to win. If Biden wins, I'm going, I'm leaving the coming back to Canada. You know, all the liberals are saying the opposite. Trump wins. We're going to Canada. Hell no. I'm not going back there. Yeah, yeah, that's good for you. Good for you. I'm proud of you, Adam. Someone said in the in the comment section, Mr. Adam said, La Palazzi. Oh, someone's calling. All right, let me see if I can answer this right here. Yeah, renounce your Canadian citizenship. Here we go. Young XO. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? You're live. Hello. How are you doing? Good. How are you? I'm over here in Kansas, Missouri. All right. And I voted for Trump in 2016 when he went against Clinton. And the Clinton, you know, she lost, right? Yeah. What'd you hear, man? Heard Trump talking to me. Did you really? I'm being serious, man. I'm not even lying to you, man. Hey, I went to tell my parents and I saw my dad. Okay. All right. All right. He's a troll here. We got ourselves a troll here. He probably doesn't think we like Trump. Probably. He probably thinks we're a Trump supporter. Sorry about that, folks. We're not. You're gonna you eventually have wicked people here. Now you got another call. Oh, we got another call. Let's see here. Now Steve Fernandez. He's cool. We'll get Steve Fernandez here. Let's say calls from people we know. That's OT the Baptist. All right. Here we go. Sorry about that, folks. Hello, you're live. Is this OT the Baptist? This is OT the Baptist. What's good? What's going on, man? Good to hear from you. Hey, thanks. Thanks. Yeah. Shout out here. We got a lot of folks lost supporters out here in San Diego. It's growing. Hey, just wanted to, you know, pick your brain. This thing, you know, I didn't vote or anything, but do you guys agree that a lot of Trump supporters, you know, feel they can express their internal racism because this guy is in office? Do we think that a lot of Trump supporters can express their racist what? Their internal racism now that he's in office. I mean, I don't really have a dog in that, but I don't really have an opinion about that. I don't really see that much racism. I don't either. I'm Hispanic in LA. The most racist I see is like Black Lives Matter. Yeah. Yeah. In my opinion, the most racist people, yeah, right, is Black Lives Matter. They're some of the most racist people I've ever seen. Oh, most definitely. I agree. Those people are wicked, and it's kind of stupid for them to claim that they're fighting against racism, or it's ironic, should I say, that they're fighting against racism, but they're actually the ones who are the most racist against everyone else. Sure, sure. No, I agree. I mean, I'm definitely not a supporter of each other. But here's the thing, I don't think every Trump supporter is bad, though. I have Trump supporters in my church. I know Trump supporters who are in old IFB churches who are great people. I have family members who are Trump supporters. And for the most part, obviously, you have some idiots out there and some people who are just taking it too far. But for the most part, the people that I've run into who are Trump supporters, they're pretty solid people, and they have a right to love Trump, or vote, or think that this stuff works, or whatever, and buy into the right-left paradigm. I mean, I got one sitting next to me right now. No, I'm just kidding, Adam. I mess around with Adam a lot because I love those guys. He's a good guy, so I know he can take it. But what I'm saying is, I don't think they're all bad, and I'm sure there's people out there who are racist, but you have people who are following Biden who are racist, too. You got Biden that's racist himself. Yeah, Biden is a racist himself. He's way more racist than Trump, like himself. Yeah, again, I wanted to pick your brain on all this because I don't know, it feels like a lot of these folks tend to want to express it a lot more now that he's in office. But yeah, I see both sides of it. Is there an example of that? Certainly have experienced it myself. But thank you for elaborating on that. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I appreciate you uploading our content on your channels. I see them on TikTok and stuff, so I really appreciate you doing that, getting the word out. Of course, of course. Yeah, keep posting videos, man, so I can post them on TikTok. Appreciate the answer. Absolutely. God bless you, brother. We'll see you. Take care, God bless. Yeah, I mean. Is he Hispanic? Yeah, he's Hispanic. So I mean, obviously, there's racism on both sides. You know what I mean? But when it comes to like, I think what he was asking like is, you know, because Trump is in office, people feel a little more comfortable to be racist or something. Is that what he was saying? He was saying that people are racist, but because Trump is in office, they're like, they're actually showing that racism. Yeah, which there can be some truth to that. I don't know if that's true. I don't know. I haven't experienced any racism against any Trump people. I mean, like the vast majority of the people that I see supporting Trump, believe it or not, are like Hispanics. That's what I've seen. A lot of Hispanics support Trump. Well, we got Florida up on the map there. Florida. What's going on with Florida? You have. Oh, man. Yeah, it's primarily red. You got some pink areas, the panhandle, that little area on the top left. That's actually a different time zone. So that'll be coming in like later on together. But what they do is like what they did in 2000. They were like, oh, Florida went blue for what was his name? Um, Romney. Oh, Al Gore. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me your money. Give me your money because of global warming. So they were like, oh, Florida went blue. So then a bunch of people like that were in the panhandle like left the lines from voting. So that's why Bush only won by like 500 votes, but he still did win. So you think he would have like won by more? Yeah, because it was like voter suppression, because they try to like con people into leaving. Like, oh, it's already over. Don't worry about it. Well, a lot of because we're just talking about like Hispanics and like racism and stuff. And in Florida, more Hispanics so far have voted for Trump. Oh, Pastor Anderson. Let me answer the call from Pastor Anderson. Sorry, Mark. You got to wait. We got Pastor Anderson on the line real quick. Let's see. Let's see what he has to say. Here we go. Where'd you go, Pastor Anderson? What's going on here? I think he hung up. Did he hang up? Maybe it was a prank call. What's going on here? I think he's gone now. Just call him like directly. Yeah, I'm just gonna call him on the phone. I'm just gonna call him. Let's see. My fiance just commented. He's like, oh, Peter Theodore. He's responding to somebody. She said, Trump, during the final debate, I'm the least racist person in this room. Sus. I think he butt dialed me. I think he might have butt dialed me. No, he was calling on the app. Yeah, I know. He doesn't like press like the thing. How could he do that? Oh, wait, wait, wait. There we go. No, just text him and tell him to call back because. No, I'm answering him right now. Yeah, but it's not going to. People on the app aren't going to be able to hear. No, I'm saying on the app. That's why I'm answering. It's not going through for whatever reason. I don't know why. I don't know what's going on. Okay, maybe figure that out there on my phone. He just came on again. Oh, snares. We're top three. Get us to number one, man. Let's get to number one on spoon. Let's take spoon over. Drop your paycheck again. I'm about to spend a whole paycheck. This is my tie for the week. Hey, it's all good. So what are you saying? I was saying that like racism and Hispanics in Florida. A lot of the Hispanics that didn't vote for Trump in 2016 because they thought he was racist or stuff like that, especially like Puerto Ricans and Mexicans. They came out like full force. Yeah. And in Miami Dade, Miami Dade, the county, which is like the biggest like county or whatever in Florida. There were like more Hispanics that voted for Trump than Biden. Wow. Yeah. So like the Mexicans in the Puerto Rican. Let's just be honest. Let's just, let's just be honest. The vast majority of the people who are voting for Biden are not voting for him because they like him. What? Because they don't like Trump. Yes. They vote for Biden because they hate Trump. I've literally heard like famous people say that. Well, and no, no president has ever won an election because the other guy is really bad or like let's, let's vote this guy because the other guy, nobody's ever won like that. I do think we need to keep Biden around though. Cause that guy is a walking jiff and he's so funny to listen to. It's retarded man. Recently he got up to, um, he was at a rally in Tampa Bay, Florida and he said, hello Minnesota. Are you still trying to get past your Anderson online or what? He says that he's there but I don't think he's there. I don't even think he's on here. He keeps popping up and then he, he like disappears or something. I don't know. I don't know if there's like, well answer someone else. Let's answer brother Mark. Maybe it's just the app. I don't think he's listening right now. Pastor Anderson. Cause he's not on the list of, um, list right now. Oh, okay. Maybe, maybe he's voting Biden. I'm just kidding. Acceleration of it. Yeah. It's what is that? A hundred percent. We got Mark. All right. We got Mark on the line. What's going on brother Mark? I just finally got home from work and wanted to tune in on the live stream. Did you vote? Hey, did you go vote? Nah, he didn't get home from work. He voted. Yes I did. I vote Jesus. Amen brother. I didn't see him on the ballot. That's a good answer. I didn't see him on the ballot. You didn't see him on the ballot. How would I vote for a bunch of reprobates? Were you poll watching? Well, good deal brother Mark. Now, who do you guys, who do you guys think is going to win? Who's your guest? Trump. So in my opinion, Trump is going to win. Just due to some predictions that I've made in the beginning of the year through the book of revelation. Make sure you watch that series by the way. Specifically revelation chapter number six. But if he doesn't win, I mean, it's not, I'm, you know, I'm not going to cry about it. I don't really care. No, exactly. I just want to know what you guys' guess is. Cause my guess is Trump. I'm, I'm assuming Trump will win. But what about, what about everybody else in the room? I think both, I think both are going to claim a win. We're going to have two presidents. So, so Ray, Ray thinks that basically both are going to claim that they won. So Biden is going to be like, you know, because he's senile, he's going to be like, I won, you know, I won. I'm a Senator now. I'm a governor now. Kamala won. And then, you know, Trump's going to, he's going to say the same thing, but at the end of the day, probably Trump's going to win. But either way, you know, who cares to be honest with you? I mean, it's Either way, the nation is going to burn. I mean, it doesn't matter. Where are you going to live? I'm in this nation, bro. I'm not burning. What the heck? Mark's very doom and gloom. All right, Mark. Amen. Thanks for calling in brother. We'll see you Thursday. Yeah. So, um, I mean, so this, this week's going to be crazy though. Yeah. You got to admit that it's just, it's just like exciting. It's exciting because we don't know what's going to happen. Yeah. One guy said in revelation, Biden's a beast, bro. Biden ain't beast. No way. Oh dude. Other than the fact that he's a rapper, right? See, he keeps saying that pastor Anderson's calling. Yeah, but he's not even on, but okay. So maybe he's just, it's a glitch. Probably it's a glitch. Yeah. They're already rigging the spoon app. They're rigging the spoon app. It's a glitch. Anyways, we're not going to take some calls as of yet. We'll take some calls in just a little bit. Let's chat a little bit about some of the exciting things that are going to take place this week. If Trump wins, I think riots are going to go down. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, there's a bunch of stores and businesses that have already boarded up their windows. What about, has anything boarded up in your, in your cell? Montebello and El Monte is pretty cool. Yeah. I work in Santa Monica and everything's boarded up. Really? Everything. Yeah. Like it's, it's like post-apocalyptic almost. It's pretty crazy. Wow. Well, uh, brother Ulysses who lives in El Monte was telling me that basically, um, uh, they put a, um, some sort of post, I don't know, on, on social media. And they were just saying, Hey, Monteros, everyone chill out. All right. Make sure no one riots around here. They're not going to bring this stuff around here. And in fact, even when, um, BLM, you know, was doing their thing or whatever, they, El Monte was basically not allowing that over here. Cause you got Hispanics here. They're not going to stand for that. Yeah. They don't care for that stuff. Same thing with Montebello. Montebello is the same way. Yeah. It's like the roof Koreans. Like if, if, yeah. Rooftop Koreans. Right. Tried to mess them up. That's true. I'm going to light them up. Yeah. I think if when they ride, like it plays right into Trump's hand, like the guy is smarter than them. And that's what he kind of wants. Like, so what's going on? Yeah. Cause it kind of forces his hand. It forces his, it forces it. It gives him the opportunity to like, to, to move against these people. Yep. Because it's an insurrection. Yeah. And that's what they're going to do. Like, like, even if you know, like around the white house, they put up fences around it already for today. Like they're ready for it. And they were saying earlier, Oh, in DC, there's like Trump rallies. And the Biden rallies to both theirs is like, it's going to pop off tonight. Yeah, but the Biden rallies are like 10 people and they're all, And they're all social distancing. Yeah. They're all like little college, little sissy guys. And then the Trump guys are like riding around in like convoys of 400 trucks. With AR-15s. Yeah. And they got like dummies of like Antifa on the hood of the car. I don't think there are going to be any riots. I think there's, you don't think there's going to be riots? You're crazy. Of course there is. Dude, there was riots last night. Dude, there was riots. Are you kidding me? Because they shot a guy who was coming up who had a knife coming to the cops. And they shot him last week in Pennsylvania. Yeah. There's definitely going to be rioting. I think people are over it. They're rioting last week in Pennsylvania. In Philly, I think. They got 400 years to complain about. Bro, they just beat up that Armenian guy. I'm sorry, that's the Jews. Hey, there's going to be riots for sure. There's going to be riots. If Trump wins, for sure there's going to be riots. Yeah, and the earth is flat hike. Dang. I mean, if they can find, they're like trying to find any reason to loot and riot and like, it's just at the drop of a hat. Yeah, but I agree. They're going to, this is, yeah, that's what he wants. Of course he does. Because then he can just, he's like, all right, you forced me to discipline you. That's probably what he wants. Dude, I chastise them with the rod of iron. Yep. Podcast. His rod of iron, dude. Not Jesus. He is that head of gold. He has golden hair. It's funny because it's like, it's all these weak people trying to start like a civil war that they're going to lose. Like they have no way to win. You got these, like, who do they have on their side that's strong? Like nobody, it's all a bunch of college kids, homos, trannies, feminists, everybody that's weak in the country. Right. And the other side is like all these, everybody with the guns, all the veterans, the military. It's like, dude, it's like Israel. So it's like, dude, who's on your side, bro? It's like, I know who's backing them up. Israel, the Jews. I guess it's like they have China on their side, but it's the whole slave army. Slave armies don't win wars, bro. Yep. Especially if they're liberal arts, like vegan slave armies. Like in Chaz or whatever. Vegan slave armies. That's what they are, bro. So let's talk a little bit about, so we're talking about the election, talking about the riots that could potentially happen, the uprisings. And so right now, obviously, even, you know, coming up to this day, there's been a lot of censorship. Yeah. Right. Big time. So they were saying that tonight only like four or five different media companies are allowed to announce the winner. And anybody else does, they'll be thrown off of social media. What in the world? Like Blackball? Why? There'll be Shadowband. So I think it's like ABC, NBC, Fox, and like CNN or something like that. Like the big five or whatever. I think it's associate press. Associated press, probably. Yeah, AP is reporting a lot of the numbers right now. Because they probably just want to lie about the whole thing. Well, I think what they're going to do is Trump is actually... And he also wants them to do that too. Trump is actually going to win. He wants them to do that. Because that's all his excuse to be like, look, like can't happen. Yup. It's his way to take over. Well, they're already doing it in, in kind of, I was looking at Virginia. You look up, it's all 270 Donald Trump. You're like, whoa, he's taking over. Yeah. What does it say right now? It's 131 Biden. Do you know where Virginia is? 98 Donald Trump. Yeah. Virginia to the right, to the right, to the right, to the right, to the right, right there. There you go. So Virginia is weird because they called it like, they called it over an hour ago. But it was majority Trump. It was majority Trump, dude. So, so Trump was winning by like 56% to like 20 some percent. And then they're like, Oh, Virginia goes to Biden. Yeah. But it's like, dude, it's not even done yet. It's like, look at it. Trump's still winning. Do you see that? He's still winning, but they called it for Biden. It doesn't make any sense. What in the world? That's why I was listening to Alex Jones show on the way here. They were like, what the hell? They're trying to take over. Hey, so what's going to happen is like, if they just continue to lie about that, and then let's say that they claimed that Biden won, Trump's just going to be like, no, he's still the president. He's like, I don't think so. You guys lie. That's right. He's just going to stay in office and then he's going to get the third temple built. Because in my opinion, the reason Trump is even in power is for that very reason. That's why he's making big time power moves in the Middle East. Yeah. Who could deny that? He's my opinion. He's like the major piece to the puzzle as far as, you know, helping to get the third temple built. What do you think? Hey, who's the manager? What do you think right now? What do you think? Big power moves. I think all those Abraham Accords, they're there. He's making weapons. What is that? He was making peace deals that when they that because the Palestinians are denying their their peace deal, their little treaty of where the land is going to be, that Kushner said months ago, he's like, it doesn't matter if they deny it, because we already already went and made the deal with all the Arab nations. And then now, because Abraham Accords is putting in black and white, they're putting in writing. And I was showing like, you know, he talked the talk and he obviously walked the walk because he now he has it all in writing. And they're big nations. Now you start out with small issues. They're like, oh, well, they're not even at war with Israel. They're trying to play it down. They know what they know. What is this so far? It's like the UAE. It was already the UAE, Qatar. It was what's that one nation? One of the nations is 100 percent backed by Saudi. And they already made it like a month or two ago. And people are like, if they did it, that's because Saudi did it. Is it Bahrain? Bahrain. Exactly. You're a smart guy. And then now with the new ones that they're doing, like last week or this week, it's like Saudi Arabia is part of that. And what's crazy is that on the other side, the U.N. has this arms ban against anybody who's in the U.N. selling any arms to Iran. Well, that ends in a couple of months and then they didn't renew it. So that's why Trump is like, we're going to pull out of the U.N. like you're not going to renew the arms ban on Iran. And then China's like drawing up arms deals with Iran. So it's like, bro, the stage is being set for wars. Like, how could it be? It's like the Muslim nations are like the Muslim people are deciding, like, hey, we're OK with Israel taking over Jerusalem. And then others like Iran is like, no, we're not. And all kinds of people that live in those countries, it's just going to turn into a whole mess, because like people in those nations that said, oh, we'll have peace with Israel. They're like, well, we don't want peace with Israel. They live in the in the country. Yeah. So they're probably going to like they're probably going to leave the country and go to Iran. Now, obviously, like when we think of like end times, the major piece of the puzzle that we think of kicking off the end times or the tribulation would be the third temple being built. Yeah. Right. But even then, like even if the third temple is built, it doesn't necessarily mean that the tribulation is going to start. It doesn't. Because who knows how many years or it could be decades after the building of it. But that is a landmark. Wars last long. Yeah. But I mean, you never know. Obviously, we don't. Yeah, we don't know. But we just know like if that happens, let's say he stays in power and he's used to basically get that third temple built. That's a landmark. Something that we know is very much an essential aspect of end times Bible prophecy. Yeah. Because that needs to be built in order for the Antichrist to take over. Yeah. In order for Kushner. I knew you were going to say Kushner. Kushner 2024. No, it's going to be Tucker Carlson 2024. Already bought my hat. I'm just kidding. Elite hat. Already bought my hat. So, uh, what's the update? Update Missouri was called for Trump. And they misery, misery, and misery loves company, I guess. And they also called Alabama and Louisiana. It's like a bunch of those States. It's like, it's known where they're going to go, but no, but that's the thing. Key States. What's crazy about that? Right. Missouri. Go to Missouri. It's right beside Alabama, buddy. Right there. Right there. There you go. I can't see that far. That's why. Yeah, that's Mississippi. Oh, and I don't know my geographic. Geographics. I don't know. My Missouri is north. Gotta go up. I don't know my graphics. I don't know my geocentricity. Here's what I was saying. Here's what I was saying. Where are you saying Adam? About, um, like the, the, the locked in States, like in the south, they were saying like Texas, Texas was in play. Yeah. And they were saying that like, um, Georgia was in play and that, uh, like South Carolina was in play. That's like, that's really wishful thinking. I think it is actually the opposite. California is in play and North Carolina is in play. Chip's going back to Mississippi. I know bro. I know it's Mississippi. Pennsylvania is where the right of Kansas. M O M O. It says right beside Illinois. Right there. Right there. You got it. Check the chat. There you go. There's some sodomite in there. Make somebody else like a, um, cause we need someone that's alert. I'm gonna make, I'm gonna make, um, I don't know if he's still on here. Who would zeal a manager on here on the YouTube thing? Not cause on the YouTube or, or spoon, uh, YouTube. Oh, no, no, but I'm talking about the spoon. I'm talking about this too. Like, is there someone on there causing trouble or something or what? No, just in case. I think it's fine. Just leave it. Yeah. It's fine. It's more traffic. Yeah. Let them, let them fight. Yeah. So Trump, I mean, Biden is in the lead for now, but that's just Biden is in the lead with 131. Yeah. But that's just cause they're, they're calling like all the big States for them. I could imagine Biden's asleep right now. Is this like, this is like, I can't wait to be a governor. Like total numbers, right? The, yeah, those will be electoral votes, but those aren't actually, they're not actually locked in there. They're projection. So it could change, but that's what they're projecting. I can't wait to be a governor. I've been a Senator for 700 years. What about California? What's going on in California? California hasn't closed yet. This podcast is just like, yeah, this building is going on in this in California is the podcast. Yeah. I think it's going to red. People are afraid to go out to vote. So mark my words, it's going red. If it doesn't, it's actually going to go red with fire. One way or another, it's going to be red. A block. Uh, Stevonnie Adora Wolf. Get out of here. Fag. Oh yeah. You're out. That guy too anti-hero. He has like a perverse, like picture on there. Yeah. Just, just toss them out. Uh, toss these sodomites out. You ain't welcome. Yeah. So I mean, California is not even going to be there on there until like midnight or something, right? They're going to start counting it because they've already counted a lot of the mail-in ballots and they were saying that the mail-in ballots were leading Republicans. So yeah. And then I got my buddy up in, up in like central California who voted five times for Trump. Five times? Yeah. Five times. How does that? He just went to different polling places. He voted five times for Trump. It's a pretty cool guy. You just expose them or what? I mean, he's like tells his name where he lives. Pay him a visit. You know, Adam's not from the hood. He's just like blurting out everything about the guy. He's just snitching where I come from. Even if he hadn't even done it yet. A bunch of Mexicans are already doing that anyway. He's just evening out the odds. That's all he's doing. He's just making it more fair. Yeah. I mean, I think I could have if I wanted to. Cause um, like I saw like the polling place near my house. If I wanted to, I could have just... You're serious about that? Yeah. You kidding me? Adam would vote if he could. Adam does not. Don't you remember the whole conversation we had that one evening where he was just like for voting and stuff and all that? I don't think he was there. You were there. It was Jacob. No, no, no. But he was there too. I probably wasn't paying attention. Yeah. And obviously you apparently were not paying attention. Yeah. Adam's 100% for voting, man. Not all the time. Just when it comes to the president of the United States. Just when it comes to Trump. Hold on. He's, he's with the Jews though. Adam, I mean, I go, I know man. Acceleration is, uh, I explained myself at the beginning of the stream, bro. Pay attention. Oh, Trump's on here. Oh, we got Trump. Donald Trump calling in. He's calling in. Biden is an old is old. He can't comprehend my power. That's true. I've been saying call in. Call in Trump. Biden has no stamina. Yeah. Call in Trump. We'll pick up. How's it going? Tell Trump to call in. Emp atheist. Hello, pastor. Emp atheist. Says hello. It's great. Biden has no stamina. I have the best stamina that God has gifted me in the whole world. Who says that? Emp atheist. I was talking to him and he thought he was going to like, he thought he was going to smash you on spoon or something. Yeah. And he got worked. Isn't that the guy who basically was like, I'm going to have fun with you? Yeah. He just recovered. I think. What the hell is happening? Do I want to know? What do you mean? What? Who destroyed him? Oh, okay. He called into spoon 270. No, I'm just kidding. Trump wins Greenland. Trump wins the world. What in the world? Actually, his son tweeted out, uh, like an electoral map of like the whole world. Biden, like when I say that up there, he's just like talking around. Yeah. He says, he's like, so let's talk about, let's talk about this. Let's let's, um, let's put out a hypothetical scenario here. Let's say Biden wins. That would be good. So what would happen? First of all, let's talk about the nation. What would happen to the nation if Biden won? Joe Biden's on here too. Like if he wins and then he actually takes the presidency and then Donald Trump steps down and he actually becomes the president. Let's, let's say, let's say he actually wins. He actually becomes the president. He's going to wake up Friday morning. He's going to sleep in for the first two days. I wasn't expecting this. 50 cents is going to become 20 cents. I think, I think Biden would probably lead for like a year and then he would step down for Kamala or he would be incapacitated in some way. He would get the coronavirus die and then Kamala will take over. Hopefully some American, it's just a common South American will live up to the name and shoot them. Yeah. Yeah. We don't support these views. I got a stack of money out there. Call me. Shut up. That's that's not, we're not promoting that. I'm not promoting, I'm saying, but let's see. So let's say hypothetically speaking, no, no, no, no. Let's say he becomes president. What happens to the nation? It'll become so polarized. It won't remain a nation. It won't. Yeah. I think what does that mean? There'll be secession. Yeah. I don't think it will be secession. I think it will just be more like gorilla fighting, like all the big cities, especially like, you know, you know the stuff that happened in Kenosha with what's that kid's name? Yeah. So like what we are doing, the other side will start doing and they actually have guns. Yeah. That's what's interesting. Democrats have guns? No, no, man. You don't pay attention. I didn't hear. I know you, obviously you didn't. I did not hear. He's aware we're doing a podcast. He's all, we live right now. He's saying that if he becomes president, basically the Republicans will be like the conservative version of BLM. But the only difference is, is that they have guns. Well, I think it'll be a repeat of what happened in... Not the conservative. When I say conservative version of BLM, I don't mean like what the same ideology is. I'm talking about their uprising and all that. Well, we saw a little bit of that during like the Chaz stuff in Portland. Yeah. Where you had all these rural, like MAGA, MAGA army guys come in, in rural Oregon, and they just like wipe the floor with like all like the Antifa people and all the BLM people in Portland. So like I expect to see, if Biden were to win, you should expect to see a lot of that in all the big cities. Yeah. Yeah. So what do you think... So if that's what it means for the nation, where would the nation be within the next four years if Biden is the president? Or will they even be a nation? I don't take the view of Ray where he's like, the whole nation's gonna collapse just because Biden wins. No, I don't think the whole nation will collapse, but I think... I think it was just like, it'll start getting a lot worse a lot faster. It's like the same stuff that's been happening with four years of Trump, but just like two times speed and we're feeling like dark. Just like more rioting or... No, like more like social, all this like progressivism and like fag stuff and abortion. I don't know if that's gonna be accelerated anymore than it already is. It is, dude. It has a lot of room to get a lot worse. I think the country's at a point to where there's no way, like it's just like stuff like that happens anywhere. Like stuff happens, like just because America has been peaceful for so long doesn't mean it will remain like this. Like just because you live here and it's been peaceful, like you think, oh, that could never happen. But around the world, stuff like this... I can't remember the name of the nation or not, but this... They elected a new president and it was like corrupt. So the people just like uprise. They raided like the White House. They had locked up... Is that Nigeria? The incoming president had locked up the old president and they went, broke him out of jail, released him from jail, put him back in power. Like, and this isn't even like a third world country. It's like a second rate world country. And they're like, dude, this is going down. The whole world is just like on edge right now. Yeah. If you pay attention, it's just like... What was this again? It's like Belarus. Belarus. Oh, Belarus. Yeah, because I remember I heard about that. Well, what happens is like certain things happen. And then once it once it's like once that Jenga, just once you pull out the wrong piece, then it just all comes crumbling down and it's just like... You know what's weird is like America kind of prides itself into and having like a controlled selection. Yeah. Like, you know, someone wins or something like that. Yeah, it was like someone wins. It's like, okay, you won rightfully. We back off. Other countries are the ones that like go crazy. Yeah. Riots and all these things. And then like America's become like that. Yeah, that's true. Funded by the Chinese. It's got it's got it's gotten really, really polarized. Funded by foreign nations. But it seems more controlled like they wanted it to happen. Yeah, it's funded by foreign nations. It was like the perfect storm for this to happen. I mean, I think there's so many factors. There's so many factors in play. I don't think you can like plan like thousands of BLM rioters to go out and loot whether or not you think you're getting paid or whatever. There has to be some incentive behind that. No, they're not paid. Certain people are paid. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Dude, just tell them they're going to get free Gucci bags and they go. Well, it's not just that. It's not just like looting. It's like the stuff that happened in Chaz where they set up their own country. This is like communist like ammo. Like this happened like 200 years ago in Paris, like in Paris where they set up like a communist commune in Paris, the city. And it lasted for like, I don't know, like 90 days or a year or something until the government came and raided it. Yeah, like these are the type of things that happen in right before war happens. Yeah. Other countries, like the opposing countries, starts funding uprisings in the other country on both sides. Like, yeah, destabilizing their area. It's basically what the U.S. did in South America. A lot of that is happening in America now. Yeah. You have like all these like militia groups and all this stuff. I don't know if it's just China. I think there's a lot of interest in it. But we're number one on spoon. We are number one on spoon. That's good. It's always good to climb the charts on spoon so more people can get a message. What's going to happen? Well, we're not done yet. I'm not done with my previous question. So that's for the nation. But what if Biden wins, what does that mean for churches? Very good for churches. Why is that? I think a lot of old IP churches right now are kind of gagging themselves. Because they can't preach hard on like faggotry and sodomy and all this stuff. Because they're all out for Trump. And he's for hypocrites. They'd be hypocrites if they were doing it. If Biden wins, all these homos are going to get more brazen. And you think the old IP is going to preach? What he's saying is that because they're in support of Trump, Trump is for sodomites. It makes them look hypocritical if they preach against sodomites. Now when they have their enemy, a liberal Democrat in the office, it's like that will basically embolden them to actually take the right stance. It's like imagine, remember Christian? I don't know enough of the old IP to make that. Well, not just old IP. Well, just think Christianity in general. Evangelicals in general. Obviously, we're speaking about independent fundamental Baptists. But just, yeah, Christians in general in the United States, the vast majority of them obviously are conservative and Republican and whatnot. But right now, they're kind of just happy that the government is just kind of the one who's giving them their freedoms to be conservative and be Christian and all these things. But the problem is that because they have Trump in office and Trump is for homos, they're kind of complacent. So they're just like, OK, well, maybe we won't preach against the homos that much and won't take over stance because the guy that we voted in is kind of like, Life's good. Yeah, life's good. It's like they're basically just kind of kicking up their feet and just hanging out. They're choosing their battles. No, they're not even choosing their battles. They're just kind of like, they're sitting out. So whereas if Biden becomes president, then at that point, they become vigilant. They'll start waking up and now they're like, well, we have no hope because we don't got a Republican president. So let's just go out with guns blazing. Their eyes have to be set on more so on Christ than the ones. And this was kind of the same attitude like when Obama was president. Like they were, I think Evangelicals were a lot more hardcore when Obama was president than when Trump. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And they liked our type of preaching back then, you know. That's when Pastor Anderson started out even around like 2008, 2006. You know, more people start waking up. So it's a win-win for us, obviously. It's a win-win for us because, I mean, I think our church is going to grow no matter what. It's growing already, but it's going to grow no matter what. I'm just saying it'll grow a lot if Biden becomes president. Yeah, whatever happens. Because people will begin to freak out and then our type of preaching is like, well, these guys actually, you know, that's actually appealing to us what they're saying, you know. And just Christians in general, not even just leaders, like Christian leaders, people will just be more, like Christians are always more on fire when they're being persecuted. Yep. And it's good for like in a kind of roundabout way. When they're afflicted, they multiply kind of thing. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. It's always good to go through tribulation, through trials, through difficulties and persecutions. What's going on, Marcos? Why are you laughing? No, I'm just thinking because like he's like saying most of the time Christians are more on fire and like there's more than two ways. What? This guy just go biting on his ring. It's a dark, it's a dark joke. I think he's saying, oh, I'm going to set Christians on fire. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. It's going to feed us to like, who's Jason? Is that Jason Forster? Yeah, I think from our church. Jason, Jason Forster, 18. Yeah, I like brother Jason. He's cool. Brother Jason's from our church. Hello? Let's see if he answers. Hello? Is this Jason from our church? Yeah. All right. You're live on YouTube and on spoon. So watch your mouth. Just kidding. Are you sure it's the right thing to become like Delaware? Biden's from Delaware. He ran the place. Hey, Jason's awesome. That's good for Jason. Jason's from Delaware. Yeah. What's that? Callie's going red, right? Yeah. California apparently from what I've heard is going red. Is that correct? It's happening. It's a red wave. That's, that's, that's Adam's speculation there. He claims that it's going, it's going red. It'll be red within the next four years. Red like the Canadian flag or what? California will be red like the Canadian flag. Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. That's good, man. What's going on brother Jason? Did you go vote? No. Why not? You don't, you don't believe in voting or what? Nah, I don't, I don't. I mean, Trump was on Epstein's plane, man. He said Trump was on Epstein's plane. Yeah. Trump was on Epstein's cause they, yeah. Cause they took them off. Yeah. Possibly. Yeah. There's the thing called an eraser. Is he still alive? Who? Epstein? Ron Paul? Is Ron Paul still alive? He had a stroke recently. He had a stroke on live. Yeah, but he's, he's fine now though, right? He's old though. He's a warrior. Well, thanks for calling in Jason. All right, man. We'll see you Thursday. The brashes are watching Alex branch and Erica branch. All right, man. See you later. The whole country is going to be like Delaware. Delaware is the most messed up state in the country. Everybody there has cancer and they're getting murdered. It's like, is there something in the water? Yeah. Well, DuPont runs the entire, have you guys heard of DuPont? No, tell us about it. Chemical company. Yeah. It's a chemical company and they dump all the chemicals in like the Delaware river. There you go. So everybody in Delaware has, it has the highest rate of cancer in the country. And it's also like the murder, murder capital of a murder capital of state of the country as well. So a lot of people die there. A lot of people die and everybody has cancer and it's horrible. So when he said the whole country is going to be like Delaware, a lot of people are going to die. He's saying a lot of people are going to die. It's not going to be. Wow. Yeah. He's from Delaware and he, uh, Jason just prophesied evil against the whole country. It is a messed up state. Oh man. Hey, Snoop dogs on here. The real Snoop dog. Isn't it Snoop lion now? Snoop dog is on, is on the chat. Snoop crying. He's not crying over Trump posted. Oh, he hates Trump. They have little hump. Yeah, I saw that little humble is like supporting Trump. Caught him little pimp. And then he came up. It was so funny, bro. Did he make a mistake or did he run the car? And it's just like his head above the podium. He's like, thanks president Trump. That was in Michigan too. And like the whitest, whitest area. I hate that guy. He's a little wicked. Is he? Yeah. Recently he came out like wearing like high heels and stuff like that. What is a little punk? Yeah. Are you sure? Yes. I just know Lil Wayne. That's the only little line. Oh, he, he's supporting Trump as well. Yeah. Yeah. 50 Cent is supporting Trump. Lil Pump is supporting Trump. Well, here's what happened. What happened was Trump, um, challenged all the, I should tell you something. Challenged all these rappers to make a rap song about them. And they all started making rap songs about them. Now they all like them. Yeah. Really? Yeah. It's called the red kingdom. That was Lil Pump. He was wearing Lil Pumps. Yeah. Yeah. He's wearing big pumps. Guy's a transgender, bro. He's a cross dresser. That's nasty. Disgusting little cross dresser. Filthy, man. Maybe Trump brought him up so he can put him to death in front of everybody. Well, I mean, Bruce, Bruce Jenner, right? Is for Trump too, right? No. Tranny's for Trump. Tranny's for Trump. Yeah. That's that's that's the, uh, Hey, that's your boy. That's your boy. We're live. Wait, what? He gets a little carried. Adam gets a little carried away. So what did I say? So we got to, oh, Cladwziel's calling. All right, let's answer Cladwziel. This is brother Milan Knezevich. Tom, Q in. Q Nezevich. Q in. Q Nezevich. This guy is so queued out right now. I don't even know. I, I'm just going to hang up on him actually. If he's, is he the real Cladwziel? Oh, what happened? Here we go. Q. Hello. Cladwziel? Hello. Can you guys hear me? Brother Milan, how's it going, brother? What's up? Do you guys can hear me okay? Yes, we can hear you. Awesome. I always have to check. So I have a question for you guys. What do you think the, do you think we're going to get results tonight or do you think it's going to take a couple of days? Do you think there's going to be issues along the way? Yeah, I think, I think there's going to be issues up until Friday. You know? Yeah, I think, I think the same thing. I think that there's going to be some sort of, uh, you know, they're going to like contest the results, whether it goes either way, um, just kind of what I've observed and kind of read some articles that they're kind of already telling that story before it even happens. So yeah, but they're trying to prevent the, the inevitable Supreme Court. Right, right. It's going to be, it's going to be a crazy week, but it's going to be a crazy month too. I think this is going to go for gone for a while. Go out with a bank this year. Yeah, 2020 is going to go, it's going to be, yeah, major bang. Like it's going to be like the Disneyland fireworks. Are you still planning that Belize trip next year? Yeah, the goal is to have the Belize trip, the missions trip in March. So if all goes well and, and, um, you know, they, they start becoming a little lenient with these, with this coronavirus stuff, then for sure. I think we should planning to go over there. That's my plan. I'm planning to go because we still, we still got a lot of work to do over there. Yeah. Cool, cool. Yeah, this is my first time using Spoons, so I'm like trying to figure it all out. Yeah. How are you enjoying faithful word Baptist church? Yeah, it's awesome over there. I got a, um, you know, got, uh, you know, some, some friends along the way and stuff, um, everyone's really well, but welcoming. So it was, uh, it was a good transition. I, we enjoyed it over here. Yeah. Amen. Good transition. Yeah. I know you're, you're heading, you're heading up a soul winning spot too. Right. Aren't you like a leader over a soul winning spot or something like that? Yeah. It literally, so I was going with a guy named Matthew, um, in, in that area. Cause I told him it's a little bit easier for me to drive, um, rather than getting all the way up to some of the regional soul winning times. Right. So basically, I had somebody that kind of helped me kick it off. So he had been there. We've been there maybe three or four times since we've, we've moved in. And then I basically said, cause he, he was doing a lot of stuff during the week and I had a schedule open for Saturday. So I basically just asked pastor Anderson if I could start something for the west side. Um, cause we're pretty deep in, um, like we're pretty deep in Goodyear. So it takes me like, it takes me some time to get to, you know, the Phoenix area. So it's, it works out pretty good. Awesome. Hey man, we miss you bro. Yeah. We miss you man. Good. Good. Good to hear your voice. You're actually live right now. You're on YouTube live live. Ask him if he's ready for the 10 days of darkness. He's, uh, Marcos is asking if you're ready for the 10 days of darkness, whatever that means. It's some QAnon pricing, huh? I was, okay. I was kind of, Oh man, no, we're not, we're not going into that. I just triggered him, triggered him right now. That was a, that was his trigger words. People are trying to report us the spoon. Yeah, it's a nothing burger. Kick who off? They're trying to report us on spoon. Spoon doesn't have any admin. Don't worry. Who's this? Who's this? Alex, babe, spoon team is warning you. What does it say? Kick her off. Is she who? It says Alex, babe at M or something like that. 50 Cent is on here too. All right, brother. Well, we'll talk to you later. All right. Thanks for calling in. I got a special message for you. I'm about to be a hundred cent. This one guy said that all that God said, don't judge. Actually in first Corinthians chapter two, verse 15 says he had a spiritual judges all things. Yup. So, I mean, how do you square that? Get off the chest. Who said this? Who said that? So many blind. Mr. Nell just said that the spoon team is trying to censor us. I see it, bro. Who is it? Are they really trying to censor? Is that just someone claiming to be spoon trying to say, no, it's the spoon. No, no, it's not. How are you trying to censor us though? It was spoon spoon team spoon does not allow any form of bullying or hate speech. Wait, where's that? I'm bullying Biden. Roll up a little bit. We're not bullying anybody. Bullying Joe Biden. Because people are coming in here and saying that. Or are you Christian? Well, it's people in the chat mostly. Maybe it's because we look at Arizona. Arizona is like, hey, so if you're in the chat, can you actually zoom out? Hey, Arizona's blued out. Yeah. People were saying Arizona. If you're in the chat, this is much. Let me see. Try to keep from saying too much of it. We'll just kick people out if they're promoting. So if you're on the chat, just try to refrain from saying we'll just boot them. We'll just boot those people out. So that's as much as they could zoom out. Yeah, it's 78% reporting in Arizona, and Trump is at 45%, I believe. 45% in? In all of Arizona, I believe. OK, so we got, yeah, 53%, 45%. So Jay, if you want, you could call in if you want, if you, I mean, really want to talk about it that bad. Who? Who's Jay? In Psalm 139, it says, do not I hate them that hate thee, O Lord? I hate them with perfect hatred. For those of you on YouTube, Ray's answering someone. And in Romans chapter one, it says that. He's answering someone on split right now. Hey God, it's how they became homosexuals. So I mean. Yeah, let's get off that. Right now we're talking about the election. People always want to bring up the sodomites and all that. More than 80 million people voted already? Leviticus 2013. Yes. Make Leviticus 2013 wrong. David wants to call in. Didn't someone recently say, didn't a pastor recently say that like, why preach on Leviticus 2013 and stuff? Have you guys heard that? Wow. Look at that. Two Oh five. It's over. Biden is at two Oh five. We lost bros. Oh, California. Did you mess with the HTML, bro? It was, it was at the same rate with Hillary Clinton last year. Yeah. And then she only ended up getting like 220, 220. They called California for Biden, but there's literally no votes. More than 80 million people voted already. Is that? Yes. Cause a lot of it was mail-in. So hold on a second. How many people in the U S 350 million? You're already calling all the West coast, right? Not the whole country votes. Yeah. But that's a lot of people voting this year. Look what happened here. Or more than four years ago. Look at what happened to Florida. It was always like that. They still haven't called it for Trump cause it's too close. But it was red right now. It wasn't. No, I don't think it was red. I think all of this was red earlier. No, no. No, it wasn't. No, they're still waiting on that. Florida's always kind of tight because it's so split. Tight or like tight. Like tight like race. I mean, revival Baptist is over there. How tight can it really be? So anyways, so again, if Biden wins, then it's good for our churches because of the fact that people wake up. It's bad for the nation obviously, but you know, oh well. Because of the fact that we believe that America is Babylon. And if you read the Bible and if you read end times Bible prophecy, read the book of revelation, you know, um, it doesn't end well for Babylon. You know, you see all the tie-ins with America and Babylon and how wicked it's become. And look, I mean, doesn't America deserve to be judged? You have to give a place that deserves it more. Yeah. All the blood it's on America's hands. I feel like, I feel like God, you were talking about this, like, um, the other day, how God can like reach out his hand and then the hands can see extended or his hand is stretched out still. Exactly. Yeah. I feel like God isn't like, we've got a pretty good, like for like how wicked our country is. Oh yeah. 3,000 babies a year getting aborted and we're like exporting like homosexuality around the globe and all that stuff. We've got a good, like to be, it's like probably like one of the better countries to be a Christian in. Yeah. I think, I think God's saving up all that wrath. Oh yeah. All at once. Yeah. It will come back into remembrance in revelation chapter 18. He will come back. Babylon will come into remembrance, God's remembrance and God's going to destroy it eventually, you know? And that's why it's good that you don't put your faith in politics. You know, don't put your faith in a president. Don't put your faith in politics because that stuff's going to fail. Go back to the map. So in 2016, Hillary Clinton ended up with 227 electoral votes. Donald Trump, 304. Yeah. So he's still under. All right. Let me read this to you. Isaiah chapter 30, verse one. Isaiah chapter 30, verse one says this. Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me, and that cover with the covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin, that walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked that my mouth to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt. Therefore, shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt, your confusion. There's going to be a lot of confused people tonight if it doesn't go the way of the conservatives. Let's just be honest. Yeah. Let it be. Yeah. Can you bring... But I believe it is. Can you bring up the electoral map for 2016? Who cares? Who cares? Because they were talking about that. Oh. And they'll say people... No. So we're just comparing it to this one right now. Because the vote didn't go their way, they're going to be offended in Christ. Like, oh God, you let us down. Yeah. That's right. Yep. That's retarded. Absolutely, Larry. Let's see what we got here. So it's 304 to 227. That's the one. No, it's 304 to 227. What do we have? 232 to 306. Okay. There you go. So what does it look right now? You happy? What was Canada? That was for you. You and Ray were arguing about that. Yeah, you guys were on it. Looks the exact same. So far. Looks the exact same. All right, gentlemen. Well, do we got anything else or what? Maybe you want to quit? What the heck? Well, I mean, what are we just looking at maps this whole time, bro? I'm not trying to look at maps the whole time. I just ooh and aah at the maps. I like that. Are we going to look at the numbers of the maps the whole time? Let people call it. Let's get something to talk about. What we got? What's going on, Hike? Just work. Same old thing. Gonna wake up in the morning. All right, here we go. Here we go. NMDic. I think he called last night as well. Oh, that's my buddy. Here we go. Hello? Hello? Good. How are you? Yeah, we talked last night, right? Is that you? Did you call in last night? You don't know if you called in last night? Are you the guy? Oh, no, this is someone else. Oh, this is alphabet soup or something. What's going on, man? I'm just, I don't know what I'm going to say. All right, keep it clean because we're live right now. All right, well, I'm not going to hit it on you. We're all entitled to our own opinions. I support Trump. You can support Biden. I don't support Biden. I don't support Biden. None of us, hey, none of us here support Biden. He's talking to the people in the chat. Oh, okay, in the chat. Hey, I was saying, for everyone that supports Biden, y'all are entitled to your own opinion, but I've been spit on. I've been called a sexist, racist, homophobic, just for being a Trump supporter. Trump gave up a billionaire life to be ridiculed, called a liar, put through all this shit for the people he lives in. We get called out for being Christians. Preaching the Bible. Yeah, I don't know if it's a good idea to call it. Calling from like, you had a call from NMD. How do you like, how do you hang up here? That's the only thing is just like, you can't answer these phone calls. They get a little too crazy on these things that we have in our life. Well, maybe pick it up from people you know. Yeah, I was trying to answer NMDick, but he's not, he didn't, somehow it went to that guy instead. That's my buddy in Canada, actually. Oh, well. State upon the Lord, doesn't matter who wins. Amen. A lot of these Trump people that call in, they seem pretty stupid. I'm rethinking it. He's rethinking it? What, are you going to vote? Are you going for Biden now or what? I'm going for Biden right now. I'm riding for Biden. Riding for Biden right now. Riding for Biden. Dreamland right now. Is that what his catchphrase was or what? No, that's just what I said. That'd be a good catchphrase. It would be. I'd definitely vote for him. Homophobic flirt because we don't want to get kicked up, so I'll just kick people out, don't worry about it. Yeah. All right, is he on? All right, what's going on, brother? Hey, how's it going? Good, how are you? You called, you're the one who called in last night, right? Yeah, yeah, I called last night. How's it going? Good. What's up? This conversation is going over. No, I'm just kidding. What's going on? You got a question, you got a comment? What do you think? Yeah, well, I just want to say, you know, my dad and I, we're listening. We're up here in Canada, right? And my dad just wants to say, you know, watch what you say about Canadians. Uh, no. We have one right next to us. Yeah, no more than one. Are you trying to censor me? Is this like a Canadian thing or what? Are you trying to censor me? No, no, I'm, no, I'm just, uh, you know, I'm just, um, imposing. I'm just imposing. You're just imposing? Imposing what? Yeah, like, uh, you know, you got a, you got a so-called Canadian there, but you know, he repented it was Canadian. He renounces, he renounces Canadian hostage, bro. If you say anything else, you might hurt him. Help. Dick, help me. Yeah. Yeah. He's, Adam's been a blessing to our church. I'm, I'm thankful that he's in our church and cursing. Someone mute Marcos. Marcos, can you mute yourself? He's been a blessing. He's been a blessing. I like Adam, he's a smart guy. He's going to be a good father. I'm sure he's a good, uh, you know, addition to your church. Yeah, man, he's, he's, uh, his wife's expecting. And so pray for him, pray for him and his wife. That all would go well. Thanks, man. His son's going to be an American. Oh man. His son's going to have actually citizenship. He's happy about that. His son, you're going to vote. His son's actually going to have citizenship. Son rule number one, vote. He's going to name his son Adam too, so he could use his ID. Is he going to be an American? He's going to use his son's ID to vote. Say that again. You know, a lot of Canadians, they actually talk about the American election. What did they say? Yeah. What did they say? But, wow, they're just like, wow, you know, they're saying, there's going to be riots and stuff and it's just kind of the typical stuff. But, uh, to me, it just looks like theater. Yeah. It's fun to watch, right? It's drama. Like it looks, it looks like a sitcom. Yep. I agree. I agree with that. They, um, that's why I was actually telling my wife earlier today. I was thinking to myself, like, this is just, I'm excited about tonight and this week just because I'm excited to see either or can't lose it. They could be either. Yeah. Yep. Yep. So who do you, who do you think is going to win? Well, I, I, I, I believe, I believe Trump's going to win because it looks exactly the same, the way the media is treating it and the way that all the liberals I know, you know, I know people at work that are like, oh, he's not going to win. Yeah. Like that's what they were saying four years ago. Right. It's like, don't you remember? Yep. Well, to comment on that, I think, I think there is probably the higher chance of Biden winning than there was a Clinton. Cause in 2016, um, a lot of people thought like Trump was the Joe candidate and like no way he could win a lot of Democrats. I remember that. So I think, I think there is slightly a higher chance just because people are way more like awake now. Yeah. I think they want to tell you a story. I think it's still plays into their story. Right. So what are you going to do? What do you, what are you going to do if, if Trump wins? I'm going to, I'm going to probably try to find the nearest, uh, parade and probably, uh, you know, with, with my, uh, with my American flag around. In Canada? On Twitter, like one of the top trending things in America is people moving to Canada. Talking about it's 223,000 tweets. Oh man. What in the world? You know, what you see up here in Canada is the, uh, the Confederate flag on the back of a truck. That's true. Really? You see the weirdest thing. You're like, were you there or that got bad. There's a place in Canada called Alberta, which is basically like the Canadian Texas. And it's basically, it's basically, yeah, it's basically the Canadian Texas. And it, and like I drove through there once and it's just like all Confederate flags. Really? Yeah. They have, they have them in trucks and windows. Alberta. I heard Alberta is beautiful, right? It's pretty, it's a lot of landscapes and greenery and stuff. No, you're thinking of British Columbia. You're thinking of the, you're thinking of where we are. No, no, no, no, no. I'm thinking of Alberta. They're both very beautiful. Yeah. I know, I know a place in Alberta that, uh, I've heard about and it's pretty, yeah. Bam. That's what I'm thinking of. Bam. Yeah. I'm probably, yeah. Well, bamf is nice. Yeah. Well, I mean, He sounds disgusted. I just bamf. Whatever. Well, good deal. Well, thanks for calling in, man. Yeah, yeah, have a good night, guys. You too. Say hi to your dad. You guys, uh, God bless you guys. Bye, Nigel. Nigel's his name. Yeah, N-M. Well, uh, we're going to end this live stream here on YouTube, but we're going to continue the live stream on Spoon. And so, uh, if you want to listen more, uh, to our live stream here, make sure you download the app Spoon and then follow us and go to a wild olive tree 16. And then you can call in. Um, but we're going to continue on Spoon. And so any last words, gentlemen? Trunk 2020. God bless you. Have a good night and don't freak out. We'll see ya. Don't freak out.