(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Yeah, what do you mean it's Wow Yeah Well Moses does that when I'm preaching when I'm pretty if I if I mentioned something and he just like I mentioned the Jews he's like Just like man I'll share him from the pulpit that one time that I did like my mom was pinching my shoulder and he was just do He caught he I don't know he laughed or coughs or something on the back of my head Like I felt his spit on the back of my head. No, I had to tell him afterwards. I'm like, bro. Just take it easy You spit on the back of my head So we took a week off The podcast because the other the last week's wasn't uploaded it's gonna become a part of the archives lost tapes. Well, we will She doesn't it's not live. Yeah, this is the way your wife watches it. She has to be here right now No, no, they can be but they're but ours isn't because the thing is Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the thing I have to do a lot of editing yeah, cuz sometimes these guys get a little out of hand And if you're thinking that that means a lot of people probably think that too, oh Yeah, yeah, they're like I missed the live stream what happened I remember someone said that at first I'm like Well done the way you go to certain people and so already editors from what I heard from what I've learned is Film school is just a bust It's it's better to just be self-taught But and we have the resources now with the internet and YouTube to just learn on your own true Like I said, the kids are already knowing a lot of it, but it's a lot more Detailed oriented so you get some out of it. I got some yeah, I think the only thing that was good with film school Is that when it comes to like lenses, for example? They knew how to actually do like measurements when it came to the actual lenses because you'd have to learn in film school how to pull focus So like as you're walking you have to like pull focus, you know what I mean? Right, whereas now you have cameras they have automatic focus. So if you're walking it tracks your face, so it just You know gets rid of a lot of that. Yeah When I went to school I didn't know 12 years ago. So you went to film school. Yeah, LA film school. Oh, wow. I have a degree in Welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I am your host pastor Bruce me here first works Baptist Church in Omani, California. I'm here joined by the fundamentalists We have Marco Sanchez, but the hiked off Macium Paul Quesada right here in the corner and we have a special guest with us this evening brother will what's your last name again? Laurie or the will Laurie is a church member here at first works Baptist Church and Actually, he's somewhat of a part-time missionary to the Philippines, right? You fly out there every couple of months when a bunch of souls and comes back brings a good report But he's a very interesting person that we want to interview. Actually. We're just talking right now that you went to film school Yes, la film school graduate la film school graduate So We might talk a little bit about that part get a little bit into that and then we'll get into the King James controversy of today and the nonsense is going around the false allegations the stubbornness and everything in between and Then we'll get into Social media, right? I forgot what other subject we're gonna talk about. I forgot that idiots on social media idiots And so well, that's kind of like involved in social media period so looking forward to a great podcast y'all ready Oh Film school, how do we get on the topic of film school? We did not for the will Oh, no, we're talking about the podcast and the editing and then he asked me if I went to film school I didn't do films You did a thesis film speaking to the mic, brother If you don't speak into the mic when you say speaking to the comment section They're gonna be like the brother right there needs to get into the mic Yeah There's actually a black guy in the comment section who Checks the people who don't speak into the mic Yeah, like the episode was good, but the brother with the hood with the van sure needs to get into the mic Come on, but he's like it's the fourth episode brother. Come on So How long ago were you in film school 2008 9 Did you just say 2008 you night? Yes Oh 2008 and 9 I graduated in 2010 Okay, and I did a thesis film as I said, so what is that? What is that? What's a thesis? Well, the thesis is when you know several people decide to do a film for their graduating thesis and you either be part of someone's film to To get credits or you do your own there was two other people that did the pieces for with me They did a serious like a mellow drama one did a space movie and mine was a comedy, of course No one will ever see it Yes, I am from Philadelphia born in Germany, okay so bill is Is a German he's born in Germany. Yeah Frankfurt grew up Frankfurt, Germany. Yes, Frankfurt, Frankfurt Frank Frank, he was born in Germany. He grew up in Philly But he spent most of his life in Los Angeles, right? And you just keep going further west too Cuz now you're in the Philippines. Yes. Yes. Yes, and actually I he's all gonna end up in Germany again Probably more in the Philippines if I had my way cuz I'd love to be there and so winning and my wife lives there Obviously want to be there. So yeah My first initiative impetus was to be there to go soul-winning bring my wife back. But once I did that I Get the bug. I have to be there now because because Curve it up. It's so receptive the guy's a girl is being you know They just drink it up and you never have a problem and people say it's like Low hanging fruit. Yeah, it's like fruit. You have to pick off the ground here It's my fruit, but people are very receptive not the older generation so much But the kids very easy there there that you have 90s what 92% is Catholic So you have that so I have to emphasize the Idolizing the you know, I'll have any graven images. They don't even know that So when you bring it up, sometimes they're a little taken aback by it because they don't even know So but easily so you you have this Interesting method of capturing because you pretty sometimes or most times you preach to a group of children Yeah So how do you capture all their attention very interesting that you say that because that's what I like to do because so many Kids when you're giving it to say two kids or three so many more kids are walking You feel like you have you want to start all over because you want to get them too So what I do is I'll start off by seeing okay There's two I'll tell my wife there's two comes in and there's two committing about time nails to get here We'll get those two as well. So when I get about two four five You know, I've gone as high as 20 people Or more with the kids and they you know, it's hard to keep them involved and gross. So I I've been in sales for years as a closer. So I get them involved by using techniques that I use What's your YouTube channel called? Second your YouTube channel. It's called pulling them out of the fire pulling them out of the fire So subscribe to the channel he gives updates on that. Yeah, right. It's what I go out there Yeah, when you go out there you give some updates on how many souls you've won you talk about some stories on there It's good stuff. Yeah, man, and the kids are They enjoy it when I give them the gospel because I'll remember their names as a technique Are you yeah in sales and they're surprised when I remember their name and then I will go around and then just when I think They're not paying attention. I say and Jack I know okay now the kids will laugh because they think okay, he remembered that guy. So and What do you think you have to do? You know, I think to be saved or something I keep them engrossed because I have a little little jokes. I say here and there that are like, you know at the ready. So So wait going back to our previous subject. I want to talk about that a little bit Then we'll get into the Philippines about film school. Yeah, so what made you get into film school? I had That are in the business Okay, and I was involved Jews it was it was that's why I was gonna say three ways to get into the film business Instantly hang no longer. Let's see. You're you're not you're not gonna have any problem getting to the thought you were German, bro There's that there's that That's little bit German Putin tiger is there is Venus What we're talking about the the concept of being no, why did you get into film school? Well, you have friends who are in the industry being in the industry, you know, you know people and they say hey, dude, you're You're pretty, you know, charismatic you have this talent. I mean, why aren't you doing and I had different movie ideas. I had different I had a series I was gonna do and a guy that was gonna invest in me He said show me how serious you are so what like you're gonna be a director or an actor Was gonna do the acting it was it was a Comedy a dramedy. It was a comedy drama Wait, so did you want to originally act or direct or both or what? Did you what is not so much direct just just to produce my own and act and sing in it because it was it was a Musical concept. Oh you wanted to see Mostly the truth finally comes out. Yeah I wrote a lot of the songs. These are the mics that Michael Jackson used to use, right? Yeah. Yeah, I want that money I actually I actually wrote something really well I get registered with the Writers Guild and The guy who was going to invest in me, like I said, he said show me that you're serious So I went to film school to learn the background because if it was it was a series about a guy doing shows What did you learn in film school that you think it was beneficial? You know initially a debt was not the the concept. I don't care what I was gonna learn I was showing this guy was serious. Oh, okay, but you did it You did it to kind of just because he wanted you to do it. And yeah, I'm gonna invest Because you're already saved yeah, I was but I was not this is what happened after I started school I started getting a lot more devout in my My Christian life that I didn't have before okay, and I wanted to find why my life is not going the direction I want to go out there. I'm always God is not gonna see me succeed in that business. Mm-hmm It's what I saw saying I said why so the show I made had a moral Okay, so so I was I thought good you're doing this in this career But then you you realize I can't I can't continue in this I can't that the last straw was when a friend of mine We he had his own product He still does a production company and he says well we had a script or gonna do this show and we had a lot of different Projects and one of his projects I had to read a script and it was a lot of profanity I said I can't read that dude. I can't say that. My mom's gonna watch this Or I don't want this representation of me as a Christian and he knew I was saved He knew I was a Christian to the degree that he was starting to get annoyed by me saying these things So finally he says dude, you have to put that Religion and Christian crap on the back burner and put your career in the front. I'm sick of you telling me about them What you can't do as a Christian and I'm like, whoa, but you would have to stop it so my my my Rationale at this point was like this is leaning more towards being wrong than right and I said, you know what? I think we should just I just squashed this do that and just part his friends Well, the reason I say is because sometimes I known Christians who have tried to like get into that career Like as far as like acting in Hollywood and either one of two things happen They come to the conclusion that they shouldn't be doing it because they're Christians because it's satanic It's a tannic or to just God doesn't allow them to succeed I don't think he wanted me to I thought like I said the show I had was like had a moral drive to it And I think God I constantly say this is a show that God was that's not gonna get picked up, bro You know, yeah, that's not What is wicked man? Yeah, how presumptuous would I was I to think this is what God wanted, right? It was nowhere near and then there was a lot of it It was a lot of things in that the script that it was like wow is so not what God would want me to do It wasn't it wasn't a lot of vanity or anything like that in it Some of the other projects we were he we were gonna yeah I did what's kind of like Paul Winberger when he was you know, he was kind of not working for Hollywood but he was doing lighting and all that and He decided to take his career or use what he knows into the direction of making biblical films The backdrop, you know, like I've learned, you know how to be like, you know You do all the you do editing you learn directing you learn all different aspects of it, you know You know jack of all trades at that point, you know, yeah, you know, they have one one thing you're until you find your niche I suppose so So at this time was it digital or were you guys like using film? What? Digital yeah Yeah, I'm not talking about the you know, the 20s or 30s Do you regret taking a class? Oh, no. No, I learned a lot and you know what else it taught me that This is exactly here's the reasons why I shouldn't be doing this and as I seen more and more what I was learning of Yeah, you know, it was outside. I don't want to be here. Yeah And then you know, I came to California for the entertainment Career something in everything in entertainment music Acting you've been saved since you were eight eight years old. My mom used to send us to different Church Christian camp every year and that's how I got saved in the Christian camp and you know I when I heard pastor Anderson when I was searching for all my Foyables in life and things I didn't achieve I'm thinking what's going wrong. Why can't I never succeed in these things? We'd almost there something would happen. Mm-hmm But you are a very successful businessman though I would say as far as as far as when it when it came to the Hollywood stuff Obviously that didn't pan out which is good. This stuff is wicked. Yeah, but You are a successful businessman. Like you've you've I've had several businesses through the years. Mm-hmm and I've had a lawn and garden business steam clean carpet cleaning business. I've had a A car service is this well, you know Lincoln just Lincoln Continental. Yeah We're just attending wheels in the back not like a limo service, but just car sir. Yeah, but for things then it's always Or I was partners with people that have been so I would put money in with them and they would yeah run You know be a silent partner so to speak and cool Amen That's good stuff. Well, let me ask you a hardball question. Oh Something that I didn't tell you I was gonna ask you prior to this right So what do you what's your take on the black lives matter movement the blacks? Because I'm at it because I'm cuz I'm asking I'm asking cuz you're black gonna bring that up. Yeah, because you know what that's highly Controversial now and like a guy just told me in my building He said well, you don't strike me as a black guy with your opinions on this stuff. I says dude. I'm very black It's just that it's a farce It's you know total political scam, you know, and they bit hard that Apple and it's it's phony it's um Listen, I'm Not a young young guy. You know, I'm 57. I'll be 58 and I'm a child of the 60s and 70s Yeah, if you want to see racism in some aspects, we've seen it at those times, right? And it wasn't that racist as they're saying it is now. Yeah, then it's just not yeah, and So, what do you think what do you think the agenda is behind it the agenda is political to the degree that if you cause enough derision in division amongst Your your your constituents people they think it's it's a divide and conquer Yeah, they can and it's that right-left paradigm. Mm-hmm You know, they're all there's the same like you said in the sermon. I thought that was so good He says look you're right-wing or left-wing. Hey, man, I'm neither one of them matter about different bird all together Yeah, okay, and that's where I am. Yeah right on the money. I love that and I'm thinking you know How do I explain that to people when they they're like? I don't want to hear it. I don't bother anymore. Yeah, I don't bother and And don't get me started about the brothers say yeah, man. I had a Hillary for prison shirt It looked like was Hillary for president. Yeah, but it's a Hillary for prison and he says oh Good, man, you you know just when Hillary's run in 2016. You read men think Democratic get dude. Take a closer look That's messed up That's messed up. I said dude. Do you realize that? The Democrats started slavery you realize that her inner Democrats the Democrats are the reason That you're having a problem. Let me say something Obama's a president for eight years. I told her But take that out the equation in the last eight years At that time it was less seven years I said have you've done better as the world or the nation has done better for blacks or for any How good does it become is it doesn't come worse or come better worse, and that was under a black president? I said so you're gonna tell me that all of a sudden We're gonna get a white woman in there and you love her Because what because the Clintons were even worse because they I said, did you know Hillary Clinton said that we were animals, so to speak she straight-on said that we got it we got it we got a Her idol is what's-her-name? Yeah, yeah, I said You don't know who you like. Jesus said to the yeah, and she her agenda Was to kill black people. Yeah through abortion. She's the one introduced. Yes, and it was like Dude, you are not even thought of until election time comes along Oh, and that's it. Oh, and that's it. And do you know that the last 40 50 years and the worst? the worst cities For blacks are all Democratic always have been Democratic run. I says now I'm not Democratic also you Republican neither Neither like I said, I wish I had that saying you say that I'm a different bird. I'm a different bird I'm a Christian. That's what I believe. Amen. And then when I got more the Christian I said by the way Let me ask you this now This is good. And I said this is the most heaviest question of all if you were to die today He's all I'm a pterodactyl I'm a hawk. All right, look our ego. I said listen, let me ask you they were to die today Do you know a hundred percent sure we're gonna go You know, he kind of wanted to go away then yeah Hillary isn't this a conspiracy that there they were kidnapping children from Haiti Oh, it's not a conspiracy. It's just the truth. No, I didn't say conspiracy theory. I said it's in the emails It wasn't like a conspiracy. It was a could see that she was a part of in killering that worked for her. Yeah Kidnapped a whole bunch of them. They locked her up, but then they let her out and now she's working for Child Protective Services Yeah, and her lawyer was a convicted kind of they're all in the same boat. They're all easy. It's like it's like I couldn't Believe that Trump won first of all because I just knew they were gonna steal it either. That's why she never did any Well, we've been talking about in this podcast over the last couple weeks What's the purpose of Trump being in office and the agenda behind that and nationalism patriotism? I preached on it in church at the end of the day. It's again going back to that same phrase It's the same burden, you know, so there's an agenda behind it I'm thankful that you know because in when it comes to race You know and racism like in old IFP churches there. There's a lot of racism in old IFP churches I've seen a lot of Arabs in it. Yeah, man, but I would I think I never went to an old IFP You did girl you went to my old I feature All right, well I take that back then yeah as I was growing up Okay, never was involved but it's it's it's it's super even deeper than the ismo subject Like they they don't even like believe in intermarrying interracial marrying not all of them But yeah, there's some of them hold to that mostly the south back. Oh, yeah They don't believe in intermarrying and and intermingling races and stuff like that And it's funny because some of these pastors like Phil Kidd, for example, who's a who's a complete joke of a preacher He's like he's considered like a hard preacher back in my day and he used to preach against, you know intermarrying But he's married to a Mexican Some of the people well the news media is talking heads they're all pushing the same agenda they're Democrats all the way and There's there's certain black guys that are in someone. This is like the guy said Van Jones. I think this is a whitelash I Don't know whiplash but this is a white last one front one and the guy is a white wife Critical can you be it was he blind? There's nothing there Well, I'm thankful that in our church like for example we we can care less about that stuff It is we have we have races of all different types Here at our church. We got black people. We got Hispanics we have Asians Armenians What else do we got? I see our mean Russian make fun of each other equally. It's not like We're equal opportunity Everyone gets it. We're equal opportunity bags that same dose. I Mean look I used to be I was taught they're basically like they would tell me hey, you know, cuz I wanted to be a pastor when I first got saved and Training and all that And they would tell me that they would say, you know, hey, you're probably gonna you know pastor a church with just only Hispanics You know and I was like why he goes well, you know, why people are not gonna really want to follow a Hispanic That's just how it is. They're like the only time a church can be filled with mixed, you know mix a mixed group is when a white pastor is Behind the pulpit, right? He goes but you you probably just they used to say this you probably just pasteurize it. Let the de la Hoya's That's what they used to say Yeah de la Hoya's that's what they used to say the boxer yeah, basically because they would say they would categorize them They would say there's the Chavez's and then there's a de la Hoya's. What does that mean? The Chavez's are the ones who are just like really Hispanic like they speak nothing but Spanish They don't speak English and then you have the de la Hoya's which are like American eyes They would consider me to be like a de la Hoya what a friend of mine told me he was a Chicano Yeah, his father was from Guadalajara Yeah, oh yeah, you said they're pretty good and but his mother's Kentuckian and his father's Armenian Yeah, no, his father's Kentucky. He was blind here blue eyes. I did not know he's Mexican I used to work in sales with him and he'd be on the phone speaking Spanish. I'm thinking what is that language? He's speaking because I did I could not picture him speaking Spanish that kind of thing And I hate that concept to some degree because I heard TD Jake says on an interview He says well, how do you do so? Well, but you know and in with their business slash Your your ministry he said well because Jesus is the product. I was so inside what are you selling Jesus? Yeah, by the truth and sell it not and I thought yeah, he's a product. Oh, what an insult, right? So we think about that when I'm I'm giving piece of trash the gospel I don't want to think that way but I do use That kind of a technique Sales techniques to some degree charismatic to keep people in but every wise as a servant and harmless as a dove man I think okay. I'm not trying I tell my when you go so winning so winning. Oh, yeah I mean like when you go so winning But he's making it he's literally saying Jesus is the product and he's talking about in reference to making money money. Yeah, exactly Yeah, exactly, and I get this people tell me all this all the time Oh, you trying to get people to come to your church because you want their money is like what are you talking about? Yeah, I've never even asked for a dime Right Never I think even done a sermon yet on tithing. I don't think so either. No, you haven't I haven't right I watch everyone Will's waiting for I've mentioned it. I Mentioned but I've never preached a fooling sermon Well, just the guy that was telling you about that another subject we were talking about that was white And he looked white blind here blue eyes. He told me that in in where he goes to Guadalajara It's the race thing going there, but the darker Mexicans against the light. Oh, yeah, the more Castilian. Oh, yeah There's racism even amongst Hispanics. Yeah, right. It's stupid. It is growing up I used to hear about like Salvadorians hating Mexicans and Mexicans hating the Guatemalans just it's retarded Yeah, you know opportunity hater now. I would say this was like in Long Beach I remember growing up in Long Beach. There was always always beef between black people in Hispanics always but it was more like a gang rivalry You know, I mean You had the Crips who would always beef with the with the long goes And it was it was I don't think it was over race It was just over territory, but it would turn into like a racist type of a thing Well, there were certain areas when I lived in South Central During the riots. I was hmm 120th and Bud long and I would go down this certain alley the Rodney King rides Yeah, the Rodney King Rock and there was a big soft loss the gangs called the soft loss Mm-hmm, and they were the Mexican gang and I would go down this little alley say hey, this is my soft law alley We doing you're going down there. I always go down there. I'm not a gang affiliated Anyway, yeah, and they say hey, I'm not going down there, dude And I was wondering oh no wonder what us Mexicans will look at me. Oh funny when I walk there. Hey, what's up, you know? so they didn't bother me, but as soon as you're aware of the Prejudice house. Yeah of did you shouldn't be in there then you're I guess you're sensitive to it. I wasn't so yeah Well, no, you're right about that because even like when I was growing up in Long Beach You Had there was like Crips that would like that would sweat you if you're Hispanic. Yeah I remember almost got jumped by a group of insane Crips We're on a bus one time and but a og Crip from like I don't know. I think it was like really 20s or something. He backed me up I'm gonna say the dole is the young ones. I had a young got here I had a bright red shirt on in a Crip neighborhood. Mm-hmm. And the guy a youngster came up to me Pumping gas he says we go with the funny-looking colors good. Yeah He's like, I'm sorry. We relate. Sorry. I'm sorry. I actually I'm sorry. What did you say? He said were you going with them funny-looking colors, cool? I says, I don't know what you mean I said, but I'm not from here. I just got here Phil Duffy He said well, you better ask somebody I saw like racism to a certain extent but it was Honestly, like I got along with a lot of black people I got along with a lot of Crips and I knew some some some Crips that were just like hey if you know you're running To any trouble you can you know talk to me and I'll help you out or whatever, you know, they're cool But there are others like you don't want to get caught alone That's right, because they automatically think you're a part of like that Mexican game It's an I seen so much violence before the riots. It wasn't a day I'll say every two days there were shootings. Mm-hmm kids would jump on the floor faster than me the drive-bys And they would say well you better get down Kids like this They were they didn't knew they were like the reflexes quick I actually lived in a girl's house where she must had enemies. I don't know my window Man I I mean I Knew people I said where's the John's dead? What? Yeah. Oh this woman right outside my door Mm-hmm, and and some guy came and say he may could use your phone Patrice just was stabbed Sarah in the heart with a pencil. I'm like, yeah, right a pencil really Stabbed her in the heart with a pencil. I got stabbed with a pencil one time. Oh, she's cool She died too, so it was Can I was counting on that like a rapper and they did this is like this guy's favorite rapper and he literally took his pencil He stabbed me. I Was like this dude just stabbed me for a rapper People did some hot heads on their end Yeah, it was the worst part about it. The most violence was between each other Hey me better put my beard out That's not your beer and she's it He looks around if you ask So and he said I'll shoot you you gotta shoot me to pow shot right through her hand through the cup Oh, man, like these guys are treacherous. Another guy's walking down the street What's me shot me in my what's the name shot me in my butt who his cousin shot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Okay, then there's another guy who's going on a gang. They're going to a gang fight They're all getting their guns ready and he's driving and he He lurched and he shot him in the back Now the guys in the wheelchair because his buddy in the backseat shot him in the accident. Yeah, I remember and he's paralyzed I remember being in Long Beach in Long Beach. You have like You know you you have Samoans you have black people you have Hispanics, but you also have Cambodians and and the Cambodian gangs are like They're crazy man. Yeah, they don't mess around But I remember I was I was at when I was in it when I was in high school There's there's these because everyone was kind of segregated a little bit right, but I remember You know, we're lunchtime and there's these two Cambodian guys and their friends like they grew up together But one of them like this is his his friends click like messing around and the guy stomped him out He stopped him out so bad that the guy like went to the hospital and the guy's like in prison for like attempted murder Mm-hmm, I've seen bleeding out of his ears. I've seen this guy. He's crazy violence. He's kicking his eyes tried to stop I said dude, he's a mental never try to stop me again Yeah, that's like really some crazy. This is your friend. Yeah, you put the guy in a hospital. Yeah Mm-hmm safety with this guy and and I found out that this was the second time you put him in a coma The okay after the first time that I don't want to make right now. Yeah, but just we're not friends, you know And it's funny because they're all selling drugs this drug makes strange bedfellows the high school that I went to was called Woodrow Wilson High School and it was it wasn't as ghetto as Poly High, but it was pretty bad Poly High is where Snoop Dogg went to and Wilson High was a school that a teacher murdered a student Stabbed her to death. Can you know her a bad school stabbed her to death? Yeah, what does she do? Well, they're there they're involved in something but I remember one time there was that there was a time when they like they jumped this guy, right and There's a during lunchtime and it was like because they would let let students go out of the out of the property and like to The outskirts of the where the school's at they jumped this guy this adult gets involved. He's trying to like save the kid The group turns on him and starts jumping the adult they jumped the adult into the street a car hits him After the car hits him they keep jumping him I mean like crazy violence You know, I remember going to that school I'm like like almost being traumatized from all the violence that I would see I'm like this place is crazy And you know what? It was la area. Yeah, and here's the thing is like It was filled with sodomites that was another thing like the leaders of that score sodomites So I guess there you go. The leader is like the principal the administrators like Hollywood. Yeah Hollywood is run by there's three different factions If you want to make it in Hollywood, I was gonna say that you Jews fags the faggots and the Jews And what's the third one? You know, it's been a long time Jewish fags If you even know somebody's Jewish, you know some older drugs Oh drug Jews Drew's drugs in and In fact All right. So let's talk. Let's switch some gears here. Let's talk about the King James controversy going on We won't spend too much time on this because a lot has already been said many memes have been done very well put together and And nobody ever said the King James Bible wasn't perfect. In fact, all we have said is the King James Bible is perfect Many straw men straw men have been set up to make it seem as though we're not King James only And here's the thing is You know one thing you have to learn and this is something that we have to learn Do we got to make sure that we that we apply? to our lives as long as we're here is we're gonna be wrong sometimes, you know, and It's okay because we're we're we're fallible men, right? So when you when you're fallible, you're gonna make mistakes You're gonna say things you're wrong or even you know Maybe you might say something that's wrong and you didn't mean to say it or sometimes you just might have pride And you say something wrong because you just don't want to make you just don't want to show that you're wrong. So you just lie But either way, you know Humility is very important. You know, I mean to be able to admit and say you know what that was so stupid Yeah, I'm sorry. I was wrong Can we just make this right, you know, and here's the thing is like people you actually gain more respect when you do that That's right. So when you are willing to admit that you're wrong and say yeah, I was wrong about that You know, I apologize You actually get more people to admire you and respect you because they say okay this person's a mature person But when you just keep driving in and just digging yourself deeper people actually begin to despise you It can't possibly respect him. No, you lose a lot of respect. You lose a lot of respect Especially when there's an insurmountable amount of evidence To prove that you're wrong You know, it's just like hey, it's right here. Here are the facts. How do you trust someone like that? Right? How do you trust someone? That when you present them the facts You say well, look at the sky. It's blue and they said no. No, no, it's it's purple. It's like what? It's like what's wrong with you? You know, it's hard to respect someone like that. It's hard to follow someone like that Especially when we're all brethren We're all saved and we're you know, we're on the same page and just keep on the same page Yeah, I think like I said when I watch this I'm thinking what is this conference all about again? What's the purpose? What is it? What person purpose is I just never would have I just never would have thought they're like someone in the new IFP and they may not even claim new IFP anymore, which That'll be good if they don't maybe fine, you know, but I'm just shocked that someone would even like adhere to ruckmanism Okay that we're not ruckmanites If you have to make that statement though After you said a ruckmanites statement. Yeah Then what your basic out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaker you're basically saying this is what ruckman believes It's funny cuz like some people don't even know what ruckman believes all you know him for is mostly is because of the dispensational stand Yeah, but it's like he also took a weird stand on the King James Bible as well on the Word of God Oh, yeah, and then like for you to make that claims like oh, we're not ruckmanites. I was like, okay Why'd you have to say that? Yeah, yeah Well, here's the thing. What's unfortunate is like ruckmanism and Dispensationalism has really been dying But it now it's made a resurgence ruckmanism has made a resurgence because of Patrick Boyle You know what? I mean, and you know what they're giving Ammo to the enemy right to say well they believe like we believe, you know and I'm not gonna believe her the point because you know Obviously, there's there's a lot of videos out there that pastor Anderson has put out and You know proving That the King James Bible is not translated word for word. That's like cop That's just common sense it is and what's unfortunate is that he speaks another language Romanian so he should know You cannot translate things word for word and look, I don't care what anybody says you cannot translate idioms Into another language, I'm talking about word for word. Yeah, they would not make any sense No, I'll give you an example this so back in the day when I was when I was little of course I grew up in a Spanish-speaking home. My mom spoke Spanish. I speak Spanish fluently. I can read it. I can speak it I can even preach in Spanish and I can write it and We grew up in a Spanish-speaking home. My brother spoke Spanish. My sister spoke Spanish, but I remember my brother He's to basically try to translate English idioms into Spanish in Conversation. So for example, you have the idiom don't jump the gun. He jumped the gun Well, he would always say no, but ink alapistola and my mom would just laugh. She's like, what are you saying? He goes nobody calapistola. He was like, yeah, but yeah, he said in Spanish and she's like, what do you mean? What does that mean? We're good gun gun like and he's like well then you mom that means you know this He's like well not in Spanish You can't translate that into Spanish and any of them into Spanish you sound stupid which goes back to what made these guys All of a sudden experts in the translations What why all of a sudden are very very supposed to be someone that we should look up to this is what you're saying Is is is crucial or important? what are you trying to achieve number one by making all these efforts to have this conference and and What made you all of a sudden a translation expert well, they're not translating translation experts Proving it. Yeah over and over again. Like for example the whole god forbid me. Yeah, right in Greek. Okay, which You you don't even have to have an elementary and understanding of Greek to know that God in Greek is theos And it's not found in that it's me any time. Yeah, and you know, obviously the enemies of the King James Bible would say well, that's not a proper translation because if it's you know, let it not be and The King James says, you know says God forbid that's not word-for-word But hold on a second dynamic equivalence was used there and it sounds great and it gets the point across Right, but then people go to the extreme and they'll say well no because it says God forbid in the King James It has to say God forbid in Greek. Okay. This is what they're saying now This is the question that I have for them. Okay What Spanish Bible are you using in your church? Because obviously, you know, they're in Florida. There's a lot of Hispanics in Florida I'm sure there's a lot of people who go sowing there and they're using One of three versions of the Bible in Spanish. Okay. I know we only got one Spanish speaker here But you guys just ride along for the conversation for now. Okay, you have the 1909 which is a popular version to use the Antigua you have the 1602 purificada Or actually say four versions 1602 purificada 1602 and then you have the reign of a letter Gomez. All right all of these Except for the purificada. They all say let it not be Every single time that God forbid is being used. So here's the question that I have for them So which version are you using to win people to Christ? Because another argument that they bring up is this is like well, you can't interchange You can't use eternal and everlasting interchangeably Well, here's the problem with that in Spanish You only have one word for eternal or everlasting and that's at that So in John 15 and John 16 John 3 15 and 16, you have a definite for both verses. Yeah So, how do you go so any then? Because the all of them whether it's the purificada the 1602 the Gomez the 1909 they all say Eternal so that says have to say if you're going to debunk this and that's what I'm thinking Why are they trying to debunk the key? So was your question answered by the way? My question was not answered. Okay, because who who? There is no answer. The answer is this is that both of them are fine Right You can even use that for like Romans 4 or 5 because and even in Romans 4 or 5 in Spanish There is no word for righteousness. It says who's the who's the who's to be got just yeah Exactly. So what are you gonna say there? Because you know you have righteous and then you have just justice right being just or being righteous in Spanish is just just But like I said, I don't ultimately understand What well, I don't think it would do with I don't think I don't think it has anything to do with Their position that they just are King James only is here's what I believe it is. It's called envy What my point is this it's envy. We had these they're envious of Pastor Anderson. Okay, they're having a King James Bible conference for Envy Yes, you'd be surprised with people who can stand before and be the Bible because I'm watching thinking I know I liked all the conference we had the The All the all the ones I've watched the fire. Yeah, great hot peachy all everyone had purpose Behind them. What is the purpose for this? Christ I gave everything to but I just give everything to benefit it out. So when I heard I was like, okay cool They're gonna have a King James conference, you know, right looking forward to it, you know, but then when I started hearing Ruckmanism and I because I was listening to it not thinking that anything crazy was gonna be said there But then I literally hear him say that you can use the King James to correct the Greek and I'm like Ten second playback. I was like, did you just say what I think the only thing it sound like to me was it was being Critical of the King James Bible. That's all I've heard. I've heard what's up. Listen, I heard enough I didn't listen too much But all I hear is that they're being critical of it in how to debunking it The purpose to me is to cause division and it worked. Well, I think what it is again what I said what I'm What I was saying is that I think it just has to do with envy I get that and and I think sometimes people They compete with Pastor Anderson You know I've always learned That if someone is doing something better than you Okay, amen. If someone is doing something better than you You don't compete with them you learn from you learn from them, right? Because that means they're obviously doing something, right? So, why would you want to compete with why would you want to push them down to elevate yourself? Why not just emulate what they're doing and learn from them and then customize it to your church exactly You know, and this is what I've seen it's ridiculous because I grew up in a culture of loyalty Okay, yeah and being you know appreciative It's a bad move when people get help from Pastor Anderson and they just turn on him You know what? I mean? That's wicked it is because it's just like man How are you so you just fill up your church with people who have been reached by Pastor Anderson all of a sudden you just? Start attacking him you know and I wonder what the people in church that respect and admire Pastor Anderson how they feel about their their pastor down because you're putting them down. Well, I don't know I don't want to speak for the church members because I don't I don't know how they feel Maybe there's some I know there's some that that agree with Pastor Boyle and I'm sure there's some that don't agree with them You know, but but here's the thing folks is we need to love the truth and we can't ignore facts so many facts have been given so many things have been debunked and it's just like people just make their They're just stubborn there make their faces as an Adam and Stone but not because they're determined but they're just because they're stubborn, right? You know if you're wrong you're wrong And then lo and behold when they see their their opinion is not gaining traction They just turn around and call the new IV a cult. Yeah, that's that's that's their that's their wild card Yeah, well, it's just a cult. Yeah, and look I made a video this week about Pastor Anderson's leadership, right? And people people try to like, you know say oh, he's just trying to control all these churches and you know He's just controlling. He's just trying to control the people and the preaching dude He didn't even do that to me when I work for I didn't see that We were here from the beginning. Yeah, but here's the thing. I work for him. I believe I work close to him He never did that with us He never did that with me and yeah when I'm talking about when he had the right to So when he had the right to call me and say hey, you can't preach that I don't want you take that sermon down or whatever. I don't agree with that specific interpretation. He never did that I literally remember having conversations with them and saying hey I don't agree with you on this passage of this scripture and it's in your interpretation. Here's my interpretation What do you think about that? He would say why don't I don't agree with it, but preach it right go for it I don't care. He's like because we agree on 99% of doctrines it's okay to have a difference of opinion and look there's times when issues would come up here when it was it when it was faithful word and I'd bring it to him and say hey, you know This is what I think we should do. But you're the pastor. What do you want to do? And he would say I trust your judgment you do it. I threw people out of our church Sometimes without asking him because he trusted me He's not a micromanager and I'm not saying micromanaging is a bad thing. I'm just saying that's not what he did So if he's not willing to do that with the church that belonged to him How much less for churches that are out there, right? You know, what it is is insecure leadership is what it is folks Pastors who are just insecure They hear about their congregation talking about pastor Anderson in this sermon in that sermon and they they want to be the pastor Anderson of that church Is there enough strife against pastors and did have two people that supposed to be your brethren within the the IP or new IP? To start this kind of an animus towards each other. Well look It's not this is what I've learned from him And this is what I've always thought because you know any pastor wants to grow their church Any pastor wants to do great exploits and preach great sermons and do their own thing and that's okay because we're independent, right? But you don't do it by tearing someone else down a friend of yours Especially and I remember the conversation that I have a pastor Anderson last red hot preaching conference He came up to me and he said he said this he said brother me here He says you got to start your own movement Reach your own people he's like Don't he's like don't forsake me. I'm still your friend. You know, we need to be friends But you need to do your own thing right start your own movement. Do your own movies do your own thing? But don't do that at the expense of tearing me down. Do you would think that would be obvious? Anybody why I saw Pastor Bo's video where he started off saying. Oh, welcome to first. I'm sorry Welcome to faithful word Baptist. Oh wait, it's revival Baptist Church But here's the thing pastor Anderson I don't think pastor Anderson even expressed his opinion on the matter until you know first it came out that you know They were text messaging and yeah, I think pastor Anderson kind of be I think it was getting a little apart from that if you're gonna do a whole conference and you're making it public You have a public ministry Don't blame a pastor who knows more on the subject who's gonna come in and say no actually That's incorrect. This is correct. Yep. Learn from that. Oh, yeah, you know He was already corrected prior to that pastor Anderson had already. Yeah, he corrected pastor major and yeah That's what I'm saying. So they mean stubborn. Oh So this is these issues that we're hearing about they were already addressed prior to this conference In fact, they were addressed during the missions conference They're addressed at Chan Pan Thai restaurant the best stinking restaurant in Phoenix area So it kind of just goes to show that there was that's that's I don't agree with the agenda was I don't agree with pastor Anderson on that that I don't believe that though He has a lot of credibility when it comes to restaurants. He hasn't steered me wrong. I just have a hard time believing that Where are you saying hike? No, I'm with the with that and he's upset No There wasn't a court there was like another agenda So it was it really wasn't about the King James Bible at all now because nobody ever said the King Well, I like what Patrick Minnis said you and your 900 Wow, okay, is it really just about notoriety it's about notoriety For goodness sake okay. Let me say this. All right People have an expectation when they become pastor Anderson's friends Okay, this happens where they become his friend then they expect their churches to just burst out the seams they expect to just Have this notoriety and sometimes it doesn't happen Well with this true that they've started and then they're playing pastor Anderson when this church was started I was going to Pacific Baptist. Look folks. Let me say I didn't know it's not Pastor Anderson's fault and no one listens to my sermons If my sermons never hit a thousand views per sermon, that's not his fault. That means my preaching sucks Okay, and maybe no one wants to listen to me Well, you know, so if it's like if people don't listen to your preaching or they don't tune in well, I mean Didn't get better and it doesn't even necessarily mean it sucks. It's just it's okay. Maybe try harder. Maybe hey pastor Anderson No, wait a second. Why are you defending them? Pastor Anderson put a lot of time into oh, yeah his ministry and not just he's been at it for all my ministry It definitely wasn't ready-made He's been at it for how many years they kind of want like instant results. Nobody gave him a hundred thousand subscribers to begin with exactly Exactly. The purpose is to reach people and save them right, right you would think that's Let's say for example, like you said it's about reaching people seeing people save Let's say I just had no subscribers on my channel Okay, and or let's say I had 900 subscribers since we started and no one views my my videos I must be doing something wrong then. Yeah At least I got a church The most important people are the people in my church The YouTube is like a secondary thing that I do If you don't get notoriety out there it's okay people are listening to here they're attending your church You have people who listen to you three hours a week here You should be content with that Well, it's a good thing that people like you're preaching because I when I'm in the Philippines the church that goes in there They love praise the Lord asked me when I tell them about it, especially when we did that little video Something about to happen I have a subscriber and it's my wife and I'm ecstatic. He goes and even she unsubscribes every once in a while She hit that Bell icon You have a YouTube channel? No. Oh just Just my own voice in my own home. I'm here to talk about Armenian Armenianism Versus Calvinism, that's not the Armenian by the way that I am. I'm not Not to be mistaken with Armenianism anyways, what I'm saying is this is that you know Utilize a Man like pastor Anderson. I don't mean use him as in like use him. I'm sorry utilize his knowledge Dude, okay If you're doing a King James Conference You want to get someone like pastor Anderson out there because he has a very thorough understand not just But he has a plenary Right, so isn't that someone you would want to like reference If they did reference him, it was in the negative, wasn't it? Exactly. I would have been like yes Did come and teach this or whatever, you know So don't compete with the man You see what I'm saying? I was annoyed by that. I've never been I've never I've never had the mentality I got to compete with pastor Anderson. My take was always been he is so much far-ahead than I am So therefore, you know, he can teach me a lot. Yeah, I call him all the time ask him for counsel Wisdom cuz he's succeeded right at what I'm doing You know, but the ultimate old adage still remains true hate is gonna hate you're gonna hate and the ultimate goal is Not to build your YouTube is to see people It's the in not even to build your church up necessarily to fill it up serve God, man It's to serve God save the loss. Yep. I see this what I could say when this first church first started I was wondering why didn't pastor here's him mention that in the service. I watched his sermons every week. Mm-hmm And maybe he mentioned it in his the service. Yeah Yeah, the announcements the sermon so I guess that's why I missed it until I wouldn't someone was trashing past years in That's how you found out about that's how I found out about. Yeah, that's easy. Yeah, pastor is he well How do you why brings you to our church? In refer to this church to me. Yeah here this church is trashy and not the church. It's up at this guy Yeah, he's so cantankerous. Oh, that's a good $50 word Contankerous, huh? So he's a bad guy. So you don't like he's ah, he's just you know, but he started some church now money Okay That was the last day I was there I was like, you know what an archer just grown a lot It's exceeded my expectations Because we started with like 30 people 25 30 people and that's a good start though. That is a good start You know ten people it was his family, right? Even then like we have some people here that have don't even know who pastor Anderson is, right? We have some people that are barely gonna listen to him preach tomorrow tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah We have people who never heard his sermons before they don't even know what's going sometimes they don't even know what's going on with the Controversies, all right, so It's a stupid situation and honestly the best thing that's come out of this whole thing are the memes The me mystery has been on point on Facebook. I've enjoyed it thoroughly I when things like this happen, like I'm more on Facebook just cuz I'm uploading like a lot of memes You get a lot of ideas, you know, yeah, but um, it is what it is, you know, we still move on and and Our Movement quote-unquote does get stronger, you know, it's going all around the world man Like I said in the Philippines somebody told me he said are you in the same areas? We were pastor. Yeah He is I said, yeah, that's my fantasy Cool and I thought that was great the church there Often this subject you're getting too much but I love that church pastor Roberson. Yeah pastor Robinson used to be in He's from New Zealand. He went to Australia and they kicked him out because he's preaching against the Muslims and He's great, he's a great preacher I like him a lot preacher he's doing great work He he's a perfect example of someone who's just like he just keeps serving the Lord no matter what capacity And if he makes reference the past day is and he does sometimes it's always respectable. Yeah Well, you should respect your fellow and it's not just because he's you should respect your fellow pastors no matter who they are You know, like I I love all my friends in the new I have being the pastors You know pastor Aaron Thompson is a good friend of mine. I talked to him regularly pastor Jason Robinson You're fine is awesome pastor. Come on, man, you know pastor Fritz. These are great guys. These are look folks We don't have that many friends to begin It's like that's not the time to turn on your friends. It's like cringe. It is cringe When someone wants to be our friend because you know, it comes with a certain territory Yeah, so I appreciate when when a pastor is not ashamed to be my friend, you know I mean, I'm talking about openly because I have people who are friends with me, but they're like they're like nicotine undercover Yeah, but there's people who are open with being my friends and I appreciate that. You know, I don't want to lose that So don't you shouldn't attack other pastors and and try to bring people down to try to elevate yourself up and you know It just looks shady That after you've been established and everything you start doing stuff like that. It is wrong Yeah Yep, especially after he like defended you To like I was in McCraney and Tomlinson It's funny. It's on the comment section Tomlinson. Yeah, Thomas actually commented. Yeah videos I saw that and he was like, I told you he was a snake from the beginning faster Well, it takes one to know one And then when he comes out, he's all that's another that's somebody else. Wait, wait, wait, Tomlinson came out of Hiding or something like yeah boil thing cuz he was he was getting on boil a while back, you know Takes one to no one. Yeah I just know that pastor Anderson's never talked about anyone in that cat in that type of way where he's picked someone out particular saying I didn't like the way they say this or preach that or you know, He the only time he does speak about them is when they're attacking him. Look when he would come preach here Obviously, he was the pastor here, but you would almost treat it almost as if we're like an independent church I got that feel, you know, and he would show me respect when I was here. He wouldn't like, you know Devalue me as the leader here. He would always cast vision that we're gonna go independent You know, he just he was very secure in his leadership Because he understands the purpose. He was like, this is faithful word Baptist. Exactly He understands the prayer and role that this thing gold in the in-game here is to save people Exactly when I was looking for a good church before I went to Pacific Baptist Mediocre churches, that's the same. They were the worst some of these churches. I'm not talking about I talked to certain churches where the pastor was like And Hello, could I hear this best? Can you speak up? I don't I can't and I realized he's reading from a Bible I can't understand it was in IV. I said well That's like a deal breaker if someone's reading from an IV ESV and you don't want to go to church like that. Yeah, so You know, that's unfortunate. But hey, you know pastor Anderson's coming tomorrow. Actually when people watch this is gonna be tonight So make sure you tune in tonight To the live stream pastor Anderson's gonna be preaching and Hopefully we'll get a packed house here. It's gonna be great. It's always awesome to have him come, you know, because ultimately yeah He lives in Arizona, but you know, he's a California boy so, you know, I think that's one of the reasons we get along so well here with pastor Anderson because You know, he just has that California flavor. You know, I mean, he's funny guy Great preacher awesome fellowship. It's gonna be great. We're looking forward to having him and he's always welcome and first works Baptist Church You know, he's always been a good friend and he was there for us during a difficult time You know, so, you know, I couldn't wait from the start of church here when I first listen to him years ago Yeah and I wouldn't be Even in this position that I'm in with to travel to go to Philippines to do what I'm doing if it wasn't for faster Anderson A lot of things came together. Oh him a lot. Yeah, you know, it's just I Mean, I would never fathom that I would save hundreds of people in the Philippines and my wife Well, let me see if she's saving people. Let me say this. Let's see. Let's see Let's say pastor Anderson and I had some crazy disagreement about something, right? Let's say god forbid. Okay pun intended. Let's say god forbid that Like I had ruckmanite views Okay, which no I don't Never will Let's say theoretically. Let's say I had like a ruckmanite view. I would kind of just keep it to myself or even if I were to teach it I Wouldn't attack him or slander him slander him. Yeah, you know what I mean? It's obviously never gonna happen Yeah But I'm saying theoretically speaking if I disagreed with him on something that I knew he disagreed with I would never teach it and slam him You know, you know cuz you know everyone's entitled to their opinion obviously, especially if you're an independent church You know, this isn't my church. This is that's my pulpit I can teach whatever I want what I believe how I'm interpreting the scriptures, but you should never do it and attack someone Who's your friend if they know I'll attack a false prophet I was gonna say if what if they're not necessarily a false prophet if they were preaching something that was Against the once a being saved doctrine. Oh, yeah, then that's it. You have to know whole bar. You have to tell them Yeah, you have to put them on French Street, right? Yeah, call them out public. Right, but this is different. It's different right different So but no, I'm not a ruckmanite. I have all my brain cells You know It's a stupid something in the air in Florida you had to say it God You know was like when we went to San Francisco for the San Francisco Sony marathon over there Pastor Anderson, I remember when we were driving up in the car We were talking about how Patrick Boyle was gonna be taking over steadfast and pastor Anderson was like man He's oh he was like excited about that. I don't know if you need to he was like, I think it's gonna be great I think it's gonna be you know, it's gonna be great. He's closer to Jacksonville right there He can you know manage it better and stuff like that You know, he was excited for Patrick Boyle to take over that church I was too I you know, it sucks But whatever, you know, it is what it is. We don't live in a perfect world and This this stuff is gonna happen. Apparently it's it's got to happen like on a yearly basis because Like every single year, you know, so Yeah, unfortunately well Looking forward to Service tonight for us is tomorrow, but for anyone listening and watching the podcast is tonight. It's gonna be great Make sure you tune in at 7 o'clock for the live stream at first works Baptist Church pastor Stephen L Anderson will be preaching and so we're excited about that brother will Laurie. Thank you for joining us on the podcast It was it was great talking to you awesome church Remember does a lot of soul winning make sure you subscribe to his channel pulling them out of the fire on YouTube He gives updates there. And so I'm going back out there again in August in August So be in prayer over him if you want to support him, you can get in contact with him I'm sure he has his links in his description on his channel. And and if he doesn't he will now So make sure you tune in next week for episode number Seven I think this is episode five. Yeah, this is episode five. So maybe tune in wait It'll be six six. Sorry episode number six next week I don't know what episode this is I'll cut this out tune in next week for for the next episode looking forward to it. God bless you all have a good one You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You