(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you we're off to a good start you you you you you that's what you're good at doing that's why I appreciate your help tonight so thank you for being here obviously thank you Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Thompson for being here and thank you for those kind words I'm kind of you know they're very nice but you know, I mean I just think it's pretty obvious that you know, Christianity is it's not necessarily about you know, the work of the Lord isn't gonna get done, it's not really about one man standing in the gap you know, and doing all of the work of the Lord by himself and me and you were kind of talking about that earlier, Ben you know, if you want to talk about the man you know, God, you know, he sought for a man among them, and you know he wanted a man to stand in the gap you know, I think the best person that we could, that fulfills that is Jesus Christ, I think it's probably more of a prophecy of Jesus Christ obviously a preacher, any individual Christian can stand in the gap in many ways, but when it comes to what we're talking about tonight, soul winning and the great commission it's not about one guy, it's not about one guy's YouTube channel or you know, his social media presence, that's not you know, the Bible says to go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, that's a collective command, you know I see the need over here for laborers in the harvest, you know, that's one prayer that I have, is that God would send laborers into his harvest I know I'm definitely not going to do it alone and not as if I'm the only person in New Jersey doing it you know, there's some really good soul winning churches in New Jersey, but just the bottom line is, they can't do it alone either, it's you know, there's lots of people to be reached and this is the this is the region that I care about and I love like, namely North Jersey and I see the need out here and I see the the people that could be reached and I just think it's a great start and you know, a great kind of you know, kindling or rekindling or you know, hopefully it will, you know really kind of like be a revival, so to speak for some Christians out here and get them motivated, you know especially new IFB people you know, with the fact that Pastor Thompson and Pastor Jimenez are coming out here to preach and we're doing a soul winning marathon and that's what, you know, I love about the new IFB, that's what's made it great and you know, it's been so successful it's really changed my life in a lot of ways, it's you know, Pastor Anderson, you know reached me with the gospel, so it's, I know it's a team effort that's what I really appreciate I appreciate when Christians you know, like when they walk with the Lord, I like seeing people walk with the Lord and grow and like over the last eight years I've seen Pastor Jimenez grow along with his church and Pastor Thompson, I remember when he was just Brother Aaron and we were shooting the breeze and now seeing what he's doing pastoring several churches it's really, it's awesome to see, I just want to see it keep going, I'm just kind of the layman here, I'm just kind of the guy filling in and doing my job you know, I'm the guy who is trying to organize a lot of stuff for this weekend when in June where Pastor Thompson and Pastor Jimenez are preaching out here and we're going to do a soul winning marathon and we just want to spread the word because the more people that are involved, the better we see God filling many people with His Spirit in the book of Acts to do a great work together and like I said it's going to be a team effort it's not just about one person or anything but one person can do a great work for the Lord but only if they are a team player those are kind of ironically paradoxically, those are the people who do the best work, they understand that Christianity it's a team effort, that's what I think but yeah, I'm really happy that you guys are here and this is a great chance to talk about some really interesting topics there's a mat that's bothering me anyway, let's go ahead and introduce the men of God, first of all, Pastor Aaron Thompson, Shur Foundation Baptist Church it's great to be back on the air with you sir, do you have any opening comments here before we dive right into this live stream? No, I just want to say thanks for putting this together, I appreciate it and it's good to see you both and Pastor Jimenez also of course, and looking forward to it so thanks for having me on Pastor Jimenez, how's it going sir? Yes, Verity Baptist Church it's great to have you on tonight Thank you very much, thank you for having me on and I'm just happy to be here, I think it's going to be a great conversation, of course it's good to see you brother Peter, brother Ben and Pastor Thompson, I always enjoy spending time with Pastor Thompson I feel like we travel the country together so I'm looking forward to being with him in New Jersey Yeah, that's one of the reasons why brother Peter James put this together is to help people realize there's going to be an event, June the 10th in New Jersey, and we'll talk more about that a little bit later on here on the stream but definitely an important one to try and make it out to because it's not just a preaching event but there will be soul winning as well and so if you've never gone door to door if you've never reached people with the gospel of Christ in that capacity that could be an opportunity for you to do that before we get into that though, I wanted to start off with what's on everyone's mind right now the news broke last night I believe it was late that Roe vs. Wade has been reversed or supposedly is going to be in the future apparently this upcoming judgment was leaked by probably a leftist who's trying to stoke some sort of civil unrest to put pressure on the judges to reverse their decision but ultimately it was leaked from inside the Supreme Court, probably by some left winger or somebody who loves to murder babies in an effort to stymie this but I don't think it's going to happen it appears that Roe vs. Wade will be reversed, now what does this mean? for those of you who don't know, essentially this brings it back to the states, meaning that it's possible now for individual governors or states to decide to make abortion illegal so those blue states are going to keep murdering babies like nothing changed but perhaps some, not all but maybe some red states decide to make it illegal that's all that's changed, that's all that's different between today and yesterday which is that now, states can if they want, potentially when this ruling actually comes to pass, by the way, in a number of months they can make abortion illegal, and just that fact alone has sent some of these radical, feminist, pink haired freaks into an absolute frenzy, they're foaming at the mouth right now at the mere prospect of states maybe, it's not even confirmed but maybe, deciding sometime in the unforeseen future nobody knows exactly when it'll happen making abortion illegal, that's how much they love to defile, that's how much they love blood and murder and all the rest of it, and I just want to say real quickly, because right now we're already seeing the response from these god haters, we're already seeing them take to the streets, we're already seeing them yelling and screaming and we already see the civil unrest happening right now not even 24 hours later, and you know it's just amazing to me and a quick message for them all these blue haired, just god hating freaks, it's real simple, and we need more people to say something like this you're all evil every single one of these hardcore abortion advocates, they're all evil they're all bloodthirsty they're all deranged, they all hate god, they're abominable they glory in the murder of innocent babies they're demon possessed and you know what, god hates you alright, god hates these people and all these abortion doctors that have gotten away with it for decades and decades these planned parenthood abortion doctors deserve to be taken out by righteous government and put to death it's that simple and now that I got that off my chest just needed to get that off my chest here, but folks I wanted to get the opinions of the pastors here and Peter James as well feel free to dive in afterward, but we'll start with Pastor Thompson what do you think about this what are your thoughts on Roe v. Wade getting reversed or the fact that it's been leaked that Roe v. Wade is about to be reversed bringing the issue of abortion to the states what are your thoughts on this development Pastor Thompson well if it happens, praise god but I kind of see it how Texas has been outlying it and I think that the liberals saw the writing on the wall when it comes to all this and so basically I think you're right I think the blue states will just remain pro-abortion and they'll vote it in, our governor Jay Inslee which is a god hating freak said not here, not in our lifetime, Washington is and will remain pro-choice it will not slow down in the fight to ensure safe affordable access to every person who needs it and that was a tweet that was shared from one of my church members I didn't even really understand the ramifications of it last night, I was kind of right before I went to bed but I saw that it was leaked from Politico and a lot of people were talking about it even at work today but I think that the blue states will still remain pro-abortion and they'll still continue to do them but the red states god willing will pass anti-abortion anti-death legislature in their own states and maybe god won't nuke the whole country at the same time, maybe god will give some grace to some of these red states that aren't going to allow it to continue on Do you want me to jump in? Yeah go ahead, jump in as soon as he does Sorry I wasn't sure Yeah I mean Appreciate it, thank you Obviously any news that is anti-abortion is good news in my opinion like you were saying brother Ben it doesn't mean that abortions are going to go away all it means is that now states have the option to be able to make them go away and for states like California, Washington it's not going away you know our governor Gavin Newsom who's a devil and a reprobate has already said that any states that make abortion illegal that he's going to expand abortions throughout California to make it so that people could travel here from other states so obviously abortions not going away but I think it's great if it happens it's good news Roe vs Wade has never been a thing in this country so I think it's great news I actually just recorded a short about it right before this live stream that we're going to be releasing probably after this live stream but you know you're right that these liberals are out there protesting and they want to be heard about how upset they are and angry they are about this and I think that we as Christians we as Bible Believing Christians need to also make our voice heard we need to make sure that people know that we believe that life begins at conception the Bible teaches that and that we're against it abortions are murder they're brutal and they shouldn't be happening so you know that's my takeaway is that we've got it doesn't mean we've won on the abortion front but it's definitely a step in the right direction I saw an article this afternoon that said that I think there's maybe 26 states that might make abortions illegal and that's great I mean that that's good news what do you think Peter yeah well yeah there's nothing more disheartening than when someone you care about or anyone really but especially you know someone closely as a family member a worker you know when they start defending the practice of tearing an unborn child out of its mother's womb with a crude metal instrument it's such a barbaric practice and the way people have become desensitized to it and not only that you know when you see somebody you know it's not that we're you know we hate people who you know you know there's lots of people who have had abortions that like are repentant about it they feel bad about it but there's also a lot of people who when they realize which should be something that's pretty obvious that that it's murder that you know it's it's the murder of you know the most innocent life you know anybody you know a child hasn't even had a chance to you know do right or wrong and it's you know people are killing their own children and people become so staunch and they dig their heels in so hard and you know like these pot-bellied you know blue-haired gender studies you know women and look at them right here on the screen and they're and they're like pencil neck buddies you know and and boyfriends they you know the way that they will you know they scream they get angry they picket they demand the right to kill their children and it just makes you really scared for your your nation it makes me scared for this country and hopefully this is a step in the right direction I don't really know what kind of hopefully like you said it can't get stymied you know hopefully there's no way for you know I mean it is the Supreme Court you know it's not like there's a higher court of appeals so it looks like this is the case now we just have you know all they got to do is now they can look at gay marriage and queer marriage and like and second you know think that over too and maybe leave that up to the states you know the institution of marriage and leave that up to the states and you know if it's government by the people not just make these carte blanche rulings that you must allow queers to get married and it doesn't matter you know what the people want or what historically we've we've seen marriage has been and what the Bible defines it as and just making a complete mockery of marriage so it's it's like Pastor Thompson was kind of alluding to hopefully now God doesn't have to just with one sweeping hand judge the whole nation for abortion unfortunately we're pretty far behind you know before this ruling you know a lot I guess and probably I'm guessing there's been abortions in every in all 50 states I don't know if that's correct at least probably the majority of them and you know it was a Supreme Court decision you know I know in some states in some red states it's been much more difficult to get abortions and they fight really hard against that Supreme Court ruling but now hopefully maybe this can you know stem the tide a little bit it can it can now God hopefully can deal with individual states more than just dealing with all of us at once because of abortion you know I think he still has to judge the you know and recompense all the innocent blood that's been shed but hopefully it's a step in the right direction and I do believe that you know Christianity and churches and soul winners and you know we have an effect on this kind of thing I think and I think there's no telling how God has blessed you know blessed our our states or you know our ability to retain some freedom and some liberty and not just totally go in the way of some of these totally like liberal Western European countries or Canada or you know godless South American or Central American countries not that they're you know I don't know if they're necessarily aborting their kids but I know in like Columbia you know they're they are like totally pro-abortion now or and they're you know that was a ruling in that country they're going in that direction but I think that the more soul winning the more soul winning Christians there are and the more you know Bible believing churches are and Christians doing something I think God really blesses their nation you know I mean that's what the Bible says you know we quote it all the time you know if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land so it's actually our responsibility and I really think it's connected and I think you know keeping our liberties in our respective states has a lot to do with how Christians respond to the Bible how churches respond to the Bible and what they're doing with the Bible and even if our state as a whole is going in a completely godless direction and there's just reprobates on every side he can still keep a bubble of you know a hedge around us and allow us to remain you know keep some liberty and some freedom yeah you know what one thing I'd like to add if if I may is and Peter I agree with everything you said whenever it comes to these these political talks I always think it's good because there's this tendency for us as Christians to kind of get sucked into the the Fox News soundbites and I think it's always important for us to remember that our our priorities should be to the Bible you know and I I preached this sermon one time called God's Not an American and God's God's way of seeing things and thinking is is different than the way that maybe we have been taught by the country that we grew up in so like for example I think this is great the row versus weight being overturned I think it's great that it's going back to the states and because it allows some states to be able to make it illegal but however as a Christian I don't even necessarily believe that it should be up to the states for example like the state I live in the state of California just because the average Californian believes that murdering your baby is is okay that shouldn't make it so or shouldn't make it right it should still be illegal in every state because it's murder so it's a good thing that it's going back to the states because that's better than what we had but that's not the all end all goal you know this like libertarian type well it should be up to the states it shouldn't be up to the states it should be up to God and it should be what the Bible says and no matter what people say about it it should just be illegal period because it's murder so it's always good to just kind of understand that that concept but of course it's good news I mean we're going to rejoice in anything that gets us closer to defending children well the Bible says if men strive and hurt a woman with child so that her fruit depart from her and yet no mischief follow he shall be surely punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him and he shall pay as the judges determine and if any mischief follow then thou shalt give life for life so if there's like an intentional ending of the pregnancy which is exactly what abortion is then the Bible prescribes the death penalty for that which is why I believe it and so I echo that sentiment 100% while this is good news we don't want to fall into the trap of lowering our standards as Bible believing Christians and be satisfied with something like this when in reality oh great they're bringing it back to the states how about we bring it back to the Lord Jesus Christ how about we bring it back to the Bible what does the Bible say about this and how about we follow that Peter you had a question right you want to dive into some of the other topics well on that really quick you know what I just thought of that's what frustrates me so much with the libertarian movement and why I think the libertarian movement has been such a failure is because of its just utter lack of regard for the Bible and just leaning on their own understanding and when it looks good on the on the surface you know you know you know being a libertarian such limited government you know it's gone in such a it's gone in a direction where you know there's so many libertarians that are pro-abortion you know they don't look to the Bible for their idea of liberty you know I believe I'm pretty libertarian small L but that doesn't mean that you know that doesn't mean that it's okay to abort your child it doesn't mean that that should be left up to the individual it doesn't mean that you know just because we do we do believe in liberty you know I do believe in freedom but like God defines what freedom is God defines what's okay and there's a lot of liberty in the Bible and there's some things that are completely off limits and abortion and homosexuality is one of them but anyway that's why I think the libertarian movement completely failed and it is just so it's so not dynamic because they had such an utter disregard for the Bible as a whole and of course there's a lot of Bible believing libertarians but it's kind of like Pastor Jimenez was talking about we start getting these ideas sometimes you know like where our idea of righteousness is basically coming from you know political or like political ideologies that we're adopting and we're not looking to the Bible and that's what I think the problem is with the libertarian movement but what I wanted to get into was what the stream is really about the purpose is to let everyone know about the Northeast new IFB conference night and what that is is on the night of June 10th the two pastors that we have with us here tonight will be visiting New Jersey traversing the continental United States to preach in New Jersey and I'm super excited about that I'm really thankful you know I'm really grateful that these guys are coming so far to preach for us out here and to do a soul winning marathon with us so really quickly before we get into all these topics and we really go on rabbit trails because these are good topics let me just invite you all you know on the night of June 10th in North Bergen we will be meeting at a location called the Boulevard in North Bergen this is at 3167 JFK Boulevard in North Bergen New Jersey this is where Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Thompson are preaching on the night of the 10th so we'll be meeting at 3167 JFK Boulevard at 6 p.m. we will have food we'll have some pizza and what not so we'll get bread hopefully that doesn't you know it's New Jersey pizza it's good hopefully you know no one is having stomach problems during the preaching you know let's take it easy with the pizza but you know don't count on it for me anyway but so we're going to eat for like an hour we're going to fellowship and then Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Thompson are just going to do what they do they're going to preach a sermon each of them are going to preach and it will be like you know a basic conference style type of a night where we have two preachers we're going to have fellowship before we will sing some hymns it'll be similar to a church service but you know it's it's a conference where we're assembling and you know we're going to have two preachers and then afterward anybody who is interested in coming to this event Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Thompson are going to be baptizing that night so People's Baptist Church in Clifton New Jersey they have they've offered to let us use their facilities to do baptisms which I'm really excited about because I mean that's what it's that's really what it's all about I mean it's about making disciples it's about preaching the word of God and I brought this up to Pastor Thompson I was as I was just listening to Matthew today a verse stuck out that I'd never really had never really stuck out to me in this way and I guess it really stuck out to me because I'm thinking a lot about this weekend in June and I'll give you the details on the soul winning marathon in a minute but the Bible says in Matthew 11 one and it came to pass when Jesus had made an end of commanding his 12 disciples he departed in a sense to teach and preach in their cities so the Bible seems to say here that Jesus actually made it a priority to the Bible specifies that he went and preached in his disciples cities it looks like and that totally stuck out to me today and you know you know and I I appreciate the fact that Pastor Thompson and Pastor Jimenez care about also reaching us over here in New Jersey you know they've they've responded to the Macedonian call so as Macedonian New Jersey because we do have one of those so the Macedonian New Jersey call and they're coming to preach over here that's great you know I and I know it can make a big impact and it you know the preaching of the word of God and we can get into you know the name of the conference night it's called the northeast new IFB conference night you know northeast because that's where it's it's happening we're doing it in the northeast region in New Jersey it's a conference night because you know we're we're assembling and we're having a conference with each other but it's that what is the new IFB well it's simply we're independent fundamental baptists and you know let me not get too far ahead of myself first of all let me ask the pastors Pastor Jimenez we can start with you so what what is the new IFB what what does it mean what do you think the new IFB is yeah well I mean I I think the new IFB and by the way I hope people will come to the the New Jersey new IFB east coast conference I'm really looking forward to it you might want to be careful with having Pastor Thompson baptize you he likes to body slam people but other than that it should be a great night as far as the new IFB is really just a way that we identify ourselves and what it is is we are independent fundamental baptists like you said and and some of these people get hung up on titles and they don't like titles but you you know in the Bible you find that Jesus was very concerned with knowing with being identified properly John the Baptist wanted to be identified properly and we want to be identified properly we're local New Testament Bible leaving baptists we're independent which means we're not part of a denomination or some sort of a structured group with a hierarchy we're independent churches and but what we are what the new IFB is is really just churches that have similar doctrines and beliefs and we fellowship together we do events together we work together to do events like conferences and soul winning but we're really independent local churches and you know we're IFB but the reason we call ourselves new IFB is because we have some beliefs that are different than a lot of what is referred to as the old IFB and because we agree on certain things like the reprobate doctrine we agree on the post-trib pre-wrath rapture we're not Zionist we're not dispensational because we agree on some of those things we fellowship together you know and it's not it's very biblical the Bible says can two walk together except they be agreed and it's pretty much the fact that you know our church here in Sacramento Verity Baptist Church we can fellowship and work alongside with Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver Washington and Steadfast Baptist Church there in Texas because we are we agree on a lot of the major things obviously no two churches agree 100% on everything but that's what the new IFB is to me it's a group of churches that are independent there is no hierarchy there is no structure there's nobody telling anybody else what to do but we work together fellowship together and do things together missions trips and things like that because we have doctrines that we agree with and styles that we agree with and we like each other you know so that's the new IFB to me What do you think Pastor Tom? Pastor Tom's here Oh yeah I totally agree with all that you know and and it started by hard preaching that's kind of where it started and obviously Pastor Anderson and Pastor Jimenez kind of kicked off the new IFB but you know you think about how the way you know John the Baptist started and then you know he got people saved and then Jesus comes gets baptized he starts his earthly ministry with 12 men and those 12 and then after those 12 men there's 70 others also and so basically it started as a hard preaching soul wanting movement in the New Testament and it's I think that's what the new IFB is and you obviously had the Pharisees and the Sadducees coming to John's preaching and they were all mad and upset and you know sometimes you know not all old IFB churches are bad I'm not saying that but we are different than them in a lot of different ways and I think that that's kind of what separates us from other Baptists is that we you know we emphasize hard preaching where that's lacking in old IFB churches I mean severely lacking and I'm not saying all of them but a lot of them and then the soul wanting is usually bus ministry or you know altar calls and that's not biblical either so we emphasize soul wanting by going door to door knocking doors or grabbing anybody that we see on the street and trying to preach the gospel to them we try to confront them with a gospel and preach to them from the Bible not just a cue card not just with our own words not with a one two three repeat after me which is what we're accused of all the time but the new IFB is a movement of soul wanting and hard preaching and a movement back to biblical teaching and you know some with some the old IFB was a great movement and I'm not saying anything about that but they were lacking in some areas like prophecy and of course Israel they're dead wrong on and so those are a couple things the reprobate doctrine was preached by the old IFB and now that's just gone by the wayside now anybody can get saved and let's let all the fags in our churches and all this other stuff and you know feminism is prevalent you know I mean it's just the new IFB is not new in practice we're just it's just a way to separate us from you know we're still independent fundamental Baptist and we want to be in the old paths of what the Bible teaches so you know the New Testament is better than the Old Testament and I think the new IFB is better in a lot of ways than the old IFB so so can I let me ask the pastors this and Ben you can you can give me your opinion also so and it's totally fine if we differ on this that's why I want to know what you guys think but you know I go to an independent Baptist Church I go to an independent fundamental Baptist Church you know even if someone's if someone started attending my church and they believed in infant baptism and they believed you know in Catholic doctrine and the things they were saying are Catholic if they believe in a Catholic doctrine of work salvation and a false gospel I would call them Catholic you know it doesn't really matter that they're attending my independent fundamental Baptist Church you know if a guy came into my church and believed all five points of Calvinism and had all this Reformed doctrine I would say well he's he's a Calvinist you know he's a Reformed Baptist he's Reformed and like there are people you know and I've gotten the comments on my channel that might say they'll say well you're not new IFB because well you don't attend a new IFB church but the reason I disagree with that is because to me it's about the doctrine and the spirit of the thing and you know one thing that you know you know because I know that the preaching of new IFB pastors is very balanced and you know I was one thing I was taught from their preaching was to go to church you know to go to church get in a good independent fundamental Baptist Church because there are you know plenty of those but I would say you know if you ask me primarily you know we're talking about labels and narrowing things down you know primarily of course I'm a Christian I'm a New Testament Christian you know and to me the new IFB is really it's New Testament Christianity that's really all it is and I'm a Christian you know well what kind of Christian are you well I'm Baptist I'm a Baptist I'm Baptistic in my beliefs and if you want to narrow it down a little more you know I'm new IFB and a lot of people you know that moniker has caught on you probably know what I mean by that you probably know right away that well he probably believes in a post-Trib rapture he probably hates the Sodomites he is probably staunch on the King James Bible and he's probably anti Zionist etc etc and so that's why you know I think that you know I am new IFB I don't have a new IFB church out here and you know like it's it's not that my identity is wrapped up in being new IFB you know that's not necessarily like my identity but it is it is what I am like if you're going to ask me what I am well I'm I'm basically new IFB and I'm because I'm like-minded with everybody I would love to have a new IFB church that would be great you know but where I am I I see that you know the new IFB is really helped and taught me and enabled me to learn how to live and go to church you know how to go to church and serve in a church and how to act right in the house of God so in that sense I would say I'm new IFB you know maybe I'm a little and you know NEW you know lower case you know so it's not because it's not like a denomination you know I wouldn't say that it's not about like denominations and we're not you know the new IFB is not a denomination but in all those senses I feel like I am new IFB so what do you guys think of that I agree with you a hundred percent you know when it comes to when it comes to the classifications or the titles obviously they were first called Christians right well in the new in the first century when everyone was a pagan and a heathen and then you had this group of believers and they were called Christians that was enough to identify yourself as a Christian but obviously once people that were also pagan and heathens began to also identify themselves as Christians then we you have to add other ways to identify Baptist that meant something different than just a Christian obviously you can't be a Baptist without being a Christian but not every Christian is a Baptist well same thing once you started having Baptists that grew and that started meaning different things to different people then that's when people started then find themselves as fundamentalist Baptist and independent fundamental Baptist all these things have just been a way to kind of clarify and and even new IFB we are not the enemy of the old IFB I mean we are the enemy of some old IFB but we're not the enemy of all old IFB of course and but we do want to just identify the fact that we are different and we're not ashamed of that or embarrassed of that as far as like your situation Peter you know as far as I know every quote unquote new IFB pastor teaches that you should go to church that you should find a good church in your area none of us have ever taught we're the only our churches are the only the only good churches and there's no other church we've always taught that there are churches out there that you know maybe they don't agree with us about the rapture or maybe they don't agree about certain things but but you can find a church you know we we've I know I've taught that there are some deal breakers and you know as far as I'm concerned the deal breakers are salvation scripture and soul winning but if you can find a church that's right on salvation they're not teaching repent of your sins or anything like that they've got the King James Bible and they're doing soul winning or at least allowing you to do soul winning then then you could go there now obviously just because the church is is is a church you could go to that doesn't make it you know I believe there are some churches that are better than others and and and but you know so people have reasons why they can't move reasons why they have to stay where they're at and if they can find a good solid church in their area then praise God for it that's all we've ever tried to get people to do now people can't for whatever reason or or they're just frustrated with the issues then they should move to a church that they they can be a part of or or whatever here's here's the one that I'm making I would say that someone who believes what we believe and as a result is in an quote unquote old IFB church and they're being a good member they're being a blessing they're they're not causing problems that person to me is more new IFB for whatever whatever that's worth then the guy who's sitting at home watching this live stream right now but hasn't gone to church in a year because that's not what we teach now obviously if you're in you know Pakistan okay that's a different story but if you're in the United States of America you can find a good church in your area period and and I don't believe that you can't and if you but if you believe that you can't then then you should move and and and find one so I don't know I don't know if that kind of makes sense but that's that's my opinion I don't think you have to be in a new IFB church to be new IFB because of the fact that one of the things that's kind of unique about the new IFB and it was Pastor Anderson obviously who who taught us this very well is that we have learned to leverage technology to get our message out and as a result we have something that is maybe I don't want to say it's it's we're the only ones that have it but but it's it's it's special to us that we have converts everywhere all over the country and all over the world because we've been able to utilize social media and YouTube and things like that to reach people with the gospel so we have people that I mean Peter you got saved because of Pastor Anderson a few weeks ago you sent me a picture an old picture when you were in Sacramento and I had the privilege of baptizing you I mean you you literally are a product of the new IFB and and and and we're proud of that and and and you've listened to you've you've allowed us to disciple you and as a result of that you found a good church in your area and you're being a blessing and you're part of that well that's new IFB in my opinion and and you know we've never taught people not to go to church we've always taught people find the best church in the area and go there and and I don't know why people get it doesn't matter we can say it so we're blue in our face that people get this idea that all churches are bad and therefore I should just watch live streams and and that's not anything we've ever taught Can I just say Can I ask you this I'm sorry about that so I want your opinion on this so what do you think about the extreme of people saying and then you can you can say whatever you were going to say the extreme of people saying well oh man you know I went to visit this church and it was an independent fundamental baptist church but wouldn't you know he was preaching a pre-trib rapture can you believe that I can't go back to that church now I think this guy said something about Israel being God's chosen people I just it looks like I don't have a church to go to what do you think about that kind of attitude well I think it's wrong I mean obviously it's not a salvation issue I think I think they're they're wrong for teaching that that they need to actually you know study the Bible and figure that that out and not just go with whatever their Bible college or their pastor before told them but at the same time you know the doctrine of the rapture and the doctrine of Israel is not a salvation issue so I would say that that is not you know not something that you would turn away a church for if they're right on salvation they're soul winning you know and they're king james only scripture I would even add this their songs are right types of songs too so that's the s you can add to that pastor as long as you're illiterate it I'm good yeah exactly that's why I was like songs so but yeah I mean I I don't understand why people go to that far of an extreme but a lot of times people that follow our preaching they they can get a little extreme sometimes and I think that I think the point's been made that the the more you're out of church the more extreme you're going to be so you know people will say well the new IFB is my church or they'll say that the lives I watch the live streams and I don't I'm glad they do because the message gets out but like sometimes you know church church like levels you out and you're interacting with real people not just chat rooms it is different it is different to actually go to one of our churches and I think it takes character to actually go to church and so when I see that people refuse to go to church I don't know I don't know I don't know if they refuse to go to church I feel like they lack character because we do preach very strongly that you should go to church you know as much as the doors are open you should be there so may I add something to that yeah go for it yeah I agree I agree with you and yeah you're right about the music because that that's some churches get crazy with that too you know what you're saying about church leveling you out I agree with that and but it's not just and I don't I know that's I know what you were saying but even even like like Peter James his situation I believe that one of the reasons he's leveled out is because he listens to our preaching online and all that praise the Lord for it but he has a church he goes to you know what one thing I've noticed is that you know we'll get people that visit our church and we're thankful for it I'm not criticizing people like this but you'll get people that visit and they you know they'll say oh I'm new IFB and and they but they don't go to church anywhere and then you listen you talk to them and it's like they don't know a lot of basic things and they might know like some extreme things but sometimes they're like yeah I'm I'm I'm against the pre-trip I'm against Zionism and then but then you talk to them and they're not even saved and and the danger in my opinion of like only watching sermons online is that people get to pick and choose what sermons they want to listen to and they end up just picking their little hobby horse you know every time that we preach about reprobates or whatever but they don't get a full a full course of of everything you know when somebody comes to Verity Baptist Church or they go to Sure Foundation Baptist Church or they go to steadfast or they go Peter James when you will go week every week to your own church you're not you're not choosing what the pastor preaches you're hearing you know a balance and it helps balance you out but when someone and there are some people who you know live in different countries and they they really actually don't have a church to go to and they listen to every service of a church they listen to well that that's healthy but when you're just picking when you're just like oh I don't want to listen to that sermon I don't want to listen to that sermon it's you're going to find Christians that are not balanced because you're you're they're going to be very well versed on certain things and then it's going to be very obvious that they don't know anything about other things because they're the ones in control of what they're what they're being fed when the truth is the Bible says that God gave you a pastor to feed the flock and sometimes you know we we want to give people nice sermons and sometimes we want to give them the conference style sermons sometimes we want to give them really hard preaching and sometimes want to give them deep preaching you know and make them eat the vegetables too so it's good to go to church and even if it's not a new IFB church if it's a good solid old IFB church because you're gonna you're gonna learn you know you're gonna get a balance you're gonna you're gonna see a pastor and a pastor's wife that you know are godly and they're gonna help you grow not just getting it's not just watching documentaries that disciples use I guess the point that I'm trying to make yeah I would agree and the thing is too there's no substitute ultimately is the point I believe that we're all trying to make there's really no substitute for physically attending a church and the problem is if you get to a point where if the church doesn't check off every single one of your boxes no matter how minor no matter how secondary then you just end up staying home and then you're not right with God so the thing with the pre-trib rapture is it's a Saul-David situation they might hate us but I love them in return I love the pre-trib my pre-trib brethren who are saved and many of them love the Lord I don't agree with them on that doctrine but if that's the only church in my area that I had to go to I think you know we should all if that's our situation bite the bullet and attend despite disagreeing on that issue because it is secondary doctrine one thing I wanted to mention real quickly is that just kind of switching gears here in Joshua chapter 2 in verse 10 I wanted to read this scripture because I think it's relevant to the question I had for you guys Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Thompson but in Joshua chapter 2 in verse 10 the Bible read for we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came up out of Egypt and the Bible hold on I think I went to the wrong place here but I'll just go to read this for we've actually let me go to 1 Samuel 8 that's where I wanted to go let me go 1 Samuel chapter 8 so the thing is right now the new IFB has a ton of momentum and so the Bible tells us here in 1 Samuel chapter 8 verse 1 and it came to pass when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges over Israel now the name of his firstborn was Joel and the name of his second Abiah they were judges in Beersheba and his sons walked not in his ways but turned aside after Lucre and took bribes and perverted judgment so the point I'm trying to make is that we see here Samuel's sons they walked not in you know his ways the Bible says so they weren't right with God they took bribes it talks about how they turned aside after Lucre and so essentially what we see is the next generation failing and Joshua 2 verse 10 what I was trying to read earlier I just got kind of confused it says and also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers and there arose another generation after them which knew not the Lord nor yet the works which he had done for Israel another example in which the next generation failed my question for you pastors is this and we'll start with Pastor Thompson and then Pastor Jimenez just jump right in right after he's done how do we in a sense prevent is it even possible rather is it possible to prevent this from happening to the new IFB or is it inevitable that three four generations down the line this movement will get watered down and liberal well I mean it's only going to happen if we allow it to happen so if we fail to reach the next generation then that's why that happens so I mean I don't think it's necessarily has to be that way but you know when you put people in that are when you start to ordain men of God that are not qualified and then they start to compromise on things they start to compromise on these issues that's kind of how it gets watered down and then you get people that probably aren't even saved you know in the pulpits and I mean we've already seen big splits from the new IFB where it seemed like people just kind of wanted to get some clout and ride the coattails of some of the pastors in this movement and then as soon as they got what they felt like they needed then they just you know stabbed us in the back and made up a reason why you know they they needed to go someplace else and do something else but and then they take their disciples with them they you know bad mouth everybody and that's kind of how that happens but you know splits are going to happen that's just kind of how it works it even started in the first century it started in you know John couldn't even go to a church where diatrophes was you know keeping an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ out so I mean those are those are kind of how it could it could kind of break up and I know I'm kind of delving off into the weeds here but I think that lack of pastors lack of qualified pastors is going to could be the downfall of the movement if we don't get men that will rise up and stand in the gap and you know we can't just have you know a small amount of pastors and nobody stepping up to do it and that's kind of how I think that we would fail the next generation is if you know we fail to you know rally men to be that next generation because you know I'm 47 years old I mean I mean I'm not ready to retire yet but I mean we need some men to step up and it seems like a lot of people were just like oh yeah I want to be a pastor you know I'm going to get my wife and then I'm going to you know I'm going to get the kids and then I'm going to preach and you know they just all these guys want to be pastors and then now where are they where's my mouth now you know it's kind of like you know it's like oh I forget what the guy's name is the pastor of men has mentioned it in the sermon one time who was it pastor the guy that said you're talking about the guy in judges yeah yeah I don't know I can't find a bama like and he was like talking all about he's like where's your mouth now buddy yeah right I can find it it's an obscure character right yeah my point is is that like we have to reach the next generation and to do that you know we're going to have to have more men of God to step up and fill the gaps that are there and to be that next generation so that we can you know keep this thing moving because that's how it fails is you know you stop having faithful men and stop having qualified men I mean in the old ifb you see men that never even have they don't have a wife they don't have children and next thing you know they're the assistant pastor right out of bible college there was no formal ordination and yet they're pastor and that's just kind of when it when it starts to go unbiblically and then it gets that's how it gets watered down that's exactly how it starts so we and I want to correct myself it was judges 210 I was reading from earlier I think I said Joshua judges chapter 10 sorry go ahead go ahead pastor you guys were talking about judges 938 did you mention that I think it's judges 938 Gail are you talking about did anybody pull it up it was it was it's judges 938 it's Zebel so you're you're right Gail is the guy that came against him okay but the guy that Thomas is quoting is Zebel he was like the the mayor of the city or whatever and he's the one because the bimelik was running his mouth and Zebel heard him and he sent some message to Gail and then when he shows up to fight a bimelik then it says in judges 938 then said Zebel unto him where is now thy mouth wherewith thou said is who is a bimelik that we should serve him I always feel like I want to say that to these guys when they try to like fight pastor Anderson you know subtly and secretly and then pastor Anderson just tears him up and then I just want to send him a text saying where is now thy mouth because you know it's like it's easy to run your mouth when when he's not there but yeah anyway to answer your question or to to give you my thoughts on your question I agree with everything pastor Thompson said you know there there is no success without succession and I think that the answer to that question is is discipleship and in in two different areas first of all we have to disciple our people they have to know what they believe and why they believe it and then and then of course you know specifically because you you brought up the the judges passage that there arose a generation who knew not the Lord so we have to make sure that that we're discipling our converts our church people need to know not only what they believe but why they believe in and then of course we have to make sure that we disciple our own children and I'm talking about our physical children and and just the the children in our churches because obviously we're all going to you know go be gone one day and that next generation they need to be the ones that rise up and and take on on the mantle so I think that there has to be a very purposeful way that we're trying to make sure that we're discipling our converts I also think there should be a purposeful way of how we disciple our own children I know I think I talked to Pastor Thompson about this but I actually have a plan a program that I'm doing with my sons to try to train them to make sure that when they leave my home that they they know what we believe why we believe it that they're the men that God has called them to be and obviously by God's grace you know but we we just got to have a plan to do it and it's not enough for us to have a burden that we we give what we believe to the next generation but we also have to put it in their minds that your job is to make sure the next generation is trained and as long as every generation understands that their job is to make sure the next generation gets it then I don't see why it would have to go liberal but of course we're dealing with human beings we fail and so you know is it possible that the new IFB down the road could become a liberal movement you know I hate to think that but it's possible so we need to make sure that we're not you know the Bible says let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall so instead of us saying like no don't ever happen to us we should have this mentality that says it could happen to us so let's work to try to make sure it doesn't and something that might be helpful to you know obviously I don't have teenagers that I'm raising or anything my son's very young we have one on the way but perhaps this could be something that is used to help keep the next generation in line especially as they're growing up this idea that you know teenagers especially they kind of have this ingrained in that they want to be rebels right they kind of want to go against the grain and as this world gets more wicked and degenerate and deviant perhaps that could work to our advantage in the sense that you can teach the next generation hey you want to be counter culture you want to go against the grain you want to do things differently right I mean if you know if you want to really be somebody who stands out from the rest of the crowd be normal be a bible believing christian be somebody who loves the lord be somebody who goes soul winning be somebody who goes to church that that'll make you stick out clearer than anything as this world gets darker and darker it allows us to shine brighter and brighter as christians and so that could be something maybe that's instilled into the next generations because it is going to get worse and worse this country continues to fall on a on an off of a cliff and we're on a bobsled to hell and that can be used to our advantage say hey you know what faithful word baptist church that's like the rock and roll of 2022 america verity baptist church that's truly counter culture to believe the things we believe and maybe that'll help perhaps I don't know what do you guys think about that concept yeah I agree and I think it's important I think that's one of the reasons that you know pastor Thompson brought this up that this movement was built on hard preaching and I think it's important to have to make sure that at the helm of these churches we have men that are trained that are real genuine but that can stand up and preach and rip face because the truth matter is every man wants to they follow a man they don't want to follow a wimp and when you see pastor Anderson pastor Shelley when you see pastor Thompson when you see these men get up and they're ripping face and they're on the news and they're being protested and all these things you know it should encourage other godly men to get in the fight you know god puts that in men to want to fight to want to stand up for something that's right and correct and you're absolutely right that you know in our culture today if you want to be the rebel you know have a short haircut and read the King James Bible because everyone out there is having blue hair and being weird so I think that definitely the fact that the world is so wicked it helps us stand out and also soul winning will be a deterrent when you take you know you got to take your kids soul winning you know I know it's tough with all these big families taking their kids out well go out with your wife and take your kids with you and they'll see when you go to a door and they'll see the you know the alcoholics and how they act and they'll see the the queers that chase us around the apartment complex is ripping our invitations off the door and they'll be like I don't want to be like that person I'd rather be normal and I think that so many normalizes people and we can't leave our kids out of that and we have to train our kids to be soul winners and you know in reality the new IFB you know is just I think it's just getting started because we're we're you know we have all these children and you know that we're reaching with this message and then they're going to rise up and be that next generation and they already know how to go soul winning at an early age they already have one more souls than I you know by 15 than I had when I was 35 or whatever I mean that that's gonna that's gonna make a huge mark as long as we stay in the fight because if we back down or cower down and look they fight dirty you know our enemies fight dirty and we have to fight within the rules and that does make it tough but we still have to make our stands where we make them and sometimes we're not going to win you know the battle but we're going to win the war so and we got to teach our kids that we're not going to back down and at home we're the same as we are at church so I think that's important I just want to throw it over now to brother Peter James Peter is there anything else you wanted to add to this discussion there were some other topics that we had on the list there why don't you go ahead and interject something and we can see what the the men of God have to say yeah well what I was thinking about you know and it was really pertinent when pastor Thompson and you guys were talking about qualified pastors you know because I remember I remember a day where a guy named Tyler Doka came out to Long Island to start a church and you know he was he was so new IFB this guy he was new IFB you know according to him and according to others the problem was he was not a qualified pastor and the end of that was that he ended up preaching complete heresy preaching that the earth is flat and that ended up preaching that Christians are in danger of going to hell for however many years a thousand years and when that guy came out to start a church I remember people asked me like hey are you are you gonna go to this guy's church you know it's a new IFB church and I might have said this or maybe I put it more nicely I know I said this to a couple people but I said like if that guy was right down the street from me I wouldn't leave my church to go to his church because he's he's biblical it's so he's so he's unqualified you know the the thing is God can and you know there there's a reason God lays out the qualifications and not everyone is made to be a pastor first of all because I felt like my quote unquote old IFB church and actually I know this to be true for a fact was just such it was such a good soul winning church discipling people reaching people baptizing lots of people that you know why would I why would I leave that church when first of all the reason I got into church in the first place was because you know the catalyst for that was Bible preaching from new IFB preachers though that was my first introduction to Christianity and the preachers and you know to preaching in the Bible but so why would I leave that church to you know go to someone's church who's not you know obeying the Bible and you know just because he you know the thing is like when if you go to an old IFB church you can find a good soul winning King James Bible church and like you're not gonna just be having to stomach unless it's a you know some churches some old IFB churches are really bad obviously we don't throw the baby out with the bath water and like you're not just having to stomach all this you know like all the doctrines you hate so much as you would think you know the majority of what you're learning is really good and you know I attend I've attended two really good Bible believing churches that I've been a member of for like multiple years and for years at a time and so when it comes to the unqualified pastors I just feel like God can use you so much and you can be so much more comfortable I believe in just the role that God has given you and you can serve God so much more effectively as the person who you were made to be and people just have to be honest with themselves if they're you know made to be a pastor or not so you know we can move on a little bit so because you know and you know I think it would be you know I think kind of going back to what Pastor Jimenez was saying I think it was more new IFB for me to stay in my good church than to just you know what is it like like dangling a carrot in front of my nose like hey I believe in the you know I'm post-trib you know I I'm against the Jews I'm against Zionism but you know there's all these other red flags so it's about doing things right you know it's about obeying the Bible so let's see here some of the let's move on to this so why don't we talk about the the spiritual conditions of our respective nations so like our respective regions I want to know what you know really what is the soul winning like out out there in in Sacramento and in Vancouver and you know what kind of false religions do you guys run into the most what are the problems you're seeing like do you you know what is the what are the biggest challenges because I know there are different challenges when you go out soul winning in different parts of the country let's start with the do you want to go you want to go ahead yep you're going pastor yeah you can go ahead you can go ahead well I live in Washington state and basically right across the river from Portland Oregon the 13th most unchurched city in the country Seattle and Tacoma are number seven and as on most unchurched the most unchurched is the Bay Area actually and San Francisco being number one of course we probably could have guessed that but New York is like at 15 Sacramento is at 19 but that's just the cities that I saw but like as far as the soul winning goes I mean we get people saved every week and the soul winning is tougher than it is in Detroit which we just had 80 salvations at a soul winning marathon that we we went to but you know sometimes we have to inject some life you know because people want to go to receptive soul winning and I understand that but our soul winning is it receptive compared to Africa or the Philippines no but brother Corbin the deacon for people were Baptist Church he preached a sermon you know saying that basically you know if you're getting people saved it is still receptive people are still getting saved so obviously they're receiving the truth but as far as it like it's definitely less receptive than it was when we first started soul winning there and so obviously we have to branch out to further places like I think that Pastor Mendez is kind of going through that too where you kind of hit the main hot spots around the church and now it's kind of time to dive out into 25 minutes away or or longer I don't know I hope I'm not speaking out of turn by saying that but we're kind of in the same situation but like like I said I mean we had three salvation on Sunday soul winning and so I think that that's still receptive I got a guy named Christian saved he was Christian became a Christian on Sunday and we had another guy named Jesus get saved so we had Jesus get saved on we had Jesus and a Christian get saved so I mean it was exciting so I mean people are still getting saved and you know we're branching out we branched out to a lot of different areas and we want to go to receptive places but also we don't want our church members to just be spiritual adrenaline junkies where they're just like oh we got to go soul winning in our area it's like hey we got to reach our area too so but as far as the spiritual condition of Washington state I mean it's a liberal hell hole for the most part but I mean when we go east like Yakima we had lots of success preaching there we went to the Indian reservation and had hundreds of people saved and in Yakima proper we're planning on going back there in October so you know there's still receptive areas in Washington state Tacoma and Seattle are not so receptive but we still do get people saved we have people that do like regional soul winning there every week and they see salvation there was a couple of salvations last week and the week before that so and we have a faithful group that's live in the Seattle area that go every single week and go and knock doors and see people saved so it's kind of a yeah I agree with what Pastor Thompson is saying and obviously you know I I believe the key is that people need to be taught just to have perspective for example you know Sacramento California our church gets people saved every week but it's not the Philippines it's not it's not Mexico as far as how receptive those areas are but something I try to teach our church family is that you know our church started 11 years ago and as a result of our church starting in Sacramento California 11 years later we're running about 200 and we average somewhere around 100 soul winners a week and our church was able to start Sure Foundation Baptist Church right with Pastor Thompson and we started a church in Boise Idaho we started a church in Fresno we started three churches in the Philippines and so soul winning in Sacramento and reaching people in Sacramento is more difficult than reaching people in the Philippines and you know don't take what I'm going to say hopefully it doesn't come out wrong but the point that I'm trying to make is that like when you can build a church like ours in Sacramento it has a foundation that allows you to start three churches in the Philippines and if we would have started a church in like one church in the Philippines we wouldn't have been able to start a church in Sacramento is what I'm trying to say even though it's a lot easier to get people saved in the Philippines and Mexico and Africa churches in places that are harder sometimes because they're harder because they're harder because people have more money but if you can reach people that have that money then you can use that to reach the world so I don't know if that sounds wrong but the point that I'm trying to make is that sometimes you have to put the work in in the difficult areas and you'll be able to have and what I'm saying is not against Filipino people I'm just saying or people in Africa or people in Mexico I'm saying they're not going to have the resources that we have to be able to invest what we've done so you know it's a lot harder to get people saved and baptized and discipled in Sacramento though we're doing it but it is a lot harder but when you can grow a church in these areas when you can grow a church in Vancouver Washington then you know Pastor Thompson has started several churches from that one church so there is a benefit in working and laboring in these areas that are a little less receptive and you know obviously we do the same thing I mean we've got we try to alternate where we go to like a nice area and then a not so nice area or whatever because the not so nice areas are more receptive so people have more fun but a lot of times the visitors come from the nice areas the ones that actually stick around I always tell our people too you know Jesus fed the 5,000 and the Bible tells us that he was with publicans and sinners but when he was looking for a workforce you'll notice that he found working men you know he finds the Peter, James and John they're fishing he finds Matthew sitting at the seat of custom so you know he reached the poor and the needy but when he needed workers he found the middle class so we just have to understand that that's what we need to do too you know it's fun to go out in the ghettos and get people saved and I'm not speaking against that we do that and we have a plan for that and praise God for it but we have to reach the middle class too because they're going to be the workforce that is going to get behind you help you build a church help you finance this thing to really be able to reach the world I want to say one thing real quick also too just what I was thinking about what you're saying but you know Jesus told them to go to Jerusalem which do you think Jerusalem was more receptive than Samaria probably not so Jerusalem was where they were persecuted and and Jesus was crucified and it's called Sodom and Egypt so but the but the first place they were launching out of was a fairly unreceptive place in relation to the other places they went then Judea then Samaria then the uttermost parts of here so I think that there's you know something to that where obviously we're supposed to go reach the poor and that's the first people we should go to but obviously you know we do have to launch out from somewhere and you know I think that the plan is working so far you know God's going to build the church and but people you know I just sometimes I feel like I have to you know give them something receptive so that they'll you know stay hungry but it's like you know I think it's more when you go to a place and it's like nope you know sometimes people are like oh man nobody's gonna get saved in this area and then when you do get someone saved in that area it's like man praise God I mean that was a tough area to get that one person saved obviously it's fun to do both I love going to receptive areas too so don't get me wrong I mean our guys I I was in Boise while our our people went to Detroit and you know Detroit they said that basically is the most receptive place they've ever gone soloing and in America at least and you know I was in Boise and me and Pastor Jones were getting the door slammed in our faces but Pastor Jones and people the ladies all went in a big group and they had nine salvation which tied their record there so I mean people are still getting saved in the places that you know are like Boise's a lot of Mormons are but you know they're still getting people saved Pastor Jones is still getting people saved there you know and we're gonna keep reaching people by you know preaching the gospel in the hard places and in the most receptive places so anyway sorry Well the big event that we've been plugging here on this live stream is that June 10th Soul Winning and Preaching conference right you got the preaching on June 10th you've got the big Soul Winning marathon coming up on June 11th in New Jersey and Peter James I'm sure before the live stream is over we'll give details again for those who might have missed it and if you're just tuning in we're with Pastor Aaron Thompson we're with Pastor Roger Jimenez Brother Peter James is riding shotgun as well and I had a question for you guys in terms of a verse in Matthew chapter number 24 this wasn't on the list so I'm putting you on the on the spot here you'll have to forgive me for that but we're on the topic of Soul Winning and so this is something I've always thought of when it comes to the future of Soul Winning the Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 24 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come so from an eschatological perspective we know that prior to the second coming of Christ there has to be some sort of revival involving the gospel of Jesus Christ that it's gonna go to the entire world and some might say well that's already happened through the internet others are looking for that to occur in the future where do you see this going how does this verse get fulfilled in your opinion that's the question I want to ask how is it that that verse gets fulfilled this gospel of the kingdom being preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations before the end coming to pass how does that get fulfilled in your opinion we'll start with Pastor Roger what do you think of that yeah that's a great question my my belief on that and obviously when it comes to end times you know we see through a glass darkly so we don't have everything figured out and know all the details but you know I God is a God of order and he everything that he does he does for a reason and you know we we talk a lot about end times we we we like that subject and we're you know post-trip pre-wrath all of that but one of the reasons that I believe God even allows the tribulation and the great tribulation period which of course we know that that Christians are going to go through the tribulation we do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture I believe that one of the reasons that God allows Christians to go through the tribulation is because of the fact that that's actually going to motivate us to get the gospel out it's very consistent throughout the Bible you'll notice that whenever there's persecution that's what gets people out for example in the book of Acts you have of course the famous Acts 1a where we are told by the Lord Jesus Christ to go out into all the world you know and and to go starting in Jerusalem and Judea and into the outermost part of the earth but you'll notice that the disciples didn't really do it the apostles didn't really do it they kind of stayed in Jerusalem until it's interesting Acts 8 1 and Acts 1 8 they're told to go out but it's not till Acts 8 1 when persecution comes that they actually go out into those areas that they were told to go to you see the same principle in the book of Exodus where you have the children of Israel they're in bondage and the more that they're persecuted the more that they're multiplying the more that they're having children and I believe that one of the reasons that we're going to go through this persecution period which is what the great tribulation period is and it's going to be a worldwide persecution like has never been seen in the history of mankind one reason that God is allowing that is because that's going to push a soul winning revival unlike what anything that's ever been seen and I believe we're in a soul winning revival as far as new IFP churches that's something we emphasize but I think that the gospel is going to be preached to the whole world literally it's going to go out like it's never gone before because of persecution because persecution has a tendency of actually motivating Christians and getting them to it's when things are going easy that Christians get lazy and apathetic and we've seen it in our churches as soon as we start getting protested and start having issues and people get fired up and it's teaching them to do things out of duty even when things aren't exciting to just go out because that's what you're supposed to do that's the discipleship aspect of it but I don't know if that answers your question but those are my thoughts in regards to that certainly does I think it's interesting to get your perspective on how you see that verse playing out what do you think about that one Pastor Thompson? Well yeah I agree with Pastor Jimenez wholeheartedly I've just been recently thinking about the fact that sometimes our churches can get apathetic and maybe a little more stale when there isn't some kind of persecution happening I mean you look at what's going on at Pastor Shelby's church right now and it's like the church views are filled and people are excited and you know and they're not even in a building right now they're meeting from place to place as of right now and you know it's just it's tough for the pastor to go through those things it's tough for the staff to go through those things but like the Christians in the church thrive and like you look in the Bible when the apostles you know they're going through hell on earth basically and the Apostle Paul is getting beaten with rods and lashed 139 times you know 39 times 5 times by the Jews I mean he's going through all this stuff and everybody else is just like thriving and the churches are going but it's just kind of how it goes you know but so like what Pastor was saying is like that's a time of great trouble and you know the Bible talks about us being brought before kings and governors and things like that and so there's probably going to be a space for public testimony and some people are going to hear what we have to say what the Holy Ghost lays upon our heart we're not supposed to premeditate what we're going to say and those types of things and God's going to speak through us through the Holy Ghost and people are going to get saved people are going to hear it and people will get saved and obviously the Bible says that few there's few saved but still I mean if you're looking on the grand scale of how many people are in this world there is an opportunity for a mega harvest of souls to be saved during that time period so and you know I think it's going to go through the whole world just like it says it's already gone through the world multiple times but specifically talking about that time the context is the question you know when are these things going to happen and then he starts talking about those things so I mean it obviously meant something for that you know preceding time but it also means something for us so yeah I think it's like God orchestrates this like last soul winning blitz this last soul winning marathon you know right before the rapture but I want to say something about what Pastor Thompson brought up because it's so true like in the book of Acts you'll find you know we as leaders and this you know just kind of to tie it into what we've been talking about I believe that there was a time when there was a lot of guys who wanted to be pastors right they're watching Pastor Anderson and they're just seeing you know on YouTube I mean all the success and they're kind of you know seeing him like a rock star and they're like I want to do that you know and but then they started to see us kind of all of us go through the ringer and I think because of that some guys have been like oh no I'm good you know I don't need to sign up for that but when you sign up to be a pastor and to lead in these capacities as an evangelist you know deacon all of those things what you don't realize is that these pastors oftentimes you're going through the ringer as the church is thriving and like you know using Pastor Shelley as an example you know the church is thriving there but I don't think the average church member is suffering as much as Pastor Shelley and the staff is you know and you'll see in the book of Acts you know the book of Acts are getting 3000 people saved 5000 people saved there I mean God is adding daily to the church I mean they're having the church and the church is are having this great success but at the same time while that's happening the leadership is being beat and thrown in prison and you know just going through a lot of trials so what I've learned is that sometimes we as leaders have to endure a lot of persecution and heartache and death threats and all sorts of garbage and then while that's happening in the background you know God is blessing the church and people are getting saved and the word of God is being preached and that's I'm sure that's what's happening at steadfast right now so that's you know that's a great point but people need to understand that when they go into the ministry you know one of the concerns that I always try to tell young guys is the ministry is not the 45 minute or 55 minute or 120 minute sermon if you're Pastor Thompson the ministry is not the the the one sermon you get to preach at the Red Hot Preaching Conference to 500 people that's that's nice or or that you get to preach at the Northeast new IFB conference or at the entire breathing conference that's nice that's exciting but you leave that and then you have week after week after week of just helping people loving people soul winning discipleship and and persecution you know and that's really the ministry and Pastor Jimenez you know you can only preach post trip pre-wrath against the fags against Zionism so many times you know you have to touch on some of the topics that maybe aren't as quote unquote fun and maybe that's where a young man who wants to go in the ministry needs to be reminded that you better know your Bible because you don't want to just beat a dead horse every week preaching hobby horse topics when people need to have a balanced diet absolutely if you really if you really take time to pay attention and you look at like you know look at what Pastor Shelley's preaching week after week look at what Pastor Anderson's preaching week after week what I'm preaching week after week we're not you know Pastor Thompson we're not getting up and just you know Sunday morning reprobates Sunday night Jews you know Wednesday night it's not it's you're in fact we'll go a long time honestly sometimes especially after you go through a lot of persecution you get so tired of a subject that you'll just go a long time without even mentioning because there's so much in the Bible you know and then what happens is that the Supreme Court you know overturns Roe vs. Wade so I'm sure we're all gonna be preaching about that for a while you know because it's something that's on our mind but it's not just something that we're talking about all the time so you're absolutely right and that's and that's going back to the point that we're making about go to church because here's the thing there are some online listeners that that's all they listen to they're just looking for the radical sermons and there's a time and a place for the radical sermons but there's also just a time and a place to go verse by verse through the Gospel of Luke or through 1 Corinthians or to just get a good solid series of sermons on the family or whatever alright Peter did we lose him? oh there he is I think I caught him off guard Pastor Shelley I forgot what I was going to say but you know I mean when it comes to well pastors here's what I wanted to say when it comes to like being a pastor and people might think it's glamorous I obviously I don't know what it's like but what I can see is that you know pastors who are running a biblical church they work really hard and even my pastor who planted his church like three years ago and I've been going to church with him I went to church with him even beforehand we went to church together in Clifton and he started a church in Union New Jersey and you know it's not so it's a few years old it's not like a huge church it's a pretty small church like 30 or 40 members but you know what I can you know pastors their job like everybody's heaviest burdens like they're all laying it on the pastor so like I can imagine that you know it is hard work and you can kind of see that it's not just you know it's not like going to work and cutting lawns and doing plumbing and going home because I would imagine that like the heaviest burdens of church members and the people you love like they're coming to the pastor and I'm sure that's you know that's something that I've thought about and considered like you know like pastor herman has said it's not just preaching like a you know a sermon at the red hot preaching conference and whatnot so what I would like to talk about a little bit is is church planting and I really like pastor Jimenez specifically if you could talk about brother Matt Stuckey maybe if you want to talk about very Baptist Manila and Pampanga and the churches out there right I think I said those right and yeah so why don't you talk about brother Matt Stuckey a little bit just because he's so first of all when we're talking about the new IFB you know brother Matt Stuckey you know like I've seen him just grow up from a listener and you know I've seen him around and I remember going soul winning with him when he visited he was visiting you know some family in West Orange New Jersey and I ended up meeting up with him and that was probably in like 2015 and these are the kinds of things that really have an impact on me it's why I want to stick around and see you know what is going to happen and stay involved and not fall off because I see people growing the end and now he is you know the work he's doing out in the Philippines and you know great soul winning numbers and it seems like things are going really well he's teaching really good doctrine and he's I really enjoy listening to his preaching a lot so pastor Jimenez why don't you talk specifically about Verity Baptist Manila and brother Stuckey and then pastor Thompson why don't you talk a little bit about church planning and your experience and maybe some of your struggles with that and the churches that you you planted and I just want to say we'll wrap it up after this so once we get your answers on that we'll begin to wrap up the the live stream to respect your time yeah no no problem thank you yeah I mean brother Stuckey is doing a great job brother Matthew Stuckey is of course our evangelist in the Philippines and he's he went out there he's he has started three churches one in Manila one in Pampanga and then not too long ago he started a third church in Bicol and he is doing an awesome job I mean if you know brother Stuckey you know he he's a he's a sharp guy he's smart he's spiritual he he loves the Lord he really knows the Bible he's read the Bible many many times and and just he knows what he believes and and he's a very talented speaker he's a great preacher and he's he's doing a good work many I mean if you see his updates if you see the numbers they're getting tons of people saved the churches are doing well good solid churches and yeah I just I'm very happy with the work that's being done in the Philippines obviously brother Stuckey is a very capable leader for all intents and purposes he's he runs those churches as the pastor and and he's doing a great job and it helps me because I don't have to worry about it you know I know that he's preaching right doctrines and I know that he's doing doing a great work so I think brother Stuckey is a great example of for any young man that want that that sees him especially you know because I talked about the the the work that needs to be done in the States you know the the churches here and in the US are the ones they're harder to maybe grow and reach people and and all of that but they they can be used as the foundation to launch people out into the mission field but then but then we also need the brother Stuckey's the the man that's going to be willing to go to the Philippines go to Mexico go to these areas you know I that's why I really liked the the the conference the missions conference they had at faithful word emphasizing missions because because we're not we we want to do it all you know we want to reach it's interesting because because in acts Jesus talks about the fact that he wants you to go to Judea and Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth but that's done simultaneously it's not like Jerusalem and and then you stop Jerusalem and then go to Judea and then you stop Judea and go to Samaria no we want to do it all and that's going to require workers require men that step up but um you know absolutely I mean brother Stuckey is laying the pattern for new IFP missions work and you know just being a super successful missionary and I mean he's doing he's doing the the work of a hundred just average missionaries that are that are I mean unfortunately a lot of missions work is a joke you know and missionaries go out there and they they're not really reaching anybody and doing any anything but brother Stuckey is showing us how to get it done so I I can't say enough about the the success of the mission and I think people if anybody's interested in missions that's who they need to be looking to to pattern themselves after yeah they build a tiki hut in some third world country and then virtue signal about it on social media and call it missions give me yeah and and you know what else brother Stuckey is you know tearing it up and he's humble about it he's not you know talking about all his how he's just a super duper whatever um he's he's just he's the real thing you know that's the Thompson I was still laughing about the tiki thing yeah I mean I love church planting I really do I can tell I wish I yeah I know pastor's got more churches than I do right now though so I don't want to hear it he's already neck he's already hit me over my long preaching sermons so that's what I do every time you see every time he comes to my church the spirit of pastor Thompson goes upon him we got my church he preached like an hour and 27 minutes and he's like I don't understand like it was like 45 minutes of my church it's like well you know anyway but yeah we we have a church in Spokane we have a church in Canada and Canada's doing really well and it's growing it's a slow grow but I mean they're running I think they've gotten up to like 39 40 people and they've expanded the building and doing a really great job there brother win and this Queenie and it's growing it's thriving there's a lot of young people young couples young married couples there so that church is thriving and they're just you know getting people saved and you know it's it's great so we have the Church of Canada and obviously Vancouver BC is not the Bible belt so to speak so I mean it's kind of like Vancouver Washington or Portland Oregon up there but they're doing a great job there and Spokane they're doing a great job over there when we had the third year anniversary over there and we had like 24 salvations or something for the weekend and it was like we did a solo marathon and had 16 salvations and Spokane is the 23rd most unchurched city in the country so I mean it's still you know it's it's not like in Texas or Atlanta where I mean in Atlanta or even out in the country there's like a Baptist church on every corner like literally almost every corner down there so it's just not the same but anyway we also have a church in England and it's thriving and they just expanded they've been looking for a building for a long time and they just decided to remodel the building that they're at and it looks fantastic brother Ian sent me the video of what he's done and I mean he's he's doing a great job over there too and their church is almost as big as our church in Vancouver now and they've kind of branched off into helping some places over in Europe and the plan is to try to you know reach obviously the UK which is a big I mean and it's receptive there they're getting they doubled our salvations last year and being from in Vancouver and you wouldn't think it's that receptive there but there's a lot of just there's just it's a melting pot over there and so lots of people got saved over a thousand people got saved last year at that church with you know half half the size of our church was at the time so I'm just yeah I mean I don't want to start any more churches until I get some pastors ordained but I definitely want to start more churches and I mean you just look at what these churches are and I mean you just look at what the apostle Paul did like people didn't bag on him for starting churches so I mean you know he had multiple churches that you know he talks about all the things that he went through and then he said and beside all that the daily ministration of the churches you know he's just like Paul's a busy guy so I just I want to do as much as I can start churches and you know get people saved in all different places and I want to continue to be a church planner for as long as I'm the pastor so I'm excited I'm excited about all of our churches right now and yeah it's it's not always glamorous but it's always rewarding so I'm excited about the prospects in the future too so but I guess the guys ordained and then we'll start something else of course when you hear the hard preaching and British accent sounds so much more epic have you heard them have you heard them before I've heard I haven't heard full sermons but I've heard snippets and I think it does sound pretty epic when it's in that British accent have you gone out there or I guess I'm sure let me ask let me ask you this question how often do you plan on going to that UK church plant given its proximity or I should say it's a distance from you well I told them I would go once a year okay and that's that's kind of my promise to them but so yeah I'm planning on going back in September so hopefully hopefully I can get one of my pastor friends to go out there too and I'm sure they'd love to you know Pastor Anderson's banned from there anything for life or whatever but I mean the other pastors aren't so like I mean they definitely love to have you and brother Ian and his wife Miss Lisa are doing a great job there and very excited about that church you know it's just different it's a different country they were more free with the mass stuff when I went over there than our own country was which really surprised me so but now all that mass mandate stuff's over with so it's game on right amen all right Peter James is unless you object I was going to just have the pastors give their final thoughts before I don't object I'd sit totally up to that I'm we could go I have other questions you know I'd love to have them on forever but everybody has lives I'm getting pretty tired here myself it's later here for me yeah you're an hour ahead of me and three hours ahead of the rest of them so but I would you know if Pastor Thompson and Pastor Jimenez if you if could you touch on one more subject that is that okay with you do you guys have just like a minute for this yeah it's fine you know you mentioned how you know your churches and you know new IFB churches have really utilized social media and you know one thing that has stuck out to me and I think it like points to the success of your churches is is how you guys have like just use what you have and like the tools that you have can you can you talk about how like like I know Pastor Jimenez you're not you're not really on social media but you I guess you do see the the value in it for church can you just talk about that really quick like using those types of tools like social media and if it's important for churches and how God can use it and can you touch on that absolutely yeah I think that it's it's always a good idea to use every tool available to reach people with the gospel and to disciple people and help people grow you know Christians in general have always used throughout history they've always used technology and the advances in technology to be able to get the gospel out I mean even as far back as the invention of the printing press you know you know why it was it was primarily used to get the Bible out and to to get the word of God out to the common man and you know so I I'm not against that I personally choose not to be on social media that's just my wife and I have that decision to not personally be on social media so our church is on Facebook and Instagram and YouTube obviously and and things like that but all of that is ran through our staff I'm I'm not on it and part of that is just it's just personal standards of Christian standards for myself a lot of it is also just productivity a lot of time gets wasted on on social media in my opinion and I've just got other stuff that I'd rather work on and things like that but I think that I want to use those tools to get the truth out to get the word of God out and and also just you know it it's I think that any any obviously we don't ever want to forget about soul winning and and and the church services you know the things that the Bible actually tells us to do we got to keep the main thing the main thing but while we are knocking doors and trying to knock every door in our city and and and doing the thing and holding live church services I don't think there's anything wrong with having live streams and and stuff like that so yeah I'm not exactly a technological guru or anything like that so I mean I have social media but I I really don't get on it too much I might just kind of look through Facebook or whatever every once in a while but I've definitely backed off of I mean I'm just too busy for one thing but you know mainly I do use social media for getting our church's message out and things like that and we're delving into different things and I know that we just got a Twitter account started so follow us on Twitter and hopefully things won't get you know we'll stop being censored there so we can kind of you know get a good following on that we'll see what happens though because I just can't see them letting us bash on queers for too long you know what I mean somebody posted like a whole bunch of excerpts from like different sermons and it's still up so not from our channel but from a different one but I mean mainly YouTube YouTube you know does a lot of good and and and our message gets out on YouTube a lot and obviously we're gonna have to move away from that because you know it's just not free and our algorithms are all messed up and you know you'll have all these subscribers and not the views that you would normally have seen when you first started and just things like that so but I definitely believe that you know social media and just technology in general has helped like I mean we wouldn't even have started that church in England you know had had it not been for me being able to communicate with brother Ian and talk for long periods of time and you know I can call all the way across the pond to England you know they're on different times scale but we can still talk face to face if we want to or you know just on the phone through an app I mean when I was younger in the 80s you know an international call would have cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars and racked up a phone bill but now I can do it for free through a WhatsApp you know thing so I mean technology I think that where Baptist kind of you know fell down is where they stopped using the newest things that they could use to get the message out and that's where Pastor Anderson succeeded and he figured out the algorithms and all that stuff and really just launched you know a huge movement through media and technology we've all kind of just you know done our best to jump on board and follow after that and we put our stuff on YouTube even though we could probably hide the things that we preach and we could be like the pastors that are afraid to put their message out for everybody to see because they're afraid it's too spicy I'm sure that old IFB pastors are preaching some spicy stuff out there sometimes but you'll never know it because we'll never see it preached and so they're basically hiding it under a bushel when they have a chance with social media and just technology to reach more people and it's sad because you know we need to not be afraid and just charge forward and I thank God for social media that helps us to reach people and to and for technology that helps us to reach the next generation because you know that's how they're being reached everybody's got a phone in front of their face all the time so if we can just get a slice of their time and and get some of God's word in their heart and down into their ears then you know people have chances to be saved that way so I think it's great yeah you use it while you can right so we're gonna wrap this up and I'm sure it's the end of a long work day for you guys so really quickly just if you could just bear with me and remember that these two pastors pastor Aaron Thompson pastor Menes here they will be preaching in New Jersey on June 10th Friday June 10th that's at three one six seven JFK Boulevard now if anybody watching the stream if you could please do me a favor and RSVP by emailing me now you don't have to RSVP to come this is simply just for for me you know for and for you know logistics and being able to organize this this thing you know effectively the best you know if I can know approximately how many people are planning on coming but the way you can RSVP is simply do this just very simple please email me at East Coast Baptist one at gmail.com simply write in the subject RSVP and then if you're coming on Friday and Saturday just write you know Friday if you're coming with four people just write the number four if you're coming on Saturday you know with the same four people please just say you know write Saturday four so it's going to look like RSVP in the subject Friday four people if you're not coming on Saturday then you don't have to write anything you know just this would really help me if you guys can just email me at East Coast Baptist one and just let me know how many people on Friday and how many people on Saturday and thank you guys so much for doing the stream you know thank you so much just for going the extra mile the extra three thousand plus miles even to attend and preach for us and come be our guests out here in June and we hope that a lot of you listening will be able to attend we're praying that it's going to be a big success I know I'm thinking about it a lot and praying about it a lot and please email me at that email with any questions and so thank you also so much Ben for all your help here it was also very appropriate because Ben is actually Ben has some roots in New Jersey and he lived in Bergen County for many years in the same county that we will be doing the soul winning marathon and the conference night so Ben does have some New Jersey roots don't be deceived by that so he was a perfect guy to have on and let me just I'm sorry the soul winning marathon let me just give you the address and the time at 9 a.m. on June 11th Saturday we're meeting at the Panera Bread in Englewood, New Jersey to go soul winning this is the Panera Bread in Englewood, New Jersey 07631 10 Sterling Boulevard 10 Sterling Boulevard and then there will be a more complete itinerary for that day I just need to find out basically what park we're going to eat lunch at and which Chipotle can hold our capacity for dinner but thank you so much guys for doing this I really appreciate it let's get their final thoughts Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Thompson your final statements and we'll close it yeah thank you thank you guys for having us on brother Peter brother Ben of course always enjoy seeing you Pastor Thompson we love you guys of course we're praying for you up there and we're proud of the work that you're doing and yeah come out to New Jersey we're going to be out there I'm actually bringing my whole family my wife and all my kids and so we'll be there for Friday night and Saturday and we'd love to see if you are anywhere near New Jersey or within driving distance we'd love for you to come out to the new IFB East Coast Conference Night alright yeah thanks a lot guys for having us on and I'm very excited about coming out there and seeing y'all and I'm definitely excited about seeing New Jersey I've been to New York before but traffic kind of was a big turn off I'm sure it's bad New Jersey too but hopefully not as bad as New York City so anyway I'm excited about actually going into the city for you know maybe going to get something to eat or something hanging out but very excited about preaching there and I hope a lot of people come and and we're going to be me and Pastor Menes are both going to be soloing with everybody on Saturday so I'm going to take the late flight home and preach at my church so excited and good to see you Pastor Menes and brother Ben thank you so much and brother Peter thanks okay thank you guys again have a great night Peter James did you want to close this or how are we going to do it? Ben you can close it and please please give it, do it in Ben the Baptist fashion please I'm not sure what that means but certainly appreciate the opportunity to be part of the live stream tonight and Peter James thank you for putting this event on for the idea to put this event on and obviously appreciate Pastor Thompson and Pastor Menes flying all the way out there to be part of it it's going to be great you're supposed to say we'll see you again after a while don't worry it's coming I wanted to give a shout out to the folks in the chat room there we've got Early Kyler, JK Redislab, Sheila Jackson Maria YouTube 100 and some other people I saw Sean the Baptist, David Nogueira Osas and Dylan Oz Dawes6011KJP Dylan I'm going to quiz you multiple choice questions on what we talked about on the live stream because you're my friend and you know what friends watch other people's live streams and pay attention alright so you're getting a quiz after this just to see how good of a friend you really are okay I'm just kidding obviously alright that's it for the podcast everybody thank you so much for tuning in to this live stream for Peter James for Pastor Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church and Pastor Aaron Thompson of Sure Foundation Baptist Church this is Benjamin Naim signing off God bless you all we appreciate you tuning in to this stream and don't forget the June 10th New IFB Northeast Conference and Soul Winning event that's taking place the Soul Winning is the next morning you want to be a part of this if you're anywhere in the area especially if you've never gone Soul Winning before this is an opportunity for you to do it for the very first time preach the gospel of Jesus Christ that's why we're here on this earth to do just that until next time folks God bless you all I will talk to you guys again