(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A little bit of people to come in because it takes a minute, but let's see here. Alright. Excuse me a minute. The last one with Pastor Anderson. The video got a yellow thing on it. What's the yellow thing? Basically limited ads. I'm not surprised. I knew that was going to happen. Let's see here. Might as well just take a screenshot here. Get a little thumbnail. Gosh, this is so irritating. Drop screen share. Alright. Let's give it a minute. There. Oh, perfect. Wow, this is irritating. Sorry, I'm just... Alright. This is so annoying. For some reason when I do a thumbnail for a video, it just puts my profile picture there. It's the most annoying thing and nobody's going to click on that. You were asking where I got my hoodie from or my sweater from. It's custom. Yeah, there's actually a website called Good Works Raiment and it sells all new IFB and KJV attire. Let's see here. Okay, we'll do this for now. Screw it. His church was bombed. We're going to talk about that. Give me one second, guys. Oh, I know what I want to talk about. Street preachers. That is one thing I actually want to talk about. Let me write that down. It's a good thing I... Okay. I actually preached a sermon on that recently. Ah, man. That's perfect. Oh, here it is. Alright. Good. Okay. Let's get into it now. Oh my gosh. If I can actually get into it. There we go. One second. One second. Then we'll get into it for real. Let me do a proper introduction. Okay, guys. So thank you so much for tuning in. I am with Pastor Bruce Mejia. So your church was recently bombed by some of the friendliest people around. Can you tell us a little bit about that? Yeah. So our church is called First Works Baptist Church and we initially started off as Faithful Word Baptist Church. We're a satellite church plant, Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. And we went independent a couple of years ago and we're actually in the city of Omani, which is in the Los Angeles County. And, you know, just preaching God's Word, winning souls to Christ, just serving the Lord. And then in 2000, late 2020, which is like around December or so, some of the alphabet people, as I like to call them, they got a hold of some of my content regarding sodomites and regarding Disney and regarding my views on women and all these things. And they just kind of made a compilation of it and they tried to expose me. But, you know, I was all for it, though, because, you know, there's no such thing as bad publicity. So they went on a campaign to kind of get me kicked out of the city. And so they passed out flyers throughout the city. And they got a they put a petition to get it to try to get get me kicked out. They reached out to the mayor and the city manager. And, you know, then they decided to start protesting. So quick question. Sorry. Yeah. About the mayor. Like when they reached out to the mayor and the city manager, what was the mayor's stance on that? Well, initially, the mayor just said, you know, he has the freedom of speech and he's not, you know, he's not being violent. Obviously, she said, I don't agree with what he's saying. And it's sad that he's saying these types of things or whatever. We support the LGBT people, but we can't stop him. You know what I mean? This is not there's nothing legally they can do against me. So they weren't happy with that. So they basically decided to hold a protest at our church and they had scheduled one. But even leading up to that protest, there was tons of threats and people doxing my address and the addresses of the people in our church and multiple death threats. And so there's a lot of things that happened in between that. So finally they came in. You know, this is during COVID, I guess you could say. So a lot of them were afraid that, you know, they were going to get COVID or something like that. So they were going to do like a caravan protest, but we were kind of disappointed about that. Basically, they were going to just drive by, do like a gay drive by protest or something. It just sounds so funny, a gay drive by protest. Yeah, it was a gay drive by. What are they going to do, bend you over and just, you know. So then, so what I did was we put out some signs in front of the church that basically read like, honk if you love First Works Baptist Church. You know, so as they drove by and they're like trying to disrupt their service, you know, they would be honking because they love our church, you know, but, you know, a lot of them drove by. And in fact, some of them even done, some of them even crashed one into another because they're just too busy looking at our building and weren't paying attention. So they crashed into each other, which is hilarious. But then actually an actual group came out to protest us right in front. And unfortunately at our building, we didn't really have like a buffering zone. So like the sidewalk is like right there. And so people were allowed to just be right outside the walls of our church screaming and yelling and with blow horns and saying all types of obscenities and blasphemous things. And so we just held our services as usual. And I preached a sermon called The Worst Sin. That was my sermon. It was against the sodomites. I was explaining to our church why I believe sodomy is one of the worst sins. Can you tell us why? Well, you want to wait to tell us why that's why you believe it's the worst sin or do you want to do it now? I can do it now. I mean, I just believe it's one of the worst sins just from an earthly perspective because of the punishment that was instituted for it. And when you look at the Bible, I mean, the Bible even says that the lamb would vomit because if sodomy was present in land, it would make the land want to vomit. That's how disgusting and perverse it was. And that's one of the reasons why the Lord instituted the death penalty for sodomy because of its corrupting nature of not only individuals, but also of a country and a nation. And you can look historically throughout, you know, throughout history, any nation, any region that gave themselves over to sodomy, that's basically marked the beginning of the end for that. Look what's going on right now. Those people are, I believe the reason why everything is just so corrupt is because those people are being uplifted and praised in society now. They used to be punished. And that's because now we went away from the perfect law, which is God's laws. We went away from God's word and now it's just satanic. Yeah, absolutely. And you know, in the Bible, it specifically tells us, you know, like for example, in Malachi chapter three, verse 15, it says, and now we call the proud happy. Yea, they that work wickedness are set up. Yea, they that tempt God are even delivered. So God prophesied of this even prior to all this happening. He said, you know, we call those who are prideful, those who have gay pride parades, we call them happy. Obviously the biblical terms for them would be like sodomite and whatnot. So I was preaching that sermon because we did have a lot of new people in our church and I was trying to help them to understand why this was happening. And we didn't lose anybody from our church because of the protest, but they're outside. And I was going through Genesis 19, all the pertinent scriptures dealing with sodomy. And it's interesting because as I was preaching through Genesis 19, which is the story of law and the angels taking law out of the city, they were literally yelling outside of the church, bring Bruce out, bring Bruce out. So as I was telling that story, so that's pretty ironic there. And the police were there because they wanted to make sure that it wouldn't get violent. And so after that, you know, we had to be escorted to our vehicles because they're right outside. You know, they're saying all kinds of crazy stuff. They even hired a like a transvestite heavy metal band to play outside our church and say all types of blasphemous, just disgusting things with speakers and a drum set and all that. It's just funny because they don't have to listen to this. They like, you're not shoving this down their throats. Meanwhile, this LGBT LGBTQ stuff is being shoved down our throats. It's being put on television everywhere and the show, you know, Hollywood and stuff like that. Politicians are shoving it down your throat. It's on cereal boxes. It's put in our schools. Yeah. But then they get mad when you're preaching God's word. Yeah. And so it got pretty tense in the middle of the service. I was giving announcements about like some activities our church is going to be having. And one of the protesters just kept coming up to the door, which is obviously our property. So one of our ushers just ran out there and just shoved them off the property, at which point all of them came rushing to that person. And then all the men in our church rushed out basically to go defend him. So I had to like run out there and pull guys in and, you know, make sure that no one was getting hurt. And so thereafter, when the service ended, we were escorted to our vehicles and the police was there and they were trying to get us in trouble with the police because we shoved that protester out of the building. And the police said, you know, or she said, you know, hey, they're meeting in there and, you know, they don't have masks on and they're not social distancing. And he said, look, we already know what they're doing in there and they're exercising our freedom of speech. You know, they're allowed to do, they're allowed to do that. And so there's nothing we can do about it. And you're on their property. So they rightfully removed you from their property. So that was, there's nothing illegal of what they've done. And so the cops were on our side and they even, the police basically said beforehand, they said, we're not here to protect you guys. We're just here to make sure no one gets violent. But interestingly enough is that towards the middle of that protest, it ended up being that the police had to protect, had to protect us because they saw how violent and wicked they were. And so after a while, the police were just standing in front of our building, you know, arms crossed, just like don't move beyond this, this little line here. And so I thought that was pretty neat. So that happened and they came back that following night, they protested, they got a little crazy. So then they promoted that they were going to do a drag queen contest at our church the following Sunday. They said, we're going to hold a drag queen contest. And they literally said, we want to make them throw up. We want to make them throw up. They wanted our children to see it. They wanted everyone who comes into the building, all the families to see it. And so obviously I was grieved at that. You know, that grieved me. And because we have a lot of children in our church. And so we were trying to formulate a plan of what we're going to do to stop that. And we're thinking, well, maybe we can just buy a bunch of speakers and just blast a bunch of preaching outside and just try to be creative. But at the end of the day, we just said, you know, we're going to pray about this and just leave it up to God. And we're just going to meet on Sunday. I'll keep preaching and, you know, we'll see what happens. Well, that Saturday, Friday night going into Saturday, we had, or I'm sorry, that week, probably like on Monday or Tuesday, I had told one of my employees, my staff, I said, we need to set up security cameras because we just don't know what they're going to do. They might vandalize our church. We want to make sure we have it on camera. So we set it up. And then that week, that Saturday, two people came to the building, they spray painted our entire building. And then they threw a homemade bomb inside the building. They broke through the glass and they threw a bomb in there and it blew the wall and, you know, just it blew up the side of the wall or whatever. So we had that on film or we had that on the security camera. And so the FBI came out and basically took over the investigation. They offered like a $28,000 reward for anybody who knew if the person would turn themselves in. But I mean, we gave them all the evidence because we basically said, here's the protester, here's that person who was on the camera, you know, we did your job for you, now go arrest them. But they did it. And so they got away with it, so to speak. But obviously, from a Christian perspective, we know that, you know, vengeance is mine, save the Lord, I will repay. And we know that God doesn't forget those things. So, you know, when that happened, we still had church on Sunday. We couldn't have it at the building because they wouldn't allow us to. We met under a tabernacle in someone's backyard, but we broke attendances. We got a bunch of people saved throughout soul winning and ended up working out great for us because now we're in a different city with a bigger building, which is what we needed because our church was growing and ended up working out together for good. So, but prior to that, the city manager and the or excuse me, the city manager and the chief of police, they called me in for a meeting. And actually, I'm sorry, this is after the bombing. Like on Monday, they called me in for a meeting. They said, we need to talk to you. And we're trying to keep the peace. And, you know, we're trying to see if you are willing to talk with the LGBTQ to come to, you know, to terms and make peace. And I'm like, I'm not making peace with the haters of God. That's not what I do. Right. So they called me when they called me in to meet with them. They didn't tell me what the meeting was about until I got there. And the city manager said, you know, I want peace. You know, I want peace in our city. And so what should we do? And I said, Well, this is what you do. You leave me alone. I said, leave me alone. Let me serve God. Let my church serve God. Don't disrupt what I'm doing. Don't try to interrupt anything that I do. Keep these people away from us. And you'll have peace. God will bless your city. He'll bless the people in your city. He'll bless, you know, everything that's going on here. But if you don't, God's going to be pretty mad. And he's going to bring judgment upon the city because you're you're persecuting a righteous man in a righteous church. I said, so if you legitimately want peace, you need to just leave us alone. And she said, I understand that. But what can I do to have peace? And I'm just like, well, if you're asking for yourself personally, well, just let me tell you, you got to get safe. You have to believe on Jesus Christ and you can have peace. I said, other than that, I don't know what else to tell you. I'm not going to apologize to them. I'm not going to issue a public apology or take back anything that I said. Yeah, that doesn't make sense when you didn't do anything wrong. And that's what I told them. I said, why do I have to do anything when my church is the one that was bombed? I said, that doesn't make sense. But they're always the victim. They're always the victim. Yeah. Yeah. And they're obviously putting pressure on them. And so I said, I don't know what else to tell you. You know, that's that's all I got to say. And I said, I'm not going to stop preaching, you know, God's word. I'm not going to stop preaching against them. And I even told the Sodomites outside of our church, I said, I said, do you understand if you get me kicked out of the city, it changes nothing. I said, this will change absolutely nothing. I'm only going to preach harder against you in a different city. You know, and so and that's what's happened. So they blew up our church. We ended up moving and it didn't stop there. They ended up some of their the members of their group were camping outside of my house, kind of waiting for me to come home. They ended up stealing. They ended up stealing my vehicle. And we found it in Omani. I lived in a different city. They found a vehicle in Omani. I was almost dumped when we went out. We did a sowing marathon. And they surrounded me and my family out sowing. And then another time at a mall, they they tried to pick a fight with me. So it carried on for a couple of months. And it got to a point where I said, well, you know, I need to move my family out of the city because I'm just too known here. And I don't want to, you know, be put in a situation where something crazy might happen. Well, it sounds like, you know, they're actually your biggest fan because they're following you everywhere. You know, it's funny because, you know, your haters are really your biggest fan. Yep. There's something just attracting attracting them to you. Something. And, you know, so we shook the dust off our feet and we went to another city. And so and I told them, I said, I hope you succeed in exposing me because you're just going to make me more popular in Los Angeles. And you're going to give you gave me free publicity. You got me on the news. You know, you passed out flyers about me. And the truth is, is that the majority of the people in Omani, just the regular citizens, they actually agreed with me. And they said, you know, he's right about what he's saying. Or they either said, you know, I don't agree with them, but it's not right for someone to just go bomb someone else's building just because they don't agree with them. Right. So, you know, they basically failed at whatever they, you know, they're trying to get done because they thought they bombed us. They put the pressure on us. It was just going to stop us from preaching. Yeah, it's going to make it worse. But it doesn't work that way. You're right. Now, the whole thing about the alphabet people is where I don't think people understand why it's one of the biggest things. And it's so severe is because, you know, it all starts with getting molested, I believe. It starts with getting molested. So they keep doing it to people and the cycle just continues. They're making more and more and more and more and more and more. Well, they're definitely recruiters. You know, they're definitely recruiters. And my personal belief, like if you're to look at it in light of the Bible, you obviously see that God is the one who gives them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. But the reason God gives them over to a reprobate mind is because they rejected the Lord. But I think that is a byproduct of their bitterness towards God because of maybe they were molested. Because I've known people who were molested, but they ended up getting saved. And they served the Lord. They're kind of living happily ever after in the Lord. And they went through some pretty traumatic experiences, whereas others were molested. And what did they do? They blame God because God allowed this or why didn't God stop this. And so the gospel comes to them. And because they harbor such hatred and bitterness towards the Lord because of this traumatic experience, they reject the gospel. And then they become adversarial towards the Lord, which in turn, obviously causes God to give them over to a reprobate mind because they don't want to retain him in their knowledge. So I think that definitely plays a part in that. So do you think that all gay people are pretty much impossible to save? I think anyone who is burning in their lust one toward another, men with men working now, which is insanely, you know, women leaving the natural use is beyond the hope of salvation. But I believe that there are people out there that have dabbled in it because of the culture, because of peer pressure. Maybe they have a perverse boyfriend or perverse girlfriend that will coax them into doing these acts. I don't think they're they're reprobate. A reprobate is a special type of a title that is designated towards people who actually hate God. And in light of their hatred for God, they reject the gospel. And they actually, the Bible literally says they become haters of God, you know, and that their ability to believe is removed. And the thing is, is that when a person's ability to believe is removed, that ability to believe is actually attached to a moral compass. So you think of a drain, for example, a drain stopper. That's like your ability to believe. Once you take that, you take everything else with it. And so that's why when a person becomes a reprobate, they not only get involved in some of the most wicked, heinous sins known to mankind, but they're literally incapable of believing on Jesus Christ. Because first of all, they don't want to believe on him. But secondly, because God has removed that from them. And the Bible makes it very clear in John chapter 12, that God had blinded their eyes and closed their ears, you know, lest they should be converted and I should heal them, the Bible says. And so God literally takes credit for closing the eyes and shutting the ears of those who reject him. Okay, and I'm not saying that everyone who rejects the gospel becomes a reprobate. Yeah, you know, there's plenty of people out there that we give the gospel to and they say, No, thanks, or I'm not interested. We're talking about people who, you know, become adversarial towards God, where they begin to hate him. Because most people who reject the gospel, they don't necessarily hate God. They might just not like you. Yeah, I mean, they may not like you. They don't like me or you know, they've had a bad taste about church, but they don't necessarily hate God. It's a special kind of a person who hates the Lord. Yeah, and I feel like timing is everything. Maybe it's just not the right time for them. Right? Because that's how it was for me. I mean, I didn't get saved till like a year ago, and I'm 29 now almost 30. Yeah. And I never had a hatred or anything. You know, I believe that Jesus was real, but I didn't really look into it. I didn't read the Bible or anything like that. So that's Yeah, a lot of times, a lot of times spiritual truths go over people's heads. Yeah, maybe they're not thinking about it. They have something else on their mind, something else that they're emphasizing in their life. That's not necessarily a time for them to, or maybe they're just not ready to be saved, you know, and that's how it works. When you plant a seed, it doesn't germinate right away. Sometimes it takes watering, sunlight, you know, it takes a while to grow. Or just something in their life to happen to them where they're like, I need God. I need God. I can't do this on my own. Yeah, my father in law used to say is the season of the soul. Maybe they lost a family member or maybe they're going through a sickness in their life or, you know, some traumatic experience that that's causing them to want to seek out God. Yeah, most definitely. And, you know, we do things in our life like, well, me before I would try to do things like, you know, have sex with more women or, you know, try to make more money to make myself happy. But in the end, I come right back to where I was before. It's not true happiness. Right. And, you know, there's plenty of people who get saved in a sense for different reasons. Some it's because they the reality of hell is in the forefront of their minds. Other people, they just have an emptiness in their heart, like a void. Sometimes it's, you know, it's different for different reasons. Yeah, to me, it was kind of the gospel. Yeah, the gospel is the power of God into salvation, no matter what situation you're in. The solution always is to believe on Jesus Christ. Yeah, I mean, I can't just look at it like all the evidence that I've seen and gone through. I can't, you know, see all that and be like, Yeah, I can't believe this. Like, I have to believe it because it's the truth. Yes. And I'd be an idiot not to. Yeah. So the next thing, actually, let me show them the video that you sent me real quick. Let me share the screen here. Show them the video that you sent me. Right. Yeah, this is this is a week before getting bombed. Okay, one week pre bombing. Here we go. He's nice people has residents asking the city to kick him out of town. She knows Silva talked to residents of El Monte, who have been protesting against the pastor and his church. We're making El Monte a righteous city at first works Baptist Church in El Monte. Pastor Bruce Mejia is preaching against people in the LGBTQ community. So how does God view them as rapists? How does God view them as child molesters? He tells the men in his congregation not to let their wives work. And much of adultery that takes place in marriage is when a woman is working out in the world. That happens all the time. Why? Because women are weak. I'm not downplaying them. I'm not degrading them. It's fat. It's also a fact in his book that Disney characters like Elsa from Frozen are sinners. She's not a princess. She's a whore. Our residents in El Monte reacting to all of this. They plan to continue holding demonstrations like this one. He preaches so much hate. Hey, everyone, the way that he's twisting things in the Bible, the way that he is trying to hold on women. I love how they say that you're twisting things. Meanwhile, they didn't even know the Bible. That's the best part. I know that the Bible preaches love. Jesus wouldn't do that. It worries me that we have been living here our whole lives and that there are people who agree with this rhetoric and we're potentially targets to hate crimes. But Pastor Mejia doesn't care what they think. I'm not afraid of these freaks. The First World Baptists are calling for the government execution of the LGBT community. While conducting interviews, a parishioner came outside of the church to speak with us. I agree 100% with this message and it's not a message of hate. You don't think it's hateful to say that the government should execute them? That's not hateful. That's what God says. That's what the Bible says. You believe that that is OK? Yeah, that is OK because God said it. I am completely disgusted that this city has allowed these people to be able to continue to say their hate speech. We spoke with the El Monte chief of police and the city manager who told us they are offering mediators to help facilitate a conversation, a roundtable dialogue around these issues. But with anything else, the parties have to be willing to sit down and participate in that dialogue. But Mejia has refused to meet with any mediators. And while his speech may be considered hateful, police chief David Reynoso says it's not criminal. Well, criminal speech is when you directly threaten a crime against someone, threaten or hurt someone to kill someone. As opposed to a general hate speech. I'm still not apologizing. We're getting you guys out of here. OK, you're still filthy. That was Gina Silva reporting. Of course, we have reached out to the pastor for comment, but he has not gotten back to us. She's a liar. She's such a liar. You got back to her, right? Well, the footage of the protest, Fox 11 News came out and they interviewed me right then and there. So when she said that... Hold on one second. Your video is still playing. When when when she said that, I was like, what? They came on the protest. Fox was there. They interviewed me and they didn't put it out. And so we have pictures. We have video of them interviewing. So they they completely... Oh, wow. The news line. I know. Can you believe that? It's crazy. Unbelievable. Oh, I'm actually going to have a segment. You know, I don't want to talk about myself, but just made me think of it when they would talk about all the hate on the satire news show I'm starting. And one of the segments is going to be called Hate Watch. We're just going to like, you know, talk about stuff that's going on. And it's called Hate Watch. Then there's one called one called the fact check. What's funny that they call us. They say we're hateful, but it's just like, well, you hate me, don't you? Yeah. I was like, don't you hate me? Don't you hate Christianity? I mean, I can't. And I even told the people, the city manager, I said, you know, it's interesting. It's like I've been here for a couple of years and I've never bombed anybody's building. I never threw a bomb in anybody's building. I've never beat anybody up. My preaching has never incited violence here. Well, it seems that the group is the only one who's actually being violent towards us and hateful towards us. So, of course. So let's go to the next topic. And that is street street preachers. What are your thoughts? I'm against it. Yeah. So the reason I'm against street preaching is I'm not saying that there isn't a street preacher, quote unquote, that's out there. That's not preaching the right gospel. I'm sure there are there are some. But the vast majority of street preachers out there, like Ray Comfort, for example, who's a street preacher, are preaching a false gospel. It's often has a connotation of repenting of your sins, turn or burn this gospel that is not biblical. So that's why I hate it. And they're often very arrogant and prideful, you know, very condemning out in public. You know, when we go out and preach the gospel, the Bible tells us to to answer with meekness and fear. It tells us to go from door to door. You know, we're going out there to talk about the love of God. I'm not going out to preach against people's sins. We do that here at church, but not out there. Whereas these guys, they've got a bullhorn out. They're being obnoxious. They're being a bad representation of Christianity. And the vast majority of the time, no one's listening to them. No, they just want to get away from them. Yeah, exactly. In my opinion, they sound like a Jack in the Box driver. That's how I've always said, because people are just driving by and they're just yelling through the bullhorn. You've got a bunch of signs up and say turn or burn and repent of your sins. And, you know, it gives it gives a perverse description of Christianity. Yeah. Again, one of the examples is Ray Comfort. Yeah. And why would you say Ray Comfort is a false teacher? Ray Comfort is a false teacher because of the fact that he preaches a false gospel. And what is false that he says? Yeah. What's false that he says is that you have to repent and turn from your sin in order to be saved, which is a false gospel. No one can repent of their sin to be saved because that would indicate that someone can stop sinning at any point in time in their life, which is completely impossible. The Bible says there's not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sin is not. So reconcile that verse. If it's saying that there's not a just man that does good, but they're not. And, you know, you don't commit sin or not sin. Excuse me. You know, that's telling me that no one can turn from their sin. Obviously, as a Christian, we're commanded to turn from our sins. But it would be foolish to say that once you turn from one sin, you're just good to go. Right. Constantly turning from your sin. You're getting right with God not to maintain salvation, not to confirm that you're saved, but to maintain fellowship with the Lord. That's what repenting of sin is for. It's not for salvation. Because at that point, you're basically saying that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is insufficient for our salvation. Absolutely. You understand? Whereas the Bible tells us in Romans chapter four, But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth be ungodly, his faith discounted for righteousness. And it says, even as David also described it, the blessedness of the man unto him, the Lord imputed righteousness without works, saying blessed is the man to whom his sins are forgiven, his sins are covered, his iniquities are forgiven. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. And now, you know, somebody says here in the comments, they said it says to repent. Yes, the Bible says to repent and turn to God. So believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. It's not saying repent of your sins and believe in Christ. Because every single time in the Bible, when somebody's like, how do I get saved? And they say, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. They don't say like Ray Comfort says, Oh, well, and turn from your sin. Well, yeah. And that's what gets you saved is believing in Christ. But obviously, we should be turning from our sin afterwards after we believe and, you know, you know, daily repentance. That's great. We should be doing that, trying to live as righteous as we can for God. But people don't understand that's not how we get saved. And also people I think sometimes people are confused with the word repent, because obviously the word repent has it does have different definitions based upon the context. There are times when repenting does mean of sin. You know, when you have to turn from your wicked ways. There are other times when it just means to change your mind. God repented in the Bible. Yeah, God repented. You can't say that repentance is always about turning from sin because God repents. Right. And here's the thing. If you believe that repenting of your sin saves you, then you have a problem because Judas Iscariot, who the Bible calls the son of perdition, who's currently in hell, actually repented himself and brought back 30 pieces of silver. You know, he was he was grieved over the fact that he betrayed innocent blood. So not only did he actually turn from his sin, he actually felt sorry for his sin. But the Bible still says that he wasn't saved. And the reason for that is because John chapter six says that he didn't believe from the beginning. Well, the salvation. Go ahead. Oh, I was always wondering, do you think King Solomon was saved? Do you think he went to heaven? I believe. Absolutely. I believe King Solomon was saved. You know, I believe that King Saul was saved. A lot of people try to say that he wasn't because he committed suicide. Yeah. But the proof that he was saved was the fact that Samuel told them tomorrow, thou and thy son shall be with me, referring to Samuel. And Samuel obviously was in heaven at the time when he told them that. OK. And so salvation is not based upon what we do. It's based upon what Jesus Christ has already accomplished for us. That's why it says not of works. Yeah, because I feel like somebody who's kind of new to this state, they have this misconception like, oh, my gosh, if I sin, I'm going to lose my salvation and go to hell. And then they're just constantly like like you're going to lose your mind doing that. You know, like it's just like, oh, gosh, I got to be perfect. I got to be perfect. I got to be perfect. Like they're stressing themselves out. Yeah. If that makes sense. Well, here's a verse. The Bible says in John six thirty seven, all that the father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me. I will and no wise cast out. No wise. Put that up. It means for any reason. So he's saying if you get saved, there's not a single reason. There's nothing that you can do. No sin that you can commit. There's nothing that can separate you from the love of God. OK. And sometimes people will say, you know, they'll say something like, yeah, well, you know, we can't lose our salvation, but we can give it up to God. We can give it back. And it's just like, well, how do you do that? Yeah, there's no way you can. But first of all, who in their right mind would give back salvation? That's not even a legitimate scenario. But even then, you know, they're basically insinuating that you can get yourself out of salvation if you wanted to. But the Bible says, I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man, any man, including yourself, pluck them out of my hand. Yeah, it says they shall never perish. Where did they get? Where did that get twisted? And another verse they another verse they try to use is, well, Jesus said that many will come to me and say, Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and did many wonderful works in your name. And then Jesus is going to say, depart from me. I never knew you. Well, the key word is or words are I never knew you. He didn't say, well, I once knew you at one point, but now you shall perish. What's interesting about that verse is that people will often use that verse to prove you can lose your salvation. That's hilarious. And if you tell them, like, what do I have to do to, you know, to maintain my salvation? And they'll list all types of works. But but apparently it didn't work for that guy. Yeah. Because he said, I've done many wonderful works. I prophesied in thy name in thy name. I've done many wonderful works. Well, it looks like it didn't work out for him. Yeah. And then like a lot of people, they will even I was I was confused about this. They'll try to reference the Book of James. And I'm like, he's talking to people who are already saved. He's telling them to go get works with their faith. James, too, literally has nothing to do with salvation. Already saved. And for the listeners out there, you know, when you read the Bible and you see the term saved or salvation, it's not always in reference to the justification of the soul. Sometimes it's literally referring to the deliverance of the body. You know, like, for example, when Peter was drowning and he reached up to the Lord and said, save me. He didn't he didn't mean like, give me the gospel, get me saved. He's saying, save me from drowning. Exactly. You know, or sometimes it just means to be reserved. Like if you ask somebody to save me a seat, you're not saying give give that gospel, give the gospel to that chair. You're saying reserve that chair. So you've got to see what context it's in. And the context of James chapter two is that you're saving a brother or sister from being destitute of daily food and in need of clothing. That's what it's referring to. Yeah. And be careful, people. Be careful. But that's why he's a false prophet. Yeah. No, because I the funny thing is, I used to watch him when I first got saved. And it seemed like he never got anybody saved that he was evangelizing to because he's he's telling them that they need to stop sinning. It's like, dude, we sin every day. Like, obviously, we're we should be trying our best to to not sin. But regardless, we sin every day. Like this guy acts like he acts like he's perfect or something. And he's asking people like this one guy. You probably saw it, but he's like, how do you how are you saved or whatever? The guy's like, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And then he's like, did you turn from your sin? Did you turn from your sin and then raise like, did you ever stop to think that you're a false convert? Yeah, it's like you can't be telling people that, dude. Well, if Ray Comfort says that he doesn't sin and he had multiple times, then he it translates as he's calling God a liar. Yeah, because the Bible says if we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar. And the truth is not in us. And obviously, God doesn't want us to commit sin and dishonor him. And he even goes on to say, my little children, these things are right up to you. They sin up. But if any man sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. And he is the propitiation for our sins. And I feel like Ray just makes people feel like crap. Oh, yeah. Like the whole the whole point is it's good news. He's giving people bad news, you know, like and the thing is, he's reaching so many people with that. And like other people are seeing that, like when I first got saved, I'm seeing that it's like, OK, like this. And it's giving me that like it's false information he's given me. So it's like, OK, if I want to evangelize to somebody, am I going to go do it like that? You know, because so many people will probably try to mimic that and go evangelize like that. Yeah, absolutely. So one on one end, he's damning people to hell who are not saved. And then on the other end, Christians who are saved, but maybe they're not necessarily equipped to preach the gospel. He's kind of giving them the wrong way to do it. Yeah. You know, he's he's providing a false way of presenting the gospel. And, you know, he's like the Pharisee who went to the temple talking about all the good that he's done. You know, he tithes twice in a week and he does all these things. You know, he's always talking about what he's been able to stop doing, not on the finished work of Jesus Christ. He's always focused on what the person needs to do. You know, turning from their sins and keeping God's commandments in order to be saved. But he rarely places an emphasis on the finished work of Christ. Yeah, it's some of those evangelisms he's done there. You know, really emotional, though. I remember this. This one kid started crying on there and because Ray was asking about his sins and stuff. And he's like, I have sinned as a man. I have sinned. Like the guy feels so guilty. Feels like crap, man. But OK. So as far as false teachers, you know, it's funny. I was going to ask you about John MacArthur. You know, I never really I never really watched him. I'll be honest. You know, I've seen a couple of clips here and there. I know he's a Calvinist and he literally says you can get the mark of the beast and still be saved and go to heaven. And I posted that video for like a week and I was getting hate saying, you don't know what you're talking about. And, you know, that's just how he interprets the Bible. I'm like, all right. All right. But what are your thoughts on John MacArthur? Well, he's another guy who's a he's a false prophet. He's a false teacher and a false prophet. I preached a sermon a couple of years ago called Why John MacArthur is an abomination. It's because he's highly esteemed among men and he preaches a false gospel. He preaches a false gospel. His his end times prophecy is all screwed up. I mean, when you're teaching that you can take the mark of the beast and still be saved, where the Bible teaches that anybody who takes the mark is eternally damned. It says they're not those who worship the beast are not in the book. Yeah, they're blotted out of the book of life. OK, there we go. And, you know, Christians can't take the mark of the beast. They're they're not able to take the mark of the beast, according to the book of Revelation. It's only those who worship the beast. So, you know, and obviously one of the biggest things that the glaring false doctrine that John MacArthur teaches is his denial of the blood, that the blood doesn't save. And that's something that he said years ago. And people get mad when you bring that up. But, you know, we're in 2022 and he hasn't taken anything back. Yeah, he hasn't changed his mind. Yeah. So he's a Calvinist and I'm completely against Calvinism. I'm not a five point Calvinist. I'm not a two point Calvinist. I'm against, you know, the whole Tulip and total depravity. You know, unconditional election and limited atonement and all that perseverance of the saints, irresistible grace. All of those are false. Yeah, they're false. I believe that a Christian has to persevere in the sense of they have to believe the right thing. Yeah, I mean, so if someone at the end of their life just says, I don't believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, I'm a Mormon now. I'm like, OK, this person was never safe to begin with. Right. According to First Corinthians 15, they believed in vain. Yeah, but you got to truly believe, truly believe in and only, you know, if you truly believe. Right. And God, obviously, obviously God. But it's not something that can be measured other than if you're to completely just forsake the doctrines of Christ. The sonship of Jesus Christ, you know, the Bible. And at that point, that's obviously an obvious manifestation that you weren't safe to begin with. Exactly. Yeah. My wife was asking me, like, yeah, what if somebody says they believe and then later on they don't? Well, they never believed. They never begin with. Exactly. And, you know, John MacArthur has this vibe. Was it the legend? What's it called? His Bible? He came out with, I think, LSB John MacArthur Bible or something. Well, he came out with another translation of the Bible. It's like, why is he doing that? Like, you know what I mean? There's got to be a reason he has a motive to do something like that. Well, it's called money. Well, money, obviously, but he wants to deceive people as well, I feel like. Absolutely. And, you know, another person I was watching was I was watching Paul Washer for a long time, actually. And it's funny because I started off watching, you know, you and Stephen Anderson and, you know, your documentaries and stuff like that. A lot of your guys' sermons. And then I started watching Paul Washer. And because my wife was like, you know, you know, I don't know if Stephen Anderson's good. You know, he might be kind of hateful and stuff like I don't know if he's filled with the Holy Spirit. And, you know, now we begin to we realize that all these other guys that she was listening to were false prophets and that you're you guys were right the whole time. And because I would recommend Stephen Anderson to people and my wife would be like, well, you know, I don't know if you should recommend Stephen Anderson to people. And now I'm like, yeah, that's the like I don't listen to any of those people. You don't listen to freaking Francis Chan, Paul Washer. They're all garbage. You better recommend Stephen Anderson and Bruce Mejia. Yeah, Paul Washer is another guy who, you know, he's a repenting your sins type of a guy. And he is probably most famously noted for his, you know, his interpretation that there's no such thing as a carnal Christian. Yeah. So, you know, because if you're living a carnal life, it just kind of proves that you're not saved. And it's so funny because these guys, they make these statements that the Bible clearly debunks in just one line. You know, the apostle Paul saying, I am carnal. Yeah. It's just like there's no such thing as a carnal Christian. You've got a problem because one of the best Christians of the New Testament stated, I am carnal. Right. Paul, you know, and so and obviously he doesn't understand the fact that when we get saved, the reason we struggle with sin, the reason why we continue to sin even after salvation is because we're not dead yet. We're still living in this physical body and this physical body. The members of our body are constantly fighting against the spirit. The Bible says that the walk in the spirit, you should not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh, lust of the spirit, the spirit against the flesh. These are contrary to one to the other. So we cannot do the things that you would. So you have this old nature, new nature, and they're constantly fighting. And the reason there's Christians out there who are carnal is because of the fact that they're not feeding the spirit. They're not in church. They're not reading the Bible. They're not listening to preaching. They're just living a carnal life. And you know, the old man is strong. You have to crucify the flesh with the affection of the lust. You have to die to self. You have to be a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God. And if you don't, then yeah, you're going to be a carnal Christian. And that's a complete, stupid doctrine. And that's when I noticed my biggest transformation was when I started reading the Bible every day. And I started more wanting to, and I wanted to get away from like, you know, all those sins or just, just my sinful nature, I guess you could say. I wanted to get away from that and fulfill the spirit more instead of all that other stuff. But before when I wasn't reading the Bible, like I wouldn't want to do that. But the thing is, I feel like people need to read the Bible as a Christian so they know God's will. They know what God wants you to do and what God doesn't want you to do. Because a lot of these people, you know, they go to church, but they don't even understand the Bible still because they've never read it. So you get people saying, well, yeah, you know, I feel like the whole Testament, it's like a storybook. But the New Testament is like, well, we're under and yeah, like, just love, just love your neighbor. That's what they say. Love your neighbor. Here's the thing. Let me make myself clear. Like, I believe you have to repent of your sins, but not for salvation. And we preach hard on sin in our churches. We preach hard on alcohol and fornication. In fact, I'll be honest with you. I don't know many churches that preach as hard as we do on sodomites. Yeah. No, there's none. Not even Paulie Washer himself. I've never heard Paul Washer talk about sodomites. Yeah. So we preach hard against the abominable things of this world, the sins of this world. It's just that when it comes to preaching the gospel, we don't preach repent of your sins because that's not part of the gospel. And so that'll confuse people and people are not going to get saved because the way you get saved is by believing on Jesus Christ for salvation. Now, after that, we have to mature people by ripping on sin and talking about fornication and adultery and showing people the law of God. You understand? And, you know, this whole attitude like that girl, the whole attitude of like, oh, you know, the Old Testament. The Bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it's profitable for doctrine, for proof, for correction, instruction, and righteousness. Like, for example, you know, if somebody committed adultery in Leviticus, it said they shall be put to death in the Book of Leviticus. And obviously in the New Testament, Jesus caught, they caught the woman adultery and, you know, she was given grace. You know, and Jesus said, whoever has sinned cast the first stone. And then obviously nobody did. You know, she was given grace and he said, you know, sin no more. Otherwise something worse will happen to you. I believe you said that. So, yeah, obviously we're given grace, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't follow these commandments. Right. And here's the thing. The reason Jesus didn't stone her and no one else stone them because they were under the Roman law there. Okay. Leviticus was actually during Levitical time when they're under a theocracy where God was the king and he instituted the laws. And here's the thing. When people say, oh, just love your neighbor, love your neighbor. Well, you know, love thy neighbor as thyself actually comes from the Book of Leviticus. So if you want to throw out the Book of Leviticus with all the death penalty commandments, then you have to throw that out, too. Because love thy neighbor as thyself actually comes from the Book of Leviticus itself. Yeah. And here's another thing. People, people think that, like, God was really hard in the Old Testament because, you know, you see all these deaths and, you know, all these, these really strict commands or whatever. But apparently they haven't read the Book of Revelation because the Book of Revelation is actually like a thousand times worse as far as judgment is concerned. You know, people are dying on a massive scale. His wrath is being poured out upon them. The waters are turned into blood. You know, people are being killed with with stones and meteors. There's locusts that are tormenting men for five months. I mean, a lot of crazy stuff's happening in the Book of Revelation. So they might want to read that. Why can't you just preach love? So here's one comment I've seen a few times. It says, if we repent of unbelief to get saved, isn't unbelief a sin? So you are repenting of sins, LOL. Wrong. Because sin is the transgression of the law. OK. And the Bible actually says in Hebrews chapter six, that we're to repent from dead works and faith toward Christ. OK. And here's the thing. At the end of the day, you have to define the Bible using the Bible's definition of words. The Bible says to compare spiritual things with spiritual. And so if God doesn't define that as being sin, then we can't define that as being sin. And if he says that that's what you have to do to be saved, why argue against that? Yeah. Why would you try to go a harder way? It's like, oh, you have to turn from all your sins. There's pride in it. I feel like like, no, I want to do this. I'm going to turn from my sin. Just me believing in what Jesus did for us. That's not good enough. That's what that's. I feel like it's a pride thing. They don't want that. Absolutely. Like think about this. Do you think the thief on the cross turned from his sins? He was saved. He believed. And the Bible makes it clear that you cannot be saved by grace and by works at the same time. It says in Romans 11, verse six. And if by grace, then it is no more works. Otherwise, grace is no more grace. Yeah. And Pastor Anderson said it great. He said either either you're perfect, either you can be perfect and you can go to heaven or you can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and go to heaven. Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. I'm going to cut you off. No, that's that's true. If you can keep all of God's commandments perfectly, then you can go to heaven. But no one can. Right. No one has no ever. No one ever has. No one ever will. Except for Jesus Christ. That's why the right. Jesus Christ has to be imputed upon us because our righteousness are as filthy rags in the eyes of God. OK, so the next next one is we talked about Paul Washer. Oh, what's his name? Oh, gosh. John Piper, just another Calvinist. I mean, do we really have to say much about him? Yeah. Yeah. He's he within recent years has even said that you have to be saved by works. So obviously, you know, these false prophets, they just you know, they they get corrupted more and more and more because obviously they're carried about with every wind of doctrine. But, you know, he's just as bad as the other guys. I mean, just look at his God's presentation. If he doesn't even know you say he thinks you have to be saved by works. Take it to the bank. The guy's a false prophet because he's teaching God's work and he's not reading from King James. None of them are. I believe he's the thing like people out there can believe a false gospel and they're not a false prophet. You become a false prophet when you're teaching a false gospel or you believe in a false gospel. But you are going out of your way to perpetuate and promote that false gospel. You know, like a Mormon, Jehovah's Witnesses, you know, John MacArthur. That's like their full time job. Yeah. Is to damn people to hell. And at least, you know, you could just admit if you were wrong, like these guys can never admit if they're wrong. Like, like I'll gladly admit. Yeah, I was wrong about Paul Washer. I was wrong. I mean, it's that hard to just admit it. Right. And then as far as the King James, though, why is it so important to be King James only? Because of the fact that many of the modern versions of the Bible not only not only omit certain verses of the Bible, but they actually add to the word of God. Okay. And we can go through scores of examples where the NIV, for example, which is one of the worst ones. I agree. Removes entire passages from the word of God. Or if they don't remove passages from God's word, they will put footnotes at the bottom questioning and making people doubt God's word, you know, and key passages in regards to salvation, in regards to the blood, in regards to the deity of Jesus Christ. I actually just preached a sermon that if people are interested in listening to, it's called The Superiority of the King James Bible. Uh-huh. And I do this comparison of the King James, the ESV, and the New King James Bible. Yeah. And that sermon will show you not only the major doctrinal differences between the two, but just some of the stupid stuff that these new modern versions teach. Mm-hmm. And so I encourage you to listen to that one. I go pretty much in pretty good detail. And this is his YouTube channel, guys. That's my YouTube channel. If you can click on that little magnifying glass right there on the right. Oh, let me get that. Go to the right. Yeah. Click right there and type in Superiority of the King James. Wait, he's just typing Superiority. Oh, there we go. That's the one right there. Amen. This is the one right here? Okay. That's the one. And that'll show you the major differences. I promise you, you're not going to be able to walk away from that sermon and still esteem the ESV or the New King James. Yeah. Because this is the thing. Most people who own these modern versions, they don't actually read it all the way through. The King James is actually the most widely read Bible. Okay. The ESV, the NIV, the New King James, they're not widely read. A lot of people buy them and own them, but they don't read them. Yeah. And I believe that the publishers and the editors know that. And that's why they put a lot of stupid stuff in these Bibles because they know they're not going to go beyond the book of John. They know they're not going to go beyond the book of Proverbs. So they put these really dumb renditions of the word of God in these obscure passages in the Bible. Because who's going to read it in those types of churches who have those kinds of Bibles? Yeah. The fun ones. Yeah. Fun churches. When did you get saved, by the way? I got saved on July 22nd, 2007. And I got saved at an independent fundamental Baptist church in Long Beach, California. I was given the gospel there. I got saved. I got baptized there. And I learned how to serve the Lord there. And how old were you? I was 21 years old, and I'm 36 now. Okay. And I mean, when did you actually ... Okay, so you got saved when you were 21. And when did you start actually reading the Bible? I started reading the Bible pretty much right away, because I belonged to a church that emphasized reading through the Bible. And I actually, I came to that church with the new King James. And I remember my pastor was preaching, and I was kind of looking at the Bible, I'm like, this doesn't match up with what he's saying. So someone came up to me after the service, and they just kind of asked me like, how'd you like the service? And I said, I loved it. It just, I couldn't, like the Bibles weren't matching. And he kind of looked at it, he's like, oh man, this is trash. He's like, I need to get a King James. Yeah. Let me go get you a King James Bible. And you know, my church taught that you should read through the Bible at least once in a year, and read it consistently every day. So that's when we learned how to do that. So you know what I was thinking for you, right, let me fix the screen here. For a skit, this would actually be funny. Oh my gosh, okay. So if you type in Nazi Army, right? So okay, so where's the, so you see how they have the, like the, oh crap, let me fix this, the sleeve, you see how they have the sleeve with the, so you need those uniforms, right? But with like the KJV only on the sleeves, and like your, the hats, they say KJV, and you just, you just go into churches, and you rip everybody's Bible out of their hands, give them, give them King James Bible. Oh man. I like it. Yeah, because somebody posted a meme of, it was like on Twitter, of this guy, and he's like, that's not KJV, and then it had the sleeve with the KJV. It's pretty funny. Yeah. Okay, so as far, let me see here, do you, do you believe that we're in the end times by the way? This is kind of a popular topic. No, I don't believe. I mean, I guess you gotta, the question would be, what part of the end times are we referring to? Because obviously when people ask, are we in the end times, more often than not, they're referring to the tribulation, but the tribulation is actually kicked off by wars and rumors of wars, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the deaths, famines on a massive scale. So I don't believe we're in there. And even if those things were to take place, I don't think we could say a hundred percent sure that we're still in it because the main indicator that we are nearing the second coming of Christ is when the abomination of desolation is set up, the mark of the beast is instituted and Christians are being martyred on a massive scale, on a global scale. And then thereafter is when you have the rapture taking place. So the Bible makes it clear that that day shall not come except to come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he goes into the temple of God, he proclaims himself to be God. That's when we'll know for sure that we are in the end. You think we could be there by 2030 or close? I think it's a possibility. Yeah. Okay. Especially when you, when you look at like the technology and the way things are going, I think it's a definite possibility that we can be heading in that direction sooner than later. Yeah. Most definitely, you know, with the microchips, mark of the beast. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Conspiracy theory though, man. And I don't really believe that like, um, that people are going to be fighting the mark of the beast. I think the majority of people in this world want the mark of the beast. I wouldn't disagree with that because most people they'll, they'll just go with the flow. Yeah. You saw what happened with the whole, you know, virus and everybody just went with the flow. They do what the news says the government and all that stuff. Yeah. And I believe like scary. I believe that's the government's way of kind of testing the waters to see the, the IQ of the, of the population and see what they can get away with the test run. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so, you know, there's a, there's also a lot of, uh, pastors, you know, just churches in general these days that are scared to talk about the Freemasons and Illuminati and just issues like that because we should know who our enemy is, should we not? And they, they, they act like it's some scary or just, just some conspiracy theory nut job thing. Like, uh, I don't think I mentioned the pastor Anderson, but, um, I was talking to this pastor at the end of the sermon and I'm like, uh, I gave him up to him and I'm like, yeah, yeah. Your sermon was pretty decent, blah, blah. But um, I noticed you're talking about our government being godly and stuff. And I was like, you know, most of our government officials are Freemasons. And he looked at me like, like he didn't want to talk to me after that. Well, that's because most, most churches are like major Republican patriotic and our country could do no wrong and all this. Yeah. And this, uh, who's it? This one pastor I talked to, I was like, you know, most people don't know how corrupt and evil the Catholic church is. They don't know about what's going, the real, uh, the truth about this world and how evil it is. And he's like, yeah, it's just a hard pill to swallow for most people. I'm like, so does that mean we shouldn't talk about it? So it's like these people, they, it's just so weird. They believe the Bible, right? They, they believe it's the word of God. They claim this book that's like what, 2000 years older. So I don't know the exact, exactly how old it is, but anyways, they believe all that. But then if somebody brings up like, um, the Illuminati and Freemasons and stuff, Ooh, that's just some crazy wacky conspiracy theory. It just, it's just mind boggling, man. Yeah. Yeah. I think a lot of the times pastors, uh, will stay away from subjects like that because number one, they don't know. Or number two, they don't really realize that groups out there actually exist who have like a nefarious agenda, you know, a wicked agenda like that. And so, you know, they, they want to kind of live in a bubble where they think like, you know, everything's okay. And, you know, give people the benefit of the doubt, which I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes the truth that's in plain sight, you just can't ignore that. And, you know, whether it's, you know, it's like, for example, it's like Christians who just trust Fox news or something like that, they can do no wrong. And it's just like, you gotta be kidding me. Like, so, you know, the Bible says, await thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give you light. So a way to righteousness and sin not, and most Christians have to wake up biblically and understand that, you know, that there are definitely governments and magistrates and officials, people in high places, the rulers of the darkness of this world that are obviously evil people. You know, I mean, you just think of America in general and all the idol, all the idolatry, all the capitals. You know, I mean, we, I can go on about that being, you know, America being Babylon and all that, but yeah, there's some people that they want to ignore that. And there's some people that are like, no, that's Rome. So where does everything that's evil and corrupt and impure come from? It comes from right here. Right. So we influence the entire world. Exactly. What's his face? Oh my gosh. The Asian guy, Jean Kim, he made a video and he's like, Steven Anderson is sleeping with a whore and he's talking about how he's, he's, I believe he's like, yeah, he thinks that America's Babylon and this and that. I hate Jean Kim and I hate dispensationalism. That's that's that doctrine right there is one of the stupidest doctrine. That's one of the reasons why independent fundamental Baptists are so pro-Zionist and Republican and all this is because of dispensationalism. Do you believe the Zionist agenda that has infiltrated these churches? No, a hundred percent, dude. It's like the worst thing. And you see these Zionist Christians saying, well, we don't need to preach the Bible to the Jews. God's got a different plan for them. Was it a Bill Hagee or John Hagee? He's like, don't blame Israel. Jesus never said he was the Messiah. I'm like, well, let's pull up the Bible and find that first. Because he does. Yeah. Yup. And, uh, okay. So I want to start taking questions from the chat for you and they can ask you for, uh, is 20 more minutes. Okay. Yeah, that's fine. Okay. And, uh, last question I have from you is, do you believe that we landed on the moon? Uh, yeah, I do. I believe we landed on the moon and here, here's my thing though. If we landed on the moon, why can't we go back? And I asked that question. You know what they say? Well, we destroyed the technology. Does that make sense? Well, here's the thing. I've heard that argument is like, why don't we go back? Yeah. Well, the reason I give is because of the fact that space is actually a real hostile environment for human beings. And so it wouldn't make sense to send a human being out into the moon, even though we've already been there because it's pretty dangerous to go out into space. Now, I don't take a hard stance on it, but I do believe we went to the moon and I've heard the arguments against it. And I just don't agree with it. I just think it's, people have said it's like, this is an affairs agenda with NASA, but you know, NASA is not controlling the doctrines of this world. You know what I mean? Like NASA hasn't influenced anything that I think, uh, will generate more authority to Satan or less authority to God, in my opinion. Yeah. Okay. Um, let's see here. I'm just guys, do you have questions? Put them down here. If you have questions, uh, somebody said the moon doesn't matter. I mean, it really, I mean, it doesn't really matter if we went, I'm just, okay. If you have a question, put it down. There's all these comments, but I'm waiting for the questions. Okay. Okay. Okay. If you have a question. He believes we went to the moon. LOL. Wow. I mean, I don't, I don't believe we went to the moon. I really don't. I have people on my church who don't believe we went to the moon. I just don't believe anything the government tells us is true. I mean, it just doesn't add up. It really doesn't add up. I don't even believe that we're on a spinning ball. Like I'm not saying I know for sure if the earth is flat or whatever, but I just don't believe it's spinning. It's just teaches that the earth is a, is, is, uh, is a sphere. Okay. Actually teaches that. Cause I've heard all the arguments against that and the Bible actually teaches it does not teach a flat earth model. Yeah. Okay. Um, let's see here. Ask him about flat earth. Somebody just said that. That's funny. So he just said he doesn't believe the earth is flat. Um, the book of Enoch, someone said, what are your thoughts about the book of Enoch? So the book of Enoch is a fraudulent book. And most people who believe in the book of Enoch will claim that the Bible quotes it, but there's no evidence for that. And just because you'll find a quotation in the book of Enoch that's found in the Bible doesn't mean the Bible got it from the book of Enoch. I mean people don't understand that people can literally take a verse from the Bible and put it into the book of Enoch, not vice versa. But one of the reasons or a couple of the reasons why I don't believe in the book of Enoch is because of the fact that it goes completely contrary and it contradicts the word of God. And so, um, how does it, how does it contradict, sorry, it contradicts the word of God because it gives you extra biblical revelation that's not found in the Bible in regards to just different levels of heaven. It talks about, uh, one of the main, uh, things that people will point to the book of Enoch for the reason they believe it is because they teach that there was actual giants in this land that were created by angels marrying women in this world in Genesis chapter number six. Okay. Whereas the Bible teaches that angels neither marry nor are given in marriage. And when I tell that to people who believe in the book of Enoch, it's like, well, they say, Mary doesn't say they can't make kids. The implication when he says, Mary is the fact that they're not able to come together and create children. That's the, that's the purpose of marriage there. Okay. Okay. And so that doesn't happen in Genesis six and people will often read Genesis six and claim that the giants came from the angels and the women. Whereas the Bible actually says that the angels were present prior to the sons of God, looking upon the daughters of men. That's one. Number two is that sons of God in the Bible are never referring to angels. Sons of God in the Bible is always referring to believers. The Bible says, but as many as received him to then give you power to become the sons of God, even unto them that believe on his name. Okay. And the Bible also says in Hebrews chapter one, until which of the angels said he had any time thou are my son and today, this day I have not gotten thee. So that's plain proof right there that God doesn't call angels sons of God. Yeah. And people will point to, uh, Job point to, um, Job chapter one as proof that sons of God are angels, but there's no proof in there whatsoever because it just says that there's a time when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them, no word is there an indication that the sons of God are being referred to as angels. It's just stating that believers in heaven came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them. And that's when he has that whole discourse with the Lord regarding Job. Okay. And so, and as far as the giants though, I mean, do you believe though that there were giants? Yeah, I believe there are definitely giants, just not 40 story high giants that, you know, that the book of Enoch describes, you know, um, the Bible talks about giants, like the Goliath, it talks about giants in the Old Testament, there were about 13 feet, close to 15 feet long, but nothing near what, uh, the book of Enoch is describing. Okay. Makes sense. Um, and, and as far as, uh, the, the Gospel of Thomas, do you believe that's completely false? Completely false. And why is that? I mean, I believe the same thing, but yeah, why? So Maccabees, uh, the book of Barnabas, the book of Thomas, these are all fraudulent books. Number one, because they don't coincide with the word of God. Yeah. Okay. And so if, if you're reading this book and it contradicts information from God's word, take it to the bank, it's false. You know, that's like saying, that's like giving credibility to the book of Mormon, who the Mormons will say they read in tandem with the King James Bible, whereas they both contradict each other. Absolutely. Because one is a fraudulent document and the other one is not. They teach outlandish things that are not found in God's word. And in fact, many of those books are literally called the Apocrypha, which means literally just made up. It's false. It's not, it's not to be taken literally. It's not to be taken serious. It has no authority behind it. That's what Apocrypha means. So people need to look up what Apocrypha means before they start giving credibility to any of those books. Yeah. It's funny because the book of Mormon says that, um, the black people are black because of their sin. Yeah. Because they sinned. And then like when I had the Mormons come over to my house and I asked them about that, they're like, well, we don't know. I'm like, so you don't know your own. And I'm like, so they know, they just, cause I asked them a lot of questions that's like in their doctrine and they always would say, well, we don't know. It's like, you do know, you're just scared because they don't want me to know the truth. So like if somebody asks me about the Bible, I'm going to look for the answer and I'm going to tell them the truth about the Bible. But they are scared to tell you that should tell you something to run, to get away from them. Yeah. Let me say one more thing about Enoch. I'm not saying that Enoch is a fraudulent prophet. Enoch is in the Bible. He's in the word of God. He's quoted multiple times. I'm saying this so-called document that people have credit to Enoch is a fraudulent document. And so don't believe everything you read and just, you know, you got to ask yourself why in my opinion, the reason that's being promoted so much is to make the Bible look stupid. You know, cause people with any, with two brain cells to rub together will read them and say, this is, this is what the Bible teaches. This is, this sounds stupid, but it's not part of God's word. Okay. I'm going to go through the questions real quick and see if, how many wives can you have? Someone said. You mean how many wives are we permitted to have? Yeah. We're permitted to only have one wife. Okay. Polygamy is, is, is unbiblical and people will often point to passages where God is instructing people what to do in a situation where the polygamy has been committed, but it's not because he approves of it. It's because he's giving, you know, a solution to the problem that was present to them knowing the Lord or knowing the commandment. So you know, sometimes in the Bible, God will say, don't do this, but if you do, then here are your options. And that was, and you know, a lot of people, they get saved later on in life. There's countries out, you know, in this world that practice polygamy. And literally I've, I've heard of, you know, missionaries, they go to this whatever place and they get a guy saved and he's married to five wives already. Well, you know, but God does not approve of polygamy. Yeah. I mean, that's what I would tell anyone as well. So what are your thoughts on, Oh gosh, where's, I'm sorry. I just had the question. Oh. Um, can you describe a lukewarm Christian? Someone says a lukewarm Christian, obviously the term lukewarm Christian comes from revelation chapter two. Um, and it's, I mean, excuse me, not revelation two, it's coming from revelation chapter three when describing the church at Laodicea. And when you look at revelation three, the biblical description of a lukewarm Christian is essentially a church or an individual that basically he says in verse 17, because they'll say is I am rich and increased with goods and have known and have need of nothing. And no, it's not that thou are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. I counsel thee to buy me gold, tried on the firestone and so forth. It's basically a person who is not right with God and is seeming the things of this world more than the things of God, but they don't know it. So they're not self-aware of what spiritual condition that they're in. Okay. We often use lukewarm as a, as a, as a Christian who is not on fire for God and not serving the Lord. They're just kind of like apathetic towards the things of God understand, but really what a lukewarm Christian is, is that you're just kind of cruising through the Christian life. You're not really self-aware that there's issues that you need to work on. You know, you're not really, you haven't really gone through any trials. You're not really serving the Lord fervently. You just kind of on cruise control type of a thing. You know, it's funny, uh, some channel made a video on me cause I did a interview with uh, Steven Anderson and they're, they're trying to say, well, I don't know about Cassidy and they showed a video of me where and I cussed like from five years ago, Ooh, I cussed five years ago. Wow. It's like, come on. People will try to ice. People will try to bring up anything, man. It's like, well, the whole point of Christ is grace. You know, like it, like if we were all just perfect, then what's the point? Yeah. It's like we all have a past. That's why we go to Jesus, you know, cause we, we need to get saved. Yeah, exactly. It's insane. Um, what was I going to say? Um, I was just thinking of another question I was going to ask you. Um, I'll read from here. Um, let's see, let's see. Um, why do you think sodomites are reprobates rather than people who are into false idols and a culmination of the description given to in Romans one? Because the description in Romans one is based off of the fact that they don't want to retain God in their knowledge and therefore God gives them over reprobate mind and a reprobate mind is also described in second Timothy chapter three as a mind who cannot believe the truth. It says, now as Janice and Jamborees withstood Moses. So do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith and in the previous verse it says that they're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. So that's what that's referring to now. So I have a gay brother. Do you think that it's possible for him to get saved? He's uh, I think he's, oh crap, I think he's 21 or 20. I don't know. Well, I mean, if he's burning and is less one toward another, then I would say no. Yeah. Yeah. Cause my sister, she's an atheist and she doesn't want to hear it. She doesn't want to hear anything about Jesus and she's like, evolution has been proven. I think it's more likely that your sister will get saved than your brother. Just put it that way. Yeah. Wow. Unfortunate. Dang. Um, okay. Let me see a question. Come on guys. Give me some good questions. What is this crap? Like seriously, ask a question. I have like a real Christians, lukewarm Christians who go to heaven. Absolutely. A real heaven is based upon your faith in Christ. You know, you know, my wife used to tell me, if you keep doing that, you're going to go to hell and a lot of churches, they make you unsure of your salvation. That's the problem with the, uh, well not churches, but pastors. That's the issue with them. Like they make it so you're like uncertain, like somebody like a Paul washer or a John Piper, they're going to make you unsure. You're like, I don't even know if I'm saved. I believe in Jesus with all my heart, but I don't know if I'm saved because I'm listening to this garbage pastor. Someone asked this question, this is pastor Bruce, grace through faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved. But is this full knowledge of sin and how God hates sin a necessary precondition of faith in Jesus Christ? And I'm not sure what they mean by full knowledge of sin, because what they mean is people just have to know like all the sins in the Bible then no, because not everyone knows all the sins in the Bible because most people don't even know that the thought of foolishness is sin. Yeah, it is that. I think they only have to realize that they are sinners, that they've broken God's commandments. And here's a good way to just summarize them all. It says in James 2 10, whosoever keepeth the whole law, yet offended one point, he is guilty of all. So you don't have to know all the sins because the Bible just says, if you've already committed one according to the Bible, it's like you're guilty of all of them. No, absolutely. Um, it sucks. I have a question come to my mind and then I forget it. My goodness, man. Oh, let's see here. Um, oh, so that love thy neighbor verse. That is what people try to bring up all the time. Like if you're saying like, if you're talking about homos or anything like that there, they'll be like, well, the Bible says love thy neighbor. So can you explain that a little bit, you know, like if I say that, you know, gay people should get punished for their crime. Um, but then somebody comes up and says, well, the Bible says love thy neighbor. We shouldn't be doing that. Why? Why? I agree with that. Because the penalty should be instituted because you love your neighbor. So that, that, so that criminal doesn't put, you know, kill a child and molest the child. So the neighbor that I'm loving is the victim of that predator. Yeah. There you go. Okay. Put a child molester, you put a child molester to death in order to protect the, the, the potential future victim of that criminal. Great. There you go. Thank you. I'm sure that a millstone were tied about his neck around the depths of the sea. That is facts. Facts, facts, facts. Um, okay. Somebody saying the earth is flat again. Oh, so what are your thoughts on Joe Biden? He's gay. Well, he said it himself. He's gay. There's a little clip. I preached, I preached a sermon called the wickedness of Joe Biden. Do you, I mean, you know, I'm not Republican or Democrat, as my friend said, you know, God is not a Republican, but the devil for sure is a Democrat. Absolutely. I absolutely agree. Cause I can't see any Bible believing Christian being a Democrats impossible because they have no morals, you know, abortion and this transgender garbage is just ridiculous. Um, and Joe Biden, you know, he's talking about how we're celebrating national transgender day now and stuff. It's just like, what? This is real stuff. This is real life South Park. Um, Oh, there's this guy, uh, John Bevere. Have you heard of him? No. Oh, okay. Nevermind. I guess he's not good enough to talk about. Um, let's see. Come on guys. Good questions. We only got a little bit of time left. You know, we can't ask him about the juice. Come on now. Why not? Why not? No. Why? He, you know, why buddy out there? Um, the Bible talks a lot about that. I know, but unfortunately, um, we can't, um, let's see here. Planes don't fly upside down. Do you think nine 11 was an inside job? Yes. Okay. Based based. Um, let's see here. Somebody says, uh, Cassidy, I'm a lukewarm Christian and don't know much about the Bible and its verses. Why can't I get started? Why can't I get started to learn more? I'm confused on the question because you haven't picked up the Bible and start to read it. Um, he already answered yes, a lukewarm, lukewarm Christian will go to heaven. Um, you know, I had somebody say, this is kind of lead into a question a little bit. I was on my Instagram. They said, I don't believe in God blessing us here on this earth and punishing us. I'm like, really? So if you believe on Christ, you don't think if you're starting to live a wicked life that God's going to punish you like, or bless. Hey, someone said, ask Bruce what he thinks of Tony Hudson. Who's that? Tony Hudson is, is this old guy. He's the old IFB pastor. Um, who's like from the South. He's a complete joke in my opinion. I don't really know what his salvation testimony is, but let's say, let's just give him the benefit of the doubt. Save the guy is a complete joke. He's a Republican type of a pastor who leaves the flag around while he's preaching and, um, women say amen in his church and is basically run by his wife and the women in his church. So I'm not a big fan of his. What about Greg Locke? Not for Greg Locke either. I was laughing at, uh, I'm against all pastors who like are, are married and then they get divorced and they're still pastoring. And I mean, what about though, if like the, the wife cheats on him, I mean, isn't there like, well, first of all, if a wife cheats on a man and he's the pastor, number one, he has to step down as a pastor. Okay. You know, you can't, you can't have the pastor having marital problems like that and still be a pastor. You know, his wife's supposed to be following children, supposed to be in subjection with all gravity. Cause then how is he going to take care of the house of God? But even, let's say if he was just a regular member of the church, just a Christian, just in general, divorce is never an option according to the Bible. Okay. Even, even, even when it comes to, um, uh, adultery in the marriage, when the Bible says except it be for the cause of fornication, fornication is the sexual act between two people who are not married. Adultery is, is between people who one person, one party may be married or both parties are married. And there's a difference between fornication and adultery. And we know that based upon the punishment that was instituted for both the culture was death and fornication was not. And so when it says except to be for the cause of fornication, it's actually referring to, um, the engagement period. Okay. Because you are technically considered married, married. The only difference is that you haven't consummated the marriage. And the Bible gives us an example of that with Mary and Joseph, when he was minded to put her away privately, because she was with child, he's basically justified to divorce her because they were, they weren't necessarily consummated the marriage yet. And then of course, you know, uh, the angel comes to him and lets him know that, you know, she's with child with the Holy ghost. And so divorce is never just the Bible. And in fact, the Bible literally says that God hated putting away, putting away as the biblical term for divorce. That's another way of saying divorce in the Bible. Okay. So no divorce. So say for example, you know, the guy's married and he finds out his wife is sleeping around with like three different guys. What should he do? Yeah. Well, number one, that's his fault for marrying her. Right. I mean, he's the one who chose. He's the one who said, I do. He probably should have researched his wife before getting married. Yeah. That's that's, that's his fault. And number two, nowhere in the Bible does it justify, you know, uh, a divorce even for that. It's, it's a wicked act. Obviously it's, it's, it's terrible. Um, but the Bible still says that, you know, that you're to reconcile that. And it's, you know, at the end of the day, the Bible teaches us that we as men are supposed to be the leaders. Yeah. And if a marriage is bad, it's not, you know, obviously everyone has to take responsibility, but God holds the man responsible to make sure that marriage is held together because we're the leaders. Okay. So somebody made a comment. They said, I can't believe Cassidy just said that lukewarm Christians will go to heaven. I can't believe he commented that. Well, the Bible says, how do you get saved? I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved because you are lukewarm and either hot or cold. I will spit you out of my mouth or in relation to three 16. Yeah. It doesn't say you'll spit you right into hell though. Yeah. And it says here, uh, somebody left a good comment. They said lukewarm, believing Christian will go to heaven, but no reward there. Yeah. Cause we're, we're doing things that are pleasing to God here. He's going to reward us. Absolutely. So that's what people don't understand. Like they think that, well, how about this? How about this? Let me give you a verse to prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Okay. First Corinthians three verse 13 says, every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall be cleric because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide, which he had built there upon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire. So he's saying, if you do works here, you'll get rewarded. But if you don't do any works here, the works that you did do, they'll burn, but you're still saved. Yet. So what's my fire? Yeah. That's what it says. Okay. Come on. Like two more questions, guys. Come on. Give me some good ones. Somebody said, do aborted babies go to heaven? All babies go to heaven if they die. Yeah. Cause babies, baby can't sin. Yep. Uh, literally twisting scriptures, bro, Cassie, I'm a fan, but this is errors. Okay. Well, where's the, where's the facts about twisting scripture? Um, they never have facts. They'll just say, I can't believe he did this, but then there's no facts. There's no proof. Um, let's see. Good question. Good question. Um, what's your, what's your best advice? Like if someone wants to get someone saved, like if, if I want to get someone saved. Well, you know, I think the best way to get someone saved, obviously, as far as like the training, I think you need to go to a church where they do so many. Okay. And the best churches to go to for that are, in my opinion, fundamental Baptist churches, but more specifically, I would say new IFB churches because new IFB churches really hone in on training their members on how to effectively give the gospel to another person. And so, um, you know, go to a church where they can train you to share your faith, to get people saved, to win souls to Christ. That's my advice. You have to be in a church to, to learn how to do that. It's hard to do it on your own. All right. And um, all right. All right. Well, do you have any last, anything else you want to say? Uh, someone said, well, Bruce ever do a conference with an old IFB church? Probably not because old IFB churches don't like them. So, and why, why is that? Because we're Andersonites. Um, yeah, the old IFB is not a really big fan of pastor Anderson and of course he's my sending pastor. Um, and I have the label new IFB, so they're not really big fans of new IFB preachers. So I'm not heartbroken about that cause I got my own friends to, to hang out with. Yeah. Yeah. And let's see here. What does the Bible say? Okay. Whatever. I just, I just wanted to, thoughts on watchman. Come on. We need some questions, man. My goodness, man. You should interview Jonathan Shelley next. Yes. Uh, actually we just thought we were talking about that. He's a good friend of mine. Pastor Shelley. Yeah. Yep. Real cool. Even Anderson is so mean and hateful. Meanwhile, like he's one of the nicest people you ever meet. Um, aliens. Do you believe the aliens are fallen angels? No. Um, I think aliens, what people are viewing, um, has to do with the government. I think the government is probably putting things out there to make people think that aliens exist. Um, I don't think they're fallen angels because fallen angels are spiritual beings that aren't necessarily caught on, you know, camera type of thing. So I think it's, and I don't think, uh, demons, you know, benefit from being seen in a spaceship somewhere. I think it's more so the government putting technology out there, like the UAPs and all that. I think that's all government. Um, just kind of testing the waters. Yeah. And do you know how good their, uh, uh, holograms are? Oh yeah. It's insane. It literally like, they're going to fool a lot of people soon with that. And I believe one of the things is, um, what they're, they're, they're going to have some fake alien invasion. And this has been talked about for a while. They're going to have a fake alien invasion and they're going to scare people into going into and accepting the new world order. And one of the things they're talking about, you know, how to get people to take the chip, the mark of the beast as well is, uh, a massive global cyber attack. And think about it. It's like, Oh, your data's not safe. You need this chip in your hand. So you're, all your data can be safe and you're protected. And all these people, they're going to get all scared and they're going to take it, you know, just like Amazon one already has that technology where they're putting it into the hand and they're able to buy and sell and all that. But the mark of the beast in Revelation is actually instituted to weed out Christians to kill them basically. And you could, you could obviously, technology already exists for that. You know, you have neurolink and all that with Elon Musk creating that technology. It's like, that's the thing about Elon Musk, you know, um, all these conservatives, these Republicans are just in love with the guy. They're like, Oh, Elon is so great. It's like, do you forget what he wants to do? He's a billionaire, dude. He's another globalist billionaire. It's like, yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure he's better than these other people. But at the same time, there's only some motive. There's only some motive. I mean, come on guy. And these people are, um, you know, wolves in, I believe he's just a wolf in a sheep's clothing. I mean, I mean, why the heck would some billionaire care about you, dude? It's right. And if he wants to connect you to this neuro link thing, like, come on, there's like, how is that a good thing? It's, it's any talking about, uh, he's always talking about AI, how it's the future. Like that should scare you. That's not a good thing. Like we don't need these robots, we don't need all this crap with, you know, but they're forcing it. So, I mean, I think, um, I just believe in the next, you know, seven, eight years. I mean, it's going to be insane, man. There's going to be a lot of crazy stuff going on, you know, like they don't like, like for example, the pandemic, you know, obviously in the last three years, so much has drastically changed just because of that, you know, and, and, uh, just people in general are so much different, but it just shows you that if there's a crisis, um, people will literally listen to whatever the government tells them, uh, to do in order to get out of it. You know, whether it's getting the, the, the jab or, uh, you know, wearing the face diaper, they'll do it, they'll do whatever they say. So if there's a massive, you know, global cyber attack, who's to say, they're not all going to get chipped if the government tells them to, you know what I mean? So I think, uh, we're going to really see who's a real believer and who's not, because I think most people are just gonna to cave in, they're going to get the mark of the beast and, uh, because they love the world so much. King James was not a homosexual nor was he a bisexual either. That's that's like, uh, such an old, um, railing accusation actually made a video on that. Um, the one who made that up was a guy who kicked out of his court and he actually came up with that rumor like years after his death, because he was so bitter at King James that he said that he was a homosexual. Whereas he, King James actually has letters written and he wrote to his son talking about how there's certain sins in this world that are not forgiven. One of them being sodomy and incestuous relationships. So yeah. And what's the, what's the deal like, you know, do people not, let's say, let's, let's say, let's say, let's say for example, he was a homosexual. Just just go out there. Let's say, let's, let's imagine for a second that he was, it would have no bearing on the Bible because he simply authorized the translation of the Bible. He didn't translate it himself. So, and here's the thing, if this is what gets me, when people say, well, the Bible is to control people now, um, the Bible would be able to control people in my opinion, if you know, say only the Pope could have the Bible because that's how it used to be. Only these, the Pope and these priests could have a copy of the Bible. But then obviously the language, yes, exactly. And now that, you know, anybody can literally get a copy of the Bible, they don't have that control. So, you know, when people say, Oh, well, the Bible is to control the people, the government used the Bible to control people. How is that possible when the government's telling you to do the exact opposite? It just doesn't make sense. Yeah. If the Bible is used to control people, then why isn't a hundred percent of the population in America, Christian with Christian values, believing, you know, what the Bible says about salvation. I mean, come on. It's like such a stupid thing. It's the exact opposite actually. Yeah. And, uh, as, uh, you know, being a Christian nation, you know how they say that we're a Christian nation. I mean, we're founded by Freemasons. Yeah. And yeah, just go look at all the statues and stuff. Yeah. Like, uh, Washington, DC, it was, uh, you know, it was, what's it called, uh, dedicated Thomas Jefferson said he dedicated to the pagan gods. So where is this whole Christian thing coming from? And Thomas Jefferson literally made his own Bible, the Jefferson Bible. Yeah. The Statue of Liberty is a tranny. I mean, there you go. And that's your dude in the dress. Yeah. Um, and he said, Thomas Jefferson said the book of revelation is something that is, uh, looks to be written by a madman. But you know, if you look at the book of revelation now, it doesn't seem too far fetched. Yeah. It's all Rudy via Rudy Villarreal says, what does the feminine mean in the King James version? The feminine means a soft person. A what is soft and weak. If feminine is a soft person in the Bible, he was asking what it means in the King James. If you read it in the modern versions, it'll render it as like the passive partner in a homosexual relationship. But that's not true at all because the Greek word that's actually used there is the same word that's used in Matthew, uh, I think it's Matthew chapter 18, we're talking about day that wear soft clothing, living King's houses. And the word soft there is the same word that's used in first Corinthians six to describe an effeminate person. So you know, it's a Rudy Villarreal and you know, it's funny when these people are like, I don't believe the Bible. I don't believe the Bible. It doesn't say in the Bible that a homosexuality is a sin. And then they're like, you know what? Pull up the verse. Pull up the verse where it says homosexuality is a sin. Then you pull up all the verses and they're like, that's not true. That's not true. I'm like, then why did you ask me to pull up the verse if you don't believe it? It doesn't make sense. You do believe it. You just hate that. Exactly. No, it's true. Okay. Yup. Is there anything else that you want to say before I end it? No, that's it. Just go subscribe to the channel if you want to hear content on just Bible content I put out weekly. I want to hear some sermons. You could ask questions on there as well. Awesome. And then this is his, uh, Oh, Oh, this is your, I'm going to show them your channel just before we go. This is his channel right here, guys, if you want to subscribe, be sure to do that. I'm going to pin your pin, his channel and the, uh, pin comments so you can do that. Thanks again, man, for, uh, coming on the stream. Yeah. Thanks for having me. And, uh, I hope to, uh, I hope to have you on again soon. Maybe even, uh, do something in person. I think that's better in person. So all right, man. Are you coming to Texas anytime soon? Um, I don't think so. I might, I might go visit my friend, pastor Shelley. Okay. I want to see how he's doing because I know he needs a lot of support right now. So I'll let you know if I head out there. I mean, honestly, man, it's, it's pretty packed in there, like, especially for, you know, how he's doing it in a hotel. I mean, there's a lot of people in there, so just imagine when he gets his new building and everything. It's going to be amazing. God's going to bless them. God's blessing them now, but he's going to continue to bless them even thereafter. Yeah. They're going to, they're going to be sorry. They will be sorry. All right, man. Well, I appreciate you coming on here and, uh, yeah, for sure. Thanks for having me. All right, man. You have a good one. All right. God bless. You too. Bye. All right, guys, thank you so much for watching and, uh, be sure to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. I'm going to pin his channel in the pinned comment. All right, guys, God bless.