(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I've seen right now is in the Starbucks line and then I seen there was a squirrel walking on the power line You should have made a commentary Yeah, and they're fast ones like but this same type of bird I've seen like years ago Video discovery channel in the hood Up the street this bird there was a cat in the middle of the street this bird was doing the same Ray goes up. He's all world star All right, you guys ready here we go, let's get this podcast started welcome to the rod of iron podcast Fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events. I am your host pastor Bruce me He first works Baptist Church in Amana, California joined by the fundamentalists in our church, but the Marcos Sanchez Hightove Maci and ray Flores and then right here in the corner. We got brother Paul kiss out of chiming in Couple times so we've got some exciting things to talk about this evening we're gonna be mostly talking about the false doctrine of Preterism and gonna be debunking that throughout this video and then we might get into some Obamagate conspiracies and Just kind of shoot the breeze and see what else we can come up with in our conversation. So Ready to go you guys ready? You got a good week or what? Oh You're dropping bows We saw it we saw Yeah, when you when you posted that picture, I thought you had actually like dropped a bow on somehow he was using that Man this guy took that podcast to heart It's funny cuz I mean like so what happened so tell us what happened. So we got a call saying like hey, you know There's this guy your bouncer Yeah They say hey we got it we got this guy by the back gate he's harassing residents he's smoking weed So we hit back over there, right? so we're heading back over there and then like We arrived and we told the guys say hey, you gotta leave, you know, you're not a resident here You got a balance, you know, and so he doesn't listen he's like man, whatever and like he kisses out and then like Then I told I told I told my co-workers like a call the police and like Call the police so he gets mad and like because we were stuck on the police And so he comes at us Hey, what are you doing like you start coming at us like furiously, right? So he like takes a swing at me And so I was like I dug down and I just went behind him and it just like kind of just suplexed him and threw him On the ground and got him in a pool Nelson, but I guess when I was coming down kind of just suplexed him Yeah, I know cuz I just like picked it down from his weight waist and just like toss. Hey, we don't do things halfway here, bro I don't want to hurt him either cuz that's why he did the full Nelson not the health note Oh, you said did you say a half Nelson? Okay, you redeemed himself Like my 400-pound co-worker he was there and he wasn't doing nothing get him more Get him boy It was funny cuz it was his call he's the one that got the call he's the one blowing the whistle yeah But either when I was going down or when I was like because we were right next to the wall when I've gotten the phone else in my elbow hit the Stucco on the wall. So yeah, it's pretty interesting today. We're gonna seen a car crash. I Was outside we're loading up up a truck and then uh, why is that funny? I Think someone died And you're cold are they do my buddy's had just used a forklift and he had backed out and then Went back in to grab another pallet and then I was in the back of like a big ol trailer, right? And then his hair Oh Right outside the trailer. I thought he got hit on the forklift And I was like, oh dude And then I went outside but it was just two cars They smashed into each other like head-on I guess they were trying to go one was trying to go around the trailer the truck and then the other one was going straight Out of the right of way and she had like three kids How many you've ever actually been in a car accident are you been in a motorcycle accident, right? How fast were you going like like what you hit a wall So I Had my bike slid out from underneath me because I was going too fast. It was raining red light I slid underneath the car. That was my first accident second accident I Was yeah still going too fast. And again, there's like too many cars. I thought I could go between them But I couldn't because it was too narrow and I ended up like doing doing a front flip off my bike and landing on your feet No, I landed on my rear end. He's ice man. I almost landed on my feet But my bike was still standing up straight when I look back my bike was still Sam straight And I try to make it in time to catch it. So it doesn't fall, but I did So basically you try to play it off. I would have done the same thing Yeah, I got it this time And then my third accident I almost died because it was on the freeway and I was coming in too fast Yeah, that's what happens. You get a motorcycle accident most of the time because you're cocky, you know, not because you know you just think you're all bad and What kind of what kind of bike was it? I had three bikes. So I had a Kawasaki 636 ninja 2005 I had what? That's a long name like okay, all right I had a Yamaha r1 2012 and I had a 2012 r6 But my third accident I was going I took a turn too fast and to get my bike slid out from underneath me And I ended up rolling from like the first lane on the freeway To the fourth lane on the freeway and I can literally he's all like then I went on the other side of the freeway Somehow I ended up back on the other So The moral of the story is you don't know how to I Heard I don't know if it's true, but I heard like when you have a motorcycle It's not like if you're gonna get in an accident, it's just a matter of when is that true? after four accidents you would say I don't believe that one bit. Why would you think? My own worst enemy on a motorcycle, so But you know who has a bike in our church Alex has a bike but he's a terminator. He can handle it Alex who oh, yeah. Oh, he rides a bike. Yeah with his daughter But he has like Michael Michael Kasimov Michael Kasimov Michael Kasimov Is an interest yeah young cast he's an interesting character so he still has a bike I think so he also has a Deep deep blue or excuse me deep red No, no, he has a Cadillac bill Cadillac Deville So Keith He was that he's an Armenian that was born in Russia He was yeah, okay, so he's Russian. Yeah, I thought he fell from the sky or something Yeah, he's Russian When I when you talk to Moses you Rick you you recognize this boy Russian, what is he Russian? Yeah But anyways those guys Basically they need to take what they typically do in the comment section or the group chat and just kind of like unload that Pipe up a little bit in church. We'll start your own chat What's going on Keith Got off work speaking to the mic man. Yeah work my work opened up now after the you know New regulations are being lifted. So nice. It's been on it's been pretty busy. So I've been out kind of late So good stuff, but I'm here. Yeah, man Hey Better late than never, right? So let me read you this in light of that. Oh, wait, this is Obama gate. That's not what I wanted to do Justice Department tells California its reopening plan could disfavor churches. So have you guys heard about that? They wrote a letter to Governor Newsom Right kind of telling them like you need to let the church is real. Yeah, the feds on our side Yeah That's good news though, you know, I'm glad I don't know who was but they sent them a letter Saying that um, you need a lot let the read the churches reopen, you know, and so Or else or else The guy's a hypocrite. Oh, yeah news coming that guy's in Montana like living it up right now He took his family to Montana He's having a vacation out there and he's just kind of like taking advantage of the fact that they have Things are opening up over there and people are calling him out saying man So you're leading by example or what white while your state is over here on lockdown You're over there in Montana. Just living it up with your family. You little hypocrite This is the same guy who's just this homo lover to you guys remember that years ago. He's the one who was who? He made that statement. He was they're talking about allowing homos to marry Yeah, he was like it's gonna happen whether you like it or not. That's the same guy Well, he was like the mayor of San Francisco and like during her like his term there. He was like cotton adultery Yeah, she committed. Yeah, he committed adultery with his assistance or his his campaign manager campaign managers Big thank you. I posted on Twitter yesterday. I posted on like Governor Newsom Nuisance Governor Newsom, thank you for helping out with my campaign. Yeah, seriously, here's how I'm gonna repay you as lame dude, but also there's like Times where you like took like bribe money from the company PG&E like like a good old-fashioned politician To take money like basically to bribe politics and stuff like that. So he's been known to be a scum I can't wait until Christian start permeating politics, man I Sure in in the kingdom Ushering in the kingdom where all the all the Christians are gonna permeate society and that's gonna usher in the second coming of Christ I knew some guy my chair boy We're just kidding Marcos, that's not really gonna happen We were being facetious. We were actually ragging on people who believe in that doctrine I Thought we were talking about rain right now The millennial who's this? Yes Brother you Lisa is gonna take over all the alcohol manufacturing plants and all that stuff So are you joining the podcast today or what? You're listening in You can listen and borrow You have to come he wants it live two blocks away he wants it in person All right. So let's talk about this this thing of preterism. Okay, I talked to Why is it all priest The only free thing I am is pre read everything else I'm trying to see I'm trying to see the rest of it You know everything else. I want to be there besides arrest. So preterism is This ideology that basically everything That the book of Revelation says or just what they would consider what they would call eschatology and times Bible prophecy These things have already been fulfilled So and there's there's mild preterism and then there's hyper preterism where they'll say Well, the second coming of Christ has already taken place Where you know, there's there are those they'll say the millennial reign has already taken place from the ascension of Christ to 70 AD that was the millennial reign or someone said well millennial a thousand years is just symbolic and we're in the millennial ring and You know It's gonna end at the second what they would consider to be the second coming of Christ with Christ coming on a white horse And so they'll basically claim that the Antichrist has already come the resurrection has already taken place The second coming has already happened all of these end times Bible prophecies that we would consider to not yet have taken place It's going to take place in the future has already happened. Yeah Now, why is this dangerous? Okay, why would we want to expose this false doctrine of preterism by the way? Let me just say this is that even though as a whole it's it's you know, they're they're teaching is false Yeah, we do believe in a form of preterism Yeah Which is that some of these things have taken place but the things the events that have taken place are a foreshadowing of its ultimate Fulfillment in the book of Revelation, right? Yeah, and ultimately what Satan does he takes a little bit of truth He mixes in a lot of lies with it But why would it be dangerous? What do you think because it takes us it takes people away from from watching out for the Antichrist so like, you know with most false eschatology, which is Come on, dude, but with most of it that's false It's like it all has that that element to it is that you know, you're not watching for the Antichrist or whether it's pre-trib Preterism. I mean, I guess those are the main ones but Or even post-trib Traditional prostery, but it's like none of them are watching for the Antichrist Well, let's just say this is that when it comes to end times Bible prophecy One of the main instructions that Jesus Christ gives us is that we are to be vigilant Yeah, we are to be constantly be watching right and not necessarily watching for for political events But rather watching in the spirit because we know that the time is at hand, you know These events are still in the future have not taken place So if you believe these events have already taken place there's no need to watch Yeah, that's a good point. There's no need to be vigilant. It's already happened Yeah, you know, but the danger in that is that the Antichrist has not yet come now. Hold on a second We didn't say the Antichrist have not yet come but the Antichrist has not yet come because there are many Antichrist yep, you know even today right and each and every one of them is a Precursor to the main Antichrist is gonna come to rule the world Understand and so, you know, there's a lot of ways we could debunk this. We'll start with a couple of them, but Just to start off with that is that's the reason why preterism is dangerous And here's the thing is like back in the day. It was pretty popular the seven-day Adventist like you mentioned, right? they're the ones who kind of popularized it with Ellen G white and It kind of lost traction you had your pockets of people who believed it But because of the internet it seems to be making a resurgence amongst Christian groups where you have safe people even believe in these things, you know and it's it's a foolish doctrine to say that all of these things have taken place and At which point we would have to complete disregard the book of Revelation. Yeah. Yeah, you know and so But we mentioned that preterism finds its origins with Ellen G white in the seven-day Adventist cult yes, I was doing some research today and then I I just looked at preterism I click on one of the first videos like One of them was like a slideshow guy giving like a class on I was went to like a guy who was like just by The way preterism videos are boring. Yes, exactly So I was I go to a guy who just like it wasn't too long and then he was just him talking on his computer And stuff, but he told he I guess he grew up a Baptist and he was pre-trib dispensational stuff like that his parents are Baptist, but he said a seven-day Adventist left That book the great controversy on his door and he was like, oh well if they were nice enough to give it to me Then you know, I should read it. I was almost like like these guys Throw it in the garbage brush that thing away But anyway, so he's like, oh I read it and then so it's like and then I then he was a Baptist Yeah, he was a Baptist So he went from that and then he got all into RC sprawl So it's like oh, why is all these heretics like why and then this other guy? Who's like on my Instagram was always predators always asked me all stuff about preterism like dude like Stop it. But anyways, he was I was like, hey man. I was like convert me bro. Send me some of them preterism videos Let me see what you got. He's like, well, you know also the gods from like COC I was like COC is like yeah Church of Christ. I was like, why is it all? Heretics like wife what's no one saying that believes this that's a bad sign when? Your your greatest arguments are the best teachers on this subject are a bunch of heretics Yeah, they don't understand the Bible Church of the Christ is corrupt. Yeah, they there's our salvation is way corrupt Yeah, Josephus guys Yeah, so that was his thing. So he was like, oh well when I Realized that I'm an apparently dispensationalist our preacher don't believe that anything happened in 87. He's like, oh well Well, you know in the destruction the temple in 8070. I was like, well, duh, you know, I acknowledge that I mean who doesn't I thought everybody does yeah This is a fact I was like I was like old and that other guy who's on my Instagram who who's getting into the new? I've been stuff. He told me that too. And I was like I was like, well, yeah, I mean he's like well What about when you see Jerusalem could pass with armies didn't that happen? I was like, yeah, I mean Titus, you know I mean, so let me ask you so that the fact that it's already happened. Is that does that? Basically put a barrier to God and intense Bible prophecy that a lot of a lot of dual prophecies in the Bible Profound about it. Yeah. In fact the Bible Is filled with foreshadowings? Yeah, because it helps to basically Condition your mind to prepare for that future event exactly Look, I mean think about the foreshadowing of Christ The entire Old Testament is a foreshadow of Jesus Christ every single lamb that was sacrificed Every single a bullock that was sacrificed was a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, you know And it happened on a daily basis and in fact multiple times throughout the Old Testament you see foreshadowings of even end times Bible prophecy Yeah, right events that are gonna take place in the book of Revelation or even at the first coming of Christ Yeah, so are you gonna say that because it already took place then that it's not gonna take place Yeah, like didn't take place when Christ and tykes epiphanies, right? That's a big thing They're like, well, he did an abomination desolation, but it's like yeah, but did he but and I acknowledge that that happened In tykes epiphanies and that he was an Antichrist, right? You know, um, he was that king of the north about that's in Daniel chapter 11 Yeah, I've been but it's gonna happen again because I mean I I acknowledge that that happened whatever he did in the temple But it's like but did he did they give life unto the image of the beast at that time? No, that didn't and did all that dwell upon the earth worship him. Yeah, that didn't happen Because well when the Bible says all that dwell upon the earth so we're referring to complete global control. Yes the Roman Empire Had you know all these all these Antichrists that came before, you know come before that the real Antichrist all of these had permeated power throughout their known world But however, the Antichrist in the book of Revelation Revelation 13 has the entire world entire world Yeah, they only had the known world during Zach yeah, and that's why we know that's why today all this stuff has a lot of meat on the bone because only in this modern Era with technology and that's really only in the last You know hundred years or even decades right like half a hundred years half a century that Technology really starts becoming this of global worldwide things where everyone's connected I mean so pretty resentment really it falls apart in a lot of areas And again, we're not saying that these things did not take place because it would be foolish to deny that Antiochus Epiphanes was not a form of an Antichrist. Obviously he was okay and the reason we know that it's not the Antichrist is because what we see in Daniel chapter 7 chapter 8 in regards to the Antichrist Doesn't really match up perfectly with the Antichrist in the book of Revelation. So what does that tell us? Does that tell us that there are two separate Antichrist? Yeah. Yeah, one of them was a foreshadowing of the other Yes, he did have an abomination of desolation. He made a desolate He caused the sacrifices to cease but hold on a second Everything that it said about him was not fulfilled in the book of Revelation He didn't die and ascend out of the bottomless pit exactly that's gonna happen Yeah, so, you know what these people that think that that's what happened. They got they got another thing coming Yeah, there are many days of the Lord Because the day of the Lord is characterized by wrath Right. Whereas when you look at the day of the Lord in Revelation chapter 6, what about the Sun and moon being darkened? What about the stars of heaven falling unto the earth? What about the the You know the the fourth part of the trees Being burnt up and that the green grass what about all of the marine life being killed out that hasn't taken place What about the waters being made bitter that hasn't taken place? So it's just a metaphor it's not Really gonna happen. Yeah Okay, so let's let's let's talk about that. So one of the things that One of the weak points, you know, the breaches that they have in their doctrine is this matter of the millennial reign? Okay, because they believe the millennial reign took place from The ascension of Christ all the way to 70 AD. Okay, and you have your different categories Some of them will say it was literally a thousand years others will say well It was just symbolic and we're in this we're still in the millennial rain. He's ruling in our heart. Yeah, he's ruling in our hearts Okay. Now big problem with this is that in Revelation chapter 20, what do you have you have? The end excuse me You have the devil being bound right for a thousand years that he should deceive the nations no more Now hold on a second right and that is in tandem with the millennial reign That's why it's referred to as a thousand years of being bound Thousand years of the millennial reign. So if from the ascension of Christ all the way up until 70 AD Satan was bound Then you would have to have a dramatic change in the structure of the world. There should be no more false religions There should be no more lies What about for even if you want to throw in while that whole millennium the whole thousand years up until you know? 1000 AD but it's like two we're talking about the most wicked times in the earth on earth Yeah, what the founding of the Catholic Church and all its wickedness is like to I mean I'm sure they said there was Christ ruling and writing on earth then right isn't that what he is right the victory of Christ? We could tell how about this, you know, it's like Catholic dog when the when Jesus Christ resurrected Yeah, let me read to you from Acts chapter 1 it says in verse number 6 it says and when they therefore were come together, they asked of him saying Lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel so we know according to the book of Revelation and also the Gospels that the 12 the 12 Disciples were to rule over the 12 tribes of Israel Well, then you have a contradiction here because apparent according to their question. They're not ruling because he hasn't restored the kingdom Whereas they think well, no, no, it's a spiritual kingdom then why are the 12 disciples saying that you have not yet restored the kingdom Yeah, where's Peter right now? Like yeah doesn't it falls apart? Satan is not bound Satan is not bound. He's still he was still deceiving the nation's and let's take the other Amillennialist slash Preterist view where they say from the ascension of Christ and we're in the millennial reign right now It's figurative and you know It's gonna end at the second coming of Christ which they claim that the second coming of Christ is when Christ comes on a white Horse in Revelation 19. Well, you got yourself a big contradiction because in Revelation chapter 12 Well, first of all, let me just say this if Satan is bound for these thousand years in the bottomless pit Then why is it that in Revelation chapter 12? He's in heaven standing before God and then he's bound he's cast to the earth not into the bottomless pit You know and he knows he has but a short time which is what kicks off those 75 days of Great Tribulation It's it's it's foolish. It's nonsense. Yeah, you know and people they don't have an answer for those things. Okay now Another thing is this is they'll say well the resurrection has already taken place, too You know and look do we deny that people resurrected after the resurrection of Christ? No that happened Right. I mean people got resurrected over the first coming of Christ when he was just going about in his ministry You know, he resurrected Lazarus he resurrected the dead son, you know, he resurrected a lot of people He did a lot of miracles and even after his resurrection There are people who came out of the graves and now with the glorified body now with the glorified body Yeah, okay, but hold on a second. So let me let me say this because You know the Apostle Paul did teach Preterism Okay, let me let me find it for you real quick I keep thinking when you said like all he's ruling in our hearts I kept thinking about like, you know, I kept from Captain Planet heart The Apostle Paul Taught Preterism, but he didn't teach it was biblical In fact, he taught that it was a false doctrine because he said in 2nd Timothy 2 18 who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection is past already and Overthrown the faith of some Well, if the resurrection was you know If that was if that was a view that the the apostles held to then what is the Apostle Paul talking shots fired, right? So, you know what? He's saying that those of you who believe that the resurrection is past already you're airing You know what? You know what and you know what Jesus said you do greatly air Not knowing not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God and ultimately your faith is overthrown at that point. Yeah Your faith is overthrown You know because here's the thing let's talk about the biblical resurrection It's a new body 1st Corinthians 15 distinctly describes a different type of resurrection Yes, where we should put off corruption and we put on in corruption, you know It's it's a natural body is buried and a celestial body is resurrected. It's completely different Yeah, it's a sinless body. We shall see him. We shall be like when Paul was talking about that He's like there is a celestial body and there's an earthly body. Yeah, he makes a distinction between those things Yeah So the resurrection is for you to say the resurrection is past already, you know Then that is a false teaching Because of the fact that we are not resurrected yet You would that would claim to say that the second coming of Christ has already passed which is that's what they teach They believe that the second coming of Christ was 70 AD when he came to visit Jerusalem and he basically destroyed it Okay. Now did he destroy? Jerusalem it was Jerusalem compressed about with armies. Yes. Yes, of course But hold on a second, you know, there's still coming a future compassing about of Jerusalem in Revelation chapter 13 or 11 12 and 13 and Here's how we know that that didn't take place back then because it says it was done for 40 in two months Yes, three and a half years now Here's one proof to show that this whole Preterist thing falls apart, especially when it comes to the second coming is this is that the Bible tells us that every eye Shall see him. Amen Not every eye has seen Christ. No, you know and so, you know, it's stupid It's like Every I shall see him it would have just said for example, like only they that pierced them would see him There's a cleverest view was true Because if you only came to Jude or Jerusalem, right? Yeah, and it only applies to them, right? Then the only people who would have seen it was those that pierced them not every eye, right? So how do they explain Revelation chapter 7 the great multitude which no man can number of every nation tongue? How do they explain that? Right because the second coming of Christ is synonymous with the rapture We're not raptured And I like studying this up is what I this eschatology which is just whack is that The main thing for me was like man These guys just have so many avenues and then every single one of them believes something different Of course, every teacher believe something difference. It's like you just got to know the truth. I mean, you've got to study out You know the poster pre-rath position on your own basically, which is the truth, right? And the thing is that I noticed that like these guys like one this guy he was like, well, I was pre-trib Have a lot of questions, but then at the end of his thing, he had a bunch of questions and a bunch of whole still He's like, well, I'm a partial predator is because you know, he didn't have an actual high I'm just like I'm like I'm like, I mean, there's no sir. I don't want to say I'm arrived or anything But it's like I mean, I do know The timeline like I do be established in faith. I I know what I'm talking about I know I know this and I think that everybody in the new IV or that are Baptist I mean, I mean you you got to know this stuff because what I've learned being in in the NIF being stuff Is that not everybody really knows? The end times doctrine as they should or as you think they do like you come across a lot of people there Well, they might know it on that. They might know it on the surface I love this but they didn't know a little more like, you know It needs to be a little more than just you know Hearing a couple sermons and stuff like that like you got to know what you're talking about I Mean that's what I think so I think that you should have you should be able to give an answer to these people Yeah, because I'm able to like this guy on Instagram like he just asked me whatever and I got an answer for it I mean, I just got an answer first. I studied it out. It's because it interests me. It's it seems like it seems like Unless you talk you tie it into like ushering in the kingdom that preterism just completely lacks eschatology You know unless you tie it into ushering in the kingdom Which which would just leave room for for a bunch of people to make whatever doctrines they want So another thing that I heard is they were because I think I was on my sermon on the mark of the beast Someone said oh don't you know the mark of the beast has already passed What are you talking about? And then I was looking up what they believe about that and they were saying how You know the coin Nero's coin You know, that was the mark of the beast cuz no man might buy or sell say if he that had the mark Now that would make complete sense if you use the modern versions of the Bible Because the modern versions of the Bible do not say that the mark of the beast goes in the hand or in the right This is on so I was like put it on, you know, but even then it's like so you put on I'll put a coin on it on your forehead. It's like that's a stretch Very weird. It's like what they do with quarters when they draw the trace around the quarter. Yeah And look they can't I mean How do they even what's their interpretation without using some false wicked heretic to back them up How do they prove that there was a false prophet who called down fire from heaven? Right from Revelation chapter 13 but I think with these kinds of people that shows the importance of why you should know your Bible when it comes to that and You can be firm on what you believe on that because you have scripture to back it up. Yeah You don't have this why I had a vision that Jesus is coming sooner this and that like you you have verses show me in the Bible You have to go outside of the Bible and outside of sound Bible preachers and when and when they get presented with verses They'll go into why just know it's true. God has showed this to me. Maybe he hasn't shown it to Pentecostals I've talked to say that and what the thing is like they they tie the ushering into the kingdom into this Dependence on signs and wonders to prove that you're saved and that's why you've got those weird churches like Bethel Church Where they think that they have these seven mountain mandates where Christians have to permeate society and be in total control and Like the way that they're gonna establish if they're really Christian or not is if they're gonna have signs and wonders But we know that's that's one of the signs of the full antichrist. That's gonna permeate the world That's how he's gonna deceive people. Yeah is hey, I like the false prophets gonna call down fire from heaven and Martin yeah. Yeah great point and with the whole mark thing. It's like that's not the only time There was actually in Germany their currency was called the mark Yeah, and then in after World War one when the Great Depression have a stuff I mean it got hyper inflating it crashed and that caused like World War two and the rise of the Nazis and stuff So it's like a lot. How about in France when they when they change times? Yeah So a lot of people thought right that was a lot of people thought that was the market because it was actually called the mark And then the currency was crashing. There's all it's like global currency going on and like World War two happened They're like all day. We're in. Yeah, like talking about France that guy I forgot who the the leader was at that time But he basically like set up like his own image of the bees kind of thing. Like yeah, you know Revelation 6 8 says and I looked and behold the pale horse and his name and sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given it to him over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with hunger and with death and With the beasts of the earth a fourth part of the earth. That's a metaphor Yeah, exactly. What is that metaphorical for? Like what is what does that represent? Cuz here's the thing they'll they'll they'll get scriptures where Jesus says in Matthew 24, you know this generation and they'll take that as literal Yeah, but everything else is symbolic. Yeah, you see at the end of the day what it is is You need to be balanced In your interpretation of end times Bible prophecy because we don't want to take the pre-tribbers Explanation and and just completely negate what the Preterists are saying and say well none of what they're saying is true But at the same time we don't want to take the Preterist view and say that none of it has taken place It's a balanced view which is yeah, some of these events have already taken place But that does not mean or negate the fact that they are foreshadowing of something that will take place in the future Now, where do Preterists stand on the great white throne judgment? Well, if they're not saved they're gonna stand afraid So so that was their thing this guy was like well I'm a partial prayers because you know The judgments coming in he's like, oh everyone's gonna get judged too. So it's like you're not safe, bro. So it's like So that's what yeah, he's like I'm a partial Preterist because you know, there is events in the future So I'm just like I know what you're talking about If you say eschatology jump in the lake, bro, and if you're not saved make that the lake of fires Isaiah 6520 says there shall be no more thence an infant of days nor an old man that Hath not filled his days for the child shall die a hundred years old But the sinner being a hundred years old shall be a curse has that happened yet? And this is talking about the general population This is not referring to just a few people This is a verse talking about the millennial reign Stating that this will be the life expectancy of the general population Right. Well, we don't see that today I mean that would contradict what the Bible teaches us that you know, people will live up to 70 years 80 years with strength, right? That's that is the boundary of mankind right there. So they make this so hold on a second So if that's what you know, David said Inspired by the Holy Ghost then what they're saying is well, no, this is already taking place No, it's not yet taking place because the conditions are still the same, you know And and and Satan is still the god of this world, you know so so they're saying I Heard one of these guys say that the Millennial Kingdom the thousand-year reign is basically Between 70 AD and when Christ was crucified, right? From the ascension. I've heard from the ascension of Christ all the way to 70 AD Number of years pretty much. It's approximate and they say well in Revelation it says Which things which must shortly come to pass meaning to say oh these things are right about to happen, right? Mm-hmm, and they also say that at that time that Satan was bound, right? They say that right? Yeah, then why does Why does Jesus say to the church of Pergamos? I know thy words and Where thou dwellest even where Satan see is you know, so We got to make some memes out of this and now it's just when any that's a good point Oh says that the millennial reign a thousand years isn't a thousand years. It's like dude Get lost Thousand years. What do you mean? He's not the author confusion, why would he say a thousand years if it's not a thousand years the thousand How about this? What about Peter? Millennial is a metaphor. Hey if Peter if Satan is bound for a thousand years During this time then why did Peter say that Satan? Aroaring lion walk at the bout seeking whom he made about all says Satan hinder me. Yeah, Satan hindered me Exactly, and it's like how is that spiritual because he's like he bound him with the chain and put him in the boss But it's like dude, it's so it's so literal. It's like what's this chain? What's what's the chain symbolize? I think we got a preteris in the house a lot of a lot of these preteris like for some reason they think like Titus Emperor Titus like when he come past Jerusalem who wasn't the Emperor at that time, so don't try to call me out He later became the Emperor, but they try to like make it like like he's a poly So this guy was like he was like all he was like from Revelation 9 So when I told him like well that was Titus when he you know He came and destroyed the temple in 70 AD and he's like wall then next verse he sends me is like the verse about a poly and leading the Locust and I'm like like what does that let me ask you. Let me ask you this when Titus During Titus his reign did a lot of people die Tons of people died. Yeah, so that's another thing He was like all they're like, um, oh a lot of the early church fathers early church Christians You know, they thought they were in the end times like yeah. Well, no Make this point though because when Titus reign because he claims that they he went there Apollyon was Titus. Yeah, right Yeah, and that he was killing all these people. Yeah. Well that wouldn't make sense because what he's saying is that the locusts Right are the soldiers, right? Let's read from Revelation 9 verse 5 is isn't to them It was given that they should not kill them Read that again. I'm sorry and to do me was given that they should not kill them But that they should be tormented five months and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he strike at the man Hit him with that pastor symbolic It's symbolic Not kill them is symbolic for killing them It Makes perfect sense, right? The guy said a thousand doesn't really mean a thousand because in the book of songs where it says my god Thousand hills that is that the verse am I butchering it a thousand hills, right? So it's like does he only own cattle on a thousand hills? So 999 plus one thousand hills like That Sounds like you're like shoot for their interpretation It just has a lot of holes in it, you know, I will say I'm surprised they haven't like tied that into the thousand years Just being a day. Yeah Like another point is this why is Peter writing about hey be vigilant about Satan, you know In first Peter if he's bound already. Yeah. Yeah during the millennial reign. Yeah, why is why is Peter writing about it then? And again, they'll probably say well, it's a spiritual Binding. Yeah, but the thing is is that in Revelation 20, it says that he should deceive the nations no more Yeah So if that's the case Why is Paul saying that Satan is the god of this world with blinds of the minds of them which believe not? Let's the light of the glorious gospel should shine unto them If there was no hindrance to that he's referring to the fact that Satan Deceives people he lies to people he blinds them from believing understand you see in the literal millennial reign. I don't care what anybody says It's gonna be the most receptive time in all of history because of the fact that Satan will be absent Bound in the bottomless pit. Yeah, he's bound in the bottomless pit. It's held by Apollyon so Yeah, I Don't know where they get that Apollyon are abatons like he's like he's a bad guy That's what they like. They all think he's a bad guy. It's like no, he's not Why do they what did they say? Did you say he's a bad person? They think he's bad angel think he's like, yeah, they think he's like he's a bad angel They probably they're probably just scared of his name or something Well, they think anybody who does like is destructive or is sent forth to like destroy is like bad But they don't recognize they're like God destroys Well, I mean to them he's not really a lot of these guys not on their side He's on my side. He's gonna pass over me and that was a good point You made about him to that. I think he is the angel of death Yeah, absolutely that point. I think he is destruction. He's the one that passed over Watch that revelation chapter 9 sermon on the YouTube channel. That was a good Fuego for you what do they say about the about the The army of the horsemen and two hundred thousand thousand. What do they say? That is they don't they don't I Mean, how do you cuz here's the thing is like if you take everything as symbolic is like man And that's the danger is when they say everything is symbolic It's open for interpretation for anything. That's what the Jehovah's Witnesses do when they go in there you Right. Hell, they just write it off. Oh, it's just symbolic and I think like Jesus Christ wasn't really Resurrected like as a physical resurrection like what the heck handle me You know pastor some is a good for spirit have not flesh and bone Makes a good point on that like the symbolic people be like, well, how do you know? It's not symbolic or how do you know it's literal? I mean cuz it's pretty obvious when it's symbolic and it's obvious when it's literal I mean, yeah revelation chapter 12 when you see the woman right standing and she has the stars over her head It's all simple. Do you think there's a literal woman? Oh, it's like but it's like but you can make the symbolism with it cuz you're like all all the 12 stars Joseph seen that in the dream the 12 tribes of Israel I mean you it's like it's our if you've read the Bible by the time you get to Revelation I mean, you know what he's talking about there. It's not like you're guessing to be like, what is this? Like you never heard it before it's like I mean, come on Well, I even call the book Revelation if everything like happened already Why should we read it here? Revelation chapter 20 verse 10 says in the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone Where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever Is that symbolic is being tormented day and night symbolic? But here's the thing, you know, I guarantee you some of these Preterists, you know, I I guarantee you a lot of them are just not saved Because if they're getting this from the seven-day Adventist, which believe in annihilation of the soul You know, they're buying into that and by the way, if anybody believes in annihilation of the soul, you're not saved Yeah, maybe they're not even real people. Maybe they're metaphors maybe Why are you giving them an allegory preterite why are you giving them a bow? It's like they live in like some sort of matrix Like they get to that point in their life where they're just studying preterism so much and like I think I'm an allegory Maybe I'm they just dissipate they just dissipate and disappear Talk about being transparent That's Why Paul's corner exists So at the end of the day the proper view of you know end times Bible prophecy is that many of these things yes have taken place and They they're a foreshadowing, you know, nor in the Bible. Does it say that it has to happen only once? Yeah Right. No, we're in the Bible. Does that does it say that? You know it it The idea there is that God is basically teaching us using past fulfillments of these prophecies to help us to understand the future fulfillment of it because otherwise what happens to the end of the world Yeah, like how does the world even end? Jesus cited his second coming as like the days of Noah were yeah, I mean the whole world knew there was a flood That's a great point, you know because he also he also says that You know the end of days are as the days of law Right the Sodom and Gomorrah fire and brimstone rained down upon that city now Let me ask you was the fire and brimstone being rained down upon Sodom and Gomorrah. Was that symbolic? No, it literally happened So that means you know what the days the day of the Lord that will literally happen as well Because fire will be raining down upon the earth during that time so Yeah, a lot of breaches that was one of the things that was frustrating me like listening to this is like, okay so you're saying that there's nothing globally connected to the Bible like That's pretty it's basically saying that the Bible is not relevant today. Yeah End times Bible prophecy is not relevant to us today That's basically what it is that's kind of the route that the pre-trippers take like they say Oh revelations not for us It's for like the Jews or something, but that's why I was gonna get to that verse Revelation 1 3 says blessed is he that readeth and I hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written there And for the time is at hand and you know We are blessed for understanding this because like he says, you know, he that hath the ear let him hear and that means you understand Not just that you heard it But aren't you ready because you understand it and we do have understanding this and and I'm you know 100% sure that I know the truth on this and that that we do have have the have the real interpretation of of Bible prophecy and it's a blessing and the more false doctrine you hear on it I mean the more it made it makes me know that yeah, I'm right because I could immediately hear where they're wrong And that's why it's frustrating to get through to listen to these people I mean it's frustrating to study this stuff out because it's like they're so wrong and they're so off and they just start on this Whole other drawing but like they're on they're in a whole different field They go on that field, yeah, yeah when I want to hear a Baptist put it in the comment section Independent fundamental Baptist, I don't care about what everyone else says. I want to see an independent fundamental Baptist that teaches preterism That you're getting this from like you say well, man, you got to watch this video Well, are they a saved independent fundamental King James only back? What's their gospel? Like? Yeah. What is their gospel? Do they believe in you know faith alone one saved always saved, you know These people surprisingly enough when you're getting it from Ellen G white when you click on that's a woman He has a woman preacher a woman preacher folks a vegetarian cornflake Macon Soul annihilating Child of Satan child of Satan Bless God Her heresy is blatant So the moral of the story is this is that The moral of the story is this is that you need to rightly divide the word of truth Sure, you know and and look at the source of that. What's of that tree? Like where does that come from? You know that comes from Ellen G white, you know And I'm sure there's Baptist out there who maybe who believe in they kind of ashamed of that They're just like man kind of sucks that we get our doctrine from some heretic woman Why it sounds like the epitome of being carried about with every wind of God absolutely, you know Thousand year millennial reign ended in 70 AD right and it says when the thousand years were expired Satan shall be loose out of his prison and then skip down a few verses it says And fire came down from God out of heaven and devour them and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of Fire and brimstone where the beast and a false prophet are did that happen? No Like the spirit of Satan is still here Satan is still around still the god of this world Yeah, there's a lot of breaches in this doctrine but it is important that we expose it even as easy it is to debunk it It's important to expose it because you know, it does feed into the end times Bible prophecy You just got to remember that every false doctrine that's out there You know has elements that condition people to take their eyes off of What's gonna take place in the future, you know, it's like nothing to see here kind of thing You know New World Order nothing to see here Antichrist. He already came don't worry about it Yeah, we were talking about I think like Sunday how it's like super easy for them to accept the rider on the white horse yeah, absolutely and that's Yeah, because they're all millennialist and preterism there They kind of blend in sometimes and because they'll say that you know The millennial reign is symbolic from the ascension of Christ to the second coming which they say the second coming is When Jesus Christ comes on a white horse in Revelation 19, well, you know, I mean, come on There's the person who's coming first is the Antichrist in Revelation chapter 6 on a white horse Their attention is on the horse. Not the rider They're looking at that horse man Bars just ended on that or what that was. All right, tune in next week tune in When brother high-top Macy That's good With all those We probably should have ended it on high snow I should have ended it on high I'm gonna have to edit that out We Actually literally took the entire podcast to talk about preterism Okay, so we're gonna talk about Obama gate so Obama is married to a man Oh Michael Michael and I you want to talk about Obama gate for a little bit So it originally was called a spy gate but now it's Trump the president's coined it right now big time because more is coming out on him that he was involved in it but really what it is is that um, is A lot of it's about general Michael Flynn in his case space. I think that they framed him Said that he lied the FBI but really is that basically so in our country, right? we know that that because of Edward Snowden, I think that the NSA that They think they take all our metadata, right? They store it in it's called the projects called a prism and it's stored in Aurora, Colorado And they have these giant hard drives there to just collect all of our metadata all the information off our phone right gets stored there Well, no one looks at it, right but you have to get you still have to get a warrant to look at that Right. So in that warrant to look at that goes to the FISA court, right? So you have to get a warrant to the five score, but it's like a secret court It's just like a specialty court It's called the Fisk and it's uh, and then you go there and you get a warrant then now they could View what you said, right? So they did that what's coming out that they did that and then it got his name got unmasked in these conversations with this ambassador Kislyak from Russia and Wherever what I really think is that they said they set up The deep state they said they set up the Obama administration because I mean these guys aren't stupid and I think that they did it on purpose and they knew that they were getting spied on but it's gonna end up coming out that Obama and then they the Obama administration it spied on Donald Trump his whole campaign who was the future president So it's like the old president, you know The outgoing president spied on the incoming president because they thought they were gonna get him out of it They thought he wasn't gonna get elected and then once he got elected They thought that they were to get rid of him and they didn't and I think that you know Trump really had it They had it planned and they knew what they were doing and now they're screwed and it's gonna end up coming out and blowing This whole thing out the water that they basically spied on. So what do you think the purpose of this whole thing is? Like Obama gay, you know, if we're to tie it into what's taking place and you know The whole QAnon and in times Bible prophecy has to do with propagating that Nationalist that nationalist movement and invalidating it big-time by making the contrary party look You know anybody who thinks that like all this can't happen but it's happened before Because nationalism has rose before you read about the 1930s It's not this isn't the first time this happened and then when you look into who general Michael Flynn is Then you start realizing that dude This is really these guys are going against the military and who's there its own fraternity and its own secret society right of generals and these guys are hardcore nationalists hardcore Americanists and trumps with them and it's like they ran an Operation against the bottle these these these guys these dorks these college dorks, right? These guys thought they knew what they were doing and they went what they went. He has strong opinions about this Well, they went up against The American military who's been doing this for day. I mean, this is what they do Yeah and these and these dorks went up against these guys and they got him it's like checking me and they're screwed now and And they're basically this globalist regime is getting replaced by this new regime. What are you gonna say hike? You're gonna say some what? speaking to the mic It's that abomination of desolation You just keep giving the predator is like all kinds of Sorry, it's pretty much like the predator is the viewpoint. Did you convert it today by watching? You like Ellen G white Yeah, it's still developing so we'll see what happens over the next so I think leading up to this election We're gonna see more and more of the stuff come out because a lot of people are like, oh, oh It's never gonna happen. But I mean now it's starting to really come down. It's really starting to come down the pipeline It's gonna happen. They're gonna Expose in the deep state is part of it. Yeah, it has to happen These things have to take place in order to basically magnify Trump magnify the Republican Party magnify nationalism patriotism necessary Elon Musk's Twitter His little icon is his avatar or something like that. It's basically like a photo of fire I you I can't really tell if it's like ascending or descending from heaven It's supposed to be of his of a SpaceX rocket going up, but it looks like it's coming like fires coming down But the little spongebob What do you want me go on the internet right now check out his Twitter, so what do I do what I type in Twitter Well, all right here. Let's see here It looks like it's coming down yeah, yeah Wow Mars was the god of war folks. Just keep that in mind and he said we're going to Mars So, let's give some shout outs brother Edmond from our church wanted a shout out so we'll shout out to brother Edmond from our church from where He's like I want to shout on the Drinks bang I think what hike is trying to say is what up, Edmond? I Think what hike meant was what's up, Edmond? Thanks for giving me wanting to shout out. It was a metaphor What hike just said was was What hike was just saying was an allegory. It was an allegory for Edmond want to give you a shout out We love to have you in our church. What's up, Edmond? Great guy in our church. He's doing a lot of soul winning and so blessing to have him in our church and then let's see here we have Alfredo Bautista pastor says hey pastor me here. My name is Alfredo Bautista from Tijuana I've been trying to reach you for a few weeks now, but no luck Can you tell me what day and hour is best to call? Please my main question is what do we need for a brother to travel to Tijuana to help us in preaching and sowing gracias I would like to send a shout out to Gustavo Diaz from Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico saying Animo el mano and hope you can travel here soon. Hope to hear from you soon pastor kind regards Alfredo Bautista So, you know right now our schedules kind of packed out We're just trying to maintain what's going on here with this whole stupid coronavirus thing going about If we send you leases out there, he won't come back, bro He won't be able to come back. We'll never see him again Coyote we could get a coyote. So, you know Brother Alfredo shout out to brother Alfredo Bautista and his friend Brother Gustavo Diaz, but to answer your question probably won't be anytime soon, but definitely sometime in the future We don't mind going out there doing a missions trip training some guys out there to do some soul winning and preaching I would just say be patient with us for now because you know right now we're just focusing on what's going on here We've got a lot of drama taking place in California. Oh, that's what we're supposed to talk about California haters. Oh, yeah, California haters. Hey, what's up with these, California haters? Oh Hey, let me just say this, okay, I don't know what they're scared of California boy what Look California is awesome. Okay, and and a lot of people want to leave California and say things bad things about California and you know But let me just say this is that you said what's good about California everything they just can't You based it off of people base, California off of well, it's a democratic state Well, I'm basing it off of the how receptive the people are I'm basing it off of how receptive the people are. Do I have a great church to go to? That's what I'm basing. That's the most important thing these guys Republican exactly You know and here's the thing you can flee into another city if you want You know from California, but here's the thing as goes California. So goes the rest of the country Yeah, it's funny cuz like people were like talking crap about California saying oh, you know, they're gonna make mandatory vaccines New York just passed mandatory vaccines Even if you're still a Christian, it's like dude, you're trouble on every side. Well, hey Hey, if you're scared of the mandatory vaccines, you better get saved baby. Yeah, get that resurrected body And guess what? I already got a bunch of vaccines when I was a kid before I even had a chance to choose So I got a bunch of stuff in my body that I'm not happy about So I'm not you know trying to that's not the war. I'm trying to fight I definitely want to expose vaccines because vaccines are wicked They're wicked as hell and you know I don't want to put foreign substance into my body and aluminum and all that nonsense But at the end of the day, you know what? I got a resurrected body You know this ink this corruption shall put on incorruption the Bible says so if you're scared about the vaccines and what's gonna happen Should I just move to a different state, you know, and and should I do this and that well what you need to do first and foremost is get saved and then the second thing you need to do is start laboring for the Lord and you know You start earning some rewards so you can get yourself a better resurrection It's all about fear because these guys like all yeah, but what about guns though Second Amendment was like do you care? Do you have a gun because the Second Amendment or do you have because your state it lets you Because if it's Second Amendment, then I thought California can't regulate against say but I thought yeah You can't regulate again. So why don't you carry anyways what he's afraid of? Yeah, break the law break that California law Stanford Stanford you're right if that's what you believe and then yeah That's what you believe right? You're so hardcore about it. And then these guys are like, oh this one guy is like he's like Yeah, you guys talking about about about chits I'm gonna find it's like but I'll just shoot a guy it's like so if so someone punches you like if you get in the Fist fight you're gonna shoot on like what do you cowardly like this wicked bro? Like you're you're you're gonna kill somebody just because they get a bit because they punch you because they get in the fist one fight The wrath of man working for not the righteousness of God So you're gonna murder somebody for punch because that's not a justified killing. Yeah, you afraid to take a beating or what? It is wicked. It's wicked. So just because your state allows like well my state allows it so it's wicked Look people want to hate on California, but the reality is the preachings hot the sowing is good The weather's awesome, you know and at the end of the day, guess what? I'm not a Republican. Yeah Okay I can't even hear I'm a Christian. I'm a child of God. So guess what this world is not my home You know, I'm seeking for a better country the Bible says you're seeking for the country of the United States of America You want the United States of America to repent and to get right with God and all these things but guess what? It's too late for California. It's too late for the rest of the United States And you want you want to know what's really gonna happen to California and the rest of the United States Tell us revelation 17 and 18 read that Babylon all of it. It's all gonna be destroyed It's gonna be a habitation of devils. Yeah people don't preach on the podcast too late This whole podcast I Love California love it. I love California. I'm never gonna leave. I don't know food is the best All those haters to go jumping in a way I can't agree with that 100% all Culver's Culver's man Yeah, yeah, but okay. Well, I give it to people on Mexican food in Arizona Arizona is just Eastern California, bro Hey for all of you, California haters out there, you know Why don't you come visit and and pay a visit to our church one day and you'll see why we love California You hate us, but we love you. Yeah, that's right We'll show you some of that California love And that's what our church does. We show California love. Yeah that or jump in the gospel Said that or jump in a lake Both are both are good man Paul a cold lake on a hot day, you know I'm just kidding. Is that true? I'll show you All right, we'll end it on that we were supposed to talk more about California haters, but I think we've surpassed the time I don't even think we should give them that much, you know, yeah, California is awesome. Yeah, you know, Texas is overrated. Yeah, I said it So, let me uh, let me just mention this is that we're gonna be having a contest soon and you know, we have to figure out what the contest is gonna be but Whoever not breakdancing not pop-locking. No We'll let you know in a future video what the contest is gonna be But but the but the prize for the contest will be this The prize for the contest will be that we're gonna fly someone out within the United States Within within Babylon, okay we're gonna fly you out to be a part of the podcast and To be a part of one of our church services to go soul winning with us and just hang out with us And so stay tuned for that. Okay, cuz we will have that contest We got to figure out what the contest is gonna be But we've already decided on what the what the prize is gonna be the prize is gonna be whoever wins that contest we will fly you out, you know, we'll put you up and you'll be a part of the podcast and You know, you'll you'll go to church on the Thursday or Sunday or whatever. Well, we'll give you the California and the California You know Southern California experience unless unless you've already made a comment hating on, California You're done all right gentlemen, we're signing off make sure you tune in next week for the rod of iron podcast everyone Have a good night You