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Thank you. believers and all these other people that that you could reference I'm okay with burning them okay stinking Catholics books but I'm not against burning books either obviously the Bible even talks about people burning books but it's just it's funny that instead of defeating the doctrine of replacement theology let's just burn the book because because you know that's not really they don't really have an argument it's just a an emotional appeal argument that oh this is obviously so bad because we just love Israel so much and we're gonna his point was I won't listen send me the books that I'll destroy them because I won't listen to this like I just know I'm right I know that Israel is legitimate I mean this guy insane I mean I would like to know where are they getting the prayer shawl from though like it what part of the Bible is inviting me to wear a prayer shawl been I mean you're from this part of the world are people wearing prayer shawls over there right now have a prayer where I'm actually where I'm from everyone hates Israel so all right they're definitely not running around in prayer I mean I don't think anybody's claiming that the prayer shawls in the Bible why is he wearing it because it's from the Jews that's it's literally the definition of being a Judaizer you know to compel us to live as do the Jews and that doesn't just include things found in the Old Testament just anything that Jews do we're gonna do it too I mean should we celebrate Hanukkah at this point I mean what I'm sure he celebrates Hanukkah do you doubt it I don't even know what this guy does I'm just saying like I'd be shocked if he doesn't celebrate Hanukkah like any and obviously yeah when we think of Judaizing we think of reverting back to the Old Testament regressing back to Old Testament worship and religion but Judaizing can also just include just importing anything from Jewish or Israeli culture and just compelling the Gentiles to live as do the Jews that's what it means to do day eyes well you know it's not like he's the only person out there saying things about replacement theology being wrong or how it's anti-semitic there's another popular podcaster Steven Crowder and his co-host and they're really against replacement theology but I feel like they they're so nervous because they realize we're kind of winning on this argument a little bit I think a lot of people have been coming on to our side but I want to play clip number two this is Steven Crowder show and it has him talking about this issue as well playbook before from Hamas where they staged these kinds of things to get sympathy on the world stage so I understand that but as a Christian it is impossible to be a Christian and to be anti-semitic it just means that you haven't read your Bible it shows that you have no understanding of what's going on in Scripture that does not mean though that you have to support everything that the Israeli government does yeah it just means like the promise is there I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you and of course we're called to pray for Israel we're called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem we're called to be active as Christians there and if you do that and then go but I don't like this that's fine it's fine to not like that but you can't be like well Christians replace Jews because that's stupid and I look I'll get into this if you guys want me to do a Friday show on apologetics and talk about this and how this all relates to end times and everything else that's going on here I'll absolutely do it from a Christian perspective because I've seen tons of people out there going we should stay out of this they're not really Jews anyway really yeah or the Christian they Christians replace them it doesn't matter anyway really you haven't read your Bible and look I'm not trying to be mean a lot of people that are out there pushing those theories have read their Bible they know they're wrong but they just want to kind of cloak their hatred of Jews and something that feels nice and warm to them and I'm not gonna let them do it yeah well of course if you think that God replaced the Jews with Christians that automatically means you just hate all Jews yeah I mean that's such a false argument I don't hate I don't hate Jews and and and here's the thing you know I grew up with all the Zionist pro-israel doctrine that's why even when I founded faith forward Baptist Church in 2005 I still thought that the Jews were God shows people I didn't understand this subject and what was it that made me change it was just studying the Bible like I didn't have some desire to be negative toward Jews in fact I was almost a little bit like hesitant about this doctrine because it was just so ingrained in me we got to support Israel gas for the Jews I remember when I was first married like following this stuff in the newspaper and like rooting for Israel you know in the fights that were going on at that time it's just what the Bible says my friend because I and I don't hate Jews and you know what I hang around with Jews sometimes like I've studied Hebrew language with Jews and everything and like I'm not just hateful toward Jews I have no issue with them more than any other unsaved person to me hanging around with Jews just hanging around with another unsaved person well that's just a tactic when someone just intellectually weak to try to just dismiss everyone that believes some just said well everybody that just they know they're all wrong but they just hate the Jews I mean it's literally what he said that like that clear in the Bible well of course I mean exact observations these guys don't I mean he's saying you need to read your Bible he needs to read the Bible I mean it probably doesn't have the right one he's three Galatians three and four even if he doesn't have the right one I don't see how you can walk away with with true there's no version of Galatians three and four that's gonna teach replacement the oh yeah well in some cases in some cases it's not necessarily placement theology because I know someone who was born Jewish their mother's a Jew and so they're Jew ethnically but they believe in Christ so they're saved so he didn't replace himself he just got saved yeah but obviously you know God even in the Old Testament while he looked at the children of Israel as his people you know many of them were still not technically his people because they weren't even saved he just kind of counted them as part of a special covenant special nation but it doesn't mean that all of them were saved in the Old Testament they had to believe in Christ to get saved and actually be the true chosen people and in the New Testament it's not really any different in that regard and so that's why you have commentary in the Bible making it clear that they're not all Israel which are of Israel yeah and I see what you're saying but we do want to be careful to distinguish that there that it is dramatically different in the New Testament though that in the Old Testament God's chosen people was a physical nation of people whether they were saved or not that physical nation was considered as a nation corporately as God's chosen people and in the New Testament believers are God's chosen people not any physical nation but wouldn't you say there's a distinction between the chosen in the sense that they're they're chosen that in the sense that he's picked this group of people to be a nation yeah and then there's chosen in the sense that they're elect like they're saved and yeah like the individual there's right I agree with you distinction so no I was talking about I was mainly just clarifying that for the listeners absolutely I know that you understand this I was just I was trying to clarify for the listeners because because sometimes I've heard a lot of people they listen to our preaching and they come to the erroneous conclusion like oh well it's always been this way it's always been saved people that were the chosen people but that's not really true because in the Old Covenant you know it was Israel that was the chosen people even when they're doing bad they're the chosen people whereas in the New Testament that is not a thing and in fact if someone were to ask me what's the biggest difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant Old Testament New Testament I would say well the big colossal difference is that you went from having God's people being this physical nation to being just made up of believers and being a spiritual nation that's the New Covenant right and so basically in the Old Testament if I'm saved God wants me to live in the physical nation of Israel and be part of a physical nation in that area of the world whereas in the New Testament I don't need to live in Israel or to be in a specific geographic place he wants us to be a spiritual nation and and to me this is what's so funny they say oh replacement theology is so obviously wrong well then why is every single epistle past the book of Acts like written to Gentile churches yeah it seems like God himself replaced the Jews since he's only talking to Gentiles basically angry you kind of have Hebrews and you obviously I'm not seeing James yeah you have a little bit there that's kind of geared towards more the remnant the remnant but at the same time like it's so obvious that when you get into the books of Romans and Corinthians and Galatians Ephesians Philippians I mean you're going to talk about Gentiles you have the seven churches of four Gospels are directed toward Gentiles as well even the book of John is like oh by the way this is like a feast of the Jews it's like giving you those kind of commentaries right really showing that the intended audience is not Jews it's writing to the to the whole world the Gentiles so yeah that you're right the lion's share of the New Testament is addressed to it seems like he replaced them in the New Testament literally the the Bible is not even talking about the Jews anymore he's talking about the Gentiles primarily yeah and he's talking about the individuals are Gentiles as well I mean when the Apostle Paul is commending people in the book of Romans it's not a bunch of Jews it's a bunch of people that you can tell are clearly Gentiles Greek and and from all of other parts of the world and of course God did use some Jews like Paul like James like the disciples and you even had Apollo's you have some other people that are obviously of that ethnicity but ethnicity doesn't matter in the New Testament for sure and you know he doesn't want us to focus on genealogies anymore I mean Pastor Thompson do you have people getting mad at you for believing this this replacement theology yeah yeah I just preached I'm preaching through first Thessalonians right now and in chapter two I just went on a pretty hard rant about Judaism and how that they killed the Lord Jesus that's what the Bible says and you know the ADA and all or ADL and all these are ada to probably is anybody in real life getting mad at you or just on the internet on the internet and sometimes when people come to my church and I preach about that I can you've had actual people at your church I've had people get up and walk out after I'm really like that yeah yeah I've had people or just it was like a visitor yeah or people just yeah I was just like a visitor so what not like like well I had someone just call me a Nazi and made a whole video about me how that I'm a Nazi because I'm it's like I'm reading the Bible on preaching what the Bible says yeah and Paul was a Jew and he's just like they killed the Lord Jesus they're contrary to all men you know the story of Thessalonians when they first start you know what did the Jews you know got together these men at the base resort to try to just upset every place Paul went they they stalked him and followed him I mean they are the enemy of the new tech in the New Testament well the main one was Satan as their father they are the main villain that's a great no would fix this problem obviously been is if all of your cousins and uncles over in the Middle East would just start tithing to the Jews because isn't that we're supposed to do Greg Locke said that we're supposed to tie here's what I'm wondering he said he's tithing to the Jews but he said it was $5,000 a month so is his church only taking in $50,000 a month because seems like a much bigger operation than that I hope it's small but I don't know that math probably doesn't know what tithe even means yeah especially since he's he's tithing to the wrong people he's kind of tithing to the synagogue of Satan there yeah but I mean could you convince Palestinians been to tithe the tithe is the Lord's and in Hebrews it talks about how Jesus Christ receives the tithe so how are you sending it to Jesus Christ by sending it to the Jews that don't believe in Jesus you know because it says like there he receiveth tithes you know but here he receiveth them of whom it is witness that he liveth talking about Jesus in Hebrews 7 like receiving the tithe so we're tithing to Jesus by sending it to unbelieving people who don't like Jesus how does that work he just receives these tithes of unbelievers plus I'm questioning the math too well there's a lot of questions there cuz it looks like he's got a huge crowd he's got a huge online thing going on like I just find it hard to believe that he's you know what I think I think he's he's he's skimming off the top and he's not giving the Jews what he's supposed to be giving them you know that's the biggest problem here I mean we got to get this temple started I mean how are we gonna do with 5,000 a month that's not month that's just like one stone yeah it's like he's not he's not giving it everything you know why doesn't he at least send $6,000 I mean supposed to have a six in it I thought it was like six million six days war there's a six days war six pointed star six million dead in the Holocaust you know six thousand dollars per month when we tied to Israel you know your barcode needs to have a six six six on it whatever you need so well I just want to throw this into the mix because you have you guys were talking about how all these epistles are written to Gentiles one of my favorite verses that backs up replacement theology in first Peter chapter 2 written to Gentiles says but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation and then the next verse says which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God what did they do with that I don't know what they do with Romans 2 either when it just says he is not a Jew which is one outwardly it's like what do they do with that verse and I know people in my personal life that still believe this kind of stuff this rhetoric that you hear from people like Greg Locke and I'm saying like what do you do with this Romans 2 and then they just you know they just bring up like all Israel shall be saved it's like you know Greg Locke he picked up his Bible and he's I don't know if it was in the clip or not but he's like you know what the deed for that land is right here in a Bible right here but I'm thinking like the eviction notice is in there too buddy I know I like Philippians where he says we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh and by the way a lot of the verses that Calvinists will misuse to teach their misguided predestination doctrine when you look up those verses whether it's Romans 9 Ephesians 1 2 Peter 1 they're always right next to a passage where he's telling the Jews or excuse me where he's telling the Gentiles that they're the chosen people and they're misunderstanding it thinking that it's about individuals being picked for salvation or something where it's more like no you're the chosen people as Gentiles because you're saved your elect like your elect according the foreknowledge of God like God knew that you guys were gonna believe on Christ and so you're not second class to the Jews you know I mean I mean Romans 9 through 11 is just destroys Zionism but again they just focus on a couple verses in chapter 11 yeah but man chapters 9 through 11 just absolutely destroy Zion is but you're not afraid of verse 26 pastor you preached on that sorry you've reached on that many times more times than I can count I've done sermon called Romans 11 verse by verse and I mean it's it's it's easy to explain when you actually get the whole chapter instead of just that one little part that they want to quote I mean the beginning of the chapter it's so funny listening to these old IFP guys read the part where it says had God cast away as people God forbid God forbid but then he literally says because I also am an Israelite of the seed of Benjamin or the seed of Israel of the tribe Benjamin he's like God didn't cast away his people because there's a remnant of his people that got saved that received Christ so and if you look up all these promises in the Old Testament about how God's not gonna cast away his people it's like he's not gonna cast away all the seed of Israel but he will cast away some of them right because there are all these like the way I see it is when you read the Old Testament there are all these forks in the road where if you end up on the wrong side of that fork of the road you're not God's people anymore because like you know they keep splitting off and then it's like the northern kingdom gets taken away captive and they never come back and it's like you have now you have to be in that southern kingdom to still have that continuity of being in the people of God right that was taken away and then that gets it and it's like there's all these forks in the road where basically groups are breaking off or or being separated or peeled off or split off and then comes the big one everybody who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ those branches are chopped off you know and everybody who's in Christ did God forsake all the Levites no because Levites got saved did God forsake the tribe Benjamin no because Benjamin got saved did God forsake the Jews no he didn't cast away his people he only cast away the ones who didn't believe on Christ which is the majority so what the majority of the tribes were in the northern kingdom they got smoked well and you know the reason why all of us are so not blessed is because we're not blessing okay and that is so stupid worshiping them America was blessed more before Israel even was founded like like and by the way the US was not a big supporter of the of Israel in the 40s and 50s we just weren't it was the Soviet Union that was more supporting Israel in those days we really started supporting Israel have I'm not an expert on this but like late 1960s is when we became a big supporter of Israel and has God blessed us more spiritually since the late 1960s than he did before that because you know what when this country was founded it was an isolationist foreign policy and we had for many years the Monroe Doctrine which says everybody on the other side of the world needs to leave us alone we're gonna handle the Western Hemisphere you guys handle the Eastern Hemisphere we won't get involved in your crap and don't get involved in our crap that's the Monroe Doctrine this guy sounds like a Christian nationalist I mean that's what they that's what that was the Monroe Doctrine for so many decades even even centuries right you know that was the way the United States was was understood to operate now in the 20th century now all of a sudden you know that all goes out the window World War One World War two and all these wars how are we gonna build the Third Temple if we're just leaving them alone over there why is he so excited about the Antichrist like the Third Temple is not for the Lord because he's of his father the devil yeah yeah like like here's the thing I'm as excited about the second coming of Christ as the next guy but like I'm not just like oh please let it happen right now like if it happens now even so come Lord Jesus right great but I'm not just like dying for it to happen I could go either way like I'd be happy to live out my life without the tribulation and the second coming of Christ because I'm going to heaven anyway or if it happens in my lifetime bring it on even so come Lord Jesus but why are the why are the the dispensationalist the preacher I guess they're just really excited about it because they skip all the bad part with the preacher rapture yeah is that what it is maybe it's gotta be well but their first coming is actually the Antichrist it's like get that Antichrist down here so that we can get beamed out yeah but they're probably like here's the thing if they want to beam out I don't know maybe they should just all shave their heads and do like a suicide cult or something because like like why are they just so eager to leave this planet like I would rather stay here win souls and do stuff like if I could just push a button and be pre-trip raptured tomorrow I'd be like no I'd rather stay and win some more souls cuz I'm gonna be with Christ in heaven for all eternity like whatever lifetime God gives me on this earth I don't want to speed that up like if it's his will sure for me to go tomorrow then I'll go let's go let's go to heaven to depart and to be with Christ is far better and I just am I just dying to get out of here and just oh man just let it be today please come back today Christ no I'm like you know what you got me here doing a job for you and I'm gonna keep doing it I'll do it for 20 years I'll do for 50 years like why are they just trying to take the next train out of here what is up with that well and again I think it's a little bit of the Antichrist spirit I don't know that all these people that believe this are unsaved I think a lot of them are and the hatred for replacement theology is funny to me in context of this verse in Revelation because it's like God kind of has a savage sense of humor because in Revelation chapter 3 verse 9 it says behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which they they're Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and then know that I have loved thee so he's looking at a Gentile Church and he's talking about Gentile Church he's saying look I'm gonna make it clear to all of these people that I replaced you with them and it's like he's kind of rubbing replacement theology in their face Jesus does the same thing because he says you're gonna see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob sitting and you're gonna be cast out and it's like he's rubbing replacement theology in the Jews face again and you even see kind of in a parable where he talks about how he's gonna bring all these people that said they wouldn't have him to worship him and bring him before them and he's gonna slay them and it's like it's like he really wants to drive that point home so many places in the Bible and you kind of wonder if it's just him a little bit anticipating the reaction of these people and like hey I've heard what you said and let me make it clear how I really feel kind of at the millennial reign of Christ and of course in all of eternity great white throne judgment what do you think about this replacement theology pastor Burz is this something that you have to deal with or people in your part of the world mixed up on this junk I haven't I haven't had any issues with it yet I don't know it'll probably become a bigger issue now because the the biggest the the biggest fight that we've had to deal with lately is now everyone's calling us racist but yeah this is this is gonna get tied in I'm sure with it that were racist pastor persons oh yeah don't you know I mean have you seen our church like it should be obvious your churches you know I think the new IFB in general and your church in particular has great diversity probably better than most evangelical churches I mean we've got really diverse I've never seen a church more diverse and than my church yeah I mean literally yeah we have we have so many interracial couples and like we probably have whatever the percentages of the of the population of like black Hispanic whatever you know like whatever the the totals are for United States of America I could practically guarantee you that we have more you probably more representative much more much more because of like like we're almost like like white people are almost in the minority in our congregation yeah not quite but but white placement and yet you get accused of being racist oh yeah yeah but it's the same thing though with replacement theology is that you're gonna be your anti-semitic right you're racist against the Jews because white people you seriously well unless you believe that Jews are superior to all other races and you're racist yeah so you know of course you have to understand that they're just better that would make you not racist inside the church all the churches here I mean that's why they get so mad about it I mean they were so mad that they try to kill Jesus when he when he mentioned two Gentiles that got saved in Luke chapter 4 I mean they they're ready to throw him off a cliff just because he's like remember these two Gentiles that got saved and then they're just like kill him I mean that but that's like it that's what it's like the spirit of Zionism is in all these churches they believe in this stupid pre-trib rapture which isn't true and then they think that we should just worship and lick Israel's boots and really if a saved Christian believes that that you know that at the end they're gonna see Jesus come back and then they're all gonna get saved at that point that's just them why are they like cheering for all these ones that hate Jesus right now and yet they'll still say they're God's chosen people when they're not it's just what I think is funny about it too is that the dis bees have been telling us for years that you know well he brings them back into the land in unbelief but then they get saved except that virtually every person who came to the land in unbelief is dead now and if we give it like another like 20 30 years literally 100% of them will be dead and all the ones that were not saved which is ninety nine point nine percent will be in hell so it's like we brings them to the land and unbelief and then they get like what just a totally different group of people and how many how many hundreds of years are gonna have to go by before we abandon this theology like like maybe it will happen in our lifetime the Antichrist coming and everything but like can we just set a date where we agree that if it hasn't happened by like say the year 2050 we can just agree that like 1948 was not the blooming of the fig tree it's about to happen and and this generation shall not pass away and everything like when are we gonna agree that all those preachers were full of beans who told us that he brought them to the unbelief it's he was prepping everything they're all about to get saved and stuff and then here we are how many years later and there's not even a hint of revival in Israel there's not even a hint of a mass conversion to Jesus or anything like well let me explain something years have to go by before we abandon this theology what about we get to 2048 like is that long it's like a whole hundred years unfortunately it's not because you know they don't have all of the land yet so so the time all of the land and then you know when that fails it'll be like well you know what we didn't have all the land and the temple yet Jerusalem hadn't been declared the capital yet right so so we can always restart that timer and we can always just keep it you know going just like how some people want to believe that human history is still under 6,000 years Christ has to come right at 6,000 so they just like keep trying to figure out ways to shave off yeah exactly when reality were several hundred years beyond the 6,000 mark absolutely think of the end times implications of what Greg Locke is saying though because he's talking about how the temple needs to be rebuilt to bring in Jesus Christ I think is the implication here but the Antichrist will actually inhabit that temple he'll set up the abomination of desolation and Jesus Christ said you know I'm coming my father's name and you receive me not if another shall come in his own name him you will receive so the Jews I think a large swath of them will believe on the Antichrist absolutely preachers like Greg Locke will say oh look Romans 11 26 is being fulfilled before our eyes look it's just like we said mass conversion of Israelites to the real Messiah because that's exactly what and all these replacement theology guys are terrible let's hunt them down and chop their heads off yes you first that might be true apparently I have signs out here that let's just say this though it is because I heard an old IFB guy say recently that like if we don't acknowledge that you know that the Jews are God shows people we're saying that Israel coming back and becoming a nation in 1948 has nothing to do with Bible prophecy and that has no significance is that really what we're saying because we actually do think it could have significance for setting up the Antichrist so it is significant like you guys think God's done with Jews I don't think God's done with the Jews he's not done kicking their butts he's not done wiping them out and punishing them like he's got more punishment he's just done with them being it's chosen people yeah but but but the thing about that is that it's possible that what's happening right now in the Middle East is literally the very beginnings of what's gonna roll us into the tribulation and when we could be seeing the second coming of Christ in the next ten years or something or this could just be another drill because let's face it folks we've had a lot of false alarms before and there's always conflict and of course the media is gonna be like this is the biggest thing ever except that the Jews and the Palestinians always have crap going on and they've had other big blow ups and they've had other conflicts and other wars is this really the first time that this has happened and you know what I wouldn't be surprised if this fizzles out and then 20 years later we're all sitting at the same podcast you know a little older and we're gonna be playing Crips clips of Greg Locke you know except it's at $5,000 it'll be like $500,000 just because of inflation alone we're setting six million dollars one for every Holocaust victim we're sending it to Israel every month it's an auto draft out of our account we don't even push a button it just happens do you think there'll be conflict between Palestine and Israel all the way until the midpoint of Daniel 70th week or it will it eventually just totally fizzle out I mean they could they could eliminate them from that area I think but there's gonna be I mean there's gonna be conflict for a while because I mean how many Muslims even exist on the earth right now what what characterizes the first half of Daniel 70th week warfare right you know take peace from the earth that they shall kill one another right second seal fourth seal there's more mass death there's gonna be warfare and fighting so I would say that there's gonna be continued conflict all the way up until because it's when they say peace and safety right that's when sudden destruction cometh upon them and so leading up to that it's warfare so though I would say a lot of conflict now again this is hypothetical but let's say they actually do something drastic they really do just kind of go through wipe out Gaza and then they also do what he's saying they break lock option where we we bomb the mosque we turn Gaza well yeah we get rid of the temple or the temple of the dome and they they start saying all right now we're gonna start building the third temple and I could see how that could potentially unite Muslims as a people group to say like now we're gonna all full-scale war against Israel because they've they've destroyed our sacred temple and they're trying to build theirs and maybe that team up with Russia yeah maybe that could escalate into some kind of a worldwide conflict at that point would you say this does seem like it's kind of shaping towards the narrative of the Bible absolutely and and I think that there have been other events about it throughout history where it seemed like it was going that way but I would say yeah this is probably it but you don't really know for sure until you see the abomination of desolation you know that's when you know for sure if they have a temple and they're doing sacrifices I think that puts you in a pretty you can be pretty you could feel pretty good about it at that point but I'm just saying the hundred percent surety biblically speaking is the abomination of desolation some this is what people want to know you know is Michelle Obama the Antichrist well well she is the man of sin she doesn't have a desire towards women I don't know it's a good question I mean that sounds like a whole episode for a podcast cuz that's such a legitimate question look at her back muscles well we're wrapped we're getting close to wrapping up we're here at the fire breathing Baptist Fellowship Conference we got pastor Burson's gonna be preaching for us this evening pastor angels have been preaching for us this evening if you want to check it out you got to go to our rumble and go to steadfast Baptist Church their rumble or you can go to God resource comm go to our video platform and you can watch the the sermons from there as well and I want to give these guys just a quick second to kind of plug their church or their website or where people can find their preaching pastor Thompson be preaching for us on Sunday so you don't miss that as well but pastor Thompson where can we find you if we want to check out your sermons well I still have YouTube and we have rumble Twitter I know yeah we're limping along can't put anything too spicy on that 5,000 channel but me and pastor Burson's are kind of in the same boat I think we still have the biggest channel use it until you lose it yeah it's not gonna be one dollar to Israel every subscriber god blesses you with yeah watch it go through the roof right sure foundation Baptist comm is our website and we have a big soul any marathon coming up this weekend in Seattle so I lost y'all could pray for that that'd be great you're in Seattle you got to go to this church plant church plant with pastor Thompson sure foundation check out his website that is I just go there and it's a big area what side of town is it in it's actually in Renton it's about 10 miles south of in you know downtown Seattle okay great so Renton yeah it's Tukwila type area pastor pastor Burson's how can we find your stuff we still have our YouTube channel great I don't know how I think God's keeping that or YouTube's keeping our subscriber list down like we it keeps on telling by how many new subscribers we have every month and we never getting over 5,000 subscribers ever which is really bizarre because we should have been there like a year ago at least easily but we still got the channel so you can find us on YouTube we've got a couple channels and then we got a rumble account we've got Facebook we got up basically most of the social media that's out there our website stronghold Baptist Church and yeah I mean you can follow us on there if you if you like what we're doing leave us a positive review on Google because we got a lot of people calling us racist right now well if you're in the Atlanta area you got to go to stronghold Baptist Church check out pastor Burson's he's also got a church plant idea going in South Carolina so if you're anywhere in that area gotta check him out there too pastor Anderson I'm pretty sure we find you on YouTube right those that seek me early shall find no but I would just reiterate God resource because like like last night when I was coming in and I wanted to tune into the conference live like for me the easiest thing is just go to God resource calm and boom I was watching the service live I think that's a reliable place to find my preaching your preaching other you know it's your website has it too yeah I mean if if they want to just get like the archives they can go to the preaching calm takes them to my website the preaching calm but I I think God resources underrated as being a good place to watch watch stuff live awesome well that's gonna pretty much do it for us make sure to check out the rumble channel for steadfast Baptist Church Ben why don't you sign us off this evening God bless the Israel of God the spiritual Israel folks we're gonna get to some preaching now you will talk to you guys again after a while Oh stand up for Jesus Oh Oh