(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm here to warn you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, everybody. Thanks for joining us on the Baptist Bias. I'm your host, Pastor Shelley. Really excited for a special preshow that we're going to have this evening. We've got some special guests that are going to be trying to join us this evening. And, of course, we're going to stop right on the hour because we are premiering a new film, a new documentary at 8 p.m. central time. It's not going to be a special pre-show. It's going to be a special pre-show at 8 p.m. central time. It's not going to be here on YouTube or the Baptist Bias Rumble. It's going to actually be on a separate Rumble channel. It's going to be on the Steadfast Baptist Rumble channels. You want to make sure and go out there and subscribe and follow so that you can check out the film this evening. But before we get too far into our discussion, we're going to jump off with our Benalog. I'm here to warn you about an extremely evil terrorist organization. These people go canvassing through neighborhoods, giving away free information. They claim that their efforts aren't soliciting since they don't actually sell anything. And by strict definition, they're not soliciting. But that doesn't change the fact that what they're doing is dangerous. They even have pregnant ladies dressed in conservative apparel out doing their bidding. The horror! These individuals profess that they have the truth and wish to hold private meetings in peace. However, it's not right for people to peacefully believe whatever they want. They should face an angry mob if they're not willing to accept my truth. It's insufferable to know that groups exist which don't affirm every talking point of the mainstream media. It's not like all the news companies are owned by a small group of leftist Jews aimed at destroying all other opposition. We should trust the science, government, doctors, and experts. They love you and want what's best for you. Those who oppose these institutions are a threat to our democracy. And they should be hated by all. I'm here to warn them that they'll be terrorized for their actions because we will not tolerate any terror or hate in our community. You better never agree with these fascist radicals or else we'll consider you to also have the Baptist bias. Hey, everybody. Thanks for joining us on The Baptist Bias. I'm your host, Pastor Shelley. I'm here with my guest host, Ben the Baptist. Ben, why don't you say hi to everybody this evening? How's it going, everyone? It's a big livestream tonight. We're setting the stage for the documentary LGBT Terrorists. And right off the bat, I want to say thank you to everyone who helped contribute to this film. It was a team effort. Pastor Shelley put in tons of work on this. Brother Dylan Oz, Brother Rich Caputo, and Pastor Bruce Mejia as well. Definitely a team effort. I also want to thank our enemies. I know they're watching. They always are. I want to thank the stalkers. I want to thank those who harassed our church and have been doing so for years because by acting like subhuman scum and deviants, you gave us plenty of content that we used for this film, and I can't wait for you to see it. Well, of course, you know, without our terrorists, you know, we don't really have much of a film, and so of course we have to thank all of the terrorists out there for doing terrorist-type activity because without that, you know, you wouldn't really have much of a terrorist film, would you? Absolutely not. If you didn't have sewer rats, you wouldn't have a film designed to expose them. And so really, I do thank you. I appreciate the fact that you behave like degenerate scum because in doing so, you give us plenty of content, and you gave us plenty of content over the last several years to use for this documentary that peels back the mask and shows the world exactly what you are. Animals. And, you know, of course, I like animals, but I don't really like terrorists that much. And you shouldn't. Well, of course, this evening you can check out our film. It's going to be airing on Rumble exclusively. It's going to be on our Steadfast Baptist channel, so you want to make sure and head over there. Follow and subscribe. It should be releasing at 8 o'clock Central Time. That's what we have scheduled and set into the Rumble browser. Now, here's the thing. I'm not sure exactly if it's going to be like 8-8-0-1 or something like that, so just get over there and it'll pop up. If it doesn't pop up, we'll make sure it gets out there. You're not going anywhere, but that's where you want to go. And we're going to keep the stream going the whole time. And we'll wait and we'll make sure that the film is going and that it's live before we end up switching off the livestream video. But we're going to be putting up just kind of a reminder of where to go to check out the film. And we're going to leave the streaming for the entire film and then some. Just so people have an opportunity to chat and kind of talk about the film as they're watching it. It's kind of fun because we're watching as a group, right? And YouTube has a cool premiere feature. Rumble, I don't think, has that yet. So this is kind of our way of doing a premiere and you can be in the chat and you can still kind of get that feeling of watching it together. Now, a lot of people have actually gotten to see the film already. We had a special airing at the Red Hot Preaching Conference and we also had one at our church just for some of our church members. Not even all of our children have seen it yet. But I know one of our guests that we're going to have on this evening has already seen it. Pastor Bruce Mejia from First Works Baptist Church. And of course without him, you know, the film just would have sucked. You know, he basically took it to the next level and helped us make an intro and boy was this thing lit. I mean, what do you think about the intro, Ben? Well, I thought the intro was awesome. It was action packed. The production values were great. The soundtrack was epic. And it showed you in a very small amount of time just how violent these people are. The fact that they do terrorize people. It's encapsulated in that intro, which shows you the destruction left behind in the wake of these LGBT terrorists, these reprobates. The Bible describes them as such in Romans chapter one. But I think what Pastor Mejia was able to do for us is provide an intro that immediately grabs your attention and makes you think, all right, this is going to be a heck of a documentary. This is exciting stuff here. And it grabs the attention of the viewer right off the bat. So that's what I like the most about it. Well, and one thing that he did is he motivated me to make the film better because I, you know, I didn't necessarily know how much effort and energy we were going to put into this project. But after seeing his intro, I was just like, oh, man, we got to work a lot harder on this film. Otherwise, it's going to be so mismatched. And even yet, I mean, I feel like the intro is definitely one of the highlights from a production value of the film. The rest of the film is not necessarily as high of a production value, but it does have a lot of good content. And I'm really excited to share our story in kind of a creative new way. We have a lot of people in the chat this evening. We already got 120 plus people in the YouTube chat. We've got 125 in the Rumble chat. So we've got a lot of people here. We've got some shout outs to some different people. We've got Corey Grooms in the house, Kevin Doty, Tony the Baptist. Uh-oh. Are y'all related? No, but I don't have exclusive rights to the Baptist as a name, so it's okay. Other people can use it too. John did at one point. Maybe he's your spiritual brother. You know, right? We've got No Filter Baptist. We've got a lot of Baptists. Nathaniel is in there. You know, Baptists represent the Baptists by a time. Amen. If you've got a question or you've got something you want to say to us, put it in the chat this evening. I don't know if we'll get into every single question or every single comment, but we've got a lot of people pretty excited about the film. And you know, I'm excited to release this thing, especially for those who've been following our story, Steadfast Baptist Church. You know, it's just, it's really just an honor to be able to serve with so many people that are willing to be faithful. And I said this to our church family, and I still mean it, but if we didn't have the church we do, we wouldn't have the story to tell. That's right. We need the people that, the moms and the dads and the children that are willing to show up to church and go through persecution, being willing to travel around the city with us and go through a lot of harassment, a lot of threats. And of course, we're not alone. There's a lot of people that are in other cities and some of our friends who also support us, and they too also have gone through persecution. One of those is Pastor Mejia, and we're trying to get him in on the show this evening. I'm not sure if he's ready to join with us or not, but if he is, let's bring him in. Hey Pastor Mejia, how's it going? Good Pastor Shelly, how are you guys doing? Can you see me? Can you hear me? I can hear you. Can you hear him, Pastor Shelly? My stupid headphones are not working very well, but I caught up with him. I can hear Pastor Mejia. I can hear both of you guys, I don't get to see you guys. I can tell you what he said, we could do an interesting... Yeah, I'll get some new headphones. We could do an interesting, like, I'll interpret for you, because you don't speak. These ones suck. You know, Pastor Mejia-ese. But Pastor Mejia, tell us a little about your initial reactions to the film. You got to see a version of it at the Red Hot Preaching Conference. What was your reaction? I loved the movie, I thought it was great. Well, I'm hearing all these voices right now. Just ignore it, go ahead. No, I thought the movie was great. I mean, honestly, it exceeded my expectations. You know, sometimes I think to myself, like, what more can be said? But it was such a great angle. The film just highlighted one aspect, I guess, of the Sodomites, which is essentially that they're terrorists and all of our churches, to a certain extent, have experienced that. And so, I think, you know, you guys did a fantastic job. I loved each of the sections, especially the third section was probably my favorite. Yes, the people at Red Hot loved that one. That's how you brought it all in. I don't want to mess it up for anybody who hasn't watched it, but they kind of bring everything in, you know, and explain who's really behind the terrorist. I thought it was a great film. I don't know if I would call it a mini-documentary, but it was a great documentary. I'm being facetious here, obviously, because it's a two-hour film. We just wanted to lower the expectations, okay? Honestly, but it's two hours well worth of your time to watch it because it's such a great film, and you're going to learn something new. Because sometimes you think, you know, you're in the new IP, you know everything you need to know about Sodomites and the ripe array doctrine and what the Bible says about it, but you will learn something new through this film. So, I think you guys did a great job. Thank you. Hey, what'd you get us for dinner, Pastor Anderson? It's Chipotle, man. Can't go wrong with Chipotle. Nice. Do you get the burrito or do you get the quesadilla, the salad? What are we working with? Oh, okay. I kind of like the quesadilla. The barbecue is pretty good. Now, Pastor Anderson, you got to see the film as well. What were some of your thoughts about getting to see the project that we put together? Yeah, I really liked it and I think it does work as an introduction to someone who is unfamiliar with the subject because it seemed like the first half of the film or maybe the first 45 minutes kind of laying the foundation of the doctrine showing the Bible verses, kind of explaining just the basics. And then it really got into the specifics of all of the harassment and all the persecution that Steadfast Baptist Church has been going through, you know, that all of us have faced to an extent but that especially Steadfast Baptist has gone through. So I kind of like that. It kind of started out broad and then kind of narrowed in on Steadfast. So yeah, I thought it was excellent. I really enjoyed it. It's definitely not a mini documentary. It's a mini documentary. I guess your sermons are mini sermons. Yeah. Yeah, I guess what I meant by that was that we didn't put as much effort into it, not necessarily the length of the film. Lower expectations. It's false advertising. You're just trying to lower the expectations. Well, it's a mini documentary with a couple extra bonus sections. How about that? So there you go. Part one was the documentary and the other parts were just bonus. So one thing I wanted to bring up is this is a subject that has been preached about a lot, obviously. And it's been covered extensively through sermons. We even produced a documentary in the past on this very subject, The Sodomite Deception. But I feel like, and I don't know, I want to get your guys' thoughts on this, that this film kind of tackled it maybe from a different angle or a fresh angle because it specifically hones in on first of all, the persecution that Steadfast Baptist Church went through. And we get an opportunity to tell our story and highlight some of our enemies, the stalkers, who, like I said, at the top of the program are probably watching right now because they have no lives. But my point is, it seemed like a fresh take on this. Do you guys agree with that? What are your thoughts on it from that perspective in the sense of, hey, this was a new angle? Pastor Mahia, if you want to start. Yeah, like I said in the beginning, I really like the film because of that specific angle that highlights the Sodomites as being terrorists. And I think the reason the film is very powerful is because of the fact that the story is told from a first-hand account. So these are actual churches, pastors, and church members who have actually lived through that type of persecution. So in a sense, they have room to talk. And so this is not just us preaching the Word of God, which obviously that's testimony enough, but we're making real-life application, modern-day application of how violent these people are in 2023. So I thought that's a powerful aspect of the film is how real it is to the churches that are existing today. Yeah, and I think that for a lot of people, they read the Bible and they hear these stories, and it kind of sounds like, oh, that was a long time ago, or that was back then, or this is just a one-off scenario. But I think what's kind of interesting is to try and show how the same events that happened in the Bible still happen today that the Bible's a living document. And just like they were violent and terroristic in the Bible, they also are doing the same thing at Pastor Mejia's church. You know, they're surrounding the door, they're playing sirens, and then they got to such an extremity that they literally bombed Pastor Mejia's building, which from at least just a property perspective, that's pretty much the epitome of violence and damage that could be done. Thank God or praise the Lord that no one is actually injured. And of course that's really where they would like to go or where they would be headed if no one would stop them. But I think that it's helpful for people to see real life examples to not to increase their faith a little bit. Obviously the Bible, you should be able to believe it. But you have people like Thomas who just wasn't willing to believe it until he could just see the holes in Jesus' hand. And I think our effort with a film like this is just to bring the physical reality right in front of people and say, look, you know, you should have just believed it already, but here's even more evidence and further confirmation that everything the Bible says is true. And I think that, you know, you don't want to necessarily have to force people to, you know, get to that level of understanding. You wish they would just believe the Bible stories. But you know, we've got a condescend to minimal estate. And I know for you, Pastor Anderson, I mean, you've been preaching on this topic for a long time and you've made a lot of headlines. A lot of people were thinking you're very fanatical. But it seems like through the years a lot more people have started to realize like, hey, maybe that guy standing on his pulpit screaming is actually right. Have you felt like you've seen a change in kind of just the culture or maybe just people that you've known kind of evolve on this issue or kind of see your side of things after kind of being exposed to some of the persecution we've seen? Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, I started preaching on this back in 2006. I did a sermon, I think it was like July of 2006, called Sodomite Reprobates. And I've preached a whole bunch of sermons since then. And those sermons were considered so radical or over the top. But nowadays people are starting to see that, yeah, that's actually true. You know, and Pastor Anderson's right. And obviously people were saying it long before I was born and they'll be saying it long after I'm gone. None of the preaching that I do about sodomites is original to me anyway. I mean, you can go back and read that Romans 1 sermon by John Chrysostom from the fourth century A.D. and he literally says everything that I've ever preached about sodomites. And the thing is, I think that what's particularly good about this new film is that it's relatable because people have been seeing probably a lot of other news stories about businesses and individuals being bullied by these LGBT terrorists. And also a lot of people I think have probably even experienced it in their own lives where they've been peer pressured. So seeing it on the film I think a lot of people are going to relate to it. But just talking to my kids because my kids, they're growing up in this generation and I talk to my teenagers and they interact with other teenagers just out in the world. They even interact with unchurched teenagers at their jobs or just wherever. And they have said that this new generation, Gen Z is a lot less tolerant toward this filth than the millennial generation that I'm from. Basically that this new generation and I even saw some polls I forget what the polling company was but I saw some polls showing that Gen Z was the only generation showing that Gen Z was having a more negative view toward homos. Because it's just going too far. It's getting so extreme that eventually it's going to cross a line. And then all of a sudden Pastor Anderson's preaching doesn't sound so crazy anymore because the world's getting so weird. Sorry if my thoughts are a little scattered because I'm on heavy metal. No, and I think Pastor Mejia, you I got injured if you didn't hear about that. Are you doing better or what? Yeah, I mean I'm still really messed up. I'm on my way. Sorry to just change the subject and make it about me. I'm just in a lot of pain. But it's getting better every day. I just threw out my back just from sitting in the car for 6,000 miles. I just messed up my back. I'm trying to get home to Phoenix. I'm taking it slow. So I'm out in the middle of nowhere on I-5 right now. But anyway, back to the subject at hand. Well, I agree with you that we've seen a culture change. I think that Pastor Mejia you've had some experience with this noticing people kind of reacting differently or seeing people post things online that kind of surprise you. What have you seen? Yeah, I mean within the last couple of years I kind of wondered where the culture as far as the next generation and how they're going to respond to sodomites or what their view is because you just hear a lot of negative things going on in the public schools and things that are being taught and how it's being accepted. But as of recently I've seen a lot of posts on social media by Gen Zers who it's kind of like a cool thing to hate homos now. They're making it cool. And a lot of different reels and posts and memes that are anti-homo. And it gets likes. It gets a lot of comments and a lot of these Gen Zers they're not even Christians. They're not believers. Maybe some of them are but for the most part they're just unsaved kids and man they hate it and they mock it. They openly stand against it. And it gives me hope for the next generation. It gives me hope for the generation that my son is going to be raised in. I think it's great and obviously I do believe if the attitude of the next generation is turning against the Sodomite agenda I think it has a lot to do with the preaching of God's word along with the fact that they're probably sick and tired of what's being promoted in the schools. I mean just a couple weeks ago in Huntington Beach there is a teacher who was showing Sodomite propaganda in the school and a lot of the students they filmed what was going on. They were disapproving of it. They were kind of booing it and the teacher got really upset and then the parents came and protested against the school and then a couple days after that there are some houses in Huntington Beach that had pride flags where they were dropping off these bags that were anti-Jew and anti-Homo stuff. And so I think the tide is turning a little bit and it could be that the next generation is just growing sick and tired of it and the good thing about it in my opinion is that they're making it cool. And so I think you know a lot of that influence is going to permeate throughout the schools where it's just like the majority just kind of hate it and they want to go along with those who hate it as well. Well you know Pastor Mihiel you mentioned about how a lot of these kids aren't even necessarily saved. You don't have to be a saved Christian to be disgusted by the bizarre filth that's out there in the media and that we're seeing even in real life out in the stores and in the shops you see these freaks these transvestite weirdos all you have to do is just be a straight normal male to be disgusted by it. It's not even a religious belief it's just being a normal human. Absolutely. And I think that's why they have to push the propaganda so hard is because it's just so against nature. So everybody's human nature is to be against it so they have to work like really hard to try to overcome that with people and then our preaching comes along and can just easily just take a wrecking ball to that worldview because we're kind of like bringing people back to their natural view that they would have anyway that they kind of deep down know is true anyway. So we're kind of just restoring people to their default mode whereas the media is trying to take them to an unnatural position and I think that's why our job is easier so that even if they get exposed to 100 hours of crap on TV like we can actually like fix it in a couple hours if they'll actually listen. I mean especially if they have the Holy Spirit living inside of them. Well you know this really should be enough to fix them right? Yeah. I honestly don't even think that it's as bad as as we perceive I kind of personally think that the internet is propagandizing and trying to trick people into thinking that a lot of people are on their side because a few years ago YouTube first kind of started pushing this tranny stuff on their main page and like their logo was like promoting tran videos and that's like when YouTube first started actually restricting the like button in the comment section because all the comments were negative like virtually every comment was negative everybody was hating on these videos and so they had to like hide all of that and and get rid of it because it was really clear that no one liked this and what's interesting is I ended up finding a video that we used in our film but it was an interview on CNN by the Ugandan president and the Ugandan president had basically just laid out his beliefs on homosexuality which of course Uganda has recently passed pretty strong legislation against homosexuality criminalizing it and everything but if you look at this particular video which is on CNN's own YouTube channel so it's not like a right wing website they have almost a hundred thousand comments and so I just kind of like started scrolling through and just reading the comments on this YouTube video and I would say that only about 1% were actually negative or pro LGBT like 99% of them were agreeing with the video agreeing with the president I mean all kinds of comments I don't know we're trying to put some pressure on our production crew see if we can pull it up and read some of these comments here in a minute but I mean it I really don't think that the culture is as extreme as they try to portray it I know they put a lot of polls and statistics out there saying like oh 20% are trans or LGBT and of the gen z or something like that and that you know like 50% of Americans agree with them but I think these are fake polls I don't really believe that what do you think Ben I think this is real I think the biblical phrase and I believe there's a phrase like this twice in the Bible where it's like they that be with us are more than they that be with them or you know something to that effect and I believe that there are more people who believe that the sodomite Romans 1 reprobate is disgusting and filthy and abominable than those who don't there are more people on our side than we think and the reality is though the media has done I think actually a pretty good job of making people believe the opposite in the sense that like it just seems that maybe that isn't true because there's a very loud minority out there that have the backing of the establishment that says no everyone thinks this is okay everyone is acquiescing to this agenda when that's actually not the case yeah obviously that was talking about angels but I like the phrase and I would say this there's definitely a lot more saved people than we get credit for and they'll say like we're these radical extremists and no one is like us but that's not true there is a lot of people that are like us and specifically on this issue even if they're not saved like Pastor Anderson said you know the Bible says that this is vile it's objectively vile meaning it'll never be wide scale accepted it's always gonna be considered gross to the vast majority because it's just objectively gross and I think we actually have some of these comments up here on the screen just the language on some of these let's see if we can zoom that in just to hear because I'm having a hard time even reading it a little bit but I want to make sure we can get those nice and big can you kind of zoom that in for us a little bit yeah there we go there we go bring it over there you go perfect so of course this Ugandan president is talking about how you know homosexuality is disgusting that's kind of like the context of his particular video but look at some of these comments and these are like the top comments it's you know the Ugandan president was saying hey if we're wrong we'll find out by ourselves he's like why is the western world America trying to force their views on us why don't you just leave us alone it says this guy is so straight forward I love it I absolutely love this guy scroll down a little bit there's tons and tons of good comments on this I saw one it said I wish this guy was our president and I agree with I agree you know at least he has a brain and then notice on these comments how many likes the comments have like where it said like this guy is as honest as Frick or whatever but you know everybody should respect that and then it said 5,000 likes right on that one alone right and one of those likes is Pastor Shelley well you know I was going to say we should like one of those comments there yes scroll in zoom in again so we can read a few more of those because these are these are great comments especially there was one it uses the word straight like five times in the comment it was pretty good but my respect for this man of course they're disgusting laugh emojis I mean you can see that the vast majority of people are really just on our side they strongly agree and so you know I think this is just evidence and proof of the fact that the vast majority of Americans probably agree with us they're just afraid to speak up they don't want to lose their job or get harassed or things like that I know that someone recently even talked to me about their job and they're getting pressure to sign agreement saying that they're gonna love and respect you know these type of people and stuff like that and you know you see this in the workplace and big corporations are trying to force this agenda on individuals and you know for you Ben I mean is this something that you kind of experienced or seen you know people or friends talk about in the workplace having issues like that yes unfortunately sometimes it gets forced on people who are working in the secular world thankfully I haven't had that issue yet so far it's been great but there haven't really like you know obviously there's some people who work for woke organizations where they're they're seeing propaganda and they're kind of being force fed some of this garbage but you know thankfully I haven't had it well it's definitely affected Pastor Anderson and I know we didn't necessarily highlight this in the film but you had a you had a business that you're running and essentially you were terrorized into basically shutting down what happened well back back in 2009 I had some sermon clips going viral and then I went on the Alan Combs show and you know was talking to him about homos I don't know if you guys remember Alan Combs is that CNN he was like a big liberal guy on Fox I think it was like there was a show called Hannity and Combs or something and like Hannity was the conservative guy and Combs is the liberal guy but anyway so I was on his radio show and and then it kind of went crazy from there because I was kind of a big show and then I lost about two thirds of my business just within a week like because I had these big customers and they ended up just canceling all of our contracts I was supposed to do fire alarms and like 14 Home Depots I was supposed to make like a full load of money all of those contracts got cancelled and my business was just completely decimated so I still had like a little bit of the business left so I limped along for a while I built it up and so I kept it going for a few more years after that but I mean literally I would say 65 to 70 percent of that of my customers were gone like within a week of going viral just because the sodomites they did research on me somehow they figured out who my customers were and they called them and harassed them yeah well and of course you know sometimes harassment is not just limited to business relationships I know pastor Mejia you've had your share of various persecution and you went to a bible college for a while did you face any kind of opposition for your views on this topic or your beliefs regarding this subject you mean while I was in bible college? yeah no not really I mean that was during a time when I was still in an old IFB church and so a lot of that time I was just kind of playing it safe by not really expressing a lot of what I personally believed only because of the fact that you know the pastor was going to send me out he was going to ordain me and so I kind of kept those things to myself but you know I came from a church who at the end of the day many of them did hate homos and obviously it's transitioned over the last couple of years to kind of tolerate them but even I mean back then you know the word fag was used quite a bit even in bible college from the professors and everything and so it was kind of normal to kind of like not I mean they used to preach about fag flags and fag tags and all that and so you know it's kind of normal to just make fun of them and realize that you know they weren't necessarily someone who we should be fellowshipping with or having any connection with I will say this is that my father-in-law he actually received a lot of persecution from the homos years ago and even to the point where they would they knew where he lived and they would go in front of his house and throw bottles at his door and break glass in front of his house and then in one instance they even tried to run over his son his son was about 17 or 18 at the time and it was during the proposition 8 whole ordeal about homos getting married and I remember he was removing things from people's lawns or something like signs from the lawns and this dyke tried to come at him and she got in her truck and tried to run him over and so he did face a little bit of persecution for a while and even like across the street there was two sodomites and they would pretty much continuously harass the church with phone calls and mail and all that and so that was even a thing back then but you know obviously it was the old IFP church they still believed that they could be saved but I don't remember anybody even going out of their way to try to get them saved I think that's just something that they would say just to kind of play it safe but you know they didn't like them and so you know that was kind of normal back then. One question I had and the thing is our film it covers a lot of the persecution that we went through that you went through that Pastor Anderson has gone through and it might lead someone to think you know what I don't know that I have the guts to preach this right and I wanted to get your response to that. Pastor Shelley I want to ask you and if you'd like you could pose the question also to Pastor Mejia but let's say there's a Baptist pastor out there he's got his own church and he actually believes like us but he sees all the persecution that results consequently the protests the harassment the stalkers the death threats etc and says to themselves you know what I just don't want to preach this I'm not ready for the blowback how do you respond to that person? Well obviously you know as a pastor it's not your job to pick and choose what you preach you're supposed to just preach the Bible period and so I think that obviously there's going to always be pressure and it's not even just from that to preach certain sermons I think that most of the pressure comes from the thought of losing congruent members or your church shrinking in size because I think most pastors are concerned about money or a paycheck or even some churches are kind of organized to where they could literally be thrown out by the deacon board or by a committee board and so you know obviously even if that did happen you know it'd be better as pastor Jimenez said to fail trying to preach the word of God than to not fail not preaching the word of God and so I think you know you got to take the words of pastor Jimenez a sermon just say let's try you know I've you know seen a lot of my friends preach the word of God and they have gone through some persecution but their church is still standing strong and you know I don't know anybody personally that's preached you know on this subject and then been like man I really wish I hadn't preached that you know even though they've gone through difficulty even though they've gone through hard times of our friends of the people that we know that I know personally you know they're not regretting that decision I think that you'll have a lifetime of regret not preaching the word of God as opposed to whatever persecution or pitfalls that you may encounter and while we may have seen some other people call you know go back or retract some of their statements they're not thriving you know those people are now like watered down compromised people have less respect for them their churches aren't really making a big move for the things of God and so you know why would I just want to just hide with Obadiah and refuse to preach the word of God I'd rather be Elijah out there on the front lines preaching the Bible and you know if you preach right on this subject lots of people agree with you I think a lot of times it's a boogeyman that people are afraid of and personally this is my opinion I think that of Pastor Mejia Pastor Anderson Pastor Menes men like this and even maybe our church we've already kind of gotten the brunt of a lot of the persecution that's going to happen I think that if you see a lot of other pastors actually come alongside and start preaching similar to us they wouldn't face nearly the level of persecution that we're experiencing because frankly there's just not enough terrorists to share okay folks you know I just don't have enough people to give out and I think that you know they're so dedicated to some of us that you know it would get it would be overwhelming to them at some point there's going to be a breaking point where they can't terrorize everyone and I think that's what I'm trying to motivate people to do with this documentary is to realize if enough people say you know what this is stupid we don't care we don't like this we're fed up with this with this junk we're we're not going to just play ball we're going to say what we believe that it would make it where the media and these terrorists they can't really be effective anymore they lose their power I know Pastor Maia also probably has you know perspective on this so you know what are your thoughts to these pastors that are afraid just to kind of speak what they believe on this issue yeah I mean I agree with everything you said I personally get frustrated with pastors like that and I feel like sometimes they just need to not be a pastor if they are going to water down the sermon so as to not you know receive persecution or even offend their church members I think every pastor has a responsibility to preach the entire council of God and not just to preach but preach at heart and I think a lot of these pastors if I could just communicate to them that if they just do their part you know by preaching against if we can just get enough pastors to just get up and do their part you know there's no need to be afraid because they'll realize soon thereafter how many are on our side and so you know they might be afraid of the persecution now only because they see a small group of pastors and churches kind of bearing the brunt of the persecution but what if they rise up with their church of a thousand and another rises up with the church of 700 another rises up with the church of you know 3000 or whatever and says the same thing then you know what there's power in numbers so you know I think pastors need to be spirit filled and stop and I'm saying I'm not saying don't be afraid because at the end of the day I think anybody any pastor has been afraid but I think they need to kind of you know step out in faith in spite of their fear and it's okay to be afraid and to be fearful what's not okay is for to allow that to kind of paralyze you into not preaching God's word and to stand you know you know standing for the truth and standing against the workers of iniquity you know and to reprove them and if they can't do that then I think they need to step down because of the fact that you know they're the problem with our nation and our country is there's just not enough men of God who are willing to actually say what the Bible says about these things and they're causing more Christians to become afraid and causing more Christians to buy into the sodomite propaganda that there are more on their side than there are on our side and so I think you know pastors need to pray for boldness I think they need to pray to be spirit filled and communicate with some of us you know cause some of us so we can encourage them in the Lord and let them know like hey we have been through it God will deliver you as well you know preach God's word have faith in the Lord the Bible rings true and you only have one life to live and so why not go out with a bang you know and go through the persecution I mean we don't want to live a boring Christian life it's exciting you know being persecuted obviously it could be a little scary sometimes but majority of the time it's exciting and you earn rewards because of it you reach more people you're able to preach the gospel to scores of hundreds and hundreds of people will get saved because of it and God can use your life in a big way you know and so be if you if you're afraid it's completely normal but step out in faith in spite of it and so I like that you know that's what I believe yeah and you know what's interesting to me about this is that there's pastors that are afraid to say the truth on this issue when there's pastors going out and speaking complete lies on this particular issue and even demonizing people like us there's a clip I want to play and get your thoughts on but there was a pastor that was across the street from us when we were in Watauga it was the I believe it's either the first church of Nazarene or just Church of the Nazarene it's in Watauga off Denton Highway and the pastor ended up preaching a sermon against our church against one of the sermons by Dylan Oz and kind of against me as well just generally speaking and this guy is talking about us in such a negative way saying that we're so bad that he equates us to human traffickers let's play this clip real quick for someone who calls themselves a pastor and says that than it is for those who are caught in that lifestyle in fact in this whole process I mean there's part of me just really angry they're giving the body of Christ a black eye that really makes me angry and so it's harder for me to love them in fact they're right up there with traffickers right up there with drug cartels of people that I really struggle but we're going to pray for steadfast Baptist Church because see it doesn't matter how I feel about what they said right Wow and you know notice a comment that he made he said it's harder for me to love them now you didn't get the whole context there but what he was trying to say is he's trying to say these people protesting us that are open Satanists and in fact they were stripping naked they had signs that say God is a freak they're they're cursing and blaspheming the name of God regularly of course many of them are sodomites he's saying it's it's harder to love us meaning steadfast Baptist Church than it is to love those people and and he wasn't even saying just like me or Dylan he's talking about the precious women and children and grandmothers who come to our church he's saying it's harder to somehow love the sweet little grandma that believes Romans 1 than it is to love these sodomite protesters and then he puts us on par with human traffickers and drug traffickers which you know drug traffickers are committing murder through proxy of drugs and worse than murder is these people that are involved in just the most grotesque evil trafficking which if you don't have just only hatred for traffickers you need to go watch The Sound of Freedom this is a plug for that movie you need to watch it yeah you also aren't right in the head yeah but again to say that our church is on par with those people is just astounding I mean what are your thoughts about this Pastor Mejia well you know the Bible says they that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law content with them and the Bible tells us you know shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them they hate the Lord therefore wrath is upon thee from before the Lord and this guy is a wicked false prophet he's a piece of crap his preaching sounds as soft as he looks and that guy is going to split hell wide open I mean to compare God fearing Bible believing Christians to human traffickers I mean what a wicked thing to say and but you know it's shocking at first but then you kind of remember about 2 Peter chapter 2 and you're like well yeah I mean this guy would say something like this because he's a wicked false prophet and you know he's probably a fag himself that's why he has fags in his church which is why he's saying all that stuff and so you know and it sounds like he's just projecting a lot of what he's saying and so you got to read between the lines but you know here's the thing is that obviously there's Christians out there who are saved who may not agree with us 100% but the parts that they don't agree with us about are like the reprobate doctrine that you know whether they can be saved or not but virtually every Christian is willing to admit or agree that the economy is abominable and that it's worthy of death and that it's disgusting I mean they probably won't say it as passionately as we will you know they probably won't drop a couple F-bombs when saying it or something like that but you know they'll readily admit it's disgusting it's abominable it's worthy of death it's what the Bible says you know this guy seems as though like he really loves them and he wants them in his church and you know I don't want to spoil the movie but you know there's I know you placed a clip in there in the movie where he talks about Leviticus 2013 you know but I'm not going to spoil it but you know this guy is obviously wicked and he's evil and I hope he splits hell wide open tonight well and you know what's crazy again is the comparison you have pastors that are afraid to preach what's right and then you get this guy just not even afraid to just speak arguably one of the worst things imaginable to praise the wicked and to advocate for filth and to go against the Bible to blaspheme the word of God to reject clear scripture I mean it's crazy that there's men out there that are less they have less courage than this false prophet they have less you know balls than this guy I mean that's sad because he's effeminate and queer looking and softy and you know there's probably even more adjectives Ben could think of but I mean it's incredible to me it's incredible to me how this guy quote unquote has more courage than the lie than men would have in the truth what do you think about this Ben? Well of course Pastor Mahia go ahead No I was just going to say you know the Bible says he that justified the wicked and he that condemned the just even they both are an abomination you know and so you know obviously it shouldn't surprise us that we're abominable to him because we're righteous people but you know what the feeling is mutual because he's an abomination to us as well I mean he makes me sick just listening to him so yeah I get the uncontrollable urge to vomit listening to that predator that spiritual predator get up in front of his congregation a captive audience and spew that filth because that's what that is it's filth it's garbage it's bile and you know what the Bible says in Proverbs 29 an unjust man is an abomination to the just and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked to piggyback off of what Pastor Mahia just said but one other angle to this it's not just the equating of a Bible believing church to human traffickers but also if you listen to what that piece of garbage said what that scumbag said he said I'm angry yeah I'm giving it to you now you seem upset he said it makes me angry listen to what he said he said it makes me angry our preaching of all the things to be upset about in 2023 America of all the things that could possibly make you angry we've got drag queen filth going up and down the streets we've got the pedophiles that are putting perverted books into the school system today to defile the youth we've got false prophets we've got degeneracy running rampant in this country that's on a bobsled straight to hell and the only thing you can come up with to be upset about is Bible believing Christians that tells me you're the problem that tells me you're sick in the head that tells me you're a spiritual predator running defense for the child predators well you know obviously Ben's got some righteous anger over here and you know it's rightfully so and hopefully we can stir more of that up with our new film we're under 10 minutes folks we're gonna be putting it out there 8pm it's gonna be on our steadfast rumble channel exclusively you gotta go there we'll try to put it in the chat as well we're gonna have a reminder video here we're gonna keep the live stream going but we're gonna kinda sign off we're just gonna have a loop video but you're still welcome to stick around chat talk about the film of course share the film we wanna get it out there to as many people as possible you know and we're putting it on rumble to give it a chance to survive I don't know if it will you know God willing it'll stay up there for a long time and we can reach a lot of people it's hard to reach people with content like this these days and the sodomite deception you know when we put it up there we put on YouTube it had like 20,000 views in maybe about a week or so maybe two weeks time I can't remember and then it got nuked off of YouTube and so we ended up making a website for it sodomitedeception.com and I ended up recently updating the site a little bit so it's got a little bit more information and you can go check it out but you can watch our trailer you can watch the film we've got a couple facts out there and some news and some Bible verses and stuff so it's a great resource if you've never seen that film I highly recommend watching that film after this film and you know it's kind of crazy that I've made two films kind of on the subject because I'll be honest I didn't think that I would make another one after making this out of my deception but we went through such a crazy experience the last few years and I had all this information and I thought well let's get a creative way to share it and honestly I feel like the film is completely different it's definitely the same subject and it covers even some of the same Bible verses but it's definitely a different angle to this subject and that's kind of what still motivated me to be able to make a film like this and then of course there's other films Pastor Anderson made a film called AIDS The Judgment of God it was a great film I think it's definitely even different from these two for you Pastor Mejia you've seen both of these you've helped us with these projects do you feel like this is just a repackage or did you get it was kind of a fresh take what was your thoughts on this particular project? I'm still pissed off about that Pastor right now How could you not be? That guy You're almost as pissed as Ben Absolutely This is Ben What are we doing right now? This is Ben Ben is just so upset and you know this is how he feels about our protesters you know he's just like this is what we got sorry Pastor Mejia you know but you know hey at least there's a guy that's willing to stand for the truth like that pastor who's willing to stand for evil obviously you're mad at this guy Hey Pastor Mejia how about how non-threatening this guy dresses he has a stupid effeminate glasses on he dresses up like he's just all lovey-dovey is it gonna hurt you when he's the predator he's the one ruining people's lives The guy looks like a damn vegan he's super weak I mean I don't even know how anybody with two brain cells to rub together who loves the Bible at all or loves the Lord Jesus Christ could ever sit under his preaching I mean I would be offended if I was the safe person at that church with minimal Bible knowledge and I was just lukewarm I would be grossly offended at what he said in that sermon there and I would walk out as I you know had some choice words as I'm walking out because the guy is just super wicked he's you know he's calling evil good and good evil he's putting darkness for light and light for darkness I mean the guy is just trash How would that guy kill Goliath I mean how would that guy be someone The guy wouldn't be able to pick up the stones the guy wouldn't be able to pick up the stones I mean he's like ooh yucky you know I mean is that really what pastors are turning into these days these limp-wristed watered down wet noodles who don't stand for anything and the only people that are evil are a fundamental Baptist that hates homos it's like really soy you know what I think of when I hear him preach soy S-O-Y well and you know a reason why I think they're so soft on those individuals is because they're actually worse like these false prophets are worse than sodomites and so they kind of have to downplay how bad sodomites are just because of their own internal wickedness it's really just grotesque to see these individuals out there if the guy was in the Old Testament he wouldn't be allowed into the house of God because the priest would automatically think this guy's privy members cut off or something this guy would be the guy that Jesus was inviting into the house of Baal you know he would have been like hey come come serve Baal with us and he would be invited in he'd be the guy that Elijah's slaying you know he wouldn't be the man of God he's so weak I mean the men of God were tough I mean these guys were beasts no one wanted to mess with these individuals they were fearful of them Jacob you know lifted the stone off of the well I mean you could probably add a hundred of these pastors and they wouldn't be able to get the stone off of the well he's a smooth preacher he's a smooth preacher he just looks like a smooth preacher like he has no hair on his body or in his preaching the guy is just trash man it just pissed me off to see that guy say that I mean I was mad when I saw the movie and what he says in the movie but I didn't see this clip and this clip is just like yeah it's pretty bad yeah I want to do a quick real quick programming note if you guys are enjoying the show tonight make sure that you come back tomorrow tomorrow night at 8pm central time we're going to have pastor Jeff Riddle on the program to talk about the preservation of God's word just wanted to put that out there yeah if you want a lighter subject we're going to talk about the Bible and uh Dr. Riddle's actually a really knowledgeable guy when it comes to just translations, language and defending the King James Bible he's debated James White and he even got James White to admit that there's no verse in the Bible that's locked in which is kind of crazy because a lot of people haven't been able to fish that out of him but you know I'm excited for that interview and we like to bring all kinds of different guests of course our favorite guests are pastor Mejia pastor Anderson, people that we're really close with well uh oh disappeared on we're in trouble if he got raptured but uh that's so funny one time we thought my mom got raptured and like I was like no but that would be terrifying if everybody I don't want to be left behind ok folks you know not Kirk Cameron style but um we're under two minutes folks and you need to we're going to drop the link in the chats if you know the best that we can the rumble usually doesn't censor or block the links so you can go to the rumble Baptist bias check the link or just go to the steadfast Baptist church check it out um it should be coming up here just in any minute scheduled film to release LGBT terrorists I'm so excited and uh definitely put some comments in there share this thing subscribe to our channel you know and also check out Pastor Mejia check out first works Baptist church in LA um I know that we can we can find you on your website is what you told us previously right what was that website again yeah we at wcla dot org is the website you can also subscribe to our rumble channel I think it's like first works let me look it up real quick cause I don't even know I should know these things but let's see here it's first works 1569 so you can go on there we do our lives there and and um we're gonna be uploading some content there uh in the coming weeks and so you can find us there great we're gonna stick around just until we make sure that the movie's been streaming I know some people's clocks just struck eight uh so we're gonna we're gonna stick around just make sure that the stream gets going and uh I'm really excited about this film dropping um it looks like it should be it looks like it should be live right now so I think you can head out there we're gonna be dropping the link and uh we'll be putting up just kind of an interlude video to remind people to go check up check out the film but we want you to stay plugged in the chat guys keep chatting tell us your thoughts about the film point out your favorite parts tell us when you laughed tell us when you got mad at the false prophet from the nazarene church we wanna hear it and we got lots of people having watch parties tonight you know even do some reviews for us do a review after the film upload it tell us what you thought about the movie and uh we're really excited about this thanks so much for having or coming on pastor mijia do you have any final thoughts for us yeah just make sure you spread this and and you know show it to your family and friends and you know um to your co-workers if you're close to them and and just kind of spread the word about the movie i think it's a movie well put together a lot of great information you will learn something new it's definitely entertaining it's an entertaining movie to watch but it's it's most assuredly also informative as well so you're gonna learn something well that's pretty much gonna do it for us this evening thanks again to our guest pastor mijia pastor anderson for coming on the show and uh make sure to check us out tomorrow night 8 pm on the baptist bias that's gonna do it for this evening ben wants you sign us off we thank you for tuning in everyone and make sure you go right now to check out lgbt terrorists it's up on our rumble channel keywords steadfast baptist church you don't want to miss the latest film coming to you courtesy of steadfast and for pastor mijia pastor shelly this is ben naim signing off we love you all god bless you all and we'll talk to you guys again after a while you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you