(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm Pastor Thompson. I'm the pastor of Shur foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver, Washington and Our church is located just right across the river from Portland, Oregon All right. So what is the purpose of your church? purpose of our church is to fulfill the Great Commission we're supposed to You know spread the gospel and get people saved and That includes going and knocking on people's doors and any place we run into them and and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and that's the main mission of our church and also to teach people the Bible and To get them baptized. So what is the purpose of life? Well, I believe the purpose we were created in the image of God and he created us for his purposes in Colossians 1 16 it says for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and For him and he is before all things and by him all things consist And so the Bible teaches that we were created by him and we were created for God and he has special purpose for our lives So you mentioned a church? That was sharing the gospel. So how did Christians share the gospel? Well, the Bible teaches that we're supposed to go out from the church Jesus said go ye therefore and to all the world and teach and preach the gospel So we're supposed to preach the gospel and the Bible says in acts 542 It says in daily in the temple and in every house They ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ And so we're literally supposed to go to every house and try to give people the gospel and the gospel is the death Burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and we're supposed to teach people that if they put their faith in Jesus that they'll be In heaven someday and they are eternally secure Why is someone in so important? someone is so important because there's either two places you can go it's either heaven or hell and You know We are commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to go out and win people because if we don't They're gonna go to hell this world is going to hell and it's up to Christians You know Bible believing Christians to go out there and preach the gospel So that people can get saved and it's it's it's eternal its eternity is at stake So they're their life in hell, which you know, it's an actually the death in hell We're trying to get them to avoid in a life that live that lasts forever in heaven Well, how do we share the gospel? Well, you know the Bible teaches that we're supposed to go out and share the gospel In Acts 20 verse number 20 the Bible reads and how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you But have showed me and have caught you publicly from house to house And so we literally believe the Bible and so we literally believe that we're supposed to send out People that are trained in our church to go and knock on people's doors Stop them on the streets and literally open up our Bibles and preach the gospel to them if they want us to So obviously we don't want to just start You know preaching the gospel people don't want to hear we're going to the people that do want to hear And so we give ever try to give everybody an opportunity to receive the gospel You just asked me a couple questions and then we end up asking them If they want to hear if they want us to preach the gospel to them if they say yes Then we take the Bible and show them, you know that everybody has sinned everybody deserves help Jesus came died on the cross was buried rose again the third day and You know if we put our trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ That they will be saved and the Bible says that they'll be saved for all eternity Everlasting life and so once they put their faith in Christ then they are saved and then we Invite them to call upon the name of the Lord Well says who's before whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved in Romans 10 13 And so that's what we believe. That's what we teach Obviously we take our time and make sure that people understand the gospel before we pray with them, but the Bible is very clear on how to do it and We just try to show them from the scriptures because we believe it takes the Bible to be saved and Any good Baptist should believe that so that's how we get people saved and in a nutshell and you know It's a free gift. You don't have to do anything to earn it. You don't have to do anything to keep it Jesus paid for it all all we have to do is put our faith in him and nothing in our works all right, so I used to attend an old IFP Church and During that time It was basically the man that went out and it wasn't really sharing the gospel behind the tracks But you know, I feel a woman or children would go out and was kind of frowned upon So what would you say who were supposed to be going out something? Well, someone is for everybody The Bible teaches that when the Holy Spirit came down upon the disciples of Pentecost that men and women Preach the gospel so You know men are the one that are supposed to be preaching in church But at the doors women are allowed to preach kids are allowed to preach if they know how to present the gospel And you know, we should be teaching our children to do and follow after us in the next generation You know, it's not leave your kids at the babysitter and go So wanting that's you know, it's a family thing at our church. We push strollers and we Pack kids around with us and we take them door to door with us and they know Basically, they get to see what we experience, you know The loving of people and the loving of souls and it's so important because churches aren't doing anymore You know, it's it's just a shame that you know people who would name the name of Christ Would would just you know, shun the soul wanting they think it doesn't work I think going door to door doesn't work, even though the Bible says it works The Bible says to do it that way but they've gone to Contracting and hanging door hangers and running away and things like that and you know, we actually confront them We confront them with the truth and just say hey if you were to die today Are you a hundred percent sure that you go to heaven and if they say no Whatever their answer is we're going on to the next question if they say that they're saved. Well, how are you saying? You know if they answer anything besides Jesus faith in Jesus alone Then we go on to the next question And say well, can we show you what the Bible says it takes to go to heaven and then basically we just you know Let them make up their own money if they want to hear or not but it's so important because churches just aren't doing it and You know as a Baptist as a Christian we need to be out there knocking the doors and you know Jesus said follow me and I will make you fishers of men So if you're not fishing you're not following Jesus and therefore you don't have on the full armor of God And therefore your church is just a joke You know You're just not doing what God told you to do Your candlestick will be removed and basically you're just turned into a country club with a list of names on it All right. Well, thank you pastor for your time and God bless you