(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Peacefully. They have a putrefying disease of the mind. Which can only be described as the Baptist Bias. Thanks again for joining us for the Baptist Bias. It's Pastor Shelley and we've got our co-host Ben the Baptist to say hello to everybody. It's great to be here folks. Welcome to another episode of our show on this Tuesday, February 21st. It's 8 p.m. central. We'll be right back. You're right where you should be for another episode of the Baptist Bias. Well we're going to go ahead and get introduced to our guest for this evening. We have from Infowars Owen Schroyer joining us. Thanks so much for coming on the show Owen. Sorry. One second. I couldn't quite hear that. I want to see if we can fix that audio issue real quick. OK. Well we're going to wait just a second. We're going to make sure we can get the audio fixed real quick on him. Just hold on one second and we'll get him in there. We do have some clips from Owen that I noticed that were pretty popular on YouTube that I wanted to share as well. We had one from the Young Turks where he's kind of talking about how even Fox News has seemed to become more right wing than they had been in the past and maybe becoming more conservative due to the influence of shows like Infowars or from Alex or from Owen. This is a clip that we had on it's near question two. It's going to be one of our second clips Owen Schroyer on the Young Turks it's Fox News sounds more like Infowars. So we're going to let's see if we can pull up just a few minutes of this video. Yeah let's go ahead and play that and we'll get our audio fixed real quick. Of understanding current events politics more so than ever before and it was the raid of Mar-a-Lago really that pushed the Overton window that far. So that's one of Alex Jones minions over on the Infowars network and the point that he's getting towards is that thanks to Infowars being so crazy and the right wing becoming ever more crazy right wing media looks more and more like Infowars every single day and the dude works for Infowars is out of his mind but I think he might actually be on to something so let's watch his full remarks. Fox News at night sounds more like Infowars this week than ever before than ever before. So that's kind of the time period we're in now. We're in the Infowars paradigm of understanding current events politics more so than ever before and it was the raid of Mar-a-Lago really that pushed the Overton window that far and so I see that as a great victory I see that as the reinforcements arriving I see that as the truth finally rising to the top despite the attempts to chill free speech censor free speech, bully, intimidate and terrorize people from speaking the truth. It all comes from the American left in our modern political parlance but it was Infowars that was groundbreaking. It is Infowars that's been set for destruction you know this. Yeah so he might be a lot of things but is he really wrong? Is there much of a difference between Fox News and Infowars? I mean Tucker Carlson talks constantly about how much he looks up to Alex Jones. He delivers the same sort of anti-semitic racist homophobic rants that you would see on an Alex Jones. Now is this a good thing for America? Obviously not. I mean on Infowars you can learn about how they're putting stuff in the water to turn the frogs gay and they've got lasers that can combine hurricanes or maybe separate hurricanes and Al Gore fires it from Antarctica that's literally a thing that they say. They believe that literally every mass shooting was planned by the government that's been true for literally decades and they began doing this making up every mass shooting to take away your guns now exactly how the government would manage this or why they would have planned hundreds of mass shootings and never actually gotten around to taking the guns they never actually explain. It's a crazy world view to believe that there's no chaos in the world. There's nothing random every single thing is planned is a weird way to go about your life but I do think he kind of has a point. What do you think? Oh 100% but he's wrong about the raid being some sort of tipping point. No way so there's two giant things that happened that turned the Republican Party into Alex Jones and so one was Donald Trump because Donald Trump is not faking it. He's an actual conspiracy theorist. He believes every conspiracy theory. He pushed Obama birth certificate one because he genuinely believed it. He's like that black guy couldn't have been born here. So we got a little bit of sample here and what I find interesting about Owen's commentary that the Young Turks are just slandering and gaslighting him because of course they can't just say that he's normal they have to say he's crazy he's crazy and then they bring up the fact that he's insane because they just have to every other word use an adjective to try and say that he's crazy or he's going insane even though if we think about it has Alex Jones or Owen or the Infowars really even changed that much in the last you know few years it seems like they have the same conservative values they have the same viewpoints they're staying really consistent and stable whereas these leftists and these basic minions of the Democratic Party like the Young Turks always have to use these adjectives of oh he's crazy and he's just insane and really just a gaslighting technique to try and drive a narrative to suggest that somehow the conservatives are the crazy ones not the leftists and not all of the people on the Young Turks but rather conservatives so I do think we're getting our audio issues fixed and I want to bring in Owen to get his commentary on this but it's just it's really frustrating how the left always seems to project and seems to gaslight the scenario of their of their enemy of the conservative movement and I do think that Infowars is having an impact that people like Tucker Carlson and people on Fox News are able to talk about topics that were considered not available because they're becoming so mainstream because of how popular alternative conservative media has become and how big the show is Infowars and how many people that they reach and so I'm really hoping that we can continue to shift the Overton window as it's called and continue to push back and force a lot of these people to talk about the real issues of the day I want to double check do we have Owen back on the line can we hear him? Hey Owen can you hear us? Loud and clear Alright sorry about that we really apologize about that but we're glad to have you on the show thanks so much for joining us and did you get to hear any of that clip that we just shared? I did and I remember the clip when they originally aired it and you know it's funny I don't know the guy's name who was commenting there but he insults me he insults my intelligence but he would never dare actually debate me he would never dare actually try to hold his intellect against mine in a discussion and so I find it hilarious that he would insult my intelligence on the air but he would never dare prove that he's smarter than me with an intellectual discourse but the topic of discussion is yeah we're moving the Overton window and that's why that's why they're so mad and if we weren't effective he wouldn't be complaining about me and insulting me. I think that's a great point about the debate and even if he did get on the show all he would do is just use ad hominem attacks and just insult your character rather than actually being willing to discuss the issue. I find it interesting do you even believe that many of these talking heads or leftists are even reasonable people like you could win them over with logic a reason or is there really kind of no hope for some of these individuals? Sadly I have learned this and that is that there is no hope and when I first got into politics which was something I never thought I would end up in I mean I was if anything I was anti political vehemently and so when I first got into politics or or really not even necessarily got into politics a better way to describe it is when I first started to understand how the world worked or when I first took the red pill as they may use the matrix analogy or when I put the glasses on for the they live analogy when that first happened and it was such an eye opening experience for me I assumed everybody else would want access to this right I assume everybody else would want this information I was denied this information I was denied this understanding and when I got it I was thankful I assumed everybody else would want to know how the world works too I would I would assume everybody else we noticed the things going on around us we all know things are corrupt but there's actual answers there's explanations there's things that are happening there's things you can do and so I assumed everybody else would be interested in that and want to hear me out and sadly what I came to find out and I was apolitical at the time and or non-political what I came to find out was that that wasn't the case and then consistently it was the same groups with the same ideologies that weren't interested in this information weren't interested in truth weren't interested in reality and it was always leftists, liberals, progressives democrats every single time and this unintentionally for me ended up becoming an entire genre of content on the internet which is me going out debating liberals that was never the intention the intention was to go out and wake people up the intention was to go out and share information and share knowledge and have people have the same awakening that I've had doesn't mean we're going to see eye to eye on everything but at least understand the basic principle of how the world works how politics works and why things are so corrupt why things are the way we seem but we don't get any answers or explanations for and that hope was quickly put out and I learned very quickly again I didn't come into it right or left it was just oh geez this is what a liberal is this is what a progressive is this is what a democrat is and it was consistent and that was always the case so I ended up on the right side if you will more just because the left has rejected reality and now just rejects common sense that's why so many people are leaving the democrat party but the answer to your question is sadly no I think they are gone and I think what has to happen is they have to experience something in their own life and that's why more and more people are waking up to this because more and more it's encroaching this tyranny and this facade of our world is encroaching on our lives and so for a lot of people it was the vaccine and the vaccine mandates and people getting sick and everybody around them getting sick from the vaccine so there's different situations that force somebody into this reality but what we're witnessing it's like a filter right it's like a purification process and at this point you know you're five vaccines deep you really think Joe Biden is the answer to all your problems you're the most brainwashed you're still you still haven't been filtered through this you still haven't gotten through this yet I don't know what it takes for people like that yeah I mean you know it's interesting obviously truth seems to be the common denominator here of what's kind of driving people in a particular political direction these days but even Anna Kasparian which I don't know if you know who that is on the Young Turks she's kind of a co-host she did an interview with Ben Shapiro and it sounded like she kind of moderated some of her views because I guess she was like assaulted outside of her home just walking down the street and saying you know what this homeless problem is actually an issue I wish we would kind of you know talk about this or do something about that and of course I don't think that she's necessarily ever going to become a conservative or you know someone that really pursues truth but at least for her that physical assault was kind of a wake up call like oh wow you know maybe this is a serious issue and I mean even people like Bill Maher I feel like I've seen on your on Infowars some clips of Bill Maher even talking sometimes which he's a crazy leftist in my opinion but even he is kind of saying like wow this is kind of crazy I like free speech I feel like we're headed in a weird direction you know it'd be interesting to me if we could actually get a real poll and find out what percentage of our country is actually this leftist Democrat style agenda because from my perspective I kind of think that the media is doing a big psy-op and trying to convince everybody there's a big populace on their side whereas when I go out in the real world I never seem to meet very many of these people I mean what is your kind of idea as far as like is the whole is the whole country actually behind this agenda or do you think it's just kind of being a trick by the media yeah it's definitely the loud minority and it's fractioning itself off as their movement gets crazier they're losing feminists because now they say men can be women and men should be in women's locker rooms and compete with women in sports so they're losing feminists they're a self eating ideology that will fraction itself into complete nothingness and that's why the entire left wing ideology in its modern American parlance is it has a finite lifespan it's not going to go on forever but I think most people if they're being honest you know maybe they're not Republicans or maybe they don't consider themselves conservatives but you talk to people about these issues most people are going to align with the common sense stuff and we don't get fairly represented in media we don't get fairly represented in culture we don't get fairly represented politically and so yeah we haven't even realized the majority that we really are and that's definitely part of the psi op and that's why the internet censorship is so key because the one place where we had an organic chance to actually see real world representation was on the internet with YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and so what did the left do as it always does in human history no matter the culture no matter the country it censors its opposition because it has to continue that facade it has to continue that psi op that they are the majority well yeah okay if you've got 500 on your team but a thousand on the other team but then you take 600 of the a thousand off the field for the other team well now guess what you do have more than them on the field but that's not because you actually have more than them that's just because you rigged the field and so that's what they've done in all of these different venues and all of these different arenas and so more and more people are abandoning Hollywood they're abandoning the mainstream and we've got a parallel economy being built with parallel technology being built and so really it's kind of a race against time I mean we've got the Biden administration trying to start World War 3 right now so we may not get to this point of completion of actually realizing the parallel economy and defeating this leftism with the free market economy World War 3 may hit before that happens but yeah there's no doubt as you talked about with the Kasparian story they're going to experience something where their own ideology is going to end up backfiring and whether that's going out in your city and getting mugged or assaulted or raped or which is which Austin is getting worse and worse the liberal Austin I think may soon turn red I know that might be hard to believe but the stuff that's gone downhill here is just truly incredible but you know you bring up Bill Maher here's a perfect example there are liberal democrats there are progressive democrats but the modern day the democrat party has gone so far to the left this is beyond a liberal progressive this is total mass mental illness this is total Stockholm syndrome this is far left communist authoritarian totalitarian ideology now that has really taken the reigns of the democrat party which you know is interesting to me because you talked about them eliminating people it seems like they're also eliminating people on their own team and in my estimation you know they're headed in a crash course it's not sustainable people aren't getting on board it seems like they're losing people everyday with getting crazier and weirder and hurting more and more people and people are kind of even waking up to this and having their own personal experiences you know a lot of things you know the the sads is waking a lot of people up and so you know in my view it seems like they're kind of running out of time a little bit in the sense that they kind of have a lot of momentum right now but if they don't capitalize on this momentum it could get to a point where you know the tides turn a little bit and things kind of shift and change so just from your kind of perspective what kind of things you know is going to be beneficial or how can we kind of slow their progress to where essentially we're not going to go to this crazy extreme we're not going to have a full communist takeover because again my opinion the younger generation is not that smart when you look at the Hunter Bidens when you look at some of the AOCs when you look at basically the young democrat party it's not really as smart and cunning and capable as the current regime and so if the current regime which seems to be like 11 billion years old all dies you know who's going to inherit their you know basically leftist scheme to kind of take over the country it doesn't seem like it's going to work unless they kind of capitalize now I mean Karl Schwab is I don't even know how old he is is he 80s or 90s or something like that I mean the guy's got to be close to the end you would hope but you know you got people like George Soros I mean how old is George Soros 80s 90s yeah 80s I mean you've got a lot of these people that are kind of the ring leaders I mean even Bill Gates is getting up there a lot of these people are just kind of that a lot older generation I don't know if there's a younger generation that's going to be able to carry the torch so if they don't get it done now it may not happen I'm kind of interested in what your thoughts are as far as are they just going to go full scale in the next few years because of this or do you think there is a competent group behind them what was kind of your perspective well surface level you're absolutely right and the Democrat party is going to try to save itself politically I don't know they may go back to the old they may go back to the old rag house for the 2024 election and pick another you know warmed up husk like Joe Biden or don't even be surprised if it's Hillary Clinton I think the more likely scenario is they're going to look for somebody that is more of the youth of the party like a Gavin Newsom they may even have an outstretched arm to Michelle Obama they're still living in the dream world of the Barack Obama years so the Democrats would be interested in Michelle Obama I don't know if she is she is interested herself but really that's kind of just the surface level as I said this ideology has a finite time period it'll exhaust itself out it's cannibalistic the real issue is what's behind the Democrat party sure the Democrat party and what it really is now the communist communist fascistic left will destroy America politically but what's lurking behind them is the real issue and that's where the Klaus Schwab and the George Soros and what we politically call the globalist enter the frame they'd love to mop up America after the Democrats collapse it this is part of the central banking digital currency run to have a central World Bank in a central world government with World Health Organization medical tyranny in which you basically have what will be considered a social credit score and you'll have rations for how much you can eat you'll have rations for how much you can travel you'll have rations for what energy you can consume and everything else but they have to collapse America and ultimately they have to get Putin out of Russia as well and so that's the two big issues that the globalists see and that's why they won a war with Russia and that's why economically they're trying to collapse the United States of America so look if just dealing with the Democrat party and the ideology that occupies it at this period of time if that was all we were dealing with I'd say all right girt yourselves for the worst girt yourselves for a depression girt yourself for a crash get yourself prepared and we can recover and get back to American prosperity easily easily within a decade if not shorter than that but that's not what we're really dealing with what we're dealing with is the monster lurking behind that which is the global government medical tyranny central bank digital currency social credit score system that will mop up whatever the Democrats have destroyed and so that's the real issue I wish we were just dealing with this Democrat party and the evils and the destruction that it's going to bring but behind it lurks the monster and that's what you hear about at the World Economic Forum that's what you hear about at the Council on Foreign Relations and this is the concept the idea of a global government that they tried to deny for so long now they're promoting it like a good thing yeah I mean I agree with you that it seems like the Democrats are just kind of the face of the organization in a sense they're just kind of the pawn that's being used for an ulterior motive what's interesting to me is exactly what you know this group whether you call them globalists or whatever what their ultimate goal is with America if they want to just subdue America to the point where they're just totally under their control kind of like in a slave type state or if they just want to completely destroy it because obviously America benefits them in the sense that it provides a lot of wealth a lot of luxury obviously they're reaping a lot of taxes from us and looking at other countries while we have high taxes right now some countries have a lot higher so I mean they could reap a lot more money from us in my estimation they could reap a lot more resources if they drag us into more wars the military industrial complex could also profit from that so in your viewpoint do you think that this globalist regime wants America actually completely destroyed and taken over by let's say China or just some other like Russia or somebody else or do you think they want to just weaken them to the point where they're kind of under their thumb and their control Well there's a reason why America is still the most desirable place to live on earth there's a reason why most people still want to come here and so that is though not the freedoms we believe we should have still probably the most free place or definitely probably the best place to go from zero to go from nothing to something to build something from nothing is still probably America now as far as the notion that America is beneficial to whatever power group is in charge of this global government you're absolutely right however it's death by a thousand cuts and so they don't want to have a situation where they have to actually deal with the force of America they don't want to have a situation where America actually has a unification awakening where we can overthrow this and take our government back and take our country back and take our future back so absolutely they want to try to thread that needle they want to try to ride that wave that'll be some form of a perfect balance between keeping America under the guise of free market capitalism under the guise that we have a bill of rights under the guise that it's a land of justice as they slowly but surely are removing that and then by the time you're into the global government tyranny they just turn it on and you can't get out of it and so it won't matter whether you fly an American flag or whether you spit on the American flag you're all going to be in the social credit system and you're all going to be in the medical tyranny and you know they'll probably it'll probably be a situation where you've basically got these breakaway societies that aren't allowed any technology and you know they'll be able to harvest something and they'll be able to build their own communities but it's going to be these super cities where they allow you access to all of the resources and you have to be there if you want to get your you know your stimulus and you have to be there if you want to get your food in fact I have a story I'm going to be covering it but it's right here in front of you it just so happens to be about the idea of 15 minute cities and so you get into that city you're never coming out but hey you know you need water you need food you need energy you need a shower come on into the 15 minute city and then you're never getting out and then you're going to be forcefully injected and now you no longer have bodily autonomy or any rights but you know there's no doubt the globalists have benefited from the United States of America and there's no doubt they're going to have to try to thread the needle or ride that wave without waking up the people to such an extent that we can unify and get this concept of a global government out of our minds and out of our policies well you know I want to ask you about another connection here because you know we look at the Democrat party as kind of a a pawn of this globalist agenda but I want to try to take it even another layer higher than this globalist agenda and suggest that you know in my view it kind of looks like it's maybe a spiritual issue where you really have the devil kind of being at the top of this food chain and the globalists are his pawns and he's using those people to influence the Democrats and it's just kind of a trickle down system and what we kind of see is a full scale attack against Christians and why I think that in America white men are the most demonized people and they're just so hated is because when we talk about fighting America I view America as just the strong men in our country the men that are willing to stand for truth the people that are willing to fight for freedom of speech the men that are willing to go out there and make a difference and traditionally that's been Christian men and of course if you look at you know demographics you know who is the majority Christians in this world it seems to be white American men are those who are Christians those who actually hold the gospel and the Bible dear to them I mean if you look at American history it's very evident that our founders were ones who had high regard to the Bible the Bible is what gave us our laws the Bible is what gave us our country and they're what built it so to tear it down you know they have to use labels like the patriarchy and white supremacy and and all these different things but from my viewpoint they're just attacking Christianity they're just attacking the truth they're attacking the Bible and it's kind of the devil is just kind of using these individuals through I agree with you the death of a thousand cuts but I mean what is your assessment of this being like a spiritual problem especially considering those on the furthest side of the left are just they hate truth they never want to hear anything that's truthful they seem to resist truth I'm kind of curious what your perspective is on that kind of a viewpoint well this is an undeniable observation that I think it's hard for people that haven't maybe had this acceptance themselves to fully comprehend but there's no doubt it is a spiritual battle and I'm somebody who actually went through a phase of being a nihilist an agnostic and I am I'm glad I was raised Christian Catholic and I'm proud to be a Christian now but when you go through that and you come out on the other end on the other side you kind of get a better idea of the psychology and the makeup and you understand where they're coming from but the observable traits are for example when I go to an abortion rally which in and of itself is absolutely abhorrent even if you believe in abortion or so-called abortion rights you're going to rally for abortion like you're going to do death rallies don't you see that can you read the room here but no they do these things and I just show up I just show up and within under a minute people are already death threatening me already wailing I mean you can see demons coming out of these people and again I know that sounds crazy and a lot of people say oh well you're nuts it happens every time it happens every time I go to these things and so there's another thing that you may notice when pro-abortion people get confronted and this seems to specifically happen outside of abortion facilities they stick their tongue out and they literally start gnashing and wailing like a demon is being exercised from their body and so when you deny creation when you deny divine creation and when you deny the creator and when you deny God and higher power you're opening yourself up to Satan unwittingly or wittingly and so you become a pawn of evil whether you realize it or not and so that's why so much of what we see is driven by hatred the blindness of people the denial of truth it's all driven from a place of hatred and when you don't appreciate the divine creation and the gift of life that we have you start to develop a hatred you start to develop a resentment because nothing matters to you and so absolutely the spiritual battle is won they don't even hide it anymore when they have their satanic rituals on TV seemingly every weekend now just blatantly worshipping the devil it's not even subtle anymore it's blatantly in your face and then it says brought to you by Pfizer and we all know what has happened recently with these vaccines that Bill Gates says need to be used to control the global population so you're absolutely right it's the dichotomy of man it's been documented throughout human history the battle of good versus evil and if you deny God and if you deny creation then inherently you're denying that such a thing exists you're denying that there's good you're denying that there's evil and so therefore you can become an instrument of evil and you wouldn't even recognize it well of course if you're gonna deny God then you deny that men are men women are women you deny virtually any fact two plus two equals four talking about you getting assaulted I think Ben has a clip of some of the times that you've been attacked I think I wanted to try and show that do you know what clip we can get them to show well let's go with I got one here called Tank and Infowars enemy of the people let's look at that one real quickly but you confronting Owen some of these leftists out on the street is how I discovered who you are and it was before you ever worked for Infowars I saw a clip you're gonna know who this is a blast from the past aid Skrillex and you're he's shaking his head he knows he's nodding he knows who I'm talking about but you're out there you're kind of going back and forth with him and I remember just being flabbergasted because at the time I did think that maybe these people can be reasoned with right that maybe it's possible to change their mind through some kind of structured discourse when in reality that's not the case they're unreasonable they're demonic they hate truth they hate God but my point is though watching you interact with them was I guess I hadn't been exposed to that before so I had we did an interview you probably don't remember because you've done a lot of interviews I'm sure but it was back in 2016 I interviewed you on a podcast I was doing just to talk about that but yeah let's play this clip here so we can show the audience a little give them a little taste of what you've done in terms of confronting these freaks head on covid this is the most racist crap I've ever seen in my life congratulations dude what did you accomplish enemy of the people enemy of the people in full wars enemy of the people in full wars hey loud in here in full wars enemy of the people in full wars enemy of the people in full wars enemy of the people oh and as this guy is running up to you and he's regurgitating his NPC nonsense what's going through your head when you're in a confrontation like that well I in that situation particular that particular situation I was already a seasoned veteran and so I kind of knew how to deal with these people and I did have security with me that day and I'm a pretty good reader of people as well I can tell when there's a serious situation or if there's a guy like that who just wants to puff up his chest and you know I just got to say too before I answer the question sure you know he comes up he starts saying enemy of the people enemy of the people man you're not going to meet a more person of the people than me I mean it's just I'm maxed out for the people like and so it's just it's everything they say about me is a lie and and they never want to actually have reasonable discourse with me because they know they'll be completely picked apart dissected and smashed down to smithereens but but to answer your question you know I I am actually an extremely impatient person and and I've had to develop that I've had to develop that patience throughout my life it's funny because my mom used to talk to me about this and she'd be saying Owen you know what say God God is testing you with this impatience for something later in your life so you need to learn patience and it was something she always told me and I and maybe this was it maybe this was it but but like I said I never you you're saying that you've never seen anything like that really nobody has I mean nobody went out and just for hours on end would sit there with a microphone and catch liberals foaming at the mouth and then in real time challenging their intellect and proving that it doesn't exist so you know it was again it was never I was always trying to bring the people together I was always trying to unify that was always the goal I was I was stunned when I found that people weren't interested in that and I was stunned at the level of hatred that people had I'd only experienced that from people that loved abortion throughout the years because I've always been pro-life politically and attended the pro-life march in D.C. before I was really even interested in politics but like I said I can't even do this content anymore which is what most people like the most of the stuff that I've done in my life of all live shows and presentations and rallies and protests that is the most popular stuff is my street videos going out and confronting the liberals head on but I can't even do that anymore every time I go out now I get assaulted every time and because of some legal situations I'm in right now if I get arrested I can't basically for a certain probation I have for my political persecution if I get arrested there's no questions they lock me up throw away the key so I can't go out there I can't get in a confrontation I can't wind up in a situation where I might have to defend myself and end up getting arrested so I'm you know I gotta be a really good boy I gotta be a really good boy as I'm being politically persecuted and I've had my first amendment and my rights violated here this is what happens when you live in a banana republic in a communist totalitarian tyranny but this is what we're fighting and this is why we're fighting it and people will be made an example and I have it good compared to other people with the political persecution they're dealing with in this country but you know in that particular video again it's just like you know how does Michael Jordan hit a layup well he's hit 10,000 of them in his life so hey how do you deal with a foaming at the mouth liberal by the way reeking of BO that was one of the worst smelling liberals that I have ever confronted and there's multiple times when you can see the shirt with the pit stains it's like it's actually a tool they use I mean talk about Satan it's a tool they use their body odor to offend you literally that's why they don't shower they're like the ugliest people ever too spiritually and sadly on the outside so in that particular situation it was just like you know just just another day another crazed liberal I was expecting it so I just sadly it's just I'm used to it we've had people like that protesting our church for like three years straight and they're they're gross it's it's awful looking at them seeing them having to interact and and I kind of wonder do you think that guy is like a real person or do you think he's just a paid protester like how many of these people are even real I thought you were gonna go with the NPC route you know if that guy's a paid protester you know I think that they could find a better crop of talent well no that I mean he has a pretty rehearsal line there yeah he did have his talking points down but that was a small event actually that I was going to in an attempt to because I'm actually against the war on drugs and I've been against the war on drugs ever since I presented myself politically and so that was actually a leftist event that was it was an anti-war on drugs event and I was gonna go cover it as like hey this is a good thing this is something that you call me somebody that's a conservative or a right-winger hey guess what I'm for small government I don't believe the war on drugs is a good thing either maybe this is something we can agree on and I was never even allowed to have the conversation before I could even have the conversation the loonies like you saw in the clip there immediately started encroaching and rubbing up on me and have you ever had that one this is the one and I think this is why they do the body odor trick because they rub up on you they get up on you they kind of hump you a little bit they might get in a pinch or a grab and they just want to be real subtle like so nobody notices like oh nobody will see me pinch him nobody will see me hump him and then when you push off or you fight back it's oh oh my god oh yeah yeah that exact thing happened to one of our church members and then he got the cops showed up and they cited our church member as opposed to them who they're provoking it they're getting on top of them and touching him and dressed you know not even dressed really and a lot of times they use women because women you know almost always seem to get the automatic win card I believe you talked about that I saw an interview with some other lady and you were talking about how some lady just grabbed you yeah it was at the women's march like assaulted you and you went to the cop and you said that she admitted that she assaulted you to the cop and he still didn't even care whereas you know the opposite is never ever going to be prosecuted they don't really care and it's just they know what game they're playing they want to just get in your face and get you to just react and then use that against you and it's just it's kind of a it's a tactic that they like to employ yeah let's be clear about that because I mean there should be different rules for men and women men and women are different there should be different societal and civilization and and cultural norms for men and women we aren't the ones that destroyed that that was the left the feminists did that we're just living in the world they created now in fairness that woman despite the officer not arresting her that day I did press charges and I did win in court and she now has sexual assault on her record and I won that court case but I went to four straight women's marches and was assaulted four straight years and every time I was assaulted it happened right in front of a police officer and they did nothing and quite frankly the only reason why I think that girl ended up getting arrested and charged was because it was sexual in nature and she did brag about it on camera but I was I've been spat on on camera showed it to police they wouldn't arrest the guy I've been punched right in front of the police they wouldn't arrest a guy I've been shoved I've had equipment broken I mean of the 20 times I've been assaulted I've probably filed five or more police reports and I've had one arrest and so it's just it's just sad that this is the case and now you see and they think oh we're going to defund the police this is going to work for us well how do you think that's going to go when you come try to take our firearms who are you going to send to make us take a vaccine who are you going to send to tell us to wear a mask if you don't have your police making us do it right they're the quick they quickly call the cops whenever they want them and they need them but at the same time they hate them for some reason it's really a bully tactic they're kind of like this this terroristic mafia that controls the police by threatening to take away their paycheck if they don't do their bidding and so it seems that now they're kind of pulling their strings a little bit you know and of course when we talk about getting assaulted if we went to a conservative rally and a leftist showed up and he got assaulted it would be on every media station everyone gets sued people be locked up you know I remember seeing recently James O'Keefe he did that Pfizer undercover interview and he showed up in front of the guy and the guy's like throwing his tablet on the ground breaking their equipment and and of course nothing ended up happening I think the cops claimed that they might have actually arrested that guy if he was still there present but you know obviously there's a one-way treatment from the system and you know I I'm just curious what's next I mean we've talked about censorship a little bit I mean how how bad is the censorship going to get you know you see people like James O'Keefe getting kicked out of his own company you know I don't even know what what happened there entirely I don't think I don't even know if he knows what's going on there entirely but I mean what do you see this censorship going people like James O'Keefe you know losing his own company you guys have obviously been attacked and and had lawsuits and and all kinds of crazy stuff happen to you you know I saw there's an ADL article where they want to basically just turn off website URLs I mean do you think that we're actually going to start seeing that come down the pike or is this just kind of threatening that's absolutely in the future if we don't start moving the ball the right way and the situation in Ukraine and what ends up happening in the next two years is going to be extremely important as to which way this goes in the global government censorship will be the norm a lot like what you have in China but what we are seeing now is the parallel economy is being built and I think censorship is actually taking some major blows right now Elon Musk buying Twitter reinstating a bunch of accounts it's not perfect I haven't had my official account back obviously info is Alex Jones but it's better than it was at least there's some push back there there are competitors that are built and operating now like Rumble where I'm allowed to exist and so we're building the parallel economy but it could all be shut off it could all be shut down tomorrow but if we're allowed this free market for the foreseeable future eventually the censorship battle will be lost by the left now the issue is narrative control and they've really focused on the internet lately because this is where the youth goes it was a lot easier to have narrative control on television specifically 50 years ago when you only had one network and then three networks and they would all say the same thing well the Murdochs came around and created Fox News Rush Limbaugh came around and created the Rush Limbaugh show and that kind of created the parallel economy of political talk and that kind of created the whole new economy of conservative media and so the narrative control is they want you to only see what Joe Biden says here's a perfect example and this is Fox News engaging in it as well did you guys know Donald Trump spoke last night? I had no idea I only heard that Joe Biden spoke obviously banging the war drums but that was pretty much it what about Nikki Haley did you know she's running for president? I did know that so this is a perfect example now why did you know about Nikki Haley but not Donald Trump because the television is showing you Nikki Haley the television is showing you Joe Biden they're not showing you Donald Trump Donald Trump gave one of his best speeches of the year last night nobody covered it except right side broadcasting Donald Trump released a video today calling for peace and negotiations between Russia and Ukraine they didn't play it on TV they didn't force feed it into your email they didn't force feed it into your news feed so this is narrative control and this is how they're able to make sure you don't see what Trump is saying or you don't see what Putin is saying and you only see what they want you to see you only see the issues they want you to see it's part of their plan they didn't want anybody talking about East Palestine but thank goodness for independent press and thank goodness for independent media and the First Amendment now that's a big issue and they're going to have to address it and do something about it but that would not have happened if it wasn't for alternative media they would have controlled the narrative told you to look at a balloon in the sky and not look at the disaster that actually happened on the ground well and Twitter seems to be helping a lot even though I'm not saying I'm a big Elon fan but I did see even on Twitter it's being shared Putin's speech that he gave recently and it's about two minutes I want to see if we can pull that up real quick and just play that for our audience because if you listen to the left wing media if you listen to the newspaper Putin is like the Antichrist or something I mean this guy is just the worst scum he's evil incarnate Putin just hates everything that's holy and righteous and I think they would be just terrified of you actually hearing anything that Putin actually says because when you actually hear what Putin has to say he sounds like more of an American president than the weekend at Biden so let's go ahead and play this clip real quick and just get a perspective of what Putin's even like so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so let's play this clip real quick so 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and bombs Kosovo so it's a well known thing to distract from your own crimes or your own problems and start wars and this is obviously bigger than any personal issue of, you know, Joe Biden and his business dealing with Hunter or anything, this is much larger than that we're talking about a global economic collapse, we're talking about the collapse of borders we're talking about the collapse of the world as we've known it and what a perfect way to pull that cornerstone out, have it collapse intentionally and have your entire infrastructure and apparatus already built so that when it does collapse, you've got your entire power structure ready to go and so that's the real agenda here, that's always the agenda with these world wars, it's the same thing and so yeah, Biden will go along with it, he's caught committing all kinds of crimes so he's going to be fine to go along with it to distract from his crimes and who knows however many other people involved with this vaccine involved with the FTX scam so there's all kinds of stuff that people just want to go away and what a perfect way to cover it up with a world war and of course we're talking about the practicalities here we understand there's the higher levels and we kind of talked about the globalist agenda and I kind of introduced the idea of the satanic agenda and I know we only have a few more minutes with you so I respect your time and appreciate you coming on here but I kind of want to get your thoughts before we close you know the Bible talks about kind of at the end that there's going to be a lot of wars rumors of wars the ultimate goal getting an anti-Christ into the chair of essentially just total world control and you know from my perspective, if we get into a major conflict like this and we get into major world war and this major censorship if we see some definite changes in the Middle East maybe they start rebuilding the temple or some of the other things that the Bible talks about you know, it really could be in my estimation getting us very close to the end if not the actual end of the world is that something that you think about? Is that something that you think fits kind of the narrative that's being formed here? Well I think there could be a couple different interpretations because the world as we know it could collapse with an EMP if electronics went down and people couldn't start their cars and fire up their computers and make a phone call the world as we know it would cease to exist now we would still survive and people could survive that and have prepared themselves for such a thing you start talking about nuclear war you've got a completely different scenario where we don't know what a nuclear war's impact would have on the planet I believe it was Albert Einstein that once said World War III will be fought with nukes, World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones I'm paraphrasing but the message is pretty clear there and when you're dealing with nuclear plants that could fissure and could collapse and then the calamities that could follow from that so I mean I'm more concerned about a World War III situation than anything else right now I'm concerned that the global elites are so desperate that they might drop a nuke to just completely change the focus and attention and the narrative that's my concern and they're desperate right now to try to defeat Putin and so the world as we know it though could end in many different ways and you know what in many ways that might be a good thing and that's a sad thing to think but you know the world as we know it is extremely corrupt and so maybe this is part of God's plan sadly is that we've become so decadent we've become so selfish we've become so evil in so many ways but the meek will inherit the earth and we're going to have to go through this great trial that because of all the blood sacrificed of the innocent and the abortion on this land and all around the planet and the wars and the blood shed you know maybe God has his own way of sorting these things out and because we didn't stand up and do enough to protect the innocent we're going to have to suffer along with the evil doers I have hope for the future I don't believe I don't believe I see the end of the world I do think there's going to be some tough times I don't think we've gone through the worst of it yet and I do think that some parts of this planet are probably going to experience a living hell even if not many already have it just doesn't get talked about what happens in Yemen and what happens in Damascus when they get bombed so I don't think we experience the apocalypse as you may be referring to in the Bible I don't think we see the end times that the Bible talks about but if there is going to be any sort of an Antichrist I think it would probably come in the form of an AI or at least that's what we'll be told is it's AI but it'll just be some system of control that the same secret elites are running and just telling you it's an artificial intelligence or some sort of organic artificial intelligence when it's really just them plugging in our algorithms into a computer but I don't know I think we get through this I think it's going to be rough I don't think we've seen the worst of it but I do think we get through this I don't think we see the end of the world as we know it and I think our adult years I'm in my thirties now I guess I'm already an adult but I think my elder adult years I do believe we're going to see a prosperous planet again I do believe we're going to see a prosperous America again and I think the trials that we're about to go through are going to also lead to tribulations and reminders of what we as a people need to hold near and dear to our hearts so the potential is certainly there it's something I think about and talk about a lot unfortunately but even though I know we're about to go through some hard times in the next year or two I do have hope for the future I don't think we see the end of the world as we know it at least as far as no longer any form of functioning civilization for humanity I think we will be able to preserve and persevere. Well you know I do believe there will be a physical human anti-Christ that's going to come I'm not saying it's going to happen right now or with even another war because at World War II everybody thought Hitler's the anti-Christ and this is the end of the world and so I do think that we're not going to know exactly when it's happening until it's made very obvious and the anti-Christ is revealed as the scripture does indicate but of course the Bible does say for Christians we're going to always go through tribulation and persecution and you look at again if you're not living in America there's lots of horrible places to live in being Christian being China being in the Middle East being in all kinds of different areas you know you can't even have a Bible you'll be persecuted and so of course for those individuals you know their hope is the fact that they if they believed in the Lord Jesus Christ they're saved and they're going to go to heaven even though it's kind of like you described hell on earth for those individuals where they're living I think for America we've been shielded from so much persecution for so long we don't even know what persecution really is yet we're starting to kind of wake up and see those ramifications but I do think that we need as a nation a spiritual revival we need people to get back into the Bible and go into church or there is no hope for America even staving off the current regime so you know I know that there's a lot of bad churches out there and I'm against a lot of churches personally but I do think there are good churches out there you know from your perspective you know do you think that there's still some good churches out there I mean I know that you said you're a Christian yeah I mean I will say there is a revival happening right now you've got the Great Awaken America the Great Awakening Tour that I've been featured on a couple times that's very much a Christian revival and then you have a literal revival happening at a church in Kentucky and then I think a couple other revivals where they've been doing like 48 hour services 72 hour services never ending services but you know I haven't been a loyal church attendee for some time and here in Austin pretty much every church is woke and then this Sunday I went to YouTube and I plugged in you know live church services live church sermon and so I was going to have a little just you know like be in church at my house while I'm making breakfast and I went through about five different live streams on YouTube and every single one of them was just woke leftist BS and so it's hard to really even find a church it kind of just made me lose any hope or desire to find a church but I've met a lot of great pastors I know that there are a lot of great churches that are growing out there and so there's a split I think you might say right now in the real Christian church and the woke topia front groups operating as churches which are just all around here in Texas I mean it's everywhere it's tough to find a good church I've heard of a couple but there's no doubt that split is happening but the revival is happening as well you know there's always the ying and yang effect and so as the devil becomes more apparent and gains momentum so does God so does Jesus Christ and so I'm seeing that in real time right now well again thanks so much for your perspective I know an Austin church there is rough there's not there's not really very many good churches in Austin specifically you know and I hope that you know you'll at least consider that I think there is definitely some good churches out there our church is definitely standing for the gospel and people need to watch you know the byway to heaven video and to get saved it's very easy to be saved all you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and accept his free gift of salvation and you'd be saved and I hope that you know maybe you'll check out that video you could check out our church stuff maybe we could do another podcast sometime and we really appreciate you coming on here and giving us your perspective and you know just being someone that cares about the truth it's hard to find young men today that aren't apathetic and just addicted to video games and simping and everything else out there it's nice to find some men out there that have some courage are willing to stand for the truth willing to fight and put it all on the line in some cases and so do you have any online media social media that we can you said get her can you can you give us some plugs to where we can find you sure I got to get her account at all I do is Owen you can follow me on rumble rumble.com slash Owen but the biggest place to get me is going to be band dot video that's B A N N E D dot video and that's the show I host live at info wars every day the info wars war room 3 to 6 p.m. and Sunday night live 6 to 8 p.m. all central times here in Texas and so that's the best place to find my content I do still do some street stuff not quite the confrontational stuff I used to get for obvious reasons discussed earlier but we still put all the content up there and I'm grateful to have that platform and I'm grateful to have your guys platform here as well it's a pleasure to be back on with you well God bless you you have a great night we want to respect your time and look forward to you know future conversations so have a good night so I mean that was that was a great interview it's great to have someone like Owen come on the show and give us his perspective you know obviously we have the Baptist bias over here but it's nice to still get people on the show that have a different viewpoint look at the situation from their perspective hear what you know he has to say or what he thinks so that we can be challenged on our viewpoints what do you think about that well we obviously recognize it's a spiritual warfare and that in order to make an impact today we have to do it through the word of God giving the gospel living a righteous Christian life and putting God first but it's also I think beneficial to get the perspective of somebody that maybe is more involved in like a political fight and get their viewpoint and see if we can actually help them to see that it there actually is a spiritual component here as well that is a lot more important and I think also it helps to reach that individuals audience and we hope that if you're joining us for the first time and you're a fan of Owen Schroyer if you're joining us for the first time and you're a fan of Infowars.com that you would check out Steadfast Baptist Church on YouTube that you would check out the preaching from Pastor Jonathan Shelley he's not going to say this about himself but I will he's a dynamic preacher he loves the Lord and he loves the truth and I feel like you're missing out if you're not listening to his preaching on a regular basis but we invite you to join us and we invite you to check out the Bible Way to Heaven we invite you to live for Christ and you know we talked about a lot of different things that sound depressing we've talked a lot about different things that make it appear as if there is no hope but there is hope and it's found through the Lord Jesus Christ it's found through the gospel it's found through eternal life and when you get saved you have that peace that passes all understanding you're kind of like that dog in the meme that says you know what even though the fire is raging around us this is fine because we have the Lord we're on the winning side already and if God be for us who can be against us the Bible says and so I would invite you to do that but I really enjoyed this interview it was intriguing to get Owen's perspective on the world and also his perspective when it comes to confronting these psychotic freaks that he's done that he has you know obviously that he's confronted I should say on multiple occasions and the fact Pastor Shelley that he admitted hey I don't think there is hope for these people yeah obviously you know there are some people that just hate the truth they hate God they hate the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible calls them reprobate and they're never going to be saved they just always resist the truth but if you're out there and you know you like Infowars you watch Owen you watch Alex you watch a lot of these people one thing that can happen is you can get discouraged because you can they really unveil a lot of the evil that's in our world they really kind of peel back a lot of the layers and show a lot of the horrible things that are going on and and I'm I like the fact that Owen has hope and he still encourages himself but but really you know you have to get encouragement from the Lord Jesus Christ and from the word of God and the only way you're going to have that hope is if you get saved the Bible makes it clear getting saved is easy it's simple it's a free gift it's a one-time trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ his death bear and resurrection that saves you and like we mentioned and plugged before you need to watch you know our Bible way to heaven video it's really simple to be saved it only takes a few minutes to understand what the Bible teaches about it but it is a free gift and and once you're saved and you know you're on your way to heaven it kind of it takes away a lot of the fear and the anxiety of worrying about this world because you know at the end of the day you're going to go to heaven and and of course God doesn't really want us to fail or fear anything but him he wants us to only fear the Lord and realize he's still in control you know I talked about that hierarchy we have the Democrats the globalists we have the devil but really you have to understand above all of that God is still on his throne God's still in control and he's going to allow you know perhaps persecution tribulation these things but the Bible talks about people making it all the way through the worst tribulation and persecution in the Bible and being raptured you know before God pours out his ultimate wrath on this earth and so being saved and and having the Holy Spirit inside of you is going to be a comforter unto you during tribulation during difficulty and you know just for us in America it's hard to have the right perspective because you know we've lived such a blessed and lavish life but people in China and in Russia and Ukraine I mean imagine being a Christian in Ukraine right now I mean that's got to be crazy even being in Russia I know Russia obviously Putin is Orthodox so he doesn't think that two plus two equals five but even them they're not saved you know the Orthodox Church is not giving the right gospel the Catholic Church is not giving the right gospel in fact most churches are not giving the right gospel you know it's very few and that's why we have the Baptist bias because you know outside of the out of sight of the Baptist is very few churches preaching salvation by faith is that what you find of course it's a minority and it's an even smaller minority that's ripping face on sin it's an even smaller minority that's willing to stand up to the woke psychotic left wing basket case agenda that we talked about here on the podcast and one thing I wanted to know just in relation to that there are several videos where Owen Schroyer will walk up to some of these left wing basket cases and he'll say something like look you know I just think that we need to find common ground we need to come together as Americans some of his older videos from a few years ago where he would say things like that and they just respond with like F you foaming at the mouth I hate you get the hell out of here F A B D E F G every cuss word you can think of responding with the most vitriol that they possibly can and that's because there are certain people out there who are children of the devil and are implacable who cannot get saved but for those in the middle those who haven't made a decision yet we're after them and we hope that this podcast if you do find yourself in the middle will enable you to make the decision for Christ yeah and you know I like reaching out to different people like Owen and some of these other individuals and trying to get their respective and hopefully God willing all these people will be saved you know I don't think Tucker is saved because he's Episcopalian but man I just I just like Tucker and I know that he's not perfect and he has Carlson yeah Tucker Carlson I really like Tucker Carlson I like James O'Keefe you know I like some of these individuals even the Babylon Bee I like a lot of their articles but I don't even know what they believe exactly as far as far as salvation and you know there's a lot of podcasts out there there's a lot of shows you could watch and I like a lot of these people but the thing that was a little bit you know indifferent for me is the fact that a lot of them weren't saved they didn't have the right gospel and that's why we did the show is because we want to be able to talk about current events we want to talk about these topics we want to bring cool guests on like like Owen but then at the end of the day we want to have the right gospel the right Bible using the King James Bible and you know we put a new documentary out there called the preserved Bible great film talking about why to use a King James Bible and of course the deterioration of Christianity in this country is why we're seeing all of this crazy stuff it's why we're seeing all the trans stuff it's why we're seeing these leftist crazies it's why we're seeing the breakdown at every level of society is because we've gotten away from the Bible and we need people to get saved and we need people to not only get saved but get plugged into church you know he's down on church and look I get it in Austin I mean could you blame him Austin's bad I visited there on vacation and it just infuriated me it pissed you off it's definitely gone to the devil it seems like almost I mean it's not I venture to say it's not far behind San Francisco if they're not virtually equivalent and it's sad to say it's in Texas but you know there are still good churches there are members of our church that live in Austin they'll drive up and come to our church even though it's a few hours away and so even if you are in an area that doesn't necessarily have the greatest church I mean getting into church reading the Bible is going to change your life and actually that's going to change America the Bible tells us that we're supposed to be salt and you know the salt is what preserves a nation it preserves a country I think that's why America's had so much blessing and we need people to be salt you know we can't do it by ourselves you know we need others and we need to reach out and we need to garner more people into our movement we need to get the gospel out there share our gospel videos and to share our films and to share our podcasts because while we have this window open still while we have a little bit of time where they haven't shut every you are down and they haven't shut every YouTube channel down I mean you know we need people to get diligent and vigilant about sharing the right kind of information the Christian information the gospel and the Bible I know that you've had podcasts in the past but you know I think that this show is an important show to reach people you know what is your perspective on the Baptist bias like what motivated you want to do this podcast? Well because of the fact that it's an opportunity to reach those who may not already be familiar with the new IFB may not already be familiar with your preaching and the preaching of some of our friends and it's the most important podcast that I've ever been a part of because of the fact that we're looking at issues through the lenses of scripture and I want to respond to something you said it's a famous verse in the Bible in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land if you want America to be healed if you want to potentially turn the tide in this country and see an actual revival nationally it's going to happen only when Christians decide that they want to take the Bible seriously that they want to take their Christian life seriously that they want to go to church follow the man of God get plugged in and do great works for the Lord Amen and of course you know steadfast Baptist church is not the only church in the world that's doing things for God we've got you know a great church in Houston pure words Baptist church steadfast actually has a church plant in the Oklahoma City area so if you're in the Oklahoma City area you need to get into steadfast Baptist church there also we have a lot of friends of some great churches faith board Baptist church in Phoenix Arizona we have first works Baptist church and it's not Omani anymore it's in Orange County Anaheim yeah Anaheim California and then we have Verity Baptist church in the Sacramento area we have Holdfast Baptist church in the Fresno or the Fresno area Fresno California Pastor Jared Pazarski we have our friend Pastor Aaron Thompson in Vancouver Washington and he's got a lot of church plants going he's got one in the UK he has one in north there in Canada he has one in Spokane Washington and so you know if you're in any of these areas you need to reach out faith board Baptist church in Tucson Arizona we don't want to forget about Corbin Russell Deacon Corbin Russell Brother Russell he's a great guy we have Pastor David Berzins in Atlanta Georgia and we I want to make sure we mention all of our friends did you already mention him? we have Pastor Anderson but you know and again even if you didn't hear a church you're interested email us contact us put in a message we'd love for you guys to get plugged into church and of course tune into the podcast it's every Tuesday 8pm we've got some other guests that we're hoping to get some other cool guests on the show we're also planning on doing some unique things with our show we have some cool topics that are going to be coming up you want to check it out live we're going to be trying to take callers probably in our next show also you can always put in the chat we started streaming on rumble as well and if you know if you checked out the show make sure to subscribe it helps us with everything just having more subscribers and we'd love to continue to grow with our audience so that we can just reach more people for the gospel for Christ you know to get people saved well I think you know the show is great I think we just go ahead and end it on a high note it was suggested to me that we play our gospel video when we're done so we're going to play it right when we're done you need to check it out even if you don't have time check it out later how to get saved but make sure to check it out on any kind of podcast platform we've got spotify, podbean all these crazy things give us all of our platforms here we're on apple podcast, we're on spotify we're on the stitcher radio app we're on google podcasts you mentioned podbean as well you can find us on all those different platforms you can subscribe also using the keyword keywords, the baptist bias and then you can listen to the show on the go I don't know why I had a brain aneurysm but I forgot that I'm even preaching here but I need to mention shield of faith baptist church in Boise, Idaho I'm going to be preaching there this Sunday pastor joe jones such a great guy in the chat they've mentioned some other areas, mountain baptist church in Virginia and there's definitely a lot of other great churches out there it's in west Virginia specifically so I know that there's other great churches out there you need to get into independent, fundamental baptist church king james only, salvation by faith, well that's pretty much going to do it for us this evening thanks for tuning in, Ben sign us out that's it for the show we thank you so much for your support thank you for tuning in again it's Tuesday nights, it's 8 pm central time, be back again next week for another edition of the baptist bias and until then, for pastor Jonathan Shelley, this is Ben Naim signing off we'll talk to you guys again, after a while thank you for watching our film on the preserved bible, the most important question you could ever be asked is if you were to die today are you 100% sure that you'd go to heaven the bible gives a clear answer that you can know 100% sure the bible tells us that we've all sinned and come short of the glory of god the bible also teaches there's a punishment for our sin and roman 623 the bible says for the wages of sin is death that death is not just physical it's also spiritual and it means that when people die they could go to one of two places heaven or hell the bible tells us that we actually all deserve to go to hell the bible says that all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone everyone can admit that they've told at least one lie and in fact we've sinned in many different ways if we look at all of the scripture therefore it's important to realize we need a savior and the bible tells us that god loves us and wants us to be saved the bible tells us in romans 5 8 but god commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners christ died for us god sacrificially sent his son jesus christ to this earth to take the penalty and punishment that we deserve the bible tells us that jesus christ is the son of god and that he came down from heaven was born of a virgin and became a man jesus christ was god manifest in the flesh and while he lived on this earth he did many miracles proving he was the son of god however the jews did not believe that jesus christ was the son of god and they ultimately delivered him to the romans to be crucified the bible says when jesus christ was crucified he bare our sins in his own body on the tree and the bible makes it very clear that jesus christ was the propitiation for our sins he paid for all sin past present and future when jesus christ was dead they put his body in a tomb but his soul descended down into hell but it was not left in hell neither did his body see corruption the bible tells us that his soul returned to his body and he rose from the dead he walked out of the tomb and the bible describes this as the gospel the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ therefore the question is what must I do to be saved well in acts chapter 16 there's a man that asked that question he asked paul and silas sirs what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved the bible makes it clear the only thing necessary for salvation is to believe in the lord jesus christ now what that means is ultimately that you're putting all of your trust that jesus christ death burial and resurrection paid for all of your sins many people today are unfortunately trusting and their good works they're trusting the fact that they go to church that they've turned over a new leaf that they live a good life but the bible makes it abundantly clear that you must take the trust that you have in yourself and your religion and your church attendance and the changed life that you have and put all of your faith in what jesus christ already did for you that is what true salvation is simply acknowledging jesus is real or believing in faith plus your good works will not result in salvation you must change your mind and put 100% faith in christ the bible tells us in john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life the moment one trusts christ they become a child of god and they're given eternal life the bible says but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of god even them that believe on his name salvation is a moment in time just like birth and once you become someone's child you're forever their child once you become god's son you're forever his son the moment someone trusts christ and puts 100% of their faith in jesus christ's death baron resurrection they are forever his son and no matter how good or bad a son they are they will never go to hell because they've been saved from all of their sins whereas many people still believe in the fact that they must be a good person go to church and follow all of god's commandments to be saved they're ultimately not trusting in christ's sacrifice they're trusting in themselves the bible tells us in ephesians 2 8 9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast if we're trusting in ourselves we're not saved we must one time humbly accept christ's free gift and put all of our faith in jesus christ that is the moment of salvation the bible says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord if you see clearly how the bible tells us that salvation is a free gift that is just by faith in jesus christ the bible tells us how to believe in him in romans 10 9 and 10 the bible says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that god hath raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved if you actually have changed your mind today and you want to put 100% faith in jesus christ not in your good works not in your good efforts let me help you word a simple prayer and tell christ that you're trusting in him alone and accept this free gift pray this prayer wherever you're at your heavenly father i know that i'm a sinner and i deserve to go to help but i believe that you sent your son jesus christ to die on the cross for all my sins who is buried and rose again please save me and give me eternal life i'm only trusting in jesus christ not myself in jesus name i pray amen if you meant that prayer in your heart and you put 100% of your faith in jesus christ the bible says you can know that you're saved if you got saved today or even if you've already been saved you need to get plugged into a bible believing church which uses the king james bible the preserved bible and you need to read it every single day