(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And to be honest with you, let's say someone did kill the president. Would you condemn that? Well, here's the thing. If somebody were to kill the president, it wouldn't do any good. You would just be a martyr and then we'd have another holiday. Well, you know, but would you, would you condemn the killing? I would condemn the person? No, I would not judge that person or condemn that person. You wouldn't judge that person? You wouldn't judge that person as a murderer? They would not be a murderer. I'm not saying that they should do it. They'd be a vigilante, they'd be a law, but that wouldn't make them a murderer. Wait, they wouldn't be a murderer if they took up a gun and shot the president? Excuse me, I didn't hear that. They wouldn't be a murderer if they took up a gun and shot the president? I do not believe that they would be, no. So you wouldn't consider it a crime? Well, it would be a crime, absolutely, but they wouldn't be, it wouldn't be murder. Well, let me give you an example. This abortion doctor, what was his name, Tiller or Tillman? George Tiller, shot by Scott Roeder. Do you believe Scott Roeder was a messenger of God? I believe that, I do not believe he was a messenger of God, but sometimes God uses people who are maybe ungodly people, I don't know anything about the situation so I don't want to comment too much on it, to carry out his justice. Do I believe it's murder? Absolutely not. Am I going to go kill anyone? Absolutely not. And I preach that we should not go out and take the law into our own hands. But no, I would not condemn them to murder or to kill someone who has murdered thousands of newborn babies, okay? So I wouldn't call it murder, but I would say that they've committed a crime and that it's not what God would demand us to do. What is the crime? Murder is a crime. That's a criminal term. So what would... I know murder is a crime. The appropriate charge. Right, so, okay, wait, I'm trying to get some clarity here. You would not feel it's murder, but you're saying you think it's wrong to do. It's wrong to do. This is why. Because it's not going through the proper channels. You know, murderers should be given the death penalty, but it should go through the proper channels of human government, not people taking it into their own hands. So the crime would be they'd be violating God's command not to take the law into our own hands. I believe in America... Wait, there's not a statute for that. Is there a statute for that, an American law? Well, absolutely. In American law, we are all guaranteed in the Bill of Rights a trial by a jury of our peers. And so I think that George Tiller should have been given a trial by a jury of his peers and then executed. And so they skipped a step there. And I've never promoted anyone taking the law into their own hands or being a vigilante. But I wouldn't call somebody a murderer who killed someone who is a murderer and who has murdered thousands. Right, so if somebody's not a murderer if they do that, then what they did is not a bad thing. That's not true, because there are a lot of bad things besides murder. For example, people can, you know, be convicted of manslaughter. People can be convicted of murder. So you believe that they should be convicted of those crimes? Well, in a perfect world, I believe that George Tiller would have been executed a long time ago by the proper channels for being a murderer. Right, but here's the deal. In this country right now, under American law, under the Supreme Court of the United States, as they have interpreted the Constitution and under American law, what George Tiller was doing was perfectly legal. That was legal. But it was still wicked and abominable. Well, but it was legal. It was legal. And what Scott Roeder did was illegal. Picking up the gun to kill him, therefore, wasn't that murder? Well, no, he should be punished, but not for murder now. It's not murder to execute a wicked mass murderer. How is that murder? You want all gay people to be executed, correct? That is correct. So, and that you would like to see as the law of the land. So under the American law right now, if somebody were to go out with a machine gun and spray down a crowd of gay and lesbian people, would you think that was okay? No, I would not think it's okay because I believe in due process and I believe that would that person be a murder? Would that person be a murderer? I would not judge them as a murderer, no. That's my opinion. Should that person go to jail? Should that person be? Because they should be given a trial by jury. I believe that we should abide by the law of the land, okay? So wait, that person should not be given the death penalty for killing 30 people. Let me give you an example. Let's say he kills 30 people who he believes are homosexual. Should he not be given the death penalty? Well, you know, I'm not a lawyer. I don't know. You have opinions about every, wait a minute, you have opinions about everything and now you're not a lawyer? Come on. You're a preacher. Tell me what you think. I'm an expert on the Bible, not an expert on the law. What do you think should happen to that man? You have told us what should happen to everybody. Under, what? You should have been tried and executed in the first place. You're trying to get me to make all these hypotheticals within a paradigm. So wait, that man should not be executed. Okay, how about the woman who went into the courtroom and shot the pedophile that molested her son? The homosexual pedophile. I don't know anything about it. She brought a gun into the courtroom and killed her. It's a really famous case. I think it was about 10 years back. And she should go to jail for murder. Yes, she's a murderer. She is a murderer and should go to jail. So do you believe that if somebody goes out and shoots a whole crowd of gay and lesbian people, that person should not be executed? I do not believe that they should receive the death penalty, no, but I do believe that they're a criminal. How long should they go away for? As far as giving people a trial and due process. How long should they go away for for that? A couple of months? That's none of my business. I'm not running this country. I'm a preacher. I'm telling you what the Bible says. You know how homosexuals go to church, it's because they probably just can get some access to children. That's probably why they even go to church. Oh, that's why they go to church. That's why. Have you seen a lot of this? I believe that's why they go to church. Have you seen a lot of this? Oh, yeah, I've seen homosexuals infiltrate church and molest kids in Sunday school. Do you know I'm gay? They're molesting phoenix almost every day. You know, I'm gay. They're molesting little boys. I'm gay and I don't molest any children. What do you think? Well, I say you're lying. Yeah, you think I must be molesting children, right? Exactly. Do you pray that I'll die tonight? If you're a homosexual, I hope you get brain cancer like Ted Kennedy. Well, I want to thank you, Steven Anderson. And I want to tell you, I don't wish you any harm. I really don't. Even though some people took pleasure on you getting tased by the Border Patrol, I don't take pleasure on that, because I really do uphold human values, okay? And they are what many people call actual Christian values, not what you espouse. I want to thank you for coming on the program, too.