(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Do you talk faster I can talk can you keep talking why are you trying to turn me down boy? You're really loud in my headphones. All right. Well, I just talked like a man Saying I don't use you need to listen like one. I'm just kidding We get on Adam a lot here what you're touching All churches he goes. Hey, but you know what? I will say this. Okay, Adam You've been here for like a year Coming up on it coming up on a year that guy's been able to hack it pretty well Yes, I'm trying to hack. Can you hear me in your headphones? What do you hear me in your headphones? Yeah, I can hear you. Do you hear me more now? No, no what you're doing. I'm just learning. I'm just learning just leave me alone. Just touching random. Just leave me alone Adam you need to chill. I'm sure we got your former pastor over here Actually, let's just talk about let's talk about stories about Adam from foundation expose him expose him Just kidding. What was the stupidest thing you did over there? I Want to compare it to what he's doing I like having this guy around Speaking to the mic speaking to the mic. He had one made Tyler Doka The earth actually looked like Flat earth look at that stupid nonsense Anybody know where this thing originated this flatter? Yeah, I think it's like some dude in like the 1960s who started like popularizing who he was like originally an atheist and He I think that yeah, this was the one he made exactly. I've seen the way before the 1960s No, I'm talking about the guy who popularized it that when it became popular again and What's a globe doing in the flat earth like that's weird. I'm a skeptic and I love the flatter No, that's what he had yeah exactly like that and does this know when he shakes it On that flat earth diagram model like there's no structure Yeah to the to the planet there and in an honest fear It's like the most structurally sound one of the most structurally sound shapes that you can have Yeah, because it's all equal all around and then there's bars. There's support bars through it apparently bars No, but yeah basically in the in the 1950s if he'd some dude popularized it and he was actually really into Like like that stuff Aleister Crowley was into What is that stuff called again like Satan LSD Yeah, he was all Satan yeah Satan is a basically yeah to keep it simple but wow That's crazy Yeah, are you talking about this so this is the guy who came up with that concept Was into that stuff. Yeah. Well, he didn't come up with the concept. He popularized it All right, we're gonna get started welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I am your host pastor Bruce Mihia first works Baptist Church in Armani, California Joined by the fundamentals in our church We have brother Ray Flores Adam Kinzari hiked off Macy and Marco Sanchez, and we got a special guest with us today pastor Aaron Thompson of sure foundation Baptist Church Aka the wolf killer aka shook white Aka shook white looking forward to tonight's episode. I'm glad to have you pastor Thompson Yeah, you having a good time hiking mountains Put up to work today going to shrines Because we were filming we're filming for this for this little film that we're putting out and I took them to Korean friendship Bell in San Pedro. It's like this massive Bell pull it up Marcos pull it up the Korean Friendship belts awesome. How many you guys ever seen VR troopers? You're the only one No, it was like a cheap knockoff of Power Rangers There's three of them Anyways, when they would come out they would come out of this Bell right here So we're because we're looking for landmarks. Hey, you're gonna help us out Oh see there he is see the yeah, there you go. Oh so anyways, we're at that place right there and We're supposed to shoot there, but it was too rain it was raining too much and it was like going it was too windy But when we looked at the Bell it had the Statue of Liberty Holding hands with some like Buddhist idol or something, right? That was like a woman that had like the yin-yang symbol in her hand. Yeah, that's weird the Statue of Liberty the tranny had like Torch or whatever. Yeah, they're like holding hands or something. Yeah I feel like mr. Thompson's mic is low. Is it low? No, it's just you're just hearing him low. Yeah You need to talk like Barry White I hear pretty good All right Yeah, it was pretty weird but we didn't even get to film there so it didn't work out because it was too windy and It just was a complete bust, but we're going somewhere in a couple days. So he's gonna be here tomorrow Actually when everyone hears this there they would have already heard the sermon right here he's preaching tomorrow, so it's gonna be great Looking forward to that looking forward to a great episode We're gonna get into the prison industrial complex and then whatever other subject we get into we're gonna get into a little bit of gas Was it what do we say gassy wives? gas light preaching gas light preaching gas lighting and preaching So Hey, are we ready? Let's go. All right, let's go ahead and get started Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Oh So what's going on? How's the church going over there? It's going great. Yeah, it's going great Well, we just had like 98 Church on last Sunday nice oh nice it's growing well good deal we lost some people Same here same here. Are you still getting protests? Weeks You burned on them, I mean have them deliver it I mean you you can't but oh unless hike wants to go pick it up We put it down we don't pick it up I'll pay someone to go pick it up True saying Is that a true saying worthy of all? Acceptation? Man, I get the day off tomorrow, man. I'm glad I get the I get a Sunday off. What are you? Gonna do church Oh This guy will always take it to the know where you're not trying to take It's like it's like yeah, we're gonna get close to the line right we're gonna take it to the line It's like let's just go over We're like this is the line right like we're gonna go right here at Marcus That's Marcos right that's him we go to the line he's just like Now I gotta edit all that out and stuff that's like that's like your catchphrase like I Got my sermon, but I'm out of time, dude I do that a lot cuz sometimes I just go off on the tangent or chase a rabbit and skin it kill it Make stew out of it and then I eat it make everyone know What's going on is he here ready or what the pizza delivery guy Quick are the cameras good. It's not deliveries DiGiorno Okay, but should we get them all pepperoni or what pepperoni pepperoni mushrooms? What do you want past Thompson? Get spaghetti meat lovers or whatever Just get whatever just no olives or anchovies, all right Yeah, and then and no just plain cheese pizza either or baby hike baby corn Actually, they put corn on pizza. How many guys like just plain cheese pizza? What extra tomatoes get like three? I don't think I think three will be good. Right? Okay. I don't want you. Can you get him out? Can you put it down a little bit? We're going to canes tomorrow night In honor. I've never been there. They don't have in Washington, right? We're going in honor of pastor Thompson Excuse me Get out It's just They got chicken yeah, when people When they virtue signal, it's just like a it just irritates the fine army, you know Yeah, like you can't drink Starbucks. You can't do this. You can't do that Yeah, when people just try to get virtue signal, it's like you can't shop at a grocery store. They have alcohol in there What's your email if you look at if you look at the alcohol you this car grocery store Just wrote just call address for the car. You can't just call them. I think it's for the order Why don't you just call them? Yeah, but look at all this stuff you got to go through to do that Just call them now, we're just looking at what I say you can't call Marcus like yeah Just just just call them just call them just call them just call Is this really? This is when I had the massive beard I think it was like down here Because you know when you're in the well, yeah when you're in the old IFP they don't they don't let you have Beards you have to shave Yeah That's Bill McGregor idiot I saw one time when he said that But it's not like he sounds like a sodomite that clips like the weakest what his other clips Oh about is like in time stuff are so funny Help help being in the center helping in the center of Saturn is like He thinks that they're building the New Jerusalem on Saturday. Yeah, well they are McGregor that's what they want you to think Preaches from like his bathroom It's a garage Yeah shower curtain Echoing who's running with it? Well, you know who was it was Pastor Perry and Pastor Joe major So what do you mean? What do you mean? They're running with him? They were they were like yoked up with them. Like pastor Perry was like good buddy buddies with them They do interviews all the time. You don't remember that. Yeah, that was back when he was Yeah, he was Weird. He was like he was like dumb, but he wasn't he wasn't he hadn't exposed himself. Yeah Yeah, manly Perry's gone up the deep end. Let's just be honest Gone off deep deep. Nobody roasts in hell. I never said nobody we say Sermons down they burn on the way you think they burn They're whack Bill McGregor looks just like Luke Scott, he does he does those memes of the Luke Skywalker memes were classic Right there I had it's funny me. Oh Dude that's Luke Skywalker. No, all right Pull up Luke Skywalker. Yeah the tuning fork You know, he was gonna name his church tuning fork Baptist Church No, yeah, but he then settled on Trinity Stop saying tuning fork not gonna happen All those videos that he made were you like he has a background like a green suit But just his face is like right there. I'll move it around it. They're so funny. What happened? Hey pastor Do you know what happened to the other but it was so funny. Do you know what happened to him? No, his like it said it said on his website that it was shut down Yeah, the church was shut down for medical purpose for medical reasons, it just hasn't come back had some health problems Yeah, he's done. It's good Amen, let's see. Look up the octa the octagon on If you play something on on Saturn, yeah Listen hike if you if you play it, you got to turn it down on YouTube. It's gonna be really loud No, don't play anything. Just look up the image of the like on Google Images. Oh, just Google it hexagon on No, just hexagon On Google Images cube. There's no cube there. No man has been there Can't plan it in the barrel got it. That's where they got the cava No, well he said kind of cute on so he said well first of all a cube does look like you know So he says that is where they're building The New Jerusalem who's they go McGregor says God's building the New Jerusalem right there and all the angels are all working on it Right now they got hammers What in the world drills said that's the New Jerusalem right there. Come down. What's his script? He's in the super It's like yeah, it's Saturn Right, isn't it like a bunch of like weird occult stuff Surrounding Saturn and like yeah, that's beautiful. That looks beautiful, huh? Yep, it's like God's creation. That's what Catholics believe to the hell. It's God's creation. It's just not the New Jerusalem. There it is There's the cava I Stupid what does that have to do with Santa cuz you just talked about the game cube and all that being on Saturn Pizza on its way or what? Yeah, okay Looks like the Mercedes-Benz. So, um, you preach the sermon recently on the beasts of the earth. That was an awesome sermon yeah, that inspired the The podcast talk on the man-eaters of Savo because I ended up getting the book in her and I listened through it It was awesome. That's a cool story. And now I get a bunch of recommended books about like Animals eating like people and stuff Well, there was a guy named Jim Corbett and he was a like a Bengal tiger hunter and leopard hunter in India Also, he was like a legend or whatever. So I think he went and tried to help that guy or something. Oh But anyway, Jim Corbett, he killed this Jaguar that killed several hundred people. Yeah That was a cool sermon That's one of those like classic sermons of just like they're just unique You know what I mean, but it's just like it's relevant because the Bible talks about it. It's really cool Yeah, there's a lot of examples Well, I guess we could talk about it now because you're by the time people listen to this They would already known about the sermons, but he's preaching on savage tomorrow all the savage moments in the Bible He's highlighting a few obviously I had shoving the the sword Yeah, but according to Johnson, yeah, he's gonna trigger him. Oh, that's true I gotta make a meme. I gotta make a meme of Tom. You know that Tom meme This is how it looks every time he sees the podcast come up What's going on Good That a cuss Hates the podcast No, but he was talking crap about it Over there Oh, yeah, she's going like she's praying Louisa's gonna make a mumble rapper. Yeah, she sounded like a mumble rapper. Louisa was gonna make a meme out of that She's gonna put like a like a rap beat behind her. She's gonna go like She was praying for Donald Trump, yeah, I think she does that she's done that a couple times Right where she's like speaking and speaking in tongues or whatever The guy that the clowns are at the end of that clip Clowns Everything good or what? He's the same dude that makes fun of the people. Can you hear it or no least does you feel left out? All right, so someone defined for me what is virtue signaling What is that Pastor Thompson virtue signaling How spiritual you are how virtuous you are, you know, yeah, it's attempting to look more like virtuous. Yeah I don't basically it's like if we were to compare it to the Bible. I'm not what the Bible says Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It's what the Pharisees did basically. Yeah. Yeah, I tied you know give of the 10% and I fast twice a week and give all give all He's got a good meme when it came to that was That was me. He made another one. It was good. He's like once again Yeah, but it's but it's but it's different though look at this look at that There's some way we can show Perfect I'm sick and tired of people virtue signaling like that Gets old gets old and some some people are not even like obviously all virtue signaling is wrong But when you have these blatant people or these people just are blatant about it and they just like are not discreet about it at all You know, it's just like It's very cringe. It's extremely cringe. They think a lot about they think very highly of themselves. Did you say Heka? Yeah Is people who get three-legged dogs, I can't stand that I haven't seen that Well, don't they do that like on I've seen that on social media We're like like a guy will come up with this camera and you see him like with money in his hand He's like giving like the money to like some poor or homeless people homeless person That's virtually that's wicked though. That's We're trying to be so good, but they're actually just being wicked Yeah, it's like I don't like these people like there's a bunch of people they try to throw cold water on the new IFB Oh, yeah, kind of cool everybody down I understand sometimes people go overboard, but it's like I rather that coach like that be the cultures that were too hot Than too cold too cold. Yeah, like far from it's always good to be zealously affected in a good like Paul said Yeah, and the culture of the new IFB is like it's hardcore Like you don't want to throw water on that like these guys want to throw water on that They need to they need to heat up. Yeah, these are always the guys that talk like they like act like citizens Yeah, tough enough. They honestly need to tough enough. They didn't even visit Well, look obviously this obviously there's people out there that needed they need to chill out But I'm not gonna be the one to tell them. Yeah, let God deal with those people What makes you think you have the right to tell someone else that they need to chill out? You know what? I mean? Someone who's not your church member. Like I have the right to tell my church members that right? you know if I feel like my church members are getting out of hand or something like that and You know then I come down on them but What makes you think? Not you, but I'm saying what makes you what makes like another pastor or even that just like a regular church member Right some youtuber or something. What makes them think they have the right To like challenge people and like correct people like for some reason they think that they're not a layman anymore They're like, well, I make videos. So I'm not a layman. Yeah, like he's a like they're butts, right? Yeah What is that? Dude, if my youtube channel went away tomorrow, I Still be a pastor like I have my church The YouTube thing is like the side thing that I do if the YouTube channel went away for them They just be just they'd be done. No one's gonna listen to him. They don't have an audience But even then this is like some of these guys think some of these guys think very highly of themselves Like they feel like they've earned a position. It's like there's like there's a there's two positions in Christianity is like you're either a pastor or you're a youtuber. Yeah It's like they're ordained youtubers or whatever, you know What's up guys pastor so-and-so? brother so-and-so They need to chill out They need to chill out they need to chill out. I'm trying to show other people What yeah No, we're base they need to get up and red-pilled and woke but they're blue-pilled they're great Yeah, they do need to get humbled I'm not for that man Sometimes virtue signalers just people see what they're doing and it finally just they're like, okay, these people are super Pat themselves on the back. Yeah, I'm the trumpet and Right now it gets weird and people notice it but people don't want to say anything because people want to have respect for pastors and things like that and these people and They don't know like, you know Well, maybe this guy's in tight with that pastor and they don't want to blow them up or whatever, right? So, you know, but eventually they're gonna get found out You know people get tired of seeing the same old, you know Crap, they're trying to crap. Oh, man. Oh you cussed We're gonna see that eventually, you know, there's always the the drones that are gonna just you know Go with them and be the yes, man But you know people people see it and like even by the time like the red-hot preaching conference came You know, I think things were said that everybody wanted to hear said, oh, yeah. Amen He's just he's just making me think about certain things that I want to talk about but I'm not going to You know, I think I'm gonna preach tomorrow morning I Got too much material He's taking shots taking shots, bro Yeah Definitely a big thing and social media really just kind of brings it about you know, it's crazy Some people who do it who are really guilty of virtue signaling There's it's like they don't even see it Like they're so blinded by their pride that they don't even see it because you read some of their stuff. It's just like whoa This person is just caking it on But they don't even see it themselves, right, you know But um, it's weird. It is and I hear see those people they talk like they're like in the King James Bible like they're using like Yeah Yeah Keep it real. My wife was telling me she she she's telling me she said that um Sometimes cuz she comes from old life We come from old life be church, but she really she like grew up in old life be Church Yeah, and she basically was telling me that one of the things that they're guilty of when it comes to virtue signaling is the fact that they think that they have the edge on The truth like they know the right way and everyone should follow what they do, right, you know And they're guilty of that sometimes where they feel like well, we've always done it this way We're successful at being Christians or whatever. And so they feel like they can't be corrected. They can't be wrong and Don't tell them that they are because then they they see that as a threat upon them. Mm-hmm. You know what I mean? But yeah, they'll say well I what you know, just show me in the Bible and I'll change I'll change But then when someone shows them in the Bible, they're like, oh no, you're wrong. Yeah, but they know they're wrong, right? You know what I mean? So if you say that like to your people in the pulpit, mm-hmm Someone's gonna come up and challenge you and yeah, you have too much pride to let someone teach you something Yeah, I mean, we're not always right about everything right? Oh, you know, we're right about is Leviticus 2013 We should be preaching about Leviticus 2013 and you know what hey how many guys been edified when I talk about Leviticus 2013 in church Have you guys been edified when I talk about that? Has that edified your spirit? Don't you learn something new every time we talk about something like that? Yeah Yeah, that's what we believe and you know what preaching Leviticus 2013 reinforces what we already believe and you know What because we're a church that's constantly reaching new people There's there's new people who haven't heard about Leviticus 2013. Yeah, so, you know when I preach on Leviticus 2013 I'm edifying the brethren who've already heard it by reinforcing what they already believe And I'm also teaching the brand new person in our church about Leviticus 2013. Yeah. Amen Yeah, we also live in a world that's so far from that like so against it that it's got to be brought. Oh, yeah What is that? You gotta hit the red one You Android users You've recently converted right there So I'm talking about hey, you know what the worst Facebook pages for that is a this one called Baptist Christians I haven't heard that never seen that no, you're on there Pastor and Thompson No, don't worry about just you know that uh that that Facebook page Baptist Christians Are you on there? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is all kinds of stupid people in there Well Facebook Facebook is like for boomers now. I don't know who uses Facebook if you do no offense Is that your main social media You guys use Facebook too, right? This guy's over here using Twitter Biggest boomer dude, he's a boomer of boomers. No, he's got zoomer energy. He's got he's got he's got dragon energy old IFP Pastors use Twitter. They're all about that Facebook tweet. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah you get was like President Trump and he's like has a picture of him and President Trump Adam just likes Twitter because he has a large following on Twitter. Would you have like 2,000 people in there? I got banned He was like You know, it's like some lady to believe them work salvation or something Yeah, and he gave her like a reward it does matter. It does matter who you vote for Make sure that you In case someone knocks. Yeah, exactly Adam it does matter who you vote for it does matter. I don't know the reference to that Yeah He just likes Twitter because he had like a thousand fall or 2,000 followers or something right don't you like something like that? Yeah On Twitter, I'm just kidding. I'm actually bearing Trump He's banned right now on Twitter. That's sad He thought his boy Trump was gonna bail him out that's why I voted for him he promised me he would Canadian boy, you can't vote man that book that is called the adventures of Baron Trump's written like the 1800s like dude That's things weird. What are you so satanic and wicked Baron Trump? I never just book is called the adventures of Baron Trump and it's written like in the 1800s and Dude, like people had the references. It said something about November 3rd Like Being like this big event happening and that's when like the elections like dude, it's so weird You're like, it's so who wrote it. I don't know who wrote it, but it's one of those it's one of those Predictive programming Trump's son is named Baron to yeah Trump's son's name Baron Trump Oh, yeah, wasn't his dad like named his dad was his dad was named John Christ Trump. Yeah, but they talk about Named Don Trump in there that sound that sounds like too good to be true, dude Pull it up pull it up pull it up. Yeah, so gaslighting is pretty wicked Or we're talking oh we're talking about Virtue signaling but then also along with that those people who are guilty of gaslighting, right? Explain to us what gaslighting is Gas lighting is like, you know someone, you know, you just totally discredit everything that someone says like, you know And try to make their truth a lie. Yeah, basically, I mean, maybe I'm not explaining that right, but it's like when you How do I want to say this Like say say someone like your what your wife hits you and you're like, you know, that really hurt. She's like No, it didn't hurt that bad. That's that's what gaslighting is basically You're trying to you know, make them believe minimize what somebody else is putting forth the truth They're putting for I think Pastor Thompson needs to get into ya eating. Sorry So it's basically like, you know, you're trying to discredit people's other people's truth Yeah, you know and make your truth the right truth and you go over the top You know and like I can think of specific, you know things that people go over the top with it's like, you know Well, if we really did go back to the Bible times, you know and and implement That justice that we'd be the new IFP. We'd be putting everybody to death. Yeah That's that's gas like buddy. Yeah I'm gaslighting and that's that's you know When you're gaslighting when you're preaching that's you make something you like go too far With a point that you're trying to make you make that try to make that reality like right reprobating everybody. Yeah, that's gaslighting Now I was talking to Pastor Thompson about this just as a sub point to that I just want to let everyone know that I do reprobate people you have that power Well, here's the thing is like reprobate means to like reject people So I reject people all the time, right? you know when when you know, there's a heretic or there's people who are just I don't want to associate with I Reprobate them. I reject them. I'm just like I want nothing to do with this person That's what it means to reprobate them, right? So, you know when people say all you know, these guys reprobate people all the time To a certain extent they're right because I do reject people. I want nothing to do with you. Yeah, you lying weasel Well, I don't want anything to do with you I'm gonna reprobate you you're reprobated you're rejected from being my friend It's weird that they're so scared of being reprobated too. Like if it's not true, like why even worry about it? Yeah, exactly. Like if somebody called you reprobate, would you even care? Cuz obviously no, but these guys are like, oh no He reprobated me because they know you have that if that influence exactly or or they say that because of the fact that it's like Maybe they know that. Yeah, exactly Stop preaching weird stuff. Yeah, I mean if someone called me a reprobate I wouldn't be going over the top trying to prove that I'm not a reprobate exactly What I'm just it would just business as usual for me. You wouldn't even care. Just do whatever I just keep doing what I'm doing So that's it. That's Baron. That's how you prove that you're not a river. He's just do what you're doing Right Baron Trump's marvelous underground journey Is that that is that the book Speaking to the mic we're talking about the last president that that's it. Okay. Okay, but go back on the pictures and scroll up Do you see this one with like red? That did Donald Trump. Oh, I've heard of this. I've well little Baron what thinkest thou of Don? Fums world within a world and then he says little Baron much as thy mother and I shall Shall dread to think of thy being again out from under the safe protection of this venerable roof The moss grown tiles of which have sheltered So many generations of the Trump's yet. Must we not be selfish in this matter? heaven forbid that such a thought should move our souls to stay the the honor of our family thy fame bro, what can I keep Reading thy fame as an explorer of strange lands and faraway corners of the globe call unto us to be strong-hearted Therefore my dear boy bla bla bla bla bla, I mean Well, I've actually heard about the Donald Trump trying to time traveler theory. Do you guys know who? We're not getting into that. I Don't believe it obviously, but it's interesting. Yeah, you better not. It's not even interesting. What do you mean? Is it have you heard about it? Yes, I've heard I believe it's real. There's some facts of it. I mean I mean We're gonna talk about gaslighting right now, okay, we're not talking about time traveling There's only one time traveler in this entire in the history of mankind and that will be Jesus Christ True because he was here 2,000 years ago and he's gonna come back again. Amen He's the only time traveler that exists cuz he Transcends time and then he lives in the vastness of eternity. So Put a fork in that thought that Adam got that Adam. Sorry. All right. Aight. Aight then anyways gaslighting You know what gaslighting is? Yeah It's when you Caught someone to believe like you put him in like this Speaking to the mic It would be likes like talking about okay These people reprobate reprobate people and stuff like that to make cause their followers to be like a reprobate rep Like with the reprobate doctrines bad. Yeah, so it's like you You put shade on a specific topic to where you make it the bad thing, but that's like an actual true thing He's made it's basically when you manipulate the narrative. Yeah manipulate people to think that what's true is false Yeah, so this would be like question their own like perception I guess like making your what like you're like you're mistreating your wife and then you make that's a lot a lot of the times They use that depth that example, but then you cause her to think that it's her own fault. Yeah They start questioning reality, so let me ask you this isn't that like a form you guys ever heard of the Stockholm syndrome Yeah, that's gaslighting. Yeah Or puts people within that Mindset So like you're up there and you're preaching that that hell isn't hot But all the people in your church know that hell is hot But then you're gonna get them to start saying amen to them Yeah, and even though they know it's wrong, but they're following you because you're their pastor Yeah, they have trust in you So I'm gonna get them to start saying amen to what they know is false and that's why the Bible says prove all things Hold fast that which is good right We're supposed to prove all things hold fast that which is good So it's like we don't want we never want like blind followers Or people just follow you blindly and it's just like you say something from the pulpit and everyone's just like amen And it's like wait a minute. That's not right, but I guess he's my pastor. So I'm gonna say amen You know what? I mean? You want to make sure that you prove that, you know according to the Word of God Or like you got people who who got into the Bible and all this because of the new wife being new IFP pastors But then you start and they're in your church and they know that the new wife is good They've been they're part of it, but then you start stowing shade on the new IFP and now they're like the new IFP is bad I'm sticking with my yeah Here's the issue I have with that it's just like When you're new IFP when I like when I say I'm new IFP that's not something you can change Yeah, it shouldn't be able to change because when we say we know I've been in other words It's like we're saying who we are. Yeah, like these are our core beliefs core values This is just who I am. This is not who I became. This is just who I am Because it's what we believe. It's just the biblical beliefs that we have So if you change that you transition out of that way of thinking it's like were you really new? I have to be then it's like it's like it's like when they call them Christians at Antioch Well, they and then as they went forward they're like, well, we are Christians. This is who we are. Yes We are that exactly there's no such thing as being well now I'm not a Christian anymore. Yeah I'm now I'm not part of the new IFP or whatever. Are you Christian? Then you were you were you ever really part of the new IFP so like the new IFP just represents following The well the new IFP just represents a group of believers who Were independent fundamental Baptists But we have these secondary doctrines that we agree upon Yeah, and really we fellowship a lot because of the fact that we agree on these areas and we don't compromise It's like it's like being a Baptist in the first place It's not like it's the Baptist isn't a religion or or a thing like that It's just it's just it's just a name that was put on people who are following the Bible So whether you want to see like they're Christians look they're back there and a Baptist Yeah And the only reason we got to call each other new IFP is because of the fact that the old IFP obviously doesn't agree with Us in those areas and these specific whether that's Israel, you know the rapture the timing of the rapture They've left off the Bible, right? Or traditions of men like any if like when I go so many if someone tells me like what kind of church do you pastor? I'll say it's an independent fundamental Baptist Church. I don't even say a new IFP Church But when when I'm talking amongst my pastor friends and things like that like or to my church I call myself a new IFP pastor like that's what I am Yeah, and I know that the new IFP doesn't exist as far as like a denomination is concerned But as far as beliefs are concerned absolutely exist You know, and I think people try to use the new IFP to give themselves a platform and then they use gaslighting Yeah to try to convince the people that were reached by Pastor Anderson, you know to try to see it their way and manipulate them into believing Contrary to what the new IFP believes. Yeah, now's our chance. Yeah now that we They manipulate that's what they're doing Yeah, like Boyle yeah pastor Boyle you use that, you know, and we're just like it's funny It's like this guy is over here talking about how we're all scared and doing the coronavirus. It's like dude Weren't you scared to like tell your church what you believe about the rapture? Little sissy, what'd you scared to like change your doctrinal statement on your website? Cuz you're scared of your church members He didn't want to come out to say that he believed in a post for a pre-wrath at his old church. Oh scared of his church Hypocrite and then they voted him out. Anyways, right? Yeah The same thing that happened when the IFP started just like they were Southern Baptists and then they're like Wow, these guys are going liberal. I gotta separate myself. Yeah, keep following the Bible. They called it IFP. Yeah, cuz they were just called Baptist. Yeah. Now the IFP is liberal. So now it's like Alright That shows you that in order to combat that they have to like manipulate people from their pulpits and say weird stuff like that Like don't preach from Leviticus 2013 and that doesn't edify anybody Well, you know what that tells me it tells me you probably not reaching a whole lot of new people then yeah A lot of these new wife, I mean is it hasn't pastor Anderson? How long has he been a pastor for 15 years? He's still preaching things that he preached 15 years ago because he's constantly reaching new people, right? You know You can't expect the people in your church to just all know the same Doctrines and stuff because you're gonna reach new people who don't know those things But if you don't reach new people then yeah, obviously everyone in your church knows those things Yeah see But the thing is is how did the IFP become so like liberal and how it is now because these people come in and start Throwing water on it But like we got to keep that culture of like of calling those people out like nah, but he ain't gonna Oh, yeah, and if we don't do that, then what then if this this movement will end up being liberal Then we're have to separate from this like, you know, so it's like not gonna happen, dude. Well, I think one The nobility of the new IFP is that one one characteristic of the new IP is that we do call people out. Yeah Like the old IP doesn't didn't I mean You had some but a lot of them didn't call the names Yeah, and I think it's for that reason that a lot of people were able to infiltrate and change and gaslight and manipulate and change The auctions whereas the culture in the new IFP is that we do call people out No shame. Yeah, like if there's a so-called new IFP pastor who's teaching some weird stuff Yeah, or an old IFP pastor who claimed to be new I feel like manly Perry. We have no problem Just dropping the name be ashamed. No. Yeah, call them out You know and then you have your people oh Just go to the brother in person. Well because he put it out in public. Yeah His sermon he put it on YouTube for everyone to hear it's these people that are too So if that's something he personally believed, why don't you just keep it to himself in his church? He posted it online for everyone to hear. Mm-hmm. So therefore he's opening himself up to scrutiny You know, I mean a public figure and you're saying things publicly Yeah Yeah, and you know what we have brand new people in our church who who knows maybe they get a recommended video by those idiots and You know what? They might listen to and if pastor me he doesn't talk about it Then they might be carried away with those winds of doctrine That's happened in my church this year Yeah, I have more than one person. So I mean it just it happens so Oh, yeah, I mean I've had people in my church that were like Siding with like Adam Fannin and stuff like that. Like they like Adam Fannin. They're not here anymore and thank God they're not because they're they were They're stupid a Series like every time a false prophet dies. Yeah, I preach it. Yeah Why is so-and-so roasted in that market corner? Perry said was nobody roast in hell. Yeah, is he taking a shot at you? Maybe not but like I mean That's what I preached that they're roasting in hell What's going on hike? People know it's not Nobody roasts in hell. We might say they fry like a hot dog Don't you know the reason they burn to sacrifice will fires cuz I had to eat them I'm gonna come on Something wrong when people just read I mean I have notes I have tons of notes when I preach But it's just like he just reads only from his notes He just goes down the line. That's weird He's like I use my notes as a template he's pretending yeah, it's like not from the heart Yeah, cuz he can't cuz out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking so he can't speak from the heart Yeah And then at wall in the beginning of that sermon the one where he's like g about Judas being a having all those converts he's like You know, I'm gonna encourage me to brought this up to me. It's been on my heart. I'm gonna preach it right from my heart Tell you all my heresy right now My heart like so Judas, you know, I mean good soul winner that guy You know when the Bible says the heart of the thief above all things is desperately wicked. I'm about to show you Weird thing I mean now that's super weird. I mean a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit That's what the Bible that's what Jesus Christ right all said. Yep. Yeah So in that sermon so to cover that he said that well the fruit that's talking about the fruit of the spirit like You know, what you how you act I think patience He said the frieze what the things you say or something like that, yeah Well Billy Graham I've heard Billy Graham sermons where he said it's all by faith It's by grace, right, you know, and then the next thing, you know, he's saying it's repent of your sin So the false prophets can say yeah, right things they do say right things That's how they think there is truth to what he was saying But it was mixed with a lot of lies and it was just completely out of context. It's called a liar Yeah, just like you could be like, oh how's not hot one place then you're like, that's not what I meant. Yeah Like that's what they erase it and take down your whole sermon exactly Bro, if if what you said was true, and if you stand by it and you're saying that we were taking you out of context Why did you take it down, right? Why did you take it down? And by the way, he preached that sermon long before he uploaded it Cuz what that's what he does. Yeah, he preaches a sermon then he waits for a while. He also Comments. Yeah, because he can't handle it He can't handle people calling him out on the comment section, you know, cuz people are cussing on it. Oh Well, you know it is what it is. Did I get a bunch of comments on my thing and people criticizing me? People who just mouth off or something like that whatever Jesus rolled up right into like the synagogue and start preaching like I'm gonna go to where they disagree with me Yeah But it's a YouTube comment section link. You can't handle that. It's like it's a people typing bro like this Does that destroy your day or something? That's like a lot of these like new IP like bozos. They're like so scared of like drama Well for my guys using some weird terminology up in here Yeah, I've heard this sounds familiar, what do you think pastor Thompson I'm just kidding. Go ahead. No the real new Like the like the new I was me. Yeah, who are not really new I exactly Yeah, where they're like, so if they're scared of like drama, they're scared of division like Yeah, or don't go there right there, but they're like, yeah super thin-skinned They can't deal with disagreement, but they don't even know that like so could like they're being independent fundamental Baptists They were born out of division like what Ray was talking They were came out of like controversy and they were unapologetic and let me just say this Just for the record My sermon that I preached at the red-hot preaching conference. I've never apologized for anything of that that I've said right I'm not apologize Just in case someone's out there claiming that I did apologize or something. That's a straight-up lie You know I'm talking about are you saying I just want to apologize I want to apologize for absolutely nothing the king does what he wants Michael Johnson to be like yeah, they're quoting Conor McGregor Go watch my sermon if you want to understand the joke I'm not apologizing for what was going on there here The spaghetti is here. I didn't apologize for anything. I don't take anything back. I mean, did you see the sermon come down? I'm just saying in case in case someone out there is claiming that I've just taken things back or whatever It's the red-hot it's the red-hot Pastry men is is awesome Thankfully allowed me to come down and preach Yeah, the one he preaches awesome to all the sermons at the red-hot We're all call it red hot for no Hey, so those so all the servers were like calling people out and then pastor Anderson comes and preaches against marijuana You didn't want to show anybody else up well, it's just like, you know, like Whether pastor Anderson call someone out or preaches against marijuana It's just like the red-hot preaching conference is always gonna be preaching against something Yeah, whether people or what the actions of people, you know, yeah And he was like that but none of that was spirit-filled that's like so you're saying that when you preach against somebody It's not spirit-filled. Yeah, I mean just open up the Bible and look at any book. You're gonna find people getting preached again Yeah, pretty much. I mean, yeah. Yeah getting their faces Well, manly Perry said, you know, you know, I've been marked by the new I've be I'm glad I've been marked by the good good cuz we're about to mark you some more pull out the sharpie I Want to mark you up dude, we're not done with you Yeah, the problem with gaslighting is or lighting gas it'll blow up in your face That's pretty good sponsored by Pepsi He's drinking a Pepsi right now guys Yeah, everyone just go ahead and just just destroy Marcos in the comments section right now Cuz you know, everyone's gonna do that right now drinking Pepsi you wicked don't worry. I'm going on keto again You want to talk about the prison industrial complex So tell us about it So I'm actually you know, by the time people see this they're gonna see the sermon or hear the sermon that I'm preaching about Yeah, speak up the sermon. I'm preaching about it tomorrow night yeah, I don't know basically I was What kind of inspired me to preach about it? Was I have a friend that's in jail and he's in prison. Yeah, he's in prison right now in, California and basically what happens when you go to prison is that the first thing that they do is whatever race You know, whatever race you're part of they come up to you and they try to Get you into their game And so and if you're on your own You're gonna get mess with But if you're in the gang, then you have to put in work So you could go in for like a six-month stint and then end up a lifer. Yeah, and it happens a lot Yeah, yeah Like because they're like I'll stab them and then they catch you on camera doing it and you get new charges I mean like you just all that stuff just accumulates but the prison industrial complex is basically like the the war complex that we have the Military complex of war. Yeah, so it's basically kind of the same thing It's like this institutionalized thing where you got people that are contracted To you know, just like the war they people are contracted to make the bullets and the gun Yeah, basically the prison industrial complex is meant to basically perpetuate The creation of criminals, yeah, exactly That's basically what it is keep them criminals or make them criminals to keep them in that super criminals make them super criminals. Yeah They're making money off of that yeah, and so they get three hots and a cot, you know They get a place to sleep the food and people have to make this food And so the these private places buy and build prisons and then they put people in there and their intent They really don't want them to go. They really don't want to rehabilitate and what they want to do is institutionalize them Yeah, and it's super wicked I mean, it's not I mean if you compare what God's program was compared to what you see nowadays I mean, it's not even close. So Joshua when the when Aiken, you know made the trespass and Stole the the Babylonian garment garment and and the wedges of gold and the accursed thing the accursed thing They put him in Ward right until they could find out when the Lord was gonna what his judgment was I mean, it's just done with stones and yeah, or the or the the son who blasphemed, right? They put him in Ward and that just means it's a temporary holding cell that the mind of the Lord may be revealed into them What what should be done basically so you should get your judgment swiftly, but supposedly in this country that happens But it really doesn't know it's basically how much money do you have? To pay the best lawyers and most people don't have money to pay the best lawyers and so people just get institutionalized in this country because The prison industrial complex. It's a big system. It's not just the the people that run the prisons that that The institutionalism it's the prison people themselves the people in prison They have their own codes and rules and you know, if the Mexicans are gonna go against the whites Then you're in if you're not part of it, then you're the ones gonna get stabbed Yeah, whatever. So you have to roll with your race, which of course we don't believe in race But I don't believe in prison, you know, I think you know, the Bible is very clear that you know You're fined you're beaten or you're killed you're a combination of them You know, like if a woman grabbed a man by the stones when they're fighting her hand was to get chopped off, right? so but if if a woman It is you know There's a fight that breaks out and her fruit departs from her where they they basically like let's say they kick her in the stomach Yeah, and she has a miscarriage, right? So when that happens there's a fine that takes place but if any foolishness happens after that if there's a mischief that follows follows, yeah Then it's I've read I choose for truth. Yeah life for life for life Yeah, so like it could be you know, and then you know The people like if they found a dead person just like out someplace They had to get together and try to discern like who is this guy? Investigate. Yes. There's nothing wrong with like investigating crimes, right and putting people And making them get the justice they deserve but the justice that they're meeting out in this country is not always just well it's it's just that the It's not about justice because what you're saying is basically the justice that you're trying to meet out has There is it has money involved. It's like how can we make money off of the outcome of this situation basically? And the way they make it is by putting them in prison, which ultimately makes the money That's why the prison systems are or the prisons are filled with people right innocent people doing millions of people Yeah judges can't be shareholders in that That's why they have this That's like crazy. It's like owning the hotel right cuz prison to them is like a hotel and they just sent the occupants there Lobby for the laws for crime laws. Yeah people like you know Well, that makes it easier for them to condemn people like at the drop of a hat That's why you have a bunch of innocent people in prison. Well think about this the governor's now days They don't even put people to death anymore and they used to put people to death like they fried Or, you know Jeffrey Dahmer got killed prison Ted Bundy. Yeah, Ted Bundy was was was put to death He was I'm also that she was at work that day and when he was being electrocuted Everybody went into the break room and watched it on television or whatever and then people are celebrating Was he like electrocuted electric electric chair, yeah, yeah he was he was But then they realized that there were moneymakers so that we got to keep it alive That's what it's like where they're doing 200 of life or something 200 years It's unfortunate because there are people there who obviously have made mistakes in the sense of like maybe they stole something Or you know, they're caught with drugs or whatever but then they're they're doing these crazy amount of years in there and it's just like that's not the answer and so There's this book called the new Jim Crow And it's yeah, it's talking about the prison systems and whatnot, you know what Jim Crow law is what is that It's like there were racist laws that were put. Yeah So they're saying the prison system is basically the new Jim Crow because when someone goes to prison Let's say black people or Hispanics or whatever, you know, they have all these felonies on their record They have all these things on their records and they can't like live normal lives even when they do come out So it just completely tarnishes their reputation so if someone goes in there because of robbery or You know because of drugs or something like that, but then they get reformed so to speak, you know They've done their time, even though obviously I don't agree with that. Let's say they've done their time That's it's like on their record. Yeah, or maybe if they had a gun on them or something, you know so instead of being black like or Of some other race. You're just a felon. Yeah, you're just a felon. Exactly It's known there's no longer about the race. It's just now that you're now you're a felon and now you're yeah You're predicated on being a felon right now. You can't get a job You can't earn certain credits or whatever You can't buy a house or something, you know And you just kind of ousted from society because you have that tarnish on your record, right? So they go back to what they know best which is crime. Yeah So like women that go to prison like I was watching a documentary about this and basically you got pimps that are scouring it because you can see their faces on the internet and they just go and Look at the ones that they think that they can make money off of and they write letters to them and tell them they love Them and then they trick them to coming back to their house And then it's like a prison for women Them out and they don't do what they're supposed to do They beat them up or yeah kill them or they you know, or you have people who like, you know We're we're thieves or whatever and they can't get a job So they go back to stealing and then they get caught again and they go back into prison It's just like an endless cycle. It's an endless cycle. Yeah Sad yeah, and it's not only the government that's that's doing it but the people within the prison system themselves they're like you got these shot-caller guys that they're the leaders of their race in that prison and So those guys control everything that's going on So if you're doing two years for vehicular homicide or something and they're like, hey You're you're down with the brown or you're you're a white boy or whatever whatever shot-caller that is They can tell you you gotta go stab this guy. We're gonna stab you Yeah, and then when they catch them they try to make it where they they don't get caught But you know, I'm sure that they set it up because they got to put in work They got a high get protection drugs in and all they got to pay for their protection exactly And you can't just be a lone wolf out there because unless you unless you're a Christian Like if you're a Christian or a pastor no, like if you're if you're Hispanic and you go in you're you're part of the south Side so they will so they make you work out every day. Yeah If you don't work out with them, then you're gonna get 13 second beat down every day If they're so if I thought the exception was if you're like a pastor Christian No section for any but so if you're if you're what look the only thing that they expect you look so if you don't want to be a criminal or be part of it or get involved with things and they won't ask you do Anything the only thing I expect you to do is if a riot pops off a race riot or something They expect you to jump in to fight But they won't come to you and be like hey stab this person if you're just a normal guy You're not part of a gang or nothing They won't get you involved because I've heard stories where people like want to get involved I heard of people going to prison and they're like Christians or whatever and they're like they didn't have me get involved in anything Well, they'll leave you alone for the most part Yeah, but they just expect you to work out and then if a if a riot jumps off you better be on our side Right. Yeah, like well, I mean, I guess it's not bad to work out, right? It's military, yeah Oh You can expect like homosexuality Sodomy, they're okay with that. But in California if you do see didn't I tell you that? That's because I heard like the prison systems in New York. They like accept that stuff. But in California, they don't Did not tolerate that at all The Mexicans don't tolerate anything that shows weakness. Yeah. Well, if you think about it, there's a movie called American and me. Yeah, you guys remember that movie it was about the Mexican Mafia Well, if you saw the movie, yeah, the leader in the movie gets raped when he's younger Yes, and it's based on the Mexican Mafia. So they they almost they threatened the actor on What's his name? Yeah, they threatened him because they said that never happened. Yeah, but that's not all they did. Oh, yeah There's a bunch of so there's the kinds of actors that were in the movie that yeah killed yeah. Oh, yeah There was a lady in the movie So like after that move if you have the DVD of that movie They have like behind the scenes where they made the movie and they have like all these people that were in that hood and they like They did interviews Like, you know with the directors of the movie Yeah, that's like they were messing around they didn't like there's like a middle-aged lady like in her 40s and they killed her They killed just because they didn't Like he was gonna kill that guy because he got depicted as being like you getting raped he's like that never happened We don't play like that. Yeah, so they tried to throw the homo stuff in there Yeah, well, they try to depict him getting raped. Yeah being weak and then never have so yeah Cuz he gets like in the movie the guy gets raped and then he kills the guy who raped him That's his first kill but they're like that never yeah, cuz apparently the guy he's playing to some guy named shot They called him Cheyenne. Mm-hmm Yeah, so you like look him up on Wikipedia and stuff but But they said that he got raped and that's like big that guy was a big. Yeah California prisons if you're in like the main population and You're in a cell and the new guy that comes in it turns out He's like a rapist or as a child molester if you don't kill him you're done. Yeah, we're dead We're talking about that. So I knew a guy in our old church that he was doing some time and And He said that basically, you know, he had gone out and he got saved and you know, he was serving God But he was saying that when they're in prison They would not tolerate pitos at all. Yeah, and anytime a riot would pop off they would look for the pito to kill I have an excuse basically. Yeah, they're like go to the pito cell Yeah because like like with the Mexicans when you when you go into the LA County they get your because everybody has like a Paperwork has your yeah paperwork case number like you have to report your case number What city you're from and they find out you're a pito you're done dude the reason they do that is this because They're they're locked up and they're thinking, you know, my wife my children are out there and here's this animal who's out there Yeah, amongst them. Yep, so they think their own family. Hey You know what things done to them, too. Yep. Yeah, and so like they want a moment for that Hey back because you know that maybe some of the reason why they're messed up in the first look You don't have to be a Christian to know that pitos deserve the death penalty no matter by whose hand You have people who are just not Christian at all And when they hear about pito being killed or something like that, it's just like they're like celebrating What's crazy about prison is that they actually run the prisoners are the ones that run the crime on the streets Yeah, so they're the shock. So if if there was no prison though, there wouldn't be that kind of power So right the fact that prison exists it gives them power because they know so if you're a criminal Eventually, you're gonna go to jail. Yeah, and the fact that they run the jail is their power on the street Well, that's why a lot of a lot of like the young guys. They want to go to prison Yeah, that's absolutely true They want they've actually said like one of the things that I want to happen in my life is I want to go to prison Is it true that it's safer? Like if you're like a gangbang or something, it's safer in prison than out on the streets Well, I mean well for the fact like the Mexicans can't like right now You can't fight another Mexican in jail. You have to pay $100 a fight So if you have a problem with someone on the street This guy did something to you on the street and you see him in jail You have to pay the shot callers a hundred dollar tax to even fight the guy You got to pay up money if you don't pay money and you fight him then you'll get you it's more like regulated Oh, yeah, it's organized crime There's money's being made on both sides though, it's just like It's super wicked. It's a wicked organ. You know, the whole thing is the whole thing is super wicked Yeah, you know so my sermon I'm gonna just kind of break down what God says that we should do with people and you know What kind of what's going on? Yeah, man, right now, so amen and there's there's there's safe people in prison today Absolutely, there's safe people. There are good people, you know, I know that a lady over from Verity has her husband in prison Miss Tamara and you know what but you know, God's using them greatly though I mean he's getting a lot of people saved He's preaching the gospel there and God's turning it into something good. That was one of the first mission fields You know, I got a picture I gave out those hats at the red-hot preaching conference and I gave like six or so of their disciples And I've got they got the hats to them and I got a picture of one of the guys that's in jail. He wears it That's cool Yeah, you know Yeah, it's a sad thing. But you know, that's why you got to do it God's way, right? God's way is always the best way to do it and If you don't do it God's way, ultimately that system will ultimately become corrupt. Yeah, and You'll have wicked people who end up taking over that system and using it for their own gain and their own means You know and that the prison industrial complex is a perfect example of that Well, I think that you know the thing I do like about their rules in jail The one thing I do like is that they do kill the pitos. Yeah, they kill them And you know because they know they're not they're not I think part of it They know they're not gonna get the justice that they deserve exactly because they're letting these people out in 60 days They're going out and reoffending. Yeah, you know, it's disgusting. I had a friend That went to jail and it was because he got into a fight He got into a fight and he was fought while he beat up like two or three guys And he was a it was a military guy and so he ended up having to do I think like almost a year in jail Over that and a guy that came in while he was there doing that time was he was in the Big Brothers Program, you know what that is where you go and you're trying to be a big brother to help He was a more unfortunate kid and he molested that kid and got he was out in 60 days and back out on the street Oh, man, well my friend that's why people resort to like vigilante justice. Basically. It's what it is. It's like just vigilante justice I was actually reading about this Because you were talking about Pablo Escobar a long time ago and since like the government in Colombia was so corrupt and like was just like completely Incompetent and getting him and stuff. There's this group you might know about it called Los Pepes. Yeah Yeah, they were like pretty much like a vigilante like paramilitary group that were going around. They just like Executing these these like these these like cocaine Narcotraffickers and all this stuff and these people were like hella wicked. They weren't just like slinging drugs or whatever They were like calling out hits They were like killing innocent people when the car bombs out there and stuff like that So when the government fails to do its job a lot of the time you'll find like it's not right It's not right to do vigilante justice, but a lot of time. They'll find like just regular people will sign up to put these Yeah, actually, it's interesting. You said that because in Guatemala where my dad's from it's like a little it's a little town And for a long time like a major gang, you know that they game in Central America MS 13 was there and they would you know, obviously they're they permeated all those countries there, but there was a there's a mafia in In that town that was ran by a family and they basically became vigilantes because they felt like the government was not handling the the gang problem there properly so they took matters into their own hands and They basically like executed and wiped them all out from that area and they like they're not allowed to go in That area and if you have tattoos in that area you get investigated by that mafia You know cuz I remember I was there and then it's not just them like they've taken matters into the point We're like they kind of like run the police over there as well. Yeah, so I was over there and I remember there's a guy Who had basically, you know, I don't want to say but he basically he committed a crime against a little girl and in just in the end of killing her and They basically said he's not gonna live till the sun sets Basically and the police didn't get him but the mafia did and I'm right I had come back from To call which is where all the pyramids are out were a sightseeing and he was just laid out in the ground I think that's the guy who did it in the morning. He found him you shot him. I saw him dead I didn't see him get killed, but I said mafia is the one who took care of him Okay, and they just left it there. I was like a message Yeah, and the police was standing there but and they knew how that guy died It was just like well, they're the ones who are handling the business even in Mexico recently Just like an older man who was running like a little paramilitary force hunting down the cartels of and he was like employing Like mercenaries from America going like ex-veteran guys I don't know if he's dead yet, but this is like I heard it was like 2013-14 He was down there doing that's crazy what's stupid is because I Like the government allowed in a lot of these countries like even like Columbia with like the narco But even here like in the u.s they like limit themselves and they do that with like a lot of stuff like in the Constitution where they they give like Like freedom of religion and all stuff but like if you know This guy is wicked and you know This guy is like committing all these crimes and you know, like you have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt But you just can't do anything your hands are tied because you have to follow this man-made law where you can't just cut you Can't just go and like serve justice. So that's what happened to Columbia. Like the government was like tied its own hands Yeah, and they're like, oh we can't do anything this Pablo Escobar has rights So we can't just go in there and that guy check the cameras They're good. I Thought I heard one of them shut off. I was meeting the table. I think Oh, yeah, I mean that guy's a hero today still yeah, you still pray to you, right? Oh, yeah They have murals there they love Medellin I think yeah Medellin the Medellin Cartel that they have them they have murals they love I mean, they love Pablo Escobar because he helped the poor He basically immortalized himself through his crime and everything but that guy's He was notorious weird how people like have this love affair with criminals or like super wicked like Jesse James Well, his mom actually still to this day. I think his mom is still alive Escobar's mom She still denies the fact that he did anything wrong Yeah, she still says look my son didn't kill anybody. He was innocent. He was wrongly framed What do you say? Plata or what? Oh plomo plomo. Yeah, basically like money your leg. Do you take the money you take the lead? Yeah, that was his life. That was his Silver lead. Yeah, his mo silver or lead. So you think about like hope these abortion doctors that get killed by people It's been a long time since I think something like I was like in the 90s, right? Like George Tiller, he like bragged that he'd killed like a You know and then he gets shot in church like he's in a church and someone there just like I takes him out I can't handle this and they just shot him right in the middle of the church service. Whoa When was this this was like in the 90s? I think pulled up See if you can see when George Tiller was killed. They call him George Tiller the baby killer So Church mad about that guy who was mad about it. I just don't think it's hard for me to imagine He's just saying he's like anybody would be happy. He died He's like well giving God himself. It's like, you know The guy was I mean if you've killed a million children or and you're bragging about it Man, that guy's a reprobate. That guy was a reprobate for sure. Is that him right there George Tiller, Kansas George Richard Tiller was an American physician from Wichita, Kansas He gained national attention as the medical director of women's health care services which was one of the only Which was one of only three abortion clinics nationwide at the time which provided late termination of pregnancy termination That's like not like eight months seven died in 2009. Oh, dang. This was recently That was not in the 90s. Oh, there it is assassination of George Tiller On May 31st, 2009 George Tiller physician from Wichita, Kansas who was nationally known Let's get that was murdered by Scott rotor an anti-abortion extremist Tiller was killed during a what? Tiller was killed during a Sunday morning service at his church Reformation Lutheran Church Where he was serving as an usher World what not only was he a member of the church? He was an usher Tiller had previously survived an assassination attempt when Shelley Shannon shot him in the arms to shoot him in the arms Rotor was arrested within three hours of the shooting and charged with the first-degree murder and related crimes two days later Anti-abortion someone already shot him, but he survived. Yeah rotor publicly confessed to the killing Telling the Associated Press that he had shot Tiller because pre-born children's lives were in imminent danger Rotor was found guilty of first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault on January 29th Sentenced on April 1st 2010 to life imprisonment without any chance of parole for 50 years That's how you know They put that guy in jail for Look look that up So Obama's US Attorney General Eric Holder, that's Obama's guy Where's this all on the bottom of shooting aftermath calling the murder an abhorrent act of violence? Faggot that guy's wicked they ran guns into Operation fast and furious this day, but like I said, it's just like I mean, I'm not gonna shed a tear. Yeah way I get smoked I'm not advocating people do that. Okay disclaimer Hey, but if it when it happens, we're not gonna shed a tear. We're not important for that man. Am I sad? I got kid one abortion doctor was killed. No, I wish he would have got more of them. Yeah For real Amen to that Good You find it Marcos I like those people that got a form like a group to like defend themselves against the cartels and stuff Like that's kind of just like self-defense. Yeah, well the government like a society of people I don't know if that's bull on vigilantes. I'll call you a terrorist for doing that though. Wow But it's like when people aren't serving out the justice that God would call for it, you know, it just eats people up Yeah, well, do you guys know about like a Ruby Ridge? No, you're about that. Yeah You had a sermon about it Well, basically, um, correct me if I'm wrong though But they were basically these people out and out in some rural state, Montana or something like Idaho, Idaho And they were just living on their own they weren't paying taxes, but they're off-grid So they were kind of like Amish people basically the Amish don't pay any taxes They don't they don't funnel anything into the federal government because they're completely self-sufficient Sufficient. All right So what happened is these they they weren't paying the taxes and the IRS was going after them and they just wouldn't pay they wouldn't Pay because they didn't need that's actually that's not true Correct him. He was like a farmer in Kansas or something like that I'm not sure of the state, but I know that was in the Midwest somewhere, but they said that the They thought the book of Revelation was about to start happening then these Amish people They're not Amish but there but there were farmers or whatever and they just they just saw that what was going on And they thought well, this is what's happening now, you know So they sold all their stuff and moved to Idaho and they were like living off self-sufficient self-sufficient You're right about that. But what happened is there's a lot of You know skinhead type there was like a church and it was like for white supremacists But there was like a variance of different types of people that there's the hardcore like, you know, Nazis But he what what happened is he wasn't getting any fellowship and they were lonely And so they were just going to the closest church they could which was this neo-nazi church. So he wasn't necessarily a neo-nazi. I Think he might have said this to them. This is the guy who heads and trapped him There was feds that were going to that church and they made him or they they paid him to stop a couple shotguns And then they're like, okay, you're gone. You're gonna turn on everybody now and that's what happened And so he had refused to appear in court. Yeah Appear in court. They came the marshals were watching him for a long time is the ATF, right? It was federal marshals I'm pretty sure yeah but anyway him and his son were walking and they had been surveying him for a while and he didn't know it and So they're walking on this trail him his son and their dog and The feds shot the dog shot his son. Yeah, what? Yeah, and then like a friend of theirs and it got wounded or something like that. And then so they actually shot His wife while she was holding her baby. Yeah front door. Yeah There were yeah, there were it was a big ordeal. Like if you ever have a chance to look the feds did that Yeah, I'm pretty sure was the ATF Documentary about it but like cuz like the late one of the some of the kids survived I think a couple of the kids survived it But like they were trying to get him out there out of there for a long time But like that just shows you like the sermon I preached about was actually I was just saying hey, you know We're not called to go out in the middle of nowhere and just live this like weird right lifestyle like that We need to be where the people are and otherwise you're not gonna end up getting messed up with some white supremacist You know, yeah Church because you're lonely and yeah entrapped by the can go in the middle of nowhere Try to live in the middle of nowhere Get a u-haul become a u-haul Baptist run away from the fight It's like that guy who took off from From he went to Egypt remember that in the book of Jeremiah. He ran away from the fight the other prophet Was a hand in that no hand and I was the false prophet I can't remember the other guy's name in the book of Jeremiah Like he took off. He ended up running away. He was scared The guy he took off to Egypt and he ended up getting killed in Egypt anyways, yeah He wanted to go off-grid You have all these people running away from like like the big cities or whatever because like all they're too liberal Oh, no Killed by the freaking atf. Don't shoot your dog Don't shoot your dog and your kid and your wife. Sometimes the safest place to be is in Goshen Not sometimes it's always the safest place to actually where Egypt is just completely falling apart It's being destroyed by the hand of God, but if you're in Goshen, you're good to go Yeah, I mean a lot of these people are freaking about the election But whichever way it goes, we're in Goshen. We're sitting pretty. Yeah, who cares exactly? We're good to go. We're serving the Lord Well, I know if they think this is bad Abomination of desolation Gonna look like Marcos has been on the past couple days. He really wants the world to end Out to Israel Yeah, they got another thing coming called the build the temple Watch that sermon get it to a thousand views. Amen. I'm gonna watch it It's got five thousand but I appreciate that pastor me I was preached at our church plant in Spokane Nice man, there's all these people in Idaho. They're like these preppers and stuff and they think There a bunch of a seventh-day Adventists like guys and let those people get done in first The other the other bit was that guy's Koresh. Do you know who I'm talking about? Correct, correct. Wasn't he also like some off-grid guy. Yeah Around the To what your yours is like louder than everybody's but we have no labels on I'm not gonna bash the podcast thing What the hey, what do you mean? We have no labels? Well, because everyone is like move everyone moves in different places just color-coded mine is the first one on the far left Color coat the mics. I put it. Oh, I got you blue tape. We're having some technical difficulties make sense Just turn everyone up Like if not, it's gonna start peeking like bad Consistently, yeah, I'm the one who consistently speaks into the mic what this thing is full of my spit Adam speaks pretty good. He's been speaking pretty good into the mic. I see. Hey wait Why are you turning me down for Ray? bro, I Was like on a Sunday evening or Thursday evening. Let's turn you down cuz you're calling me Adam runs the PA at church Hey, hey you back there Well, that guy just rips on everyone in this church, you know, I love you brother You guys don't even care the sorriest church member I have Dude, okay. I got those stories. So one time we went to a Tulare I think it's called Larry right to layer to Larry and it's like in the middle of nowhere in central, California it's one of those Bakersfield type cities, but Shout out the Bakersfield by the way, but we're there it was a tour group and I was preaching I like at a church. It was like a small little church, right and You know, sorry, I was just preaching on church attendance cuz what pastor doesn't want you to preach on church attendance, you know So I'm like ripping on that and after I was done like the pastor he got up and at first I thought he was like He didn't like the sermon cuz he was making some faces and I was like, oh man, maybe even like the sermon But then he got up and he was just like, yeah. Yeah. Well what he said was right. He's like Bobby. Where were you on? I didn't see you. Hey when I was sowing on Saturday, Tommy, you weren't there. You're always my sony part, but you weren't there Dude he's he just wait. He just preached like another half of the sermon dude Like he just started calling random people and then you see the people in the church is like nodding their heads like yeah, you're right I Imagine we started doing that I kind of do that. Sometimes you know, I don't 10% I know you're not Sometimes I call Adam who else I call out pretty often. I think it's just Adam Information I was just like how long was that? I was like Adam. How long was that commit? Yeah, how long did the Roman Empire last for he comes out of the comes out of the beer booth a really long time To be honest, I couldn't I couldn't remember it was enough five-second time spent have you ever seen the video where that pastor? Says, you know, I said when he when are you gonna get serious with God like he punched that? I just crumpled the kid. Oh That's cringe man, this is pastor was just talking to some he's talking to his church about one of the kids in his youth group or something and he was trying to tell him like how serious is gonna get for God, he says he just punched him in the chest No, no, no, he's just telling the story no He goes to the swing Punch him right in the chest. Yeah, he brings up some other kid punches in let me show you Yeah, he cried like that Well, the question is stop breathing like that, too Well, the question is did the kid get serious for God though? It works That's like Ken Hovind there's that story about can't use the gun. Yeah, is that true? Can't believe anything that man says basically the story the story is like when he got so winning Yeah, you stick a gun in the ribs. It'll be like if you died there my shots amazing. Yeah There's a toy t-rex he pulled out If you're that one character in the bathroom stall in Jurassic Park, would you go to heaven? Wish I understood that reference. Yeah, that's right That's what you get from just watching movies in Canada They called it probably the first Jurassic Park over there or something. We never got the first one, unfortunately Boy Little ducky proud leave that they never ate. All right Hey, this guy's funny So about what about that election going on, huh? I think we need to call Talked about president Joe Biden was announced today president president-elect It's 915 yeah, what's your Thompson's good? Are you sure? Sponsored by Red Bull. Well, you know what? Pastor Thompson, thank you for joining us on the rod of iron podcast. Always a pleasure to have you down here in Southern Cali Looking at stinking Korean temples Yeah Dragon Korean barbecue we took them to the Korean friendship. You gotta cook your own food. What's up with that walk that rice off Yeah, good. Hey, wasn't the Korean barbecue good Yeah, I just I just dragged my feet on the grass that was like spooky mud spooky mud it was like haunted My shoes Thank you for tuning in to the rod of iron podcast just as a reminder if you want to watch the full episodes Of course, you can watch them on YouTube If you just want to listen to them You can go on fwbc la.org and listen to the full episodes on there or you can listen to them on Spotify We are on Spotify, but make sure you tune in next week for episode 11. Thank you for joining us. God bless you Have a good one You You