(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And I'll see you next time. So, what's going on, everyone? Yeah, it's just delayed. Just testing out the new live stream equipment. Couple things went wrong, but it's okay. I guess you can't really add any... What's that? Alright, let me do that, huh? We're gonna test some things out, so just enjoy the ride. I'm actually gonna go live maybe in a couple minutes after this, after we figure everything out, just talking about the subject of repentance in the Bible. A lot of people out there are confused about what the Bible says about repentance, and some people are confused, then you have heretics out there who try to claim that when the Bible talks about repentance, it's always referring to repenting of sin, turning from your sin, and of course, that is the case in certain instances in the Bible, but not when it comes to salvation. Obviously, when it comes to salvation, all that's required for eternal life is repentance from dead works and faith toward God, change of mind. So let's see here, just experimenting with some things here, this is not even showing up there, huh? We'll see right now, trying to add some images to the stream here, I don't see anything. Gonna fine-tune some equipment here, let's see, what is this, nope, I don't think it's working out, that's all right, we'll figure that out before the next stream. So anyways, might as well just stay on the live, just keep it going. What's going on everyone? It says testing on, did you put that, did you put testing, oops. We named it testing, but it's actually not testing, we are testing, but we didn't want you guys to know that we're testing. What's going on everyone? So let me see here, can you hear everything on there? What does the Bible mean when it says that, when the Bible talks about repentance, that's the question here, right? Like I mentioned, there's a lot of people out there that will try to make it seem as though, well, you have to repent of your sin in order to have eternal life, and they'll use scriptures that use the word repentance, and they'll even go as far as to accuse people like me, you know, I'm one saved, always saved, I'm easy believism, any kind of slanderous thing you can say about faith in Christ alone, that's what they call us, and they'll say, well, you know, you guys who believe in easy believism, you guys don't even believe in repentance. But nothing could be further from the truth, because no one's denying, I don't deny the fact that repentance is found in the Bible. But here's the thing, repentance of sin for salvation is not. Can you turn that, I think yours is a little loud, don't you got some headphones? So let me show you something, first and foremost, let me show you some scriptures here that they'll try to use. Mark chapter one is probably one of the common scriptures that they'll use, and they'll talk about how John the Baptist preached the baptism of repentance. And it says in verse number three, verse number four, John did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. And what they'll do is they'll create this straw man and state, well, since John the Baptist was preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sin, hence, why you should repent of your sins in order to be saved. And obviously, what they do is it's a sleight of hand tactic that seeks to use scriptures that use the word repentance and then slip in the word for sin, repent of sin, to add it to salvation. And so John the Baptist, he was preaching the baptism of repentance. And I definitely agree with everything that he preached, because everything that he preached is found in the Bible, especially when it comes to this matter of salvation. Now let me show you something real quick, because it's important that when we study the Bible, that we compare scripture with scripture, that we take the plenary of scripture and really you use the Bible to define itself. We can't just impose definitions upon the Bible. When we see a term or a phrase being used, we can't just define what that is. We can't just pull up a rabbit out of a hat and say, well, it says repentance, therefore, you know, it means repent of your sin. Let me take you to Acts chapter 19 here. And the apostle Paul actually defines what John the Baptist said when he was preaching the baptism of repentance, it says in verse number two, he said, he said unto them, Have you received the Holy Ghost since he believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said unto John's baptism. Verse number four says, Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance. Now listen to this, saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him. That is on Christ Jesus. So when we see John the Baptist preaching in Mark chapter one, we see him preaching in the book of Matthew and the book of Luke. And he's preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, meaning the forgiveness of sins. Paul defines that as he's stating, believe on Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And that's not hard to believe because of the fact that there's only one gospel found throughout the whole Bible, folks. There's not multiple gospels. There's not different ways of getting saved. People didn't get saved doing the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament. People didn't get saved by keeping the law of the Old Testament. People didn't get saved by repenting of their sin in the beginning of the gospels. We're not in the dispensation of grace today where salvation is by grace through faith only. Salvation has always been by grace through faith. Throughout all generations, throughout the years, throughout the centuries, from the beginning of time up until now, salvation has never changed. And so we see there that that's a straw man that they try to prop up. And they will often say, well, yeah, John preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. Therefore, we need to repent of our sin. We need to be sorry for our sin in order to be saved. You see how they impose that definition upon that statement, even though nowhere does it say repent of sin. John the Baptist was clearly stating, according to Paul's description of his sermon, that you're supposed to believe on Jesus Christ, OK, saying unto the people that they should believe on him, which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. And that makes one hundred percent with the rest of scripture, because the Bible tells us, but as many as received unto them give you power to become the sons of God, even unto them that believe on his name. He that believeth in the Son hath everlasting life. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. The Bible says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Over and over again, we see this concept that we have to believe on Jesus Christ in order to be saved, plus nothing minus nothing. And in fact, the Bible specifically teaches that if you try to add anything to that, you can't be saved. Look folks, Acts chapter 16, verse 30, they asked the apostles this. What must I do to be saved? And they said unto them, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved in thy house. He didn't say believe and repent of your sins, believe and do the commandments, believe and get baptized, believe and keep the Sabbath, nothing of the sort. He says, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Romans chapter 10, verse nine says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For what the hard man believeth unto righteousness, but with the mouth confession is made into salvation. So you know, it's a straw man to say, well, you know, you have to believe or I'm sorry, you have to repent of your sins in order to be saved when that phrase is not never even found in the Bible. But I can point to hundreds of scriptures that say you have to believe for salvation. I can point to dozens and dozens and dozens of scriptures. I can point you to a whole book in the gospels known as the book of John, where explicitly says you have to believe for salvation to have eternal life. Clear cut. Straight to the point. Faith alone for salvation. Okay. And so repentance from sin is not necessary for salvation. And I'm going to explain to you why. Because there's no one in this world who's able to turn their backs on their sin 100%. It's impossible. The Bible says this. There's not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not. So according to the Bible, there's no one in this world who is able to not sin, who is a righteous person. It's impossible because everyone's a sinner for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There's none righteous. No, not one. There's none that do with good. No, not one. Everyone has sinned. Everyone is condemned. And here's the thing. What people don't seem to understand is that even after you get saved, you will still sin. Even after you get saved, you will continually struggle with sin until the day that you die. Now, how do we know that? Well, because of the fact that the Bible specifically tells us that while we're on this earth, our new man that's inside is encapsulated by the flesh, and the flesh can do nothing but sin. This is a corruptible body. That's why we need a resurrected body. When the rapture takes place, he's given us a new body so this corruption can put on incorruption. This mortality, this mortal shall put on immortality will put off this sinful flesh because it's the flesh that causes us to sin. In fact, the Bible tells us that one of the three enemies of man is the flesh, says the world, the flesh and the devil. The flesh desires to sin. The apostle Paul said this for in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. So this constant battle taking place within the life of a Christian, the Bible says, walk in the spirit. You should not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lust against the spirit, the spirit against the flesh. These are contrary, the one to the other city cannot do the things that you would. So there's a constant war taking place in our body, in our in our spiritual body, in our physical body, between the flesh and the spirit. And you know what? Sometimes the spirit wins. Sometimes the flesh wins. But to say we never sin would actually mean that you're lying, you're a deceiver. Because the Bible actually says in first John chapter one, verse number eight says, but if if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. He says in verse 10, if we say that we have not sinned, we make them a liar and his word is not in us. So let's see what we got going on here. Nino America's just text me. People hating on YouTube's hating on Nino America right now. Nothing new under the sun. If we say we have no, if we say we have not sinned, we make them a liar and his word is not in us. So anybody who says, well, I've turned for my sin. The Bible says you're a liar because no one is able to completely turn from all of their sins for salvation. And where does the Bible say that we have to stop sinning in order to be saved? Nowhere. It's so wicked to think that we have to put that effort in into ceasing from the acts of sin in order to merit eternal life. They won't say it's meriting, but that's what it would be. If you're telling someone, well, the condition in order to have eternal life is that you have to cease from sin. You're basically telling that person you have to earn salvation because that would be a work. Whereas the Bible teaches us that once we believe on Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ actually forgives us of all of our sins, past, present and future. That's how the sin is taken care of. That's why the Bible says when we believe on him, we receive the remission of sins, the forgiveness of sins. The Bible tells us in Romans chapter number four, let me read it to you. It says here not to him, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him to justify the ungodly. His faith is counted for righteousness, even as David also described it, the blessedness of the man to whom God imputeth righteousness without works, saying, listen to this. Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven. That's past. But it doesn't stop there, whose sins are covered present. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. That's future tense. So when we get saved, according to the Bible, we actually give forgiveness of every single sin, past, present and future. The Bible tells us that when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, he himself bore our own sins on his own body on the tree. So every single sin you've ever done, he became the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. He's already paid for it all. And the reason why the Bible tells us that we have to believe on Jesus Christ for that salvation is because to believe means to trust in Jesus, his death, burial and resurrection, recognizing that that's sufficient to save us. But if a person says, well, you know, I believe that I believe you have to believe on Jesus Christ, but I also believe you have to do your part. You have to turn from your sin. Well, you can believe that all you want, but it doesn't make it right. And it doesn't make it biblical either. And in fact, the Bible actually says in Romans chapter 11, verse number six. And if by grace, because, you know, the Bible says, for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works that any man should boast. The Bible actually says in Romans 11, verse six, and if by grace, then it is no more of works. Otherwise, listen to this. Grace is no more grace. So the moment you decide to add works, repenting of your sin, anything that requires your effort for salvation, anytime you add that to salvation, according to the Bible, you can't be saved. You've made the gift null and void. And let me just read something to you here from first John chapter five, just to show you the severity of trying to work for your salvation. Because the Bible says that God is actually giving a witness of his son. You know, God is the one who declared that the world can be saved through his son, Jesus Christ, right? He's the one who has declared that we have to believe on Jesus in order to be saved. So if someone chooses to say, well, I'm still going to repent of my sin. I'm still going to keep God's commandments just in case. Well, according to the Bible, you're actually calling God a liar. Let me read it. Let me read it to you. It says in verse 10 of first John chapter five. He that believeth on the son of God hath the witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son. And what's the record? Verse 11. And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life. And this life is in his son. He that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of God hath not life. These things have been written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the son of God. So when someone decides to say, well, you still have to repent of your sins, you got to make sure you you do these works in order to validate your salvation before God false. All it requires is faith in Jesus. And here's the accusation that people will give. They'll say, oh, you're just giving people a license to sin. I mean, haven't you heard that before? You're giving people a license to sin with this easy believe ism. Well, let me just let me just explain something to you, OK? No one needs a license to sin because they'll do it whether they have it, a license or not. People will sin regardless if they have a license or not, OK? And any time we lead people to the Lord, because we get people saved every single week at our church, every month since we started our church, we we go out and preach the gospel every single week. On Sunday, the church goes out, they go sowing and they go preach the gospel and we don't give anybody a license to sin. We help them to recognize that Jesus Christ has already paid for the sins. All they have to do is believe on Jesus Christ for eternal life. He gives them to them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of his hand. But then we also explain to them that if they continue in sin thereafter, whether it's drunkenness, fornication, the God will punish them. Here's the difference. He just won't punish them in a place called hell because he's already paid for that. But the Bible says that whom the Lord loveth, he scourges and chasing every son whom he receiveth. So when we be when we get saved, we become children of God. And the Bible tells us that God will begin to chase in his children if they are in unconfessed or unrepentant sin. But notice that none of that has to do with salvation. That's after salvation. And in fact, if a person chooses not to repent of their sin, it doesn't mean they weren't safe to begin with. It doesn't mean, you know, that they lost their salvation. It means that they're a backslidden, unrepentant believer whom God will chase. How are we doing? Good. We have brother Ulysses Fernandez here, or as the news likes to call him, brother Ulysses Fernandez trying to figure out this livestream here. Are you are you on the on the chat? Brother Ulysses. All right, you should go on here. So repentance from sin is not necessary for salvation, and if you don't like that, then obviously you just don't like what the Bible actually teaches. Let me show you what the Bible actually says about repentance in Hebrews chapter six and verse number one, it says, Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and faith toward God. So according to the Bible, the only thing we have to repent of when we get saved is what we're trusting in for salvation. It's our belief. If you believe in the Virgin Mary for salvation, you need to repent of that belief in the Virgin Mary and believe on Jesus Christ. If you believe that good works save you, you have to repent from dead works and place your faith toward God. You have to repent of whatever you're trusting in for salvation, not the sinful acts that you're committing, but whatever you're believing in. That's what the Bible says, OK? And so it's important that we. Explain what that means now. Here's the thing, because a lot of people, they get offended at this. They don't like what's being said. And, you know, because whatever they go to some church where they teach a repentance for salvation and they don't like people telling them that that's a false gospel. But here's the thing, folks, is that according to the Bible. Repentance from sin is actually considered a work. Now, we obviously understand that the Bible tells us, for by grace, are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, that is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. The Bible tells us in Titus, not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us over and over again. We see that the Bible tells us that we cannot do works for salvation. And works can be defined as you keeping God's commandments. And the Bible tells us, therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. It can be defined as repenting from sin, repenting from sin is a work, because another way of saying repenting from sin is to keep God's commandments. And the Bible says that we cannot keep God's commandments in order to be saved. But let me prove to you the fact that. Repentance from sin is a work. Let's use the Bible to define itself. Jonah, chapter three. Because what is repenting from your sin? How else do people say we need to turn from your evil ways? You need to turn from your sins. That's what they're talking about. It says in verse number nine of Jonah three, who can tell if God will turn to repent and turn away from his fierce anger? That we perish not. And look what it says in verse 10. And God saw their works that they what turn from their evil way. So in that very statement, their works is synonymous with them turning from their evil ways. So according to the Bible's definition, forget whatever pastor's definition is. Let's see. Let's just go with the Bible. Don't even listen to my definition. Let's just I'm just reading what the Bible says. And the Bible is telling us that turning from your evil ways, turning from your wicked works. Is works, repenting from sin, which is exactly what it means to turn from your evil way. Is a work, according to the Bible, and here's how disrespectful this this doctrine is, if you think about it, because for a person to say, well, I had to turn for my sin in order to be safe. You're saying that the payment that Jesus made for your sin is actually insufficient. Think about that. You're saying that the payment that Jesus Christ made was insufficient for you. You have to do something on your part. And then, you know, we'll show them all these scriptures and then they'll state, well, you know, I don't mean turn from your sin, but you have to be sorry for your sin. You have to like feel something about your sin. Where in the Bible does he even say that for salvation? We can point to a ton of scriptures that talk about being grieved over our sin and being great grieved over our iniquity, but never in the context of for salvation. And so it's important to note that. What is the repentance? Well, there's different ways that repentance is used in the Bible. It can be defined as repenting from sin. And definitely Christians should repent of their sin, but not for salvation. They should repent of sin in order to restore fellowship with God. The Bible says if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We can't say we have fellowship with the Father if we are involved in sin. But here's the problem is that people will take that statement and say, well, there you go. That's what I mean. That's what you got to do in order to have fellowship, in order to have salvation. Well, fellowship and salvation are two different things. Salvation is actually considered a gift in the Bible, whereas fellowship is something that we have to labor for. We have to work reading our Bibles and praying and soul winning and walking in the spirit, not fulfilling the lust of the flesh and the desires of the flesh and of the mind has nothing to do with salvation. Repentance, the only time repentance is necessary for salvation is when you're changing what you're trusting and for salvation to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Repentance from sin is a work, according to Jonah chapter three, verse number 10. John the Baptist preached the repentance, the baptism of repentance for the remission of sin, not the repentance of sin for salvation. And according to Acts chapter 17, what he was saying was you have to believe on Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. But here's one of the nails in the coffin when it comes to the subject of repenting from your sin for salvation, because here's what these people will do. They will add that. They will take that statement, repent of sins, and they'll say it's in the Bible. I believe the Bible. I believe the Bible. That's what the Bible says. But obviously they're not reading the Bible because it never says repent of sin, number one. But number two, they spoke too soon because the Bible records God repenting. And if repenting of sin was something that only meant or excuse me, is repentance in the Bible only meant repenting from sin, then you got yourself a problem because the Bible records God repenting. And we obviously know that God does not sin. God is not a man that he should lie. He says, so what do I do about my friend who believes in this or what do I do about my pastor, my church that believes in this? Well, let me just say this. If you go to a church that teaches a repent of your sins gospel, you need to leave the church. Plain and simple. If you have a friend that teaches this, the Bible says, let God be true and every man a liar. And so very important for us to understand what it means to repent in the Bible. And the Bible tells us in chapter two, let me let me use another scripture here, because people who who are against easy believe ism or faith only one saved, always saved. They're against people like us. They think we're afraid of the word repentance or something. I love the word repentance because it's in the Bible. I hate the definition that people impose upon the Bible when it's actually not found in the Bible. OK, the Bible says in Acts chapter two and verse thirty seven, it says, now, when they heard this, they were pricked to the hearts and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles, men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, repent and be baptized. Every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. And people say, there you go. You got to repent of your sins. You got to get baptized in order to receive the remission of sins. But is that what it's saying? It says here, repent to be baptized. Every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for a synonym for four is because of the remission of sins. So because they had received the remission of sins, because they had received the forgiveness of sins, what did God command them to do to repent and to be baptized? Very simple, folks. It's not hard at all. Did you turn me off and turn me back on or what on the camera? OK, cool. The Bible says, repent and believe the gospel doesn't say repent of your sin and believe the gospel. Repent means turn from whatever you're believing in and believe the gospel. Do we have a sodomite on here? Don't hate me for preaching the cross. What are you saying? Jesus answered him, verily, verily, I say unto you, who sort of committed sin is the servant of sin? Yeah. What does that have to do with salvation? Nothing. There are Christians who are servants of sin, unfortunately. Psalm 55, the foolish should not stand on thy side. Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. Amen to that. Talk about reprobates. Is this is right hand of God a heretic here? Jesus Christ is coming. If you have the fear of the Lord, you will repent and turn from your ways. The day is at hand. You get this all the time where people will they like to virtue signal and tell everyone else to repent and say, you got to get right with God. Dude, you got to get your doctrine right. And if you don't believe in the right gospel, you know, you're going to be the one frying in hell, right? According to the Bible, God actually takes preaching a false gospel very seriously. And anybody who who's actually preaching a false gospel, the Bible actually says that they're a curse. Let me show you what Galatians chapter one in verse number six says, says, I marvel the year so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ into another gospel, which is not another. But there is something that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we are an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel into you than that we have preached. Let him be accursed, as we said before. So say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel into you than that you have received, let him be accursed. Strong words there from the apostle Paul to people who are preaching a false gospel such as repenting of your sin for salvation. He says you're a curse because you're preaching a different gospel. So it's pretty simple, folks. And look, folks, you know, people people try to accuse us. We you guys don't talk about repenting of your sin. A lot of my sermons have to do with repenting of sin. I'm constantly preaching repent of your sin in my church. A couple of a couple of weeks ago, I preached on a church discipline for covetousness and the importance of casting people out of the church for being covetous. I have to preach on being cast out of a church for fornication, adultery, extortion. It's important that we preach holiness in the local New Testament church. But here's the thing. Not for salvation, because most of the people in my church are already saved. Amen. They believe the right gospel. And so pretty simple there. Let's check out the comments section here. Just want to try out the live stream for a little bit. Looks like it went pretty well. What's going on on the. Lukey, the apparently we got it, we got ourselves a troll on the. We got a couple of trolls on the woods. Where's the other troll? Oh, Andy Kaplow is a is a troll. Matthew 7, 21. OK, right hand is an AIDS ridden homo. I don't know. He's I mean. I don't think Andy Kaplow is a bad guy. I might be wrong, though. No, I think he's he's I think he's solid. Scroll all the way down. Hey, man, don't be falsely accusing people. Hey, repent of that sin, my brother. See, I preach repentance. Yeah, he's not he's not calling me out. Well, good deal, folks. How you guys liking this music? Yeah, I'm playing it. It's it's it's very low. It's ambient music. Can you hear it? Here, I'm going to I'm going to switch it up real quick. Yeah. And the reason I even brought this up, number one, because. Oh, some people say they can't hear the music. I thought it's very it's like ambient music. The reason I was even preached or the reason I even bring this up is because I went live with Nino yesterday. He was going live and we hopped on and some heretic got on there and he got heavily roasted. But he believed in this false gospel of repenting of your sin and it got me fired up. You know, I don't I don't like it when when people are preaching a false gospel because they're obviously damning souls to hell. And here's the thing. Most people who preach a hardcore repenting repent of your sins, salvation, gospel, some of the most prideful, arrogant virtue signaling, pharisaical people you ever meet in your life, because when you actually talk to those people and you say, well, what sins do you have to repent of? They typically just will label the sins that they've repented of. So they want you to repent of the sins that they got right in their personal life kind of thing. You know, so it's it's it's hypocritical. It's nonsensical. It's a prideful doctrine and it's a doctrine that really instead of calling it repenting your sins, you know, a good way to call it is just the gospel that calls God a liar. The gospel that is is calling the witness of God a fable and a lie, because that's exactly what it is. The Bible says in hope of eternal life, which God, they cannot lie, promised before the world began. And so. Who gives you anxiety? What was crazy? Milharp, what are you talking about? What gives you anxiety? Calming it early, but it's late where I am. Oh, are you talking about the music? All unrighteousness should be repented of, and I'm sure right hand of God, you've repented of all unrighteousness, right? I'm sure you cleaned up your entire life. You're just you're just you're already resurrected. You've already been transfigured. You have a form of godliness, but apparently you deny the power thereof, though. Oh, just are you talking about Justin? Hey, look, look, look at right hand of God actually brought up. He said, Hebrews 10, 38. Now the just shall live by faith. But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. That's one of my favorite verses, because it goes on to say, Now we are not of them that draw back into perdition, but believe to the saving of the soul. Checkmate. And here's the thing, look what it says at the beginning of the verse. Now the just shall live by faith. And guess what? It doesn't say live by repenting of your sin. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Yeah, once rejected, always rejected. We'll get into the to the reprobate doctrine soon. I don't know how many. Oh, you want the music back on? People like the music. Hey, you guys got to tune into the. Make sure you tune into what's going on here. Oh, no, that's the wrong music. Tune into the the Revelation series on Friday. Unless my wife actually gives birth today, the baby's actually due today, but she's not feeling as though she's going to give birth at all. So what's going on, brother Nino? You know, America on their. Good friend. Enjoy his content. Nino's a Trump supporter, and I don't really support politicians, but I don't really care, you know, it's not my thing, but I don't care if people do. And let me just say this. Look, look, I have people in my church who are Trump supporters. Now, they're very they're a minority, my church, and they vote Trump and all these things. And they have their Trump flags. Right. But they're great people. I mean, people could do whatever they want. I'm not the type of pastor that tries to, like, dictate how everyone's life should be. I preach the word of God. I preach the Bible. You know, I give the word of God. And sometimes I even give my opinion from the pulpit, just like the apostle Paul gave his opinion. He even said this is not a commandment of the Lord. This is me speaking here. And sometimes he would just give his opinion because he said, and I think I have the spirit of God. So there's sometimes I give my opinion and, you know, my opinion is voting is useless. And I don't really depend on a president. But here's the thing. Don't get it mixed up. I don't hate on people who do. You know, if they're Trump supporters or, you know, if they believe in voting, I don't think they're wicked people. I don't I don't even care. Like when people ask me, like, what's my opinion on that? I typically say I don't really care for it. I don't really care about it. It's not something I really harp on or think about. What really bothers me is when people, more specifically Christians, when the government, presidents, politicians become a source of liberty more than God's word. It's when they place their faith in the White House rather than in the church house. OK, that's what really bothers me more specifically when Christians do that, when they become these Fox News Baptist Republicans where, you know, the hope of America is found in the White House. You know, as a Christian, you should know better that the hope of America is in the is in the word of God. It's in it's in the church house. It's with winning souls to Christ. Now, I think we should expose the leftist agenda as much as possible, because although God is not a Republican, as my friend would say, God is not a Republican, but the devil for sure is a Democrat. And I definitely agree with that. And I think conservative Republicans are often the most receptive people to the word of God. And, you know, so and they're the most open to even some of our radical views that we have, what people would consider to be radical. Right. I don't consider it to be radical. I think it's just biblical. But people, you know, they hear my my preaching. And if they're often conservatives will reach out to me and they tell me like, hey, I'm I believe what you're saying now. You know, I believe what you believe about the homos. I believe what you believe about, you know, the the the jab and all these things. And so we readily win them over because they're kind of already going towards that direction. And so, you know, I think conservatives are very receptive now. There's some that are so prideful and arrogant and their God has become the president or their God has become politics. And that's one of the reasons they become so fearful, whereas the Bible says, you know, that God does not give a spirit of fear, but a power, love and a sound mind. And so I think sometimes people they get too involved with politics to the point where it just overcomes them. They become consumed by it. They don't sleep. They don't read the Bible anymore. They don't pray. They don't win souls to Christ. You know, Christianity and their walk with God gets put on the backburner because of it. But, folks, I have I have people in my church who are Trump supporters. They love Trump. I call them Trumpsters, you know. But I have great fellowship with them because, you know, I agree with them more than I disagree with them on a lot of things. And you know what? Let me just be let me just go out and say this is that I kind of enjoyed when Trump was in office, just because he was a lot more entertaining to like listen to. Biden is kind of boring. I mean, am I right or am I right? You know, and so but I'm not going to vote for him because I have different convictions when it comes to that whole. The whole arena. So it's important, you know. And here's the thing, folks, don't put your faith in politics, because one day, I mean, you see it now, but one day politics will turn on you. The rulers of this world will one day turn you in. And don't forget that there's coming a new world order. I forgot. Am I turning this this shutter on or up or off? I can't. Oh, there it goes. Never mind. It's right there. That's good. One day, the Antichrist is going to have a one world government. And when he has that one world government, he's not going to be favoring Christians, folks. And in fact, the Bible says that he's going to be making war with the saints. He's going to overcome them. He's going to put them to death. He's going to kill them. And all in the name of God. So just keep that in mind. Keep that in mind that you shouldn't involve yourself so much into politics that you you lose light of the most important thing, which is your soul, the souls of others, the souls of your children. Make sure you're winning your children to Christ. Make sure you get into a Bible believing church with some hard preaching. If you're in an area that doesn't have a Bible believing church. I mean, my recommendation is you go to independent fundamental Baptist church. And if and if you have tons of those in your city, choose one that doesn't have a false gospel. And if you don't have that, look for a new independent fundamental Baptist church. And if you are in Southern California, come to First Works Baptist Church, make the drive from wherever you're at. But if you don't have a church, obviously, you know, there's YouTube, you can listen to the preaching online or a lot of our online listeners. That's what they do because they don't have a church to go to is what it is. But that's the most important thing. Not who's in the White House, not who the governor is. And look, I live in California, we have the most crappiest governor on the face of the planet. Newscum is trash and the guy who's trying to take his place is even more trash. And I guarantee you there's a ton of, quote unquote, conservatives out there, Christians who are losing their minds based upon the options that are available to them. I'm not losing my mind. You know, I'm sitting and clothed and in my right mind. And so and look, I'm for recalling Gavin Newsom, a piece of trash. But whether he he remains, yeah, and Jenner, that animal, you know, I'm for recalling them or doing whatever you got to do in order to keep them out. But, you know, at the end of the day, if they stay, it's no skin off my back. I'm not of this world. I hope I operate under a different system. I'm part of I seek for a better country, the Bible says, a heavenly in New Jerusalem. And the only time I'm really going to be involved in politics, folks, is when is when the millennial rain comes. And it's at the millennial rain that we got to get that button like like Nino has the millennial range. I was just thinking to having a booing button because I get more booed than anything and I kind of accept that. So I should get a button where people boo. That's the only time I'm going to be involved in politics, folks, is when the millennial rain hits. What's going on over here? You listen to other sermons while we're doing a podcast? Brother Ulysses Hernandez listening to the pastor, Pastor Aaron Thompson from Shur Foundation Baptist Church over Vancouver. I'm doing the podcast here. Shout out to Pastor Thompson. You know, when the millennial rain hits, when it when it's established at the inauguration of the millennial rain, when Jesus Christ, when the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, that's when I will take a serious interest. Well, I'm taking a serious interest now in that government, when the government shall be upon his shoulders, when he begins to distribute authority based upon the works that we've done here on this earth. The Bible says that to him that overcometh and keep keepeth my works into the end, while I give power over the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron. And so that's the only time I'm really going to be involved in politics is when God gives me 10 cities to rule over, carry out that Levitical law. Amen. Shout out to Leviticus 2013. That's when I'm really going to be involved in politics, when he begins to distribute authority to all of the believers based upon the works that they do. Jesus said, Behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me to give to every man according as his work shall be. And part of that reward that we receive is authority. This is why the Bible tells us that when we suffer for righteousness sake, when we endure persecution and trials, when we are good shepherds of the flock of God, that he'll give us a crown. And a crown is symbolically representing authority. It's it's it represents dominion. And obviously we're not going to get that crown today, but we will. One day during the millennial reign, we're able to rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years. And so that's what I'm looking forward to there. The millennial Christmas trees are pagan. Someone said the Christmas trees are pagan. Folks, first of all, what are we in June? Oh, man, the Internet's crazy sometimes, folks. You know, what I've learned is that when you don't have a good church to go to, you get involved in all kinds of weird doctrine. You start believing in aliens and stuff, and the Christmas trees are pagan and the Easter is a pagan holiday. Oh, man, that's ridiculous. Yeah, Andy Kaplow, exactly. Christmas trees are trees. Hey, if Christmas trees are pagan, you better get rid of all the plants that you have in your house to. Yup, Hebrew rooters shaking my head. Yeah, folks, I mean, that's well, we'll get into the millennial reign in Revelation Chapter 20 when we go through when we're going through the Book of Revelation. Want to encourage you to make sure you tune into that Book of Revelation on Fridays at 5 p.m., unless the baby comes sooner. If the baby comes tonight, tomorrow, we're going to we're going to postpone that until until. Until I say so, I guess, you know, so everything settled down, we got to take care of the family first. Oh, six million is on here, usually people that are into Bigfoot or into Flat Earth and Nephilim. I didn't even know six million had Instagram. Did you know that? Am I live on YouTube? You put me on YouTube. Oh, man, there's. Oh, oh, wild olive tree. Well, that's a shock. So I've been speaking through YouTube and Instagram this entire time. My my evangelist, he by sleight of hand. Oh, I see, I see. You can't put it on landscape on that one, huh? Yeah, yeah, actually, the reason we're even live streaming to YouTube or we're able to. It's because of the fact that I got a strike on my my main channel, which is First Works Baptist Church. Go to YouTube, type in First Works B.C. and subscribe to that channel. OK, a lot of good content on there. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I put content on that. I put content on my Instagram, but I'm typically a lot of my stuff is on YouTube. But I got a strike on my channel because earlier this year, our church was bombed. It was bombed by the by the the sods and they blew up our church because my because of my preaching. And and I preached some pretty hot sermons against them. I let loose and they didn't like it. And so they reported it. What is this? Oh, yeah, Nino. Hey, man, you got to get on that. Yeah, because you do both, don't you? Yeah. Just talk to me afterwards. I'll show you how to do it. We've been trying to work on this for the last two weeks or so. But yeah. So they bombed our church. And then what we what happened was prior to that, I preached two sermons. One of them was called Preparations for Warfare. And it was the week prior to the protest at our church. And I preached that sermon just to kind of prepare our people for warfare, spiritual warfare. And it's funny because I literally talked about the fact that we were not going to get physically violent with them. I said, I'm not talking about physical war. I'm talking about spiritual battles. We don't war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and the rules of the darkness of this world. You know, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. And I was I was emphasizing that I was telling our people don't get physical with anybody. And they literally took that sermon and said, oh, he wants a physical war with us. They literally said they said he wants to go to war with us. He's using all these violent terms. And so they reported my sermon. And and then I preached another sin, another sin. I preached a sermon called The Worst Sin. And that was my sermon against the sodomites and just exposing them for who they truly are. And it went well. I like that sermon. I think I lost my voice yelling. But we had we actually had visitors on both of those services and both of those visitors. They ended up getting they they believed everything that was read and they agreed with everything that was stated and they liked it. And so it was great. But those sermons, unfortunately, got taken down by YouTube cancer culture. You know how that works. That was probably Justin who reported you. Yeah, you're probably right. So I'm on YouTube time out for about seven days and then I'll be able to upload again. We're actually coming up with a lot of new content on YouTube. Of course, we got the Rod of Iron podcast. We're going to be starting a podcast here on Instagram and we'll probably live stream it to our Wild Olive Tree channel now that I think about it. But it's going to be called the Olive Crown podcast that will just be me on Instagram here, just talking about different doctrines, debunking different doctrines, just talking about what's going on. And then also we'll have the Revelation series going on on Friday evenings at five p.m. on Instagram. But on YouTube, we have the Rod of Iron podcast. We're going to be uploading the new Landmark series. We got season three coming up and the the topic at hand is by End Times Bible Prophecy. That'll be coming up in July towards the the the mid middle of July is when that's going to take place. And some other projects that I can't divulge at this moment because we have to make sure that we keep it on the low. It's it's going to be a surprise for everyone. You guys like my shirt. I don't know if you can read it backwards. Make sure you guys listen to that sermon. Put that link on that sermon. You already got it. Oh, here we go. Yep. There you go. So it's been going good. It's been going great. Juju, did you find out about our our account through Nino? Is that what it was? I think a lot of people found my account through Nino, so I really appreciate that. Nino's got some good, some good content. I was going to I hearted my own comment. I can't believe I just did that. Sometimes you got to heart your own comments, you know. No man, every year hated his own account, but nourished and cherished it. Oh, man. My pastor here, are you going to still visit Ireland? Yes. Faithful Word Baptist 1611. Yeah, I was supposed to go to Ireland last year. And man, I was looking forward to that. I was actually going to go to Northern Ireland. There's a group of believers out there. We're going to have a sowing marathon. We're going to have some preaching and have some fellowship with the brethren across the world. And so I'm still planning to go. And of course, with covid and everything, everything got shut down. We weren't able to make it. But I am definitely looking to go to Ireland, Northern Ireland, to preach there and do a sowing marathon. I'll probably bring my evangelist with me. Total, huh? Good documentary exposing dispensationalism. Thank you. Conscious Chicano Christianity. Appreciate that. If you guys haven't watched the documentary, we came out with the documentary about what, three years ago, two years ago, three years ago, and it's called The Dispensation of Heresy. It's on YouTube. First Works Baptist Church. Just scroll down. Go to First Works Baptist Church. You scroll all the way down to the documentary section and you'll find the Dispensation of Heresy. And we we expose dispensationalism for what it is. I mean, everyone, every dispensationalist that matters gets called out. Robert Breaker, Gene Kim, C.I. Schofield, John Nelson Darby, Peter Ruckman. And we talk about the errors of dispensationalism. And so make sure you go watch that. I'm sure you'll learn a lot. Charlotte, you guys are in Ireland. Oh, man, I hope to see you guys someday. Looking forward to going over there. What is this? Are you answering the question box, brother? I don't know what that is. What is the question box? I don't see a question box on here. I think the the the live stream after we have going on here probably doesn't permit that. We have a we have the chat section. Oh, oh, we just discovered something. Look at that. Are those people asking questions? All right, let's take a look here. If you click on it, maybe it'll show on there. Look, look at the eye, the eye. What happens if you click that? I wonder if you can see that. Maybe not, huh? Can you explain the mark again? All right. So let me let me just briefly explain the mark of the beast real quick. OK, since I'm I'm on this revelation trip right now because I'm teaching the revelation, it's kind of been on my mind. But what is the mark of the beast? Well, let me just read to you from Revelation Chapter 13, where we actually find this. The subject of the mark of the beast, it says in verse number verse 15. And he had power to give life into the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark. Oh, it does show there. Can you? Oh, nice. Well, that's great. Sorry, guys, let me continue reading. And then no man should buy or sell, might buy or sell save he that had the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom led him to have to understand and count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number of six hundred three score and six. So the mark of the beast works as a tool to sift out who true believers are. That's what it is. Now, the mark, whoever takes the mark is damned forever. OK, because in order to even take the mark, according to Revelation Chapter 13, you have to worship the image of the beast. You have to worship the antichrist. And obviously, we understand that Christians can't worship Satan. They can't worship a false god. They can't worship a man. Why? Because if they're saved, the Bible says that the Bible says that the spirit bears witness with our spirit. The we're the children of God. OK, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. No true child of God who is saved will worship the antichrist. It's not going to happen. So there's a lot of talk going on saying, well, you know, you got to be careful. Don't take the mark of the beast. Don't take the mark of the beast. Well, here's here's an easy way to not take the mark of the beast. Just get saved. So when you get saved, what's going to happen is this. If you want to go take the mark of the beast because you're just like weak in your flesh because you're hungry, you're trying to feed your family, you're not going to be able to take you just be put to death because that's what the mark is for. The mark is to identify who the true believers are. Now, make no mistake about it. Anybody who takes the mark is damned eternally. According to the Bible, they become reprobate. They can no longer be saved. That is the defining factor in the Bible and the Book of Revelation for reprobation is when people take the mark of the beast. And really, when you when you look at the timeline of end times Bible prophecy, when these things take place, it takes place in the midst of the week, meaning in the middle of those seven years that we see highlighted in the Book of Revelation. OK, in the midst of the week is when you have the abomination of desolation being set up. And Matthew 24 tells us that when you see these things come to pass, you know, flee into the mountains. Why is it saying to flee into the mountains and to run? Because that is when the Antichrist shall begin to make war with the saints. How does he do that? By discovering who hasn't taken the mark. And once he finds out who who has not taken the mark, which are Christians believers. That's his way of putting them to death. Now, what is the mark of the beast? Well, according to Revelation Chapter 13, it is technology that will be placed into the hand or into the forehead that will permit the recipient to buy and sell. So in order to go to the grocery store, get gas or just get the normal necessities of life, you're going to have to have this mark. OK, and, you know, it's not hard to believe that something like this exists because of the fact that we have precursors even today. You have Amazon one with their little chip in the hand that permits people to purchase things. You have Elon Musk with his creation of Neuralink, where a chip is placed into the. Into the frontal lobe cortex. And, you know, you can listen to music and do all these things, you can get all these luxuries to come with that, you know, so these things are already in place as far as precursors are concerned. But it's not the mark of the beast. These are simply the precursors leading up to it. It's a form of conditioning, I guess you could say, right? And so when they why will the mark of the beast be rolled out? Well, in Revelation Chapter six, you have the entire world going through tribulation, not just Christians, but the entire world. Because in Revelation six, you have the first four seals being open and the first seal, of course, the Bible tells us that it's the antichrist. It says in verse two, and I saw behold the white horse and he that sat on him at a bow and a crown was given to him and he went forth conquering into conquer. That's referring to the antichrist. He has a bow crown is given to him. He's on a white horse. And the reason it's given this description is because of the fact that he is an imitator. He's a fraud. OK, he's coming in the place of Christ. Revelation 19 describes Jesus Christ coming to set up his millennial reign as coming on a white horse with the crown. And so unlike man or the antichrist will seek to do the same. And I believe he will use Revelation 19 as a justification for what he's doing because he's coming to set up his earthly kingdom, the New World Order. Then it goes on to say in verse number four, and there went out another horse that was red. Power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another. And there was given to him a great sword. This is referring to warfare. The verse five says, when he had opened the third seal, I heard a third beast say, come and see, and I'd be held in a little black horse. And he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see that hurt not the oil and the wine. So we see famine taking place here. There's a shortage of food. There's famine. People are dying because of this. We see that in verse number seven. Verse eight says, and I looked and behold, a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given to them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with a sword and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth. So what we have here with these four seals, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, is death on a massive scale. There's a shortage of food. There's warfare. There's pestilence. There's famine. And so when you have a global famine, global warfare, global pestilence, people are just in disarray. They are just completely afraid. They need an answer. They need a savior, so to speak. So this is where the Antichrist comes in because the Antichrist is going to come in. Throughout this warfare, the Bible says that he receives a deadly wound to the head and his deadly wound is healed. Satan possesses him. He becomes the son of perdition and he goes into the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. It's what the Bible says. Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day should not come except to come a falling away first and a man of sin be revealed. So it's not until after the fourth seal that we actually see the New World Order being established, taking place, being inaugurated, because it's when the Antichrist comes back to life, he proclaims himself to be God. His false prophet will create an image of the beast, the beast being the Antichrist. And that beast shall put people to death. Whoever doesn't worship the beast, how are they able to tell that? Whoever has the mark, the mark of the beast is going to be rolled out as a means to basically say, hey, if you take this here, you can we can buy, we can sell, we can go back to normal. If you just do these things, we can go back to a normal life if you take the mark of the beast. OK, and obviously they're not going to call it the mark of the beast, but call it something else. And it's then the day people begin to worship the beast and whoever worships the beast, that's a prerequisite for receiving the mark is to worship the beast. OK, and so that's what the mark of the beast is for. So that lasts for a total of three and a half years, because 75 days after the abomination of desolation takes place, you have the rapture taking place. And after the rapture, then you have basically about three and a half years of God's wrath being poured out upon this world. And so and then, of course, at the end of that, you have the battle of Armageddon between the Antichrist and Jesus Christ and his army. Jesus Christ destroys the armies of the Antichrist and he cast the Antichrist and his false prophet into the lake of fire. They are able to vacate the lake of fire for a total of a thousand years to keep it to themselves for a thousand years. And during those thousand years, Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning on this earth and so forth. So I hope that made sense. I'll get more into that as we draw near to that chapter. What else we got? Did you put in another question? Question in Revelation 11, verse 13, where the remnant who serviced the earth, who serviced the earthquake, saved after they got gave glory to God. I'm not sure I understand the question, but let me let me see what he's looking at here. Oh, you already changed it. Revelation 11, 17. And the same hour was there a great earthquake in the tenth part of the city fell in the earthquake or slain of men, seven thousand, and the remnant were frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven. So I believe it's when it says the remnants actually referring to people who are getting saved during this time, because I do believe 100 percent that people during the the the wrath of God are being saved. And the reason we know that is because of the fact that the 144,000 believers are there preaching the gospel. They're getting people saved. You have the two witnesses. And so they are still getting saved, regardless of what the dispensationalists will say. They are getting saved when it says remnant often more often than not. The Bible often talks about the remnant as being like the the last of the believers, so to speak. OK, they were frightened. And this is why they're giving glory to God. Right. Let's look at another question. What else we got? Is that it? That's pretty cool that they ever put the questions up there, huh? What else we got? Should Christians who aren't teachers. What's going on here? Oh, man, this is killing me. Should Christians who aren't teachers, pastors, rebuke evil organizations like BLM or false? I think anybody can do those things. Why wouldn't they, you know? The Bible says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. So I think I think where people begin to cross the line is when they start acting like pastors or teachers, as if they're ordained and they're starting their own little church and, you know, that kind of thing. At that point, you've gone rogue when you got someone like like that guy we talked to last night where he's like, He just like left everything, went into a hotel and then he's like, I follow no man, my own man, I follow God. Yet I'm sure he expects his wife to follow him. I'm sure he expects his children to follow him. So he's starting his own little wicked organization. It's not even a house church. It's a hotel church. Right. Can you explain when do you already know what a reprobate is? Why are you asking? Let's get some people. I'll talk about the reprobate doctrine later on. Any thoughts on who the Antichrist is? Jared Kushner. I'm just kidding. So let me answer, first of all, who the Antichrist is and just remember that one, because I got to. So, no, we don't know who the Antichrist is. Everyone can speculate and and surmise and conjecture who the Antichrist could be, but no one really knows. And in fact, you know, the Bible actually says that when we actually won't know who the man of sin will be until he's revealed in Revelation Chapter 13, when he yeah, that's good. You're good when he proclaims himself to be God. And even though he's revealed in the scriptures in Revelation Chapter six on the white horse, people still will know who he is. And this is one of the reasons why it says that he's on a horse carrying a bow. A bow is a what you're doing there. A bow is a weapon that's used for long distance warfare. You know, someone can shoot a bow at a venture and you won't know who's striking you. And so the implication there in Revelation Chapter six is the fact that no one really knows who the Antichrist is. He's going out to make warfare. He's conquering. He's kind of behind the scenes. He's kind of maybe operating as some sort of general, but no one knows who he really is until he's revealed in Revelation Chapter 13, where he receives the deadly wound to the head and he comes back to life and he proclaims himself to be God. And so but I personally believe, like the Antichrist is going to be a Jew because they're the ones who are waiting for the Messiah to come. So I thought I'd throw it out there. What's the other question they had about Babylon destroyed before the rapture? No, I don't believe the Babylon will be destroyed before the rapture. Absolutely not, because according to Revelation 17 and 18, it's one of the last things that are destroyed. And I'm pretty sure what this person is referring to, if I'm not mistaken, is what Revelation 14, where it says Babylon, Babylon. Babylon has fallen, has fallen, verse eight, right? There are followed another angel saying Babylon has fallen, has fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. I think this is just stating this from a panoramic, eternal perspective. It's just a statement that's thrown out there kind of like that. And the Book of Revelation will often do things like this, but I don't believe it's destroyed before that, because we see that she's actually one of the last ones to go. And one of the reasons we know. Here's one of the defining factors why we know that she's not taken out before that. Is because of the fact, let me read some scriptures here. Because of the fact that in order for the Antichrist to go to war and to really overcome the known world at that time is for him to use Babylon as much as possible. And we obviously see in Revelation chapter 17, verse 13 says, These have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them, for he is lord of lords and king of kings. And they that are with them are called and chosen and faithful. What am I looking at here? And he said unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the horse sitteth are peoples and multitudes, nations and tongues, the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast. These shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. So we obviously see the Babylon is going to be destroyed. But the reason we know that it's it's possibly more likely towards the end than before the rapture is because in verse number seven of chapter 18, it says how much she had glorified herself and lived deliciously. So much torment and sorrow give her for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen and a widow and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her place come in one day, death and mourning and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord God who judges her. So if it's saying that she's going to be burned with fire, a lot of this stuff is taking place, especially when it comes to fire in during the wrath of God and her sins or iniquities are coming before the remembrance of God. That means God is going to punish her and God doesn't punish anything on the earth until after the rapture takes place. So the Bible tells us in verse five for her sins have reached into heaven and God has remembered her iniquities, reward her even as she rewarded you. So this is God punishing Babylon, but God doesn't punish anybody during this period until after the rapture takes place. So I hope that made sense. Let's put this question still up. We should. But what this one. Oh, it's not there anymore. Oh, see? Yeah, we need to change that. Come on, man. Nina, tell us about this. We got to start scroll, scroll, scroll. What happened? All right, let's see here. So it says in chapter five, verse number 30, the God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom he slew and hanged on a tree, him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a prince and a savior for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. So what I believe this is referring to when it says that he gave repentance to Israel is the fact that as a nation, as a whole, he's basically changing them or helping them to basically repent or have a change of mind. That's what he's referring to. OK, because obviously sometimes in the Bible, God will often refer to nations as individual people and will often give individual qualities to nations. And that's what he's doing here. He says hand to him had God exalted with his right hand to be a prince and a savior for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And obviously we understand that if he's talking about Israel as a nation, a whole nation doesn't receive the forgiveness of sins. You know, God doesn't save nations that way, right? He just doesn't just completely forgive the sins of every individual within a nation for whatever reason, we obviously understand that he's speaking to them as a whole. So I don't believe this is actually saying that he's giving repentance to Israel, as in, you know, he's basically electing every single Israelite to save them or change in their mind. I think he's just saying as a nation, as a whole, he's given that repentance to them. He's he's helping them to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And it says that we are as witnesses of these things. So is also the Holy Ghost whom God has given to them that obey him. So that's what I believe it's actually referring to there. OK, anything else? What else we got? Why do you think click on it so we can see it on the screen, man? We've got to utilize this thing. It's weird because it doesn't really come up on mine. I'm not on my own. I'm on the other one. Hey, do you guys see the question on the screen or is it just releases who's seeing the question on the screen? Oh, no. Oh, yeah. Never mind. It doesn't show up. It shows up later. Why do you think people are so confused by the word repent in the Bible? You know, a couple of reasons why people are confused with this, because obviously you have false teachers out there who are constantly propagating lies. And it you know, they're constantly teaching false doctrine. And so if you hear something a lie long enough and loud enough, people are going to believe it and they're going to be confused by it. And here's the thing. Repent of your sins is a perfect gospel for unsafe people who don't know anything about the Bible, because every unsafe person feels like they should partake or contribute to their salvation. Every person believes every unsafe individual thinks that they have to do something in order to be saved. So that's why it makes sense to unsafe people like, oh, hey, you got to repent of your sins to be saved. Yeah, absolutely. You know, because we have to do our part or whatever. And so when you have unsaved false prophets going to people telling them that it's basically confirming what the natural man already believes right off the bat. So when you have false teachers propagating it and then you have, of course, safe pastors who don't study enough to know what they really believe or how to articulate what repentance is, then what you have is is a lot of confused people out there who don't really know how to explain it. Because, you know, I've even I've run into people who believe it's by faith alone, but they'll use that terminology sometimes as far as repenting from your sin. But then you corner them and they they agree with you, they'll say, well, yeah, it is by faith alone. You don't have to repent of our sin. It's just something that they hear so much that they cannot speak to things which they have seen and heard kind of things. So repent of your sins for salvation doctrine is worse than evolution. Amen to that. Do you think the word repentance should be brought up during soul winning? No, I don't. I don't think it should be. I don't use it. And let me explain to you why. OK, because there's going to be a lot of people are like, well, you know, man, that's wicked. And I can't believe you said that. And there's people in the Bible who did and all these things. Hold on a second. Let's see here. Let me turn this down a bit. This is the reason why I don't believe repentance should be used, because unfortunately, it's gotten a negative connotation with it. And just as I mentioned in my previous point, unsafe people, if you were to ask them, what does it mean to repent? They'll they will say very quickly, they'll tell you, well, you got to like stop sinning or repent of your sins. So it already has a negative association with it, you understand? And I think we as Christians need to stay away from negative associations, not because they're inherently wrong, but because of what they can potentially be associated with. And I'll give you a biblical example of this, OK? Because God is against negative connotations in the Bible. And there's times when he changed even some of the names that he had due to the fact that it had a negative connotation attached to it. Let me read to you from Hosea. Hosea, chapter number two in verse number 16, it says it shall be at that day, saith the Lord, that thou shall call me Ishi, and shall call me no more Bali, for I will take that away the names of Balaam out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their names. So Bali was actually a name that the people of God would would refer to God as. And of course, Baal or Baal is the devil. That's how we would know him as. OK, that's how it's frequently used in the Bible to describe Beelzebub, Baal. But what does Baal really mean? Well, Baal simply means like Lord. So when the people of God, the nation of Israel, when they were right with God, they would refer to the Lord as Bali. OK, Lord, husband. But here's the thing is that the nation of Israel, because they backslid so hard, they got into idolatry and they begin to worship false gods, they begin to worship Beelzebub, then that name had a negative connotation with it. And that's why he's saying in Hosea chapter two that he doesn't want them to call him Baal anymore because the name was so tainted and so defiled and had become associated with the devil that he says, I don't want you to call me Bali anymore. I'm going to take that name out of your mouth. And so we see there that God is definitely against that. And let me give you a modern day example of this. You think of, for example, in Spanish, for all my Spanish speakers out there. Often, you know, my mom or my dad, you know, when we would say, hey, we'll see you tomorrow. We'll see you this week. They'll say, O Hala. In other words, in English would be the Lord willing. Right. But O Hala is actually O Allah, which is the God of Islam, Allah. Now, we wouldn't say that today, even though Allah would mean Lord, as in just it can mean the Lord, as Spanish speakers would put it, because obviously they're not referring to the God of Islam. But we wouldn't use that because of the fact that it has a negative connotation with it. It's referring to the God of Islam and it's been defiled. So we would not want to use that because it has a negative connotation associated with that. OK, let me give you another example that I'm thinking of in the Bible. You have the term synagogue being used. OK, and a lot of people don't know is that synagogue in Greek simply means assembly. And in the Book of James, Chapter two, when when it talks about someone coming into their assembly, actually uses the word synagogue, King James renders it as assembly. And you kind of wonder, why doesn't it say synagogue? Well, because of the fact that synagogues are associated with the Christ rejecting religion of Judaism. And so and by the way, synagogue simply means assembly, and to prove that it only means assembly, there's times in the Bible when it talks about the birds gathering together. Well, in Greek, it actually says synago. And obviously we know they're not talking about Jewish birds, just simply referring to the fact that they're assembling together. But we wouldn't use that today. We wouldn't talk about that. We wouldn't necessarily reference that or call a church a synagogue because of the negative connotation that it comes attached with it. And God is definitely against negative connotations in the Bible. So to answer your question, I wouldn't use repentance. The word repentance when I go out soul winning because of the fact that it's carried such a negative connotation with the repent of your sins gospel that. You know, it can confuse a lot of people. I love using the words believe, trust, faith, for by grace, are you safe through faith in that not of yourselves, that is the gift of God, not of works that any man should boast. I love using the Romans road that if thou should confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in that heart, that God raised him for the dead, thou shalt be saved. You know, these are words that people understand. This is what the natural man can understand as far as biblical terms are concerned. And once the person gets saved, then you can teach them later on. They can grow in their faith. You can perfect their faith by teaching them these biblical terms. So like six million said a whole lot in Portuguese is used by the witches. Yeah. Should men avoid dating women who wear pants? Pastor Mejia, should men avoid dating girls who wear pants? Do you think women wearing pants is a deal breaker when it comes to Christians dating and marriage? Well, here's the thing, okay, I don't believe women should wear pants at all. And I believe the Bible is very clear about that. It actually considers it to be cross-dressing in the Bible. Okay. And people who have a problem with that, you know, they don't seem to have a problem with women wearing pants. But if a man were to walk in with the culottes or some dress or something, then you'd say that's cross-dressing because he's wearing a woman's garment. He's like, well, you know, you know, that's different. Well, pants, according to the Bible, are referred to as breeches. And the only people who wore breeches in the Bible were men. Okay. But that's a different story. But to answer your question, it really depends on the context, because here's the thing. You know, first of all, the important thing is, should you be dating a girl outside of church? I believe that Christians should only marry other Christians, people who are believers. I don't believe you should date someone who's not a believer in hopes that when you marry them, they become believers. You're rolling the dice on that. But if they are believers, bring them to church. Let them hear some preaching, help them to grow in the Lord. I wouldn't say that women who wear pants are bad because there's sometimes women who come to our church wearing pants and they're not bad people. You know, they just got to be taught the word of God, et cetera. So I wouldn't necessarily even really focus on that. You really got to think about where you're meeting the girls in the first place, because, look, if you go to church. The vast majority of the girls you're going to meet in church and especially an independent fundamental Baptist church are going to be wearing dresses. And if they're wearing pants, you'll see if it's if it's a church that's preaching the Bible, they're hitting on all these topics. Eventually, they will transition into wearing dresses because they understand that pants are obviously a man's garment. And, you know, if their heart is tender and they have a receptive heart, then they will obviously change their view on that. And so I don't think it's a deal breaker because of the fact that the Bible doesn't make it to be a deal breaker. The deal breaker for dating is if you're dating an unsaved individual. The Bible says that believers are not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. That's what the Bible says. And so that's not a deal breaker. But they definitely should be in church and they should be in a church where they're preaching the word of God so that the young lady can grow in her knowledge of the Bible and understand these things. It rejoices my heart when I see ladies come to our church and they're, you know, worldly or whatever. And then they begin to change the way they dress, you know, they put away the pants, they put on the dress, they start dressing modestly, you know, without any of us ever saying it, because people think that people come in here, we just like, take off the dress, look like a whore, you know, just like we don't really do that. Now, if I preach on pants, you know, I might get a little rough, but here's the thing is I don't go to individuals in our church and say, hey, what's up with these pants? You've been in our church long enough. It's time to get rid of that wardrobe or something. You know, let them grow, let people they grow at their own pace and they'll catch on soon enough. So that's that's my opinion on that. And I believe I also have the spirit of the Lord. What was my experience? First time sowing. So I actually went sowing with my father in law. He wasn't my father in law at the time. He was the pastor of the church where I got saved and I got saved on July 22nd, 2007. And it was an independent fundamental Baptist church, and they had something called summer saturation, which is when the church would get together on Tuesday nights and go sowing. And I remember being on a Sunday morning and they're like, yeah, we'll see you guys for summer saturation, where we go out and preach the gospel and we go sowing. And I was like, what in the world is that? And someone explained to me, yeah, we go out and we we give people saved and we give them the gospel. And I was like, whoa, you guys like train people to do that here? And they're like, yeah, I was like, that's awesome. I want to go. So I came on Tuesday after work and my father in law, who was my pastor at the time, he he took me out sowing for about five weeks, six weeks. And it was it was great. And I remember going out and the first door he knocked on was a Jew's door. And he and my father-in-law even told me he's like, this is a very affluent neighborhood, he said, and not very receptive. But we have to do it because, you know, obviously we have to hit every single door in the city. And he rejected the gospel. I actually don't remember exactly when it is that I the first person I talked to when I went out sowing or how successful I was. I just remember kind of already doing it after a while. I was on a bus route and I was giving kids the gospel and getting kids saved on my on my bus route and doing all that. And so, yeah, it's pretty cool. What else? So let's see, did you click on that? So we have another question here says, so when people here it is, so when people get saved after the rapture and they die, do they go to heaven or do they go into the millennial reign? That's it, right? That's all you ask there, because this thing. So, yeah, so in the during the wrath of God, there are obviously people that are getting saved, but when they die, let's say they were to die. During the wrath of God or whatever, maybe they're going to be in heaven for those thousand years, in my opinion. And the reason I believe that is because of the fact that in Revelation chapter 20, it says when talking about the millennial reign, it says, and I saw thrones and they that sat upon him and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of God, for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands. And they lived and reign with Christ a thousand years. And then it says, but the rest of the dead live not until the until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. So the Bible talks about the first resurrection. And the reason it says first is because the implication there is that there's going to be a second one of believers who got saved during the wrath of God, are in heaven and will be resurrected in Revelation chapter 20. Now, Revelation 20 has the resurrection of the dead, and that's primarily what it's focusing on. But I personally believe that there's a resurrection of the just as well in Revelation chapter 20, just doesn't it's not highlighted. OK, so I believe these people are not ruling and reigning with Christ. The ruling and reigning with Christ is designated for people who were raptured at the first resurrection. OK, and they get to ruling that that's their that's the reward. That's the recompense that they receive. That's the the that's what they deserve, so to speak, because they're getting rewarded according to their works. Whereas the people who are getting saved during the wrath of God, they just go to heaven and then they return back to earth when the world is transfigured and changed and turned into the new heaven and the new earth. And then, of course, the Bible tells us that the meek shall inherit the earth. That's when all believers are dwelling on the earth with Jesus Christ, God the Father, et cetera. OK, good question, though. Hope that made sense. Is the 144,000 Jews or the church? Neither. So the 144,000 is found in Revelation chapter seven and 14, if I'm not mistaken, I believe it's 14, right? And the 144,000, unfortunately, has been people have taught that the 144,000 are Jews, but it never says that the 144,000 are Jews. It actually just says that there are Israel and you see it in Revelation chapter seven, and it goes through the different numbers of the children of Israel, Judah. You have Ruben, you have Asher, you have Neftali, you have Manasseh, you have Simeon, you have Levi, you have Issachar, you have Zebulun and you have Joseph and Benjamin. And these are these are believers who existed thousands of years ago, believers who are part of these 12 tribes of these tribes that are mentioned here in Revelation chapter seven. And so I don't adhere to this doctrine of the church like a universal church. I believe a church is a local body of baptized believers. So I don't believe in it like in the invisible church or a universal church. And the reason for that is because the Bible talks about on a constant basis or in the New Testament, we see local churches being mentioned. We see the church, the churches of Galatia, the church at Ephesus, the church, the churches in Thessalonica, Laodicea, we have seven churches which are in Asia. And so I don't believe that every believer in this world is part of the church. And the proof of that is the fact that in First Corinthians chapter five, we have a mandate from God that says that people should be excommunicated from a local assembly if they're guilty of the sins found in First Corinthians five, such as fornication, drunkenness, extortion, idolatry, railing. And the Bible tells us to put away from among ourselves that wicked person. Well, if you are in a universal church, then it's impossible to excommunicate a believer from a local church, from a universal church, excuse me, because once they go out these doors, they're still in the universal church. Whereas you can excommunicate people from a local assembly. OK. And so but I understand you probably meant when you said church, you just mean believers. And so to answer your question, the 144,000 are made up of the tribes of Israel who were believers of the Old Testament, and these 144,000 actually come down as we are going up. And the proof of that is actually found in Revelation chapter 14, which is a parallel passage here. It says in verse number one, and I looked and lo, a lamb stood on the Mount Zion, which is in heaven, the lamb being Jesus Christ, and with him 144,000 having his father's name written in their foreheads. So they actually begin on Mount Zion. They come down as we're going up and they're here, of course, to preach the word of God and to get people saved. So hopefully that made sense. It's going pretty well, huh? What else we got? Anybody else? What's petty? Someone said petty. Oh, is Justin on is Justin on here? Yeah. Prating against us with malicious words. Is that it? Yeah. I've heard people say Hitler could be in heaven if he accepted Jesus as his savior. I hope everyone accepts Jesus in their life. But does this mean even trans gay can make it to heaven by accepting Jesus died for their sin? No, sodomites cannot be saved, according to the Bible. And the reason for that is because the only reason they are a sodomite is because of the fact that they rejected Jesus Christ. So when you look at a sodomite, you don't say, oh, that presents a sodomite. And therefore, because they're committing the acts of sodomy, they can no longer be saved. What it is, is the fact that them being a sodomite is evidence of the fact that they are haters of God and have rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because the Bible says in Romans Chapter one, that even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. So they initially took that first step in rejecting Jesus Christ, his gospel, and became a hater of God. And the Lord basically rewarded them with a seared conscience who is incapable of believing the gospel. And this is why they're able to do these acts. It's because of the fact that they have a seared conscience and the conscience is the center of morality where we basically we know right from wrong. And when that becomes seared, according to the Bible, people are able to go beyond the boundaries of natural sin into that which is unnatural, unclean, and they're filled with all unrighteousness. So this is why they do what they do, because they no longer have a conscience. And God did that to them because of their rejection of the gospel. And so they can't be saved. And as far as Hitler's concern, I think that's just a weird question. Like if Hitler got saved, would he be in heaven? Anybody who gets saved could be in heaven. Anybody who's saved will be in heaven. So. But if Hitler was like a sodomite or something like that, obviously, I wouldn't even believe that he supposedly got saved. And, you know, a lot of people bring up this weird thing like, oh, I've heard a testimony. Folks, I believe the testimonies of God, thy testimony, O Lord, are my delights and my counselors. So if I want counsel for who gets saved and who doesn't, I don't go to someone else's testimony to receive counsel. I go to the word of God. I receive counsel from his testimonies, what he says, what he testifies to be true. And I believe that. So. All right. All right, guys, I think that's pretty much it. No one else is asking any more questions. I guess they're bored of me, man. What's up with that? Just kidding. What are some tips you have for getting Pentecostals saved? Well, you know, everyone gets saved with the same gospel. Oh, man. Yeah. Oh, plug that in my brother. Oh, I had two percent. All right, good. Pentecostals just simply you have to spend a little more time on talking about eternal security and the fact that you can never lose your salvation. A lot of different religions under Christianity or denominations such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostals, Mormons. We all we use the same gospel to give them to get saved. But some denominations and sects of Christianity require a little more attention to a specific doctrine such as eternal security, losing your salvation, the Trinity, faith, Jesus Christ being the son of God and being God. So that's what I would do. You get a Pentecostal is typically you have to focus on eternal security and helping them to understand that they can't lose their salvation. All right. What else? Anything else? What does that say, Pastor Mejia, what old IFP, what click on that? All right, what we got here, it says, Pastor Mejia, do you think it's possible that the old IFP will eventually embrace the reprobate doctrine if the tribulation happens in our lifetime? Well, here's the thing. I think if the tribulation happens in our lifetime, the old IFP will actually have bigger problems on their hands. So, you know, I don't think we're going to be getting into, like, debates during the tribulation or even great tribulation. I want to make sure I talk to some of my close preacher buddies and tell them, hey, I told you so. All right, now let's run for our lives and go preach the gospel, get people saved, because we got about three and a half years to go out with the blaze of glory. But I don't think so. You know, old IFP is dying out, unfortunately. Fortunately, but unfortunately, because of the fact that they just stopped growing. And I want to encourage everyone to go listen to Pastor Anderson's sermon called Monoculture Clones. It's a great sermon actually talking about that whole subject. I'm old IFP, but that's where I come from. But of course, I adopted new IFP doctrines, which is simply Bible doctrines, prior to becoming a pastor. And I think, I don't think we need to make really a big effort in winning over the old IFP to our ways. I think whoever shall be one is either already one or they will not be one hereafter. You know, I think it's important to just get new blood into our church, reach new people, reach a new generation. I love the old IFP and I love some of the pastors of the old IFP, not all of them, but it's time to move on. You know, it's time to move on. And so they've had their chance. But yeah, why do so many evangelicals believe that Jews don't need to repent of their unbelief in Jesus? I don't know, this doctrine of Zionism has infiltrated a lot of churches and it's kind of, you know, the evangelicals of today are basically giving the Jews a free pass and they're screwed up in their doctrine. And you know why? Let me answer that question. You know why? It's because of dispensationalism. It's because of John Elson Darby, C.I. Schofield. And when it comes to independent fundamental Baptists, Peter Ruckman, who have infiltrated churches with their dispensational nonsense and to thinking that the Jews are still God's chosen people, that 1848 was a biblical date for the Jews to to reclaim their land and it's fulfillment of biblical prophecy and they've been duped into believing these lies. So, you know, and by the way, most of these people who believe this right here, that they don't need to repent of their unbelief in Jesus, they're probably not even winning people to Christ anyway, so. Yeah. How much Bible, what does that say? How much Bible reading do you do weekly? I don't know. I don't know how much Bible reading I do weekly. I read my Bible every single day and I have my devotional times in the morning. So as soon as I get up, get ready, I sit down and I read my Bible. I'm reading through second Kings right now and then after I'm done reading, I just kind of start thinking about different doctrines. Like today, I was thinking about the repentance doctrine. So I'll scour the Bible about that and think about think about that. But here's the thing. You know, I don't read the Bible throughout the day, but I do think about the Bible throughout the day. And so obviously I read my Bible in the morning, sometimes in the evening, but throughout the Bible, I definitely do think about throughout the day. I think about the Bible. I'm thinking about different doctrines. I'm thinking about sermon ideas. I'm thinking I'm meditating upon God's word. I'm ruminating upon it. You know, this is why the Bible says this book of the law shall not depart out of their mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success. So the Bible constantly talks about meditating upon God's word, and that's one of the best ways to memorize God's word. And so obviously sitting down and reading the Bible, I do that every single day. But throughout the day, I'm constantly thinking about the Bible or I'm talking about the Bible. Now, obviously, I do other things than just things pertaining to the Bible, but I do definitely think about it as much as I possibly can. I meditate upon it. I discuss it with my wife, my children, with brother Ulysses, we'll talk about doctrine. And even when we're at church, we talk about doctrine. And so I think it's just important to be well rounded when it comes to the amount of Bible you take in. I listen to preaching. I was listening to sermons today, and so I'm listening to preaching on my way to the building. I listen to preaching while I'm kind of organizing things here in my office. Sometimes I'll pop in an Alexander Scorby and I'll listen to some audio Bible. And so, yeah. All right, anything else? You guys like that eerie music going on? Sounds pretty crazy, huh? Anything else or what? That's pretty much it, folks. Well, I think the live stream went well. I think I'm going to be doing more of these a little more often. And so tune in on Friday. What? What question? Well, scroll up, Juju, just retype the question because I didn't see it. He can't find it. Was it about the Antichrist? I answered that one. So as you're looking for it, if you find it, let me know. Make sure you tune in on Friday at 5 p.m. on Instagram. I'll be going live on Instagram, teaching through the Book of Revelation, chapter number four. And so we'll be going through that unless the baby comes before that. So if my wife has the baby before that, I'm going to take a little bit of a break to to kind of take care of my family and my wife and my newborn. And so we might have to postpone that. But if if baby Helen comes a little later, then then I'll definitely do the live stream on Friday. But I think I'm going to keep up these live streams on Instagram because it's pretty fun. I like to just get on here and just kind of rant a little bit about maybe some false doctrines that people teach and maybe teach something specific. What is this? Someone told me. What is that? Someone told me the Bible says you can have more wives wrong. No, you cannot have more than two wives. No, the Bible does not say you can. What the Bible says is it gives instructions in case you've already making the mistake of marrying more than one wife. OK, because God obviously understands that people are sinners. And so, you know, sometimes people, I mean, obviously not in the United States, but even in Bible times, they were into polygamy and God would make instructions or give admonitions regarding what should be done when that takes place. But he does not advocate for multiple wives and regardless of what the Mormons say. OK, and in fact, you know, the Bible would tell kings to not to multiply into themselves wives. And folks, if God is commanding kings to do that, how much more us who are not actual kings, although spiritually we're kings and priests, we should not multiply wives. And here's the thing. Look, these perverts, Mormons, they want to have more than one wife and all these things. But folks, all you have to do is casually read some of the stories of men in the Bible who had multiple wives. And just you'll see how that went for them. OK, they were sorely vexed. There was always all these marital problems. It was pretty bad. OK, so whoever that person, whoever that person is, obviously they don't understand that. Is that pretty much it, you lie? Yeah, I think this is a dumb question. If we were made in God's image, why are some people physically repulsive? Well, let me read it. If we are made in God's image, why are some people physically attractive and some physically repulsive? Well, that's kind of a vain question, actually, and I'm assuming you're being facetious about it because according to the Bible, we're fearfully and wonderfully made. That's what the Bible actually says. And although this is a cheesy little phrase, it's true. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And some people prefer a certain, I don't know, look rather than others. So the only thing I find repulsive is when people actually destroy their bodies, mutilate their bodies, get sex changes or a man becoming a woman, a woman becoming a man. That's repulsive because they're marring the body that God gave them. OK, so. Thoughts on devotional as Jesus calling, what is that? Are you talking about of devotional books? I'm not for devotional books necessarily. Are you talking about just like writing down what you've read or a devotional book where people talk about what they've read about? Oh, this one right here. Oh, Jesus. Yeah, I'm against it. And why read a devotional book on Jesus calling? You can just read the Bible, man. 66 books where Jesus calls you. So, yeah, I'm against it. All right. Well, folks, thank you so much for tuning in to the Olive Crown podcast. It was great being here. I'm happy that you were able to join. And I had a great time. I don't even know how long we went for. Nino said, don't go, Pastor. I got to go. I'm going to go live, y'all. Unless there's any more questions, then I'm just going to stop it right here. How long have we gone for? Do you know? Only an hour. Oh, at least an hour. Well, good deal. Thank you so much, everyone, for tuning in to the Olive Crown podcast on Instagram and the Wild Olive Tree channel, make sure, folks, make sure first and foremost, that you share this content, encourage people to follow, share, subscribe to the to the First Works Baptist Church channel for hard preaching, biblical preaching, and make sure you tune in on Friday to the Olive Crown podcast as we continue our study on the Book of Revelation, chapter number four, don't be deceived by these false teachers out here. We're going verse by verse, chapter through chapter, leaving no stone unturned. And so we're looking forward to this coming weekend. All right. Pray for my wife, folks. She's about to have the baby sometime soon. Hopefully, baby Helen is not willing to come out yet, but we're praying that she comes a little sooner. And so looking forward to it. Yeah, don't be deceived by Justin. Hey, man. All right, folks, signing off. Thank you so much for tuning in to the Olive Crown podcast. We'll see ya.