(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Have you guys silenced your phones? Not so bad. I mean, if it's on, it's on. Whatever. Maury, sit back down, please. I'm about to silence you. I'm scared. Ignore that, man. Who are we missing? All right, we're going to get started. All right, welcome to the Rod of Iron podcast. Fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions, dogma, and daily events. I am your host, Pastor Bruce Mejia. First Works Baptist Church in Omani, California. Joined by the men in our church, the fundamentalists, Brother Hiketop Mason, Ray Flores. We have Marco Sanchez. And we have a special guest with us. Hello. Brother Stepan. We'll just call him Brother Step. We'll call him Brother Step. Arturini. No flex zones. He's here. Why are you so high? He's going to step on me. We should school. Yeah, you is. Hey, you're messing up the camera angle. You're literally, your face is cut off on the camera, Step. So you got to switch. Base yourself. Mine is going to be the same thing. Marco. Then switch to a chair or something. Both of us switch to a chair? Yeah, you can stay on that one, Marcos. Or, yeah, and just switch to a chair. There you go. Yeah. It was way too high for my... All right, let me fix this real quick. Okay. This is good. He just got a base, bro. You're about to get exalted right now. How was that barbecue? Oh, bro. That happened. I thought you were going to have to beat somebody up. All right, tonight we got some pretty exciting discussions taking place. We're going to be talking about Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, MMA, and just learning how to fight, knowing how to fight and the importance of that. In fact, that's why Brother Step is here. He is a weight trainer, strength trainer, but he's also a Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner. I believe he's a blue belt, right? I think we got a lot of jiu-jitsu practitioners in our church. It's important to learn how to fight. There's a misconception out there amongst mainstream Christianity that basically has this narrative that if you're a Christian man, that you're supposed to be this pacifist, effeminate, sissy soy boy, don't get into any physical confrontation. That's not a proper attitude to have. In fact, it's not biblical, right? On the other hand, we don't want to take it to the other extreme and be violent and have this machista, chest puffed out Napoleon complex. We want to be right in the middle where it's like, hey, we need to make sure that we defend ourselves, we're able to defend our wives, our children, the innocent who are incapable of defending themselves as well. We're going to be talking about that. Then we're going to get a little bit into the topic of Neuralink and Elon Musk. He gave some updates about that and how that ties into the market, the beast, end times Bible prophecy. We might get into some demon possession slash oppression. Brother Keith is here. Brother Keith Rivas. Say hi, everyone. Hey Keith. Hey Keith. All right. We'll be giving some shout outs at the end of the video, at the end of the podcast, and maybe answer some questions if we have time. We're looking forward to a great show. Gentlemen, are we ready? Yes, sir. All right. That's the biggest insult, bro, to an Armenian man. You're invited to a barbecue by an Armenian guy and you don't show up? Dang, bro. Wait a minute. Hold on a second. I wasn't invited to no barbecue. What are you talking about? You didn't invite the man to God? When was this? What was this? Monday. A couple of days ago. A long, long time ago. Is that when it was? So this guy, he didn't even text me to say I'm not coming. Yes, I did. I said I'm working overtime. Brother Huyck, you didn't even text me to say you're invited. That was not after all. Beat that. There was kabobs involved. Kabobs and you didn't invite me? And lavash. What? That thin bread. And garlic. Garlic spread? Yeah, garlic spread. All right, now I'm getting it. No, but I didn't have any. It's just garlic and paste. It's garlic and paste. That's the ingredients. It's garlic and paste. No, it was good. And this guy didn't show up. You guys got to get into, you need to get into the mic. So you guys got to switch off, like pull the mic towards you. What's the paste made out of? That's the real question. Garlic and paste. Garlic and, but you're saying and paste. Like paste is it's own thing. Yeah, it is. You get a jar of paste. Bro, you got to answer the question. Why did you not come? Oh yeah, you said you were working overtime. Working overtime. Okay. And I texted you well before you guys ever called me, bro. I didn't get no text, bro. I'm just trying to figure out why I wasn't invited. Like, he's mad because he invited him. He didn't come. I'm mad because he just didn't invite me, period. When was this? A couple, like a couple days ago? Monday. Oh, Monday. Okay. All right. Yeah, I see. I see what's up. How we doing, gentlemen? Pretty good. You good? Excited? I'm excited about tonight's episode. I'm excited to have Brother Step here. Brother Step, you got saved in October of 2019, right? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. You actually, you go way back with Brother Ulysses Hernandez. We used to train together. Yeah, you guys used to train together. And Brother Step is a power lifter. He can lift a house and a car. And he's working on the state of California soon, so I'm just kidding. Lift up the lockdown. Lift up the quarantine. Yeah, lift up the quarantine. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Legend has it. He lifted the lockdown. He already did it in multiple states. Yeah. He's easy. That's a spiritual answer right there. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, you guys go way back with lifting, right? Yes, sir. You kind of helped him and trained him how to lift. Yeah. Yeah. Helped him a lot. We had the fall program in October, and we're encouraging people to invite their friends and families to church. He invited you. Yes, sir. You came on the first Sunday. You got saved. Yes, sir. Yes, I did. And I was ready to be saved. It was just right then and there. I was very open to everything, and everything just made perfect, clear sense to me. I couldn't see why other people didn't think this way. That was the hardest part for me. Brother Ulysses, were you the one who got him saved? No, Brother Glenn did. Oh, Brother Glenn. Yeah, yeah. Brother Glenn came up to me, and he asked me, can you ever lose your salvation? And at that time, I thought you could. And I was very wrong about that, and I was really glad that he corrected me. I thought, if you bless him against God, or you maybe commit suicide, I thought you might lose your salvation. And Brother Glenn corrected me, and I had no idea. Amen. I forgot. Did you get baptized that day? Yes, I did. I got baptized. So the day you got saved is the day you got baptized. Yes. You guys remember that? You guys remember the fall program? It was tons of baptisms. Every week, we're having tons of baptisms. Tons of salvations, but also tons of baptisms. That's why there was a drought in California. It would almost be weird if we had a Sunday without a baptism. You know what I mean? At least two, if not three, baptisms a week sometimes. We had a bunch of visitors. A lot. And a lot of them got saved. I think, well, Ms. DJ's the one who won the fall program. She did. Right? Yeah. I think you were like steady second, Maury. Right? Well, besides the salvations, all the seeds planted. You got faithful. You began growing and learning. I thought it was pretty neat that you and Ulysses knew each other. And then you taught him how to weight lift and all that. And then he thought about you when it came to salvation and bringing you to church. Because I remember him telling me about that. Actually, I was the first person you met. You came early. Yeah. Yeah. So I actually flew back in from Armenia on a Friday night at 10 p.m. And then Saturday I had to recover, you know, because your time zones all messed up. And then Sunday, you know, I told Ulysses I was going to be there. But Ulysses told me I was going to be there. And I went. I wasn't sure. I didn't want to be late or nothing. I didn't want to be offending nobody, you know, coming in late, interrupting. So I came early. And, yeah, I met someone, but they didn't speak English. And then they pointed to you. Oh. You know, it's funny. I think that was. So my mom brought visitors that day and they're from like Peru, but they didn't speak English. And I think you got them saved. Right. Actually, they're the ones who got baptized along with you that Sunday because they got saved and then they got baptized as well. That's pretty cool. Yeah, man. So you said you got a blue belt Brazilian jujitsu. I have a blue belt and my brother actually has a brown belt and he runs a school in Armenia after giving props. Nice. International. What's your brother's name? Andre. Andre. All right. I am. Right. And Brazilian jujitsu. Yep. And you did some judo as well. I did judo. The place where I mainly trained, we actually did everything. It was just grappling with stand up. It was really like no rules. Yeah. You know, anything goes. A lot of stuff that I learned over there. And I took to another gym. They said, well, you can't do that here, you know. So yeah, I trained them. There's a lot of locks and holes that are deemed dangerous, like ankle locks, heel hooks, you know. Yeah. Because you could, you know, in a split second it could hurt someone. Like leg locks, ankle locks, I always think of Sambo, right? Yeah. Like Sambo is more, they more focus on leg locks, ankle locks, knee bars and stuff like that, right? And the thing with like working with somebody's ankles or having them, you know, in an ankle lock or a toe hold or something like that is it doesn't really necessarily hurt at first. And people, if you're like a white belt or like if you're not trained enough, there's always like a pride thing that comes, you know, and you don't want to tap, but you don't tap to that toe hold or you don't, you know, somebody has your ankle, the next day you're not going to be able to walk. Right. Yeah. So it's not a choke where you could feel the choke coming on the ankle lock when someone holds it on you. It's you feel nothing and then your ankle just snaps. Well, the thing is like your feet have, I mean, they have a lot of bones, a lot of bones. So it doesn't feel like a choke. It doesn't feel like an arm bar per se. You know what I mean? So Brother Maury, you did, what did you do? You did wrestling, right? Yeah. I wrestled collegiate. Into the mic, brother. Into the mic. I wrestled collegiately in high school. I went to East Los Angeles Community College and then I got a scholarship to go to Midland University in Fremont, Nebraska. Cool. And then Brother David, you're going to come up. You did boxing. Yeah. I did keep boxing MMA, roll around a little bit. Look, look, I'm of the firm belief that if you're a guy, if you're a guy, it is necessary for a man to be punched in the face at least once in their lifetime and also to punch somebody else in the face. Number one, you want to gauge that distance. No, no, no, no. Come on. Okay. I look, look, here's my stance on it because we got to, we got to do this through the Bible. You know what I mean? It is important. I think it is important to get punched in the face at least once in your life. You've got to self examine yourself. I'm not saying you're not right with God if you're not, if you don't though, because people go through their entire lives and never get in a fight once and that's a good thing. You know what I mean? That's a really good thing. Look, and the thing is, is like, we should always avoid the fight, right? Now I've been in fights before. I trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I did Muay Thai kickboxing and, and I did it before I got saved. And so, and I did it at an age where, you know, I was kind of like in my prime and then you get good at it and then you kind of get big headed, you know what I mean? So you just kind of want to fight everyone. Well, would you say like the reason why you started doing Muay Thai and kickboxing like that? Well, I kind of grew up around it because my brother was a Muay Thai kickboxer and he's the one who really got me into UFC, for example. And then we would watch the first fights. We learned about Royce Gracie and all those guys. And then, you know, but he was always into Muay Thai. So I used to go with him to the gym, watch him train. He would train me. And then I just kind of like always wanted to be a Muay Thai kickboxer. I just thought it was always cool. And then it's too, you know, I kind of like grew up in a rough area. So it's just important to learn how to fight because you just don't want to get punked. You know what I mean? And you never want to get caught in a fight where someone's just whooping on you and you just don't know how to fight, you know? Because the majority of the guys sometimes in the street, they don't know how to fight. They throw haymakers, they do helicopter punches kind of thing. They're headhunters. Yeah. So I wanted to make sure that I just, I knew how to defend myself, you know, but it was detrimental at times though, because when I got good at it, I got kind of like big headed. You know what I mean? Like you got, you get prideful and you feel like you could just beat anybody up. We just always got to remember this. There's always someone who's better than you. You can't always beat a hammer. Sometimes you gotta beat a nail. Yeah, exactly. But it taught me a lot. It taught me, you know, Muay Thai specifically, because I didn't Muay Thai longer than I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It taught me pain tolerance, because, man, Muay Thai is rough on the body. It's rough on the body. And it taught me to tolerate pain, taught me discipline, and just kind of man up. You know what I mean? So I really like, I like Muay Thai more than I like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is really fun. And I did, I did gis. I think, did you do a new one? I like gi, yeah. You did a gi? I like gi, because I see it as a sport. Yeah. For me, it was more fun with the gi, because there's more chokes, more interesting things that you can do. Oh, okay. Yeah. I like the gis. Yeah. I like the gis. I didn't like gi, because I would get choked up by someone's clothing, or my own clothing. That's pretty, you know. I like it better as a sport. No gi, definitely necessary. If you want to, okay, transition into street fighting, or if you want to transition into MMA, yeah, you got to train no gi. But as a sport, I really love gi. Yeah. I liked it. I liked it. Because I kind of saw, so I used to train in Muay Thai kickboxing first, and then my coach said, hey, you need to get your ground game. And my trainer, he worked with gis, and he got his black belt from Jean-Jacques Machado, who was cousins of the Gracies. And he just told me, he told me to approach it from a sports stance, kind of like what you said, Brother Haig, where it's just like, you know, this is not necessary for street fighting, though you can use it for that. It's more so for sports. Well, I'll tell you why I transitioned into grappling from Muay Thai, because I realized I'm not going to do Muay Thai professionally. And I did Muay Thai maybe for about a year and a half. But then I realized, man, like, what's the point of getting kicked in the head and getting punched in the head? I'm not going to get paid for it eventually. So it's like, okay, now I know how to punch. Now I know how to kick. So it's time to transition into something that's, because again, there's no point in getting hit in the head for no reason, you know? And I, you know, and again, it's just like, you just got to approach it and not be violent. You know what I mean? It's important because you could really hurt people. So I trained in Long Beach and my trainer, they called him Golden Lakes, right? His brother was just this crazy Muay Thai kickboxer, but he was a drunkard though. And he used to go to the bars and stuff. He was older and he was like super famous because he was known for knocking out 10 guys in one night. They tried to jack him and he just like slept them all. Now when I heard that, I was like, dude, this guy's cool. That's cool, dude. Because they tried, they tried to steal his wallet. You know what I mean? He's like a short Cambodian guy. By the way, there's this debate, you know what I mean? Where did Muay Thai really, you know, kickboxing really come from? The Cambodians say they came up with it. The Thailand people said, no, they originated from them. Who cares, right? But he told me, so basically he was at a bar and he's this little guy and dude, he slept all of them. And I remember my trainer telling me like, he was saying like, don't use this in the street. This is very dangerous. You can kill someone. For example, you do an ankle sweep, right? You do a roundhouse ankle sweep on concrete, someone hits their head, they're done. Because people don't know how to fall, which by the way, that's the first thing you learn like in grappling and judo is like how to fall because people, they fall like a toddler would fall and bam, like there goes your head. Your priority in a street fight, you got to keep away, keep distance because you don't know the other person, what they have on them, who's around, you know, they got a knife, they got a weapon. You got to keep your distance. You can only fight as a very last resort. You got to think of it as, it has to be a responsibility to fight. You can't go look for it. You have to respond, you know, you can't create the situation, responsibility, your ability to respond, you have to respond to a situation. If someone is next to you and they can't respond, you have to have that ability to respond for them. Yeah. Yep. And the goal would be to just avoid it as much as possible. But let's say, you know, you're in a situation and someone's trying to attack your wife. You know what I mean? And you know, he might be like two times bigger than you, but dude, that's your wife, like get that CCW. You need to have the ability to respond to that situation, you know, what are you going to do? You're going to make excuses like, okay, you should have been ready for this moment a year ago, a year and a half ago, you know? Right. You know, and obviously, like you said, you just, you know, conceal carries or something. Yeah. But you know, the vast majority of people are not carrying though, you know. Yeah. If you have to get violent, it shouldn't be a choice at that point. Exactly. I have to get violent. And it's not violence. Yeah. You're defending, because violence is violating someone else. It's basically, you are taking away their rights. They don't want to fight you. They don't want to get physical with you. And you just strip that from them and you just attack them. You know what I mean? Whereas being, you know, defending yourself is a different story. Yeah. You have to use force. Yeah. You know, like at work sometimes, there's been like a couple of times where I've actually had to use my wrestling skills, you know, do a double leg. Yeah. Or put someone in a full nelson by like, it was because... Did you do the crucifix? And I was like... What's that guy's name? Kerry. Kerry Goodrich. Kerry Goodrich. Yeah. That was like UFC 7 or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, what you mentioned, like you're in a situation with your wife, you're walking down the street. That's why like, it all comes down to your lifestyle. Like number one, what time do you decide to go home? You're having a date. Where is this date? Where are you guys going? Is it a neighborhood? Is it a good neighborhood? Is it a bad neighborhood? Is there going to be a lot of goons out? And then look, work at talking your way out of it. You know, a soft answer turneth away wrath, the Bible says. You know what I mean? So suddenly they start talking trash to you, just like, I'm sorry, man, I apologize for that. Just please leave us alone. We're just trying to have a good time or whatever, we're out eating or whatever, you know. And that's obviously it's not going to happen all the time, but I'm saying try to pacify the situation. You know what I mean? It does come down to like an art of war also, because here's the thing. I would say like eight, nine out of 10 guys that I've met that really can fight don't want to fight because they know what they could do to like an average Joe. So if you actually do come across someone like that guy, you know, by my house the other night where there's three of us standing and he's like mad dogging us, he's actually like beating up his girlfriend or something like that. I didn't necessarily see him hit the lady, but he was mad dogging us like he's about to do something. He's like, have you assessed the situation? There's three of us, even if you don't know how to fight, but imagine if we do know how to fight. You just have to be smart about things. But number one, here's the thing, it comes down to the mathematics of it. Look, nine out of 10 guys on the street probably can't fight. If you know 10% of jiu jitsu or like, if you know how to throw a punch, you're probably going to defend yourself against nine out of 10 people on the street. So if there's somebody coming up to you, you know, trying to fight you, that just goes to show, hey man, like this guy probably doesn't really even know how to fight. Because if he knew how to fight, he's not going to try to fight an average guy he meets off the street, you know, he just hasn't thought it through. So fighting is scary. Fighting can be scary. As a Christ-like individual, we have to have good judgment towards those that are trying to start something with us or our family, but then at the same time, it's not always a fight. One of my coaches taught me this strategy that in case anything ever happened on the street that as a person that knows how to defend himself or knows how to dish it out, the first altercation you try to lay him out, you're trying to neutralize the situation. The second time, you're trying to neutralize the situation. And the third time, you're trying to neutralize the situation. And after the third time, if you don't knock the person out or if the person's not defenseless, then you're in a fight. That's the way I look at things. That's the way I used to handle my situations out in the street is I try to get out of something very quick as soon as I can. Yeah. I mean, like I said, talk your way out of it if you have to, because look, fighting is scary, folks, because you just don't know what's going to happen. You know, if you're in the street and you get into a fight, you don't know who that person is. You don't know what they're capable of. You don't know if their wife just left them. You don't know if they're psychotic. You don't know if they got a blade on them, PCP or something. And you know what? You don't know if they're merciless. Right. Or even if they have a gun or something. Right. That would be like the most scary part. Okay. Because we think, oh, once if they knock me out, it's done. Some people don't stop at that. They knock you out and they keep going. Yeah. Some of the videos I see on the street, man, that's like attempted murder when a guy is knocked down and you're kicking him in the head. And definitely, like Brother Stephon said, you want to keep your space for somebody. The first thing I suggest is for somebody- I got to help you out, man. Hold on. Let me- You're going to be tall. All of us. All of us. Stinking Amalekites. You want to go up there? Yeah. Ulysus is like- So, as- Ulysus is all, yeah, what I think is- On the camera, it's just the forehead. As a father, I would suggest or what I like doing or what I want to do with my son is put my son in a well-disciplined competitive sport like wrestling judo or jiu-jitsu. But as we get older, we want to keep our space. Nothing's- You got to learn how to protect yourself standing up because you want to stay off the ground. You don't know what they have on them. And eventually, when you fight on the ground, that's a fight. If you keep yourself, you keep your distance and you know what you're doing, you know how to defend yourself and you know how to dish it out. I think it's important to have both the physical and then you also just got to have wisdom from the word of God. You have to be smarter for sure. Absolutely. Absolutely. When I would carry, in Arizona, I carry every day. But when you carry a weapon, you want to go out with the intention of less aggressive than you are even when you're not carrying. So when I put on my weapon, that's like a day I'm going out with less aggression and to watch myself be like, hey, I can't get into anything because- It's a life or death situation. Because you shoot someone, even if it is in defense, you're going to jail that day. Just realize that you're going to jail. Right. You know what I mean? That day that you have to use your weapon, you are going to go to jail that day. Is it worth it or not? And there is a way to come in this spiritually, like King David came in with, he came at Goliath with the name of the Lord. He came at Goliath with the power of the Lord. Yeah, but that's not what I mean though. What I mean is this, is I'm not talking about fighting in the name of the Lord. What I'm saying is using wisdom to pacify wrath. Because here's the thing is like, you know, again, going back to what I originally said is that the narrative, the mainstream Christianity is dishing out is that all Christian men are just pacifists, weakling, sissified men. You know, they got the faggoty looking Jesus, right? Who's not Jesus, by the way. And they expect every man to be like that. And you know, you just, someone is getting beat up. Don't get involved. Turn the other cheek. You know what I mean? It's just like they, they want to say it. It's like, well, just turn the other cheek. You know? Dude, my Jesus flipped over a 300 pound table was like, no, God is a God of war. God is a God of war. And he delivers people. Let me read to you from Proverbs 24 verse 11, it says, if thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain, if thou sayest, behold, we knew it not, doth not he that ponder at the heart consider it? So he's like, look, you know, if you see someone who is innocent, being violated, and you don't do anything about it, you know what I mean? God's considering that, you know, and look, being a coward is not Christ-like. Because cowardice comes from fear. And God didn't give us a spirit of fear, but a power, love, and a sound mind. You know? So, you know, it's important that mainstream Christianity understands that God does not want, look, it's a sin to be feminine. Yup. What do we mean by being a feminist? Someone define being a feminine for me. Have like feminine attributes, maybe the wrist is too soft or something, you know? Yeah. The wrists are too soft. They can't bench press too hard. Look, the point is, when you come to church and you shake a guy's hand, you know, you're going to be judged by that handshake first and foremost. I've been to Baptist churches where I've shooken pastoral staff's hand and it's like squeezing a fish. A dead fish. Yeah, but I'm not just talking about that. I'm talking about being feminine is not just a physical attribute. We're mind, body, and spirit. Yeah. But even character as well. Character? Yeah, because really being feminine is like, basically, you're not being bold. You're not spirit-filled. You're soft. And God is not a soft God. His prophets are not supposed to be soft. And look, you think of someone who's physically effeminate, they're basically physically weak. Yeah. Well, how does that carry over into their emotional life, their emotionally weak? And then that means you're spiritually weak. Mentally. Yeah. It permeates all who you are, you know what I mean? Every aspect of your being. The Bible says to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. You know, if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. So the Bible tells us in First Corinthians chapter six, it lists being effeminate as a major sin. Okay. What you got there? Yeah, I'll take mine. This podcast is brought to you by Bang Energy Drinks, where the hype brought me a bang potent brain and body fuel star blast. I just have so many titles. I think also a lot of fights can be avoided if we don't allow our pride to get the better of us. Unfortunately, most of the time people just want to talk and they don't actually want to, you know, be about that action, you know, and the worst thing is when you start a fight and you get beat up. What is this? Yeah. That's never happened. Am I going to die? This podcast is about to get wild. Let's just say that this podcast is about to get wilder and when we go through neural link, it's going to be like, just forget everything I said right now. Let's fight. More is like, man, I'm trying to put some wisdom right now. It's strong. I was trying to spit some bars, but you guys, sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Come on up, Maury. Come on up. Yeah. Repeat that Maury. Repeat that. Sorry. This is too strong. Well, I was just saying just pride in it. That can ultimately allow us to avoid, um, confrontation. So if someone just disrespects you or disrespect our wives, you know, I'm not saying that you just have to, you know, well, just cause he said something bad at the end of the day, you're probably never going to see this guy ever again in your life. So in all reality, just because he called you a name or called your wife a name, it's not necessarily something that you have to get into a confrontation over. It'll be more of just something if he's backed up, he's backed up me and my wife from me and my children. Yeah. If he physically attacks. Yeah. Or even just, he's getting to my personal space. So he's not allowing, I'm like, Hey, look, I don't, I'm not trying to do anything. I'm not trying to, you know, this isn't, I'm not trying to do anything like that, you know, but for me, I just, I guess just being able to not allow my pride to get, get me into a situation where I could potentially get hurt. And if I get hurt, then who's going to protect my wife, who's going to protect my daughters. Right. Like you shouldn't be having to make that choice. Like if you're making the choice to get people, yes, I actually can get hurt. Yes. And, and, and I do get sunburned too. I don't know if you guys knew that I just wanted to, uh, to throw that truth nugget in there for you. You trying to challenge that was actually one of the topics for tonight, but since you already answered. Can brother Maury get sunburned? Tune in next time on the next week's podcast. He's absolutely right. You're absolutely right. And it all circles back to you have to, you have to think about every, well, you don't have to think about every little thing, but definitely have some judgment, whether you know where you go at night, what talent you're in. So let's move on from that. Let's talk about the importance of, cause this really goes into why should we be able to physically fight if we have to? Well, because of the fact that at the end of the day, we're in a spiritual battle. Okay. And often what we do on the outside is a reflection of who we are on the inside. So we should have, um, fortitude. We should be able to fight the good fight of faith. Right. And you know, I look at a lot of the teenagers today and they look really weak and effeminate. You know, they, they, they look like wimps, Justin Bieber haircuts and everything. Justin Bieber haircut, soy boys. If anyone at home has trouble sleeping or you have full of energy, just go train jiu-jitsu for an hour, man. You're going to sleep like a baby. Trust me. Especially when you get choked out. Yeah. He's like, come, come see me. Uh, by the way, folks, that, that was actually a threat from brother step right there. That was not an instruction. That was actually a threat. I will cradle you in my 22 inch biceps. I will cradle your neck. They call his, they call, they call his, his hold, the Nyquil hold. And you don't have to know how to do this to learn how to fight. This is, it's, it is also a great workout to, to, and it is, and it is those endorphins and me as, as I go about, when I coach people, my, my slogan is, is, is make you look good and make you feel better. So it does make you feel better as you, as you learn how to do things and, and, and, um, and it does get you in shape and stuff like that. And they know, and if you go to a good gym or a good gym to compete or, or when you work out, it's no, no one's there. When you go to a gym, no one's going to destroy you. So make sure you go to a good gym when no one's there, you're going to try to destroy you in it. And uh, and uh, you're going to run into people like that in every gym. Yeah. Try to show off. There's not, I mean, there's not, there's not always gyms like that. Isn't that their one guy, the freshman in high school and they would come into the rest of the gym. There's always that one guy at that gym who just needs to prove something. He sees that you're like new and he's usually pretty good. Hey, but you know what, I, one of you guys brought this up. Also you want to be careful where you pick a fight with because there's some guys who don't look like fighters, you got a brother step, you got a brother step, right? But then you have people who don't look like they know how to fight and these guys can get down pretty, pretty crazy. So when the, when I first started training in Mu-Tech kickboxing, you guys want your own podcast or what? When, when, when I first started training Mu-Tech kickboxing, I was sparring with this guy. His name was Gordy. That's pretty nerdy name. Yeah. Hey, but that guy, he cracked my ribs, dude. He cracked my ribs. We're, we're doing a, no, we're doing tight clenches and we're, we're, we're sparring with knees. You know? Was he a chiropractor or anything like that? And he, man, but here's the thing, like he laid it into me and he cracked my ribs. I mean, I was out for like a month because of that. Like I couldn't, I couldn't even, if I did jujitsu, I couldn't be, I couldn't be on my, I couldn't be in my guard because any pressure on my chest felt like my chest was going to pop. Dang. But I remember like after training, he would put on his like regular street clothes. I'm like, man, I would never think that this guy was gonna find me. Cause you just never know. Steve Urkel looking guy. Yeah. Like me. You just never know. When I would see that at my gym or other gyms, like I wanted a piece of that guy, but I knew, I knew when I, there was somebody in my, in my, I knew when there was somebody at a gym that I went to go visit and train at and I knew he was at him, out of, out of my level. Yeah. I would stay away from that guy. Of course. Like I wouldn't even put myself in that situation where I'm going to get hurt knowing that I have to at work or I have a fight coming up. But if I ever see somebody bully somebody that's not up to that par, like, man, that pumps you up as somebody that you want to come take that guy out. That's funny you mentioned that because at that gym, there's this guy and he was roided. Like he was, he was roiding, you know, and he'd pick on all the guys. But then there was another guy who was better than him. And this guy was like the rod of justice. Like he didn't like that. So like, so he would pick on guys and then that guy would go to the little guys and be like, that guy, was that guy hard on you? He's like, all right, I'm going to take care of him. And then he like spar with him and just whoop him. Nice. And I remember one time there was a guy who was like, um, he, he, he did judo. So he came to the gym and he was just tossing people left and right. I mean, hip tossing them, just embarrassing everyone. And my, my instructor, he saw that he saw that this guy wasn't coming to learn. He wanted to come and just basically beat everyone up. Well, my, my, my jujitsu teacher, he, I mean, he was a, he was a black belt since he was 18. So he's a phenom. Right. But he was also, I don't know. I think he was like a brown belt on judo and then he's like, Hey, you want to spar? And he just like whooped him, you know, and I really appreciated people like that. Yeah. A vengeance. A vengeance of our adversary. And I actually think that that also kind of can humble us because we would see that, Hey, there's always someone that has your number, someone that's better than you. And there's always that one person to keep you, that'll ultimately make you humble. So like in wrestling for me, you know, when I was in high school, I was the top dog in my school. Alumni would come and I would beat them and you know, they would haven't worked out in years and they come back thinking they they're about to beat me. And when I went to East Los Angeles Community College from that, like, I just got destroyed. I got destroyed at practice and and I went from the top dog to the little pup. You know, I'm the little fish in a big pond, you know. And so that kind of kept me humble because I was like, my head was kind of big in high school and then I went to university or sorry, I went to community college and then I went to university, which ultimately I that mentality kind of left me. And so I never went into matches or or things like that with with a big head thing. Oh, I'm just better than this guy. I'm going to beat this guy. This guy didn't stand a chance. Some people, yeah, I did. Comes down to motive, too. You know, some people would train like a Muay Thai gym just because they want to go around and bully people. Like, you know, they're a bully. Oh, man, I'll be a bigger bully now. Yeah. But there are people like, for example, you I'm sure you didn't go into wrestling to bully someone. You wanted to go to wrestling to compete and people end up doing that. By the way, speaking about gyms, just because of like the whole MMA culture right now going on, the whole Brazilian jiu jitsu culture, Brazilian jiu jitsu gyms are expensive, dude. They're like 150 bucks a month, which is crazy. It was like 120 when I did it. What I recommend is calling your local judo club is literally they're called judo clubs and you probably like join for like 50 bucks a month. And if it's a good judo club, they're probably doing groundwork, too, because that's where jiu jitsu came from, judo, just groundwork. So look for judo clubs in your area, because jiu jitsu from the gyms that I've been to, they really concentrate on ground fighting. But fights don't necessarily start on the ground, you know, they start standing up. So learn some judo and then let me ask Brother Step some things because he's our special guest. So I want to talk to you about how long were you involved in Brazilian jiu jitsu for? Since I was 15 years old. How old are you now? I'm 24. 24. And you say you're a blue belt, right? I'm a blue belt, yeah. Where did you train? Gracie Baja. Okay. And where's that? There's multiple locations right now. The main location that I'm going to is Tarzana and there's Hamalu Bajal, he's a six-time world champion. Edwin Najmi, he's a seven-time world champion. World champions come all the time, there's just black belts every day. It's an open mat every day at around 8 p.m., anyone can go and challenge the head professor Hamalu or Edwin and you're going to lose. Dang. They're world champions, yeah. If I can't pronounce his name, I'm not going to challenge him. If he's putting on a challenge like that, I'm not going to challenge him. What do you get if you win? The gym. No. Oh. Gym membership. I haven't seen it happen yet, man. I haven't seen it happen yet. That's major disrespect right there, though, if you go to a gym and challenge the master. No, no. It's not like that at all, man. You could use it as an opportunity to learn. Another black belt comes, he's going to have a skill set, he's going to learn from somewhere else that you're not like ... No, but if you just walk into a gym and you challenge the instructor over there. I think that was more a thing back in the day. Back in the day, yeah. But now I would say that's an insult. With social media and stuff. Yeah, I think now you're challenging somebody on the phone, on Instagram, on social media, you know what I mean? With social media, you could get into contact with anyone and then you could set it up, you know, hey man, I want to come and train. In the past, it was like that, you know, in the past when you didn't have the social media and stuff, when you meet someone new or you go somewhere new, there'd be that apprehension. But that's because back in the day, people would just put on a black belt and be like, oh, you know, I have this school. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's dangerous, dude. And there's videos out there, people. They're teaching things they don't know. Did you compete? Yeah, I competed. Okay, cool. Did you do any stand-up game, Muay Thai kickboxing? A little bit, yeah. I used to train karate as well, yeah. Okay. What kind of karate? A shot of fun. Oh, me too, bro. I'm serious. It has to be an Armenian thing. It has to be an Armenian thing. Hollywood? No. Glendale? What was the instructor's name? Do you remember? No, bro. That was a really long time ago. I was kidding. Really long time ago. Why do Armenians have so much in common like us? There is karate out there. Are you guys related? They're like, are you Armenian? I'm Armenian. Because I'm Armenian too. So much in common. Like, guys, we've already established this. When Ulysses, before Stephon came here, like months before Ulysses was like, hey, bro, there's this guy Stephon. Do you know him? Do you know him? Do you know him? Does he like kebabs? Oh, me too. What kind of jumpsuit does he have? Okay, so let me tell you something funny about Brother Haik, right? So Brother Haik has this like Armenian radar. He senses Armenian energies. He senses Armenian energy. And sometimes, like, we have, well, we don't have a lot of Armenians in our church, but we have a couple, you know. Name some Armenians. We got, of course, Brother Step, you, Brother. You're part Armenian. I'm a little Armenian, yeah. Ms. Jessie. Yeah, Ms. Jessie. She's like a quarter Armenian. She's Armenian. But so anytime someone else, someone comes and I tell, I always tell him like, hey, that person's Armenian. He always says, I knew there were Armenian. I could just tell that there are Armenian. Like he has this like. Even if you're not Armenian, I'll tell you if you're Armenian, like. Even if they're not Armenian, you'll tell them you are Armenian, huh? Dude, I had a picture. He's seen a picture of me. He's like, oh, you look Armenian. You're gonna be Armenian. I'm like. Except for your sideburns, bro. Your sideburns are all Mexican, bro. Do I look Armenian or no? No, bro. Sit back down, bro. No, no, no. Dude. I'll tell you, bro. If you have to ask, you're not Armenian, bro. So. That's good, man. And then one of the big things you do is weight training, right? Strength training. Now you can you can deadlift, if I'm not mistaken, up to 700 pounds. Close. Close. 640. How much? What is it? 699 or what? 640. I only count in competition. Oh, 640. I don't count the reverse bands, which makes it easier off the bottom, but I don't count gym lifts. You know, you only count the competition. It's good. There aren't two or three witnesses, that's why. We believe you, bro. There has to be witnesses. There's competition witnesses. So, you know. That's on video. It's good. Fair enough. It's good. So how would you say, give me some things that, some principles that you learned. Just give me three principles. Just give me two, because we need to move on to the next subject. Give me two principles that you learned from weightlifting and fighting that you can carry over into the spiritual realm that you feel like has helped you as a Christian. Yeah. You can't be wavering. You can't have wavering thoughts when you approach a barbell or anything like that. If you think you can't do it, just step away and come back when you're just committed to that lift. You know, if you're going to a deadlift or a squat and you think you're going to fail and you have second doubt, you're doubting yourself, there's no point of even doing it. That's good. Another thing is you have to be consistent and stable, you know, like I remember watching a sermon a really long time ago about, I think it was Pastor Anderson, he talked about, you know, the characteristic of a Christian life is stability. You know what I mean? And you can't be a stable weightlifter doing once a week, taking a week off, coming back really hard, killing yourself, you know, you're killing yourself and then you're not going to be able to come back. Just like if you sat down and you read 30 chapters of a Bible in a day. I don't think you're going to come back and read another 30 chapters. It's not going to happen. It's good. Yeah. You got to be realistic with this stuff, you know, you got to be very realistic. All right. Give me give me a third one because that was really good. Give me a third principle. Oh, man. You know, I didn't have time to think about the third one. Jeez. How about gains, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know what? I just got one. You know, when you when you first start training, you have goals in your head, right? So when I first started trying to let you know, I only squatted one hundred thirty five pounds. I only bench pressed ninety five pounds. I only deadlifted one hundred eighty five pounds. And in my head, I had a bunch of goals and I was going to, you know, deadlift four or five. I'm not happy if I ever got six hundred, I'd quit lifting or whatever. But, you know, right now I'm deadlifting six hundred forty pounds. I've done things in the past that I thought were impossible. You know what I mean? I thought these things were impossible. I'd never reach these things. But look at now, with the help of God and everything, I'm here. I'm doing things that I literally thought were impossible five, six years ago. So basically what the Bible says, you know, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. Can you move a mountain, bro? You know what? So he has the faith to move mountains, but he also has the muscle to move mountains as well. Well, good stuff, man. I like that. And again, the spiritual realm of it obviously is the most important. I'd rather have someone physically weak and spiritually strong, but it's best to have both. You know what I mean? I think ultimately he kind of like what he also was saying was that, you know, he had goals. And then once he met those goals, he didn't just say, all right, well, I got my goals. So I'm done. He made a goal. He got to it. Then he was like, let me set a further goal and then a further goal and then a further goal. And that makes it stay my goal orientated. A big problem with people is they don't stop unnecessarily. Thank God. Like, you know what I mean? Like, hey man, before I couldn't, I couldn't bench press 225 pounds. Now I can't thank God for that. Thank God for the strength I've gotten. Most people don't want to do that. They want to be dissatisfied. They try to look for a reason to put themselves down. It's crazy. Weightlifting, it's amazing how often it happens. I'll see someone, they finish a training session and then immediately they're trying to look for ways to put themselves down instead of being thankful and grateful. So that's another big thing. What do you mean by that? Put themselves down? Like what would they do? Into the mic, Hike. Into the mic. Like, oh, this was such a bad session. These weights didn't move like how I wanted, you know what I mean? They just make an excuse instead of being grateful for being able to do what they did. You'll be surprised when you go on these Instagram posts like, oh, my poverty bench, oh like all this and that. Poverty bench? Yeah. It's this big thing that goes down. Poverty bench. Yeah. It's pretty, it's pretty bad, man. It's like when you do something, you should like, when you attain something, you should be happy about it. You should have some joy in your life. It shouldn't be like all like, oh yeah, but I mean, I got to like, that shouldn't be your first reaction. Well, here's the thing. A lot of times it's just false humility sometimes that people have. Yeah, exactly. False humility. It's false humility. It's that false humility where it's, it's more like, you know, you know, the Bible does say I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. You know what I mean? So it's like, we have to be thankful for what God has allowed us to attain. And humility is not putting yourself down, it's just putting others up for helping us to get to where we're at. So it's just like, you know, obviously we put in the work, we're diligent to reach this goal. But at the end of the day, it's God and others who helped me get to this point. You know what I mean? That's important. So, amen. Good stuff. So the ending thoughts on that point is don't be effeminate. Okay. So that's, being effeminate is a sin in the Bible. And you know, I know a lot of people get offended at that. But you know, if you're a man and you get offended at that, then just change. You know, be a man, man up, quit you like men. Make sure you get to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might be emotionally strong. Sometimes that happens when, you got something to say, Mark? 100%. 100%. By the way, for those of you who've been wondering what we're talking about when we say 100%, that's the guy who coined that phrase there. You know what's funny? I would never get the W to say 100%. I thought he was going to like chime in on something else. I was waiting to say 100% after what he said. I always expect for him to say that every time, I didn't expect for him to say that. You know, but it's important to make sure that, because God is, to him, it's important that a man acts, looks, talks like a man, and a woman acts, talks like a woman. You know? And when you start blending those lines, which society is doing today, we have these little sissified guys with skinny jeans, soy filled, and they're just limp-wristed and just emotionally weak and not just, I'm not talking about unsafe people, I'm talking about people who are like in churches. You know, and unfortunately Bible college is producing that. Pastors sons are like believers, you know, like becoming, yeah, believers. Into the mic, Marcos. Into the mic. Yeah. They're becoming more effeminate, like as the years go on and go on, like they're listening more to like pop music or something like that. Hey, the prophets of old, rough, right? They were a rough garment. Oh, man. Yeah. They were rude. John the Baptist wore camel's hair. Yeah. He ate locusts and wild honey. Can you find that in Armenia? He got it from a camel. Camel's hair. Isn't that how hard it is to catch a camel guy? Have you seen the spiders? They thought he had another camel to catch up with that camel. Yeah, run! That's why Elijah was so fast. Hey, Paul said, though I be rude in speech yet, not in knowledge, you know, cause a lot of times like hard preaching, for example, right? People get offended at hard preaching. Ray's still busted up at his own joke. Ray is no longer allowed to not be on any podcast. He needs to be on every single episode. Exclusive contract. Yeah. But, you know, a lot of people get offended at hard preaching, you know, because they want the Joel's thing type delivery and all that. And they don't want the course language. They don't want, you know, the hard truths and even the language of the Bible. But here's the thing. That's what pleases God though. Yeah. You know, God is, I mean, he's a, he's a God of war. You don't hear like kids saying like, I want to be a preacher like Joel Osteen, or I want to be a preacher like, you know, Pastor Polkadot, you know, like one thing that I wanted to do, why I wanted to be a preacher is because Pastor Hampton, he was like a rough preacher. You met Pastor Hampton before. Well they kind of get you going. Like you see a guy up there and he's just ripping face. Exactly. It kind of, I mean, how many times have you been in a service where the preacher starts ripping and you just like, your heart starts beating fast and you're just like, like something's about to happen. You know, it's just like weightlifting. You know, you got to get damaged before you can grow. You know what I mean? When you, when you, when you're sitting down and the pastor is just ripping your face off, it hurts. You know what I mean? You're like, ah, man, he's, he's right. You know? He's talking about me. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, he's right. He's like, dang, I got to make some changes. It's like in weightlifting. You're not going to grow unless you really break down those muscle fibers. Yeah. It's good. What's that verse, that verse in Psalms where it's like, he teaches my hands to war. War my fingers to fight. He taught me strength to make my way perfect. He teaches my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken in my hands. Is that the one you're looking for? Let me find the one, Psalms 144, I think that's one of them and then Psalms 18, that's one of them too. Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight. Psalm 144 verse one. So I'm into that. Yeah. Amen. You know? So anyways, moving on, let's talk about Neuralink, but Marcos, what do you got for us? I got like random. So Neuralink is like Elon Musk's side project, one of his side companies that he has. And what basically it is, is to help people with Parkinson's disease, that maybe they have damaged nerves or something in their brain, because Parkinson's disease makes you shake a lot. And I guess that connects, that Neuralink makes a connection so you don't shake or you don't have those shakes or people have blindness in one eye, it's like a dead nerve. And so that Neuralink helps basically fill in those gaps. Neuralink is the company that was founded by Elon Musk and the agenda there is basically to use artificial intelligence to create an interface within your own brain to basically shorten the bandwidth between you and the technology that you use. So basically- Well that's going to be the end result of it, I believe. Because right now he's just using it all as just medical reasons. And he's like saying, hey, later on it's going to be used for telepathic reasons. I heard when he said that, Elon Musk had basically stated that the chip, the Neuralink chip that he's going to be using, that eventually it'll get to a point where he's going to make a universal language. That you don't have to communicate with words, it's just you can communicate telepathically, but it'll be like a universal language. Kind of like Babylon, I think? Exactly. So it's like- It's in use now. Well, he said that, because they asked him, they said, so when do you think this is going to be possible? And he says, within the next five years, five to 10 years. Well, the Parkinson's part is already in use, like the technology is already there for that, but he's like, he just wants to advance it even more. Right. Yeah, but just think about that. The fact that he said that about the languages, you know what I mean? Because he's saying, and he makes it sound very appealing because he's stating that, How many times does interpretation get lost in communication, where someone talks to you, and you just, sometimes you don't hear a specific word, or you forget something, but what if you could communicate so perfectly within the mind of the recipient, that nothing gets lost in the translation? And in order to do that, you would need a universal language that everyone can understand this technological language. Did he say anything about filtering thoughts, or is anything that pops up in your head going to automatically wind up in somebody else's head? I think he just stated- Because God gave us that filter, right? Well, I think he just stated that if you want to communicate with someone, you can do it. But the way he speaks of Neuralink is like, he's not talking about it like it's just like some imagination. No, he's not playing around. He's not messing around. Like he said, this is a reality. It's going to happen. He's not joking around. But you also got to remember, too, that with these Neuralinks, they're also siphoning off your data. So, when it comes to Neuralink, there's going to be things that you're saying, or maybe that you didn't want to actually say to a person, but yet, how do you know what they're actually taking in from that information? That's why he got commissioned from the government to send up a million satellites. He's allowed to send up to a million satellites. Did he say a million? Was that a million? That's what they authorized. They said, you can send- I know he has 120 satellites. Ray! What was it? That's what he's allowed to do. That's what he's allowed to do. I know he has at least 420 of them. That's what he has. He has at least 420, right? Well, that's what he's allowed. That's what he's allowed. He's allowed to send up to a million, which will allow him to cover the entire globe. No problem. And that's going to guarantee that they're going to be able to siphon the information off of every person. Is that what happens on the internet now? What we're saying is that this is a precursor to the Mark of the Beast. You know, a hundred years ago, Mark of the Beast in the mind of people was basically like a tattoo of 666 on your forehead or something. But isn't it like, it's funny because like, don't you think like, I just thought of this right now, but Satan's always trying to copycat God, right? And in Acts chapter two, what do you see like, hey, everybody heard because the Holy Spirit let them speak in different languages, right? Yeah. And again, Satan is just trying to copycat, I guess, I think again, he's not original. So he basically has to duplicate what God does. It's just an inferior version of it, obviously, because like, how are people going to like understand it? Like everybody's language, right? Probably through the neural link or the Mark of the Beast and you can upload strong delusions up into that thing. And like, Hey, you got a new update. Yeah. When you mentioned that about the strong delusions, I was thinking about that. What if, you know, the people who receive this, because, you know, Revelation 13 tells us that, you know, those who receive the Mark are going to worship the beast and they're going to, they're going to be in awe and wonder of all these signs that the false prophet is doing. And who knows, maybe this is basically things that they upload and they're able to project so that they can see these things. Fire come down from heaven. Yeah. Just like we've seen that, remember I sent you the, that Abramovich. Spirit cooking. Lady. Yeah. It was like a VR glasses, but I mean, yeah, it's not going to stay that way. Yeah. You put it into like a chip. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, exactly. The VR glasses would be considered like your iPhone one basically. And what he wants to do is like put an iPhone X or whatever. Yeah. And it was crazy because like when he first came on Joe Rogan a long time ago, which is like one of the most viewed videos on the internet, what he said then was he's like, well, my peers, they're building this artificial intelligence and I tell them like, Hey, we got to code in some safeguards here. This thing could like, you know, wants to become sentient. Get out of hand. We need, he's going to get out of hand. Yeah. Who knows how it's going to view us or what it's going to do to us. And they're like, no, like his peer and who he's talking about, there's like Google and Apple really. Those are his peers. And he's like, he's like, they don't, they don't want to do that. He's like, I try to talk to Barack Obama, the president, when he was the president and like he didn't care about it. Then you can rest assured that he's talked to Donald Trump about this. Right. All right. But his thing was like, well, they want to make it sentient and just let it run and let it be God. Basically just let this thing, when it becomes sentient, they're just going to like let it take over. Right. They, they don't, they don't care about putting safeguards. They want it to become sentient. But his thing was like, well, I need to somehow make myself relevant to this thing, like to where I can basically be plugged into the internet also. So where I like my physical body can be like plugged into Google or be plugged into the internet. So I could be as smart as this thing or else it's gonna, it's gonna, you know, escalate. It's gonna go over me. Basically I'm trying to just keep up with this thing cause I'm afraid. So he was doing it like at like, like he's like kind of said it like out of fear, like like, Hey, this, like my peers are doing this and they're not stopping and I need to somehow keep myself relevant or else it seems to overtake me, which is kind of weird. And he specifically said like that because everyone asks him and he always talks about the dangers of artificial intelligence and what it can do and if you let it run its course, how detrimental and dangerous it could be to, to the community, to just the world. So they always ask him like, so what's the solution? He goes, well, we got to put into the hands of government, take it out of the hands of private businesses and put into the hands of the government to regulate it. And he says, the only problem with that is, is that the government takes forever to do those things. And so we need some sort of mass crisis, global crisis that will force the people to beg for this technology at which point the government will institute it. And you know, so what, you know, what's the, what's the greatest global crisis there's going to, that is going to take place in the world and the history of mankind, the beginning of sorrows. Well, and that's the one thing too, is that if you look at what they're doing, it's, they're setting everything up so that when we get to that point, when the false prophet is revealed after the Antichrist dies and comes back, well, the false prophet's the one who's going to say, we need to make an image under the beast. Now, we don't know exactly what the image is going to be, but more than likely it is in tandem with the Neuralink. So the Neuralink is going to be another way to recognize who actually worships the beast. Especially if it's able to read your thoughts, it's able to read, because they're not going to tell you everything that it's able to do. They don't tell you everything your computer is able to do. You realize that everybody knows what everyone's doing. You know how long those terms of service are? The government knows what you're doing on the internet because they can read your screen based on the megapixels, based on what words you type in. They know exactly who you are at all times because you, every single computer has a basically a fingerprint and they'll say, oh, we're not doing it. They're lying. They are because it's really easy to track and JavaScript is one of the ways that they do it. JavaScript is one of the easiest ways to track somebody and most websites use JavaScript. So with the Neuralink, they're getting everything ready to where more than likely what you're saying with the language, I mean, that makes a lot of sense because then there's communication around the entire world. There's no slowdown of communication, especially to get news out there. So everyone's going to start believing. What's crazy about Elon Musk too is that he's actually tweeted, he's like tweeted out things that are like in tandem with QAnon and so like what we talked about last week, like it's kind of weird that he's treated to a real crazy thing that he tweeted out very recently. By the way, tune into episode one if you haven't watched that QAnon. He said, I'll pull it up on Twitter, but he said like, he basically said to paraphrase him, he was like, there exists in the world a difference in technologies in which the most hardcore technologists are unaware. So he's like, basically he's aware of technology that's like, that no one knows about yet. Like you know, which is kind of, kind of scary, man. But yeah, that's why what I think, uh, when it comes down to like the, the Babylon takeover, I think that like that those tech companies could possibly be taken over by the American government under Trump. Right. Cause all those companies have, they have all their business in China. They're kind of on, they're on that globalist side. Yeah. Because if you think about it, that neuro link is just, it's a, it's a duplication or it's just a, a, it's a copycat of God's omnipresence. So, so it's seeking to be omnipresent as God is. Cause God knows everything. He sees the good, you know, and the evil, you know, his eyes going to and fro. He knows the thoughts, the inner recesses of the heart. And so Satan likes that idea. So obviously he's not omnipresent. So he has to create an infrastructure that will imitate that as best as it possibly can. You know? So what do phones do? Phones record the inner recesses of our hearts. Yeah. Go on Google before you even speak. Yeah. Like you think of before even talking, it's just like, I already know that the advertisement comes up. Yell at your phone and say, shut up Google and stop listening to my dang conversation. Or just don't get a Google phone. I'm just kidding. I don't have that problem, Mark. I'm just kidding. No, I do. I do. I do. I hate it when my phone says I'm listening. You ever get that at night? Like at three o'clock in the morning? No. No. Okay. That's just me. I got a question. Ray, you might know this. So private citizen or, or, uh, or a private company, United States patents an idea or as a copyright to an idea, does the government have free reign over that idea? No, they don't. So as of now, all these tech, like Google, Apple, these tech companies, they're, they're private businesses, but if you go to the production act, the like the emergency production act, which is enacted right now, the president can basically take over that and be like, Hey, we're in time of war. We need to use your facilities to make these certain things. So that's why it ties in with what Elon Musk says, like, Hey, the government needs to basically get involved in this. Well, that kind of fits in when you get like, you know, all this beef with China and all these big tech companies are in China and you know, they're pretty much, uh, the wall, the internet's compromised, you know what I mean? By the Chinese hacking by Chinese spine. So it's like, it kind of gives him a reason to take over because that technology, the mark of the beast. I mean, it's not going to be those private entities that, that are over that it's going to be, have to be taken over by Babylon is going to be a bad one. Take over of those. Absolutely. It has to be. But there is one thing you got to remember too, is that if you look at the financial side of it, the tech industries are not against the government coming in and regulating because again, that'll push out a lot of the smaller companies and partnerships are always established when there's only a few key players. And the thing about the economy crashing, it actually works in these companies favor because the dollar is starting to collapse because of all these economic things are happening. It works for them because if they can get in league with the government doing, you know, trading, et cetera, trading, all that stuff, it really helps them to be the winners at the end of it. So they are the ones who are going to have the technology when the Antichrist actually reveals himself. Well, like, and they get, like, I would say that's what's been going on. I would say that's what's going on. But the, but the thing is that, you know, Donald Trump's not really in, in like those people are kind of like, there are, there's like, there's like, there's definitely a polarization of two sides here and like, you know, the lines being drawn and you get, and like on one side, all those tech companies are like, they're on the opposite side of him. And they, they don't like him. You know what I mean? Like they're, they're against him. So, I mean, I would say that's, that's exactly what they've been doing, but what we're, what we're seeing is we're seeing basically the rise, this nationalist rising to where they're going to come in and basically like, like, no, like, like it's, it's kind of like, uh, like God, right? These people, they've, they've built cities, but they shall not inhabit to them. They built these companies, they built this technology, but they're not going to inhabit. It's going to be taken from them and given to this new movement. Well, if you look into it, the only reason Tesla even exists is because of government subsidies. Because the government basically funds Tesla. But you also got to remember too, there's a lot of backdoor deals that they're not going to share with you about. There's things that the government does along with private companies that they're not going to be public about. They're not going to tell you, Oh, we actually hate him. No, they're actually illegal. Yeah. But I think, I think what Ray's saying is that it's going to get to a point where it's going to be a government takeover. There's a line being drawn because here's the thing. People follow men who conquer. Yeah. True. They don't like one man. Yeah. They like following men who are capable of overcoming and conquering. So when you see Trump making all these moves and being the leader, the strong leader and how he just takes things by force, you know what I mean? Hey man, what's going on here? The other camera really loses one. But you also got to remember too is that even though they're putting on a front, you also have to remember that these companies, they're able to put on a front and an image that makes it seem like, Oh yeah, well we're against it. I don't believe that. See, like, see, I used to think that, but see, I would say that's true. I would say that's true with, with the, with the previous administration, but with the new administration. Oh yeah. With the new movement that's going on. I just, I don't think that's true anymore. I don't see that happening. And the reason is, that's why I say that Mark is because, you know, when people say globalism, they use, they think of like the United nations, but that's not really what globalism is now. That's a part of it. What globalism really is is, and this is what Alex Jones has been saying for years, right? Are people who expose this stuff is that it's not necessarily countries, it's, it's, it's international corporations and it's international corporate conglomerate of, of these, of core of the corporations. Right? So it's a, it's a, it's a cabal of these corporations and they have all their money is tax free offshore. So that's why you've got the banks of London and you've got Switzerland. So they have all their tax free money. And then they put all their businesses in China for, with slave work basically. So they basically got free, free, free labor and they got all, and they're not being taxed and then they're using all the people's taxes, money, getting these incentives from governments from all over the world. And they're in these countries from all over the world and they're just robbing the entire world basically. And then now you've got a guy coming up who's basically pointing the finger at all of that and being like, that's the globalist, you know, pick me. And I'll bring them down as people being robbing your world for how long we need to stop them. It's total. So at the end of the day, we know that neuro link is going to be a precursor to the mark of the beast. Yes. And obviously what we're talking about is conjecture and speculation. I think there's a very strong, yeah, I think there's a very strong evidence for what I believe that nationalism, patriotism, Americanism is going to be the new, the credo of the new world order. I think that's undeniable. And I think in order to even establish something like that, there needs to be one man who's conquering, you know what I mean? And obviously we're talking about the Antichrist going forth conquering into conquering, but even then there's a precursor to that as well. Even now there are many Antichrists. Yeah, there are many Antichrists who are fulfilling that work. So just keep your ears to the ground and, you know, it's interesting stuff just to even. It's interesting because it's like, it's not like it's just like some random guy saying this. I mean, it's Elon Musk. Yeah. The guy's like the most advanced tech guy in the world right now. And you know, but at the end of the day, we know what we know to be true is that, you know, there are precursors taking place. The new world order will be established and we already see steps to, you know, taking place even today that are going to be the building blocks to that new world order. In fact, it's probably already established, you know, the infrastructure is already there. All right. Let me give some shout outs here. So this is, let's see what we got here. We got Fundy Pete. All right, let me play this video. This is Peter Branscombe and I'm from Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada. Canada. I attend Faith Bible Baptist Church. I'm to King James Church. However, it's got a lot of the old IFB hang ups, pre-trip rapture, dispensationalism, and obviously pretty heavy Israel leaning. I'm just kind of wondering what you guys think, what Pastor Mejia thinks, what the other fellows think about what a person should do in this kind of situation, where, how they should go about it. Should they still attend this church? Absolutely. I don't know. It's kind of a, you're in a rock between a hard place because there's not much else around, guys. It's literally the best church there is. And I can say most of the people at the church, you know, I believe they love the Lord and I... So I get the gist of the question here. So basically he's going to an old IFB church, they're pre-trip, they're Zionist, which basically means that they believe that the Jews are God's chosen people and they believe in the pre-trip rapture, secret rapture, but it's a King James only church. Stay there. I would stay there. I was at a pre-trip Zionist church for years. I mean, that's where I got most of my training in, you know, and here's sometimes when you hear new IFB preaching, it's like, it's hard to go to anything else and sometimes people feel that way. But you know, at the end of the day, you know, if that's the best church there, you know, and don't belittle the church. Don't say, well, it's the only thing that I got here, you know, it's just like, that should be your church, you know, and take pride in your church, support your pastor. These are secondary issues that you shouldn't, you know, harp on. If it's King James only, if the preaching is good, if you're learning, you know, stay there and, you know, help your family grow. Be happy where you're at. You're blessed, bro. You're blessed and you have an opportunity to bless because you're coming from a lot of new IFB preaching and you're probably pretty educated on the Bible, so be a blessing. And not on those subjects, but dude, there's a lot of other things you need to be a soul winner. Be a soul winner and bless the church, try to inspire, be a blessing because honestly you're blessed because there's a lot of people out there that don't have a church at all. Especially if the pastor's saved, I mean, then what's the problem? Those are all secondary issues. He's saved. You're soul winning. Yeah. I went to an old IFB church and that's where I got saved. There were pre-trib Zionists, but it was the best church that I ever went. Like I love my church, you know? Yeah. I met my wife there. I got married there. You know, I learned how to raise, raise my kids there. I learned everything that I, that I brought here to First Works Baptist Church. You know, the vast majority of it, I learned at my old church. So I wouldn't worry about all that other stuff. I think it's, obviously I'm replacement theology. I believe in the post-trib pre-wrath rapture, but at the end of the day, you know, it's, those are secondary issues. Yeah. You know, I know it's annoying to hear it from the pulpit sometimes, but you know, oh wow. Absolutely serve over there, you know, cause it could always be worse. People always look at, oh, how, how much better could it be of what I could do to make it better? But consider that it could always be worse. If you don't like it, just move to a new IFB church if you don't really like it that much. Either that or move. Yeah. Right. I think that like ultimately at the end of the day, the most important thing is that they have the right plan of salvation because if they have the right plan of salvation, you're in, if that's the best church that you can find, you know, if, obviously if they didn't have the right plan of salvation, then yeah, you should go to a different church. But if they're preaching the right plan of salvation, they just have, they're wrong on different doctrines, you know, and that's not really a huge deal to kind of, you know, that you would have to separate from. Like Michael said, like, you know, either that or move and not to be condescending, but in like not even towards, towards that guy, but just there is people and you see him on Facebook, like, like dude, in his cringe, it's not, it's not right, dude. It's not right to get on Facebook and complain about your church because it'd be over things like that. Right. It's not right. And I don't like it at all. It's one of the things that I, cause it's like, dude, like what are you doing? There was like a guy on there one time he was like complaining, he's like, oh, my church had a missions conference. I'm like, okay, I love missions conference. I had, I went through a bunch of missions where God touched my heart for the mission field. God touched my heart for the lost people all around the world. The problem is sometimes people get nitpicky. Yeah. Some people get too new IFB. And let me say this, those same people, when they come to a new IFB church, sometimes they're trouble as well. They're not even going to be content here. You know, you, you know who are the best church members are the ones who are good church members where they're at, even though they had doctrinal disagreements. You're going to God's church. You know, you're not good. The church does not belong to the pastor. It does not belong to any certain individual you're in Canada. God has a church over there. That's his church. Go and serve God. Yeah. You're not serving anybody else. There's a Baptist church out there. Absolutely Canada. Yeah. We're not, we're not, we're not getting on PP. Thanks for chiming in and asking the question, but it, but it is a topic you had. You had a, he had a good attitude about it. He had a good attitude. He had a good attitude, but you're right. It is cringe though. When I, because I've seen that before and it annoys the fire out of me because I'm thinking to myself, I came from an old IFP. Like, do you know, do you understand that most of the pastors that you listen to in the new IFP are from the old IFP? Yeah. Yeah. Henry Anderson is from the old IFP. Old IFP. We came from churches that did not believe like us and we serve there. We love the pastor. We supported the pastor. We went soul winning and, and look, most of these guys, you know, they complain about their church over things that they learned, right? On the internet, maybe from pastor Anderson, but here's the thing. Some of the pastors in our movement didn't learn this things, these things until later on in their ministry, you know? And so, and we make a big stink about Zionism, obviously. I think it's wicked. You know, there, there's an agenda behind it. The pre tribulation rapture is a false doctrine, but to split hairs over it, to determine whether you go to a church there or not, I don't think you should, you know, I think you just need to bite your tongue and, and look, this is the way I saw it. Okay. I was post-trip pre-wrath in my old church and this is how I saw it. Well, I guess I'm right and everyone else is wrong on this. Yeah. That's it. But did you go around? I didn't go around spreading it. I didn't go around telling the pastor he's wrong. I respected my pastor. I love my pastor, you know, and, and it just in my mind, I was like, well, he's just wrong on this situation on this one thing. People say that too. They're like, oh, and I've gone to my pastor and told him about it's like, why are you even doing that? It's like, did he come up to you and ask you and talk to you about the tribulation then? I mean, you know, don't lie to be like, oh yeah, yeah, I believe it's a little different, but it's like, if they didn't bring it up to you, why are you bringing it up to them? They don't be cringe, bro. Like don't change who you are just cause you go to church and you got saved, man. And people, people who come here and they come with that attitude, there's some of the worst church. And I'm not saying people have, but if when they come and they have that attitude, there's some of the worst church members. Cause they're going to find something about our church to nitpick at too. There's something they're not going to like, there's something they're not going to like about me. And look, I implement old IFB stuff in our church. Yeah. Specials. I'm just kidding. Hey, I like specials. I like specials. I like specials. I listen to old IFB music. I like specials. I think specials are awesome. I love specials. That's why we're recording a CD. Am I old IFB church? I thought they were great. Fire. I just prefer not to have them. And not because the people in our church prefer not to have them. You understand? I'm not taking a vote whether people want to have specials or not. You don't take a deacons vote? No. What? I don't even have deacons. You know, I, I determined not to have specials just because, you know, I come from a church where that happened and I saw the attitude that people who sung the specials, but I wanted a happy medium because you know, there's still spiritual songs. It touches the heart. So why don't we just record a CD? And every once in a while we do sing the old IFB special songs, but as a congregation. Yeah. And it's even more fun. I love them. He is mine. You know, I'd rather have Jesus. Yeah. Look folks, every church needs to have a little bit of old IFB flavor in it. Okay. Yeah. It's good stuff. Part your hair. Part your hair. So, that's another, that's another subject for another day. Don't even get me started on that. You know, and look, I find that the people who I get along with the best in the new IFB sometimes are those who maybe have come from an old IFB church who were a blessing at that church. Justin Zong. Justin Zong is a perfect example of that. Shout out to brother Justin Zong, my Chinese brother, you know, who he goes to an old IFB church and you know what? Him and his pastor are like best friends. He loves his pastor. His pastor loves him. He's a blessing there. I mean, he's an asset to the church, you know, I think he's going to get married to a girl at his church. Two weeks. Yeah. He's got his bachelor's degree. Ain't going to be a bachelor. And he's doing Wing Chun. Wing Chun. I don't know about Wing Chun, but you know. Yeah, he does Wing Chun. Oh, that's right. That's right. He does Wing Chun. Yeah. What was that? It comes down to what are your motives or why are you going to that church? Yeah. So, if you're going to serve, go serve God. You know, don't. And look, if you don't like, oh, he doesn't preach that hard, but you know, if he's preaching out of the King James Bible, you can always get something out of it. You know, I heard preaching in the old IFB church and it wasn't, you know, leather long screaming and it wasn't like that. But you know what? I always learn something. I always learn something. Because here's the thing, the spirit, the inward, you know, we delight in the law of God after the inward, man. And if biblical principles are being taught, the King James Bible is being, and look, I know there's people out there, you shouldn't preach on the podcast. I do whatever I want on this podcast, bro. Okay? I want to preach, I preach, right? Pastor Mejia, bro. You know, if the King James Bible is being used, read from, expounded upon, I can always learn. Always. It's always profitable. So you know, it needs to be, you need to have a zeal according to knowledge and play your cards wisely, you know? And look, unfortunately, you know, there's a lot of guys in these churches who could probably have a lot of influence over their pastor if they, if they play their cards right. If there were a blessing, if there were an asset, but instead sometimes what happens is they, they kind of burn their bridges with their pastor and then, you know, their pastor kind of marks them as being a troublemaker and they no longer have that influence. So anyways, that's pretty much it. Just had to get that off my chest. Any last thoughts, gentlemen? More, more comments, more commentary? We got just a couple more, but I think we're out of time. So, you know, I'm just going to give a shout out to brother Ashton Ayotte, James Forrest. We'll probably get to your questions next week. We didn't have time for that and that's pretty much it. So signing off on the Rod of Iron podcast, make sure you tune in next week. Episode number three, right? Coming up next week. Breakdancing. I'm just kidding. Breakdancing. Yeah, breakdancing. All right, guys, have a good one.