(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) One of the controversial pastor in the United States called Steven Anderson from the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona has annoyed a lot of women all over the world after a video of one of his talks was posted up on YouTube. Basically he believes that a woman's role is in the home, raising the children. He says that this is laid out clearly in the Bible. He says that women should be feminine and that men should be the muscular ones and wear the trousers in the household. He said on some of his videos that a woman should not be at home giving birth and raising children, or sorry, should be at home giving birth and raising children and the man should be the breadwinner. Now, he says that the Bible clearly states, basically, that a woman's place is in the home, raising children. He said that a woman who stays at home raising a child and cooking all the meals is a great lifestyle. And I want to hear from you. What do you think of attitudes like this? Do they belong in the dark ages or do you agree with what he's about to say, that a woman's place is in the home? He also believes that children get a better upbringing if mommy stays at home to mind them. The telephone number is 679-7104. Pastor, Steven Anderson, good evening to you. Good evening to you. Nice to talk to you, Steven. Now, Steven, I know from looking at your video, and by the way, one of your videos is actually up on our Facebook page. If you want to log on to FM 104's Facebook page, you'll see the video that was on YouTube. And a lot of people have been shocked by what you said because they think that some of your comments date from the dark ages. What do you say to that? Well I say to that that my comments date from before the dark ages because the Bible has been around for thousands of years and I think these views are timeless. I don't think you could really classify them as part of any particular time period. You know, God's word never changes and so God never changes and therefore I don't think that our views of the home and the family should change. Just to make this perfectly clear, you do believe that if a woman is in a relationship with a man and she has children with that man, she should stay at home with the kids. Simple as. Well, first of all, they should be married, of course, according to the Bible where they shouldn't be having that kind of a relationship, but yeah, definitely, the man is to be the breadwinner and the woman should stay home and raise the children. Now why can't it be the opposite way? Well because God said that basically women should marry, bear children and guide the house. He said it's their responsibility to be keepers at home in Titus chapter 2 and he says that if a man provide not for his own, especially for those of his own house, he's denied the faith and is worse than an infant. So you know, the Bible just lays it out that way. Okay, so this whole idea of a stay-at-home husband where he stays at home with the kids and she's out working, that's just wrong, is it? Well, it's completely backward and, you know, we're seeing... It says who? Says the Bible. It says God. You know, God's the opposite of the Bible. So you know, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth and you know, he's the one who tells us how to live in the Bible and everybody seems to have a better idea, but that's why our society's going down the toilet because nobody respects what God says in the Bible anymore. Nobody thinks that they have a better way of doing things. Now okay, there would have been a time here in Ireland when it would be fairly normal practice for a woman to get married, have her kids and stay at home with the kids and give up whatever job she had and that would have been fairly commonplace in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Not so much now because people can't afford it anymore. Right. Well, you know, in many cases in my marriage, I've had to work two jobs in order to make ends meet because even in the United States, most people need two incomes to live the kind of lifestyle that they want to live and so I would say, you know, you're either going to have to cut back on your lifestyle or the man might have to work twice as hard and there have been many times that I've had to work 80-hour work weeks and even I work way more than 40 hours a week in order to pay the bills, but it's important to me to have my wife home with the children and not to just ship them off to be raised by someone else and so I'm willing to make that kind of a sacrifice. Okay, so you yourself have worked two jobs in order to be able to enable your wife to stay at home. That is of primary importance to you, is it? Absolutely, and you know, I know people who make better money than I do and, you know, they basically can just work one job 40 hours a week and pay the bills, but you know, most people that I know have to work pretty hard in order to, you know, support their wife and children in today's economy. Okay, now before you were married to your wife, did she have her own career and has she packed all that in? Well, before my wife was in college and she was actually, she was living in Germany, that's where she's originally from, and she was in college studying anthropology and she hadn't really started a career yet, she worked a job, but once we got married, you know, I made it clear to her that I wanted to be the sole provider and that she wasn't going to have to work and that she was going to be staying home. And she... Yeah, some would argue if, you know, if her job is as a stay-at-home mom, what was the point in her even going to college and getting further education in anthropology when she's never going to need it? Well, you're right, there was no point, you know, and that's why she didn't finish that degree and I think that college is a waste of time anyway, so I mean, basically she quit college and did something that's more fulfilling for a woman anyway by being a stay-at-home wife and mother. So you think college is a waste of time for everybody or just for women? I think that college is a waste of time for most people because, you know, college is a government institution to educate people a certain way. You don't need college to learn, you can learn on the job, you can read books, you know, I'm a very educated person and, you know, I don't think it's college to educate me. Okay, now coming back to women in the home, and as I said, you know, a generation or two ago would have been normal practice that a woman would stay at home with the children. You obviously believe that because that doesn't happen as much as it used to, no, it still happens obviously, but because it doesn't happen as much as it used to, you think that that is having a direct bearing on society, do you? Oh, absolutely, because there's just no substitute for parents raising their children and, you know, I could drop my children off somewhere at a daycare centre or something like that, but they're not going to get the same level of care that they're going to get from their own mother and so it's definitely going to have an adverse effect in their upbringing, and not only that, but it's breaking down the relationships of the family, because children are estranged from parents, they only see them for an hour or two a day, and so they're not going to have as close of a bond as a child who grows up with a mother that's there for him throughout the day, cooking meals for him, eating with him, teaching him, training him, and so forth. Alright, so when there's a woman listening to us right now who is married and has kids and whatever, and she is going to work every day, she leaves the kids in crèche or they're in school or whatever, you think that she is wrong, basically? Well, I think the situation is wrong, but you know, it might be the husband's fault, because I believe that the husband is in authority, you know, the buck stops with him, and so you know, it sounds like he's not providing, he needs to step up to the place and tell his wife, no honey, you stay home with the children, I'll do what it takes to provide, I'll make ends meet, and so I'm not necessarily just going to blame the wife, because you know, the leader in that home should be the man, and so he needs to step up to the place. So on top of all this, you also believe that a man should be basically the boss in the relationship? Oh absolutely, the bible says that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, and that as the church is to be subject unto Christ, so shall the wives be to their own husbands and everything, if he's in chapter 5. So is your wife happy with this whole set up, where you're the boss and she doesn't go out to work, and she looks after the kids, she didn't bother finishing her education, she doesn't have a career, her career is minding the kids? Sure she's happy with it, and here's what's funny about it, I often think that, oh she, you know the husband being a boss, that's terrible, but here's the thing, women who go to work, they have a boss too, and they have a time clock and a name tag and an air net and a CCTV camera watching them, and they have to punch in and punch out, honestly my wife has more freedom at home than she would if she went to a job where she'd have to wear a uniform and there'd be all kind of rules dictating what she does every hour of the day. I'm off at work, my wife has lots of freedom, but at the end of the day I'm the boss and I make the rules. As regards to the man being the boss, does that apply to, with children, does that apply to disciplining children and stuff like that? I'm not sure what you mean by that, can you clarify the question? Do you look after the discipline in the house, or does your wife do any of the disciplining of the children? Well, because she's the primary caregiver, with me being off at work most of the time, she's the one who does most of the discipline, so she's definitely the boss of the children, but obviously she answers to me at the end of the day. She answers to you? We both discipline the children. Alright, Ashley is calling actually from the United States, from Riverside in, is it California? Yes it is Adrian. How are you Ashley, nice to talk to you. Now what did you want to say on this? I'm quite honest, in today's economy, how on earth can, you know, okay, everyone's got their own religion, I understand, I'm not going to knock it. But it's 2012, I mean, my husband and I both work, we have one daughter, we don't live extravagantly, but everyone's working and working, trying just to make me, to make it, pay all their bills, everything. So I don't understand how, you know, God wants it just, just the man works, and leave everything else to the woman at home. I mean, that happened to my mom, and when my dad died, she had no education, because she stayed home with us for 18 years, and now she can't find any work, and she has no college experience, no real work experience, so staying at home pretty much really hurt her in the long run. So how is that so beneficial if it's God's plan? Well Stephen? Well, first of all, I would say that if I were to die unexpectedly, that I would expect my wife to be married. You know, I have a life insurance policy that would cover her expenses for a while, and then I'd expect her to get remarried, so, you know, my children could have a father and a mother in the home. And as far as it being tough to get by in this economy, that's true, but I just believe that if you do what God tells you to do, that God's going to bless you more, because the Bible says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. And so I just believe that by doing the right thing, God's going to bless and make it possible for us to provide for his family's needs. And he might have to work two jobs, and there have been times when I had to do that, but I'm glad I did it. You've never tried to find employment in California, have you? Well, I'm from California, I've only lived in Arizona for the last seven years, before that I lived in California, I was born and raised in California, and, you know, everybody I know who's really looking for a job can find a job. And do you believe, Stephen, that it should be possible for every couple with children to enable the woman to stay at home? That this excuse of, we can't do it, we can't afford to do it, you obviously think that that's a load of rubbish? Exactly right. I think that if the will is there, if it's a priority, then people will get it done. And I know people, I know lots of people who are doing it, because they made it a priority. And you know, God has promised to provide our needs if we obey his word, and so I don't believe that this is just something that's for a select few, I think this is what God expects everybody to be doing. I mean, that's what the Bible says, he wouldn't command us to do something if it were impossible. He's obviously telling us to do it because it's what he wants us to do. All right, let me bring in some more calls on this. Fran, you're on FM 104, how are you, Fran? How are you doing? Good, what did you want to say on this, Fran? I actually was married to a male chauvinist pig like that, and it's very... Well, sorry, Stephen, let me put that to you, that you're a male chauvinist pig. Yes. Well, I mean, if that's what she wants to call me, then I guess I'll plead guilty. I mean, if what I'm saying, if that's what you want to label it, then label it whatever you want. That's what I believe. That's what the Bible says. That's not what the Bible says. Well, I mean, would you like me to quote you some more scriptures that do say that? Listen, listen, you're in the... The Bible says that wives are to be subject unto their own husbands and everything, and that the husband is the head of the wife, and it says in Genesis 3.16 that the husband is to rule over the wife. So, I mean, how many scriptures do you want me to quote? No, that's never gonna be the way it's ever gonna be. Like, we're not in... So that's how it is in my house. Do you know why? Because your wife is a dick. Let me ask you, put that to you, Stephen, that your wife obviously has no goals, no ambition, no drive, the only thing... because she's been subservient to you. Well, you know what I think? I think a woman who goes and clocks in at a job has no goals and ambition and drive that's worth anything. You know, why would my wife rather put on a hairnet and serve food or be a receptionist than to serve food to her own children? You know, I don't understand why people look down upon the raising of children. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. And so I think my wife has an extremely important job of raising children and being a homemaker. Okay, Fran, let me put that to you. That one of the most important jobs in the world is being a mother. Are you there, Fran? Yeah, I was a mother. I'm a mother. No, is being a mother to your children and staying at home with them? I'm a mother of four. Yes. And I actually earn more money than my husband would ever earn. I do stay at home. I haven't stayed at home a lot of the time because I work three days a week. I actually make more money for three days a week than he would earn for a month. Alright, Ciara, you're on FM 104. How are you, Ciara? Hi Adrian. Now, Ciara, what did you want to say to Pastor Stephen? Well, he's quoting scriptures and all that, but I looked at the video online, but I didn't watch all of it, but I saw a bit. And I know he shaves, like he's completely clean-shaven, but he's quoting scripture. Leviticus 19.27 says you can't shave your beard. So is he not being hypocritical there? Well, Stephen? Well, first of all, that's not what Leviticus 19.27 says. Not in that instance. How do I answer that? You obviously don't have a Bible in front of you. That's not what it says. No, I don't, but I've looked it up before because Leviticus is one of the most hypocritical parts of the Bible. Right. Well, it's hypocritical when people think that that's what it says, but guess what? It doesn't say that because there are millions and millions of people in this world who couldn't even grow a beard. So if God were commanding a man to have a beard, that wouldn't even make any sense. And by the way, I do have a beard. That was just an older video when I was clean-shaven, but the bottom line is there's no place in the Bible that commands a man to have a beard. I can't really respond to that because it's not there. It didn't command him to have it. It just said you can't shave your beard or you can't trim your hair. It says it in there. I've looked it up. Well, it's not what it says, so I don't know what to tell you. Ciara, what do you say to his argument that the Bible teaches that a woman's place is in the home with her kids, raising them, looking after her husband, providing a good home for all, and that is the most important job a woman can do and that the man's the boss? Yeah, but the Bible also treated women like property and sold them off. I had sold them to their husbands for a dowry. It wasn't a case of you married your husband out of love or anything. You just had to... So it went from being your father's daughter to you being your husband's wife. You didn't get a say in anything. Alright. Bobby, you're on FM 104. How are you, Bobby? How's it going, Adrian? Grand, thanks, Bobby. What did you want to say to Stephen? What's the pastor's name? His name is Stephen. Can I say one thing, please? Sure. You're full of fucking shit. Straight out. Science has proven straight out. There is no such thing as God. Okay? And for somebody to put... My mother gave birth to 11 children and also walked, raised 11 children and done a very damn good job of it. To you, you're putting women down the way you speak. I'm surprised you're married. I'm very surprised you're married. I'm surprised that you don't have thousands of women trying to kick your hall door in to rip your bleeding fucking head off. Enough of the language, Bobby. There's no need for it. Sorry, Bobby. It is a bit disrespectful to people who do believe in God to be saying what you're saying. There are many, many people who do believe in God. And let me respond by saying this, you know, saying that science has proven that God does not exist is nonsense because, you know, I don't think science is ever going to prove that everything came from nothing. And that's the kind of rubbish and nonsense that the public school teaches you. But guess what? Things don't come from nothing. And any, you know, any scientist will tell you that things don't just come from nothing. Okay? And spontaneous generation of life forms doesn't happen. Sorry. There's something called evolution. Okay. And you've observed that, right? No, I didn't observe it. But I have gone... Now, don't get me wrong, Stephen. There was a time in my life where I did believe there was a higher power. Okay? So I didn't understand where you're coming from at the same time. But in order to prove once and for all which I was going to actually believe in, I did bother to take the time to go out and actually check this out for myself. I am a 29-year-old man and I have gone out to check this out for myself. And I do believe that evolution is how we all came about. Not. Okay. And that's fine. But as regards what he's saying with, you know, about how the best place for a woman is at home minding her kids, what do you think of that? Adrian, it's disgraceful. It's putting women down where many women like... You look at such women like, say for instance, okay, Beyonce. Yes. Look at her. She's had such an influence on so many people. And I know she's only a pop singer, but I'm just using her as an example. She's had such an influence on so many people. Now, if she was to be wrapped up in a pinny and put into a kitchen, she wouldn't have had that influence. It's disrespectful to women. And in this day and age, it's disgraceful. Okay. Stephen, let me put that to you. Excuse me. That you are being disrespectful to women. Right. I think that it's disrespectful to women to tell them that in order to have any value, they basically have to live like a man. And that's basically what the modern feminist movement is doing. You're basically saying that unless you live like a man, unless you put on pants like a man, go to work like a man, make a living like a man, you don't have value. I'm saying the opposite. I'm embracing a woman's role. That she has wonderful value in the home doing what she was designed to do. I don't think women have to dress like men and live like men in order to have value. I think they should embrace their womanhood and their femininity and live as a woman should live. So in order, because of what you're saying, because a woman was born with a womb, she's basically a baby machine. Well, you didn't say she's a baby machine. I wouldn't put it in such a degrading way because I think that having babies is a blessing. It's not something that a machine can do. I'm sure that your science friends who told you that there's no gods would love to make babies in a machine. But thankfully there's no gods in human wombs. That is possible. I know, I'm sure that all the perverted scientists who told you there's no gods would love to have a factory in a baby machine where they can modify humans. Stephen, hang on a second. Stephen, hang on a second. I never once said, anybody told me there was no god. I came back to my own conclusion. Actually you said that scientists had proven that there was no god. I told you that there was no god according to you. I didn't say anybody told me. I said scientists had proven it and that's from me studying different things. Okay, but Bobby, there are many, many, many people as well you know who choose to believe that there is a god. Now, Waris, you're on FM 104. How are you? I'm good, Adrian. How are you doing? Very well, thank you, Waris. Now, what did you want to say on this? I agree with Stephen on what he said. It's all about religion, Adrian. You have a religion and you believe and if you believe in the Bible, it's all about the things. As Stephen said, it's said in the Bible that women have to obey their husband and the best for women is to stay home and be respected and raise the kids. But as Stephen said, he mentioned that today's time everybody wants to just show off and they want to do anything. They want to be equal to men so women want to show they can do anything. So the women are out of the house you've seen here from past 10, 15 years. They leave the kids home, they go out for night off and all. They get drunk, come back home. The Bible doesn't say that. So if we don't follow the religion, we can do anything. But if we follow the religion, the people these days, they just don't want to accept the religion. And you also believe, as Stephen is saying, you believe a woman's place is in the home raising her children. Yeah, the best place for a woman is in the house. Yeah, if something came up and she had to work or a couple, if they have a hard time, she'd probably go and help her man out. But the man's responsibility is when he gets married, that's his responsibility to raise her children. To raise the kids and do everything for them whatever they need and also his wife. And are you married yourself, Waris? I am. And do you believe that... Is your wife happy to stay at home? No, she works hard time. I don't have any kids yet. Okay, but if and when you do, will she stay at home with the children? Yeah, probably. Is this something you've discussed with her? Yes, I did. Because I think I work hard enough to raise my family. Yeah, she works hard time. She's also doing her hairdressing professional courses. We paid 8,000 euros because she wants to do this. But I would never want her to work and... But what I'm asking is do you think she would be happy enough with that? Of course she would because the point is when you have your kids, so why would we have to leave our kids in somebody else's hands and go to work and get the money, you know? Like people, most of the people, they leave their kids in the nurseries and then collect them later. And later, you know, when the kids kind of, they grow up and they're like 10, 15, they're like, yeah, my parents used to do this. So everything the parents do, I think later when the kids grow up, like yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine, we were working together, and he said that he hates his fucking dad. So I said, why? Because he said he left his mother. He left his son. Why? Because he said he left his mother. He left his mother for some other woman. And this is the whole point, when kids see how the parents react. Okay, so when you have children, you would like to think that your wife will stay at home with the kids. Do you think society would be a better place if all women did that? As I said, we are in Europe, like Europe, America, Canada, Australia, people make their own choice. I was just discussing the other day with my friend that in Europe, we let everybody do whatever they want. So like many, many parents, like as you have a son as well, I know he's 17 or 18, I always listen to him in front of four, whenever like there's a discussion, I think I have to call and I have to talk to you guys. I always ring up and I always talk to you guys. But as you have a son now, 18, 19, would you like him to be, whether he's 19 or 20, will come up home at four o'clock in the morning, every single week with every different girl, being drunk and being paced and being loved? No, I don't think anybody wants that for their children. But it's part of growing up as well, isn't it? But my point is, people have their own choices. Why? Because they don't have a choice. Because the law, the law, the state, the state has their own rules. So the state doesn't follow the religion. And if the state doesn't follow the religion, people have their own choices. Alright, let me go to, sorry to cut across your wires, I want to squeeze in as many calls as I can on this. Ciaran, you're on FM 104. How are you, Ciaran? Good, Ciaran. Now, what did you want to say on this? Yeah, I don't think that chap is actually putting women down. I think quite the opposite. I think a lot of women don't realise the importance, importance of raising a family and children. You know, I know it was mentioned there earlier on, but there was one chap there that thought, he was disgraceful, they thought that he was putting women down. Now, I know that there are a lot of men that would believe that. A lot of men... Sorry, Stephen, I assume you will argue that you don't put women down, that women are wonderful creatures. Exactly. I think that women are equal and value to men. I just believe that they have different roles. Exactly. And your point obviously is that we seem to have forgotten what those roles are. Exactly. Ciaran, do you think he's right in what he's saying, that a woman's place is in the home? I certainly... I probably wouldn't go that far, that it should be absolute, but I do think that a lot of women need to have a bit more faith in the power that they have. And what is that power? To stay at home with their children? I mean, I know that there are men that would probably think he is putting women down and the same men actually wouldn't give a damn about providing for their women, if you know what I mean. So one of the points that Stephen made earlier on is that if a man is, or if a woman finds herself having to work outside the home, it's because she's married to a bit of a failure of a bloke. Exactly. He should be out working harder to get more money. To a large extent. To a large extent because, you know, a lot of men can be bums and men should be providing. Can you understand, Ciaran, then, why some people see this as just Dark Ages attitude? Yeah, I can. I can see why some people would see it as that. But I do see his point. I do see his point, though. Definitely. Okay, Aoife, you're on FM 104. How are you, Aoife? I'm good, thanks. Now, Aoife, a woman's place is in the home, raising her children, making a good home, looking after her husband. The husband's the boss and that's the way it is. What do you say to all that? I think that's really wrong. I know it's important that a woman should be at home raising her kids and whatever, but I don't have the choice to, you know, as a man does, to have any career she wants. I don't see why a woman should have to have a certain role when a man doesn't. He can have any opportunity in the world. I don't see why a woman shouldn't either. Well, Stephen, men have opportunities to do pretty much anything. She's basically saying women should have those same opportunities, too. Well, women do have that choice, but before I got married to my wife, I explained to her how it was going to be, you know, and I'm not saying that I'm trying to live anybody else's life for them. I'm just preaching what's right and what the Bible commands. And so women have the right to disobey God and do whatever they want with their lives, but that doesn't change the fact that that's what God commands and if we're going to be obedient to him then that's what we're going to do. And so, you know, I don't care what other women do, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and so, you know, my wife is going to have and she's going to obey me and she's going to stay home with the kids. She's not going to go out and have a career and I'm going to preach that to as many people as will listen because that's what God... And obviously your wife is happy to obey you. Right, absolutely. There's no reason why she wouldn't be. It's a better lifestyle for everybody. Everybody's happier. If we do it God's way, everybody's happier. It just works out better all the way. Okay, Eva, what do you say to that? Everybody's happier if it's done this way. Everyone might be happier, but you can't force that on everyone and I respect that, you know, in your household if your wife's okay with obeying you, that's fine. But, you know, everyone has a choice and women like most... It's the 21st century like women should have the exact same choices as men do and like we're trying to... People are always trying to say that women are equal and like if you're trying to say that God is commanding that we have to obey every man then, you know, women really aren't equal in this world and that's not what, you know, we're in the 21st century now so we're trying to make them equal, you know? Now, obviously Peter will argue that if a woman wants to pursue a career... Well, I'll ask you, Stephen. If a woman wants to pursue a career that's fine, just don't get married and have kids. No, I don't think it's fine. I think it's wrong because I think that women are supposed to get married and have kids. They're supposed to pursue careers, period. I said that they have the choice to do so in disobedience to God's Word but that doesn't mean that I think it's fine. I mean, I'm not trying to stop them and, you know, it's not my business but I'm not going to condone it or say that it's fine because it's not fine. It is disobedience to God's Word because the Bible does not teach that women should go out and have careers. A couple of your texts. Being a mother is a very important job. I have two degrees and work hard in my own business alongside my husband. Marriage is about equal partnership. Children need consistency and love, not a resentful, unfulfilled, soul-squashed mother. As someone with a faith, I don't feel my life is against God's wishes. Stephen, what do you say to that? That women doing what you're suggesting end up resentful, unfulfilled, soul-squashed women? Well, I don't know what this is about. I have to say, maybe they just don't like their husband very much. I mean, my wife and I get along great and so, you know, maybe the husband is failing to lead properly but, you know, it's not my job to answer for every unhappy, unfulfilled woman, you know. Some people are just never going to be happy no matter what situation they're in because they're just discontented, disgruntled people, you know. Some men feel like they have to sleep with multitudes of women, you know, I slept with one woman in my entire life and does that mean that I'm unfulfilled? No, because I'm more than happy with that and so the bottom line is that some people are happy with what God told them to do and they are obedient and they do it and then other people have a sinful attitude and a wicked attitude that wants to do everything that God told them not to do and they feel unfulfilled unless they can go out and break all of God's commandments. Some people are willing to obey what God has dictated and some people, you know, get mad and say, well, I'm going to do what I want to do. Well, that's their choice but they're going to have to face the consequences for it, you know. One of the other things that you believe in is slapping children, smacking children. Well, I don't believe in slapping or smacking children. I believe in spanking children on their bottom. So, you know, pummeling them or abusing them or injuring them, spanking on their bottom is a form of discipline and the Bible is really clear that, you know, we're supposed to spank our children and it, I mean, it couldn't be any clearer. It's not about injuring or anything like that, it's just about basically punishing and for thousands of years that's helped people have disciplined their children and it's biblical and so lately we're seeing the children and their monsters and that's why so many children are being forced on drugs today. In the United States they're all being put on these mind altering drugs, you know, there's nothing wrong with these kids physically, it's just that they're not being properly disciplined and they're not getting enough love and attention from their parents. And these are kids who are being treated for disorders like ADHD and stuff like that, you don't believe in such things. It's not a physical diagnosis, it's just a behavioral diagnosis, you know, it's not a physical problem, they're putting children on psychotropic drugs because the pharmaceutical companies are laughing all the way to the bank because it's a multi-billion dollar industry forcing our children on these drugs and, you know, the less we spank our kids and the more we ship them off to daycare centers the more they're going to need to be comfortable of these drugs and somebody's going to have to pay for them. Hi, how are you? I raised my two children myself, I'm very proud to say that. I worked while I raised them, right, and now I would tell my own girls, which are now going through college, when they were picking their subjects, all that for college, to make sure that they would have jobs, even when they got married, that they could go provide for their own children, that doesn't make it a bad person. It also doesn't make that you have to spank them, I don't believe in that, and I think he's wrong saying that. And as for kids with ADHD, has he got a diploma or something to say this? Well, Stephen... Do I have a diploma that gives me the right to speak God's word? No, just... It's not God's work. If it was God's work, you'd understand everybody, whether you go to church, whether you work to bring your children up, I didn't get anything for nothing, right? And I'm very proud to say that I put my children through college, I didn't depend on anybody to do it, I call myself a good person, I don't have to go to church every day to believe in that, I don't have to read a Bible to believe in that. And I think you coming on, saying that your children should stay at home, all that, that is your opinion. My opinion is, I got up in the morning, I went to work, I put my kids to school, I didn't get someone to mind them, I was there when they came home in the evening, and I looked after them, I didn't have to hit them, I didn't have to spank them. Well, here's the thing, it's not my opinion. Well it is, you've just said that God's opinion that kids should be molested, was that God's opinion as well, when they were going through the church? That's not what the Bible says, you know, by the way, I'm not a Catholic, I think the Catholic church is a false religion. I'm defending the Bible. The Bible, let me go ahead and give you a Bible verse, okay, it says in the book of Proverbs, it says, he that beateth his rod, hateth his son, but he that loveth him, chasteneth him betimes. And the Bible also says in Proverbs 13, withhold not correction from the child, for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die, thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. So that's what the Bible says. God's going to remind you one day that he thought that he was going to do it. And let me put this to you, that here is a woman who has raised two children on her own, as you've heard her say, and she believes that her kids, by the sounds, would have turned out great, and she believes that she's done a good job, but you think she hasn't because she was out working. Well, again, it doesn't go back to what I think, I mean it goes by the Bible. I just floated the scripture. But can I tell you, have you seen all the children that have been hurt by peridens? Have you done any research into that? Have you? Are you telling me that them children that have been slapped by their peridens have ended up better children? Well, I can tell you they don't. Alright, let me just, I want to just bring in another couple of calls on this. The fact that I said women didn't have any careers in the Bible. Did you say that, Stephen? No, I did not say that women did not have any careers in the Bible. I said that God commands women to be keepers at home and to guide the house, to get married and have children. The Bible records people doing all kinds of things. The Bible records people murdering, stealing, committing adultery. That's the point. The Bible commands women to marry, bear children, guide the house and be keepers at home. That's what the Bible commands. You were giving out about pharmaceutical companies laughing all the way to the bank for giving people that didn't need them. Do you not think that they can't laugh all the way to the bank for getting people to give money to them for doing that? No, I'm not going to defend the Catholic Church because I'm against the Catholic Church. I'm a Bible-believing Christian. I have nothing to do with the Church. What religion are you then? He's a Baptist preacher. That's even worse, isn't it? How is that worse? The Bible's action. Do you know what I mean? I suppose he agrees with that family over in the Bible. No, I know who you're talking about. Yeah, I do not agree with them. I think that they're weirdos. Everybody always likes to lump you in and try to put you in a box with other people. I believe the Bible and just trying to help me in with a weirdo is just kind of grasping at straws because my arguments are biblical, my arguments are true, and so instead of being some weirdo that they show on the news a lot, you're like those people. What is your view on homosexuality? My view on homosexuality is that it's disgusting and that it's sinful and abomination because that's what the Bible says. But you don't go protesting at the funerals of dead gay people? Absolutely not. I think that the reason that the people look like an inbred weirdo, because that's what those people are, so they basically use them as the poster child for anybody who's against homosexuality just to try to lump you in with these backward people. It's not an intelligent argument. Okay, two more calls. Shane, you're on FM 104. How are you, Shane? Oh, yeah. I'm sure he has. I think it's a very famous quote in the Bible. I think it's in all the Bibles. More joy in heaven over one repentant sinner than there is in 99 just men or women. So what did you think of that? Hey, I think those are some great quotes from the Bible, but I'm having trouble seeing how they're relevant to anything that we're talking about because number one... You're the one that's saying that you don't believe in them. Can you explain to me? I believe in those phrases from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, great scriptures, but can you tell me how they apply because I'm having trouble seeing it? Well, you're turning around and saying, partially in the first instance, that women who go out and get a career and don't stay at home, there's more joy in heaven over one repentant sinner than there are in 99 just men. Explain that phrase. That phrase to me means that if you live your life according to the Word of God, as you would do being a Baptist minister of priests in the Bible, you know, there's more joy in heaven over one sinner who has repented on the deadbed than enter in heaven than there would be of 99 of you which is a woman's place in the home, that the man is the boss in the household, blah blah blah. You've heard everything he said. Do you think this is absolute rubbish? Even if it's preached in the Bible? And Steven, I want you to address that again. This is obviously a very regular theme I'm sure you've been hit with before. In this day and age, people can't afford to not both work. It's like the manna from heaven. You know, Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fishes. So if we live our lives according to God's Word and pray for God to stay our daily bread, He's going to help us provide our needs. But obviously it's not just going to fall in our lap. He also commands to go out and work hard and to labor and work for it. And I think that any man who has worked up early, stays up late and works, God is going to bless him. He's going to get it done. He's going to provide. But it's a lot easier to just sit around and make excuses for why we can't obey God and make excuses why our wife has to go to work and why our kids have to be dropped off at daycare. Alright, and one last call. Dez, you're on FM 104. How are you Dez? He mentioned Genesis. He had answers to a caveman. What did you have to say about that? Sorry, they were cavemen? I don't even understand what you're trying to say here Dez. They were cavemen. They were bushmen. There was no documentation. They were already natural. You had to hunt, you had to fend, you had to eat and reproduce. Sorry Dez, I don't even understand what he's trying to say to be honest with you. It seems that everybody has something negative to say about the Bible and Genesis is for cavemen and blah blah blah. But let's keep in mind that this is the book that's been translated into every nation on this planet. This is the book that is the number one most read book in the world for thousands of years and people brush it, how people just look at it like it has zero authority. It is the word of God. Stephen, I'm way out of time. I really appreciate you talking to us tonight. Obviously some of your opinions a lot of people don't agree with, but I'm sure you're well used to that. If people want to find out more about you, how do they track you down or what's your website? Faithfulwordbaptist.org Yeah, Faithfulwordbaptist.org or they could just google Pastor Steve Anderson or Faithfulwordbaptistchurch If they google it, it will come right up. Alright, it's been interesting talking to you. Thanks very much indeed Pastor Stephen Anderson for joining us on the program tonight. Thanks for having me. Takes all sorts to make the war go round. Let me read a link to his website. This is the problem with the Bible right here. It has been translated so many times that its teaching has been twisted and turned to something completely unrecognizable so the likes of Stephen can pick and choose the parts that suit them. It's ridiculous and completely out of whack with the world as it is today. Sorry, excuse me. Does this idiot realize that you can dictate almost anything that he should have another look at the Bible he seems to think he knows all about it. Adrian, he's a hurtful arsehole. He reads and then preaches. It's not healthy to be 24-7 to be at home. I'm Catholic and a mother to two special needs boys and I'm hurt at this sexist gift says Margaret. And one last one. My best friend was beaten by his father black and blue. He even broke some of his ribs. He told him to beat the child to show love. It's ridiculous and it's an excuse to abuse people says Tara.