(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you're listening to the tom hartman program hey there america how are you and the world i'm leslie marshall sitting in for tom hartman again i am so glad to be apart of uh... your world today and i hope that you'll be joining us as well uh... actually very anxious uh... as a woman a very progressive woman in the year two thousand fourteen to speak to uh... our guest today who i think many of you uh... if you know him or his name uh... will probably assume that he and i will vehemently agree especially on this issue in that a disagree excuse me on this issue and that is true uh... joining us uh... now on the tom hartman show with me leslie marshall is arizona pastor steven anderson he is pastor of the faithful word baptist church in tempe arizona uh... pastor anderson thank you for joining us good afternoon oh yes yes i have to do that on this show see on my on my show i'm spoiled on my show might my guys do that for me sorry let's do that once again pastor anderson thank you for joining us here in the tom hartman show on was lee marshall sitting in for him this afternoon welcome uh... now let let me get the straight let me retreat you and our listeners and viewers uh... that you have said you've warrant your congregation recently that birth control was not only turning women into whores it was also destroying the country i'm going to give you a few minutes to to speak your peace on this because i know even jesus had his words taken out of instill taken out of context uh... but i have some questions for you on this so that's a go ahead try try and help us on myself understand uh... you're thinking on this so well first of all you know my philosophy on birth control comes from the bible and all the way from the old testament through the new testament the bible makes it clear that god wants us to have children children are a blessing from god we're supposed to be fruitful multiply and in the new testament for example at the first timothy five fourteen i will therefore at the younger women mary their children guide the house did not occasion to the adversary to speak approach fully for some are already turned aside after satan you know the bible constantly felt women that they should get married have children children are blessing there was one guy in the bible in fact in genesis thirty-eight who used birth control basically by pulling out and got killed him that just shows you know how got killed about the subject and regard to what it's doing to women and what it's doing to our country is that date this uh... the culture that we have that considers birth control acceptable and the fact that is widely available even christians you know ninety nine percent of christians are probably using it well that just lead to more promiscuity because of the fact that when we're teaching children in school for example at a young age about birth control it's almost like you're just giving them a green light to go out and and have facts and do all that stuff because you know birth control is there to help them avoid the consequences of their actions okay i have a few hours i want to say to you pat pastor anderson and some questions for you okay uh... as a woman in two thousand and fourteen strike and even express how strongly disagree with you and let let me share with you a few things uh... first of all i i i feel i feel it it's pretty it's pretty ignorant to assume that if people don't have birth control that they won't have sex and i think it's also ignorant to assume that if somebody gets pregnant they're already already gonna have a baby so one could argue that birth control actually reduces the number of abortions which the bible also speaks to well i'm absolutely not a feeling that people are going to have back or controlled not available but it's just a simple fact that if birth control is available they're going to be more comfortable going out and having back then if they had been helping about that in the back of their mind is a possible result now let me ask you this do you think that do you know that men use birth control condoms for example okay so why are the women uh... victimized verbally uh... by you in in using the turns terms horrid of the last time i checked when i have sex with my husband it's the two of us it's a man and a woman having uh... sex in a heterosexual relationship so how come the man is not a whore if he uses birth control the woman is the woman alone having sex with her in her birth control by herself is she putting a condom on her vibrator that cannot impregnate her i'm a bit confused on that no i haven't touched uh... i haven't touched the uh... the board at all i haven't uh... i put him on hold i don't know how to touch it that's interesting i didn't mean to put you on hold there if you could please answer what what about men and how come how come you're how come your uh... you're you're uh... you're you're taking a a massive paintbrush and sweeping this massive generalization that women or whores using birth control but you say nothing about the men many men use birth control in a but you say nothing about the men many men use birth control in a relationship it again that's my current being taken out of context because i never said that people you've got control of warden you said that birth control was turning women into more as we did you not control leads to more women having sex before they're married that passing understand this is a sermon that was posted online are you saying that online when you said that birth control is quote turning women into whores are you saying that your sermon posted online uh... this week uh... that you that you gave it faithful word baptist church are you saying that those written words are not your words okay are you not listening to me because i just said that birth control leads women to have sex before they're married and that women who have sex before they're married are whores i never said that women who use birth control are whores but you never address the fact if you believe that if women having if women having you know having access to birth control why am i on the show if you don't want to hear but i do want to hear but i'm a nice i'm going to ask you questions i'm going to ask you questions that's what we do we talk radio answer the question well the question is if if birth control for a woman leads her to have sex and therefore can uh... turn her quote into a whore how come birth control for a man doesn't lead him to have sex and turn him into and it makes him a whore monger as i said but the word whore is a female term the bible uses the term whore monger and if you would get my sermon in context i also preach against men that are promiscuous and call them whore mongers it's just a different word but that's just not in the soundbite that you have available apparently uh... well actually i haven't played a soundbite but that's why i asked you i asked you when i presented it to you and i gave you that opportunity in the beginning that are more geared toward men some sermons are geared more toward women some sermons are geared toward men but i preach against both equally i mean they're both just as wrong okay another thing i wanted to ask you another thing i wanted to ask you is is it true that you said this was also destroying the country yes it is it leads to a decay of morality in our country and it leads to promiscuity do you think that terrorism or crime in general are immoral yes they are okay do you know that every fourteen seconds a woman is beaten and i'm kind of wondering why a man of god wouldn't care more about the more than five hundred thousand children on the blue books who haven't been adopted and have no homes the fourteen seconds every uh... every fourteen seconds a woman is beaten uh... the nine out of ten women that don't report their rape is not supported they feel by law enforcement or their community the kidnapping the rate the child molestation aren't these sins if you will pastor more uh... it disgusting in in much more destruction to our nation than birth control that really irrelevant comment because what in the world do any of the things have to do with what we're talking about i could live a lot of bad then too what do they have to do it we're talking about you said that this is just going our country and i'm asking is crying terrorism and the crimes i i mentioned are those destroying our country of course often is destroying our country i preach against all thing i don't only preach against this is just one sermon out of hundred and fifty-six that i deliver every year and uh... and are you with us absolutely not every but the bible says for all of sin and come short of the glory of god every bible also says judge not lest ye be judged past the bible also says those of you without sin cast the first stone and that is my problem as a former christian but thank you for being with us today uh... arizona pastor steven anderson we thank you for explaining your words here on the tom hartman show uh... that is pastor uh... from the faithful word baptist church intent the arizona