(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, everybody. Thanks for joining us again on The Baptist Bias. This is our episode two, and we're doing our show on Ray Comfort Exposed, but we'll kick off our show as we always do with our Benalog. Ray Comfort may cloak himself with a feigned semblance of righteousness, but it's an act. He may view himself as a champion of the faith, combating atheism through the intellect of a banana or a crocodile-duck hybrid. Crocoduck. But this sparring that he does with atheists never actually leads to them getting saved. He may call himself an evangelist, but whatever he evangelizes isn't the gospel of Jesus Christ. See, Comfort isn't just a false prophet charlatan who sounds like a used car salesman from hell. The reality is he's a spiritual predator. His victims are those who he deceives into believing a false gospel, a gospel that can't save, a hardcore works salvation. In fact, his accent is more authentic than the salvation plan that he preaches, and we all know that his accent is probably fake. This is a guy who proudly proclaims that Judas Iscariot is his favorite disciple. This is a guy who teaches people that they have to repent of all their sins to be saved, that they have to stop sinning. This is a guy who says that believing is not enough to attain salvation. This is a guy who desperately tries to convince people that they have to repent in order for them to go to heaven. He walks up to him in the street and asks them when they're going to do it, and of course, they never give him a straight answer. This is the gospel of Ray Comfort. Stop sinning to be saved. Are you going to repent? He asks the unfortunate people who run into him when he's filming, and most of them respond with a flippant, I don't know. I guess the apostle Paul didn't get the memo with regard to Ray Comfort's gospel. You know, he said through the power, the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Jesus Christ apparently didn't get the memo either. He said, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. Ultimately, Ray Comfort doesn't believe the apostle Paul. He doesn't believe the Lord Jesus Christ. He doesn't believe the Bible. For him, the death, burial, and resurrection is insufficient to attain salvation. It doesn't save anyone. You have to add your own works into the mix, and for that reason, he's not going to be very comfortable as he burns in hell for all of eternity. Along with all the atheists, he failed to convert. Thanks for joining us in The Baptist Biased, and we're doing our show this evening on Ray Comfort Exposed. I'm your host, Pastor Shelley, and we have Brother Ben the Baptist here with us. Why don't you say hello? It's great to be here for this second episode of The Baptist Biased, talking about Ray Comfort, and I think this is a very important show, not just because of the fact that we're going to be exposing his false teachings, but also helping people understand what the Bible actually says about a crucial topic, and I'm very excited about this. I want to thank everyone for tuning in to the chat room. It's going to be lots of fun. Episode two of our podcast tonight. Looking forward to it. Well, you know, some people might ask, why would you do a whole show dedicated to a particular person? But Ray Comfort has really just littered YouTube with all kinds of fake evangelism videos. He's even put forth all kinds of debates and doctrine. He has his own little ministry that's actually crept into a lot of churches, and it's a pretty famous person out there. A lot of people know who this is, and I think it's important that we kind of show for the record what he's actually teaching in comparison to the Bible, because it's very clear that he does not believe the same gospel that fundamental Baptists, especially myself, believe he adds a phrase to the Bible, repent of your sins. But this is actually not a phrase found in the King James Bible or virtually any English version, yet he makes such a big deal about it, and we're going to prove that tonight. We've got a lot of clips teed up this evening, and I'm going to kick it over to Ben. He's going to get us started here. What do you want to show first? Well, first of all, I wanted to make sure that people understood. Maybe you've never heard of this guy, which I highly doubt that you haven't if you're listening, but real quickly, just, you know, a couple of seconds here, the first line of this individual's Wikipedia. Ray Comfort is a New Zealand-born Christian minister and evangelist who lives in the United States. Comfort started Living Waters Publications, as well as the ministry The Way of the Master in Bellflower, California, and has written several books. He also made some documentaries, including a very lame one on the Sodomites called Audacity. And this is a guy he debates atheists, creation versus evolution, that type of thing. He's beloved by the apologetics crowd, and of course, like Pastor Shelley said, espouses a hardcore, not borderline, hardcore work salvation, and is obsessed with the phrase, repent of your sins. Repent of your sins. When are you going to repent? We'll be playing some clips here in a couple of seconds. His channel has 981,000 subscribers. That's a lot. Yeah, almost a million. Almost a million subs. So people ask, why are you making this podcast? What's the point of the live stream? That's why, because a lot of people are being deceived by this guy. And so I say we start off, if you don't mind, by just diving into his false doctrine on repentance. And if you go to clip four, our trustee production team can do that for us. Go ahead. Churches that don't preach repentance, they just preach belief. And it's based on, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved. But the trouble is, if you've got a group of people that believe and don't repent, and they say, oh, the doctrine is they repent sometime later, they're not saved until they repent. You've got a mass of people sitting in your church who believe in Jesus, but they don't have the things that accompany salvation. They haven't turned repentance unto life, the Bible speaks. They're still in their sins if they haven't repented. So obviously that clip is just, it's weird. He's trying to make this straw man argument of how there's this differentiation between repentance and belief in regards to salvation. But the Bible is very clear when it comes to repentance that it's simply changing your mind and putting all of your trust in Jesus Christ. And Ray Comfort, while he does give lip service to the idea of believing in Jesus and trusting in the Lord, he also then adds the idea of repenting of your sins, which is actually not found anywhere in the Bible whatsoever. What do you think about that clip? Well, I mean, obviously it proves that he has a completely false view on what repentance is, and he's talking about how people are saved in churches, and yet they haven't repented yet. But what's he saying? They haven't added works, and so therefore they're not saved. How does that not work salvation right there? Well, and again, you know, some people might use the phrase repent of your sins, and they might have a different definition or a different idea of what that means. But we have a lot more clips here, and Ray Comfort's real clear on what he means by repenting of your sins. I wanted to show another clip as well, and you know, what's interesting is when he kind of explains repentance, if you want to go to kind of there at the bottom, brother Tim, where it's got my three different little sections there, the 40, so you can start at the 47 second clip. But we're gonna tee up a clip here for you. What's interesting is when he does his little cute soul-winning efforts, he always emphasizes repenting of your sins, but then he like basically just kind of sneaks in trust in Jesus. But then when you meet somebody that actually believes that it's just faith alone in Jesus, he's like telling them that it's not enough, and that they got to also do this extra step of like repenting your sins, turning from your sins. So I wanted to see if we can kind of tee up. There's a YouTube video. I don't know if we need to wait just a second to get that teed up, we can. But I even, you know, it's interesting going soul-winning, I have a tract here, and I just found it on a door. So I was going soul-winning, and I found this tract, and it says, how can a man be right with God? And I didn't know where it was even coming from. So I just kind of flipped it open, and I started looking at it. And I'll just read a little bit of this. You can actually find it online. It's like trackplanet.com. But if you read this tract, it says, what are you waiting for? Don't gamble with your eternal salvation. Your life is a vapor, and you have no way of knowing which second will be your last. Seek the Lord while he may be found. Call upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to the Lord, and he will have compassion on him and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. So they're trying to quote Isaiah 55, not King James only, and they did bring up the gospel in this tract here. But then it just all of a sudden starts turning into this, you know, let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts. So now does that mean that we have to turn away from our thoughts to be saved? I mean, you know, the Bible says the thought of foolishness is sin, and if we have to repent of our sins to be saved, are we suggesting that you have to literally have a clean thought for the rest of your life in order to go to heaven? I mean, what could be more hardcore work salvation than that? There is no more hardcore work salvation than that. He's basically preaching sinless perfectionism without using the same, without using the terminology. He would deny it himself, of course, but I mean, that's what he's teaching. Well, in the latter portion of this tract it says, God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but desires for you to turn from your sins and live. Ezekiel 18 23. And then it says, you have a personal invitation from the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Come to me, all you are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. How is it rest to say turn from all of your sins? Like stop sinning, forsake all of your wicked ways, turn from your sins. How is it good news? This isn't even King James material. And what's interesting is you go look this stuff up, and then it's just coming from the same kind of people, the same kind of information. And I've found all kinds of Ray Comfort tracts. There's one that's called like, are you a good person? And that one's like specifically from Ray Comfort. And you just read this tract, and he'll give you the gospel, but then all of a sudden you'll just sneak in. I have to repent of your sins, turn from your sins, all this extra junk. I think we have that clip finally teed up. I want to go ahead and play a little bit of this, and I'll kind of tell you when you can pause it, but go ahead and and tee up this clip and play it. Do his New Zealand gimmick accent, but you got to repent, repent, repent. You got to turn from sin, turn from sin. So when are you going to turn from your sins? So when are you going to repent of your sins? That's what he does on soul winning. You got to repent of all your sin. So what you've got to do, Justin, is repent of your sins. What you've got to do in response to that is repent. That is turn from your sins is repent. Don't just say, I'm sorry, but turn from those sins. You've got to repent. That means turn from all sins is repent. Just don't say, I'm sorry, God, but you turn from your sins. You forsake your sins. You must repent. Not just ask Jesus into your heart, but turn from all sin. No more lying, stealing, blasphemy. No more lust. Turn from all sin and live in holiness. There are two things you have to do to be saved. You've got to repent and trust in Jesus alone. When are you going to do that? Wait, what? He can pause for just a second. I mean, think about this. He's saying that there's no more lying, stealing, blasphemy. So Ray Comfort stopped lying. Ray Comfort doesn't do anything wrong anymore. He's completely repented of all his sins. And I wanted to have lots of evidence of this. And it's interesting, this clip is a clip that I actually helped kind of craft together. I love the music. I just threw something on there. But for God resource a long time ago, unfortunately that channel got nuked from YouTube. I don't even know why. They didn't give me a single reason. They never got a strike. They just completely removed my entire channel. And I had a lot of clips of Ray Comfort on there. And so what kind of motivated me to have this podcast live stream is to put a lot of this material back out there, help people realize that Ray Comfort's just a false prophet teaching this repent of your sins. And I mean, I just showed, we just showed like five or six people here that he's clearly saying you have to repent of your sins. And then when he defines it, no more lying, no more stealing, no more blasphemy. Let's keep playing that clip. Who teaches that to be saved, you have to turn from your sins. It's not enough to believe in Christ. And he'll flat out say, Oh, well, most people believe in Jesus, but you know, have they repented of their sin though? It's not enough to believe in Jesus, according to this guy. As according to the Bible as I can, you're living in holiness. I'm not perfect. I'm just forgetting. I'm not asking if you're living in, if you're perfect. I'm sorry. You're living in holiness. Well, holiness would be a hundred percent. Without holiness, no one shall see the Lord. So what are you going to do if you're not holy? How can you be holy? I can only ask for forgiveness from the largest Christ who was here to beer himself on the cross for all of our sin. Tell me why Jesus died on the cross. For our sins and to let everybody who believes in him go to heaven. Well, the devil believes in him. Hitler believed in him. A lot of people believe in Jesus, but they haven't repented and trusted him. But I have, I do trust in him. You think you could be a false convert? A false convert. Jesus spoke of that. No, I've known Jesus Christ as my savior and I'm going to heaven. That's what it says. You got to repent and trust the savior. Sorry. That's what it says in the Bible. I mean, can you imagine? I mean, talk about the word audacity. I mean, can you imagine someone literally expelling it out for you? Hey, I believe in Jesus. He died on the cross. He paid all my sins. I've forgiven. I'm trusted in him. Well, that's not enough. When are you going to live in holiness? And she's like, I'm not perfect. I'm not doing everything perfectly right. And he's like, I'm not saying that you're perfect. I'm saying, where do you live in holiness? It's just like, the guy's just a complete idiot. He doesn't even understand the difference between holiness and perfection. Obviously not. I mean, he clearly, here's the thing. I think he's gaslighting this lady. I think he's obfuscating the truth on purpose to that lady. And how about that drunk who schooled him on salvation doctrine? I feel like you should probably rethink your career or whatever in evangelism when you're getting schooled by a drunk dude out on the beach. Well, I notice how he twists the word believe because he says, oh, well, the devil believes in Jesus. Here's the thing. Obviously, the devil acknowledges the existence of our savior, but the devil does not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ or believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, which is what John 3.16, John 3.15, Acts 16.30 and 31 clearly say. Obviously, the devils comprehend the fact that God is real. And the word believe could be used in some context to acknowledge existence where it says in James 2, the devils believe and tremble. But it's not simply saying that they trust in the Lord. It's saying that they acknowledge his existence, which then Ray says, oh, well, they didn't trust in him. And he's like, yeah, but I did trust in him. But that's still not enough because then he's like, oh, but you got to repent and you got to do this extra work and you got to do all these holiness standards that no one has. I mean, think about how prideful Ray Comfort has to be to literally look at people who say, I've trusted in Jesus. I've been forgiven of my sins. And he's like, well, you're still not good enough to be saved. Talk about being judgmental. I mean, he's like a modern day Pharisee. Yeah, no, absolutely. And again, this is the obfuscation I'm talking about, though, because you brought up him kind of twisting the definition of believe or making it out to be simply acquiescing to the fact that Jesus exists when we don't teach that. Nobody who's saved teaches that. We believe that you have to place all your faith and trust and rely and depend on Christ to get to heaven. That's what the Bible teaches. But of course, he's going to twist that and straw man the gospel by saying, oh, are you just saying that you just believe? Well, Hitler believed. What about the devils? They believe. It's like, obviously we're talking about a different, we're talking about trusting. We're talking about placing all your faith in Christ when we use that terminology. Well, you know what I'd really like? I'd really like Ray Comfort to point me to the section of the Bible where the devil says, all you have to do to be saved is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, trust him alone as savior. That's what I've already done. And that's what I believe. Where does the Bible say that? Or where did Hitler in history say, hey, I just want to let everybody know that I believe salvation is a complete free gift. You can't lose your salvation. It's all by trusting in Jesus Christ. He's the one that I've trusted for salvation. When did they ever say this? You know, it's oh, Hitler believes in Jesus. Show me that. Give me the evidence of that. You know, that never existed. These stupid straw man arguments that don't even exist that he has no evidence for, that he's just a complete liar. And yet, I mean, he's just a proven liar right now in this show. Yet so many Baptists and other Christians will bring this guy in and this material into their churches where the tracks literally say you have to turn from all sin. You have to repent of all your sins. But here's a challenge I have for you. Go to GodResource.com, type in the text, repent of your sins, press the exact search feature, and then see how many results come up. Because you know how many results are going to come up? Zero. Now, if you don't do the exact match, there is a one verse that has all those words in it, but not in that exact phrase. There is never that exact phrase found in the King James Bible. You can go to Bible Gateway. You can go to any Bible software. Do an exact search for repent of your sins or sin or anything like that. You'll never find it one single time. Then why does Ray Comfort emphasize it so much? Because he's a false prophet. And here's what he'll do as well is he'll take scriptures that use the word repent alone and then claim that you have to repent of yours. So he adds of your sins. The Bible says repent ye and believe the gospel. It doesn't say repent of your sins and believe the gospel. God repented in the Bible numerous times. Jonah chapter 2 verse number 10, you know where the Bible talks about, it says, And God saw their works that they turned from their wicked ways. Not 210, I got the wrong verse. 310, sorry. And it says, And God saw their works that they repented from their evil way, and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them, and he did it not. So we have God repenting there in scripture. Obviously, if we're going to extrapolate using Ray Comfort's false definition of that word that repentance must always be a turning from sin, then you would have to conclude that God's a sinner. Well, and this is what's real clear. He only emphasizes one point in his soul winning. And I use the word soul winning real loosely here. He's really just damning people to hell. But his little evangelism tactics of repent, repent, repent. He needs to go back to New Zealand or wherever he's from and enjoy the mandates that are going on over there. But when it comes to his evangelism tactics, the people, the only thing they walk away with is this repentance. And then I want to show a little bit more of this clip. It's around the six minute mark, if you'll tee that up. But it's very evident that after he goes through his whole spiel, he then asks the people to basically, you know, so then what do you think you have to do? There's two things you have to do. And they can only come up with one of those. Let's see if it's the repent of your sins or trust in Jesus. Let's see which one was the one that people could come up with. And all these examples go ahead and play it. That we've been talking about for the last 10 minutes. So they don't emphasize Jesus or the gospel. They emphasize turning from sin. That's the emphasis. There are two things you have to do to be saved. Remember what they are? To repent. That's one. And to... Two things you have to do to be saved. Remember what they are? And what was the other one again? To do two things to be saved. Do you remember what they are? You have to repent your sins and I don't know what the other one is. So there are two things you have to do to be say from hell do you remember what i what they are i just told you what they are be good when are you going to do that i wait what and so i've even been in a lot of independent fun imagine you just evangelize someone for 10 minutes straight and and they're like be good for 10 minutes straight uh repent of your sins and what was the other one i mean and then you upload that on the internet as like your example of evangelism like you're saying this is how you evangelize you tell them for 10 minutes to turn from all your sin and then they still don't even know anything about you know why they're trusting in jesus or believing in jesus and then you know he's uploading these just epic failures of quote-unquote evangelism and you know another thing about this guy he never we never see him having someone actually articulate salvation by faith and then he like prays with them or says he's gonna pray with them or anything like that he just pretty much always ends the video just like when are you gonna do that when are you gonna do that are you gonna think about that you have a bible at home what are you gonna think about that when are you gonna do that and it's just like there's no real call to action there's no real obvious thing for people to do they're just confused they have like absolutely no idea what to do uh we'll try to i think we'll just put all these video links down at the bottom if you want to watch some of these videos in better context i spliced a lot of video clips of some of my favorite preachers and stuff like that to help the video dialogue go along but it's very clear that ray comfort does not believe salvation by faith alone believing alone is enough he's even said that directly there's been videos where he's made where he says believing is not enough that it and he's even said that believing is a work which i'm just like i couldn't even believe it when i heard him say that but i think we have some more clips we have some more stuff we want to talk about i'll i'll defer to you ben if you want to kind of go to another clip here well let's play clip seven just to add even more to this beginning portion here to prove to people that this guy for sure teaches a work salvation completely screws up the definition of repentance let's play clip seven real quickly and take a look at this one well fabian god can dismiss your case he can forgive your sins you can walk out of his courtroom on judgment day you can avoid hell he can take death off you because jesus paid the fine on the cross you can live forever all because of what jesus did on that cross see this suffering for the sin of the world and rising from the dead and all you have many hits you find everlasting life according to the bible is repent of your sins that is turn from them don't just confess them to a priest don't just acknowledge them actually turn from them you don't want to play the hypocrite and say i'm a christian but you fornicate and lie and steal and blaspheme that's just deceiving yourself so you got to be genuine truly repent and then trust in jesus like you trust a parachute how are you trusting in christ to get to heaven if you're also trusting in your works at the same time i mean he kind of he kind of teed it up like that's a sad clip i've watched the whole thing in context it's a really sad clip because it's like he kind of teed up salvation right there to to really go into the gospel and make it clear that it's a free gift and then he just all of a sudden the false doctrine starts screaming out of his mouth just repent you know no more lying you want to play the hypocrite right it's like what are you talking about so so ray comfort doesn't lie anymore well we've already caught him lying in these videos multiple times when did hitler believe in jesus when did the devil believe in jesus you know i mean this is just nonsense this is just stupidity at you know at its highest level and one other thing too because so far we've played a lot of clips of him basically misusing the word repent and using the phrase repent of your sins which again is not found in scripture whatsoever how about him just outright saying you have to stop sinning go to clip five if you would and and listen to this it's real short and to the point here we go you gotta give our producer a little bit of time here ben okay i apologize i know you're all excited in your mind all right we'll just well basically in that clip he just says literally he's talking to this like teenage girl and he's like you need to stop sinning just verbatim quote right there stop sinning so it goes beyond just repent of your sins it isn't simply that he's using this incorrect phrase this made-up phrase that's not found in the bible it's not just that he's adding of your sins to the scriptures about biblical repentance you know which are obviously real i mean they're true that's how you get saved as you turn from unbelief to belief of course he adds to you know adds of your sins to that but my point is he literally just tells people that you have to stop sinning he says believing is not enough he said that on multiple occasions and you know he does it over and over again and what really angers me the most is when he encounters people who are receptive to the gospel pastor shelly they want to get saved you can see that if either one of us or anybody who is actually saved and goes to a a baptist an independent fundamental baptist church would walk up to him they'd get saved in 10 easy minutes they're right there and then you know ray comfort confuses them ray comfort makes them twofold more the child of hell than himself that really uh it frustrates me it angers me i think it should anger every spirit-filled christian out there because you're seeing a lost soul essentially get even more confused about how to go to heaven uh it's it's just sad to see this guy's a spiritual predator yeah people might say like why are you getting so upset about this but i have i have a youtube clip but i think it's like your clip five it might even be kind of the same section tim i added in our notes if you'd play get this youtube video kind of set up next um down there but there's a he just walks up to people and he starts approaching with the gospel theoretically but then by preaching all this false doctrine like you said he's kind of making them twofold more the child of hell he's making them a bad proselyte and and really by teaching false doctrine you're causing people to not want to hear what the bible says the lies and the deception could cause people to not be interested in hearing the bible again or it could confuse them when the actual real gospel is presented to them so it's it's very important that we don't allow false prophets and false teachers to go unchecked i mean the bible makes it clear that we're supposed to constantly rebuke the false prophets and the false teachers and and i want to show some more examples of what you said we got a clip here let's play a little bit of this at the beginning the bible says just asking god for forgiveness won't help you you've got to repent turn from your sins and put your trust in jesus christ okay you've got to trust in him and stop sinning you trust him as your lord and savior that means your boss when you you can stop it right that's actually the exact clip i wanted to play earlier that's i thought it might be so i was like i'm gonna save you here on this clip but he just literally says you have to stop sinning i mean what like what is work salvation if it's not when someone says you have to stop sinning to be saved i mean it doesn't get any more clear than that you know and here's another thing too it isn't like he's just wrong on practically everything he also will try and teach people the parable of the sower and completely contorts it just completely to teach the work salvation basically saying that the seed that brought forth fruits some 100 fold 30 fold 60 fold etc those were the only people who got saved is what he teaches on that and then matthew chapter 7 verses 21 and 23 21 to 23 i should say he takes that and completely misinterprets it and says that these are people who are saying lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name etc to jesus christ because they didn't have enough works so he's literally taking a passage that's about someone like him which we can get into that a little later if you want to pastor shelley but it's about a guy like him it's about people who are trusting in their own works to get to heaven and he's using that to preach against salvation by faith it's really unbelievable the passage condemns him and now here's my question when did the thief on the cross live in holiness because i must have missed that part of his life well obviously what they're going to say well he would have lived oh he would have he started living in holiness the moment he asked the lord you know to help you know lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom you know he just immediately started living in holiness there on the cross you know no more lying no more blasphemy he just completely stopped sitting i mean it doesn't matter because we have clear verses in the bible that say therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the the deeds of the law or you have uh verses like romans four romans chapter number four verse number five but to him that worketh not but believeth on him to justify the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness so the bible is making it clear even if you did no works even if you were the the deathbed confession or even if you he gives examples in some of his scenarios like you're three years old and you believe but you don't end up changing your life how you're not saved i have another clip but i want to show it and i don't think you've seen this one but it's so bad it's just such garbage and he preaches against once saved always saved wow i have a clip where he literally says he does not believe in once saved always safe and you know if you don't believe that you you're saved at the moment of trusting in christ i would make the argument that you're not saved at all because you're ultimately not trusting in christ at all if you think you still have to be good in the future or you have to repent of all your sins in the future you have to be willing to repent and it also just makes it so confusing i mean i literally sat on a plane with a pastor who tried to explain to me this like repenting of your sin doctrine saying you can't practice sin and stuff like that or and still go to heaven and i kept asking him i said like what does that mean and he couldn't tell me and of course you know what sins would we put on our list of that we have to repent of in order to go to heaven a lot of people put the big ones but notice ray comforts putting even just lying what person is going to seriously say that they don't lie anymore in any capacity in any way that they've just they're the most they're mr honest right i mean they're just mr truthful i mean this is just kind of a ridiculous standard that he's pontificating about but i don't believe it at all i i have a clip somewhere i i need to go and find it again maybe just add it in here but there's an article too that i think that we should probably bring up and it's a creation today article let's see if you can get that pulled up but he has ray covered has some friends and one of his friends is eric hoven now this is a person i can't stand either for for a lot of reasons but eric hoven tries to defend ray comfort on this issue of repentance and he has a real long article here that he's written where he's trying to kind of explain away ray comforts view on repentance but he just ends up just making himself look like a complete idiot in this article i don't know if you can pull that up like on a web browser or something like that i'll just read a little a short portion of this um and uh we'll we'll try to get that clip pulled up here in a minute but it says in the section it says the title of the article is ray comfort right on repentance here's the answer no but then he tries to go through you know a lot of different niv verses and stuff like that which is so funny that eric hoven who's the son of kent hoven who is a big king james only advocate he had his son's using the niv on his website right not even king james only and he quotes all kinds of verses like ephishians 2 8 9 romans 10 9 and i'm thinking like this is great but then all of a sudden he starts pulling out some of these repent verses that say repent and believe the gospel well that's fine because don't we just simply stop trusting in ourselves and start believing on the lord jesus christ and that's what actually saves us you know here's a verse that you can look up ben luke chapter number five and in verse 31 now they use the esv and they say jesus answered them those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick i have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance now again that doesn't say repent of your sins no so how would you interpret that i mean it literally never says that ever you know you look at mark chapter one in verse number 15 which you just quoted where it says the same thing essentially you know when it talks about uh repenting prior to believing the gospel and jesus rebuked them saying or i should say uh verse 15 and saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of god is at hand repent ye and believe the gospel we have the same thing here i came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance you know the same kind of verbiage in acts chapter number 19 in acts chapter 19 it says in verse number 4 then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on christ jesus and so the way that i interpret these verses that use the word repent is that you have to understand it simply means to turn and in the context of salvation it would be turning from unbelief to belief it would be turning from trusting in your own works or trusting in some other false god and instead trusting in relying on the lord jesus christ in order to get to heaven so that passage in the book of luke the book of mark acts chapter 20 and verse 20 verses 20 and 21 also use the word repent in this way it's funny because they'll deny that we believe in repentance at all they say we reject repentance we don't believe in it that's false that's garbage no we do believe in it we believe in the word the way that the bible defines it we believe in repentance the way the bible defines it turning from unbelief to belief in order to get saved in order to go to heaven that's what it actually means i don't mean to pound on the table but that's what it actually means pastor shelly and it makes me angry when they smear the saved claiming that oh you guys you don't believe in repentance at all false yeah we do so again they just use verses like this that just kind of bring up the word repent but it doesn't say repent of your sins yeah it doesn't exactly and then you have to just use a wicked context to try and teach that later in the article it says repentance and faith and so it says how does this biblical understanding of faith and believe relate to the idea of repentance and he's like the best way to illustrate this is james 2 and then he talks about how the devil the devil the demons believe or the devils believe and uh yeah we have it pulled up here and it says they shudder if you scroll down just a little bit further in matthew it says matthew 8 there's two demon-possessed men it says they believe that jesus is the son of god but they do not repent now this is just a complete twisting of scripture the the devil inside the man that's possessed is the one that's acknowledging that jesus is the son of god but simply acknowledging that jesus is the son of god does not mean that you're trusting in jesus death burial and resurrection to save you i mean that's ridiculous to say that just because you acknowledge that jesus is the son of god that's what we're advocating you mean by believe no it means that you actually have to trust him for salvation but it's not that this guy didn't repent in fact the guy gets saved just by jesus performing a miracle and when he performs all these miracles throughout the new testament he says thy faith has saved thee he never says thy repenting of thy sins has saved thee right it says a little bit more in this article it brings down at the kind of bottom says ray is right on repentance i don't know if you can kind of pull that back up too it says what ray comfort teaches is an agreement with the teachings of jesus repentance and faith are the two sides of the same coin trusting in christ alone for salvation is also turning away from any hope in other gods or saviors a change of mind blah blah blah the gospel message is clear change your mind oh wait turn away from sin and to jesus now think about what he just said he said the repentance is turning away from hope and other gods right and then the next breath they say turn away from sin well who is trusting sin to take them to heaven to heaven so like you know i used to think that my fornication and my my drinking and my adultery was meant to get me into heaven but then i stopped trusting in my alcohol to get me to heaven and i believed in jesus you know no one says that no one believes that and no one's articulating that if that were true yes you have to stop trusting in alcohol to save you and you have to believe in jesus if that's what you mean then sure but that's not what these people mean they mean no more lying stealing cheating or any of this junk and you know what ray comfort is a false prophet and a false teacher and you know it makes me skeptical of people like eric hovind that want to give lip service to this same guy now ray comfort has said even worse things he said that you he doesn't believe once they'd always save i think we have this clip it was in the same clip that we prayed earlier just a little bit later in the video i forgot so let's play a little bit more this video and and i want to hear it out the horse's mouth here ray comfort denies once saved always saved out of the rat's mouth the guy's a rat demon-possessed rat go ahead and play our video if you can we'll just get one more second here i think we're getting this teed up but it's got like this uh he's got this show way of the master and he's got like some guests coming on so uh he he brings this guest on he's kind of explaining to him that once saved always saved is a false doctrine and he he brings up the idea of people getting saved at three now look i'm not saying it's impossible to get saved at three but probably not i mean that's pretty most three year old pretty young you know you start explaining the sin or hell or these kind of concepts they're not quite there to get it so obviously i think that you know it takes a little bit of time you know they need to be probably at least four five six most likely at least five years old to be able to comprehend the components necessary to be saved but yes i do believe a five-year-old that believes on jesus and then never lives for god for a single second is still on his way to heaven because the bible makes it clear your son of god and you know we're all children of god by faith in christ jesus it's a free gift and while we should serve the lord we should do good works you can't change your dna and you can't change that spiritual dna so let's go ahead and play this clip real quick and we'll get some feedback from you ben devil yeah and that's what that one safe i think you have to back up back up before me a little bit i think i kind of skipped ahead a little bit see if you can back up back it up five seconds yeah there you go yeah i i don't believe one saved always saved uh that you can live like the devil oh yeah yeah and that's what that one saved oh you okay once they'd always say often tends to that so you can just i gave my heart to jesus when i was three and i was saved and i haven't read my bible or lived the christian life but i'm safe that's just uh but here's what they're what you can pause it you can get you can get rid of that can you believe that i mean he's just literally saying like if you don't read the bible you're not saved apparently like if you got saved at three but you're not reading your bible or whatever then you're not really safe well i don't know that you're reading your bible ray comfort since you think we have to repent of our sins and it's never found in the bible anywhere and this is why this doctrine is so important because some people might be wondering well if he's wrong on eternal security is that really a big deal yeah it is it's a massive deal the bible tells us in first john chapter number five and verse 10 he that believeth on the son of god hath the witness in himself he that believeth not god hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that god gave of his son and this is the record that god hath given to us eternal life and this life the bible says is in his son and so when you deny eternal security like ray comfort clearly did in that clip guess what you're calling you're calling god a liar ray comfort calls god a liar apparently the bible is also full of lies when it says not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy ghost i mean look we could sit here i i really believe this pastor shelley if we sat here and quoted every single passage about the doctrine of salvation by faith we could be here for hours i mean literally like we could be all night hundreds it's not even it's not even questionable that the bible teaches salvations by faith so what false prophets and teachers have to do is they have to twist the definition of faith or they have to twist what it means to believe or they have to just add they just make stuff up or just say things that aren't even true or they twist parables you know that you talked about the parable of sower i think for sake of time though let's let's go to this you said something really interesting in your binologue and i want to prove it because you said something about judas being his favorite we have to play disciple and i think that we need to prove this i will and i'll actually gift him a second to play to to get it teed up and he gave me the thumbs up it's it should be clip two it's short though but he says it in this clip if my favorite disciple is judas iscariot he being dead for 2 000 years still speaks and he speaks volumes he's a signpost of where not to go and the sternest of warnings of what not to do judas has taught me of the self-deceptive nature of hypocrisy of the subtlety of greed that the love of money really is the root of all evil he showed me that it's not enough to believe in jesus he showed me that it's not that's why he loves him that's it you can't even get any more clear how could judas ever be your favorite disciple like that's literally it's almost like he's like i'm the devil i'm wicked please don't i love judas i mean what else does this guy have to say he said stop sinning he said that judas is his favorite disciple he says he doesn't believe in one saved always say why would a king james only independent fundamental baptist ever have this guy's tracks in his church yet i i know for a fact tons of churches have this guy's tracks has his information has his gimmicks i mean i went to an independent fundamental baptist church and when they would do evangelism we went to like a fair and had a booth just to try and get people saved you know outreach and stuff like that we literally had the people there had bought like every ray comfort option they had on his site and it's interesting how you know judas told taught him about the love of money well then why are you selling all these gimmicks and all these false doctrines i mean he is like judas he's selling out the lord jesus christ by preaching a works-based salvation it's not the love of money when he does it pastor shelley and here's what's interesting why doesn't he believe judas is saved if believing is simply an assent to facts which is the wrong definition that he projects on us he always uses his argument he always straw mans the gospel that's what he's doing i don't even want to say that he's straw manning us he straw mans the gospel when james white makes the same argument he's straw manning he's smearing the gospel of christ by claiming that what we're teaching or that what the bible teaches is an assent to facts an assent to facts does not save anyone that's not the argument that is not what we are saying but hear me out on this judas believed jesus existed and if that's what he thinks believe means or you know you know of course he's projecting that on us judas also repented matthew 27 verse 3 then judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned repented himself and brought again the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders so he literally repents of his sins think about this judas literally repents of his sins in the bible yet he went to hell because he didn't believe and it's not that he had to do both he only had to believe but the bible says that he never believed the bible says he was a devil from the beginning and jesus christ knew them which believed not and it was talking about judas is scary john chapter number six makes it abundantly clear that judas is not saved he did not believe on the lord jesus christ he was an infiltrator from the beginning that's why he sold out the lord jesus christ and in fact it's also evidenced by the fact that the devil inhabits judas twice he inhabits judas to first make an agreement with the pharisees and then at the last supper when jesus gives him the sop and he eats the sop that's been taken and he says that what they'll do is do quickly quickly uh that they'll do is do quickly he has the devil enter into him again and then he just goes out he gets the silver takes all of the roman soldiers to jesus christ in the garden of gethsemane betrays the son of god with a kiss the kiss of death and really it's just so insane that your lord and savior i mean can you imagine if someone you were talking to someone and they were like hey i just want to let you know my favorite person in the world is the guy that murdered your mother you'd be like what is wrong with you are you like a sick freak or what if they said this you know my favorite person in the world is the guy that murdered my mom yeah it would be like you know and the lord jesus christ is above our mom or dad or parents or whatever like he's he's supposed to be our savior he's supposed to be the person that we love and appreciate why would i be so excited about the guy that literally betrayed jesus into the hands to be crucified go through the world the most excruciating pain and evil and and be betrayed i mean this is bizarre folks anybody that likes judas is probably a wicked person i mean just probably just an unsaved devil i mean i i don't really don't understand how any save child of god having the holy spirit inside of them could ever let the words come out of their mouth that judas is their favorite or they love judas or they like judas or anything good about judas and think of the reason why he likes judas so much because judas taught him salvations by works basically that's what he said i love judas because he taught me that believing isn't enough i mean judas is such a bad name in the bible that it always has to say like judas not a scary because we're not talking about this one whereas there's lots of people have the same name like mary and john and it it doesn't have the need to always clarify but when it's judas it's like wait a minute this is not a scary that we're talking about we want to make it abundantly clear the guy is wicked as hell just like ray comfort if my name was ray comfort i would be like not the fake evangelist from new zealand absolutely especially if you had the same accent god forbid john 6 70 to back you up jesus answered them have not i chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil people say oh he's not talking about judas there okay let's look at verse 71 he spake of judas iscariot the son of simon for he it was that should betray him being one of the 12 so we have an individual that jesus knew from the very beginning was a devil chosen to fulfill old testament prophecies concerning the gospel and ray comfort says this is his favorite because the lesson for him is that believing isn't enough because of course in his mind you know the gospel is an assent to facts and he's projecting that on us and straw menning us with that false argument and it really annoys me but again they will claim pastor shelley that we reject repentance that we don't believe in repentance when we in fact do yeah obviously you know there's there's going to be a misapplication of definitions on both sides and in at least from some people's ideas but we're we're using their exact words against them we're going to where they made videos we're going to their websites we're going to their tracks we're showing exactly what they said i never see ray comfort taking our actual words or the actual words of the bible out and and showing them and comparing them to what he believes he just makes stuff up that nobody actually believed or said to try and you know trick people to see people and to kind of beguile them and really it just makes me sad it makes me sad to watch these people who seemingly are genuinely interested in the gospel or or being saved and he just ends up just totally just ruining things in their mind and perverting things in their mind that's why it's important that we we call these people out that's why it's important that we share information against these people and warn against them i think there's a clip that you have there's this woman on it really i hate watching it's clip one i think for our productions it is it's clip one it's just sad so sad it's just it's frustrating and if you really love souls then you wouldn't tolerate these false gospel preachers but let's see if we can kind of tee this up and play a little bit here is there a good person yes how many lies have you told in your life i don't know the last count yeah i'm sure okay what do you call someone who tells lies a liar have you ever stolen anything in your whole life even if it's small in my whole life probably maybe when i was a child what do you call someone who steals things a stealer if god was to judge you by the 10 commandments on the day of judgment would you be innocent or guilty guilty would you go to heaven or hell i'd go to hell does that concern you sure sure definitely yeah i mean it does concern me two thousand years ago jesus paid our fine in his life's blood that means god can legally dismiss your case you can walk out of the courtroom god can commute your death sentence because your fine was paid two thousand years ago by who suffered for you and rose again on the third day okay now what you have to do in response to that is repent and trust the savior don't just yeah yeah well it's more than that repentance is actually that's the worst part about this it's saying god she's ready to get saved sinned against you i'm sorry i'm not gonna send any piece of crap no more lying no more stealing no more blasting using her even no more lust you say that's pretty heavy no more if the plane goes down you'd end up in hell okay okay two things you have to do to be saved you remember what they are i told you what they are you got to repent and trust the savior when are you going to do that i don't know when do you think you should do i should do it now what would stop you god's offering you everlasting life upon your repentance and faith in christ who in his right mind wouldn't say whoa that's a good offer well i don't know what repenting would i have to do to repent have you ever said you're sorry to someone that you did something wrong too yes that's all repentance is you have sinned against god it's a matter of saying god i'm sorry and then living a lifestyle that proves the reality of your repentance that's what repentance is it's a continual thing see at first she's kind of like getting it she's like thinking like okay i say sorry for my sins that kind of makes sense but then he just throws in like oh and have a lifestyle of repentance and then she just looks more confused than when he first started talking and that's where it's just this guy is just teaching such a hardcore work salvation this lady genuinely it's like she's ready to get saved in fact it seems like if someone just actually showed her romans 10 9 and 10 or made it clear what actually means to believe in jesus christ right here i mean this lady looks like she would probably have gotten saved and ray comforts just basically uh tricking her into thinking that now she has to repent of all her sins for her whole life and he's like when are you gonna do that how do you do something for your whole life in a moment like isn't that the most confusing thing ever ben go ahead and be a perfect person the rest of your life when are you gonna start when are you gonna do that i don't know i mean that's how they that's how they respond most of the time it's such a jarring question for them they're like how am i supposed to respond to this it's a jarring question for anybody yeah of course she's all like what do i do yeah live perfect uh um yikes yeah it's you know what exodus 32 says in verse 14 and the lord this is kind of similar to jonah 310 and the lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people this was in response to moses playing mediator here trying to turn god's wrath away from the children of israel again you want to take this definition of repentance like he does why do you know okay so so does god have to live a lifestyle now of holiness is god supposed to be the one turning from all of his sins for the rest of his life it doesn't make any sense it's stupid it's ridiculous why isn't he using these verses oh yeah that's because it would completely destroy his fake definition of repentance i really love psalm 106 as well real quickly i'm not going to take too long on this but in psalm 106 when it says in verse number 40 it says therefore was the wrath of the lord kindled against his people insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance and then in verse 45 it says and he remembered for them his covenant and repented according to the multitude of his mercy so we see god repenting over and over again in the bible because it's based on the context the word is based on the context and in the context of salvation it's just turning from unbelief to belief we see that over and over again in the bible and pastor shelley did you want to maybe go over a couple of those examples where repentance is used in the context of salvation or is that something you wanted to get dive into well again obviously the the bible brings up salvation in a lot of different passages john the the gospel of john is probably the best book of the bible and getting someone saved and oops it doesn't have the word repent oh yeah that's so if if repenting of your sins is necessary for salvation john totally screwed up by not giving that uh word special word of repent anywhere in the bible but obviously you have passages like mark 115 which says repent and believe the gospel it's very clearly talking about the fact that you just need to stop trusting in yourself or believing in your works to get you to heaven and just put all your trust in jesus death bear and resurrection as your salvation but admittedly a lot of times the word repents used in the new testament it's not necessarily talking about salvation you know to be talking about other things that you know the word repent could be used in definition of turning from sin but that context is not about salvation but here's what's just clear i mean we've demonstrated this evening very obviously that ray comfort does not believe faith alone saves and and that should just be your stopping point you should say i'm not gonna have anything to do with this guy anybody that brings him up i'm gonna expose him you know show him this podcast show him these videos you go watch the videos you know we need to have more content you make a video you make a video take his stupid little you know repent repent you can't earn your you gotta earn your salvation you know go and find a stupid little accent gimmick stuff and expose it you know share this like this you know post it out there go comment on his videos and to and to explain to people that he's teaching work salvation but you know it's what's really frustrating is every time i've made a video i get so many comments that are like nope you really do have to turn from your sins to be saved no you got to really repent of your sins to be saved and and here's the thing we're probably not going to win that person over because we've already demonstrated there's so much bible on this and really we need to try and find people that are receptive to the gospel we need to go out and find people that want to hear the gospel and we preach certain though that we do expose people like this so that he has some accountability ray comfort has a parachurch ministry he doesn't actually have a legit church that's you know sponsoring this or holding him accountable or anything like that he has a fake ministry not a real church the guy's a complete fraud charlatan that's just doing his own thing and he's changing all the time he's just kind of sifting sands oh i don't believe it once they don't save used to be king james now he's not now you know he just constantly just whatever he can do to make money basically and you know he's he's made a pretty big name for himself on youtube but most of the name he's made for himself is just being a complete idiot like the banana man or the crocoduck those are things you can look up later yeah but you know i i don't i just want people to realize that these parachurch ministries are a fraud and and your ray comfort is in my opinion one of the best examples of how these things are just fake and when you don't have an actual church to hold you accountable you can just start teaching rampant false doctrine heresy and it really goes unchecked and i think some people will go soft on a false prophet like this who's clearly teaching works uh damnable heresies says that judas is his favorite disciple doesn't believe one saved always saved intentionally smears the definition of the word believe smears the gospel mocks the gospel the list goes on and on you know leads people astray confuses people about what it takes to go to heaven we could go forever on the things that this guy has wrong but people will excuse all of that pastor shelley because of what you just mentioned his ministry living waters but you don't understand pastor shelley he debates atheists you don't understand pastor shelley he makes documentaries about evolution versus creation you don't understand pastor shelley he's disproving evolution what do you say to those people who would listen to a podcast like this and discount our warning about ray comfort because of his quote-unquote ministry well here's the thing all of these so-called amazing works that ray comfort is doing are not found in scripture the bible doesn't command us to go out and make people theist the bible says the fool has said in his heart there is no god and the bible talks about people being willingly ignorant atheists are willingly ignorant i'm not going to go and try to educate someone that's stupid or dumb on purpose this is a fool's errand to go out and to basically pontificate uh how smart and brilliant you are against these atheists who are literally dumb on purpose what we need to do is preach the pure gospel we need to preach that it's salvation by faith we need to get people plugged into a local church a baptist church because this is the baptist bias and and teach them how to preach the right gospel not this fake phony evangelism i feel like we've just shattered every if you don't believe the recumbrance of false prophet at this point i don't know that anything's going to convince you you need to get uh you need to watch our how to be saved video because you probably aren't even saved and and we're gonna we're gonna attach that down in the description but you know i think we should probably just wrap it up i mean we've nuked this guy this guy is just wicked if you're listening to him shame on you you need to get saved and get into a church that believes faith alone i want to say matthew chapter 7 says in verse number 21 not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that do with the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then will i profess unto them i never knew you depart for me that work iniquity the will of the father was found in john chapter 6 verse 40 it is to believe on the lord jesus christ and what ray comfort is doing in so many of the clips that we played for you on this episode of our broadcast is he is confusing people confounding people to the point that one day they'll be standing in front of jesus christ alongside ray comfort saying lord lord look at all these wonderful works that we've done and because of the fact that they were trusting in themselves to get to heaven jesus will one day say to them depart for me i never knew you and that's why this is so sad when you have a soul like that lady on the airplane pastor shelley imagine if you were sitting next to somebody like that i mean how great would it be to get her saved but instead we're watching her get completely confused we're watching her listen to a bunch of damnable heresy and lies coming from this rat-faced piece of crap sitting next to him on the aircraft you know it's it's so sad that people have been led astray by this guy and they're gonna go to hell for it well tell us how you really feel i mean rat rat-faced piece of crap but i mean yeah here's the thing though if you really truly love people like if you really have a heart for that lady then you need to go out there and preach the gospel yourself and you need to find the next lady and the next young man and the next child to go and preach the gospel to and you know that's the baptist bias that it's our job to go out and preach the gospel and to get people saved and expose these heretics and there's nothing more important go ahead and sign us off ben folks that's it for episode two of the baptist bias pastor shelley thanks for having me on and as i always say we will talk to you guys again after a while