(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) One man who does believe a woman's place is in the home is Pastor Stephen Anderson from the Baptist Church of Arizona. And before I go to him, I want to ask you a simple question. I want you to text in your answer to 53544. Do you think it's better for children and for a family that a woman stays at home? Here's a question from the past, isn't it? Because one in four people believe it's true. Women, should I say, believe it's true, according to a survey. So do you believe it's true? So text 53544. That's 53544. Do you think it's better for the children and for the family if a woman stays at home? Does all the obvious. Just text yes or no. 53544 is a woman's place in the home. Have women forgot that they're actually women? Let me see. We've got to go first of all if we can on Classic Kids 4FM to Pastor Stephen Anderson from Arizona in Texas. Good evening to you. Stephen, hi. Good evening. Thanks for having me. No problem at all. You're welcome. Okay, Stephen, this is a very, some people would think it's a kind of antiquated way of thinking that a woman's place is in the home, almost chained to the kitchen sink. But you kind of do agree to some sense of the word. Why do you believe that? Well, I frankly believe it just through the Bible. And a lot of people think that biblical concepts are antiquated and outdated. But as a Christian, as a Baptist pastor, I stand on the Bible and the Bible hasn't changed in thousands of years. And it clearly spells out that a woman's place is in the home. So that's where I believe. Okay, well the Bible obviously hasn't changed, but people have changed and our perceptions of life have changed and the way we think has changed. I mean, you know, let's not go back too far and we go back 2,000 years. Obviously, culturally, we were very, very different to the way we behave and the way we live now. We have modern conveniences. We have better homes. You know, employment laws and employment rules allow women, of course, nowadays to have careers where they didn't before. You know, I mean, things have changed. So many people would say, well, those kind of views are antiquated. Well, things change, but the Bible says there's nothing new under the sun. And, you know, people are people. And the principles of the Bible are the same today as they were back then. But let me just give you a couple of Bible verses that I'm basing what I believe on. Here's one of them from Titus 2, 4. The Bible says that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. So the Bible's a timeless book. God didn't make the Bible just for that one generation. You know, the Bible is for all generations and it clearly tells us that women should be keepers at home. Steve, are you married? The obvious question. Are you married? Oh, yeah, I'm married. I have six children and my seventh is on the way. Oh, gosh, you're a busy man. Okay, so are you working, by the way? Do you work during the day as well as being a pastor? Do you work during the day? Yes, I do. I work a part-time job in addition to being a pastor. Okay, and your wife now, when she gets up in the morning, does she get the kids ready? She makes the breakfast, you go off, she kisses you goodbye at the front door. It almost kind of sounds like the Stepford wives. Well, you know, that's exactly what she does. She runs the house, she cooks meals. And, you know, it's really a great lifestyle because, you know, I basically... Well, but it's good for everybody. I mean, why would a woman want to have to, you know, go clock in at a job somewhere when she can do something that's much more meaningful, raising children. And, you know, my wife enjoys her job cooking and cleaning and taking care of the children, homeschooling. I mean, that's a great lifestyle. And, in fact, I've known many people who were not even Christians who considered it a luxury to have their wife stay at home. Well, certainly in the financial situation most countries find themselves in, nowadays it is a luxury if your wife can afford to stay at home. Yeah, but, I mean, many people say, well, look, you know, we don't have the luxury of that. Particularly, say, in Ireland, we're in the middle of a recession. Many families, you know, we're small families nowadays, two children, and the husband and wife are boatworking to afford the mortgage. You know, and many women also say, well, look, I want a career too. You know, this is a bit selfish of a man to turn around and say my place is in the home. Well, you know, sadly that is the financial situation where a lot of times it takes two incomes to make it these days. And let me tell you something, I didn't start out with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I'm an electrician by trade. And, you know, I've had to do the work of two people in many cases. I've had to work two jobs to make ends meet. But, to me, it's more important to have my wife stay at home that I would rather work two jobs myself than to send her to work. Because somebody's got to be there to raise the children. The Bible says that a child left to himself will cause his mother shame. And, you know, you've got children today that are being neglected by their parents because both parents are working, dropping them off somewhere. That's not the same upbringing as a loving mother. So do you believe then that if two parents are working and dropping the children off to childcare, picking them up at seven o'clock at night and basically just tucking them into bed, really, when they get home, that you believe that's kind of neglect in some way? Yeah, it's definitely neglect. You know, and the Bible gives a lot of advice on how to raise children. And, you know, one of the things that the Bible teaches is spanking your children. You know, they're not spanking them down at daycare. Obviously, it's a totally different educational philosophy that's going on down at daycare. And, to me, it's almost like communistic philosophy where, you know, we all chop our kids off. Do you spank your kids? Absolutely. A man should spank our children. And where in the Bible does it say that you should spank your kids? Well, it says it in many places. One place is in the book of Proverbs. It says, he that spareth his rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. And the Bible says that thou shalt beat him with the rod and shalt deliver his soul from hell. Doesn't it also say in the Bible, too, that you're allowed to have a slave from another country? It mentions that in the Bible somewhere. No, that's not exactly what it says. It talks about, the thing that it says that's similar to that is that in the Old Testament, the Bible talked about prisoners of war. Maybe that's what you're referring to, but that's the only thing. But the point I'm making, Stephen, is that sometimes, you know, it's obviously not meant to be taken literally, I mean, to the word. Because if you do start taking it literally, you can end up discriminating against people. You can end up doing the wrong thing sometimes. Because what was practical 2,000 years ago may not be practical in today's world, the way people think. Well, you can end up doing the wrong thing in your eyes, maybe, but I don't believe that taking the Bible literally is going to cause anybody to do the wrong thing. I think that everything the Bible says is right. So if someone says that, you know, well, you can't take that too literally, usually what they mean is, I don't like what it says, so I'm going to ignore it and do what I think is right. But personally, the Bible is my final authority. So if the Bible tells me to spank my children, I'm not going to try to rationalise that maybe I'm living in a different generation. I'm just going to obey God and do what the Bible says. And what about, you know, the modern thinking on that would be that you kind of talk to your children and ground them rather than, you know, put them on a naughty step, put them in their room. Right, non-sentence. Try talking to a two or three year old, you know, that's rubbish. Stephen, you wouldn't spank a two year old, would you? Absolutely I would. No question about it, because if you don't, if you spank your children, they're going to grow up and... And hate you. That's not true. I love my parents. My parents spanked me and I love them. Yeah, but they'll grow up thinking there's something OK about physical violence. No, because I grew up, I was spanked my whole life growing up and I love my parents and I've never committed violence against anybody. I've never harmed anybody. I'm 30 years old and I've never assaulted anyone or harmed anyone and I love my parents. OK, but by the very nature of what you do... Who did I assault? You're assaulting your children if you're spanking them. No, I'm spanking my children. The Bible says if you don't spank your children, you hate your children. So I'm going to go with that. OK, this woman has caused a bit of a controversy in the UK, Samantha Brick, because she has said, and she's a prominent journalist in the UK, she said her husband sets her a £250 allowance each month for wardrobe and I ask for permission before I book my hair. I get his opinion on everything, which I adhere to, and he prefers that I wear classic lady-like attire and insist that I tip the scales at no more than 10 stone. That's £140, I think, in your terms. My day is organised around my husband. Isn't that what all wives should do? And she goes on to talk about not having a headache when he's looking for sex, etc., etc. She's a wife that basically she knows her place is in the home. Would you agree with all that? Everything on that list I would agree with except for the part about the weight. I wouldn't set a weight for my wife because I think that's kind of arbitrary. That seems ridiculous to tell your wife that she has to weigh under £140. And I love the way my wife looks, but she's had six children. I'm not going to try to set some kind of an arbitrary weight pattern for her. But as far as everything else on the list, I believe in all that. I do think that women should be obedient to their husbands. So basically you believe women should be obedient to their husbands? Absolutely. That's what the Bible says. One commentator today on Samantha Briggs' article said that Samantha's husband should be looking for a slave and not a wife. Because that's exactly the way she's behaving, like a slave. Well, that just sounds like a bunch of feminist propaganda. My wife doesn't seem like a slave. I think a woman's a slave when she has to go clock in and have a boss tell her what to do all day. I mean, basically the choices are simple for women. They can either have their husband tell them what to do or they can go to work and they're going to have a boss who tells them what to do. But at least the boss is actually paying them. There's a difference. Which is a job. That's part of a career. Yeah, but I give my wife everything she wants. Isn't that payment? Think about this. Women who go to work, they have to put on a uniform, put on a name tag, put on a hairnet and be under CCTV cameras. I don't have a camera on my wife. I don't make her wear a uniform. I don't make her clock in and clock out. She has more freedom. I'm off at work all day and she's got more freedom than she would if she went and clocked in as a job. They'd be handing her policies. Okay, but you're making her obedient to you. Hold on for a second. The number of finding women to give you a quick call is 1850 410 494. That's 1850 410 494 or indeed Texas right now if you like it. 53544 and I'm talking to Pastor Steven Anderson who believes that a woman's place is in the home. And this is in relation to Samantha Brick's article which is in The Independent today. I'm just going to take one or two callers if I can, Pastor. I want you to stay with us. We're going to go to Mary. You're live in Classic Hits 4FM. You're in Cork. Hi, how are you doing? How are you doing, Mary? Do you believe a woman's place is in the home? That pastor now would want to snap out of it because I can tell you there's no woman in this day and age going to listen to anything. I'm not at home at the moment. I'm at work. My husband is at home. I'm at work. I'm out driving a taxi. I'm not in no uniform. That was my choice to go out to work. If my husband said to me, you're not going to work, I would be up and out the door and going to work. And this Bible thing, sorry about that now, Pastor, but not everybody should go by the Bible. You are assaulting your children at two years of age. I have two teenagers. One, sorry, I have an adult. She's nearly 19 in October. And I have a son that's nearly 17. Never ever assaulted my children ever. And I have no problems with them. Thank God. And you are going by the Bible. So what the pastor is saying, I'm sure he can correct me because he's still there. I'm sure he can correct me, is that, you know, it shouldn't be you that should be at work and it should be your husband. You're the one. You should be at home. Well, you see, times have changed, you know, like the women, like women have always been at home looking after the kids. Like I have a husband at home that is very, very good. He is do most of the homework. And he has no shame in saying that. And I have none either. Because at this day and age, not everybody can get a job. Lucky enough, I'm able to get one. Well, OK, well, hold on. Let me ask the pastor that. Stephen, I mean, there's a situation where there's many women or career women who are out working and the husbands are actually at home. Is that OK? Is that acceptable? Because it's kind of reverse roles, really, isn't it? No. Yeah, it's absolutely not acceptable, you know, because the Bible is really clear that men need to lead. And the Bible says if a man provide not for his own, even for those of his own house, he's denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. You know, the Bible commands men to provide for their family and for women to be keepers at home. We can't just reverse the roles whenever we want. So Mary is an infidel. Well, here's the thing. She's clearly an infidel because she's rejecting the Bible. So she doesn't believe the Bible. If she believed the Bible, she'd be acknowledging the fact that God wants women to be home. Well, there you go. She just admitted that she doesn't believe the Bible. Yeah, you're both infidels. Otherwise, see, the whole point is, Stephen, the way she looks at it is if she doesn't go out and drive, they're both out of work. She goes, gets her taxi, drives out, makes a few quid for the family. I mean, if she didn't do that, they'd starve. Well, that's not true. He could go out and get a job. Well, it's all right for you. You're a pastor in the United States. I have watched many a program where pastors are over there and they're living in 10 bedroom houses. That's all right for you over there. Unless I become a pastor and go up and teach above in the community center and full allergy, be fair about it. I will get well paid as well if I was a pastor like you. You can go out, read your Bible. I'm out here making a few pounds. You stick to your job and I'll stick to mine. Well, here's the thing. I don't earn my living as a pastor. I earn my living as an electrician, which I've done for over a decade. And, you know, the bottom line is that the Bible's right and everybody else is wrong. And so when it comes to this thing of, well, the husband can't get a job. Well, if God, if he would obey the Bible, then God would bless him and God would help him get a job. So it's tough over here, too. I mean, we're in recession as well. You know, it's probably not as bad as it is over there. I don't really know. Well, I think it's worldwide. It's pretty much the same. Somebody just texts in and says, Niall, why don't you tell them what you really think? Well, I will very, very shortly. Okay, hold on a second. I've got to get Sinead on. Sinead, you're in Kildare. You're live in Classic Hits 4FN. You want to talk to the pastor? Yeah, well, I think it's all bullshit. You think the whole lot's bullshit? Yeah. What part in particular? Do you want to be more specific? That women have to stay at home. No, we don't. This is the 21st century sunshine. Get your ass out of the fucking past from years ago. Get living with the 21st century and let women live. I live at home. I work. But he's not the only one. But hold on. In fairness, Samantha, he's not the only one that feels that way. Samantha Brick, who we would imagine is a 21st century woman. Well, she needs to have fucking seen her. So she does. She needs to have seen to believe women have to be at home. How about she? Well, isn't it every woman's choice? If that's her choice to do that. No, she's basically being a fucking slave to some sad bastard that tells her how to live. Okay, can you tell the language just a little bit if you can, Samantha? Yeah, well, he is... Oh, she knows it. Sorry, she knows it. Oh, sorry. Well, he is anyway. That's all he is. He's a sad, selfish little snot that has to tell her what she's the way I've watched her and all that. I'll tell you a funny man. I don't care who he is. I haven't had him in eight thousand nine times. I've slapped him. One nice wife. Okay, well, I don't know. But, pastor, do you actually tell your wife what she can and can't wear? For example, if you believed or if your wife was wearing something you construed to be revealing too much, would you say it to her? Oh, absolutely. Now, you know, my wife has enough sense to dress properly on her own. If she tried to wear a pair of pants or if she tried to wear a short skirt or something like that, I would tell her that she can't. And I would lay down the law because, you know, I don't allow my wife to dress like a man or to dress like a hoochie mama or to dress, you know, like a prostitute. And so I would tell her that she could dress like a lady. Sorry, Sinead? I'll have you enough sunshine. Not all women dress like that. I don't dress like that. Yeah, well, if you don't dress like that, what are you worried about? Oh, I've got one thing. I'm just saying, if she's old enough to be married to him, then she's old enough to be allowed to dress what she wants to wear. Why does she have to listen to him? Well, she does wear what she wants to wear. I don't tell her what to wear because she's smart enough to dress the right way. But if she tried to wear something that I consider too revealing, then I'd tell her no. No, hang on, you just basically said there now, you're just after hanging yourself big time past her. You just basically said you don't tell her what she's to wear, right? She can wear whatever she wants. But you just said that she can't go around and dress like a hoochie mama or anything like that. No, I did not. No, no, no, I think what he said, okay, Sinead, what he said was that she's clever enough to understand what she, basically her own boundaries and what he believes is right. She wants to wear what she wants. Exactly, exactly. And that's not right. But you basically tell her not that she still can wear certain things. So therefore, sunshine, you just hang yourself. You actually tell her what she can and can't wear. Hey, I'll admit to you, Sinead, Sinead, I'll admit to you right now, if it becomes necessary, I will tell my wife what she can and cannot wear. I'm not going to make any bullshit with that, that I have rules for what my wife wears, and my daughters also. Yeah, do you know what, Pastor? I give anything, and believe you and me, I give anything to be dead to death. She turns around and slaps you in the face and says, go fuck yourself. And sorry for the language, Niall, I would. And your daughters, too. I give anything to be dead. But the whole point is, Sinead, Sinead, hold on, think about it, the whole point is, that's his culture, that's the way he believes, that's what he believes is right, and they respect what he believes. Yeah, but no, his wife might, but his kids won't go up thinking like that. Have you ever spanked your kids? Sinead, have you got kids? No. Okay, you haven't got kids, alright, okay, so you wouldn't understand. And I don't believe in hitting kids either. Well, you know, people, people... It's against the law. Well, it's not actually against the law to spank your kids, it's against the law to assault your children. Still the same thing. You know, the principles that I'm, the principles that I live by, and the ones that I'm speaking from the Bible, they aren't new, they've been around for thousands of years, and for thousands of years, people have been living by these principles, and so everybody's acting like kids are going to turn out bad if they get spanked, well kids have been getting spanked for the last few thousand years, okay? You know what, I didn't mean to shoot past, alright, my ma hit me, I didn't run out bad, I don't go out robbing shops or houses, I don't go out molesting people or anything like that. Yeah, but hold on, but then Sinead, but then Sinead, you're proving your own point, you said your mother did hit you, or slapped you basically, spanked you. Yeah, but I did stop my desire to stop after this. Okay, you said you don't go around robbing anymore, or you don't do anything, so obviously you learned your lesson, did you? Huh? You obviously learned a lesson then from it, did you? Yeah, but I never did it in the first place, no, there's no going to hit his kids and do it. Okay, well hold on a second, I got to go, I want you to stay there, I want to go to Joe, you're in Cork, Joe, you're live in Classic Kids 4FM, by the way, if anyone wants to call in, you can, 185410494, or text 53544, it's a woman's place in the home, Joe. Hi Neil, how you doing? How you doing? Pastor. Okay. Woman's place? Yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, woman's place in the home, I don't know, it depends on the situation, I can't really believe that a woman's place is in the home, you know, circumstances change and, you know, a woman could be the breadwinner. I'm not sure, we're past Pastor Anderson, it's Pastor Anderson, isn't it? It is indeed, yeah. Yeah, Pastor Anderson, I'm not sure Pastor Anderson is coming from the... Well, he's coming from the Bible of what he believes is the right thing to do, the teachings of the Bible, that's where he's coming from. Well, the teachings of the Bible, I've heard his opinions there, and just get it straight, I'm heathen, or an infidel, as he likes to call it, because I don't live by the Bible, I don't believe in the Bible, and I don't think the Bible is irrelevant anymore to our life, you know, or to my life, anyway, you know, and, you know, going by a book, or a selection of books or writings that were, that spanned from the Iron Age up until the time of, you know, the time of the fall of the Roman Empire, it was relevant in Denver, it's not relevant anymore, we have evolved, we've gotten, you know, you've got to be more civilised than that. But is there a problem with it, Joe, if that's the way, you know, he wants to live his life, no, I know he's preaching to other people in relation to that, but if that's the way he wants to live his life, and his family are happy to be, and his wife is happy to be obedient to him, is that a problem? There's an old St. Paul's of a federal, I'm sure his wife is probably a lady of faith, and they follow their Christian doctrine, and I don't think, you know, I mean, the relationship, they would never have come together unless they had a common belief, you know, I mean, that's okay. Would you feel a lot of sympathy for his wife? We're living in an age where she can, you know what I mean, where she can make her own decisions, but what I do feel sympathy for is his kids, you know, this idea of, you know, spare the rod and spoil the child, that's absolutely ridiculous. There are other ways of disciplining and of bringing up kids, you don't have to beat them, you beat a dog but not a kid, you know. Okay, so Pastor Stephen Anderson, do you believe that your children are being brainwashed? Absolutely not, because if I dropped them off down at the public school, the government school, that's where they'd be brainwashed. How are they brainwashed, Pastor? Because, I'm sorry, what was that? I said, Adrian, in what respect are your children being brainwashed, in the public school? Oh, well, my children are not being brainwashed, but if I did send them to the public school, they'd be brainwashed, they'd get all this training that homosexuality is okay, and they'd get all this training that illicit sex is okay, and that the body is alive, and then we'd evolve from monkeys and stuff like that. Yeah, okay, so you're telling me that you're homeschooling your kids, yeah? Absolutely. You're homeschooling your kids? Yes, sir, yes. So what you are doing, in effect, is kind of hiding them from the reality of life. Hiding them from the reality of life. No, no, so basically, are you saying that I have to drop them off at a government institution for eight hours a day, or I'm hiding them from life? Well, you know, you're hiding them from the reality of life. You are, you are actually hiding them. Well, what are you protecting them from, Pastor? I'm protecting them from our evil, from the evil government, our evil United States government that wants to brainwash them. Am I right in saying, by the way, I just want to clarify this, and I remember reading it somewhere, that you prayed at one stage for Obama to get a brain tumor and die of cancer. Yes, I did, because he's an evil person, and our government right now is an evil force in the world. Why is he an evil person, Pastor? Well, how about the fact that our troops are killing innocent people over in Afghanistan and Iraq with drones, we're killing pregnant women and babies, and we're invading countries that we have no business in. Angela, Angela, you're live on Classic Hits 4FM. Do you agree with the pastor, Steven Anderson, that a woman's place is basically in the home? Hi, you know. How are you doing, Angela, what do you want to say? Well, first, good evening, Pastor. Can he hear me? Yes, he can, he can hear you. Yes, sir, yes. Yes, sir, no, Angela, lady. Lady, yeah, sorry, go ahead. Oh, yes, ma'am, sorry. Okay, I'm a Christian, I'm Catholic, outside of my religion, yes, according to you, I became an unmarried mother in 1983 in a country that was, well, not too good about things like that, but anyway, here we are, 2012. Firstly, I've just heard that last man that called, I don't know what his name was, Joe. Joe. Joe. He said something that has actually shocked me, but firstly, actually, like I said to the researcher, I've just come back into my garden, I'm nursing a leg that's broken, two years and seven months, I've been painting sheds, painting fences, I'm ironing now like a good, a good little lady that I should be. Yep. I cook, I clean. Yeah. When my son was born, I was an unmarried mother, I worked, I was a homemaker, I was all of those things. Now, did this man, or did he wish those horrible thoughts on President Obama, I've just heard, a few minutes ago? He did, yes. Okay. And he's- What he said was that he wished Obama had got a tumour and died of cancer. Okay, and he's quoting the Bible. That's, I don't believe it says that anywhere in the Bible. No, no, no, he's quoting the Bible about his beliefs. Oh yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. All along, he's quoting the Bible. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well, straight away, which of the Ten Commandments does he not understand? Well, you could ask him, he's- Well, I guess you can tell me which one I don't understand. Which of the Ten Commandments do you not understand? Well, I understand all ten of them, which one is it that you think I don't understand? Which one is it that you think I don't understand? You don't. Which one am I mixed up on? Oh, what about love thy neighbour, as thyself? Exactly. Yeah, and where's the quote in the Bible also? You know the one, Myles, that says, treat people, other people- Well, Toby asked me for quotes in the Bible. No, I'm not quoting either, you know what I mean? Treat others as you would like- As you would wish to be treated yourself. Yeah. So, let's come back on that one. Now, I didn't actually know that this pastor had made those statements about President Obama, those wishes. Mm-hmm. So, let's not even discuss any further about what he feels a place for a woman is, and if he likes to treat his wife the way he does, fine, by me. But she's happy to be treated like that, aren't you? Yeah, that's okay, that's okay. But I imagine, and I don't want to take words in the pastor's mouth, but I imagine his level of thinking would be that you're a habitual sinner anyway because you're a single mum. Oh, yeah. Would I be right in thinking that? And now, listen- No, no, no, let me let him answer that, because would I be right in thinking that, Pastor Stephen Anderson, that she's a habitual sinner? Well, I hope that she's not a habitual sinner, but obviously when she did that sending, I mean, the Bible's clear that you're supposed to be married before you hop in the sack. Mm-hmm. I mean, that's pretty clear in the Bible that you're supposed to be married. Yeah. But that doesn't mean that, you know, you haven't turned over a new leaf since then. I don't know you. No, I always believe in God and my God, and my God is always you taking care of me. Oh. So, there you go. Somebody's got me- Well, I don't believe in Roman Catholicism, but- Yeah. But then again, you obviously- You obviously don't love thy neighbor also. But, Angela, you know- Well, I do love my neighbor, but you see, here's the thing. If I were living in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, I wouldn't love Stalin. And if I were living in Nazi Germany, I wouldn't love Hitler. I don't think anybody, any rational person today would say that they love Hitler. Yeah, but in Virtus, even Hitler killed millions of Jews, whereas your president- Obama killed millions of- Yes, but he- How many people do you have to kill before I can hate you? Once you've murdered- How did Obama kill millions? Just because he oversees a country that has legalized abortion? He's murdering women and children in Afghanistan with drone attacks, and he's also using money to pay for abortions. That's murder. So, you don't have to murder a million people to be Hitler. You can murder 20 people and you're a bad person. Sorry, go ahead, Angela. Hello? Yeah. Can I ask you a question? Yes. Yeah, go ahead, Angela. Sure. Each night you go to bed, do you ever say a prayer for anybody except yourself? Of course I do, but I don't pray for God. Do you say a prayer for maybe, maybe, besides the people I would pray for or the people who've lost their lives through all of this, but do you say a prayer for maybe somebody like President Obama that you wish to have a tumor and die of cancer? Do you say a prayer for anybody else like that? Maybe because it sounds like your thoughts are very, very negative. I wouldn't like to hear it. Well, here's the thing. I pray that God will bless people that are good people. I don't pray for God to bless murderers, and the Bible commands us not to pray for wicked people that God would bless them. Okay, hang on a second. I want to go to- He's a mad murderer. Okay, Rachel, you're in Limerick. You're live in Classic Kids 4FM. Go ahead. I'd like to bring this to Pastor Stephen Anderson, who believes a woman's place is in a home. Do you agree with him? I do agree with him, believe it or not. You do agree with him? I do. I believe that a woman's job is to take care of her husband, her kids, her home. Now, but at the end of the day, I'm the boss of my family, though. My husband knows that. You're the boss? I'm the boss, but I still believe that I should take care of my husband. My house is cleaned. My husband is taken care of. I even bring him to the pub and collect him from the pub, and I make sure he has a hot dinner when he gets home from the pub. Okay. That's the way I was brought up, that a woman should be taking care of her husband, and that's her job at the end of the day. And what about women who have careers? Yeah, I used to work, and I still take care of my husband. I gave up work a year and a half ago because I wasn't spending enough time with my baby. Okay, but what about a woman who kind of doesn't agree with you and says, Well, hold on. No, I'm equal to my husband. I'm allowed to go out and have a career, and he should look after me to cook the dinner and have it ready for me when I come home. Every family is different. Take it easy. And that's fair enough, but the pastor is saying that's wrong. Basically, if you do that, and as he said to Mary, I think it was earlier on, who was a taxi driver, and her husband is at home looking after the kids, that she's an infidel. No, I don't believe in that side of it. My viewpoint is that all women should take care of their husbands, take care of their kids, take care of everything in the house, and their husbands should work and feed the providers. Let's take it to the extreme. Samantha Brick also mentioned today that women shouldn't be allowed to have headaches when it's convenient. We all know what she was talking about, okay? We do, yes. Okay, so technically speaking, when you're a wife, you're a cook, you're a cleaner, and you're also a prostitute. Well, my mother always said to me that the three ways to keep men happy would be a cleaner in the house, a cook in the kitchen. I can't remember if I can say the word. A whore in the bed. Okay, all right. We've heard that one before. I mean, obviously, I'm not saying that you're a prostitute or a whore, but do you agree with the sentiment in that, that if your husband says, I want sex, that you should be there to provide it for him? That's your job as his wife. You should be there to please him, and he pleases me, though. Pastor Stephen Anderson, when it comes down to sexual matters, has there ever been a situation where your wife has ever said to you, oh, look, you know, not tonight, Stephen, I'm not really in the mood? Well, here's the thing. I don't want to get all parental about my sex life, but here's the thing. But let me tell you this. The Bible is really clear, but actually, in this one case, it's actually two-way street. The Bible actually clearly commands in 1 Corinthians 7 that it is not right for my wife to tell me no in the bedroom, but that it is also not right for me to tell her no. So that is one area where, you know, if that's what I want to do, that's what we're going to do. But if she wants to do it, we're going to do it also. So that's a two-way street. It's in 1 Corinthians 7. Okay, so basically a woman really shouldn't say no. Or a man, a man shouldn't say no. No. Or a man shouldn't say no either. The Bible is real clear on that. In 1 Corinthians 7, it says that, you know, you're defrauding. It says defraud ye not one another, except it be with consent for a time that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer, and afterward come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. So the Bible says that, you know, men and women should not defraud each other of sex. Okay, so Rachel, you agree, well, obviously not with the Bible per se, literally, but you agree with the whole sentiment that a woman's place is at home to be obedient more or less to her husband, and do basically whatever he feels like, within reason, obviously. Well, to keep him happy, I think is the word I would use more than anything, yeah. I think once, like we're together 16 years, only in our mid-30s, and I think, that's my job. That's what we've always had a relationship with. It works for my family. It may not work for every family, but it works for our relationship. But you're a kind of Stepford wife, aren't you? Sorry? You're a kind of Stepford wife. Yeah, but I like that. Yeah. That's my idea. What would happen if you turned around and said you were going out some night, okay, and he said, oh God, I don't like that skirt you're wearing, it's a bit short, please go. I would not wear it, because I respect his opinion. At the end of the day, he's my husband, and if he said to me, that outfit's not right on you, you're showing too much chakas, as we call them, I'd change. If he didn't like my, like I dyed my hair a different colour because he says, oh, blonde is nicer on you, or darker would be nicer on you. But that's because I respect his opinion, not because I'm being controlled by him, but because I respect my opinion. Some people will say it's controlled. Oh yes, they would, yeah. But you're allowing him to control you in some ways. In some ways, yeah. But you're allowing him to pass his opinion on you, and you're conforming to what he wants. I respect his opinion, and when I do it, then it looks right. Oh, he's right, actually. Because I know he wouldn't let me go out of the house looking whatever. He would respect me to look respected. See, there's a lot of women now at home are listening to this. By the way, if you know what it is, it's called 185410494, or text 53544, and they're saying you're not doing any good for the cause here, girl. Oh yeah, I don't believe in feminism. I think I am a strong woman at the end of the day. I've been working all my life. I gave up work two years ago, believe it or not, and I still maintained everything I did before I gave up work. So it's not that... I think that's why a lot of racers go faulty, actually, because they don't do what the husbands want. They don't listen to the husbands. There's no respect for the husbands. At the end of the day, he's my husband. I should do what he wants, what pleases him, and if he doesn't like something, if I gain weight, he will tell you I've gained weight and I'll lose it, but that's because he loves me and I respect him, and it's too mistreat, I'll say it to him as well. And has he ever said to you, by the way, you're putting on a bit of weight there, do you want to... Oh yeah, he would say it to me, yeah, and I've had my boobs implants done a few years ago because they were quite flat and he didn't like them too flat, and I thought, okay, that's up for my husband. So you got surgery for your husbands? Yeah. To have your boobs done? Yeah. And I like them. No. So Pastor Steven Anderson, this is the perfect woman for you, really. But that's why a lot of racers say that. Well, no, because I don't want my wife getting surgery, and earlier she said she's the boss, you know. My wife's not the boss. That's the part I don't agree with. For a second, I almost thought there was a woman in Ireland who agreed with me almost there for a second, but then she said she was the boss. Yeah, but she's close enough to agree with you, you know what I mean? Somebody else says, look, I'm looking at the text coming in, now please tell that woman to get a life, for God's sake, she's a fool. I have a life. Well, she sounds like a very nice person. She sounds very nice, you know. That's because she's agreeing with you. Yeah, but she sounds like a nice person. She doesn't agree with me 100%, but she seems like a sensible person. Yeah, but the majority of people listening, and with respect to her, would think she's a fool, but because of her opinion. I think she sounds lovely. I think she sounds lovely. Let me say one thing. Let me say one thing. You know, it's funny how people think that when I quote the Bible, I'm being offensive, but here you are, you're using words like fool, prostitute, and stepford wife about good, decent wives. I mean, that's insulting. You're basically saying that my wife is a fool, a stepford wife, and a prostitute. I mean, that's insulting. Why is it insulting? That's offensive. But hold on a second. Many people would say that if she's... Live and let live. If she's being obedient to you, it's almost like she's a little lap dog. You know, and stepford wives, we all know what stepford wives are. These are the wives, of course, in these perfect, idyllic estates that do the cooking, and they're chained to the kitchen sink all day and look perfect just for their husbands. So that's the term that's used. So why is that an insult? Because that's exactly what your wife does, and that's exactly what you do, Rachel, for your husband. I mean, you look right for your husband to look perfect. What about fool? What about fool and prostitute? I'm just reading that the texts are coming in as that woman is a fool. But I don't mind being called a fool or a stepford wife, because at the end of the day, it works for our family. We've been together for so long, and it works for us. Yeah, but see, and also in relation to the word fool, I suppose, Pastor, some people would believe you're foolish for believing in the Bible so literally. Right. People will think that, but they're the ones that are going to go to hell, and I'm the one that's going to go to heaven, because the Bible says... No. ...whosoever... Yeah, but they wouldn't, Pastor, because if they don't believe... The Bible says, the Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. Yeah, but they won't... And people who don't believe are going to go to hell. But Pastor, they won't go to hell, because if they're calling you a fool for believing in the Bible, they obviously don't believe in the Bible, so they actually won't go to hell, because in their eyes, there is no hell. Oh, so if I believe that things don't exist, then they go away? Well... What if I close my eyes and believe that Ireland doesn't exist? Is it going to disappear? But there's a bit of a difference... You don't believe in it? There's a bit of a difference in Ireland and the Bible. Ireland is physically here. We've got proof of it, okay? The Bible is based on faith. The Bible is physically there. Okay, hold on... Have you ever seen a volcano erupt? Hell is there, my friend. Well, the scientists will give you the reasons for that as well. Okay, hold on for a second. I want you to stay with me, Rachel, if you can. Yeah, yeah, Graham. If anyone wants to give us a quick call, you can, 1850-410-494, or you can give us a text at 535-44. And the question I'm simply asking you tonight is a woman's place in the home. And ironically enough, Rachel from Limerick agrees that a woman's place is in the home to be obedient to her husband. Okay, I've got to go to... Obedient is a very strong word, actually, Niall. I shouldn't be using that. Michelle, you're in Dublin. You're live on Classic Kids 4FM. Good evening to you. Hi, Niall, how are you? How are you doing, Michelle? What do you want to say? I actually can't believe what I'm hearing. Rachel's fine if she wants to do what she does in her relationship. That's all right. But the pastor is taking out that everything is practically a sin. I'm a single mother, right? I only have a little fella. Yeah, you're a sinner. I'm a sinner. Tell me something I don't know. All I have is my little fella. But if he ever got the impression that women were just there to wave on him hand in foot, I would kick his backside and cork him back. That is ridiculous. It actually is. He's in the house with myself and my family. He watches three strong, independent women, which is myself, my sister and my mother. And he also watches my dad and my brother who do things for themselves. And don't wait for us to get up and put the pennies on and give them everything they snap their fingers to. Do you think obviously women have changed in the last 100 years? Life has changed. Culture has changed. The way we think changes. Women in the workplace has changed. What do you think of Rachel, for example? She agrees essentially with most of what the pastor was saying to her and basically is obedient to her husband. Do you think, yes, it's old school thinking as far as many people are concerned, but do you think there's anything wrong with it? There's nothing wrong with it. Every relationship is different. Yeah. There's no point in us trying to fight for our equal right when we have people like the pastor coming on and saying, it's frowned upon. If women go to work, they get told off. If women stay at home, they get told off. We can't win. We actually cannot win. Yeah, but how will you get told off if you stay at home? According to him, you won't. Well, nowadays in Ireland we do. Well, we're not making any money. Okay, but he would say to you, for example, are you working? I am not. I'm a stay-at-home mum. You're a stay-at-home mum? I am. Okay, but what he's saying is that working mums who are out there and putting their kids into care are neglecting their children. Would you agree with that? No, I wouldn't. I mean, I am going back to college when my son starts school and there are some days where I shall be late and there are some days where I am at home for him when he gets home. But other than that, when he starts school, I am in college. I am working. That's it. No argument. Mummy needs a life too. Okay, okay. I wanted to take one or two more calls. I don't want to keep the pastor waiting too much longer. Michelle, you're in Dublin. Go ahead. You're live in Classic Hits for FM. Sorry, not Michelle. Morris, is it? Yeah, Morris. How are you doing now? Yeah, how are you doing, Morris? What do you want to say? Not too bad. Yeah, I was just listening to the pastor there and basically being an Irish man and being an ex-army man. Good evening to you, pastor. Good evening. Yeah. I was just wondering about what your opinion was of all the brave American ladies who are serving in Afghanistan and Iraq and who are providing the pretty freedom that you live under. You know, would you condemn those women to the American Defence Forces? You know what? I think it's really funny that you think that people in Afghanistan and Iraq are defending my freedom right now because they're not defending my freedom and I don't really care less what happens in Afghanistan and Iraq. That's on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with us. That's the American empire for gold and oil and opium and everything else. That has nothing to do with defending our freedom. Our freedom is just fine in America. Basically. And those women need to go home and stay home and do what they're supposed to do as wives and mothers and they shouldn't be out there as troops. And nobody in Afghanistan is defending my freedom, I'll tell you right now. They're fighting for the empire. That's all they're doing. No, basically. They're not even fighting for America. They're fighting for NATO. They're fighting for the United Nations and NATO. It's not even for our country. Well, basically when... Probably Irish troops there as well. Well, maybe no. Well, the Irish troops have a great record of peacekeeping in the Lebanon. But what I'd say to you is, when terrorism came to America on 9-11, the amount of women that volunteered to go and fight for their country and their freedom against Al Qaeda. So I find it very ironic that somebody like yourself wouldn't take up a gun and go and fight for freedom as you believe in in America. Well, no, I'm not going to fight against a false boogeyman because guess what? Al Qaeda was invented by the CIA. The CIA is the one who started... Look up the history of Al Qaeda. The United States CIA started Al Qaeda to fight against the Soviets and funded Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset and 9-11 was an inside job that was carried out by our own government as a pre-K... Okay, but now Steven, you're living off conspiracy theories. Have you ever seen Building 7? I challenge anyone who's listening to this radio program to go on YouTube and watch Building 7 collapse. Okay, I challenge anybody. I also challenge anybody who's living on this radio program to go to a website. Elvis is still alive. Exactly. Well, you know, that's baloney, but go look at Building 7 collapse and tell me that Building 7 collapsing is normal. This is in relation to what they said was it was a planned demolition, you're saying? Yeah. On 9-11, everybody thinks that two buildings fell. There were three buildings that fell on 9-11. One of them was not even hit by a plane. It's called Building 7. Look it up. It didn't even get hit by a plane and a giant skyscraper collapsed for no reason. Okay, but the American government will have us believe that the reason that was taken down was because of the damage that was done to the building by the collapse of the other two. Exactly. Yeah, well that's what they want us to believe so that the military industrial complex can go make billions of dollars over in the Middle East. Yeah, you're listening to the landlord, Mr. Silverstein, who used the term, they pulled the building. Okay, sorry, I don't want to move away from that. That's an incomplete thing also. Yeah, sorry, go ahead. One of the things I heard Pastor Stephen say was when one of the ladies was speaking and she said, yeah, except he didn't agree with her being the boss, and one of the comments he made was live and let live, right? Yeah. But still he wished ill health on a man called Mr. President Obama, and no Christian would do that to any other human being. You would not wish ill health on anybody regardless of what you think of them or what they do because God said treat your brother or your sister like you would like to be treated yourself. So to wish ill health or ill will on somebody, that's not Christian and that's not in the gospel. Okay, do you want to answer that, Pastor Stephen Anderson? Well, yeah, you can say over and over again that it's not in the Bible, but that doesn't make it true. In Psalms, David prayed over and over again for wicked, evil people to die and for them to have poor health and to be killed. So, you know, I don't know what Bible you're reading. You think it's okay, then, to wish ill health on President Obama and wish he had a tumor and died? Upon mass murderers? Well, in your opinion, he's a mass murderer. Does he have actual blood on his hands? Does he actually have blood on his hands, Stephen? No, he doesn't. Well, you know what? Do you know who Charles Manson is? I do indeed. He's a mass murderer, yeah. Charles Manson never killed anyone. He told other people to do the killing, so he didn't have any physical blood on his hands, but you and I both know that he's a murderer. He's a serial killer. Charles Manson was given a death sentence for telling other people to kill, and he didn't do the actual killing. Charles Manson, just like the Waco killings, Charles Manson was part of a cult as well. Exactly. Well, Obama killed more people than Charles Manson. Yeah, but Charles Manson was part of a cult. He made people believe something that wasn't true. Well, there's a cult that worships Obama. There's a cult that worships Obama. He's the president of your country. What he's doing is legitimate. What Charles Manson was doing wasn't legitimate. He wasn't even born in this country. He's not even a legitimate president. He was born in Kenya. Hey, Pastor Stevens, can I ask you a question? If one of your children grows up within your church and within your beliefs and turns around and says, I want to join the army, I want to serve my country, what would you say to that child? Well, I would recommend that they not do it, but it's their freedom to do it. If they want to do it, they can do it. But I wouldn't want them to serve with a bunch of homosexuals and serve Obama and serve the empire and serve the New World Order. I would tell them not to do it. But if they choose to do it, it's their choice. I'm not trying to control other people. I'm just preaching the truth. Okay, hold on a second. I want to go to, I think I've got to go to Thomas. You're in Cork. Is it Thomas next? Thomas, you're live in Classic Hits 4FM. Good evening to you. Good evening, how are you doing? How are you doing, Thomas? What do you want to say? Oh, it was your wife that was on earlier who was the taxi driver. Oh, okay. This asshole called an infidel. Yeah, yeah, but you're an infidel too. Both infidels. The funny thing about it is I didn't go on a radio show tonight and preach my religion to anybody and call anybody them. It's necessary for you, isn't it? But yes, my wife decided to go in and make a comment and she was called names by an outsider of our country. But I don't even know what he's doing here. And he's in our country preaching to us. Well, he's not in our country. He's entitled to them, but don't ram him down my throat or my wife's throat. But basically what he's saying is that a woman's place is in the home. That he was saying that your wife shouldn't be out working. It should be you that's out working. He said the woman's place is in the home and it's out working and it's out in socializing. It's out called living, having a life, called having a brain and using it. Okay, well maybe you want to answer that. Stephen, do you want to apologize to this man for calling his wife an infidel? No, he'd be choosing his wife. I never called him an infidel. The Bible called him an infidel. He can't answer. He'd hide behind the Bible. Here's what the Bible says. The Bible says that a man who will not provide for his family is worse than an infidel. So I didn't call him an infidel. I said he was worse than an infidel. That's what the Bible says. The Bible says that a man's responsibility is to provide for his family. And if he's sitting on his rear end while his wife is providing, that is wrong. And I'm going to preach the truth about it. And I'll also say this. You know, I'm one-fourth Irish and I'm just thanking God right now. I just thank God that my ancestors came to the United States a hundred years ago. Your wife is at home and you're out working. Your wife is at home and you're out working. She's sitting on her rear end and she's not doing anything. No, she looks after the home. That's what he said. If my wife is out working, would I not be sitting at home? Well, no, because it's not a man's job to take care of the house. That's a woman's job. Maybe I'm a homosexual and maybe she should stand with me for the sake of it. How do we know? You're reading into things that you don't even know. You're assuming that my wife is out working because I'm staying at home. Well, that's what she told us. She told us she's at work and you're at home. She told us she's working and you're at home. He's assuming the reason that she's out working. That's the point I'm making. No, that's what she said. She said you can't get a job. She said my husband can't get a job so I have to work. That's what she said. We're not assuming anything. What she would have said or would have meant by that was that there isn't a job for me to get. Not that I just didn't bother my ass getting up this morning and going out to look for a job. There isn't one here. And if you're one corner Irishman, you'd figure that one out yourself without anybody ever having to tell you. Well, the point he's making is that he can't get a job. So what is he supposed to do with the situation if he can't get a job, Stephen? Keep my wife at home. Well, everybody who doesn't have a job says they can't get a job. It's that simple. You know, people who really want a job, they end up getting one. That's what I've noticed. And I see a lot of people go months and months looking for a job. And then the people who really want one, they get one right away because they want it a little more. They don't spend ten minutes a day looking for a job. People who spend eight hours a day, five days a week looking for a job will find a job. Alright, I'm going to go... That's simple. Justin, you're in Galway. You're live on Classic Hits 4FM. If anybody wants to give us a call, you can. 1850-410-494 or text us at 53544. We've gone way over time and this is not ready, but go ahead, Justin. Sorry. How do you... Look, I love the show. I'm just listening to our Mormon friend there. No, he's not Mormon. I'm not a Mormon. I'm a Christian. Okay, Christian. Well, I'm a Catholic. And the way you speak about a woman's opportunity and the way you speak about what a man has to do in the house, I just think it's absolutely crazy. It's well and good, but I can tell just from the way you are speaking that you've certainly never, ever been educated or grown up in Europe because... Well, I spent four months living... Let me say something. I spent four months living in Europe. I speak several languages and my wife was born and raised in Germany and lived there until she was an adult, so I know a lot about Europe. Okay. Are you telling me I'm not educated? I speak German and Spanish and I spent four months in Europe. Sorry, I didn't say you're not educated. I just said that obviously you're not educated in Europe. Well, I've been to Europe and I was educated in Europe. What's the point you're trying to make, Justin? The point I'm trying to make is that, you know, much and all, I agree with a lot of what has been said there tonight as regards, you know, perhaps a woman can be loved and can be happy and she's satisfied to be, you know, in the house and looking after her children. I think it's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that every woman is the same and that every woman, you know, is only capable of, you know, being the homemaker or whatnot in a house.