(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) come in here. But I mean, do you think that? So we are we live right now? I just clicked live. So it takes like a minute or two to get like people in. Because you know how YouTube is? We might have to keep it in an hour. Is that okay? Oh, yeah, that's actually fine. Then I can go to Best Buy. Cool. Not important that is. Yeah. And it's funny, because the one by me, they have literally nothing. It's all just, I mean, they haven't restocked anything. I have to go to a different one. But you know, I feel like if somebody is saved, they just won't sin again. Because why did Jesus tell the woman to not to stop sinning? Well, why? Yeah. That's, that's what I hear my world should you say to just keep sitting? I mean, obviously, have no sin. We make them a liar and the truth is not that right on to the sin not. But if any man sin is in the people are gonna sin. We have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ, the righteous and he is a propitiation for our sins, not for our one, but also for the sins of the whole world. So do you memorize the whole Bible? I think it's one of those things where you go so wanting enough and you preach about it, like, you just get it ingrained. I sit there memorize verses for a while. Take a break. It helps is just talking about the Bible a lot. Like my church members and I were constantly talking about the Bible or I'm constantly making videos refuting false doctrine. And so I'm just thinking about the scriptures, you know, and people don't get that. Like, yeah, so, you know, why do you call out false teachers? Well, so people don't get deceived. And because because I mean, that's what happens to people that are new to the faith. They get deceived, hardcore. And, you know, that's funny. You said that because someone just on the Instagram was really mad that I that I call them out. And he's like, you should, I bet. But there's no such thing as contacting false prophets in private. The Bible says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. So there's two things that God's commanded us to do one being shouldn't fellowship with them, any communion with them. But also, we're supposed to actually reprove them. So we have to actually correct them, rebuke them. And the Bible says they that sin, rebuke before all the others may fear. So Jesus called out the Pharisees, on the black Baptist called out Herod, the Apostle Paul called out Hymenaeus and Philetus. I mean, it's just john, the beloved, you know, called out. Many people even in his writings, wanted to have the preeminence, and they call them out by name. And so diographies. And it's not just false prophets. I mean, we got to call people who are in error. Yeah. Because that's the way newer Christians learn what's right and what's wrong. Yeah. Now, when people say this, it makes me laugh like, so if you just live like a devil, are you still going to be saved? I'm like, what is living like a devil? Like, what is that? Honestly, so people will often, they'll bring that type of argument up when when we're talking about one saved, always saved. And they're basically and this is often what I hear, they'll say this, are you saying I can just go rape and murder and commit adultery and nothing will ever happen to me. And here's the thing is that I've been saved for over 15 years. And one thing I've never thought was, hey, I should go murder and rape and commit adultery. Often it's these false prophets who believe that you can lose your salvation to come up with the most extreme ends because it's almost as if like out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. It's like what they have in their heart. Like any normal human beings, I got to think, well, you know, now it's time for me to just commit the most heinous crimes because I will never go to hell. Yeah, I don't think that way. I think I think even even Pastor Shelley was even Pastor Shelley was saying like, you know, sin. Well, sin, obviously a sin like adultery. I mean, every man, even every married married man is probably tempted at some point. You know what I mean? You're going to have the temptation, you know, it's wrong. Like that's still a natural sin. It's not unnatural, because what are you doing? You're going and having sex with a woman. But obviously, there's sins that are taking you but such as this common command. Yeah, there's a reason why God categorizes some sins as being natural, and others as being unnatural. You know, every human being has the propensity to commit adultery, even murder that, you know, deceit. But there are other sins that God considers abominable, such as sodomy that he considers to be unnatural. He literally labels it as being unnatural bestiality, pedophilia. These are things that are beyond our moral compass. Doesn't it say that they're wild for for the beast? It says that they are brute beasts made to be taken destroyed. And so the Bible likens, you know, false prophets and sodomites to beast, because we don't have a moral compass. They can just commit the most heinous crimes and not people not care. No remorse, no remorse, or just, they're not like disgusted by it. Yeah. You know, like to say is like, it's like sodomy is just a sin that's common to man. It's so stupid, because, you know, if we're driving down a highway or something, we see a billboard with some dude in his underwear. Guys are not like, Oh, man, you know, don't look, you know, I can't believe I'm looking at this or whatever. I'm sure Lord help me. Yeah, you know, it's not it doesn't do anything to us, because God wired us in such a way that we're not attracted to those things naturally. Yeah. And, uh, and that's what I think a lot of people fail to understand. Like the natural like, so I mean, let's just get into it now. Because the title of this video is is Jeffrey Dahmer in heaven. Now, do you want to watch his, his video first where he's talking? He's talking about Jesus. Yeah, we could go for it. He's a repent of your sins guy heard. He's one of them. Yep. Jeffrey Dahmer talks about evolution and Jesus Christ. Let's watch it. wondered about all kinds of things from the medication that your mom was on during her pregnancy, to the fact that you were exposed to violent arguments in the home from an early age and continuing to the possibility that he might have passed on some genetic propensity for obsession or violent behavior. Does any of that ring true to you? I can see why he'd wonder about those things. But as far as I'm concerned, they're all excuses. Because I didn't feel accountable to anybody. I didn't feel that I had to, to face what I had done ever. And so you have there comes a point where a person has to, has to be accountable for what he's done, can't go can't go around making excuses, blaming other people, or other things. So I alone am the one who is responsible for what's happened. Let me ask, when did you first feel that that everyone is accountable for their actions? Well, thanks to you for for sending that creation science material. Because I always I always believe the lie that evolution is truth, the theory of evolution is truth, that we all just came from the slime. And when we when we died, you know, that was it. There was nothing. So the whole theory cheapens life. I started reading books about how that show how evolution is just a complete lie. There's there's no, there's no basis in science to to uphold it. And I've come to since come to believe that that the Lord Jesus Christ is the true creator of the heavens and the earth. It just didn't just happen. And I have accepted him as my Lord and Savior. And I believe that I as long as well as everyone else will be accountable to him. Growing up, did you feel that you were accountable to your dad, or to your mom? As the authority? Yes, I think you're in the house. Yes, I did. I mean, they didn't let me run wild. They were, they disciplined me. And so I felt accountable to them. But afterwards, after I left the home, that's, that's when I started wanting to sort of create my own little world where I could be the one who had the complete control, or I didn't have to bout anyone else's demands. And I just took it way too far. While at that period of time, I had drifted away from a belief in a supreme being. And I never, as a result, passed along the feeling that we are all accountable. In the end, he owns us. And that basic concept is very fundamental to all of us. You feel that the absence, at least for a while, of a strong religious faith and belief for some years may have prevented you from instilling some of that in Jeff. That's right. So how you feel? Yes, I think I had a big, big part to do to do with it. I mean, if you don't, if a person doesn't think that there is a God to be accountable to, then then what's what's the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That's how I thought anyway. And I've since come to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is truly God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They're the only true God. Is there another one? I don't know. But I do want to point out that, like, you know, people, Christians watch that. They think, Oh, wow, you know, he got saved. Right? Right. He's saying all the right things. He seems to be talking about all of the the main points of Christianity as far as Jesus Christ being the Savior, and creation, and he's rejecting evolution. Yeah. Well, why would you doubt his salvation? Why would you doubt that he's in heaven? And people fail to realize that people lie. You know, and especially when it comes to predators like Jeffrey Dahmer, yeah, his life is based on deceit. And the Bible even says in regards to false prophets, people who take advantage of others, it says that they have eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls. So according to the Bible, reprobates false prophets, predators of this nature, they, they try to capitalize on individuals who don't know the Bible very well. They don't know what the Word of God says regarding these particular topics. Uh huh. Well, they have a tendency to target that group, because they know that that group is going to give them the benefit of the doubt. They know that maybe they're not necessarily grounded in the Word of God. They don't have the discernment to say, Hey, this guy's lying, this guy's being deceitful. And so therefore, they can take advantage of them. So in the Bible even says that they speak with great swelling words of vanity, the lust of the lust of the flesh. Yeah, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. So they speak these great swelling words, they captivate people, they try to pull out the strings of individuals, so that these people can admire them. And then in turn, they can take advantage of them. I mean, that's actually how he was able to, you know, convince a lot of Christians that he was a born again believer. And the thing is, with Jeffrey Dahmer, you know, he claimed, not in this particular video, but in other interviews, he claimed that he had repented of a sin, which is obviously a false gospel. You don't get a repenting of your sin. Is there a video that I've seen interviews, I don't know what the interviews are called. But I've seen interviews where he said that he repented of a sin. And, but here's the thing though, is that he, you know, the, the, the prison, the prisoner that killed Jeffrey Dahmer had stated that even after this particular interview, he would taunt a lot of the inmates. And, you know, even when they had lunch, or they're eating at the cafeteria here in Micah, chapter three, we're gonna see a really interesting, he would, he would create his food in such a way that it looked like body parts in order to like, provoke the other inmates, because they knew he was like, he was into cannibalism and all that. And so that doesn't even sound like behavior of someone who would have repented of their sins, just kind of making body parts of his food so as to mock and, and provoke inmates, whatnot completely unnatural stuff. Yeah, that's, that's really weird, you know, but second Peter chapter two in the book of Jude are great books to read, when it comes to delving into the subject of reprobates and false prophets who do these types of things. And Romans one, of course. Yep, exactly. And I feel like a lot of people aren't familiar with the reprobate doctrine. Yeah, they basically think that you know, every sin is on an equal, equal level. All sin is equal. And that's ridiculous. If somebody I mean, there's natural sins and there's unnatural sins, like cannibalizing people. And you know, sodomy is obviously not natural. That's very unnatural. And those crimes that Jeffrey Dahmer people like Ted Bundy did. I mean, they're completely unnatural crimes. They're not natural. I mean, not natural crimes, crimes and sins. Yeah, well, and people often quote James chapter two, verse 10, or as whosoever keepeth the whole law, yet offend in one point, he's guilty of all. And so obviously, all sins will take you to hell, right? Yeah, you know, if you should sin is the transgression of the law. So whether you've never murdered anyone, or you've never committed physical adultery with another person as a married individual, but you've looked upon a woman with less in your heart, you've actually lied, you know, that's enough to take you to hell. However, God does categorize sins as being some sins that are, you know, really bad, but other sins as considered as as capital crimes, such as sodomy, such as adultery. And the proof of that is that in the Old Testament, fornication, which is the sexual act between two people who are not married, was not punishable by death in the Old Testament. There were certain stipulations that were carried with those things, but death wasn't one of them. Whereas poultry was punishable by death. Oh, yeah, because you're sleeping with someone else's wife, kidnapping, punishable by death, bestiality, punishable by death, being a witch punishable by death, whereas other sins were not punishable by death, because God didn't view them as meriting the death penalty. So that shows you that certain sins are worse than others. I mean, Jesus pilot that he had the greater sin. Yeah, right. The person that delivered him to pilot had the greater sin. Yeah, he says the Pharisees in Matthew 23, that they shall receive the greater damnation. Yeah, because they're obviously leading people astray in the way of salvation, and so forth. And so that's proof that certain sins are worse than others. And according to the Bible, you know, sodomy is actually one of the worst sins in the Word of God. Yeah. And here's proof of it. There's only one sin in the Bible that provoked God to just wipe out two entire cities for and that was this is 19. And and you know, he didn't send people to go preach the gospel there. Yeah. And anybody to go witness to them to try to go disciple them. He literally just wiped them out from the face of the planet because it was so vile and disgusting. And he even described sodomy as being something that the land would would cause the land to vomit. Yeah. Well, that's obviously you know, he doesn't say that of other sins, although other sins are wicked. It's obviously a lower grade of wickedness course to sodomy. And people always try to downplay Oh, it's all No, it's the same as every other one. Yeah, that's kind of weird when people do that. They probably are that. That's why. Um, I mean, that just makes me kind of sick, man. Yeah, absolutely. Like, I mean, a great chapter to learn about the reproduction because a lot of people don't know what reprobates are. No. And one of the reasons why in my opinion, so many churches have, you know, pedophilia taking place, and pastors who take advantage of their congregation congregations, sexually, by molesting individuals, is because churches aren't teaching the doctrine of the reprobates. Yeah, is essentially referring to the fact that there are individuals in this world, who are beyond the hope of salvation. individuals are not selected at random. These are people who have rejected Jesus Christ, the Bible says that they denied the Lord God. And so by rejecting him, um, I mean, they're, they had their chance, though, like, yeah, it's not like, God just rejects them because he hates them for no reason. Like these people are constantly rejecting him, correct. And God's constantly trying to reach out to them. And it's not referring to someone who maybe doesn't understand the gospel when it's given to them. Yeah. You know, because obviously, sometimes with certain individuals, it takes a couple times here in the gospel for sure understand it for the seed to be sown for it to be watered to germinate. And eventually it's that they're able to connect the dots and get saved. The reprobates the Bible refers to reprobates as individuals who know what the gospel is, they've got enough times, and they not only reject it, but they become adversarial towards God, like God. And in fact, Romans one describes them as being haters of God. Right? You know, some people out there, they don't like Christianity, or they're not really into religion, necessarily going out of their way to become an enemy of God. They're just like indifferent towards religion, Christianity. Whereas this segment of the population known as reprobates, these are people who actually do hate him in the right. That's obvious. They reject God. God, essentially, according to the Bible, gives them over to what's called a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. And what a reprobate mind is, is a mind that is incapable of ever believing the gospel, when it's given to them, which is why the Bible says that they're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth and second to me, after three, and then along with that, it removes their moral compass. You know, every human being has a moral compass, where we know the difference between right and wrong. And then we also view certain things as being despicable, disgusting, worse. It's, it's, it doesn't sit well with us. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's pedophilia, bestiality, sodomy. And so when a person becomes a reprobate, they're rejected of God, and they're given over to that mind. What happens is, they're able to do those things which are not convenient, as the Bible says, they no longer have that barrier to protect from doing the most heinous things. That's why a lot of these people such as Jeffrey Dahmer, yeah, committed sodomy. I mean, he was cannibalizing people. He was he had this, he was a necrophiliac, and committing to just some of the most crazy, unimaginable things that you can ever have, because of the fact that that barrier was gone. And so, you know, in Romans one, obviously gives a list of things that they're capable of. But it begins with men, with men doing that, which is not doing that, which is unseemly. And it says that they burn their lust one toward another, and receiving in themselves that just recompense. And so, you know, that's why sodomy is not normal pedophilia. Essentially, they're one in the same. Exactly. Like, that's just one of those things that makes you sick. And like, you know, the sins that are like natural sins, you don't get that same feeling when you think about it. You're just like, Oh, the other sins, I mean, you have to you have to battle those things, right? Of course, the flesh lust against the spirit, the spirit against the flesh, these are contrary the one to the other, so that you cannot do the things that you would. And here's my question for those who believe that sodomy is a sin like every other sin. In Galatians chapter five, it says that the works of the flesh are made manifest, which are these entire list of sins that are the works of the flesh things that we struggle with from day to day it goes through vacation, adultery, it talks about envying, and all these things. But one sin that's not mentioned is sodomy. One sin I mentioned is bestiality, because those aren't necessarily the works of the flesh. That's not something that people struggle with day to day. Well, let's see. Let's see what this video is with Isaiah Saldivar on Jeffrey Dahmer. You won't believe what Jeffrey Dahmer said before he passed away. Listen to this. And I've come to since come to believe that that the Lord Jesus Christ is the true creator of the heavens and the earth. It just didn't just happen. And I have accepted him as my Lord and Savior. And I believe that I as long as well as everyone else will be accountable to him. Girl, is it possible after murdering 18 people Jeffrey Dahmer is in heaven right now? Absolutely. You won't believe what Jeffrey Dahmer said before he passed away. Listen. Oh, man, that guy never ceases to amaze me. The most repent of your sins guy out there and he's like Jeffrey Dahmer for sure he saved he contradicts himself hardcore. So basically, if somebody doesn't have a drastic life change, they're gonna lose their salvation. But then this guy does the sodomy cannibalism kills the 18 people or whatever. But oh, at the end of his life, he's good. That doesn't even make sense. It doesn't even match up with what he teaches. Because if I'm correct me if I'm wrong, people who believe in the repent of your sins doctrine and people get equal lose it. They don't think you can repent the very end of your life and be saved. Like they're like, Oh, you think you could just accept Christ as your Savior at the very end of your life and saved or whatever? Well, that's what Jeffrey Dahmer did. That's what he did. You know, that's what he did. Yeah, I mean, that he at the end of his life, right before a couple days before his execution, he had an interview with James Dobson. And he basically said that he got saved or whatever. And, you know, it was but it was an appeal, so that he wouldn't get executed, they would extend his execution longer. And even, you know, thereafter, a couple of days right before, like two days before his execution, he was like, telling people, All right, you know, I'll tell you where all the bodies are at. If you just, you know, extend this a little longer. Okay. It's like, you know, you can't trust a psychopath. Exactly. Yeah, I'm gonna believe the psychopath over here. Like this guy is just doing things that are not the only normal. The only people who believe psychopaths are unstable people. Yeah. liberals. Let me see. Or those who are Christian who are liberal in their thinking, you know? Yeah. Let me play this one here. This is the one on can Christians have demons? Well, you're gonna like this. I just want to create Studio Pro Jesus revolution, amazing 3d character explainers, just a major question that we can probably go along and we won't take a lot of time on it. But I tell people all the time, a Christian could have whatever they want. Like they say a Christian can have a demon and I'm like, what else can they not have? Are they not allowed to have a donut? Are they not allowed to have a coffee like a Christian can have whatever they want? When you get saved, you don't all of a sudden get a license to live however you want and be protected. In fact, God never protects people in disobedience. So if you open a door, like if I open my front door right now, I don't get to say if a fly flies in, you're not allowed to fly in here because the door is open, a fly can come in a wasp can come in a rack and come in. If you leave the door open stuff can come in whether you're a Christian or not. So a couple things we have to ask ourselves. Number one, is there any scripture that says a Christian can't have a demon because at the end of the day, my stories or my experiences don't matter. What matters is what does the scripture say? So is there a place in scripture where the Bible says you can't a Christian can't have a demon? And the answer is no, there's nowhere in the Bible where it says a Christian can't have a demon. In fact, the Bible would point to and allude to the fact that deliverance is actually for Christians actually for the believer. And then and then let me also bring up another point. Deliverance would be pointless if Christians can't have demons. And the reason why I say that is if a Christian can't have a demon, all we need to do is get the person saved, and automatically all the demons will leave making deliverance unnecessary. But the truth is in Acts chapter eight, Philip preached to them, he did miracles and he cast out demons. And it's like, Philip, why don't you just preach them? Why are you even casting demons? Just get them saved. But the but the question was, the answer is, yes, absolutely believers can come under the power of a demon. If you look at the Greek word for what we translate possessed, and this is a very well known teaching by many people, the word possessed was not in the Greek. So they translated the Greek word to the English word called possess, possess, which means having ownership, but there's no Greek word for possess, it just means to be under the power of a demon. So the oppression argument, the depression, oppression versus possession, I don't get into none of that. I just say they're demonized. And absolutely, if you look at Mark 139, Jesus went from synagogue to synagogue casting of demons. If you look at Acts chapter eight, the disciples were full of the Holy Spirit, Acts chapter five, and an essence of fire were filled with Satan. So in Acts four, they're full of the Holy Spirit in Acts five, they're full of Satan. And then the person might argue watching this saying, well, Ananias and Sapphira weren't Christian, and I'm gonna give you two, that's a complete ways we know they were Christian. Number one, what unbeliever Do you know sold everything they have a path to the church? That's number one, the belief the believers don't even do that. That's number one. Okay, so and then number two, this is the best argument for those that say Ananias and Sapphira weren't Christians. Number two is, when does God ever kill unbelievers in the New Testament? Never. So God doesn't kill unbelievers for lying to him because they have the city would be dead. unbelievers lie to Jesus to God in the Holy Spirit every day lie all the time. But yet God says I'm gonna I'm gonna kill these people because they lied to the whole you say that God doesn't kill unbelievers in the New Testament? Yeah. What in the book of Acts he kills Herod, who's an unbeliever? What is he talking about? And then in the book of Revelation, he's killing all kinds of people in the end times. But I want to correct another thing that he's saying because this guy makes all types of claims. Yeah. You see, his listeners are just not fact checking this. No need to fact check what he's saying. Because he said that Ananias and Sapphira were filled with Satan. It doesn't say that in the Bible. It says Satan has filled thine heart to lie unto the Holy Ghost doesn't say that they were filled with Satan. Yes. Here's refuting his stupid doctrine that, you know, Christians can get possessed by devils. According to the Bible, the Bible tells us in Ephesians chapter one, verse 13, and whom he also trusted, after that he heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and whom also after the belief ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance unto the purchase, purchase possession. And the Bible says that we're sealed with the Holy Ghost until then. So can the Holy Spirit and a demon possess the same body? Absolutely not. No, no, no, no to him, you know, Christian could have anything coffee, a donut and a house. Because he's likening it's almost as if he's trying to justify being filled with a demon. Because he's like a donut is good, you know, like coffee, there's nothing wrong with coffee and having right. Well, what can a Christian not have? He's like, what can they not? It's almost as if he's trying to make the argument like, Hey, don't tell me what that I can't be possessed with the devil, because I can have a donut if I want. I can have coffee if I want. That's weird. You know, the Bible says that the Spirit speaketh expressly that in a latter time, some should depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Yeah, is that they'll give heed to them. It doesn't say they'll be filled with them. Yeah. Obviously, devils and demons possess false prophets like Isaiah, who are, who is obviously teaching false doctrine and misleading a lot of individuals. But nowhere in the New Testament, nowhere does it teach that any Christian has ever been demon possessed, anything like that. There's the example of Judas, who the Bible says didn't believe from the beginning, exactly. It's an actually possessed. Yeah. He wasn't safe in the beginning, the Bible says, according to john chapter six, verse 64. It says knew he was a devil who didn't believe from the beginning, you know, and who should betray him? Yeah. And he says, Have not I chosen you 12? But one of you is the devil. This he spake of Judas Iscariot, you know, and you know, then you have the example of Mary Magdalene, who got saved, and the Bible says that Jesus cast out seven devils out of her. Yeah, the example that we see is that when people got saved in the New Testament, when they're demon possessed, the demons left. Yeah. You know, you have the man, the maniac Adara, who was possessed with the legion of death of devils, but then he gets saved. And then he's sitting and he's clothed and in his right mind. Why? Because once the Holy Spirit moves in, once God comes in, everything else moves out. Yeah. Here's the thing is that people often bring up this anybody who even reads the Bible, because most of these people like Isaiah, they don't read it. In the Old Testament, you had examples of for example, Saul, who the Bible says that the evil spirit will come upon him. Yeah. And evil spirit from the Lord. Yeah. People would say, well, there's proof that, you know, a believer can get possessed. Now, here's that interpretation. One being many of these people don't even think the soul is safe to begin with. Number two, here's that here's another problem with this interpretation is the fact that in the Old Testament, believers were not indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Yeah, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit took place. After Jesus Christ resurrected and ascended to spread his blood and the mercy seat in heaven, he came down, he breathed upon his disciples. And it was from then on, that the Holy Spirit began to indwell believers, right? That's what the Bible teaches. And so the Spirit of God will come upon individuals in the Old Testament, even an evil spirit from the Lord can come upon believers in the Old Testament, but they never possess them. You know, that's this is something that came upon Isaiah, Saudi bar out of his own imagination, which is why he says that the scripture alludes to it. Okay, that's something he's alluding to. He's also reading. I think he reads from New King James as well. And there's a huge difference in the New King James. But there's no example in the New Testament of a believer being possessed with the devil. No exists. Nope. Well, yeah, like you said, people get saved in the demons leave. Yeah, that's how it works. For him to say that no unbeliever was killed by God. I mean, you don't have to read very far in the book of Acts to see that Herod, who is an unbeliever, yeah, give glory to God and he smitten and the Bible says that he's eaten of worms thereafter. Are you sure you know what you're talking about? I know exactly. And there's like, you know, over half of the population or something in the book of Revelation that are being killed by God through the wrath of God. I mean, it's just ignorance of the scriptures. Yeah. You know, it was funny. After Pastor Shelley sermon on Judas, it was really good. I went up and I trolled him after I was like, man, that sermon needs a lot of work. And I'm just messing with you. He thought I was serious for a second. I was like, No, what the heck? You're being facetious. That'd be good, dude. Imagine bringing like, like these false prophets on and trolling them. And, and I'm just like, Are you sure you know what you're talking about, man? Like, are you sure you know what you're talking about? This was I told, I think I told you this one guy. He basically preaches that you need to have sinless perfection to get into heaven. And I left a comment, and then he immediately blocked me. Like, it wasn't even a mean comment. It was just like, yeah, according to what you're saying, you need sinless perfection to get into heaven. But that means that you're trusted in your works, that there's something you can do to lose your salvation or that you have to do to maintain it and keep it. And he's like, Oh, so now are you saying works are just optional? My Bible doesn't say that. Well, your Bible doesn't say that we need to be perfect. Yeah, it'd be perfect in order to go to heaven, either based upon our own works. The Bible says that there's none righteous, no, not one that our righteousness are as filthy rags in the eyes of God, which is why we need the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Bible says he has made him to be sin who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. It says in Romans four, that when we believed on Jesus Christ, that his righteousness was imputed upon us. It's given to us by our works of righteousness, which we have done. But according to his mercy, he saved us. And so so this sorry, I mean, I cut you off. I was just reading the comment here. Emmy black says yes, Jeffrey Donner is in heaven Christians having an uproar or uproar over his faith saying he's on that Lee and hell are self righteous Pharisees. Sounds like an unstable soul. I mean, you can't trust a psychopath. Well, here's the thing is that the people who say that are actually the Pharisees. Yeah, because the Pharisees are the ones who believe you have to do works to go to heaven. That's it. That's just so funny how Isaiah Salivar is literally preaching a hardcore work salvation and he's a Pharisee basically. And yet he said he can sit there and say Jeffrey Dahmer is in heaven. He's a Pharisee. He's a Pharisee. He's in heaven because he believed on him right before he died. That doesn't even that's like just so hypocritical. Majorly, I mean, my God, dude, they speak out of both sides of their mouth. Yeah, I'm kind of wondering, like, do they even believe what they're actually saying? You know, some of these are some of these false prophets are delusional. But some of them obviously are just pulling the wool over their eyes for clout, or for other, you know, financial gain, or who knows? Next, the rainbow church. I mean, you know, I'm gonna go preach there now. Whoa. Let me see here. I had another one. We could react. Oh, that one weird pastor. Let's watch like one or two of those. We're pastor the the one I sent you on Tiktok. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Who says that we should love trans people or whatever? Let's see. How was this guy? Like, is anybody just be a pastor? What? Oh, just don't say anything. Crazy. Okay, let's get on me, Cassidy. Speak of things we have seen in her. All right, go ahead. 2013 or 1822? Well, I have a short answer. And I have a long answer. The short answer is that I am not a Jew, and I'm not living in the nation state of Israel. So these laws aren't really intended to apply to me, or really to you, unless you are a Jewish person living in Israel. The long answer is to look at this particular verse in its context. So Leviticus is a book of laws meant to separate the Israelites from the other people around in this particular section is penalties for violations of holiness. One of the other penalties that's in this section is in verse nine, where it says all who curse father or mother shall be put to death, having cursed father or mother, their blood is upon them. Now, oddly enough, we don't see a lot of Christians who are opposed to, let's say, same sex marriage, killing their kids for insulting them. And yet, they're supposed to. Christians are especially guilty of using the Old Testament or the Hebrew Bible kind of as a grab bag. When it's convenient, we like to use it. When it's not, we don't. And this is one of the things that I really have a hard time with when I talk to people who are trying to quote Leviticus to me to say, be opposed to same sex marriage. You can't just take certain passages and say that these are authoritative in certain passages and say that these are not authoritative. For example, if you are opposed to same sex marriage because of Leviticus 13, 2013, you better also be killing your children if they insult you. So that's the short answer and the long answer as to why I don't really view Leviticus 1822 or Leviticus 2013 as authoritative for my sexual ethic and the sexual theology that I have. Okay, so you're saying I can't use any words. I can't use any specific words to describe this guy. This guy is a Lutheran and Lutherans are known for being pro sodomite because most of them are sodomites. Let's go ahead and talk about what he just said there. Okay, because this is something that comes up often where they'll say like, Oh, that's Old Testament. We're not Jews. And so we shouldn't adhere to it. And they'll always bring up the if a child curses father mother and all these things. And, you know, you're saying that that's okay to do. So they're standing in judgment of God's Word. They're basically saying, Do you agree with what God said here? And my answer is, of course, why would I disagree with anything that God says or any of God's laws? The Bible says that the law of the Lord is perfect. Now, if he didn't like that law regarding the children cursing father and mother, then he's gonna have to take that up with Jesus who literally quoted that in Matthew chapter 17, when he said he that curses father and mother, let him die to death. I mean, that's in the New Testament, out of Jesus own mouth. He wasn't correcting the Old Testament. He didn't came to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. And this whole argument of well, that's Old Testament. It's only for Jews. Here's the thing is that, yeah, there's obviously laws in the Old Testament that were repealed. Yeah, specifically says, which ones they were in Hebrew, and it says that there were meats, drinks, divers washings, and carnal ordinances that were imposed upon them until the time of reformation. So just to simplify that, it's stating is that there are certain laws under the Old Testament that served as a representation of Christ, and were no longer instituted. As soon as Jesus Christ died on the cross, because Jesus Christ is essentially the fulfillment of those ordinances, such as the animal sacrifices, the washings, the dietary laws, things of that nature. Yeah, he fulfilled those symbolic representations on the cross, and therefore they're no longer instituted. Whereas the moral laws have always existed. Yeah, was wrong. Before Moses went up to Mount Sinai. Yeah, sodomy was wrong even before that. More laws have always they have always existed from Genesis. And here's the proof, okay, that it still exists today. The Bible says in Romans chapter two, that the law of God is written in our hearts. And it's referring to all human beings. Unsafe people have God's law written in their hearts. Now, do you think that that law that's written in our hearts is like, Oh, man, I shouldn't eat shrimp, or Oh, man, I know, do all the serve the Sabbath, I should make sure that I do an animal sacrifice. Because no one knows anything about that. The laws that are written in our hearts are God's moral laws that says murder is wrong. You know, theft is wrong. Yeah, and false witness is wrong. These are the laws of God that are written in our hearts. That transcends the mosaic law. They stay embedded in. And so that's proof that, you know, it doesn't matter if you're a Jew or not. Yeah. As in Romans chapter two, the Gentiles, it uses that word Gentiles, which have not the law. Yeah, the law of God written in their hearts. Yeah. You know, yeah, without anybody even telling you, you should, you can feel it, you can know if it's wrong. It's called the conscience. Exactly. So what I mean, they can try to obviously doesn't have one because he has his conscience has been seared with the iron, which the Bible says that, you know, in First Timothy, chapter four, forbidding into in commandments, which got it before Dane, you know, I can't remember the entire verse, but you know, he believes that and so he has a seared conscience. Yeah, exactly. Um, let's see here. I'll go over some people's questions. Yeah, I can't, I don't want to watch another one of that guy's videos. Let's see here. Let's see, I'm going here. We had some other things we were going to talk about, didn't we? Gosh, dang it. Can't think of it. I know we had something. You mentioned reprobates. I don't remember the other ones. Yeah, that's, that's the main thing, the whole reprobate doctrine, because people just think that all sin is, you know, just completely natural, or that people that it's never too late for someone to get saved. But the but Jesus said that there's people who have not forgiveness in this world, and in the world to come. Yeah. You know, and part of the reprobate doctrine is that there's certain individuals who can never believe this side of eternity for salvation. Yeah. In John chapter 12, that God has their eyes and close their ears, lest they should see with their eyes and hear their ears, and be converted and I should heal them. Yeah, God takes credit for blinding people to the gospel when they take it too far. And obviously, it's in context of the Jews, the Pharisees, who were perverting the way of salvation. Uh huh. Jacked in Jesus Christ, they were claiming that he was possessed by a devil. Yeah. And so it's still true today. Yeah, somebody says is is Hitler in heaven? I don't think so. No. Hitler was a Catholic. And I was even told, uh, Pastor Anderson and Pastor Shelley said this as well that he was actually he in his writings. He says he's an atheist. Sounds about right. Yeah, evolution. Yeah, I mean, come on. But um, let's see here. Um, comments. Um, okay. Let's see. Let's see. Come on, guys, leave your questions. If you have questions, somebody what? I mean, I don't know. I don't even know. Can I say I can't see the comments here. Do you all know about? Do you guys think Nipsey Hussle is in heaven? I mean, I don't know. I don't think so. No. Let's see here. Let's see. Let's see who uh, I could pull up a video to if nobody's gonna ask a question. Oh, see here. Oh, you can talk about that Jesus Revolution movie. Well, I like this question here. Someone said, What draws the line in a reprobate? How much can one get away with within their sin before they're deemed reprobate? Or perhaps they're just false converts to begin with either way, can't deceive God. So obviously, the Bible doesn't tell us or quantify when a person becomes a reprobate. Obviously, it differs with everyone because it depends on, you know, what's going on in their heart and their view of God at that point. But Romans one seems to kind of give us a essentially step by step process of how people become reprobates. Let me read it to you. It says in Romans one, it says because that when they knew God, they glorify Him not as God neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations. And their foolish heart was darkened. So obviously, these aren't people who didn't know of God. It's not like, Oh, when you keep trying to win Jeffrey Dahmer to Christ or Ted Bundy, or you know, whatever reprobates out there, the Bible says that they actually knew of God. So the reason that they're in the situation that they're in to begin with, is because of the fact that the truth was given to them. All right. You know, they were on the brink of salvation, the knowledge of God was given to them, they tasted of the good word of God and of the Holy Ghost, and they chose to reject it. And it says that they changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds and four footed beast and creeping things. And so what does that mean? They begin to worship themselves. They don't want to worship God, right. And it says that God gave them up to uncleanness, through the lust of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. They're changing the truth of God. And eventually, the Bible says that they don't want to retain God in their knowledge. And therefore, God gives them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. So it gets to a point where the person begins to say, Well, I don't want to retain God in my knowledge. And here's the question that I propose for people who say that reprobates sodomites, false prophets can be saved. If the Bible says they don't want to retain God in their knowledge, what makes you get want to believe on Jesus Christ for salvation? If they don't even want to retain him in their knowledge? This right? So the answer to the reprobate doctrine is you just need to get saved before you get to that point. Right? He's not rejecting it. Yeah, stop rejecting the gospel get saved. That's the only solution. But for the reprobate, there is no solution. The Bible says they're twice dead, plucked up by the roots, and they can never be saved. Wow. And now this. Let's see here. I had someone comment that I wanted to use. Oh, my gosh. Somebody said, Oh, I said someone said is young Don reprobate his stream was wild teaching work salvation. So this guy, this guy young Don, he keeps I sent you a few of his clips. But basically, what he did was he went from when at first, from what I saw from watching his dreams, he believed the Calvinist doctrine, like that's what he was following. And then he claims he believed in one saved only saved. And now, like he's just so far off the deep end, and he just believes the exact opposite in a work salvation, and that he believes that you can like lose it now. Yeah. So as you say, he's No, he's not saved. Obviously, he was never saved. First Corinthians 15 describes people like that, that they believed in vain. It paid lip service to believe in the right things, but they never actually truly believed to begin with. Yeah. Okay. Second Corinthians three administration of death and administration of the Spirit administration of death is simply referring to the Old Testament laws and the administration of the Spirit represents the New Testament. And so the administration of death, referring to the law, is describing the fact that the law can't save anybody, which ironically, that's what we're talking about. The guy is saying that you have to keep the law to be saved. But the law was never meant to save any person in the Old Testament or in the new. The Bible says in Romans chapter three, therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. And the Bible also says in Romans chapter three, that the law was to help us realize that we've sinned, right? The commandments were never there for us as a checkoff list, so that we can go to heaven. Essentially, it's there to overwhelm us, right? Realize, I can't keep all these laws. I can't keep all these amendments. And that's why the Bible says in Galatians, that the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. So the law was there to teach us that we can't save ourselves by obeying God's laws. We need someone who is perfect to be our substitute, which is Jesus Christ, the only person who's been able to keep God's laws perfectly. That's why it's called the administration of death, because it doesn't produce life. It produces death. It kills. The law slays, as it says in Romans chapter seven, the law slew me. I was alive once without the law, but then the law came, sin revived, and I died. Whereas the administration of the Spirit is referring to the Gospels, referring to the fact that salvation is offered by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. And, you know, it's pretty self-explanatory. And what makes me laugh is the people that deny free grace. They say, well, I believe that you can't lose your salvation. And I don't think it's of works, but I don't believe in free grace, even though it says free grace, it literally says we were justified by his grace freely in Romans 3 24, the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. So, I mean, what does that mean then? Are you just stupid? What did that mean? Someone says here, first, first off, none of us know who is saved and who isn't saved. I mean, you kind of do. The scripture teaches us to prove every spirit to see if it's of God, regardless God through Jesus Christ will save whom he will. But, but you would know if somebody gives, says the right things, they tell you the right things that, you know, just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you're saved. It's not of works. I mean, it's pretty much a done deal right there. The mix, they're a sinner, obviously. The apostle Paul talked about different people who he served with, and he said that their names are written in the book of life, which is another way of saying that they're saved. And the Bible says in first John chapter five, these things ever written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God, that you may know the eternal life and they may believe on the name of the son of God. Exactly. God, God wants us to know that we're saved. He doesn't want us running around. Like, I mean, because if you never know that you're saved for sure, that's all you're going to be thinking about. Yeah. And Matthew chapter seven tells us if we can determine, we can determine if someone is saved or not based upon what they say, based upon what they claim to believe. Because the Bible says, by thy words, thou shalt be justified, and by thy words, thou shalt be condemned. Yeah. If a person says, I don't believe in Jesus Christ. I don't believe in the Bible. It's like, we're not going to be like, well, let's not judge. He's he might go to, it's like, this guy's not saved. That's just silly. The Bible, they denied eternal security. They don't believe that Jesus Christ's sacrifice is sufficient to save us. The Bible tells us we can, that helps us to determine this person doesn't have eternal life. Had a good one for you. Okay, so people always say this. Well, you know, there's one sin that's unforgivable, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Now, to my knowledge, somebody who's saved can't do that. Sounds good. I'm, yeah, that's, people only say that, well, what if, you know, you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, like this guy's, there's a lot of confusion regarding that because of the fact that to just explain what that means, the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is referring to the fact that the Pharisees were saying that Jesus had an unclean spirit, right? Yeah. They didn't believe he was God, obviously, and they didn't believe he was the son of God, but they also even took it further and said that they believed he was filled with an unclean spirit and thereby they blaspheme the Holy Ghost. Yeah. Now, I don't know when it was, maybe it was like 10 years ago or so. On YouTube, there was these atheists who did the blasphemy challenge where they would go on YouTube and, you know, they basically said, you know, I blasphemed the Holy Ghost because they wanted to make a mockery of the Bible. And then they were afraid of blaspheming the Holy Ghost. And people have asked me like, well, is that a form of blaspheming the Holy Ghost where they don't have forgiveness? And my answer is anybody who just blatantly messes around like that in order to spite God and spite the Bible. Yeah. They're probably already reprobates. Yeah. They probably blaspheme God in their hearts, blaspheme the Holy Ghost long ago. That's just a high product of it. And so, yeah, I don't believe Christians could ever blaspheme the Holy Ghost and claim, oh, we have an unclean spirit. Jesus Christ had an unclean spirit. You know, no man, you know, in the name of Christ called Jesus a curse. So it doesn't work that way. Let's see what this guy has to say. My spirit calls Jesus a curse. Let's see what this guy has to say here. He seems to be, this is the guy that blocked me. One of the clearest passages in scripture that proves that eternal security is a lie is John 15 6. It says abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine. Neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine. You are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit for apart from me, you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me, he is thrown away like a branch and withers and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. Jesus plainly says that he is the vine and we as his disciples are the branches. And he tells us what will happen to us if we don't abide in him and produce fruit. We'll be thrown away, wither and be burned. Now there are a few main ways that people try to get around this verse because it's so problematic and detrimental to the doctrine of eternal security. But today I'm going to prove to you that each of these ways that false teachers use to try to get around this passage are first and foremost unbiblical. They're not reading the passage for what it actually says and believing the Bible. Instead, they're twisting this passage to push their doctrine. And second, the lies that they're trying to peddle to you to get you to not believe the Bible are just nonsensical. And they are conclusions that no rational and reasonable person trying to be honest with the Scriptures should come to. These are straight up lies and trickery designed to pull the wool over your eyes and trick you out of what the Bible actually says. But we're supposed to believe the Bible and not find ways out of believing what it says. So I'm going to take you through this passage step by step and hopefully show you that eternal security is in fact a lie. Let's get into it. First of all, if you're new here, please subscribe. I make videos where I see proven to be a lie by reading the whole passage because Jesus says in verse 2 Corinthians says, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Romans A1 says that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Colossians says that God has transferred us to the Kingdom of his beloved Son in whom we have redemption for the forgiveness of sins. Paul said in Philippians that he counted all things as rubbish in order that he may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of his own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ. Paul also said that he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. But it's like when we get to John 15, people all of a sudden act like they don't know what it means to be in Christ. But we know what the Bible says about what it means to be in Christ. It's in so many different passages. So Jesus says in the second verse of John 15 that the branches he is referring to are in him. Now, just from a common sense perspective, how ridiculous would it be if, let's say, I were to cut one of these branches off? And then I turned around and I said, Well, look, this branch is obviously was never a part of the vine to begin with, because look, it's withered. So this means it was never a part of the vine. It was never attached. This sounds ridiculous, but this is the reasoning these people use to try to get around this verse. If you are in him, like Jesus says in verse two, and he is the vine, and you are attached to this vine, just as Jesus says the branches are in this passage, then you and the vine are one. You're connected. You are one with the vine, just like how the Bible says we become one with Jesus. The vine is sending its nutrients into the branch in order to produce fruit. This is a clear picture of us becoming one with Jesus and having Jesus work through us. He's not talking about branches that are not in him. If he were, then how ridiculous would it be to say that these branches who aren't really in him need to be sure that they continue to abide in him? No, if that's the case, then he would be telling them to get born again so that they could be attached to him, not to remain in him. Are we to believe that Jesus is telling the disciples that aren't really saved that they need to continue abiding in him? This makes no sense. And besides that, in verse three of John 15, Jesus clearly says that the branches or the disciples who is referring to here had already been made clean, but yet he still warns them to abide in him. Oh, my gosh. So this is what happens when people take parables and they they're like overly literal with them. Yeah, his main text to prove that you could lose your salvation is verse number six, where it says, if a man abide on to me is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned. But obviously what he's missing here is that it says it says in verse number six, he is cast forth as a branch. So as is referring to the fact that you're basically he's using this as a metaphor to describe what happens when you're not attached to the vine, when you're not abiding in his word, you're not going to produce fruit. The main crux of the entire chapter is to be a fruit producing Christian, which we see in verse number eight. It's referring to disciples. Yeah, the disciples. But when you overly literal, literally literal with this, then you have to say that Jesus Christ is a literal vine. He's a literal door. He is literal water. These are metaphors that he uses to describe what happens. So when it says that he's kept forth as a branch and is withered, what he's teaching here is that a Christian who doesn't abide in God's word is worthless, not profitable. It's not producing fruit. It becomes worthless. So what's the only thing that is good for? For men to gather them and cast them into the fire. They are burned because wood is used as a fuel for fire. In Matthew chapter five, it says ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its savor, it is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and to be trodden under the foot of men. Yeah. Well, how come you don't use that verse to teach you can lose your salvation? Because it wouldn't make any sense. Yeah. You don't burn salt. It says that they're cast out to be trodden under the foot of men because you become a worthless Christian. So a Christian who isn't producing fruit, isn't producing out of the disciples, is a worthless Christian. This is what the verse is teaching. Yeah. So I always find it funny that these false prophets always have to go to these particular passages to teach you can lose your salvation. They always use the parables doctrine. Whereas we go to the clear statements of the scriptures and the parables back that up. We don't go to parables. The obscure scriptures to teach the essential doctrines. We go to what Jesus actually said, which is all you have to do is believe on him. Romans chapter four, that to him that worketh not, but believeth on him to justify at the ungodly. His faith is counted for righteousness. There you go. Mind blowing. And the top comment says, but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Matthew 24 13. Physically, your flesh saved. Peter said when he was walking on water and began to sink, Lord, save me. He's not saying like, hey, save me from hell. Yeah, what is he saying? He's like, so that I don't drown, rescue me. So no, then you stop. I mean, people just like you have to be able to divide it. I remember when I was first reading the Bible, man, like I was confused about a lot of stuff. I was like, okay, what is this? Like, I don't like what, how to take certain things. You know what I mean? How to divide it. I did not know how someone said, I hope you don't eat seafood. I love seafood. I love shrimp. Oh, wait. The meat drinks and diverse washings, cardinal ordinances. The Bible says in First Timothy chapter four, every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused. If it were thanksgiving, but it's sanctified by the word of God and prayer, the Bible says. Somebody says, Emmy black says the thief on the cross only had time to repent, not bear fruit. Yet he went to paradise. Yep. Did he repent of all his sins? No, because repent in context of salvation is that he changed what he was trusting him for salvation and believe on the Lord. Yeah. What do you think about like, you know, there's so many videos on TikTok of people claiming they had prophecies. I mean, what do you think about that? Do you think any of them are true? No, absolutely not. We don't need any more new divine revelation, and God doesn't reveal himself that way anymore because we have a canonized Bible. So you're a hater. No, I hate every false way. You that love the Lord hate evil. So yeah, I have a lot of hate. Yeah, absolutely. Okay. Okay. Yeah. People are like, well, Jesus didn't hate and God doesn't hate. The Bible says in the New Testament, Jacob have and Esau have I hated. So you take that the wrong way. Okay. That's not what I meant. Oh, I was going to ask you about Bible college because I didn't actually get to watch that video yet or the stream from the Baptist bias. But my wife's brother is apparently going to go to Bible college in Montana. And I mean, maybe you could warn him about it. I mean, what do you think about Bible college? I think Bible college is not only a waste of time. It's a waste of money. I think the Bible doesn't talk about Bible college. There's never an institution like that in the Bible. The institution that God has ordained for men to be trained to learn the Bible is the local New Testament church. The Bible says that he gave some apostles and some prophets and some pastors and teachers and evangelists for the work of the ministry for the edifying for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ. And then he goes on to say that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. So the Bible says that the church is supposed to be teaching you the Bible, training you, perfecting you for the work of the ministry. And it's free. You don't have to pay some crazy bill every month to be trained in the ministry, learning the Bible. And learning the Bible and being trained for the ministry should be free according to the Bible. So yeah. And what like what so-called scams like are involved with Bible college in your opinion? Well, the number one being you have to pay to learn the Bible. That's the number one scam. And not just learn the Bible, like learn the deep truths of the Bible. So often churches will say, you know, oh, you know, if you really want to get, you know, down deep in this particular subject, you need to go to Bible college. Or if you want to learn deeper systematic theology, you need to go to Bible college. Yeah. So they essentially keep that deep knowledge from the congregation and give it to the cream of the crop. But it's a scam because even if you do go to Bible college to learn those deep truths, they end up teaching you a lot of false doctrine anyways. Yeah. I noticed that a lot of people that went to Bible college did. Yeah. And how long would you recommend somebody, you know, like being in the church for before they would become a pastor? Well, that really depends on the discretion of the pastor that they're under. You know, obviously, in my opinion, someone should be at the church for quite some time, six years, seven years, maybe even close to 10 years to be proven. The Bible gives the qualifications of a bishop, also known as first Timothy chapter three. Husband of one wife, they should have children rule their house. Well, have their children in subjection with all gravity for if they know not how to rule their own house, how shall they take care of the house of God? So what God requires or full time Christian services, pastor or missionary is not a masters in divinity or a, you know, bachelors or anything like that. His the degree that you should have is your family, the works that you do at the church, things of that nature. Do you know the word of God? Have you read it at least 10 times? Yeah. How long have you been in church? Are you faithful in church? Do you know how to disciple others? These are the things that God looks at. Are you similar? Do you not sing at all? Do you know, like, the basics of doctrine? I mean, the Bible says, you know, therefore, leaving the doctrines of the principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection. And so are you a mature person? Perfection can be described in the Bible as being spiritually mature. Yeah, basics of Christianity. And I personally feel like just from watching a lot of sermons that I mean, and talking to you and other, like, you know, other pastors in your circle that I just learned so much, just and just obviously going and reading the Bible for myself. I mean, I learned more from that than ever going to church. Like, when I went the church down to the churches that were near me, I didn't learn crap. But that's why I started going to steadfast. So, yeah, that's that's the best church there in Texas, aside from pure words. Yeah, you know that you're going to learn a lot of Bible there, because it's a church that the Bible says in First Timothy, Chapter three, gives attendance or First Timothy, Chapter four, that they give attendance to reading to exhortation into doctrine. Yeah, that's what you should be learning when you go to church, right? Not like it shouldn't be a TED talk. No, that's what it is. And even Pastor Shelley said, you ever notice the pastors talking in for 30 minutes? It's just nothing. It's just like a motivational speech, man. Like, I'm trying to learn the Bible. Absolutely. And because, like, I think that's the biggest thing, being able to divide the word of truth. That's the biggest thing. And once you can do that, you can pretty much figure out anything. Yeah, because it's a study to show thyself, approve them to God. It works not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. That way you can discern, you know, the right doctrine from the false doctrine. Yeah. You know, you need the meat of the word, as Hebrew, Hebrew Chapter five says, senses exercise to discern good and evil. Somebody says, Man, if young Jeff, aka Jeffrey Dahmer, is in heaven, then God really is playing a prank on us all. Oh, that's a good one. Somebody told me that Orthodox, the Orthodox Church is basically just the Catholic Church. Well, that's wrong, because it's not just a Catholic Church. Yeah. Catholic Church on steroids. Okay. Okay. They're like 20 times worse than the Catholic Church. Okay. What did they do that's even worse than the Catholic Church? Really, it's in the manner of their idols. Like, you know, obviously the Catholic Church is very idolatrous, but they take the sin of the abomination of worshiping idols to like another level. Yeah. Like as soon as you get to Orthodox Church, like soon as you you step into those doors, like you have to kiss like this icon. So you have to like kiss it. And if you don't kiss the icon, then basically you're rejecting Jesus Christ. Uh huh. So that's like another level. One sec. Sorry, my wife is asking you if I drive blankets. Yeah. So basically you're saying if I walked in there and I didn't want to kiss the idols. They would say that you're denying the deity of Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's absurd. That's it's wild. Did they just delete that commandment? That not to worship idols. That's what the Catholic Church did on their Ten Commandments. It's totally different than the regular Ten Commandments. And I was also I mentioned this briefly with Pastor Robinson, but I was talking about how basically Baptists are not Protestant because they did not protest the church in Rome because people think that all Christians are just Protestants. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I mean, it's funny because I just preached a sermon on Sunday called Catholicism, the bastardization of Christianity. So you hate on Catholics. I hate the Catholic religion. I hate Catholicism because it's such a it's a false. It's the biggest false religion in the world. Yeah, obviously there's a lot of things wrong with the Catholic Church. Then they claim that there's no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, and they'll always claim that we came from the Catholic Church, you know, and that Protestants pretty sure Christians were way before Catholics. They find they claim that the founding of the Catholic Church was with Peter in Matthew Chapter 16. Yeah, explain that, if you don't mind. That's their pope. Right. That's the first pope is is Peter in Matthew Chapter 16, where, you know, Jesus tells Peter, let me read it to you. He says he says, And I say unto thee that thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever that shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. So that's their text verse to claim that, you know, Peter is the first pope, and that's where the Catholic Church started. But we don't what they fail to realize is that the religion of the Bible dates back all the way to the Book of Genesis. Yeah, Christianity, the Bible says that they were first called Christians in Antioch. Yeah, the religion and the doctrine of the Bible is prior to the Gospels being preached. Because the Bible says that Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Genesis says that men began to call upon the name of the Lord, which is teaching us that they began to believe on the Lord for salvation. But, you know, Pope Peter was not the first pope, you know, and he wasn't a pope. He wasn't Catholic. They killed all the apostles, the Catholic Church. Yeah, they executed a lot of Christians. And, you know, there was they have a lot of blood in their hands of not a pope. Where did they get this idea? That's not even Peter. That's like a different Peter. Yeah, well, at the end of the day, the reason why they want to claim that Peter is the first pope is because of the fact that in Peter's later on in Peter's life, he did pastor a church in Rome, as we see in First and Second Peter that he was writing the letter from Rome. Yeah, modern day Babylon. I'm sorry, back in those days, it was Babylon. Yeah. And so because Constantine had essentially amalgamated Christianity and Christian practices with Roman polytheism to create this this crazy religion of this mixture of two, you know, that essentially united church and state. They basically wanted to pick Peter as being the first pope because that was a centralized location for all power. And say that Pope Peter was the first one. And that's why you have the Vatican there. And that's that's like their area to claim because they'd still want that control. But, you know, they teach this doctrine called the infallibility of the pope, which says that like the pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals. In other words, you know, he can get up tomorrow if you wanted to and just teach some crazy doctrine. And no one can really question it, not even his bishops or deacons or whatever. Right. The Catholic Church teaches. But, you know, if they want to claim that, then they have a problem because of the fact that in Matthew 16, when Peter is ordained as the first pope, his first act in office is to rebuke Jesus Christ and claim that he's not going to die. So, you know, there's a major issue with that. And of course, Jesus Christ calls him Satan. Yeah. Not like he's doing the best job there as the first pope. Right. Of course, later on, he denies the Lord thrice. Yeah. Cornelius falls before his feet and begins to worship him. And he says, hey, get up, don't worship me. I'm a man is thou art. That's not what the modern day pope is doing. You know, people are kicking, kissing his feet. Yeah. Like he's God or something. Yeah. I mean, it's crazy. And hope means father. Yeah. He said, call no man father for one is your father, even God who is in heaven. And so the Catholic Church has this thing that has the impeccable tendency to just completely disregard the Bible in every aspect. Yeah. It's like when the Bible clearly tells you not to do something, they're like, say less. We'll do it. You know? Yeah. Oh, don't call a man father. We'll call our priest fathers. You know? Oh, salvation is by grace through faith. We'll say that it's by works and keep it in the sacraments. Oh, you know, there's only a heaven in hell. Oh, that's fine. We'll add purgatory to that. Yeah. Oh, Jesus said, don't use vain repetition. That's what their prayers are. You know, pray on Mary's or whatever. I mean, they're confessing their sins to a priest. I mean, that's ridiculous. Imagine doing that. Oh, we're supposed to be humble about fasting and not tell people that we're fasting. I'll do you better. I'll put ashes on my forehead to let everyone know that I am fasting. So somebody actually brought this up to me. I'm sure you could explain it better than me. But so basically they said, oh, how come in Jonah they were fasting when they're fasting? They basically wanted everyone to see it. Yeah, because of the fact that God was about to judge the nation. He was about to destroy the nation. So Jonah came and he preached judgment. And in the Old Testament, a signification that people were in mourning was that they would put ashes on their head. Yeah. And be a sackcloth. Okay. And so they weren't necessarily giving up something like the Catholic Church teaches for Lent. We're wearing ashes on their forehead and going to the grocery store or whatever. You know, just to show everyone that they're fasting. This is something that they did to impede the judgment of God to show humility of heart. And it was something that the entire nation did. Right. It's ordination of the king for them to do so. This is not the same thing that the Catholic Church does. Yeah, it's completely different. They're just. And here's the thing is that Jesus said, when thou fastest anoint thy head and wash thy face, that thou appeared not unto men to fast. Yeah. So, yeah, the king of Nineveh required everyone to do that. But it's not something that God told him to do. Whereas Jesus Christ says in the New Testament, if you're fasting, make sure you wash your face so you don't look like you're fasting. Right. What Catholics do, they want everyone to know that they're fasting by putting ashes on their forehead. Right. Man, do they? They don't read their Bible. I mean, what is the excuse? Seriously, everyone should watch that sermon. You'll have a good time because I go over everything that the Catholic. I saw that. I saw that you posted that the other day. I meant to watch it. But yeah, I'll watch it tonight, actually. It's a pretty fun sermon. Yeah, I'm surprised. You know what I'm going to do every time you post a video. I'm just going to act like the rest of the people that hate and get triggered in the comments. Wow. You're so hateful. So you hate this, too. And you should just play along with it. Jesus revolution. Like I'm telling you, man, like someone said nobody is in heaven until the day of judgment. Really? That person, where do they go? They're just idle. They're just. No, what they're implying is that they believe in soul sleep. So basically, when everyone dies, believers die. They just remain in their bodies. But, you know, there's a lot of flaws in that teaching. Like, for example, Elijah was caught up in a whirlwind, chariots of fire into heaven. Not for God took him. And how about the fact that in Job chapter one, the sons of God were presenting themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them. Sons of God are referring to believers. Yeah. And how about the fact that even prior to judgment day, according to Revelation chapter six, John sees the souls under the altar of the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held, crying and saying, how long the Lord holy and true does thou not judge and avenge our blood and then which dwell on the earth. So there's people in heaven during that time. Somebody says, yeah, they also say that no one is in hell yet, which is not true. There are people in hell right now. How about the rich man in Luke chapter 16 who looked it up his eyes in hell. Well, James White would say, no, that's different. Yeah, that'll be for another video. Yeah, man. Well, this was good. Definitely got to do it again. I'm trying to do a couple live streams every week. So just to get it going and be consistent with it. Anything else to add for people? People to see? Go watch that sermon. The bastardization of Christianity on the channel Antipas. Antipas, guys. Go to Antipas. Go watch it. It's a two-part sermon. Talk about transubstantiation, Mary, all that. Jordan Wilson says, what's wrong with James White? Well, to start off, he's a Calvinist. Anything else? That's the main thing. That should just totally deter anyone from listening to somebody like that. Let's see. End with a prayer, guys, someone says. You want to pray or do you want me to pray? It's up to you. I'll have you pray. All right, let's pray. Lord, thank you for this day. Lord, thank you for the fact that salvation is free. All we have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for it. It's not anything based upon what we do, Lord. And we're so thankful for sound doctrine in the Bible that makes these things clear. I pray that anybody who's watching the stream who may not agree with the teachings of the Bible that they would just submit to the Holy Spirit and search these things to see if they are so Lord and humble themselves before the Lord and anybody who in the stream who does agree with these things may reaffirm them in the faith and cause them to be even more stable in their walk with God and their doctrine. Bless us now as we go on our way in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. All right. Appreciate you coming on, man. Let's do it again. All right, man. All right, guys, thanks for coming on. Appreciate you all. Somebody said, what is wrong with Calvinism? So let me pull this up real quick before I end the stream. Um, watch this. I'll pull this up for you guys. You want to see what's wrong with Calvinism? How many people have died and gone to hell because of those guys right there? A lot of people have died and gone to hell. And we have to make sure that we fight against Calvinism. We fight against that false doctrine. We keep salvation by grace through faith. It's believe only. And we're out there giving the gospel. We're soul winning. We're doing everything we can to get the gospel out and not allowing this Calvinistic junk to get it to the church. The reason we need to fight for this is because we need to fight for the teaching that salvation is by grace through faith. And it's always been under attack and it always will be under attack. And the devil will repackage this so many different ways. These, I mean, it's, it's all, I look at all of it as one thing works. Salvation works. Salvation works workspace, but he'll package it so many different ways. Well, it's not works, but you can lose it if you don't do the works. Ah, shiny new packaging, right? So many different ways. Well, you don't have to do good things, but you have to stop doing bad things. I mean, look at all, it comes in all these different packages, but it's all the same thing. You earning your salvation. If you want to be saved, the Bible makes it very clear that there's one thing that you have to do to be saved. It's very simple in the Bible. The question is asked one time, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house. So right there, the answer to the question, what must I do to be saved is believe. And all throughout the Bible, the Bible teaches, for by grace are you saved through what? Faith, and faith means believing. He said, for by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. John 1 12, but as many as received him, to them may be power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. Plain and simple. John 3 15, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Verse 18, he that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. John 3 36, he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 5 24, verily verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life. John 6 40, and this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the son and believeth on him, may have everlasting life. And I will raise him up at the last day. John 6 47, verily verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I'm not sure, what does it take to get saved? I mean how many times can he say it in how many different ways? Whosoever believeth, that means anybody who believeth. It doesn't matter what your life is, it doesn't matter how good you are, how bad you are, red and yellow, black and white, he said whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, the Bible says. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law, okay? I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck the mind of my hand. So over and over and over again, the Bible teaches us that salvation is by grace, it's by faith alone, not by works, you can't have both. So someone who says they believe in Christ, but they say, but I feel like you gotta still work, you gotta keep the laws of God, you gotta maintain a good relationship with God, that person's not saved. Why? Because it has to be 100% and this verse proves that, and if by grace then it is no more of works, otherwise grace is no more grace, but if it be of works, then it is no more grace, otherwise work is no more work. What does that mean? If you say you're trusting in Christ, but you're still trusting in your works, you've just made null and void the grace of God to save you. How do you get any clearer than, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justified the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also described it, the blessedness of the man, unto God imputeth righteousness without works, saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. I mean, how many clear verses? For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. The doctrine of lordship salvation teaches that submitting to Christ as Lord goes hand in hand with trusting Christ as Savior. So what do they teach? What is lordship salvation? It's basically saying this. Yeah, you have to trust Christ as your Savior, but you also have to change your life. Because changing your life is synonymous with making Jesus Christ the Lord of you. You either get Jesus Christ the Lord, or you get none of it. And he must be Lord of your life in order for you to be saved. You may not understand the full ramifications. You probably won't understand the full ramifications, but you have presented your life as a living sacrifice on the altar. You have entrusted your soul every inch and every ounce. You didn't just put one foot across the line. You put both feet into the boat and committed your life to Jesus Christ. The only thing that makes you acceptable to God is a pattern of obedience to the Word of God that is the product of repentance and genuine faith in Jesus Christ and truly abandoning your life in obedience to his lordship. We are not born again if we are not living differently than we would if we weren't born again. People that claim to be saved and don't change aren't saved. I think if you don't believe in Jesus as your financial advisor, you're not saved. One thing marks the difference between a true believer and a false believer, and that is a pattern of loving, eager, submissive obedience to the Word of God. To keep God's commandments, to repent of our sins, to follow the Lord, these are works, folks. And the Bible says if it be of grace, there is no more of works, otherwise grace is no more grace. Yet they want to stand behind a pulpit and just completely deceive and lie. And so we're not teaching the work of salvation is wicked and it's by faith. It's by faith in Jesus Christ. But you know, saving faith requires a changed life. We're saved not by our works. We're saved by faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone. But if you really are saved, it always results in a changed life. Always. There is a way in which it is proper to understand that saving faith must be obedient faith. It's not perfection. We are saved by grace through faith, not by works. But saving faith will have works that accompany it. If you have true faith, that faith will immediately, necessarily and inevitably produce the fruit of sanctification. Advocates of Lordship Salvation are careful to say that salvation is by grace alone. Why are they careful to say that? Because they know they're teaching work salvation. So they have to sit in there and say a lie. Well, it's by faith, but that faith is works. OK, faith alone saves, but the faith that saves is not alone. I want to say this. You're saved by grace through faith alone. The scriptures are really clear that the faith which saves is never alone. It is faith alone that saves, but the faith that saves is not alone. You're saved by faith alone, but not by a faith which remains alone. I think that you're saved by faith alone, but your faith is not alone. You know what they really do? They destroy that that faith even exists. They want to destroy what faith is. They want to destroy what grace is. They want to destroy all the definitions of these words and put in their own definition so they can still use biblical language and confuse the masses. To define saving faith apart from feelings, emotions, affections of glad dependence, thankful trust, fervent admiration, pleased submission, contented resting, thrilled treasuring, eager reverence, heartfelt adoration is futile. They'll get up and say we're saved by faith, but if you don't have the works, you don't have the faith. In other words, faith alone without works isn't a saving faith because if it's a saving faith, it produces works. Because every time they use the word faith, they mean works. For by works are you saved through works. That's what they believe. But they hide it by changing the word works to faith. Why? Because if they stood up in front of everybody and said we're saved by works. For by works are you saved through works. And it was all given by grace and you're a slave. Everybody like this is weird. Like that's not what my Bible says. So they have to hide it and disguise it and use the word faith. But the natural man, he doesn't understand the Bible, so he can be tricked and bamboozled by these liars. Today we have this easy believe-ism gospel that looks like this. All one must do to receive eternal life is read this magic prayer, right? No real heart change, no repentance. Do you know that there are people preaching today that if you preach repentance and faith in Jesus that you're preaching a false gospel? This is subject that's very misunderstood today and there's a lot of false teaching out there under the guise of repentance that is actually teaching a workspace salvation. Now the mistake that most people make is that whenever they see the word repent in the Bible they add these magical words after it of your sins. They often think that just the word repent means to turn from sin. I say repentance is an old-fashioned word. It means to confess and forsake your sins because you don't want to be a hypocrite and say I believe but I still fornicate, blaspheme, watch pornography, lie and steal. No that's hypocrisy. Many churches I think produce many false Christians and false conversions and false churches because all they say to people are believe in Jesus and they do not ever say repent. In repentance there is confession of sin. There is contrition for sin and there is consecration to a new way of life. They just add that concept. Well let me just prove to you that that's not true. In Exodus 32 verse 12 it says wherefore should the Egyptians speak and say for mischief did he bring them out to slay them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth. Turn from thy fierce wrath and repent of this evil against thy people. So we can see that repent means to turn, right? Moses is telling God to turn away from his anger or wrath toward his people. It says in verse 13 remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants to whom thou swearest by thy own self and saidst unto them. I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven and all this land that I've spoken of will I give unto your seed and they shall inherit it forever. Watch this. And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. Now that right there proves that repenting does not mean repent of your sins because God doesn't have any sins. God never has sinned. God is perfect in every way and yet did God repent in the scripture? Yes he did. He turned. He turned from one course of action unto another. He didn't turn from sin, he turned from anger. Later on in 1 Samuel 15 when Saul had committed some sin, the Bible says in verse 35 and Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death. Nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul and the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel. So God made a decision to choose Saul to be the first king of Israel. But then later because of the way Saul behaved he repented of having made Saul king. Is that repenting of sin? No because God has no sin. So we see that there's a different type of repentance in the Bible. People can turn from all manner of things. They can turn from anger. They can turn from a decision that they had made. But go to Exodus chapter 13. This is an interesting one. It came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near, for God said lest peradventure the people repent when they see war and they return to Egypt. Now look, God wanted the people to leave Egypt, didn't he? Did he want them to turn around and go back to Egypt? Absolutely not. So here these people aren't repenting of their sin. They're repenting to sin if they turn back. So the bottom line is as we look at these scripts it becomes obvious that a person can repent from anything. They can repent from something good. They can repent of something bad. They can repent of a decision that they made. It's just a turning or changing course or changing direction. It doesn't have to be repenting of your sins. Now what's interesting is that these modern Bible versions, the NIV and the New King James for example, they make a lot of changes to the Bible. They corrupt scripture. And one of the changes that they make is that they remove the word repent from 46 verses. But here's what's funny about it. You know which ones they remove? They don't just randomly remove 46 of them. Oh no. They specifically and purposely remove every time God repented they remove it. You see they remove anything that can prove that repenting does not mean repenting of your sins. There's an agenda behind it. I'm telling you the devil is out there to promote this doctrine that in order to be saved you must repent of your sins because it's work salvation. I'm going to prove that to you from the Bible. And you know some people they just have tradition and they're just oh well I've heard my whole life that you have. I don't care what you've heard your whole life. The Bible says that God repented. Okay if you believe the Bible that means God repented. If you believe the Bible you can repent from good. You can repent from bad. You can repent from any sin. You can repent from anything. God's repented. And so to sit there and say that every time the Bible says repent it means repent of your sins is to add to scripture. Now here's a verse that people will often use and they'll say you know, this verse is a verse that proves that you have to repent of your sins to be saved in Acts chapter 17. Now before I get into Acts 17 let me say this. There are hundreds of verses in the Bible that tell you what you have to do to be saved. And it's believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. The Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. The Bible says verily verily I say thee he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. He was buried and three days later he rose again from the dead. Look he did all the work for salvation. We don't have to work our way in. We don't have to do our own works. We don't have to turn over a new leaf and stop sinning. Look we just have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. But there are some times when the word repent is used in the Bible even in regard to salvation. Even when the gospel is being preached the word repent is being used. But let me tell you something. It's not teaching that you have to repent of your sins to be saved. And let's let's just just be honest as you look at this passage in Acts 17. Because often people will just out of context quote verse 30 where it says you know where he's preaching the gospel and he says the times of this ignorant God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. They just add he's commanding everyone to repent of their sins. God commands all men everywhere to repent. That means to turn around and go in the opposite direction. It means to change your way of living. Change your way of living. Which is not what he's saying. Let's get the context of what's being taught here. Go to verse 22. It says, Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars hill and said, ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you're too superstitious. For as I passed by and behold your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God, whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him declare I unto you. God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands. So here we have a people that is polytheistic. They worship a lot of different gods. And then just in case they missed one, they didn't want to make some God somewhere upset and make him feel left out. So they just built an altar that was just kind of a general purpose altar just to the unknown God. And Paul's saying, man, you guys are too superstitious. I mean, not only you worship all these gods, but then you make one of the unknown God. He said, well, I'm going to preach to you about the unknown God. And then in verse 29, it says for as much then as we're the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone, graven by art and man's device. And he's saying, look, if God created the world, he's not an image that you can carve and a statue that you make and bow down to. That's not what the Godhead is like. And he says in verse 30 and the times of this ignorance, God winked at what ignorance, the ignorance of thinking that a little piece of stone or a little metal statue is God. He says the times of this ignorance God winked at, but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. He's telling them to repent or to turn from worshiping of false gods. He's saying, look, you're worshiping false gods. You need to worship the one true God. You need to repent and turn from false gods to the true God. Was he talking about repenting of your sinful lifestyle? Was he telling them you guys need to quit drinking and quit smoking and quit carousing and you need to quit fornicating and you need to quit stealing and you need to quit lying. You need to turn from all that in order to be saved. In order to be saved, you need to be willing to turn from drinking and smoking and partying and fornicating and stealing and lying and murder. Is that what he was telling them that they needed to turn from? But that's what's being preached today. Stop lusting, lying, stealing from your boss, playing the hypocrite, bad language. People take act 1730 and they say in order to be saved you must be willing to turn from your sins and they'll say to somebody who's a drunk that they have to repent of that in order to be saved or that they have to turn from whatever. Now look, which sins do they think you have to repent of to be saved? Because I don't know about you, but I have not repented of all my sins because I'm not perfect. And the Bible says if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. No one in here can say I've made my heart pure from sin. Nobody in here can say I've turned from all my sins. And people say, you know, I repented of my sin and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ my Savior. You know, which sins did you repent of? Because if you're going to tell me that you repented of all of them, you're a liar is what you are. And let me tell you something, repenting of your sins is a daily thing. Salvation is not a daily thing. Salvation is a one-time thing. You must be born again. The Bible didn't say born again and again and again and again. The Bible says you must be born again. You believe on Christ. And in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, you are saved, you are regenerated, you are passed from death unto life, you are a child of God. Now look, after that, you're still going to sin. Every single person in this room has sin in their life. No one is perfect, myself included. And so therefore, if we had to turn from our sins to be saved, no one would be saved. But they say, well, you just have to be willing to turn. Okay, where's that in the Bible? What about when God repented? Was he just willing to turn from his wrath or did he actually turn from it? Repentance is an actual turning. It's not just a willingness to turn. And so what we see here is that what they had to turn from was idols because that's not God. See, you can't just add God. And look at 1 Thessalonians 1 and then I'll explain it to you. Look at verse 9. It says, for they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God. Now, could that be described as repentance there? That's repentance, right? I mean, they were worshiping idols, false gods. They turned to God from idols so that they could serve the living and true God. That was repentance. Did that repentance save them? Yeah, because it meant that they were not believing in their false god anymore. Now they're believing in the one true God. But was that repenting of all their sins? Willing to turn from a sinful lifestyle? No. And that is a false teaching. And if you teach that somebody has to turn over a new leaf to be saved and repent of their sins and start living a good life, that is a work salvation. That's not trusting what Jesus Christ did on the cross. Now, if you're turning from idols to the true God, yeah, you're putting your trust in Jesus that died on the cross. Okay, but when you're turning from sin, now it's like, well, you've earned the right to be saved by giving up your sins. Now look, if the Bible just tells you all you have to do is believe our Christ to be saved, right? That's pretty clear. I'm not going to sit here and quote all the hundreds of verses that say, you know, for by grace are you saved through faith, and the not of yourselves the gift of God, and out of works the same as you both. If the Bible just teaches that faith in Christ is enough to save you, then how can there be some other thing added that you also have to do? Like, well, you also have to repent of your sins. Then it's not, then believing is not enough. You also have to do something else. You say, well, what about repenting from false religion? But here's why you have to repent of false gods, because it's impossible to believe in Jesus Christ if you're believing in something different. Think about it. I mean, how can I say I'm trusting Christ if I'm trusting something else? So I have to stop trusting this and start trusting this. So really that's just all included in the word believe. Believe covers it. But the reason that Paul is using the word repent here is because he's trying to make it understandable and clear to the people that he's talking to that, you know, you have to believe on Christ alone, okay? Just like when John the Baptist and Jesus are preaching to the Jews, they use the word repent a lot. Why? Because the Jews, they claim to believe on God, but they were trusting in their own works and following the law to get them to heaven. The Pharisees were trusting in the works of the law. That's what they had to repent of. And I'm going to show you that in the Bible right now. The Bible says in Acts 3 verse 19, Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. So they say, see right there, repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out. And they'll say you have to repent of your sins to be saved. Does it say repent of your sins and be converted? No, it just says repent. So let's get the context to figure out what's being repented of. It says, but ye denied the Holy One and the just, talking about Jesus. They denied him and desired a murderer to be granted unto you and killed the prince of life whom God has raised from the dead, whereof we are witnesses and his name through faith in his name had made this man strong whom ye see and know, yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all. And now, brethren, verse 17, I want that through ignorance ye did that. Now remember, what did they repent of in Acts 17? They repented of the ignorance. Remember the times this ignorance, God winked at, but now commanded all men everywhere to repent. And that ignorance was the ignorant foolish idea that a statue is God, okay? He says, I want that through ignorance ye did it as did also your rulers. But those things which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets that Christ should suffer, he had so fulfilled. Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. So look, what is he reproaching them for? He's reproaching them for denying Christ, for rejecting Christ. And when he tells them to repent in verse 19, that's what he's telling them to repent of. He said, look, you denied Christ, you rejected Christ, you need to repent. You need to change your mind. You need to turn from that decision and turn to Jesus Christ in faith as your Savior. Let's look at John the Baptist preaching about repentance because John the Baptist definitely preached about repentance. It says in Acts 19, 4, then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of what? Repentance. So what was he saying when he baptized with the baptism of repentance? Saying unto the people that they should believe on him, which should come after him, that is on Christ. So what was the repentance he was preaching that they needed to believe on Christ? Okay, now look, if you would, you say, well, how does that work? Matthew 21, 32 explains it. Let's see how John the Baptist preaching of repentance fits in with believing on Jesus Christ, not with turning over a new leaf in this context. It says, for John came unto you in the way of righteousness and ye believed him not. So here's John the Baptist preaching the word of God. Did they believe him? No, but the publicans and the harlots believed him. So here you've got the religious crowd, the Pharisees and Sadducees, they didn't believe John the Baptist. The publicans and the harlots did believe John the Baptist, and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward that ye might believe him. So group A here, the religious crowd, did not believe on Christ. Group B did believe on Christ. God's saying that when group A saw that group B should have believed on Christ, at that point they should have repented and turned from unbelief to believing on Jesus Christ. Turn from their denial of the truth to acknowledging the truth. Did they do that? No. He said you repented not afterward that you might believe him. You see, in Matthew 3, too, you don't have to turn there, but John the Baptist preached saying, repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Did he say repent of your sins? No, he just said, repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus preached the same thing in Matthew 4.17. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. But if we look at Mark 1.15, he gives more detail about what was preached by Jesus in this case. It says in Mark 1.15 saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent ye and stop sinning. Is that what it says? No, it says repent ye and believe the gospel. Why do they need to repent? Because they didn't believe the gospel. They didn't believe John the Baptist. They didn't believe Jesus. They needed to repent and believe. Turn from their false doctrine and false religion and false belief and rejection and denial of Christ and repent to the acknowledging of the truth and repent and believe the gospel. It's that simple. Now you say, well, Pastor Anderson, does the Bible ever even use the term repent of your sins? Not one time. You're like, well, where does this repentance of sins come from? Because you know how many times that phrase is mentioned in the King James Bible? Zero. But there are Bibles out there that say this. In the NLT is the worst offender of this. OK, now in Matthew 4 and verse 17 in the NLT. So Jesus is saying in your King James Bible, it says from that time Jesus began to preach and to save repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. NLT from then on, Jesus began to preach repent of your sins and turn to God for the kingdom of heaven. So Jeff Durbin is a false prophet because he's a Calvinist. All this is all about Calvinism. Jeff Durbin, James White, both Calvinists. Heaven is near. You know what they're doing right here? They're putting words into Jesus's mouth. Jesus did not say repent of your sins and turn to God. He said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Mark one and verse 14. It says now after that, John was put in prison. Jesus came into the galley preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent ye and believe the gospel. So when they're saying repent for the kingdom of God is at hand, what are they preaching? The kingdom of God is to believe the gospel, right? The gospel of the kingdom is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. OK, what's it say in the NLT in verse 15? The time promised by God has come at last. He announced the kingdom of God is near. Repent of your sins and believe the good news. You know what? These versions can keep saying that all they want, but that's not what God's word says and they're lying. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar. And they are adding to his word over and over and over again. And I've seen this before, but I never like took the time to see how many places it does it. You can pretty much look up every place that says repent in the New Testament is going to say of your sins and turn to God. And they just add that phrase in there. The NLT. Jeff Durbin is not a Baptist. I can promise you that he is a Calvinist. James White is a Calvinist. They're both Calvinists. They're I promise you they are both Calvinists. He is a wicked version that's pushing this repent of your sins heresy. You say, why you get upset about this? Because people are going to hell because of this doctrine. This is a damnable heresy. I have zero patience for people that preach repent of your sins for salvation. Zero patience for that. This is not a muddy issue. This is not something like, well, we could have different opinions. No, no different opinions on this. This is what the King James Bible says. And if you don't like it, go grab your NLT and go somewhere else. So why do all these preachers say you have to repent of your sins to be saved when the term repent of your sins is never found in the Bible once? I mean, isn't that a fair question? If the Bible never one time says repent of sin, and that's something that we have to do to be saved, good night. Why didn't he warn us? Why didn't he tell us? But look, I have hundreds of verses that say believe. Why? Because believing is what you have to do to be saved. See, the book of John is the only book in the Bible that claims to be a book written to get somebody saved. And at the end of the book of John, he says these things are written that you might believe on the Son of God, and I'm paraphrasing, but he said in that believing you might have life through his name. He claims that that's why the book is written. Okay, that's why the Bible in the book of John says believe in almost every chapter. Right away in John 1 12, he says, but as many as received him to them gave me power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. That sounds like a great book for getting somebody saved. John 3 16, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3 36 says he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son should not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 5 24, verily verily I say thee he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life. John chapter 6 repeatedly says that you have to believe to have eternal life. You get into chapter 9, dost thou believe on the son of God? You get into chapter 11, it's I am the resurrection and the light. He that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? And the book of John says believe, believe, believe, believe, believe. And it says this book is written that you might believe and be saved and have eternal life. You see, the devil wants to get you to trust your works to save you. All the way back to Cain and Abel, he's trusting his works instead of the blood of the lamb. All the way back to the Tower of Babel, they're trying to do their works to get them to heaven. All throughout Galatians he warns us it's a false gospel when you think that you're justified by works. All throughout Romans he tells us we're not justified by works. I mean, he warns us, look, trust Christ for salvation. Don't trust works. So basically the devil wants to get in the back door. He doesn't just want to come right out and say trust works, okay? You're like, well, no, the Bible says not to trust works. So he's like, well, it's not works, but you do have to repent of your sins. Well, I'm not saying it's works, but you just can't live however you want. I mean, you got to do something, right? You got to at least go to church three times a month or something. I mean, you know, I mean, you got to do something, right? No, you have to do nothing because Jesus did everything. You believe on Christ. His works are sufficient. You see, it's not a matter of us coming before God with our sins and saying, I'm not going to do any of these anymore. It's more like I need forgiveness of all of this. I need to be vindicated. I need to be exonerated, right? I need all these to be washed away. You don't need them to be. You don't need to turn from them. You need to be forgiven of them. And this is where people get mixed up. Hebrews 6 verse 1 says, Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on into perfection, not laying again the foundation. Okay, guys, so if you want to watch this video, there it is. It's just called the false Calvinist gospel. There's actually three parts, I believe. So let me it's called Preach the Gospel. This is the channel. Yeah, this is the channel it's on. It has a bunch of them. Really good stuff. I'll put the link here if you guys want it. God says if you've committed one sin. Yeah, it says, for whoever whosoever whosoever. Gosh, I'm trying to remember the exact verse. But yeah, basically, whosoever. Oh, my gosh, it's Oh, my gosh, it's not coming to me. Okay. I know it's James 2 10. Oh, for whosoever keep it the whole law and get offended. One point is guilty of all just came to me right before I was about to look it up. But yeah, so basically, if somebody is trying to get to heaven by keeping the law, but they offend in one point, and that means they're guilty of all, they broke the whole law. So yeah, and the thing that that's the channel, though, guys, definitely, I recommend going and watching these because there's a lot of false teachers, man, like Calvinism is just wicked. And this whole repent of your sins. Gospel is nonsense. That's works. Now, somebody says you can do every lawless thing and one saved only stay. That's not what anyone preaches in one saved only saved. You know, that's it's what the Bible actually says it's called eternal life. You shall never perish. Hebrews 10 10 says by the which will we are sanctified through the box through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all. So you're sanctified through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, once for all, right? How many times once. So Jesus died for all sins, big sins, little sins, enormous sins. And on top of that, nobody believed in one saved only saved believes that they can just go out and just commit, you know, all these sins and just be good. Because you're going to grieve the Holy Spirit. I've never said that. That's just putting things in my mouth that I've never said, because you want to believe that you're so righteous. Oh, I don't I don't sin, right? I don't sin. And I think you can lose eternal life. Well, the Bible actually says in Proverbs chapter 20, verse nine, who can say I have made my heart clean? I am pure from my sin. Well, I'll tell you who can say that a lying hypocrite. That's who can say that. I mean, seriously, but if you go out and you, you just continue to walk in the flesh and do all these sins, what's going to happen is you're going to get punished. And God's going to continue to correct you until you get right. And then this whole straw man where it's like, oh, if you just people in one saved only saved think that if you just pray a prayer that you're saved and you just go the rest of your life living wicked. I mean, that's just a stupid thing to say, because nobody believes that. Nobody believes that. I mean, when has anybody said that? Just pray a prayer and you're good. Now, do you really believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all your sins? Do you really believe that? Do you really believe all the miracles, the death, burial, resurrection? Do you believe all that? I mean, come on, it's just silly. It just hurts my head to think about it. It's just such a stupid argument. That's what they say every time. The Bible preaches once saved, only saved. That's what Jesus preached. He said, I give unto them eternal life. They shall never perish and no man shall pluck them out of my hand. Let's see here, I'm just reading the comments. I'll read the comments for a minute longer, a minute or two. Girl dad. Hi, hi. Many so-called Christians are not saved exactly because they're trusting in their works. Because if you think there's something... Oh, this is a funny comment. Poombear says, why are you mocking Jesus in the video praying to Donald Trump? Well, I never actually mocked Jesus in the video, number one. Number two, I'm actually mocking Trump supporters who worship Donald Trump. I don't remember ever mentioning Jesus in the video once. I didn't, so that's a stupid argument. So yeah, what was I going to say? Anyways, yeah, a lot of Christians, they're not saved. Simple reason, because they're trusting in their works. And anybody who thinks there's something they can do to lose their salvation or something they need to do to maintain it, they're not saved. Because they're not trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Work without faith, you mean faith without works is dead. You ignore that, how ironic. Well, that scripture is talking to saved people. Those people are saved. He's telling believers to get to work. Nothing to do with salvation. Salvation is a one-time thing. I mean, that's just a silly argument. And people take James 2 and totally twist that. Faith without works is dead. But does faith without works not, does faith just not exist? No, it exists. See, you're justified by your works before man. You're not justified before God. Okay, because God can, but God can see your faith. Let's thank God, amen. And this whole thing where it's like, oh yeah, well, you know, once saved, always saved, just thinks they can do whatever they want. Stupid, nobody thinks that. Nobody thinks that. Because here's the thing, you know, if you continue to live like that, God's going to punish you. God has the power to do anything. God can destroy your life. I mean, that's just silly. Salvation, but can you be a drunkard? Yeah, a drunk guy could get saved. Of course, an alcoholic could get saved, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And yeah, are you saying that somebody needs to stop drinking in order to get saved? Well, that's works. That's, I mean, that's a prerequisite. So you're telling somebody they have prerequisites before they can get saved, before they can believe in Jesus? So if I go knock on someone's door and the guy's, you know, he watches porn, I say, well, before you get saved, okay, you got to stop watching porn. Okay, you can't believe in Jesus. He's not going to save you until you stop watching porn. Well, that's pretty stupid. That's basically saying you have to save yourself first and then Jesus will save you. I mean, that is really dumb. And I was going to say, a drunk will turn from drinking under conviction from God. And not everyone, not everyone will turn. I'll be honest, not everybody. I mean, we're going to sin regardless. Hopefully, I feel like, I feel like there's a good chance. Yeah, but not everyone, you know, everybody's different. You know, not everybody's going to have a drastic, some drastic change in their life. Some people might, you might see like no change. Because some people don't have like a crazy screwed up life. You know what I mean? So this whole idea that somebody needs this changed life, it's like stupid. Young Don. Oh, no. See, Young Don used to actually say some good stuff. And then he totally just went off the deep end with his whole work salvation garbage. But it is a sin to ruin your body with drugs and alcohol and to watch porn. Obviously, it is a sin. But is that going to keep you from getting saved? No, it's not. To say somebody needs to stop doing something before they get saved is work salvation. That's just like every other, every other religion is works. See, the difference between Christianity and every other religion is Christianity is believing and trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ. And then every other religion is you doing good works, you trusting in your works. Yeah, Young Don. Yeah, he's leading a lot of people astray. Well, also, the Bible says in John, sorry, 1 John 5, verse 13, it says, And ye shall know that ye have, or that ye may know that ye have eternal life. So God wants us to know that we have eternal life. He doesn't want us to wonder if we have it or to not know if we're saved. I mean, that's ridiculous. Read some comments here. Yeah. So 1 Corinthians 5, 5, a saved brother was committing fornication with his father's wife. Uh, the fornicator in the church in 1 Corinthians. Yeah. And notice that they kicked him out and it talks about them saving his, uh, his spirit. Right. But obviously people will take that out of context, way out of context. So let's read, uh, current 1 Corinthians 6, 10. Okay. Let's do that right now. I'll just pull that up for you. 1 Corinthians 6, 10. Okay. People love this verse or love this scripture here. So notice this 1 Corinthians 6, 10. So I'm getting into it. We're going to read this. Let's let's, let's do this. Let's do this. Let's rightly divide the word of truth there. Any of you have, so let's actually start from, let's actually start from, uh, the first verse of chapter six. So 1 Corinthians chapter six, verse one, we're going to read through it. Okay. This is King James. Dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the saints. Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? No, you not that we shall judge angels. How much more things that pertain to this life. If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. I speak to your shame. It is so that there is not a wise man among you. No one, no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren, but brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers. Notice he's talking about going to law before the unbelievers. Now, therefore there is utterly a fault among you because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? Nay, ye do wrong and defraud and that your brethren. No, you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. So who is the unrighteous unbelievers? So, cause it says right here, but in verse six, but brother goeth to law with brother and that be, and that's before the unbelievers. So he's saying before the unbelievers, no, you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. In verse nine, be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of God. So what he's talking about is going to law before unbelievers. He's talking about, why are you going to law before unbelievers? These people are going to be judging you, right? Who don't even believe, they're not even saved. And he's describing some of the things that they do. So you have to read this stuff in context. When you just say this here, okay, 610, nor thieves nor covetous, so you don't covet, you never covet? Okay, that's a lie. Name one person that doesn't covet. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. So if you just read it like that and read verse 10, 11, oh, you can make it sound any way you want. But if you read the whole thing in context, whole lot different. If you actually read all the way from verse 1 through 11, then you will understand the context. You have to rightly divide the word of truth. It's talking about going to law with a fellow brother, which is another believer, before the unbelievers, and it's calling them unrighteous. And it's saying that they do these things, right? Such as thieves, covetous, drunkards, nor revilers. He's describing these people. He's saying that these people won't inherit the kingdom of God. Why is that? Because they're unbelievers. That's why. And then we go to Revelation, right? If you really want to get picky with the sins, oh, you do those sins. Those sins are so bad, right? The unrighteous. Who is the unrighteous? People that don't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the unrighteous. So if you don't believe on Jesus Christ, you are unrighteous. Yes, exactly. We go to the last verse. This is verse 27. And we'll start in 26. Revelation chapter 21 verse 26, right? It says, and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie. So if you even told one lie, you're going to hell, right? It said, maketh a lie. So not as a pathological liar, not a compulsive liar, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life, right? So if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you're saved. You're going to heaven, right? So what does it also say in 1 Corinthians 1550? It says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. So your flesh is sinful, right? And you're going to sin till the day that you die. You're going to sin till the day that you die. Because you have your flesh, right? You have a new man and you have your flesh. Why else would Paul continuously tell us to walk in the spirit, right? He continuously tells us to walk in the spirit, not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh, right? And our flesh and blood cannot go to heaven, right? Only our spirit. And then God's going to give us a new body when we go to heaven. But what should we say if we should not say repent from sins? Okay. If you're trying to tell somebody to get saved, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Stop believing whatever you're believing that's keeping you from being saved. If somebody said repent when they said to repent from the idols and believe on Jesus to be saved in Acts chapter 17, right? When Paul's talking about that, they're believing in the idols. Trust, worship in the idols. Because obviously you can't believe on Christ and worship these idols, you know? But saying repent of your sins and believe the gospel, that's ridiculous. So wait, were you trusting in your sins to go to heaven? I mean, that just sounds stupid. If you ask pretty much anybody who's not a believer, you know what they're going to say how to get to heaven? Be a good person. Do good. That's every religion. That's every, that's literally every religion. Be a good person. Do good things, right? That's every religion. Except, except Christianity, which is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved. That, that's, that's what Christianity is. And anybody teaching repent of your sins to go to heaven. I mean, there's some pastors and these preachers that literally just say repent of your sins and get baptized. They live and say, believe on Jesus. I mean, that's just blasphemy. I mean, that's insane. Repent from sin is biblical. No, it's not. Go to a King James Bible right now and find me one verse that says repent of your sins to be saved. Go, go and find me one verse in the King James Bible. You won't find it because it doesn't exist. Does not exist, my friend. Not existent. Nope. So why did God repent? Why did God repent what 40 something times in the Old Testament? If you're asking a believer on how to get saved, I mean, what, what's the context? I'm a little confused. Right, right, exactly. Because God, God repented. God can't sin. God is perfect. God's perfect. Can't sin. But yet there's so many people who are preaching the work salvation. I mean, I'm telling you, go on YouTube and you'll find the most, the most popular Christian YouTubers, what are they preaching? A works salvation. Repent of your sins salvation. This whole thing about, oh, can you still go to the strip club? Can you still go to the strip club and go to heaven? Of course, absolutely. You can still go to the strip club and go to heaven. You can go to the strip club every single day if you're saved. Absolutely. Is there going to be punishment for that? Absolutely. God's going to, God's going to be pissed. God is going to chase in you. God's going to correct you and your life's going to suck. Would I recommend going to the strip club every day? Absolutely not. I think it's stupid. I know Rogers is going to be a jet. It's so awesome. So happy about that. Let's see here. All right. Well, I'll read like one more comment and I got to get off here, man. Oh, well, actually if you go to, it was, I think Acts 10 43, it says, and, oh my gosh, Acts 10 43, to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall have remission of sins. So it says right there, Acts 10 43, you don't need to get baptized to go to heaven. You should get baptized after you believe. Okay. That's something that you should do afterwards. Getting baptized has nothing to do with getting saved. It's not a requirement. I mean, you should get baptized after you believe. Yeah. After you're saved. Of course. Anybody who doesn't believe in eternal security is making God a liar. Yes. Because they don't believe the record of God that he has given us eternal life. And then life is in his son, John five, first John five 11. And when people say, oh, I've repented of all my sins, they're a liar. They're a liar because they apparently haven't given up the sin of pride because they're so prideful. Oh, yeah, there's sins that we do that we don't even know about. We sin every single day. Once saved, only save appeals to the flesh. Absolutely not. I mean, I 100% follow. I mean, oh, my gosh, dude, it hurts my head. I'm not even going to talk. I'm not even going to talk anymore. I'm not even going to talk anymore. It's just so stupid. The fact that somebody would say that you follow once saved, only saved because you want to appeal to the flesh is just stupid. That's what the Bible says. Eternal life. So I'm following the Bible. I'm following what Jesus said. Eternal life, never perish. I mean, this guy has got to be trolling. You know how God speaks to you? Right here. This is how God speaks to you. Got to be a troll, dude. It's just hurting my head. I can't even listen to this anymore. Well, you got me if you're a troll. Good job. Good job. Congratulations. Jeez. Bruh doesn't sin. Bruh just doesn't sin. Only the sin of pride. Only the sin of pride. That's right. Okay, guys, I'm going to get off here. I'm starting to lose my mind. I appreciate you guys coming on. Thank you again, guys. I'm going to go live again, I think, Thursday or Friday with Pastor Robinson again. Who's incredibly knowledgeable. So, yeah, guys, thanks for coming on. Appreciate it. Be on the lookout for Thursday or Friday, guys. Faith alone saves. He's obviously a troll. A hundred percent. Obviously trolling or just a reprobate. But yeah, all right. See you guys.