(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm simply talking about you know a slap on the backside or something's wrong you take their hand and you're and you smack them on The hand don't do they get that again You know a little bit of discipline well one man well also be talking to in a moment is pastor Stephen Anderson now He's from Arizona. We spoke to Stephen last year, and he physically disciplines his children with a paddle. Yeah, kind of like a table tennis Racket eating you know the path of small paddle. I'm very interested to hear what you think of his parenting methods I love the kids are both That's it. You need some discipline But a question I want to ask you tonight And I want you to set then in a text either yes or no Because as you know burn out as our calling next year for the government to bring in an outright ban on Smacking your kids in the home or in public I'm asking you is it right is it acceptable for a parent to physically discipline their child? Do you think that parents should discipline their children is there anything actually wrong with that? If you think it's okay, there's nothing wrong with it, but it just obtained every now and again. Did you know harm? The text yes the five three five double four for 20 cents if you think no completely out of a question No, that's wrong. That's child abuse can't go down that road again. Well then text the word no to five three five Double four all right you want to give us a call you can talk to pastor Stephen Anderson if you like And you can give us a call. I was gonna say his number is Number number here in the radio station if you want to give us a call to get involved in the conversation is 1850 for 10 for 94 I want you to be honest that's 1850 for 10 for 94 But keep those texts coming in at five three five double four for 20 cents, okay? I want to go to the line one first of all I do want to talk to pastor Stephen Anderson that good afternoon to you Good afternoon. Thanks for having me on how are you great? Well? I'm saying afternoon of course because in Arizona now It's over three o'clock in the afternoon isn't it exactly it's two o'clock All right, Oh two o'clock. I apologize all right, so a lot of people are gonna say you know This kind of went down with the Indians as we say over here. It's an old saying cliche This went down a long time ago. We live in the real world now It's a very modern world politically correct. You can't be smacking your kids or slapping your kids Do you believe it's okay to slap your kids? Absolutely you know times may change for some people, but for a Bible believing Christian You know the Word of God never changes and the Bible's real clear it says in Proverbs 23 verse 13 withhold Not correction from the child for if thou beatest him with the rod He shall not die thou shalt beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell So this is a command in the Bible just as much as the Bible says thou shalt not steal or thou shalt not kill It says thou shalt beat him with the rod about your son And so the Bible is real clear that we as Christians should be physically disciplining our children It doesn't matter what the rest of the world's doing Yeah, you're gonna take that literally you know beating him with a rod that sounds pretty You know pretty tough isn't it for a young child of maybe four or five? I am assuming you don't beat your child with a rod But you do take a paddle give me an example for it But you know the last time that you would have disciplined when your children well Obviously the discipline has to be appropriate for the age obviously a very small child needs Light discipline you know compared to an older child, so I'm not talking about using a bunch of force on a little tiny child But for example you know one of my children has given a chore to do They don't get it done You know we catch them maybe playing and fooling around instead of doing the job that they were supposed to do They're gonna get a spanking. They're gonna get they're gonna get physically disciplined And what age group are you talking about there because I know you got a lot many kids a couple that you got a lot Of kids I've got seven and the eighth is on the way Okay Congratulations Okay, but I mean the teenage age group Let's say you know 12 13 years of age right that be it boy or girl it by the way It's a different form to discipline for boy and girl or does it matter now. It's pretty much the same thing You know what's good for the goose is good for the gander, so Mm-hmm, okay, so how would you discipline your you know your 12 13 year old if they're not carrying out their chores or helping around? Well my oldest is 12, and so I would I'd give him a spanking I basically take off my belt and give him a spanking It's that simple So you take your belt off, but then yeah, that's why that's why you're never gonna You're never gonna see me wearing suspenders because I have seven children and so You know that one of them needs to get spanked from time to time Okay, and how many I know I'm trying to get a kind of image of how you would do this For our listeners of course would you put them over your knee would you put them over the the sofa or and how many? Spanks would you give them with the belt? You know I probably just have them bend over the bed or maybe just bend over the sofa or even just stand there and just Maybe three three four swats with the belt Mm-hmm and what they accept that do they accept that as you know I've done something wrong I deserve this and they just get on with it then do they accept that of course absolutely and in fact One of the reasons why Spanking is such an effective form of discipline is that it's immediately over with you know with other forms of discipline timeouts or groundation You know the punishment drags on and and there's a lot of bad feelings between parent and child But with a spanking you know you fix the problem you get it over with and often I'll spank one of my children, and you know 20 30 seconds after getting a pretty hard spanking They're they're laughing and smiling and everything's fine because you know the the problems been corrected And we can move on and I noticed that parents who don't use physical discipline They often get very angry with their children And they're more likely to yell at their children and and and get angry and give them a really long lecture which which is actually bad for the relationship between parent and child this is just a Quicker easier way to not only punish, but then immediately forgive and move forward But but in another case that you're the adults and you know and you should withhold your anger if your kid like my look I three kids. I know what it's like raising kids itself. You don't get a manual for them, okay? They don't come with a book, but but in saying that there's been times where I've been so tempted You know just you know when they're cheeky straight to your face You almost feel like you just want to slap them there, and then well you don't you hold back you restrain yourself You're the adults you're the intelligent one, and I basically take him by the arm up to his bedroom You're off your Xbox for the rest of the afternoon. You know I mean does that not work as well Well, I definitely agree that that we need to restrain our anger as adults we should stay calm and collected and and Sometimes that's easier said than done You know and when you have a child that's that's rebellious and disobedient and mouthing off and you have no recourse You have no way to fix the problem over time you could become frustrated and lose your temper Whereas if you have the recourse to spanking you can solve the problem the child's behavior is going to improve You know this whole thing of taking away the Xbox. You know withholding of privileges First of all my children don't even play an Xbox in the first place You know my children don't just rot their brains on TV and video games all day You know so that wouldn't work in my house because we don't have a TV or video games so This whole thing of just withholding privileges. It doesn't work. It's not an effective form of discipline What do your seven kids do for entertainment? I don't get me wrong. I don't believe that these games are necessary either I mean there's times I often get a bit frustrated by that whole thing that they play video games But we do have restrictive times that they're allowed to play them for a certain amount of time per day And that's it out of the weekend. Maybe a little bit more, but in saying that I mean What do your kids do for entertainment if they don't have TV? They don't have games? They don't do what other kids are doing essentially. What do they do well? They basically do the same thing people have been doing for thousands of years before these things were invented But we have great weather in Arizona so our children are playing outside a lot They're riding their bikes up and down the street They're swimming. They're running they read books. They play with toys. I mean they do all kinds of things There's a lot to do besides you know watching the idiot box on the idiot box Is it that much of a bad influence on them Steven? Yeah, well not only is it a bad influence But it just makes you stupid. I mean reading books my children spend a few hours a day reading books of their own volition I mean they want to read they love reading and they have all kinds of Books that they read for fun And then they have other books that they read for their schoolwork And so they're gonna end up a lot smarter spending a few days I'm sorry a few hours a day reading than spending a few hours a day. You know watching spider-man at Spongebob I don't think anybody would dispute that Our mighty sorry spending over on the stage exactly and I don't want my children being influenced by that either All right, okay, well look. I want to take a few calls this if you want to give us a call pastor Steven Allison there you go you heard it from the man's mouth. He said discipline is no harm doesn't do his kids any harm They're playing they're acting the fool ten minutes later again. They're all friends again He believes it's a better form of discipline And it's a form of discipline that unfortunately or fortunately depending on in your opinion seems to be outdated Nowadays and people believe that maybe this is what's wrong with society that we're not disciplining our children enough Well Steven says we should be he takes his belt up and gives them a couple of lashes So to speak with his belt over the sofa over the bed I'm asking you quite simply is that a good form of discipline is he right? You want to give us a call you can the number is eighteen fifty four ten four ninety four now Roy You kind of kicked this topic off Roy when you called into today's show and said that you believe this was lacking in society when? We talked about this ADHD. You said the kids were badly behaved and weren't being disciplined right Let me stress now first that I was never slapped about the head and I wasn't given the belt right okay this was the last resort I get and It should be Issued by my mother because she's a look do it one more time and when your father gets home Okay, so she had tried several things up to that point. Yeah, okay, so this wasn't the first thing that happens Get off the bat. Okay, so but bold it'll Roy wouldn't listen You know there were times But you know someone would say oh my god today, they'd say GCC and he got a Just days you had too many sweets, or you were a bit hyped up Or you know you were trying to impress someone who is you know hanging around in your house? Which and how far you could push your own mother off something? You know it's do this they played the backdrop in front of other people right why have you got kids now? No, I don't okay If you have them the nieces of all my friends of kids, and I see this behavior I'll tell you a little story. No, this is just a funny little story My buddy his son is five and He does the M. He does the timeout thing okay minute and his walks 95% of the time says don't you room for five minutes? He comes up after the five minutes with a big long face on him And he has he waits basically for his father to smile at him right okay? He knows he's forgiven. He knows everything's in the past right now If he's very very bold, and he comes up after the five minutes, and he doesn't get the smile. He knows he's on a trade He knows that he could be sent back down now. He was sent back to him one day for just being stubborn and His father went down a couple of minutes later. He said it's very quiet I'll go down and have a look he went down and in passing his own bedroom on his way to the trails bedroom He saw the little boy on top of his bed peeing on his bed No, I shouldn't laugh. No, I laughed when he told me. I said to him, what did you do? He said a bustle person You know well I can only imagine what Pastor Steven Anderson would do if one of his children was peeing on his bed Fair enough. Well Pastor Anderson that would be a bell's off job wouldn't it? That would be the bell's off immediately if one of your kids peed on your bed If he's intentionally peeing on the bed if he's doing it on purpose absolutely All right, I mean I believe that you start and it sounds awful But you start training at about three and at three you just say look There's a punishment for this and the punishment is a naughty step and when you say you're going to do it You have to follow through okay, but what about what Steven is saying that you know we have lost basically Well a lot of people he hasn't because he's got seven kids and he believes he's wearing them properly and Very differently to weigh the way many people might wear their kids, but look sure they're his children He's quite entitled to do what he wants to some extent But one of the way he brings his kids up they do something wrong even 13 or 14 years of age Bent over his knee bent over the sofa belt off and a few lashes Well my view on that would be at 14 you've lost the battle if you're still in the same position I believe you start at three and by the time of five or six that child should believe what you say Now I understand they don't have an Xbox or TV or whatever. Most of the kids we'd be talking about They have something they do not want to live without So if you start at the age of three and you get up to four and five and six and then they have a little you Know a little handheld computer things and they have all these things. They don't want to lose these things These are privileges. It's what they are Once they realize that if you say to them they're going to lose it if they believe that That is a punishment. They know what the consequence is. No, I would always Have a smack and I mean it now smack the head a smack on the ass But is that not just the same as what he's doing the only difference is is he's using his belt or a paddle or something Rather than his hand. Yeah, I wouldn't use anything other than do you think what he does is wrong? I think you can sort of control your hand in the sense that you can sort of control you can make more noise Than issue pain if you like that has to be the last resort Do you do you agree with what he's saying a child on the face? Okay, but Roy do you agree with what Pastor Stephen Anderson does? Pardon me. Do you agree with his form of discipline? Not entirely Okay, wait, wait just wait there for second and that's right listen hang on say they want to go to Jane and go away Jane You're on classic. It's how are you? How are you? Yes, Jane, you've been away for a good while. Obviously. I haven't heard you in a long time of the year. There you go How should I miss everybody? Jane you've heard the pastor Stephen Anderson said he's got seven kids He believes he's brought them up. Well, but it's you know, we have to discipline a kid that says it in the Bible I don't know why he's quoting the Bible about it, but that's a different matter But I just like to ask him how often in general does he need to discipline children that way? Well, there are seven of them. So somebody's getting disciplined every single day Obviously the older they get the less they need to be disciplined because they should be learning something So they get disciplined less and less the older they get So do you honestly think that beating them like that then is working if you really sort of discipline them when they're younger in the daily basis like that? Well, it's absolutely working. I mean anybody who you know, like you say that From your mistakes kind of things, you know, like do you even sort of explain some why they're getting It's like what I call people know Well, you know when an explanation is is necessary, but honestly nine times out of ten They know why they're getting it a day. You don't need a big explanation about it. And is it working? Of course It's working and anybody Anybody who knows my family would see that my kids are very happy. They're smiling. They're well-behaved. They're very good I'll take them to a playground and they they make instant friends with all the other kids on the playground that they've never met They're well-adjusted. They're happy. They're friendly. I got spanked as a child Steven would you say your kids are afraid of you? I wouldn't say that they're afraid of me But I would say that they fear me in the sense that they have Respect for the fact that I have the power to discipline them and that I'm the boss So in that sense, yes What I'm trying to say Steven is my mom used to discipline us, but we were small, right? You know, if we were really cheeky that we'd get the smack and the bum and all that But what I'm saying is what the reason I was asking you that was that we learned that the look was enough Yeah, my mom didn't need to constantly hit us because we learned from But the way you're talking that they're not really learning any less We thought that and I'm talking my mom used to give me a smack with her hand and the bum or on the hand of that I'm not talking about using a paddle or You know like you don't get me wrong. I believe in disappointing children and if they are really If things aren't working or that maybe If they're doing something dangerous and they're not listening to you maybe a smack in the hand or a light tap the bum is the right way But what I'm saying is my my kids know, you know If they've overstepped the boundaries and need a look for that or just raising my voice a bit to them I don't need to physically go and use a paddle on them So I don't believe your children are really learning Yeah, I mean there's a lot of people texting in you know, Steven saying, you know, what's over here I see a question Do you discipline your wife the same way you discipline your children? Probably a stupid question, but you're obviously that's you know That's what everybody wants to try to twist things and spin things around. We're talking about disciplining children We're talking about marriage here Here's the thing I'm getting from all the callers is it seems like they're comfortable with spanking with the hand but not with the belt Paddle but here's the thing. It's actually a lot safer It's actually a lot. It's a lot safer to discipline with a paddle or a belt You're much more likely to injure the child by mistake if you're using your hand Because your hand is not very effective for spanking and so, you know, you might accidentally, you know Hit them too hard or injure them using you know an object like your hand that that's more of a thudding type of an object Then just giving them a you know a crack at the belt or a slap at the paddle You're much more likely to effectively discipline without doing any harm or injury because obviously I have no desire to injure my child I'm just trying to to give them some discipline so that they will get their behavior right. I remember Steven You know Steven when I was a kid I remember looking at my bedroom window one night and I could see the bedrooms at the back of me of the houses of the Back of me and I seen a father who was well known in the area for being an alcoholic Well, everybody knew that there was domestic violence in the home and I don't mean in relation to the kids I mean relation to his own wife as well. He was beating her and stuff like that Okay but I remember one night the light was on the bedroom and there was two kids in the bedroom and he came in and Exactly, as you said I seen him taking off his belt and starting to, you know, whip the kids with the belt And I thought that was the most terrifying thing that I had ever seen at that age I was about 12 or 13 and I remember looking at that and my father didn't do that I got a belt of his hand every now and again But to see somebody being beaten with a belt, there was a video on YouTube and viral a while ago of a judge Do you remember that video a judge and his daughter? I think she was 13 or 14 years of age and I think he ended up getting charged in the United States where it went viral all over YouTube and he was basically slapping his daughter with a belt And people were disgusted and appalled by it because it just seems so torturous. Well, but there's a big difference between calmly and moderately Spanking your child on their backside with a belt and a man who's coming home in a drunken rage Swinging his belt indiscriminately at his wife and kids as they you know, cower and duck in fear. Obviously, that's a completely different situation I'm sure there are all kinds of videos on YouTube of somebody being abusive or beating someone in a way that's inappropriate but there are also plenty of examples of Millions of Christian parents who you know calmly and collectedly and lovingly Give their child a Spanking on the backside with a belt not out of anger not out of rage I mean nine times out of ten when I spank my children. I'm not even mildly irritated I'm just spanking them because it's just something that I have to do It's it's not that I'm just in a rage and and this is how I vent my anger that that's a bad way to discipline So, you know, it shouldn't all be lumped together Mm-hmm Okay, hold on a second I want to go to Darianne Darianne you're in Dublin You're on classic hits if you want to give us a call by the way The number is eighteen fifty four ten four ninety four or you get text us at five three five double four or even one to Twitter It's at Nile Boyle in 4FN. Sorry Darianne. Go ahead. Yeah No, just just not I missed there and if the pastor disincentives his wife I'd like to hear what he said to that. Well, no, he said obviously he doesn't he's talking about his children Yeah, but hello Hello, what was his answer when he doesn't he said he doesn't Well, all I gotta say is I don't believe for one minute That it's like when he said earlier that he disciplines his kids and he takes off this belt His leather belt and you know, he smacks them There's no way he does that without anger because if a kid did something that didn't irritate you you would not take that step To control your child and I think he is absolutely disgusting But is he from Austin in Texas? He's from Arizona Arizona. Yeah It's like back in the dark ages and I'm sorry and I don't care what he says but how dare he take a leather and belt and Say that's just smacking his children and I'll tell you one thing I'd love you to read, you know keep this in the archives and go down the road when his children are grown up and ask them how they felt when their Father and they don't have respect for him. They are living in fear of that man I don't like him to chance me on that one because it is disgusting and you know what really gets me the fact that he Says he's doing it in the Christian thing. That is all here. Give me a break now I'd love to hear what you have to say. Okay, sure we don't have to wait until my kids grow up because Me and my brother and my two sisters are all grown up and we were all spanked as children We were spanked with the belt We were spanked the same way and I thanked my parents for spanking me so that I didn't grow up and and become a criminal Or or an idiot, you know It's it's it's the discipline that I got growing up that helped keep me on the right path And so I'm very thankful to God that I parents that love me enough to discipline me And real quick, let me just let me just throw one. Let me just throw one Could I just start I see them both here for a second I just got a fight to me because he is in Arizona at there was a very very slight delay on the phone line Okay, so by interrupting somebody, you know, Darian, unfortunately, it's not work doesn't work for us tonight. So Just finish what you were saying going on. That's it I just wanted to go to a quick Bible verse to back up what I'm saying because she said the thing that made her the Most upset is that I'm doing this in the name of Christianity Well Christianity believes that the Bible is the Word of God and the Bible says he that spareth his rod Hated his son, but he that loveth him chaseneth him betimes So according to the Bible if I don't use the rod to discipline my children I hate my children and that if I love my children, I will discipline them I will beat them with the rod as the Bible teaches in the book of Proverbs. It's that simple There you go, Darian, the Bible tells him it's okay to do it now that's even that's actually after making it worse I mean, I cannot believe I mean, I don't know whether you want to tell me what age he is I'm 32 years old. The Bible is is is much older than that. Oh my god. Oh my god Oh my god, right. I have a son here younger than you and I can tell you one thing He's two girls and he lives in the States and he lives in San Francisco and I know for a fact that my son would not pick up his hand and smack his kids no more than his wife would and To say that because your father did it and you the thing that that really gets me is the fact that you said That your father did it and you didn't grow up and I forget what words you used and I didn't like it I raised my two kids on my own after my marriage broke up and they were very young Seven and three and I can put my hand in the heart Thankfully and say as a mother I never put one hand to either of those kids because I had ways of Disciplining them without having to go to abuse and my kids grew up as absolutely pillars of society and I'm very proud of them and it did not have to be the fact that and I can tell you there were times I felt like it's because they stretched me so Much because when you're on your own as a mother and you're trying to do mother father everything finance everything But I would not let it happen and I am thankful that I never did but to hear somebody like you saying That because your father did it and you're thankful because you turned out. Okay. No, I'm sorry I don't believe your kids are going to be okay. Okay. Well, hold on a second I gotta take a break and Steven. I want you to stay with me Absolutely during the break the number is 1854 10 for 94 lots and lots of text coming into these a big ask the pastor whether his kids are home-schooled They are he did say that I think before it was How much do other kids invite them to their homes to play that comes in from a it's Logan very laughs I'll ask them that after the break a lot of other texts who comes in that you mustn't do Hi just a quick quick break so that one or two, okay, it's even you're okay Thanks Okay Disciplined in the family home that comes in from John lots and lots of text going in there at the moment I'm asking what a simple question Pastor Steven Anderson has said no problem at all I will discipline my children take off a belt if I have to a paddle whatever needs be he has seven children He's 31 years of age busy man Yeah And he said we need to discipline our children because the Bible tells us it's okay to do it and we don't do it Well, then actually we're breaking the Word of God really aren't we because the Bible tells that we don't do it We don't love our children I'm asking you because Bernardo's of course the child safety organization or child protection agency I said they want to bring in lots of stop us from smacking your kids or stop you from smacking your kids I'm asking is it okay, but Pete pastor Steven Anderson does you know beating his child went up? Sorry, not beating spanking his child with a belt. Is that okay? You can text yes or no to five three five two before or call us on 1854 10 for 94 here classic It's instead of punching the radio punch this number into your phone 1854 10 for 94 and have your day Now boiling at night on classic. It's for a fab Classics is going on the road Join us in Monroe's Galway for the party of the year We have food drink and the very best Club classics, but we need you Friday November 22nd text party with your name and location to five three five double four and Listing the classic it for FM for more tell a friend The station that parties all year round classic it for a fan But I don't understand why you won't do it Robert, it's so blooming easy Well, ma'am Sarah down the road. She started her first job too, and she's got one already. Hey one She says hello. We'll do it as long as I do it for you Robert Will you choose ring Campion insurance and set up your pension? 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Do you want to make a real difference? That you want to tell that idiot what you really think of them Talk with a different Nile boiling at night on classic hits for FM I've been talking as pastor Stephen Anderson who still with us and he believes that I suppose we've lost the run of ourselves because we're not Disciplining our children he disciplines his seven children by means of using a paddle or using his belt If they step in a line or don't do their chores lots of text coming in at the moment questions that you want to ask Them if you want to give him a call you want to talk to him or you agree with him or you disagree them You're welcome to give us a call right now. The number is 1850 410 of 494 but at the meantime I want to know how many people actually agree with him and so far. I'm quite surprised actually Well, maybe I'm not surprised after today's conversation But about 62% of people are actually agreeing with him now I think the last time I had Stephen on about a year and a half ago saying something similar you all disagreed That's amazing that people change their minds all of a sudden. The number is five three five double four is the text number Do you agree with pastor Stephen Anderson? Okay, some of the text coming in. I'll read some of the nastier ones out for us He sounds like a tyrant to me Children need disciplining but his strict method is a step too far No person says the Bible was written by man and not God Would you tell this guy his kids fear him and don't respect him? Did he fear his parents or respect or love them that comes in from Emmett and Kent Turk? No person says what the pastor's religion Does his wife who gave birth to his children have a say in the matter regarding the slapping with his belt? I'm repulsed and completely outraged that comes in from Roisin Does a pastor does your wife ever, you know, dole out the discipline? Oh Yeah, absolutely In fact, she doles out more discipline than I do and what's funny is that when I first met my wife My wife is actually from Europe. She's German and when I first met my wife She was completely against spanking because she grew up in Europe and was taught that it was wrong but after she became a believer became a Christian and read the Bible then she completely did a 180 on it and she Is very strongly in favor of spanking in fact, you know, she's stricter than I am if anything That kind of tells you that what Christianity does to you, doesn't it? It turns you into It turns you into a person who you know walks after God's Word and not after you know The methods of this world and so obviously reading the Bible is going to change your viewpoints on a lot of things if you believe That it's the Word of God Okay, somebody said well you asked the pastor seems he thinks disciplining his children are okay because it says so in the Bible inverted commas Does he also hate gays inverted commas and support slavery just because it's in the Bible? Well, I do hate gays because that is in the Bible, but I do not support slavery In fact, the word slave is not even mentioned in the King James Bible one time So this idea that the Bible supports slavery is a fraud The word slave is not even mentioned. Where does that notion come from in the Bible that it says that it's okay to have no I don't know the exact quotation I'm not somebody who studies the Bible but it does say at some point either in the Old Testament or New Testament That you can have a slave as long as they're not from the same country, doesn't it? Well, it comes from a misunderstanding of two things number one There's the concept of a prisoner of war becoming a servant or a slave and then number two There were people who would sell themselves as servants for a temporary period of time either three or six years So that was like somebody's in debt up to their eyeballs They can't support themselves. They can't pay off their debts. They don't have any food. They could indenture themselves temporarily But it was illegal for that person to be your servant for more than either three years or six years. So News wouldn't be very good for you pastor if you were living in Ireland because they've just announced yesterday actually should I say Our tarnished which is like our Secretary of State so to speak has announced that we're going to be having a referendum on Same-sex marriage, so I don't think you'd be too pleased with that I'm pretty sure it's probably going to go ahead with a big yes, but that's probably not going to please Your kids if they said we're gay would you discipline your child at 16 or 15 if they said I think I'm gay Yeah, that's a that's a ridiculous question because my children would never say such a thing because I don't I don't believe in this this Lie that people are born that way It's been proven to be a fraud even science has proven that to be a fraud. For example, there's a study recently on Identical twins and they looked at thousands of identical twins and to see whether you know if one of them were a homosexual would the other one also be a homosexual and and it turned out the results of the study if one of them were a Homosexual the chance of their identical twin being a homosexual was like eight or nine percent Which obviously that shows that it has nothing to do with genetics because identical twins have virtually the same genes So obviously there's a choice there it has nothing to do with genes or else there would have been a 90% chance Okay, okay Absolutely your your your kids are never going to come to you and say they're gay Of course not you'd be horrified wouldn't you buy that very tall? I would be horrified, but it would never happen Okay, well sure, you know, you never know see what am I come knocking on your door Nick you're in cork You're in classic hits what you want to say Nick. Hey, how's it going? Well, I'm a Christian myself from a different perspective Not to show what what what? At the basis of on the Christian police sport. We love our new covenant and the new covenant degree faith in the New Testament Jesus is coming to show love and show passionately No, I don't hate gays. I don't treat them differently. I see there's a sinful nature, but you ever all sinful Yeah, we all we all have we all have our own failures, but Oh My god, please thank you a little younger and I hate it a time But yeah, I think we wouldn't know when they respect it at the time But I think about what love these be shown in the household We should accept when you when you when you set a standard of love Everything changes like I know Yeah, I got thanks, but it wasn't a spank It changed me who is late in my father's attitude to voice my bad behavior was what changed my heart But what changed my perspective at the times and I don't want to see I don't want my dad be mad at me I don't want my parents be sad or upset of Okay, so you didn't want to disappoint your parents. Yeah, exactly not going to love and The behavior comes into that as well For the pastor. He's talking those have put back in progress and taking the rudders like that That's going back to the Jewish standard like we're not living on the Jewish law We're living on Respect to both you because I know you're both questions about the greatest backward. It's 2,000 years later I think mankind has moved on a little less, you know from those days I mean, let's be honest pastor in those days. We will be John Christians to the lions, etc, etc We have moved on mankind itself has moved on Stephen To You call it moving on you know, I call it going down the toilet You know if you call the way that our world is becoming moving on, you know Sorry, but we've gone backwards as a society and and our country here in America, you know I've never been to Ireland but I know here in the United States people are becoming pagan and barbarous and you know Our society is is going down the tubes I mean young people are growing up and they're they're whoring around their whores and whoremongers They don't have any respect for authority. They don't respect their parents When you say young people are whoring around and whoremongers maybe give me an example of what you're talking about I'm saying that the average young person today You know goes to college and and pretty much gets in bed with about 20 different people, you know And that's not the way our country used to be it used to be based on You know morals and family values and people were virgins when they got married and so forth like the Bible teaches now That's rare. That's that's one in a hundred or something. It seems like that is actually pure on their wedding day So we have people today Tattooing their bodies mutilating their bodies getting in bed with 20 or 30 different partners Many are going into deviancy like homosexuality Bestiality I mean our whole society is becoming Sexuality and bestiality in the same sentence In the same in the same verse They're in the same Nick you're not agreeing with that. Are you Nick? What what's the difference between society homosexuality? Well, I think the difference is quite clear You're talking about hold on you're talking about two adults and an adult and a dog or a horse Nick Nick Nick, hold on use your head man. We're talking about two adults loving each other, you know Okay, you can have affection for your dog, but you don't fall in love with your dog. There's something very wrong with that Okay No, no, excuse me, they banned that last year Yeah, we have an appointee is Nick hold on don't compare homosexuality, which is two adults Consenting adults falling in love to a man or a woman having sex with a dog. Well, here's here's the mistake you're making Here's the mistake you're making with all due respect. You keep saying to people, you know You obviously don't know anything about the homosexual lifestyle because the average homosexual has several hundred partners that's been documented There are all kinds of scientific studies on that even by the Centers for Disease Control Do a little research you'll find that a huge percentage of homosexuals have had sex with over 500 partners. So this idea of two people loving each other is a myth. It's a fairy tale even homosexuals who get married The monogamy does not exist among homosexuals. Okay, that's a fact, but you don't believe two men can love each other pastor, obviously You need to google it and get the statistics. It doesn't exist. It doesn't happen Don't Google anything. I'm asking you You Love each other two women can love each other in a non-sexual way Of course, they can love each other as friends in a non-sexual way, but homosexuality is a deviant Situation that involves people having sex anonymously with several hundred people. That is what the facts show That's not what TV shows you but look up the science. Look at the the the Center for Disease Control Disappearing because we're going off the topic a little bit. We talked about homosexuality in great detail last night So I don't go too much into it But I know a lot of people would take issue with what you said in relation to homosexuality Go back to the discipline again A lot of people sending in text, you know saying that basically you're putting the fear of God pardon the cliche Into your children that you're not just defending your children. All you're doing is you're teaching them fear of their father And you know, I have to agree with them, you know, I might check and respect me You say it's about respect to your children respecting you my children respect me But I don't have to you know Take off my belt to them or slap them for them to respect me They respect me because they know when I'm angry when they've done something wrong They know I put them in the room if they've done something wrong They know I'll ground them for the day if they've done something wrong They know but I'm disappointed in them and they respect us. So, you know, I mean Why do we need it to beat them essentially? Well, you know what you said actually ties in with what the caller had brought up Saying that what I was quoting was from the Old Testament. Well the New Testament reiterates Physically disciplining your children in the book of Hebrews and it actually brings up respect It says furthermore we had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence reverence is a very strong word for respect and it also says whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and Scourgeth every son whom he receiveth and he said if you be without chastisement where of all our partakers then are you bastards and Not sons. So the Bible tells us, you know, both in Old and New Testament that the father who loves his children Disciplines and scourges his children. That's what the Bible says and it produces reverence The Bible says we had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence All right, so the text coming in and this guy is wearing his children for the world of 2,000 years ago He is setting them up for the future in this world and that comes in from Sean And that person says that in the Bible somewhere it says somewhere let no man judge another Though he think he can judge he's not God That person said I read the King James Bible It's mad and nine-year-old a 900 year old man and all types of other crazy things primitive and that comes in from Wayne We see now what a complete and utter gobshite. I'd love to take off my belt to him and give him a good slap I'm a mom with young kids and I'm sickened by this That in my book is child abuse that comes in from Jan in Galway and sorry Darianne You want to say something else there? Yeah. No, I just want to say there this whole thing about quoting the Bible and The New Testament the Old Testament Jesus Christ, you know Can you not just look at your kids and one of the things I want to say is if the pastor is only 32 His wife must be pretty young as well She's now having her eight child and I know in that in Arizona there's a strict thing on Contraception and all that so he's probably tied into all of that. I'm pretty sure he doesn't agree with contraception Yeah, exactly. So, you know his poor wife. Come on poor wife. Oh, okay I don't think she's a poor wife. Hey kids in our counties. Jesus. My mother had Eight kids You can't judge him for having eight kids in the 30s. That's his choice, isn't it? No, but my mother died when I was 15 But anyway, how's your wife Steven after having eight kids in the early 30s? Well, you know, my wife is as healthy as a horse because actually having a lot of children is good for you You know putting those putting those organs of your body to good use is gonna make you healthier in the long run not unhealthy So, you know as long as you do it in there So I see as an incubator rather than a person to be honest No, no, and you know, what I find is that you know in a lot of relationships The reason why people don't have a lot of children It's usually the husband Who is telling his wife that he doesn't want to have any more kids because he doesn't want to pay for it all he doesn't Want to support all these kids and so it's not normally the woman who doesn't want to proceed with having children And so, you know, my wife wants to have children She loves having children and you know, we love each and every one of our children and and our children are well-behaved So why would we not want more but when people don't spank their child? Yeah, I can see why they only want to have one or two because they can probably you know They already have their hands full with one or two and and if anybody thinks that my wife is unhappy I'd encourage them to visit my wife's blog and see all the pictures of my happy wife and my happy children It's stevenandersonfamily.blogspot.com The blog is called are they all yours and they can see my wife and children and how happy they're and they can read my wife's Thoughts on this are they all yours? Yeah Yeah, that's what people often ask in public. They ask, you know, are these all yours? So that's the name of the blog exactly. Okay, I'm just I'm wondering how you find the time for but I John you in Dublin You're in class of kids. Go ahead. Oh, you know, it's you John. How are you doing? Yeah, I didn't I didn't say that with disappointments by the way to go out with you Could say several things to that but I won't Right Where do you start is that what you want to know? No, I'd no problem starting first of all What I'm about to say, right? I'd like to point out though. I know the gentleman on the other end of the line is a pastor I'm an atheist. All right, not a faith hater, which one of your guests Very eloquently pointed out. There's a huge difference between an atheist and a faith hater, right? I Recognize and have respect for his belief. That's what an atheist does if they say there is someone completely different So I'm not going to approach any of this from a religious standpoint because I don't recognize I to me. There is no God, right? He recognizes there's a God and I respect him for that To the subject matter at hand discipline hmm now we are raising without question the most Really and undisciplined generation of young people in human history And the reason we are is because like I said in my text there is no fear of reprimand because there is no reprimand Nile the super money the super nanny method does not work. Well, look, he's an idiot. I know that The doctor would call her an idiot, but it doesn't work the doctor Phil method doesn't work. Mm-hmm Do I remember a conversation? the similar conversation several months ago on your show where one of the mums were on she was Beyond us now. She was only a kid herself, right? Yeah, and her whole mentality her whole response to the you know The discipline issue was basically I go down to the child's level now Jesus Christ smile I've been with all due respect Be serious with it one kid to another it doesn't work. It does not work Yeah, but yeah, but yeah John, but does it work to put your child over the sofa? You know back bought a bottom in the air and slap them with your belt. Does that work? No, I don't agree personally with using an instrument because I Don't agree with that right? I don't in any way you physically discipline John when you were a kid was I was I physically disciplined Yeah, did you get a slap off your dad? To answer your question now, and please allow me to answer it right because you know you haven't in the past. I Let me explain it this way to you I knew there was a line there if you think of it as a kind of like a Symbolic metaphorical line in the sand I knew that metaphorical symbolic line was there and I knew that once I stepped over that line. There would be reprimand. I knew that line was there No, I'm not gonna say no, but I didn't step over of course it, but he danced on one I'm one of the reprimands so to you so that many other people and yes There was a reprimand and I bloody well knew there was going to be a reprimand But my point to you now is today. There is these kids know there is no reprimand so if they they know there is no consequence which there clearly isn't and I backed the pastor 100% on that Then they will push as far as they push. Okay John, but the vision or the the mental image that I have of Pastor Stephen Anderson I've seen the photograph and so I actually know what he looks like so I got a good mental image of him right of Him getting his 12 or 13 year old daughter son whatever and bending them over his knee or over his sofa or over the bed Standing there. You know I'm the big 31 year old man. You're the child whipping off his belt and That mental image to me doesn't sound right. Well Niall just to be specific I'm not saying that I agree with using a belt my only point Niall is that a There we are raising the most undisciplined Disrespectful generation of kids in human history would you agree with that Stephen are we raising the most undisciplined kids of human history? Absolutely you know I agree a lot with a lot of what the caller is saying and and I agree that Atheists are not faith haters because they have a lot of faith to believe in what they believe in just like I have faith in their I respect other people's faith I appreciate that I appreciate that but I agree that we are raising a Generation that has zero respect because there's no fear of consequences So they keep on pushing until they find a boundary and unfortunately a lot of times when they by the time They they find that boundary is when a police officer is taken to prison Yeah, exactly and so they're taken to prison. You know after committing some heinous crime. That's the first time they find a boundary They're not fighting it with their parents Even when we talk about abusive children in this country when we talk about Disappointing children people's memories automatically shoot back to you know, 30 40 years ago Yeah, because the Catholic Church. Yes, that's what I said the Catholic are we're not I'm not talking about I'm not talk Look look now we Irish have a lot of hang ups. Let's be honest. Let's be honest about it, right? We've we've we've hung up to that on the sexuality. We've hung up to those, you know chastising our kids We're a very fucked up society, right? And we're only coming out from under me that that 40 years about 30 or 40 years you're talking about But even still has the same hang-up about homosexuality Who we like that I think you'll find that we do no No, I'm just saying to you pastor Stephen Anderson still has that same hang-up Sexuality he still has a hang-up about homosexuality to Stephen Anderson Yeah, but you bet you ever you mentioned you mentioned are you mentioned you harken back to 34 years ago forget about Stephen for a Second you you you you harken back to 30 or four years ago. I'm just Catholic Irish thing. We still have tough Yeah, but Stephen reminds me of its throwback with respect to you. Stephen. You remind me of a parent from 50 years ago Well, who hate homosexuals and think they were all queer and weird and not to beat their children What do you remind me of? There may just be a difference here because it sounds to me like you know You personally you had that bad experience looking out the window So you have a real bad example of spanking with the belt in your mind and maybe just as a nation Ireland has this really bad view of physical discipline just because culturally in Ireland 40 or 50 years ago It was being administered in an angry or or in a you know harmful way, but in the United States of America That's not how we feel about it because we have a lot of good examples. Like I have a good example for my parents But my parents It has to have some psychological effect on a child to be put over a sofa and hit with a belt It has to have some harm. I'm sure it leaves a red mark on the bottom as well So there has to be psychological effects of that when they go up For example thinking if somebody says something to me that I don't like or they're cheeky to me or they're rude to me I should take my belt off and hit them You're basically teaching a child that the way to sort out a problem like this But the way to sort out a discipline problem is to hit somebody No, I don't believe so at all, of course it has a psychological effect on them It has a positive psychological effect on them helps them grow up and understand that they that when you do wrong You're gonna have a negative consequence and you know They're not gonna think that they can just go around and and smack anyone that they like because they don't see their parents going around Smacking everybody the only people that I smack I want to go to Sean showing you in counciltown barrier on classic. It's a there John. Go ahead John. Good evening Well, you're very much even that's the amount John is kind of singing for more or less the same him She believes that we're raising a bunch of degenerates basically in this world that we need to sort it out discipline is the only way And I don't I don't think it's the only I was weird without ever being hit by any of my peers and if I turned out fine I do think that this lack of respect this perceived lack of perspective people have Disrespect for other people. There's a lot of disrespect in society I mean we heard the pastor they're going on he hates gays and was going on about gay people. So he's showing disrespect John and I was on the most respective chair who see the big and socio low Socio-economic backgrounds and living in this area in that area and that's not very respectful if the whole society Respected people children would only see respect and they wouldn't be considered Children We're talking disrespected today's children today's children. It is a reality It is not perceived as not perception it is but it's not it's not every young person And you play yeah, yeah, but it's not every nobody's saying it's always there and there's nobody said they were talking earlier on Go ahead. Go ahead. Sorry. I wouldn't you were talking earlier on about the 88 This is what energy I'm not you were saying that some children are very quite going up Some children are very boisterous growing up. Some children are very cheeky with and they could all be in the same house They could be reared in the exactly the same way. Yeah different people. Yeah, we're all different. Yeah. Yeah, so of course that's going to The one thing I will agree with with both John and pastor Stephen Anderson I said it already children are very different now to the way they were 40 years ago or 30 years ago I mean, I wouldn't have ever dared to speak back to my father or be cheeky to my father And you know What now they get grounded for us Why is why do they now know why is this? I don't feel the need to beat them because of the by the way. Yeah, so what so what way what way? You know citing your example of kids talking back to their elders or their parents in a way which they wouldn't have done It may be possibly 20 years ago. What way do you think I was? Sufficient to deal with that kind of problem Give me an example of how you would deal with that kind of a situation should have to rise by taking privileges Bullshit fine. It doesn't work. It does when it works in my in my home. I might not work in red. You were around Well, okay Let me just go back to Sean because obviously Stephen had a lot of issues with homosexuality Sean and obviously just remind Stephen You are a gay man I mean you did go bridge obviously with that you find what he said quite offensive and disrespectful to the gay community But yet big time, you know and again like John I'd be mad about Christianity or just say look let them do what they do But I don't go down Part of them, but I can't see why he is into fear of my life And I mean God if I if I if I had 700 people in my life, I'd be very happy Under but I haven't I'm afraid to disappoint you and I don't think it's up to you would even talk about look You rearing he's rearing his children Based on a manual two thousand years ago, so he's not rearing his children for this world. So he's cutting them short I mean he's homeschooling them as well. So they're not really going to survive in the real world I think that's that's the big problem. Okay. Well, let me ask him about that because you are homeschooling your children Stephen. I mean Did you believe in the huge advantage on schooling them? Absolutely, my my 12 year old son is just finishing up with Algebra 2 I mean my children are years ahead in their schoolwork They're much more intelligent than the children who are coming out of public school many of which can barely read or write Know almost nothing about history. So there's a huge academic advantage to homeschooling But also we can shelter them from all the bizarre Perversion that abounds at public school where they're being exposed to homosexuality bestiality and other strange practices and by the way The homosexual the homosexual man on the line He's proving my point right now because he just said oh, that'd be so wonderful if I could have several hundred different partners Well, you know, guess what? I don't think that's wonderful I've only been in bed with one woman in my entire life and I think it'd be wonderful to die that way Having had sex with one woman. I'm not like the homosexual who desires several hundred partners That's the kind of perversion that that lifestyle entails and he's proving my point What are your children going to do when they grow up? How are they going to face the world? How do I face the world? I'm growing up. How do I face the world? I'm living in 2013. I'm successful Do you do any other work rather than the pastor? Well at this time I'm only a pastor but until recently I ran a fire alarm business Basically, I did electrical work and I've succeeded just fine. I made a very good living doing electrical work So You got married to your wife. Did you ever have relationships? Did you ever have sex? I never had sex before I was married. You know, I was a virgin when I got married I did obviously go on dates I dated many girls until I found the one that I wanted to marry and you know, I understand that people have made mistakes I'm not I'm not condemning people who've made a mistake and have ever repented of it and and you know I personally did not I don't consider it a mistake. I consider it to be an experience. It was an enjoyable experience That's because you don't believe the Bible though. The Bible teaches that we should only have that relationship inside of marriage And you know what? I think I'm actually very happy that I that I've only been with my wife I'm glad I didn't bring any baggage into the marriage Yeah, each and her own I suppose. But the problem is, should I get married? Well, they live in the real world. They play out of the front yard They live in fantasy land That's not true at all. We take them to the park. They play at the park. They play in the front yard We take them to church. We take them to the store. We take them to sporting events Well, hold on a minute. I just took Okay, last week I took my daughter to the symphony, okay? I took my daughter to the symphony Well, hold on a minute. I just took Okay, last week I took my daughter to the symphony, okay? I take my children to sporting events. They practice martial arts 12 and down. 12 years old and down The same thing that happened when I reached 18, I suppose Well, I don't know. I started working. I got married when I turned 19 I started making money. I got a job. I raised a family I mean, they're going to be an adult But, Ambassador, you have to I mean, I understand that I mean, I think what kids, to a large extent I think kids are exposed to ridiculously I think the kind of things that kids are exposed to today I think there's far too much exposure I think there's far too much sexualization I agree with you on that 100% But at the same time, you have to give leeway You have to allow kids You know, they have to be exposed to a certain extent to life in order to prepare them for what's coming Now, when I say exposing them to life I do not mean, you know, some muppet of a parent going out and buying an 18 certificate game or an 18 certificate CD or DVD and in the full knowledge that their kids shouldn't be watching us and then bringing us home and saying, there you go, Johnny, Mary, watch out Yeah, you see, I think the point, John, is when I get to at some point in their life, Stephen, they're going to have to get a job Maybe they get a job in the city, in an office, or something like that You know, they're going to be hanging out with real people who've experienced different parts of life be it homosexuality, be it promiscuity, be it having a good time and then going out to a nightclub and having a drink You're not going to let your 18 or 19 You'll have no choice really once they reach 18 They're adults, they can make their own choices But they're not going to be prepared for that They're not going to be ready for that because, hey, my dad didn't tell me about this stuff He didn't tell me about contraception because he told me I wouldn't need it until I was married He didn't tell me that I might eventually meet a homosexual, a real live one You know what I mean? You know, this whole conversation is ridiculous You don't think that my children have heard about and been exposed to all the things you're mentioning? I'm not sure why you think that my children live in a bubble simply because they don't go to a public school Just because they don't go to the public fool system and get indoctrinated doesn't mean they haven't been exposed to these things They see real people, they deal with real people all the time I mean, I don't understand What do your children think of homosexuality? Pardon me? What do your children think of homosexuality? The same thing that I think of homosexuality And yet I'm able to function, I've been able to hold down a lot of good jobs I've never been fired from a job And they feel exactly the same way about homosexuality that I do That it's disgusting, that it's filthy, that it's a deviation from anything normal human behavior And so how am I functioning? How are all the members of my church functioning? There's a hundred people that come to my church How are they all functioning in society? This idea that my children are going to grow up and not be able to function I like the Western Baptist Church That's absolutely not true My wife has a huge circle of friends outside of church that she has through home schooling groups That she has through, you know, food groups Because we basically I don't know a Christian I would imagine Most of them are Christian but a lot of them are not even Christian I just got to wrap this up in a second, one or two more calls before I finish if I can I want to go to Jess, you're in Dublin, you're on Classic Kids, go ahead Jess Hi Anilah, I just made a few points there that I wanted to make But it just creeps me out, it's the most unhealthy mess of small-minded The question I wanted to ask, what I wanted to ask was the classes where the kids are allowed to socialize With other children that work at the same frame of mind Yes, absolutely My children actually socialize with a lot of children on our street We don't let our children go into their homes We don't let them go into their houses But they can play in the front yard or they can play on our street with all the kids on the street Except for certain kids that have, you know, said something bad or done something bad But they have a lot of friends on the street that they play with And actually because my children usually outnumber them anyway Usually my children are an influence on them rather than vice versa Can I ask you another question, pastor? I just want to know, you have at the moment your eighth child is on the way, contact them And your only charge is to have more children Now statistically there's a good chance that one of your children regardless of how you raise them or how you feel They will be born homosexual What do you do? I have two adult children and they've had good stuff in their life and they've had bad stuff in their life And I wanted to know about it all, whether I agreed with it, whether I disagreed, I wanted to know So if one of your children is gay, what happens? Do you try to beat that out with them? Well, you know, aside from the biblical evidence that abounds that people are not born gay Okay, aside from that I said, aside from the Bible, I'm trying to not talk about the Bible I said, aside from the Bible, I already gave scientific evidence earlier in the program that people are not born homosexual And that that is a fraud, and I cited a study done on thousands of identical twins It's when a person is born homosexual But really, if it's without question, then show me the data, show me the science, show me the study He just made, no, no, with regards to the pastor and I, with respect for the discipline and aspects He said that people are not born homosexual, they are born homosexual, right? Just like heterosexuals are born heterosexual So I just don't know where his scientific evidence is coming from He's quoted some earlier on about twins, okay, and I'm pretty sure there's as many different experiments or scientific evidence Absolutely not, no one can produce, I would like to see one scientific study No one can produce any scientific study proving that homosexuals are born that way Everyone's just brainwashed by the television that that's the case 2300 identical twins, Google the study, identical twins, homosexual study, I'm producing evidence You guys don't have any evidence, and if so, produce it What's the study? What's the science? I just feel that if this educated, intelligent man took his head out of his arse and took his head out of books All he is quoted is this book, this book, the Bible, Google If he concentrated more on the variety of people that are out there and the acceptance of that variety of people that are out there His children would be much more well-rounded human beings and less judgement of people More accepting of the ups and downs and maybe a bit more honest with their parents If they do have feelings that their parents feel coming from the devil and coming from hell And I just think it's ignorant, it's archaic, and he just irritates me And I have to tell them, but just education is nothing Get your head out of the books, pastor, and listen to your children and accept them for what they are Okay, okay, one more caller, Connor, how you doing, you're in Wicklow, go ahead Hey there, I just wanted to say basically the whole thing here about disciplining kids by hitting them and that Basically what it comes down to is the education system in Ireland We're not a modern country, you go to any other country in Europe, a developed country And the point of Ireland is we're 20 years behind in this thing Now I know we've come a long way since the Catholic Church and that rigid way of thinking But basically in our schools the kids aren't taught flexibility of mind They're taught a rigid way and that's basically how to make money How to learn about this that in your mathematics or geography or anything But there's no substance to the education system You're right, I was actually reading about this the other night The education system is designed for the Industrial Revolution There's no learning about clay, there's no learning about hatching The state is really run by bones of oligarchs There's none of this Okay, let's go back to what we're talking about is in the home, Connor The pastor believes that it's okay to discipline your child with a belt or a paddle or whatever it happens to be in the home Do you find that acceptable? Oh God no That's completely out of the question Why would you need to physically enforce something on a child When kids are perfectly capable of learning to just being caught Kids will come around I know from being hit myself and being physically abused that it didn't work at all It actually caused more problems in me It actually caused more problems in me Stephen that is something that I've said that those who are abused when they're younger Now I don't know how true it is Go on then to of course abuse their children physically when they get older Stephen were you abused as a child? Were you physically disciplined? I was not abused Hold on hang on Connor, sorry Stephen go ahead I was just saying I was definitely not abused Of course I was disciplined and so therefore I grew up and disciplined my children But honestly it's because the Bible says so not just because it happened to me But honestly my parents never did anything abusive to me But some people would trust what you do Well some people are wrong Well did you ever hear the Bible isn't stacked in the home I've heard that saying I consider it barbarism when people are tattooing their bodies Going to bed with 30 different people And going to a mosh pit at a rock concert That's barbarism Being a clean cut family man who loves my wife and children is not barbarism Well let me tell you If you were raised in a home Where there is a working class environment It's not just working class I mean it's going to be a middle class home field But particularly in working class areas Where kids are grown up in poverty Where money might be tight There's a lot of tension in the home There's a lot of fighting in the home People lashing out at each other And then these kids take themselves down into the street And then when they go to school as well They're not learning anything They're not learning anything And then when they go to school as well They're not learning anything particularly Deep or anything spiritual Or anything worth the value For mathematics and the alphabet and how to read Which is all well and good But there's no substance that they learn If you look at a curriculum in Finland The children are taught to think for themselves And maybe if the kids taught to think for themselves Maybe if they learned to think for themselves And stopped learning things from their home or off the street Or maybe they're active with a little bit more discipline And a little bit more behaviour You know Alright well I have to wrap it up Listen I've got a time pass for Stephen Anderson Lots and lots of reaction going in Stephen I have to say I'll be honest with you it's probably about 50-50 As many people despise you As love you Kevin O'Sullivan by the way says He also doesn't teach his kids about evolution Listening to Steve for an era And one word comes to mind Failure Obviously Stephen you don't teach your kids about evolution Because you don't believe in evolution so you don't Of course I don't But my children are well aware of evolution I'm sure they could explain the theory to you And why it's wrong Alright Stephen I'm sure we could argue about that all night That's a whole other topic isn't it? Absolutely any time Alright this is Stephen thank you very much indeed Alright so Stephen Anderson there you go A man who disciplines his children the old fashioned way And believes that's the way we should be doing it And look you know what I have to say I don't agree with Pastor Yes Listen thanks a minute for coming on ok I know you got a bit of stick there but Yeah no perfect No I appreciate it I enjoyed it Thank you I'm sure we'll definitely talk to you again anyway Hopefully Yep sounds good thanks Alright Thanks Stephen have a nice day bye bye