(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Are you tired of working out all the time just to lose a few pounds and realize it's not working? Then you need the E.I.F. diet. So many people think that eating carbs or not eating carbs or doing keto or going vegetarian is the way to go but I have the perfect solution for you. Three letters. E.I.F. I'm so confident that this solution will work for you. I'm going to cut the price of my new program in half just for you. Actually, this is a one-time offer that can only be used today. If you don't buy this right now you'll have to pay 10,000% more at a later date. I'm basically going to save you thousands of dollars and all you have to do is buy my book. Let me explain this to you. Let me make this clear. With this program, you'll never have to worry about losing weight again. In fact, we have over a billion people who successfully tried this program. One billion people. Here's how it works. On off days, you can eat anything you want over the course of the program and you won't gain a pound. Not a single pound. I'm talking about anything you want. It could even be a slice or ten of some extra cheese pizza from Pizza Hut. Enjoy it to your heart's content. That is good. Or how about America's beverage? Coca-Cola. Right here. That's what I'm talking about. You know, people, they bend over backwards. They count calories. They constantly weigh themselves. They fret about what to eat and what not to eat. But I'm telling you, this is going to work. You're going to save at the grocery store. Cook prep. And let me promise you this. No one will ever steal your meals at work again. This program works so great your neighbors will be able to smell your weight loss. Literally smell it. In fact, this program is so effective it's even caused second-degree weight loss for the first time in recorded history. Those around you, while you're on this program, will notice a sharp decrease in appetite and even immediate results. Now, of course, for the program to work, you need to buy my new book which will help you craft your meals. Because if you've been listening this long, I've decided to reward you. And here's what I'm going to do. Since you've listened up to this point, I'm going to discount this offer right now by another 85%. Now, many of you are wondering what this could be, what it is that I'm talking about. Well, I'm going to give you a little taste of this amazing EIF program right now. Step one, eat anything and everything you want. Honestly, just eat up whatever it is that you like. Like I mentioned earlier, as much pizza as you'd like with extra cheese. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Who doesn't love that? It's good stuff. You can have America's soda, America's drink, Coca-Cola. Eat and drink to your heart's content. Whatever it is that you want. Now, the second step is very important. Once you've added all those unwanted pounds from eating every greasy sugar-filled delicious carb you like, you implement the E I F, which stands for this. Eat Indian food. You say, well, that can't work. It really is that simple, folks. I mean, have you ever seen a fat Indian? I haven't. You know, people in India, they've been following this successful program for centuries, and the pounds melt right off. The curry smell alone has led to dramatic results, causing all who smell its fat saving power to lose their stomach, running away, screaming, causing, by the way, as a result, an intense HIIT workout. In fact, some people just skip meals altogether when this kind of food is their only option. I'm so confident you'll lose weight. I have a 300 minute money-back guarantee that if you don't like our program, we'll give you back 100% of the money of your money, I should say, in curry sauce. Honestly, it's a win-win. If you're skeptical of this program or other fad diets, and you look to the Bible for dieting advice instead, then it's obvious to me that you have the Baptist bias. I'm not going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. I've heard of something totally wacky called the clay diet. Which I can explain later if you want. There's juicing. People will go on juice cleanses where they literally eat no solid food for a period of time. Gerson therapy. There's a bunch of them out there. Have you heard of a Daniel fast? Or a Daniel diet? I actually haven't heard of that one. I guess it's like they're trying to go from the Bible and say that Daniel didn't eat any of the king's meat so they just do a vegetable only diet or something weird. There you go. What about, I've heard on the juicing one, I've heard only carrots. Carrot juice. I have heard of that one as well. I would imagine that turns you pink. I've heard of Hollywood diet. Have you heard of the Hollywood diet? I think it's just like lemonade and cayenne pepper. Okay. So how to die of starvation? I don't know. Veganism, did you bring that up already? I mean that's the big one. Yeah, vegan. There's vegetarian. There's all kinds of different options out there. It's hard to keep up. It is. And they come up with new ones. Every once in a while they come up with new ones. Now, for the show, we'd like to if you want to call in this evening, we're going to have the phone lines open and we'll take some calls. Maybe you can share with us your fad diets, things you've tried, your opinion. We've got our Baptist bias number up there. 231-BAPTIST or 227-8478 Call in 231-BAPTIST and we'll see if we can get you on the show here in a little bit. But I do want to first just kind of talk about just a general my general perspective on diets. I kind of want to get your feedback on this. My view is that when it comes to diets, you could probably find a nutritionist, a dietitian, or a medical doctor who will endorse every single view that exists, including completely dichotomy-like style diets. Ones that are the exact opposite of each other. Just each end of the spectrum, every angle, just complete opposite style diets. You'll have all kinds of dieticians, all kinds of nutritionists, all kinds of medical professionals who will endorse virtually every view that exists. I mean, is that a fair assessment? What do you think about that? I think that's part of the medical industrial complex. In the sense that they'll kind of cast a wide net in order to enrich themselves. I hate to say that, but it's true. It's kind of the state of things right now in the health industry. Well, it just seems like when it comes to dieting, nutrition, a lot of these areas of study and research, people kind of sometimes just want a doctor that's going to tell them what they want to hear. And so because there's an appetite to hear everything, there ends up becoming these medical professionals or articles, videos on virtually every diet that could possibly exist. You even see crazy things talking about increasing carbs or sugar. Obviously, for the most part, people are kind of against processed foods and sugar. But generally speaking, it seems like almost every variation of a diet, whether that's pro-dairy against dairy, pro-meat against meat, pro-vegetable against vegetable, pro-bread against bread, pro-milk against milk, pro-egg against egg. Almost everything is there's someone out there that's going to be against, you know, pro-fish then there's anti-fish. There's a lot of variations, pro-salt against salt. It just seems like there's a lot out there and I think one trap that someone could fall into is they research just kind of one opinion and they think because they find some doctors or nutritionists that support this, oh, everybody thinks this is right or everybody agrees with this and it kind of can allow them to just get locked into a particular echo chamber. Absolutely. And I don't blame people for maybe asking the question, well, what do I do then? Let's say they come to the realization that the perspectives on dieting are eclectic. Then the question is, okay, well, who do I trust? Right? I mean, what advice should I take if there's so many conflicting perspectives out there, which one is right? Someone in the chat said, if the mainstream is saying not to eat it, then eat it. I think that's a decent rule of thumb. That might be some of the best dieting advice I've heard in a while. Absolutely. Here's the thing. I think that even you have crazy things being said, like eating crickets. Is that the Klaus Schwab diet? Yeah, I think that there's a big agenda to eat bugs and to eat all kinds of crazy things. Really, if you go outside of America, which I'm kind of limited in my knowledge when it comes to diets within American cuisine, but obviously, from an international perspective, it's crazy out there. Oh, Communist China. You could eat monkeys. What is the thing called? I'm going to mispronounce it probably, but it's like a brew or something. It's like an egg that actually had a bird inside of it. Do you know what I'm talking about? I've never heard of this before in my life. Let me guess. Chinese. No, I think it's when everybody goes to the Philippines. They eat this weird delicacy, I suppose. I've never heard of this before. We need to look this up. While you do that, I'd like to give a quick shout out to those of you in the chat room. There's a YouTube 100 in there. Azizat, Jay Tankson, Pastor Aaron Thompson, Samuel Kirkhab, S.J. Mokilla, Jennifer Fortney. Thank you for joining us live in the chat room. The podcast airs Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. Central. Join us every single week and participate in the chat room. It's a party in there. We have this person, Despues de la TribulaciĆ³n. What is this? Balut? That sounds like an Arabic word. Balut. Balut. It's a food in the Philippines consisting of duck eggs incubated almost to the point of hatching and then boiled. So they eat like it looks like a real bird, but just kind of like before it's hatched in this egg. It looks crazy. I'm just going to say from my perspective it looks crazy. Samuel says in the chat room balut, I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right, balut, whatever. I'm going to say balut. Balut is a duck egg with an embryo inside. And the person also says balut is a Filipino word. There also is an Arabic word which means something totally different which is why I pronounced it that way. Yeah, it's a Filipino word. It's a Filipino delicacy. And maybe if I ever go out to visit our friend brother Matthew Stuckey he could take me to a Filipino restaurant and I can try this thing out for myself. You know, I personally like to try foreign foods, even foods that are weird for our culture. But I will draw the line somewhere. Let me just say that. And some of the stuff I see coming out of Communist China I'm drawing the line. Obviously it's not balut. What is it? Oh yeah, I'll try balut. Sure, why the hell not? Or Indian food for you. I'll try Indian. Okay, give us what is your take on Indian, what do you like in the Indian food? Curry, chicken tikka masala, samosas, those, I mean that's my top three. You know, samosa sounds like something different whenever you say that. What does it sound like? Like a samosa is like an alcoholic beverage. But I had to look it up. It's like an A. It's like samosa. Samoso. Yeah, that's the orange juice with the alcohol. But that's a different word, isn't it? It's like a homonym. It almost sounds like the exact same thing. Yeah, Indian food, here's the reality. What is a samosa? Tell us. I had to look this up. There's meat inside of it. It's like covered with flour. Does it look like an empanada? You know what? Can we get a samosa put on the screen? I don't know what it you're going to crucify me for this. I'm not sure what an empanada looks like. Oh, there we go. Yeah, it does. Yes, it does look like an empanada. Yeah. I just We're making our production team sweat over here. No, samosa and empanada look very similar. If I'm going to compare the two. Mimosa is the alcohol, by the way. Our chat room is just carrying the show tonight. We got to go to an Indian theater. That's right. For the premiere of The Bab's Bias. That was awesome. And we walked in, they said, how are you doing? I didn't know you were going to be here today. What kind of movie are you showing? Would you like a really good samosa? Love Indian, by the way. That's not me mocking. I love all Indian people. Hey, you know what? We're just we're appropriating their culture. That's it. We're embracing the culture. Absolutely. And I think we're going to get samosas pulled up here on the screen for a second. Here we go. There it is. Does that not look good? I mean, does that not make you want to repent of whatever distaste you have for Indian food right there? It is mouth watering. What's safe about this is I can't smell it. So, you know, you can't smell the curry from here. But it certainly will change your appetite. You know, when I knock on doors, you know, we go out soul winning. When we knock on an Indian door and they open it up and then you get that sweet... Are you tired of working out all the time? Indian food, as I hear myself for some reason. But anyway, you get that sweet Indian smell, the Indian food smell, excuse me, the Indian food smell that you get when you go out soul winning. It just gets me that much more hyped up to preach the gospel. Well, what I would like... Can we get... Let's get some ballot on the screen because I don't want people to miss out on this really important delicacy. Okay, it looks like that's in progress. We talked about it and... Is it ballot? That's how you say it? I think it's balut. Balut. I think I looked at the pronunciation, so... That sounds so Arab. But look at this thing. I mean, it's it's kind of bizarre. What in the world? Yeah, it's like I was watching people eat it and I thought it was like you know, they're forcing someone to eat something that's terrible. But apparently people like it or it's like a delicacy or something like that. So you know, you never... Hey, I mean, I'll try it. New diet. New fad diet. Balut and samosas. Balut and samosas. You know, we should start our own... It's part of the EIF program. EIF program. That's it. And F could also stand for Filipino. Well, you have to admit if you had some balut, I doubt very many people would steal your lunch. Probably not. Especially domestically. So... You know, here's the thing. I mean, you can make fun of all you want, but we said it on the onset. I mean, I haven't seen a fat Indian. And you know what? You might look at that and say that's because the food sucks. I might look at that and say that's because the food doesn't contain as many additives and as much gross grease and things of that nature that you would get in the United States. Well, I kind of have a personal theory that the countries that have the best food are going to be the fattest, generally speaking. And that's why America is so fat, is because the food is so good. And you look at a country like India, you know, not really the top of the cuisine list. That's why they're definitely not putting on the pounds. But you know, you think about Mexican food, Italian food. These are some of the best cuisines. And you know, arguably, it's a lot of you know, a lot of size behind these countries. Hey, if you're going to go with that theory, then that's true. And I really think the difference between us is really simple. I'm kind of like an all are welcome kind of guy on food. Ecumenical. Yeah, you could say that. You could say that. I'm not ashamed. You know, I like to enjoy many different ethnic foods whereas... It's kind of like having no standards or like a city without walls. You know, I'm just not an open immigration policy. You could say that if you'd like. There's all these great analogies for it. I'm not a Fox News Baptist such as yourself. Right. Well, obviously, there's pearly gates to get into heaven because we reject some people into heaven. And that's how I take my cuisine, is that we have pearly gates surrounding and protecting our cuisine palate. And we only allow that which is holy and righteous to enter in. Gotcha. You know, like the Texas brisket, ribs, things of this nature. Things that have been sanctified by the word of God with prayer. So, before we monologue too long, let's get into some of our diets here that we have. We have a bunch on our list. Actually, you're going to bring up obesity. Bring up your obesity segment before we get into these diets. Yeah, I mean, it didn't take too long to find this statistic, but a Harvard study concluded that I'll just quote it for you. A closer look at the US numbers in adults showed roughly two out of three US adults Excuse me. All that coke and pizza coming back up. Roughly two out of three US adults are overweight or obese, which would equate to 69% and one out of three are obese, 36% of the population. Also, from Harvard, obesity leads to type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, stroke, cardiovascular death, even a link between obesity and cancer was found in this study. It could also cause infertility and depression. So, if those sound enticing to you, then you might as well get as obese as possible. But the point of bringing that up is just to show what our population is struggling with. Yeah, I mean, obviously, obesity abounds in our country, and it's probably for a lot of reasons. Number one, we have a lot of great food options. We have an abundance of food. But, you know, as the Bible also talks about an abundance of idleness, it seems like Americans, they don't really have to struggle for food. We don't have to really work that hard. And even, honestly, our homeless population is probably fatter and has more obesity than the vast majority of countries in this world. And so, you know, because of obesity, though, it leads to a lot of other issues. A lot of issues. And so, consequently, people are looking for quick and easy options. Even if it's sometimes a little harder, they're looking for quick options to alleviate this problem. And so, they're turning to bad diets, which is the topic of our conversation tonight. Now, you know, what's interesting to me is every time I get on Facebook or YouTube or any of these things, I always see this ad of this guy who's, like, hanging on some jungle gym and pulling weights or something like this, and he's, like, eating pizza and he's just like, you know, you want to get ripped like me? Well, you know, it's not running. It's not doing workouts. It's not eating, you know, these weird diets or whatever. You know, get my program and I'll tell you all about it. Click this link and take a quiz or something like that. I feel like I see this ad everywhere. Do you kind of know what I'm talking about? I know it. So, I actually think we have a clip that I found on Facebook, and this one actually includes, like, a couple girls in it, too, or something, but it's some ad where they're basically advertising the same thing. Let's see if we can play that clip. This is how to get in shape fast. Cardio burns fat, right? No. Cardio actually burns calories usually in the form of carbs in the bloodstream that are then replaced with the very next meal that you eat and stored as more fat. This is why when you even eat low calorie foods or run for an hour a day, it seems like you get softer, but you don't actually lose weight, and this is one of the biggest reasons why most weight loss attempts fail within the first three weeks. If you think that I don't eat carbs, you're wrong. If you think that I spend three hours in the gym a day and I do regular steady-state cardio all the time, you're wrong. That ain't how you lose weight. Worst part about that was we couldn't skip the ad. Yeah. That would have been nice. So, again, I only play the ad, not because I agree with it at all, but just simply because it's just like you can't escape this. I feel like I see it everywhere all the time. Have you seen this kind of ad? I have seen this ad many times. I just, I feel like I see this ad all the time, and it's just, it's like everywhere. It's not even just on Facebook. It's on YouTube all the time. Well, since we were doing the show, I decided I was going to click the link, and so, then it took me to this Indian website where they wanted my Social Security number. No, I'm just kidding. No, I clicked the link. I took their little quiz or whatever, and then I started watching this guy's video, and it's funny because the video's like 20 minutes long, and it's literally just that two minutes for 20 minutes. It's just like, we're about to tell you the greatest secret of how you're going to get so fit, and we're about, I mean, we're almost going to give it to you. We're about to give it to you. It's going to happen. It's just like, it's the most annoying ad video, and... Which is why it took me so long to get to my point when I was playing the character at the analog. Of course. So, the ad itself, you know, is an advertisement to buy their program. It's called Ripped in 90 Days. It's like $57. But you have to buy it now. Have to. He actually said in the video that I was watching, he said, this is only a one hour promotion. You have one hour. You have an hour. I checked it every single day. It's the same price. Same price. So I don't know what happened, but maybe it's a glitch. I was just lucky. That's it. That the price was, it's kind of like JC Penney's one day only sale that they had every day. Every single day. It was every day that ends in Y. $57, not that much, honestly. I mean, if you got results out of it, I mean, it is what it is, right? There's a lot of dieting programs, Weight Watchers, these type of programs that cost a lot more money than $57. But he essentially broke it down, and he said there's three steps for his weight loss program. Number one is he said tut. It's called time under tension. So whenever you do a workout, instead of just maximizing reps, trying to do them really quick, he says you got to do time under tension, which is essentially more of stress and taking longer on your reps. Supposedly that's going to increase the muscle mass in your workouts. The second thing he brought up is called carb cycling. Now, again, none of these things are unique to him or they invented. He's just simply repackaging a lot of dieting tips, things that are out there. Carb cycling, you could even look it up. People will tell you exactly what it is. Essentially, carb cycling, you have a high day, maybe a medium day based on his program or a low day of carbs, but they just set a certain number of calories per day that you're going to have. It's just to say an arbitrary number 2000. And on a high carb day, a large percentage of those, maybe about 1200 of those have to be carbs. And then on a low carb day, it's more 200 or 300, maybe 400 carbs is the percentage of that 2000 that you can have. And supposedly the science behind it is that your body needs carbs just in general and whenever you're not giving it carbs, your body thinks it's in a starvation mode and starts trying to store every single food item it gets. And so even though you're at a calorie deficit or whatever, it's just going to pack on pounds anyways. This is the supposed science behind it. I'm not going to give my comments on whether I think that's 100% true or not. It sounds like there's probably some level of legitimacy to that. Obviously there's probably a lot of factors. Then the third thing is just HIIT, which is called High Intensity Interval Training. And essentially instead of going running for an hour on the treadmill, like he was kind of alluding to, it's more that you would do like sprints, jumping jacks, some kind of like extremely high exercise routine for a shorter duration. And the supposed idea behind this is that when you recover, so because you're going to be like huffing and puffing, that you're going to have a lot more burnage even after you do the workout. So essentially because you've done so much intensity, it just keeps burning and gives you some kind of extra benefit to it. And I think HIIT's a pretty popular term out there when it comes to exercising. But instead of paying $57, hey, there you go. Instead of watching the 20 minute video, instead of watching all these people show off their bodies and whatever and tell you how they lost so much pounds and they look all good now or something. Some of those pictures were weird because there's one where it's like a girl who looked like it was supposed to be a before and after pic and she looked the exact same. So I don't even know what they were trying to show. It's like those Alex Jones, this is kind of off topic, but Alex Jones will have before and after pictures where before he kind of looks a little overweight, a little bit fatter, and then after he looks the exact same. It looks like he sucked in his stomach. Obviously super meal vitality clearly works. Brainforce Plus. Well, if he's on all these drugs or supplements, I'm sorry, not drugs, he's on all these supplements, why does he keep looking unhealthier every year? He does get bigger and bigger every year. Well, I guess the supplements don't work if you're gorging on chili in between shows and all the other crazy stuff that he does. Chili? Yeah, there's stories of him like in between shows just gorging on a giant plate of chili. Is that a new diet? Chili diet? Does it have beans in it though? Probably. That's the problem. See, if he hadn't had the beans... Got rid of the beans he wouldn't get so big every... That's your solution Alex Jones, if you're listening to this podcast, which we know you are, get the beans out of the chili. That's right. And you won't be so large. Somebody called into his show one time actually and called him out on it. Said, hey man, you're getting bigger and bigger every year. What did he say? He was like, you know what, yeah, that's true. I'll try to do better. Next caller. I'm surprised he didn't say, I can't hear you. Just connected. Well, of course, we want to talk about a few of these diets. And again, I'm not going to claim to be an expert on every single diet program that's out there because like I said, there's a multiplicity of them. But what I think is important is to always balance any diet program with the Bible itself. And I believe that your diet advice should come from the word of God in every area. And I see some people getting into these weird extremes where they will pretty much forbid some type of item the Bible prescribes. And that really irritates me. Just to give a personal testimony, but we had a pediatrician that me and my wife were going to. And this is actually our second pediatrician for our first child. The first pediatrician dropped us because we wouldn't get injected with all different kinds of poisons. But because of that, insurance won't carry you so we get dropped so that we go to this more homeopathic type pediatrician. And sometimes they're weird. Most of the time. And this homeopathic pediatrician is trying to tell us how evil milk is. And she's trying to suggest that somehow we're like bad for drinking milk. And just not just us. Any human. She says we're the only species that drinks other species milk. She's like, you know, you don't see cows drinking other species milk. They drink their own milk. And she was like acting like we're somehow bad. Because we drink other species milk. And I'm thinking, there's some species, if we're going to use these stupid words, there's some species that only eat grass and I eat them. So how does that work? I mean this type of logic is certainly not biblical. And she was basically condemning my wife for drinking milk. Because my wife drinks a lot of milk. I mean that's like one of her favorite beverages. And I love milk. But because we're going to this pediatrician, this pediatrician is almost giving her a little bit of worry, just a little bit of frustration about the fact that she loves milk. And I was just thinking like, you know what, we're going to this pediatrician. It's not really benefiting anything. We're just measuring the baby that's perfectly healthy. The Bible says they that behold me, not a physician. And I'm like, we're done. We just never went back ever again. And honestly it was great. Because it really wasn't benefiting us. We're getting a lot of bad advice. A lot of bad ideas planted into us. And you know the Bible is very clear that milk is good. I mean there's a lot of verses I could pull up or think about. Obviously we have the land flowing with milk and honey. Which is considered the promised land. But there's another one in Proverbs that I think kind of a very clear verse on this particular issue. But Proverbs 27 verse 27, the Bible says and thou shalt have goats milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy house and for the maintenance of thy maidens. So the Bible says that thou shalt have goats milk enough for thy food. It doesn't say for their food. It doesn't say for the goats food. It says for thy food and the food of thy household. So there's nothing wrong with me having goats milk. Or even better, cow's milk. Right. Even better. I agree with that. And I'd like to know what the alternative is. So just no milk at all. Because obviously she's not going to prescribe that you as an adult drink you know a different type of milk that would come from humans. I think yeah like almond milk. Oh okay. Is that something that the some kind of yeah maybe like almond milk or I think there's a couple different milks like that. Well I mean you look at in Genesis chapter 18 and verse number seven in the word of God the Bible says and Abraham ran unto the herd. This is when the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre and Abraham ran unto the herd and fetched a calf tender and good and gave it unto a young man and he hasted to dress it and he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and set it before them and he stood by them under the tree and they did eat. So you have in Genesis chapter 18 Abraham literally serving the Lord and angels milk. I mean if it's really that horrifying according to this pediatrician I'd love to know why the word of God would reference it in that way. And then you have Hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 and when for when I'm sorry for when for the time ye ought to be teachers ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat. Yes it's being used figuratively I mean I understand that. But what's it a figure of? What does it symbolize? Well how about the word of God? How about the very words of God that we live by? And you know if my Bible I mean if the word of God is used to typify or I'm sorry milk is used to typify the word of God and if carnal truths are used to expound on spiritual truths I'm going to conclude that milk is a good thing. I don't think it's a logic it's a leap of logic to come to that conclusion. Yes meat is also used to symbolize the word of God and I would say that the milk of the word or some of the more basic truths that you find in Scripture. But either way it symbolizes the Bible it symbolizes the word of God the more basic truths that you find in Scripture and so for that reason I would look at it and I would say I'm going to drink milk and I'm going to like it and there's nothing wrong with that. Now I do want to bring this up because you know when we talk on the subject of milk there's kind of this big divide between some people who like raw milk versus pasteurized milk or the ultra pasteurized milk especially if you're going to buy organic milk my family and I actually buy a lot of organic milk and typically I think the only option is like an ultra pasteurized milk which the process of pasteurization is you know pretty simple just boiling the milk to a really high temperature to try and destroy all bacteria that's in the milk and then provide it that way obviously it's cooled back down for consumption. Yet a lot of people would say well boiling the milk kills all of the good all of the good bacteria that's in the raw milk and you know from my perspective I'm not going to disagree with the idea that there's potentially good bacteria in the raw milk but I don't really like the idea of someone demonizing the idea of pasteurized milk or thinking that somehow it's wrong because think about think about this verse and I know it's not exactly the primary interpretation of the verse but I want to get your thoughts on this the Bible says the thou shalt not see the kid in his mother's milk okay now this verse is certainly a prohibition so of course you know the first application is a prohibition on seething just a literal interpretation you shouldn't take a baby goat and cook it in its mother's milk now this prohibition though I don't believe it's prohibiting you on seething a kid you know cooking a kid and eating it obviously throughout the Bible you have lots of people killing kids and eating them there's certainly not a which a kid is yeah there's certainly not a prohibition on what's a kid a kid is a baby goat let's define a child goat there's also certainly not a prohibition on goat's milk as we evidenced and you know I brought up another verse on that so to me the only prohibition here is simply seething a kid in his mother's milk but why would even bring up this particular process of seething milk like boiling milk if that's somehow bad or something like I don't think that seething milk is a bad thing and if you think about it especially in our world and culture today I mean you go to these farms you have all these cows ranging possibly a lot of them could have actual sicknesses they could have diseases you can't always necessarily monitor them to know there could possibly be contaminants that get in to the dairy or into the milk when they're being processed you know is there a pro con to having actually boiled the milk just to try and prevent some kind of contaminant or something bad from getting in there and you know a lot of people hey if you have one cow and it's your dairy cow and you milk that thing obviously you could probably feel pretty good about the raw milk and a lot of people really like the cream that comes with raw milk I'm not necessarily saying I'm against that but you know if I'm getting this from a factory if I'm getting this from a big farm a big conglomerate that's producing tons and tons of milk the idea of them pasteurizing it doesn't really sound bad to me it sounds like a good idea I mean I don't know what your thoughts are on this particular issue Well I drink just the normal pasteurized milk myself however I did try raw milk one time and I thought it tasted really really good I think that there's very strong proponents of raw milk who make some good points I'm just not a subject matter expert but what I've heard is that some of the bacteria that's boiled away during the pasteurization this is actually beneficial for you in that so for that reason some would point to the raw milk and say well that's way better because it includes the things that the pasteurized milk doesn't during that process it ends up vanishing away so I've heard that on the other side you know for me again I'm just not into it so I just drink the regular milk that I would get from Kroger that my wife gets from me to enjoy with my Oreo O's every morning or sometimes Frosted Flakes but my point is I can see what you're saying and I have said that and I think that's probably true I think on the other side the attitude that well it's going through a factory they're probably getting rid of some things that I wouldn't want to have but I can see both sides when I've heard people who are big proponents of raw milk talk about some of the benefits associated with it and I think they make good points too though well again you know when it comes to these subjects how can anybody be a 100% certain? I mean are we going to be able to really do a scientific study where we have two people that are identical with the exact same environmental factors and we give one raw milk and another one pasteurized milk and identify the health benefits of either versus contrary I mean to me it almost seems like preference to some degree. Yeah perhaps it is again I just don't know I'm not an expert on this it's probable that it is just a preference you know and again I thought raw milk I'm very much a politician on this I'll play both sides really I think raw milk tastes really good and I've heard that it's good if you're trying to bulk up you know which I am I'd like to bulk up a little bit so I like that about it but I'm going to have the I'm going to also drink the pasteurized milk I don't see an issue with that so I really just like to play both sides on this issue well I honestly I pretty much only drink the ultra pasteurized milk but I don't see maybe I'm just missing out I'm the same way I've had raw milk maybe a few times in my life and when I had it it was good it's just so much more convenient for me to go to the supermarket and just grab the milk off the shelf and have that. Well the raw milk is very expensive though. Yeah that's part of it for a lot of people that get that but I know a lot of people really enjoy it they say it's the greatest thing but obviously if you drink raw milk you're going to be closer to God really strong you won't even have any problems apparently that's obviously hey you said it not me but here's the thing I think that sometimes people get a little overboard on these issues and I know a lot of people really like raw milk I don't really see it being life changing I think it's kind of a preference and I think a lot of these even fat diets people think that somehow by just getting the right diet their life's going to be way better but is it any coincidence that the alphabet crew always seem to eat at Whole Foods and this organic food or whatever and they still have a death style so food can only take you so far when it comes to lifestyle yeah absolutely you can eat as organic as you want I don't care you can find the healthiest diet in the entire world if you're a reprobate if you're an abomination if you're a hater of God then you're still going to die early statistically you're still a piece of crap scumbag and you're still going to wake up in hell yeah I mean the thing is to me when it comes to food the most important elements that people don't really talk about are consumption and exercise yes consumption and exercise because think about it this way you know we live in America where we have almost every option available to us fruits, vegetables, bread gluten free you have all kinds of, you have soy you have vegan, you have the impossible burger which is disgusting you have just all these different things so you actually afford people to have all these options of like well I'm going to have keto well I'm going to do paleo well I'm going to do carnivore well I'm going to do Daniel or whatever it is whereas you go to India and it's like I just want to eat today yes you go to these other countries yet you look at Africa you look at all the rest of the world even in developed countries where they don't have nearly sophisticated a palate they don't have all these options they still live just as long I mean in fact that statistically like Japanese people and Hispanic people people in Mexico have some of the longest life spans and if you think about them they have very limited cuisine diets I mean if you go to Mexico your options are Mexican food or Mexican food that's basically your options I mean if you look at Japan I mean what are they eating fish and rice I mean that's got to be like the vast majority of their diet raw fish so you know tuna they're going to eat obviously they're going to eat other things cabbage I think is a pretty big deal in Japanese culture what else, they have noodles I guess they have some grains but think about it they're not even eating a lot of vegetables and fruits necessarily yet they're still living to have really long lives because to me it seems more consistent what you how much you're eating and if you're living an active lifestyle that's going to have more impact on your health than necessarily exactly which fad diet you're going for now of course there's going to be truth to all of this stuff you are what you eat I remember my dentist was a vegan and the guy looked like he was about to die I mean he was so frail and skinny and just emaciated looking I kept thinking like you need a sandwich bro you need to eat real quick before you come and work on my teeth or something and I've never really seen people that are true vegans I mean there might be some exceptions out there but most true vegans are just very frail looking what would be your assessment I mean do you meet a lot of these vegans that are just ripped shredded no I mean you're not going to see a vegan that looks like Brock Lesnar I mean that's just not going to happen right these are very skin and bones real frail real limp-wristed just like they're about to wither away almost is how they look and the thing with it you know I'm not trying to like if people want to eat that whatever here's the problem though is a lot of them have this smug attitude about it because in their mind they're like fighting back against global warming this is their attempt to prevent global warming this is their attempt to save the animals well if I eat a cow and that cow dies doesn't that help reduce the carbon footprint yeah so basically I'm like one of the greatest climate changing activists you are single handedly especially with your diet preventing and I mean I'm preaching for people to eat a lot of meat so we're really trying to reduce the carbon footprint but here's the thing though you might be helping to alleviate global warming but you're killing animals they don't like that they view animals as more valuable than babies so it's kind of like which one you know pick your poison obviously the worst offender of this climate activist agenda has to be Chick-fil-A because they're trying to save all the cows yes that's true so you can't eat the chicken you gotta eat the steak and they supposedly according to the left Chick-fil-A is like super hardcore against the alphabet animals even though they're not but that's a different topic for a different time my point is no you don't see it and it's just a bunch of soy boys a lot of the time kind of walking up going to Burger King let me have my impossible whopper please and it's just like you need to just have you ever had an impossible burger ever had it I feel like if it were to get within an inch of my mouth that I would vomit maybe if I'm paid enough I would try it as a dare or something like that just off the top of your head would you think it's more likely that I would eat an impossible burger or Indian food impossible burger if I had to guess I would say impossible burger because at least you could douse it in ketchup and mayo and cheese I don't know if you like cheese on your burger if it's an impossible burger you could put anything on it put some balut on it I think that if we could cover it up with enough stuff then you would eat it can I cover it in bacon and beef I guess that defeats the purpose and beef can I put a beef patty on the impossible burger this is what you do order an impossible burger but ask them to switch out the soy based beef product with real beef and there you go that's how you could have an impossible burger so that we're not just clickbait let's get into some of our topics we had keto on the list you'd written down some things about keto what is keto? can you give us a little bit of a definition here? the ketogenic diet is a high fat adequate protein low carbohydrate diet there you go that's kind of a one sentence definition have you known people on keto? well I think didn't pastor Bruce Mihi do it for a little while or am I mistaken? I think he did it for a little while he's the only one that I personally know of who did it for a short period of time I believe maybe I can't remember I think my wife might have tried it but she didn't really go all the way with it a number of years ago is it about getting your body getting yourself in ketosis? I believe so I believe that's kind of the idea but the thing is that people who engage in this people who go all in they dive head first into the keto diet often referred to as the keto flu and I was talking about this last night actually this is kind of a weird phenomenon to me that you can get something called I don't know of any other diet maybe I'm wrong there might be a health expert out there who's watching this podcast who's going to immediately fact check me in the chat room or whatever but I don't know of another diet where you can get name of the diet flu that's very interesting to me but people have reported getting temporary symptoms as a result of this diet things like fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting constipation even low exercise tolerance, headache and so it comes with a lot of different side effects that aren't exactly pleasant but what are your thoughts on keto Pastor Shelley do you have any experience with it? Do you know people who've done it? Does it work? Well it's my understanding that keto is really kind of against bread bread's kind of like a big no-no well they're against carbs a kind of low carb diet yeah and obviously bread's full of carbohydrates really kind of any grain I think you have to have specific keto style grains I think they do sell them in the store I've seen a lot when I go shopping they'll say this is keto friendly bread or tortilla or pasta those type of different things and I don't know what all they make them from I think it's various products that they make I would not do that because I eat so much pasta I've tried some of this keto alternative grains and it's definitely different see folks that is code word for it sucks I'm assuming it's not the best and you know again next time I take you out and you say that was different I know what you meant by that yes you're kind of different Ben but when you know you think about dieting obviously a caloric deficit is going to work period and what a caloric deficit means is your body expends so many calories per day as a man it depends on how active you are how old you are things like that but generally speaking you know you're going to range anywhere from 2500 3500 calories a day as a man I believe women on average are typically going to be around the 1800 to 2200 mark again there's a lot of variance there depends on how tall you are how active you are how old you are different things like that but in order to essentially lose weight you have to eat less calories in total then however many you're going to expend that particular day so if you're averaging 2500 calories a day you have to eat less than 2500 calories to lose weight the thing is they've measured a pound of fat and apparently it's approximately 3500 calories so in order to lose one pound of fat you would have to have a 3500 caloric deficit of course that can't be realized in one day if you're 2500 unless you worked out 1000 calories extra on top of not eating which is probably almost nearly impossible so typically people at max are going to do around 500 calories or 250 a day and so maybe over a period of a week they could lose anywhere from half a pound pound maybe two pounds depending on how aggressive they were going to try and be but again if you try to be too aggressive it really makes it dangerous makes it almost physically impossible to do and another thing that can happen though is when you're on a caloric deficit if you're not working out if you're not actually exercising you can actually eat some of your muscle too and so you won't necessarily it's not just because you're losing weight you're going to lose fat it could actually attack and eat and deteriorate some of your muscle your body could because it's trying to just survive in essence and so you know there's kind of a balancing back there and that's where you have a lot of these programs like Weight Watchers and these others that are trying to kind of trick you into having a caloric deficit without actually telling you how to count calories but at the end of the day counting calories is really all there is to it and I've actually done this I actually lost over 20 pounds one time doing a caloric deficit program I took 70 days and I was trying to have around 200 500 calorie deficit every day I was working out and I did but the problem is if you don't maintain that particular lifestyle you're going to add it all back just like that and it's no different with keto it's no different with any of these fad diets that a lot of times keto is really just trying to trick you into having a caloric deficit because if you're not eating any carbohydrates if you're not eating bread those are what have a lot of calories meat especially like chicken vegetables things like that they have a very small number of calories in just comparison so typically when you're only eating those things and you're not eating fast food or one of this stuff it's almost impossible to exceed your caloric or calories for the day but one thing that's also a misnomer is you could technically be on keto and not lose weight because you know if you're eating tons and tons of meat I mean if you're just eating like a lot of steak or maybe like ribeye that has a lot of fat and things like that I mean you could still be eating 3000 calories a day and then you're not even going to be losing weight and really what you're doing is you're just you're kind of not getting all the nutrients necessarily that your body is used to and it could cause a particular health problem you bring up this keto flu so you know and I'm not again I'm not an expert on all these things it seems like there's been times in history where people have had only meat diets or only certain diets have been fine but what seems to me to be a common theme is when people get used to a particular lifestyle and then they change drastically or they're not getting things that their body is used to that's when it kind of usually throws them off kilter you know you think about like vegans if a vegan eats meat after having been away for a while often they get very sick you said you've never heard of like this flu thing but I've heard a lot of vegans say if they try animal products after having been away for a while man it really messes with them but again you know my perspective is you could probably eat Twinkies and live a really long life because the Bible says that what's going to give you a long life is honoring my father and my mother you know it doesn't say what kind of diet you had it isn't interesting people I mean you'll meet all kinds of old people they smoke and they drink coke and they do all these things and they just they live to be 120 years old well it goes to show you that sometimes it's just kind of hey if the Lord wants you to have a long life you're going to have a long life if you obey your parents like the Bible says thy days will be long upon the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee well think about the children of Israel didn't they wander through the wilderness what is the only thing they eat? manna and quail yeah quail that's a good one but you know they're not getting into vegetables they're like oh I miss all the cucumbers and the melons and the garlic and the onion but they basically just have bread you know Jesus' prayer says give us this day our daily bread bread so what I don't like is when people demonize things in the Bible that are just consistently brought up in a positive light milk is constantly brought up in a positive light bread is constantly brought up in a positive light here's another one meat for all those vegans out meat is just constantly brought not even just a spiritual picture just a literal carnal I want to give a verse here Genesis 9 verse 3 this is Noah and them getting off the ark God says unto them every moving thing every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have I given you all things out there on the Bible it says that every animal is good and you know some people don't they still try to go to these dietary laws and think that like oh well we can't eat pork we can't eat bacon you know Joel Osteen literally got up and said that it was wrong to eat bacon but this is the doctrine of devils in first Timothy yeah exactly plus the guy that never preaches hard about anything and has zero standards the one time he chooses to have a it's about something that the Bible explicitly tells you in the New Testament has been fulfilled can you believe that it's like incredible now if anybody wants to come in and share you know one of their diets or something that they are on you can call in to 231 Baptist again that's 231 Baptist and we might take a few calls right now if you want to call in but again there's a lot of Bible on this particular issue with keto especially because give me some some more meat versus well can I do a bread real quick go for it in John chapter 6 just because I had it pulled up John chapter 6 verse 41 Jesus Christ said I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world so Jesus Christ refers to himself as the living bread the fulfillment of the manna that came down from heaven which by the way Numbers chapter 11 tells us was beaten which is a picture of Christ Jesus was beaten as well so for bread to be demonized by a lot of these fad diets and including in keto I think is counter to what the scriptures tell us in the sense that bread is is used to typify Jesus Christ and so therefore it's hard to look at it negatively well and again I'm not saying we're not saying that people that do keto are bad or something or there's anything wrong with that if you want to lose weight doing keto go for it but what I don't like is people that get on keto will then say that somehow bread is bad period and that no one should eat bread everybody should avoid bread or there's something wrong with bread obviously there's nothing wrong with bread if you want to argue about you know processed foods or maybe some of the methods by which people make bread you know we could talk about that but bread in general according to the scripture is a great thing it's what we should base our daily living on according to Jesus Christ give us this day our daily bread can you imagine Jesus Christ he's giving a model prayer and the one item he asks for is somehow bad I mean that just seems really bad like a really satanic doctrine yeah the idea that you should never eat it I mean another satanic doctrine Timothy 4 says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in latter times some should depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in epoxy having the conscience seared of the hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused to be received with thanksgiving does that include balut yes it does thankfully now wait a minute it says if it be received with thanksgiving that's true so you know there's there's my caveat on why I don't have to eat every single meat but hey if you do it at least it's sanctified make sure you pray for that meal okay you want to pray and pray extra hard when you have that on the pollute and you know I'll say this as much as I despise the globalist and what they're saying obviously there's technically nothing wrong with eating crickets I mean we have John the Baptist eating locust and wild honey not necessarily the most exquisite cuisine yet I can't argue and say that there's anything wrong with that yeah and because that's what the Bible says I'll hit you with another one in Acts chapter 10 verse 13 and there came a voice to him rise Peter kill and eat verse 14 but Peter said not so Lord for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean and the voice spake unto him again the second time what God hath cleansed that call not thou common so again in the New Testament the dietary laws have been fulfilled and we no longer have to follow them and as Pastor Shelley alluded to if you receive it with thanksgiving if you pray before you eat it's sanctified in that way and have at it hoss you know that's the way I look at it but the Bible talks about the hard meat you know the meat of the strong meat excuse me the strong meat of the word it's been a long week already for me the strong meat of the word that the Bible refers to again symbolically talking about some of the more complex portions of scripture to me to demonize eating that just doesn't make sense because if the Bible is going to use something that is carnal to expound that which is spiritual then you have to realize both sides of the equation are going to be true the carnal truth will be a truth and it will expound on that which is spiritual which is the word of God and I think we're really we're triggering people here Pastor Shelley that are screwed up on this issue and want to try and follow the Old Covenant laws well you know I found the Joel Osteen clip I tried to send it to our production staff to me it's incredible the guy who has no standards I want to see if we can put this in our show for a second when he finally decides to have a standard he picks the one doctrine that Hebrews 9 and a lot of other scriptures as well explicitly says has been a lot of scriptures tell us that those have been fulfilled that particular aspect of the Mosaic law has been fulfilled so it truly is unreal and it just shows you that these false prophets are allergic to the truth well what's funny is you got the guy who doesn't preach against anything I mean if you were going to typify Joel Osteen he's like I'm for everybody I'm not against anyone he's just always so positive and encouraging but then he takes one he preaches against one thing like the one negative thing and it just happens to be according to the scripture a doctrine of devils I mean is there any coincidence what I said but I like how you put it better let's just start this clip here and play a little bit of it I know the video sucks but let's just play the audio let's just play it a hog, a swine and I know some of you love pork chops you love ham and cheese sandwiches I grew up on all that I love bacon but for our health's sake we have to be willing to make some changes God knows what's best for us and back in the bible days the pig was considered unclean it was never considered a source of food and one of the main reasons why was the pig will eat anything a pig eats waste and garbage this is kind of gross but a pig will eat its own dead child a pig will eat other sick and infected animals they're scavengers and what's interesting is the pig has one of the quickest and poorest digestive systems of any animal takes only four hours and that's not good because the digestive system is so quick and so poor many times the toxins from the food are not properly eliminated and they are stored in the pig's fat that means that pig can eat all kinds of filth and garbage it can eat other infection four hours later it's sent to the slaughter and butchered and in a few days it's on your plate at home you're having ribs, the problem is the toxins were never properly eliminated from the pig on the other hand, the animals that God says are okay for us to eat like cow, lamb, deer, buffalo these animals eat fresh clean vegetation their digestive system is much more sophisticated in fact a cow basically has three stomachs and that fresh clean vegetation is processed through a digestive system that takes 24 hours think about it, 24 hours versus 4 hours would you rather eat an animal that eats waste and filth or an animal that eats fresh clean vegetation, an animal that poorly processes the food that covers the toxins in its fat or an animal that properly eliminates the toxins from its body I don't know about you, but I don't want to take a chance of putting that kind of junk in my body, and as I said I love bacon, but a few years ago we switched over and started eating turkey bacon, I can't tell the difference now I love pizza, but I don't eat pepperoni anymore, I made changes not only for my health's sake, I made changes to honor God, and I believe that if I'll do what I can to take care of myself, God will do what I can something else the Bible tells us we should stay away from is any kind of shellfish shrimp, crabs, clams, oysters, lobsters again would y'all quit being so rebellious today? I'm ruining all y'alls lunch these are animals that are scavengers, do you know they live at the bottom of the water and they eat waste they eat the excrement of other animals, and I love fried shrimp, but when I think about what that shrimp eats for dinner just not that appetizing anymore we should be eating more fresh fish, fresh salmon, grilled fish is some of the best things for us, at our home we tend to eat a lot of chicken alright, we can cut off that clip, I mean what in the world? This guy is basically teaching for us to abstain from eating certain kinds of meats, I mean talk about a doctrine of devils for Joel Osteen to get up here and tell you not to eat bacon and look, you know how I know you're a false prophet you say that turkey bacon tastes the same as regular bacon I mean what a false prophet, what a liar there's no way turkey bacon tastes like it's barely even meat I mean that's not even real bacon that's ridiculous, I mean it's almost like soy at that point I mean how is this guy this guy is going to teach this junk and people are still going to go to his church I mean what kind of a weird bizarre idea, it's like basically the devil just inhabited this guy and is just like let me just preach for a little while he looked like he was demon possessed, somebody said that in the chat room, I agree, Jesus you know Matthew chapter number 15 verse 11 said not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man and I find it interesting that Joel Osteen is going to obsess over what he's consuming and talk about how all these dietary laws which have been fulfilled Hebrews chapter 9 tells us so which totally in meats and drinks and diverse washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation it says but he wants to talk about that and make a big deal about that when in reality it's what comes out of his mouth on a regular basis that defiles him that makes him abominable in the sight of God as a false prophet leading many to hell well you know it's funny because you just see all these bizarre ideas about physical diets but doesn't it seem to have like a tie to spiritual diets it's like all these people want to teach all this junk and avoid you know the bread, avoid the milk avoid the meat, aren't all three of those pictures of the bread of life the meat of the word yeah the meat of the word and it's like these three things are attacked constantly by false prophets, teachers these weird diets and all kinds of stuff physically but is it not almost like a pseudo attack on the word of God itself and you know what I'll be honest you say what kind of diet do you have Pastor Shelley bread, milk and meat man do I love it and I eat a lot of vegetables too frankly speaking at the beginning of the Bible and I put a verse in my notes here what about butter? Amen I love butter Genesis 1 29 and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree and which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed and to you it shall be for meat so according to the Bible all the fruits and vegetables the seeds the meat, the milk, the bread it seems like all of the stuff that God gave us in its purest form seems to be the best stuff yeah how about honey the Bible also refers to Amen honey as being representative of his word in Isaiah 7 14 it says I think in the Canadian version it's syrup it could be syrup, Canadian syrup is very tasty and so shout out to our producer Tim since he's from Canadian Isaiah 7 says in verse 14 therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel butter and honey shall he eat he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good well since he's from the land of Canadian does that mean that he is Canadian bacon like a pass on this one? I like Canadian bacon it's definitely not turkey bacon they also have something and maybe Tim you could say it in my ear the name of this food but it's like a beaver tail and they put like syrup on it it's really good yeah he said it sounds right so beavers tail you should look at it is it called something? I think it's just beavers tail I'm pretty sure is what it's called it's fantastic I had it one time when I went to visit Quebec and they sold it at a local is there anything you won't eat? monkey, snake, the weird communist Chinese food but you had octopus octopus is good what? like if you said pastor Shelley I have monkey or octopus on the table octopus what are you nuts? I would probably eat the monkey what? especially snake a lot of people eat snake they say it's really good that's gross fried snake? why? I mean what what is the experience of eating octopus? it's got that nice texture to it nice texture isn't it slimy? yeah but that's what makes it good it's got a little bit of a rubbery it's like a gummy bear yeah but it's very tasty like a slimy gummy bear but not sugary no I went to a seafood place here in town that sold little mini octopus octopi I don't know little octopus like this big I put it in my hand posed for a picture with it and actually sent you the photo you responded with a vomit emoji which I thought was you know mean and hateful but no I think it's very tasty that was the point yeah it hurt my feelings Psalm 119 103 how sweet are thy words unto thy excuse me how sweet are thy words unto my taste yea sweeter than honey to my mouth show me the octopus in the Bible I'd have to do a word search I don't know off the top of my head but I'll get back to you on that hey every creature everything is good if you eat it with thanksgiving and you pray for it you sanctify it through prayer every moving thing what about dog it was between dog and monkey monkey okay yeah for sure see I think I might go dog on that one that's what I mean if you've ever eaten at a Thai restaurant you've probably already had it maybe that's what I thought the orange chicken was I think in Europe it's common to eat horse have you heard about that? it's common in the United States just go to Taco Bell oh is that horse meat? that's the joke I mean every time I go to Taco Bell it's just diarrhea is usually what I'm eating look we can be in one accord on that 100% I think Taco Bell is absolutely disgusting you know what would be funny you know the guy that did the super size me if someone did a 30 day Taco Bell see if they could survive well no they would die that's for sure well they thought he was going to die in the super size me yeah yeah well he actually it's funny he ended up doing a sequel to that which I actually thought was even better where he kind of talked about the marketing that a lot of these fast food chains use and the keywords that they use to sucker people in like for example they use the word fresh I mean what is that even like yeah that's supposed to make you think that it's healthier than it really is or they'll they'll use certain colors so are you saying you don't like McDonald's? let's not go that far that psychologically kind of manipulate you into believing that what you're eating is really good for you when it's not so if you had to eat McDonald's every day for the rest of your life or never have it again what would you choose or never have it again yes good night I mean that's a tough one I'd eat it every day I'd get fries I mean this thing you're not specifying I'd go grab me some fries or I mean I could diversify the diet I knew that would be a tough one for you no I'd have fries one day I could have an Oreo McFlurry another day you know I have we have in our notes you have something even weirder like a weird diet the clay diet the clay diet tell me about this so here's another fad diet I've heard of so here's essentially what it is it's people who want to lose weight and so and they want to lose it as quickly as possible so what they'll do is they'll put dirt in their water I'm not even kidding clay diet they put dirt in their water and then that this is the way tea no oh it's coffee evidently they I'm not a giant coffee guy so that didn't defend me but I'm sure Dylan's really pissed off claim the ad this is what the advocates of the clay diet will claim that it actually will help you lose weight by putting clay in the in the water the idea is that I'm just going to read what I have in my notes here the idea is that bentonite clay a super absorbent volcanic ash will remove toxins and heavy metals from your body upon ingestion the clay swells up to 12 times its size and pushes out slow moving waste in the gut boosting your metabolism stars like Shailene Woodley you've heard of her right no and Zoe Kravitz I mean these are A-listers right here is that Lenny Kravitz daughter or something evidently have done it I don't know who Lenny Kravitz is either and you can find clay pills on the market too the main selling point is weight loss you want to lose 10 pounds in 12 days sign me up right slow down Dr. Anton Emanuel a gastrointestinal lologist I butchered that at University College Hospital London says quote the clay acts as a resin and binds everything both good and bad making it harder for the body to digest vital nutrients such as iron and calcium eating clay can also perforate your bowels and cause heart and kidney failure now doesn't that sound like fun kids I you know I've seen I've seen like ads or something for I it might have been this clay diet but it was basically just it was like it was like called mud water have you ever seen the ad for that it's like it's like instead of drinking coffee drink this mud water and it reminds me of like putting dirt basically in water which you know what's the difference between that and coffee anyways really but sorry I defend everyone actually I'm not that sorry but you know that's what that's my running joke is that tea and coffee are basically dirt water so you know hey we are dirt so you are what you eat so exactly so it sounds like you're just defeated you're replacing all that dirt in your body give it give us another one of your diets how about juicing this is one that I kind of wanted to talk about a little bit and this was actually I have some experience with not personally but my wife had done this for an extended period of time and I'll just read you what I have here from celebrities and food bloggers to so-called health gurus everyone's talking about juicing and it's incredible quote unquote benefits proponents claim that fasting with juices energizes the body ignites weight loss improves sleep and increases lifespan this is from Livestrong.com this practice is supposed to clear your skin boost your metabolism flush toxins from your system unfortunately most claims lack scientific evidence now here's the thing about juicing is that people will do it and what I mean by this is they'll literally only drink juice they won't have any solid food for an extended period of time and they'll drop a bunch of weight but the common theme with a lot of these diets is that you drop a bunch of weight initially as a direct result of the diet and then as soon as you get off of it as soon as you go back to eating what you were eating before you go ahead and you put all the weight back on again and in many cases you end up putting on more weight than you had before you started the cleanse the diet whatever the case may be and juicing is another example of this where it really does more harm than good in my opinion because of the very quick weight loss that results in a very quick weight gain after you get off the juice cleanse this is what my wife experienced way back in the day she did this for a long time and it just didn't work she got the weight off she put it right back on again and there were a lot of very serious health issues that she went through as a result she went through some really bad things and some of which I actually don't want to share but it was bad and it was because of the juicing because of the lack of meat in her diet her body took years to recover from this and praise the lord it did and I'm really happy for her but this one I think is bad I'm glad to hear your wife got better after that my wife and I have had just kind of a maybe a traditional diet most of the time we eat pasta, we eat bread we eat meat, we eat vegetables we just kind of eat a lot of the normal stuff and my wife and I had decided to kind of do a diet together more recently and I was just kind of telling her well you know the really thing that works is counting calories so I just kind of taught my wife how I did that and just getting kind of a notebook and just writing out your entire meal every single, everything you eat for the whole day and then you can start seeing how many calories you're consuming regularly and then you just make an adjustment you just say okay well I'm going to cut back and do whatever it is 400, 600 calories less than I was and that's how you lose weight and you know I had my wife do this and she honestly lost a lot of weight doing this program and while you certainly can add it back it's not necessarily going to be super quick unless you just really over gorge and if you actually kind of limit yourself and learn how to limit yourself, work out, you can actually maintain and we didn't really change what we were eating as much as we were just changing maybe the quantity, more portion control, things like that and when you actually limit your diet, you actually realize that food tastes so much better you get so much more excited to eat you didn't have to eat as much as you were before I ended up while we were talking though, I made a poll and it's on our Baptist Bias channel so if you go to the Baptist Bias channel, go to the community tab, there's a poll that I want you to do, especially if you're listening or anywhere, go out there and check this out I want to get your feedback right now if you could only eat one new IFB cuisine for the rest of your life, what would you choose? I tried to pick four restaurants that I thought were kind of our new IFB cuisine so here they are, number one, Panera number two, Chipotle number three, In-N-Out Burger it's kind of your west coast and number four, Outback Oh Outback, that's easy See, I knew I would win this I love Outback, Outback is tremendous their steaks are great, flavorful tender Now you can't eat breakfast You can't? They don't have breakfast Well I'll have a steak for breakfast then Well yeah, but they're not open Oh they're not open, whatever I'll skip breakfast, I skip breakfast a lot anyway I don't really care I mean Panera, you can get breakfast I don't think, does Chipotle have breakfast? I'm not a huge Panera guy Proverbs 27, I want to quote this very quickly It says in verse 7 The full soul loateth in honeycomb but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet and I just wanted to bring that up in response to what you said about how food tastes a lot better for you and I think it's just because of the fact that you're not full all the time Well I just want to say this on our poll so far 0% for In-N-Out Wow Well that says something, doesn't it? You want to know why? Because they have two items on their menu and one of them sucks The fries are horrifying It's like eating cardboard Well I don't even do the fries I just go get a burger and one of their shakes but with all the flavors at the same time They call Neapolitan I think That's good I don't do the fries anymore Their menu is like do you want a burger with ketchup or mustard That's their menu I am interested Does Chipotle have breakfast? Do we know? I have no idea I don't think In-N-Out does I don't believe so I don't know when they open They're open pretty late though They're usually open late I remember after Red Hot We ordered a bunch Seems like when you go to California Everything is fine In-N-Out just has cars circling People love going there Maybe I'm wrong I've had it in Texas I've also had it in California To me it tastes a little better in California They have a sympathy vote We have 17 votes so far Outback is the clear winner We have Chipotle and Panera tied for second Dead last We'll let that run I'm sure we'll get several more votes Pastor Aaron Thompson gave his opinion on Chipotle He said, Chipotle gay That must mean that it's a very happy place Oh that's what that means Yes Well I know that we've talked a lot about these diets It's making me hungry I probably need to go eat something Did it make you want to have coke? We got another extra one here You want it? I'm kind of in the mood for some Balut Balut Balut mixed with some octopus Nice All in Indian I'm glad to see your palate has finally evolved because of this show Isn't this great folks? We have gotten Pastor Shelley to evolve his diet live on the air He just endorsed officially Octopus and Balut I mean if looking at Balut doesn't make you just scream I want to eat that You don't even have a soul Probably not Well thank you so much guys for tuning in to The Baptist Bias We definitely try to have a little bit of fun on the show We still got several more episodes this season We're going to have some special guests So you want to make sure you're tuning in Of course we like to take call in So if you want to try and call in Try and catch the show live on Tuesdays 8pm We have it on Facebook and YouTube and all kinds of different places Why don't you tell us where we're at Ben What's our list of options here You can also subscribe to our podcast using the keywords The Baptist Bias over at Spotify The Stitcher radio app Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts You can find us on Podbean as well so make sure you subscribe there and you can listen to this show on the go Well that's going to pretty much do it for us Have a good night Ben sign us off Well thank you for listening We appreciate the support We'll be back again next Tuesday night 8pm Central time 9pm Eastern For Pastor Shelley this is Benjamin Naim Signing off for another edition of The Baptist Bias We will talk to you guys again After a while