(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, guys. So I'm here with Pastor Bruce Mejia. How's it going? Good. Good to be here. Yeah, man. It's been a while since the last one, last time we talked. So let's just get into the questions, man. So if I came up to you right now and I said, how do I get saved? What would you tell me? What do I need to do? Well, there's only one thing you have to do, and that's just believe on Jesus Christ, right? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. There's obviously a couple of things you have to realize, like you have to understand that you're a sinner. The Bible tells us for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The Bible says there's none righteous, no, not one. And essentially that's to show us that we can't save ourselves. We can't get to heaven based upon our own merit, because the Bible tells us that there's not adjustment upon earth to do with good and sin if not. And, you know, the second thing we have to understand is that we all deserve hell. You know, hell is a real place. Jesus talked more about hell than he did about heaven. And the Bible says in Romans 6 23 for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And the Bible tells us that we deserve that eternal punishment of hell for the sins that we've committed. And even though maybe we've never murdered or committed some grievous crime worthy of death, per se, the Bible tells us whosoever keepeth the whole law yet offended one point is guilty of all. So God's standard is obviously perfection. And so if we've broken one of the commandments, we've broken them all. And therefore we're worthy of that eternal punishment called hell. And the Bible tells us in Revelation whosoever's name was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. So that's what we deserve. But, you know, the great news, the good news, which is what the gospel is, is Romans 5 8 tells us, but God commended his love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for him. So 2000 years ago, God, the father sent his son, Jesus Christ to this earth. He was born of a Virgin. He lived a perfect and sinless life. He was tempted in all points, like as we are yet without sin. And he did a lot of miracles to confirm his divinity. He also preached God's word, which got him in a lot of trouble. And ultimately the religious leaders of the day ended up getting him arrested. And he was crucified at the hands of the Romans. But the Bible says that when he was crucified, he himself bore our own sins on his own body on the tree. And so essentially the punishment that you and I deserve for our sins, he took upon himself. And every single sin that you've done in the past, and every single sin that you will do in the future, he paid for all of them, not just the small sins, but even the big sins. So from lying and stealing all the way up until murder and suicide, that entire spectrum of sins, he paid for all of those on the cross. And when he died, his soul went to hell for three days and three nights. And the Bible tells us that on the third day, he resurrected from the grave. He conquered death. And so he died, was buried and resurrected. And the message of the gospel is that if we believe on Jesus Christ, in other words, if we trust him for our salvation, we trust that his death, barren resurrection is sufficient to save us. We can have the gift of eternal life. And that's the key word there. It's called, it's a gift. It's not something you earn. It's not something you can pay for. It's not something that you could work for. It's something that has to be freely received as a gift by asking for it, which is why the Bible says, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10, 13 says that if thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart, that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. So salvation is really easy. All you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you can have it for free. And once you have it, it's always yours. You can never lose it, which is something I'm sure we're going to get into in just a bit, but that's pretty much it. You know, there's only one thing you have to do. Jesus Christ did all the work for us. What if I don't, what if I don't stop sinning? What if I just don't turn from all my sins though? Well, here's the thing. Billy Graham and Ray Comfort said that I have to turn from all my sins. Well, it's funny because you asked what if I don't, but the real question is, you know, I can't stop sinning. So what now? You know, because no one, because no one can really stop sinning. And the Bible tells us that if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. So anybody who says they've stopped some sort of sin, or they stop transgressing against the Lord, that they turn from it somehow, according to the Bible, the truth is not in you. Because if the truth was in you, if you knew what the Bible actually says, you would realize that you sin every single day. And this is why you sin every single day. Okay. Because when you get saved, we essentially inherit a new nature known as the new man, but the old nature doesn't go away. So like this flesh, what the Bible refers to as the flesh, the old man, it stays. And along with the old man is the sinful habits, the simple thoughts and simple actions. And so this is why the Bible says that the flesh lusteth against the spirit, the spirit against the flesh. These are contrary the one to the other, listen to this, so that you cannot do the things you would. So throughout our life, we will constantly have this battle of our flesh. And there's times when we have victories over those battles, when we don't sin, and we live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord, but other times we'll reduce sin, where we become fleshly and carnal Christians. And so this whole, this idea that we can turn from our sin is a fallacy. It's not true. It's a myth because we're always going to sin this side of eternity. Yeah. So, and the thing is when I hear this, like these preachers like Ray Comfort and Paul Washer, Billy Graham, they're telling you that basically in order to get saved, first, you have to clean up your life. Yeah. Wait a second. Wasn't that the point of Jesus to save me because I cannot save myself? Yeah, exactly. I mean, what's funny is that, you know, if I had a plumbing problem and my toilet was overflowing, and it's just my entire house is being filled with water, and I call the plumber, and then like the plumber's knocking at the door, and I'm just like, wait, I got to fix the plumbing issue before you come and fix it. You know what I mean? It's like the plumber's there to fix the problem. No, and the plumber says, the plumber's like, no, fix it first. Yeah, fix it first. Hey, I can't go in here until you fix the issue with the toilet. I can't. It's good first. You got to agree. As silly as that example is, that's basically what people are saying when they tell you, you have to turn from your sins to be saved. Because at the end of the day, Jesus is the only one who cleans us up, and he doesn't do it in one day or in the moment of salvation. Exactly. Essentially, you know, this is what's called the process of sanctification. Yeah. Is that the Bible literally says that the inward man is renewed day by day. Though the outward man perish, the inward man is renewed day by day. So Jesus cleans us up with his word on a day-to-day basis. You know, we have to confess our sins daily to get right with God. And so, you know, to think that someone can, someone actually believes that they can just bundle up every single sin that they've ever committed. Yeah. And just completely stop doing that is ridiculous. What, hundreds of thousands, millions maybe? Well, I mean, you know, think about this, you know, the Bible is filled with commandments that we violate probably every single day. And most people haven't even read the Bible cover to cover. No. So let's say they succeed at turning from, you know, not smoking cigarettes or not fornicate, you know, they no longer fornicate. There's all types of other sins that the Bible talks about. And if they've never read the Bible, they're continuously in that transgression. I got saved and I never had a foolish thought. Yeah. The thought of foolishness is sin. And so, you know, it's ridiculous to think. You see, you don't have to repent of your sins to be saved. You have to be forgiven of your sins to be saved. And the way you're forgiven of your sins is by believing on Jesus Christ, which at which point he essentially places his blood on us and we're cleansed from all unrighteousness and admitting that you're a sinner. Just admit. Yeah. Acknowledge it. But they turn this like they turn this whole thing around to make you do all these works. It's like, dude, I'm never going to get saved. Repenting of sin for salvation is a work. And we're not saying that repenting of sin. The Bible doesn't talk about repenting of sin because it does after someone is saved. Okay. Because the Bible talks about it. But here's the thing is that if repenting of, if the word repent always meant to turn from sin, then you have an issue there because Genesis chapter six records God repenting. And there's many instances in the Old Testament where God repented and so we saw he repented. Yeah. He repented that he made man on earth. He repented that he made Saul King. And so if the word repent always means to turn from your sin, that you're essentially saying that God sins, which what the Bible is teaching us is that the definition does vary based upon its context. And in context of salvation, you never see that we have to turn from our sin to be saved. Because that would that would require for you to obey God's commandments. Turning from our sin requires for us to turn from the commandments. I mean, I'm sorry to keep God's commandments in order not to sin. And the Bible says, therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. And so if you believe you have to keep the commandments to be saved, then you're saying that you're basically you're teaching a workspace salvation. Like Galatians 2 21 says, I do not frustrate the grace of God, for if righteousness came by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. No, it's like, what's the point of Jesus coming to die on the cross if you're taking care of the job yourself? Why call the plumber if you're over here trying to, you know, fix the toilet yourself? Like, um, in Acts, chapter 16, when the jailer says, Sir, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved in thy house. No, wait, actually, they said, clean up your life first. And then actually, you know, there's, you know, the Bible tells us he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. You know, it's no it's no wonder why one of the most famous verses in the Bible that he even unsaved people know is john 316. Notice is not Acts 238. Notice is not Mark 116. It's always the verse, you know, it's john 316 that clearly defines what salvation is. Yeah, exactly. And they'll be twisting a lot of people twisting the the word believe, like they'll try to make it something that fits their narrative, like, No, it means obey. Wait, if I believe something, that does not mean obey it. That means that I believe something is true. It happened. Wait, when did that mean to obey? I'm sorry. Yeah, I mean, Ephesians 113 pretty much defines what it means to believe pretty clear. Yeah, it says in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth. After that, you receive the gospel, the gospel of your salvation you receive with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance. So to believe, basically means to trust in Jesus Christ. Or you could define it as believing the record that God gave of a son that he had given to us eternal life. Because if you don't believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, and you think you have to add to that, yeah, you according to the Bible, you're actually calling God a liar, because he's bearing record of his son that all you have to do is trust him for salvation. And if you say no, I also have to do other things after repent of my sin, I have to try to live a clean life, then you're basically calling the witness of God, a false witness, you're saying he's not bearing the right witness, which is obviously a dangerous thing to do. 100% Yeah, I mean, I try my best to, to do, you know, walk in the spirit, and to not live by the flesh. Does that mean that I think I'm going to heaven because that No, I do it because I love God. Like, I want to do what's right by him. But you know, there's people that are just constantly you see the people that are constantly boasting about it. Oh, I live so good. Um, I don't sin. Like, all right. Well, you just did by committing the sin of pride, you know, exactly. Exactly. I'm gonna have to reboot the meeting again, because it only gives me 45 minutes the stupid thing. What in the world? So I'll, I'll just whatever I have here, and I'll just give you another code. So then Yeah. So the next thing is, can you lose? How should I ask this? I'm just thinking, Oh, can you lose your salvation? So the next the next big topic is do. So the next big thing is, do you think that you can lose your salvation? No, of course not. I mean, you know, the Bible tells that Jesus said, I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. What if I go kill someone right now? Is that okay? Is that okay? Well, that's, here's the here's the funny thing about that is that people always bring up, oh, you're basically saying that I can get saved and just live however I want, which I never preach that I you can ask my congregation, you can ask the churches that are like minded, we never we never teach anything like that. In fact, what we teach is that there is consequences to your sin here on this earth. You know, if you sin and you're saved, God's going to punish you on this earth. And the Bible makes it very clear in Hebrews chapter number 12, that whom the Lord loveth, he chases it and scourges every son whom he receiveth. And in fact, that's like a confirmation that you are saved is that when you're chasin of the Lord, you suffer the consequences of your actions. That's basically a confirmation that you're a child of God, because then the Bible also says that, you know, if you're without chastisement, then are you bastards and no sons, that's what the Bible says. But you know, if you're saved, and you commit sins, one thing God won't do is strip away your salvation, you'll never remove it. And I quoted the verse earlier. But, you know, one of the things that takes place when you get saved is that you get sealed with the Holy Spirit. And in the Bible actually tells us until when, because it says that you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, unto the redemption of the purchase possession into the praise of his glory. So in other words, until you go to heaven. Yeah. And so, you know, is God lying? When he says that you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise into the day of redemption that he's there until you go to heaven? No, he's obviously telling you that he's bringing finality to your salvation showing that you're saved Ed, it's done, you know, you can never lose it. I mean, it is called eternal life, not temporary life. So yeah, it's like, do you not see that? You know what I mean? Like, what the heck? And then they try to show you Matthew 7, 22, 23. When it's literally talking about people that were trying to get saved by their own works. Yeah, it's funny, because they always bring that up. They'll bring on Matthew chapter seven, and Matthew chapter seven states, you know, it talks about not everyone that saved them to me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and I may have cast out devils in thy name have done many wonderful works. And I will profess unto them, I never knew you depart from me, ye that work iniquity. But notice that the person never said, Have not I believed on Jesus Christ for salvation? Have not I trusted that it's by faith alone? He begins to list all these works, which is exactly what this crowd claims that we have to do in order to be saved. Well, it didn't help that guy much. No, listen, these are great things that he's doing, right? Yeah, preaching. He's casting out devils. And he's doing many wonderful works. And God's like, I don't know who you are. Why? Because he never trusted Jesus Christ. And it's funny, too, that they say, No, well, you can lose salvation. But it says that you were never saved. He said he never knew you. I never knew you. It didn't sound like I used to know you. I know. And I showed when I was going soul winning, I this lady was like, Yeah, you might be able to lose your salvation like Matthew seven. Oh, and I restated the verse. And I explained it to her. And then it's like, she got kind of mad. It's like, I just showed her that she was wrong, I guess. So you know how sometimes people get their pride? Yeah. And then there was crickets after that. And she's like, what pastors do you listen to? And I named off some pastors. I said, Steven Anderson. Then I said you and then, well, she's like, Who else other than Steven Anderson? Like, she didn't like that or something. She a lot of people don't like a man. A lot of people just don't like that of a new IFB. So they just can't handle it or something. I don't know what they don't they don't like. They just don't like that. I guess you guys are preaching the whole Bible. And then it's just right out in front of you. No sugar coating, because a lot of these pastors, they sugar coat stuff and try to like we like they play word games. Just just tell it how it is. Stop playing word games with it, man. It's either like it's easy to get saved or it's not, you know, at the end of the day, man, they're using great plainness of speech. So that's what the Apostle Paul did, you know? Yeah. But another thing about losing your salvation, you know, the Bible says in Hebrew chapter 10, it says that the just shall live by faith. And he says, but if any man draw back, referring to the fact, you know, if someone backslides, they they go back away from God, they withdraw themselves from the service of the Lord. It says if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But then he says this. He says, but we are not of them to draw back into perdition, but believe to the saving of the soul. So he's like, we're not of those who believe that if you draw back, you'll go to hell because perdition is hell. We believe to the saving of the soul. And so that's that's outright evidence right there that the Apostle Paul taught that you can't lose your salvation for any reason. And it's not like and these a lot of these preachers, they'll act like nobody backslides. Nobody ever has a time when they start, you know, going backwards a little bit. You know, they fall into some temptation and sin ever in their life. So it's just like, oh, yeah, you're just so perfect. Make everybody feel like crap. I mean, the Bible talks about backsliding, you know, and backsliding simply when you begin to revert back to old habits, you get away from the Lord, you know, and so it happens to everyone. And here's the thing is that, you know, the Bible also says that when we get saved, we become children of God. You know, but as many as receive them to them give you power to become the sons of God, even unto them that believe on his name. And so we become children of God. He becomes our Heavenly Father. And God doesn't send his children to hell. I mean, we are eternally his children. And the Bible says, behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God. What's that? What's that verse? And it's Hebrews chapter four when it talks about those who were enlightened by the faith, they fell away or something like that. Hebrews chapter six. Oh, six. Okay. Yeah. This guy was trying to say, see, this is scary for Christians. You can lose your salvation. And but it's literally saying that you were enlightened. It didn't say you were saved. Yeah, it's Hebrews chapter six is referring to someone who was at the brink of salvation. Yeah. And there's plenty of people who were enlightened to the truth. They tasted of the heavenly gift. They were like right there. And then they rejected the truth. And that's obviously a lot deeper doctrine because Hebrew six is talking about the subject of reprobates someone who is beyond the hope of salvation. They essentially cross that point of no return where they can no longer be saved. And the Bible does talk about that. But, you know, people bring up Hebrews chapter six. They bring up Hebrews chapter ten and as a means to say that you can still lose your salvation. But Hebrews chapter ten, when it talks about the Lord judging his people, is referring to the fact that God's people will suffer the consequences of their actions here on this earth, which is why he gives the example of people who hated the law of Moses dying under two or three witnesses. He's referring to like the death penalty. You know, so people who despise Moses law died under two or three witnesses. And then he says, how much sure shall we be punished because we have more truth in them? And then he says, you know, that is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. And, you know, vengeance is my state. The Lord I will repay and the Lord shall judge his people. And so, you know, he judges us by either allowing us to suffer the full extent of the consequences of our actions, or he just kills us and takes us home. Yeah. There's many instances where God has killed his people because, yeah, because it says that if we can, what does it say in the King James? We willfully, I can't remember. It says, well, if we sin willfully after that, we receive the knowledge of the truth. There remain no more sacrifice for sins. And what that's what that's referring to is the fact because the book of Hebrews is written to Hebrews who were adherence to the Mosaic law. So they obviously have an understanding of how the Levitical law worked. And in that period of time, daily sacrifices of animals are made to atone for daily sins. Okay. So that's why there is like sacrifices in the morning and the evening because people sin every single day. Yeah. Right. So they would have to do these sacrifices to atone for their daily sins. And what Hebrews 10 is telling us is that if we willfully sin, that law is no longer enacted. We can no longer bring a lamb to be sacrificed at the altar to atone for our daily sins. Okay. So the next topic is street preaching. What are your thoughts? I'm not a big fan of it. I mean, so a lot of people will bring up street preaching and they, you know, some Christians, whether they're saved or not, they will advocate for street preaching because they think it's like really bold. They think it's really cool that these guys are just standing on the corners and just kind of putting themselves out there and they got their blow horn and their speaker and they're telling people they're going to hell. But number one, first and foremost, it's one of the most ineffective ways to preach the gospel because of the fact that no one's listening. And the fact that most of the people are driving by probably get only a snippet of what you're saying. And even what they're listening to, they're pretty much, pretty much not even understanding. Yeah. You get them for about five seconds if they're driving by two, you're annoying a lot of people. Yeah. People are annoyed at street preachers. Even before I was saved, I was annoyed at street preachers. I just felt like it was like a really prideful thing to do is there's nothing humble about it. And then three, the vast majority of street preachers preach a false gospel. So let's just say there's a street preacher out there who is preaching the right gospel. You know, they it's by faith alone. It's not by repenting of your sin. That's great. That's all good, but it would still be an ineffective way to do it. But the truth is the majority of people who are out there doing street preaching, are preaching or repenting your sins type gospel, turn or burn, going to hell, you need to repent of your sins to be saved. And you know, it's not biblical. And in fact, the Bible specifically says, in Matthew chapter 12, about Jesus, behold, my servant whom I have chosen my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased, I will put my spirit upon him and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not strive, nor cry, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. Yeah. So if we're going to follow an example of street preaching, Jesus is not one of them. He didn't do that. Because the Bible specifically says he's not going to strive. He's not going to fight with people. He's not going to be in contentions with people in the street. Jesus method of preaching the gospel was sending his disciples by two and two, to preach from house to house, the kingdom of God. Yeah. Like, yeah, not screaming at people. Yeah. The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle into all men. Yeah. Have to teach, you know, and the truth is that a lot of these guys, they just get into arguments, they get into this loud discussions with people and they're, they have a sign that says turn or burn or whatever. That's ineffective. And it's not the right gospel. The Bible tells us to open our mouths boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel. But the Bible says that we should be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh us of the faith that is in us with meekness and fear. So the quality that a soul winner, a preacher of the gospel should always have is like humility. You should come to people with humility, meekness and fear, because you want to get them saved. These guys are just like, they're really pompous. They're proud. They're arrogant. They're yelling at people and they don't get any converts. Yeah. I see, I see them like standing outside of the football game, telling people they're going to hell to go watch a game because they're going to go watch a sports game. Really? Like, are you bored, dude? And it just, it blows my mind how like Ray Comfort and these street preachers, they, there's, there's certain things that they do that are just, it's like a template of the Pharisees because the Pharisees love to stand on the corners. They love to be seen of men. Like these street preachers, they're like, they have the folded sign that goes over their shoulders, the front side of the bag, they have the blow horn or have flyers. I mean, they're like, it's a clown show, but that's what Pharisees were. Pharisees like to make bra, their phylacteries. And, you know, they had, they like to wear the long robes, like to stand in the street corners and, and do all those things because they like to be seen of men. And so, you know, these street preachers, that's what they are. They just want to be seen of men as, as being like some really bold Christians. But the truth is no one walks away from a street preaching. No one drives away thinking like, wow, like, I really want to be a Christian because of those guys. They're probably thinking like, what a bunch of jerks. Like, they're just yelling at us the entire, what an embarrassment, how embarrassing that is, you know? Before I got saved, you know, I never looked at street preachers and thought to myself like, Hey, I'm going to go actually research the gospel or Hey, that guy made a good point. Everything that he, I refer to them as the Jack in a box drive-through because they sound like Jack in a box drive-throughs when they're just yelling through their blow horn. You don't really understand what they're saying. And so, you know, it's ineffective. I'm not for it. And I'm for, I'm for soul winning is what I'm for. Door to door, house to house. In fact, our church, First Works Baptist Church in Anaheim, California. We're sending a group of missionaries out on Sunday. They're actually flying out Sunday to Belize. They're going to the country of Belize. They're there for seven days. And the last time we went in November, we got like almost 400 people saved in a matter of five, five days, just hours and hours of soul and going to people personally and talking to them and preaching the gospel. So they're going to do the same thing on Sunday. That's effective. Yeah. That's awesome, man. What's this guy? His thing is called Wretched Radio. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I know he's a Calvinist. Yep. And I remember seeing that, that'd be a good one to talk about. I remember seeing him saying like, well, you know, instead of, because OMG means, you know, Oh my God, you know, or it could be, Oh my gosh, it can mean, Oh my gosh. I wouldn't say, Oh my God. I would say, Oh my gosh. And I remember him saying, well, you know, you shouldn't be saying, Oh my gosh, because that's a substitute. I'm like, okay, wait. So any word could be a substitute for anything. So you just shouldn't talk. If I said, what the heck? Those guys are a bunch of holier than the hells though. They're just, yeah. They strain it and swallow it. Calvinists are the modern day Pharisees. Yeah. Well, yeah. You shouldn't say what the heck because that's a substitute for what the hell. Or it could be what the F it could, you could just be saying what the substitute for what the F shouldn't just be saying anything. His name is, Oh man. What's that guy's name? He was like a former comedian or something. The guy who runs that? Wretched. Yeah. Yeah. Like a Christian comedian or? I don't know. I mean, he's still a clown. Yeah. Well, those whole things comedic. Okay. Okay. So now we're going to react to Paul Washer on once saved, only saved. Can we lose our salvation? Let's see here, Paul Washer. What do you think? So he goes to John 3 16 and he goes, okay. And I still remember those big old hands. I mean, I got big hands, but this guy's hands were huge. And then he had my Bible in his lap and he goes, okay. His hands were like this. And he goes, okay. For God. So love the world that he gave. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I have eternal life. I have eternal life. All my sins are gone. I'm free. I'm going to heaven. I said, how do you know that? He said, haven't you ever read this first before? Do you see what happened? And you steal this from people with your stupid little evangelism. You steal this from people. You say, oh, you're so angry. You were his words so hard. Why shouldn't I? To see the gospel prostituted like this. Just counseling for five minutes. Someone who doesn't even know anything about counseling and then slap some badge on them and present them in front of the church that they're saved. How dare you do that to a soul? I fear men who have spent most of their life telling other men that they are saved. I fear you. You don't tell men they are saved. You tell men how to be saved. God tells them they are saved. Don't you understand? People aren't numbers. They have different color eyes and they have different color hair and they're different in their heart and they have different problems and they cry for different reasons. And they're people. They're not groups of people. They're people. And they need Christ. He's crying. It's getting real. He's crying. I just want to slap this guy. Understand. You can only take a man so far. Don't you see that? And you can't substitute the work of the Spirit of God with some little method of taking a verse out of context, getting them to pray a prayer and then purposely declaring them to be safe. So that you can walk away with another notch on your belt. I feel like it's just kind of repeating in this video. Yeah. But he doesn't. He says John 3 16 is out of context. He's mocking John 3 16 and he's mocking salvation. I mean, this guy is hell is going to be pretty hot. But, you know, I think of like 2 Peter 2, 2 18. When we talk about Paul Washer, it says for when they speak great, swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness. Those that were clean escape from them who live in error. And it says while they promised them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption for of whom a man has overcome of the same. He's Brian bondage. So this guy is over here thinking, you know, people who are listening to this guy thinking that he's preaching liberty and the true gospel. But this guy doesn't even know how to get saved himself. I mean, he's mocking the gospel. He said, you know, our job is not to declare people saved. It's to show them how to get saved. The apostle Paul literally said, ye are saved if you keep in memory that which I have preached unto you. And then in Philippians chapter four, he talks about Clement and he says, whose names are written in the book of life. What is he saying? It's like these people are saved. So it's so stupid to say, oh, we're not supposed to declare people saved. Why if the Bible tells us how to get people saved and the person calls upon the name of the Lord to be saved, as Romans 10 13 puts it, then we can buy the authority of the Bible date that someone is saved. I mean, it's ridiculous to to make that claim. But this guy is just a holier than thou. He's like, you know, oh, you know, you got to turn from your sins. And, you know, I know these people that are prostituting the gospel. I mean, oh, here's another one. Here's another one. This one's quick. So this one's not like just repeating. This is how he says to get saved. Even until now, because when Jesus, a proper translation of that verse he gave is this, the kingdom of God has come, the time is fulfilled. Now spend the rest of your life repenting of your sins and believing in me. Oh, man, like a flu shot. Oh, I did that. I repented. I believe. The question is, my friend, are you continuing to repent of sin? Are you continuing to believe? Because he who began a good work and you will finish it. You will finish. That's his favorite. It's funny. You know, he's quoting he was actually begun a good work and you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. But what he's saying is the exact opposite. He's saying that the person who's repenting of the sin has to continue to work and that they will perform it until the day of Jesus. But you know what he's quoting and saying that Jesus is the one who maintains our salvation. He's the one who will perform it into the day of Jesus Christ. And he quotes Mark one fifteen and literally adds of sins. Yeah. Repent and believe the gospel. And it's just like, oh, that means of sins. Where does it say of sins there? Never. Never does it say of sins. Well, he reads the NASB. Yeah, it sounds like it. NASB and what's the English standard version? Yeah, the ESV. Yeah. I don't know if it says that in there, but I mean the same thing with like Ray Comfort. I mean, think about this. You know, people want to use John the Baptist as as an example of someone who who preach repentance. But then the apostle Paul in Acts chapter 19 states in verse number four that John barely baptized, you know, with the baptism of repentance, saying that they should believe on him on who should come after him. So he literally clarifies and defines the message of John the Baptist, which is believe, which is exactly what we preach. So Paul Washer said there's no such thing as a carnal Christian. Can Christians be carnal? Well, carnal means like the Spanish word is carne, which means flesh, right? Yeah, fleshly. Yeah. So I guess, you know, what you're looking at right here is Bruce Mejia in the flesh. So this old man referring to the members of my body are referred to as the flesh. So this is the aspect of my being that sins. And the Bible specifically says in Romans chapter seven, the apostle Paul said this, not Paul Washer. Yeah. You know, Paul Washer versus Paul the apostle here. He said, For I know that in me that is in my flesh dwells no good thing. Yeah. And he even says, For the good that I would, I do not, but the evil which I would not that I do. So he's basically saying the things that I wouldn't want to do, I actually do. What he's saying is that he sins. Right. And he specifically says this, I am carnal. So if there's no such thing as a carnal Christian, then he said, Yeah, yeah, no, I got you. But you know what he says? He says, Well, you need to read the whole chapter, the whole book, then you'd understand that there is no such thing. Well, I'm reading the whole chapter here. And it says, For I delight in the law of God after the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members. Sounds like he needs to read the entire chapter. Yeah. And the entire book, because he seems to not even know what that means. But obviously, you know, people like Paul Washer and Ray Comfort, the Bible says that evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. So, you know, it could be that these people actually start believing their own lies. Yeah. You know, they become like really delusional, because they preach false doctrine for so long. Yeah. God gives them over to that reprobate mind. And they're incapable of seeing the truth. Like the Bible says now as Genesis and Jamborees withstood Moses. So do these also resist the truth? Men of corrupt minds reprobate concern in the faith. And it says that they're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. So it's like they can preach and teach the Bible all they want, but because they perverted the scripture so much, God like will never let them come to the knowledge of the truth because you're teaching lies. So they actually believe what they're saying. Yeah, that's crazy, man. What are your thoughts on people doing deliverance through Zoom calls like right now? Like if you were to say, I'm going to do a deliverance. What are you talking about deliverance? What do you mean by that? Like healing people? Like or delivering them from demons or whatever. Like say that I was like, oh, say I wasn't saved and I had a demon in me or something and you were going to deliver me from the Zoom call. Well, the only way to get a person if they are truly possessed, the only way to get that demon out of them is by literally getting them saved. Yeah. Because once you get saved, the Holy Spirit comes to live within you. And once he dwells within you, no vacancy. You know what I mean? There's no room for any demon to stick around. But most of these Zoom deliverance casting out of devils thing, it's all they're all in my opinion, they're probably just charlatans who are just kind of acting this out. It's not true. It's not real. Yeah, they're just kind of they're making a mockery of Christianity. And it's just a clown show. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's just hard to believe that you could be right there and then deliver me. I mean, not even in the same room. Yeah. I mean, what are they doing? Like they're casting out demons and then they're healing them or something like that? Yeah, pretty much. Pretty much. For the most part. Yeah. Yeah, it's stupid. I don't believe it. I don't buy it. What do you think about charismatic churches like these non-denominational churches? I mean, I'm not a fan. I'm a fundamental Baptist. I'm an independent fundamental Baptist. More specifically, I'm a new IFP Baptist. That's where I got saved. It was in a Baptist church where they had the right salvation. And obviously there's non-denominational churches out there that preach the right gospel. And some of them are saved. But I know there's a lot of them that are not, and they've gone the charismatic route where they're speaking in tongues and they're doing the whole charismatic thing. I think it's a very carnal type of environment. It's a fleshly, worldly type of environment. And the whole tongue speaking movement is nonsensical to me. I don't believe people speak in tongues. The Bible talks about speaking with tongues, tongues, meaning actual languages. And every example that we see of people speaking with tongues, like Acts chapter two, it's always an actual language that someone understands. We do hear them speak the wonderful works of God in our own tongue. That's what they said. So these charismatic movements are essentially churches that are moved by feelings and emotions. That's why you have the Asbury revival going on. And even here in California, in Santa Monica, they have a revival going on as well. Like in Santa Monica, where all these Christians are marching down the beach and everything. And they're just speaking in tongues and they're prophesying. But it's not a biblical revival. It's a heretical revival is what it is. A lot of it has to do with emotion and the Bible goes out the window. They don't adhere to biblical principles. Yeah. Okay. So I was watching this video. John MacArthur was talking about how it's hard to be a Christian. Like you have to live this good life and behave and stuff. I mean, what does that have to do with getting saved though? I mean, we're going back in circles because it's just like, He literally believes that difficult is the way to eternal life. That's what he believes. Because that's what his version of the Bible says. Yeah. But the Bible in Matthew 7 14 is saying that straight as a gate narrows the way, a few there be the finest referring to how many people are going to be saved. You know, in the history of mankind. Yeah. Like there's going to be more people in hell than there are in heaven. And so it's not referring to how difficult it is because Jesus Christ did the difficult part for us. Believing on Jesus Christ is not difficult at all. Easy. It's as easy as going through a door, eating a piece of bread, drinking a cup of water. You know, even a child can do it. And so that's crazy. Yeah. It is hard for him. Absolutely. And it's going to continue to be hard for him because he's never going to reach it. Because he's so prideful. Ever learning. He's ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. And yeah, that's what I seem to see. Like anytime I post about like, just salvation is through just believing on Christ. And, you know, obviously we got to admit we're sinner. But I mean, people will be like, no, well, see, that's not it. You also have to turn from your sins and you got to be baptized. You can't just live how you want. Yeah. Like you're just adding to the salvation. Oh my gosh. Why are you making it so much more difficult for people, dude? Like just stop hurting my head. Just believe the Bible. Yeah, exactly. But they'll be like, well, you're taking John 3 16 out of context. I mean, the verses before and the verses after both say the same thing that John 3 16. Yeah, there's there's and there's literally hundreds of verses. So the end of the chapter says he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life. That's the end of the chapter. Yeah. And Jesus says in John 6 47, verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. Well, see, believe means to actually just follow the law. Yeah, he that believeth in me shall never die. Yeah, it doesn't mean that to them. Oh, I know what it was. It was this Billy Graham video, this Billy Graham video. Okay, let's start in a second. There are three things that you have to do before you can be forgiven of your sin and before you can get to heaven. The first, Jesus said, except he repents, he shall likewise perish. Repentance. What is that? I've heard a lot about repentance. You say, what is it? All right. Retentance is this. I recognize that I have broken the law of God. I recognize that I have sinned. I'm ready to acknowledge it. I'm ready to confess it. But that's not all of repentance. It means that I also must renounce my sin. I must be willing to give up my sin. You can't come to Christ with your pride. You have to humble yourself. You can't come to Christ and expect to keep your sins. You must renounce your sin or at least be willing to. You may not have any power to renounce your sins. You may not have any ability of your sin. There are three things. I thought he was going to keep going on and on. Wait, there's actually three things. He probably was. Imagine, you know, in the cartoons when they're like, they show a list of something and then all the papers come down. He's like, here's all you have to do. It's very simple. It just all comes down. Billy Balaam. He knows for sure that that's, I mean, today he knows that that's not true. Yeah, because you know where he is. But I mean, oh my gosh, he's saying that you have to renounce it. But there's nothing in the Bible that says you have to do that in order to get saved. Not a single thing. It says, it says repent. When it says repent, it's just to change your mind. Whatever you believe in before, stop believing that or whatever is keeping you from Jesus. If repentance was, if repentance of sins, meaning like you change your actions, was necessary for salvation, then that would mean that Judas Iscariot got saved because the Bible says that it repented him and he gave back the 30 pieces of silver. So he changed his actions. He brought the money back to the Pharisees and threw it at their feet. He changed, he felt bad, he felt sorry, but he still went to hell because he wasn't saved. Because Jesus said in John chapter six that he didn't believe from the beginning. So the reason he wasn't saved is because he didn't believe, not because he didn't repent of his sin, because we see a clear example that he did repent. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And also people will make, they don't understand the difference because they'll say like, oh, well, you need to do, like, they'll get it confused with being a disciple of Christ and being saved. Now, can you explain what the difference is? Well, a disciple is someone who follows the Lord Jesus Christ, right? And I think the reason a lot of people get confused about, you know, oh, you have to be a disciple to be saved is because a lot of the modern versions of the Bible in Matthew 28 verses 19 to 20 will render that as go therefore and make disciples of all nations. But the definition of the disciple, according to the Bible, is someone who essentially denies himself, takes up his cross and follows Jesus, right? Which is exactly what every Christian is supposed to do. But that is something completely different from salvation. Yeah. Salvation is a gift and our service for God is something completely different. And here's the thing. Let's say you say, well, are you saying that you can just kind of live however you want after you're saved and there's no consequences to your actions? Well, there's earthly consequences, obviously. Yeah. But first Corinthians three also says, it gives us an example of someone whose works were burned at the judgment seat of Christ. And it says, yet they are saved yet so as by fire. So they shall suffer loss. Yeah. They themselves shall be saved yet so as by fire, proving the fact that a person who works doesn't serve God, they're going to suffer shame at the judgment seat of Christ. And the Bible literally says that they're still saved yet so as by fire because salvation has nothing to do with you meriting eternal life. It's a gift really given to you. Yeah, exactly. Otherwise it wouldn't be a gift if you had to do something, anything for it at all. And there's that video. Was it what's his name? Ruckman. Peter Ruckman. Yeah. That one video I actually liked. I have never seen anything by him before, but it was like good because it's like, okay, you got the thief on the cross. And then the other guy who got in trouble as well, who's on the cross, whatever. They both were facing punishment, but one believed on Christ, one didn't. Nobody got baptized. Nobody did good works. Nobody prayed. Simple. He just believed on Christ and that was it. And he got saved and the other guy didn't. You know, so the only problem with Peter Ruckman is that he teaches like a dispensation of salvation. So he believes that people were saved differently throughout biblical history. So salvation has not always been by grace through faith. But if you believe salvation is by grace through faith, but only in this time and not in times past, then do you even believe that salvation is eternal, that it's by faith? Because he believes that people were saved by like keeping the law in the Old Testament and that people in the future are saved by doing works. And he even teaches that you can take the mark of the beast. Oh my gosh. And his disciples will say that if you ever take the mark of the beast, all you have to do is cut off your right hand. Oh yeah, yeah. I've seen, what's that? Robert Breaker. Robert Breaker and Gene Kim, yeah. And it's like. More like if you take it in your forehead, he said you have to gouge out your eye and then like reach in there and like take out the chip. He'd be dead. He'd be dead by the time. The guy doesn't need to take a class in anatomy or something like that. Yeah, it works. And that's the thing. Like, yeah, I said, like I said, I've never seen any, I didn't even know anything about the guy's video just popped. I was like, okay, that's kind of cool. But yeah, it's a great example that I'm sure he got from a saved person because it does illustrate the point perfectly. The fact that, you know, the thief in the cross wasn't even able to even get down to be baptized. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like he just he called upon the name of the Lord. He said, Lord, remember the remember me when I'll come into that kingdom. And, you know, Jesus told him today, thou shall be with me in paradise. You know what the excuse is for some people that they'll say that the reason the thief on the cross got saved? They say, well, it's not just because he believed Jesus was Lord. It was actually because he suffered on the cross. But it's not of your own. I've heard people say that he got saved like that because he's the exception to the rule or whatever. It's just like there. Where does it say that? Where's the Bible say that? Exactly. Like, oh, my gosh, you got me insane, dude. But it goes to show you that it doesn't matter how much biblical evidence you show people. Some people just want to remain ignorant to the truth. Yeah. Yeah. It's because it's definitely the pride within that man. A hundred percent. Oh, yeah. What do you think about Robert breaker? I mean, the guy has all these timelines and predicts all this stuff. It's going to happen at this time and that time. But hasn't he gotten a lot of stuff wrong? Yeah. And the Bible says that if you do that, if you make if you make prophecies that fail, you're a false prophet. Have you seen the film Dispensation of Heresy? No. Okay. I made a film a couple of years ago called The Dispensation of Heresy. Okay. It's with me, Pastor Jimenez, Pastor Anderson. Yeah, it should be. He's he's on there and he's he says some ridiculous. Yeah. Still on here. Okay, cool. I'm going to send it to you right now. Awesome. I'll watch that today. Yeah. This is this is when we were still Faith Award Baptist Church, because we used to be a satellite church plant of Faith Award. And so I told Pastor Anderson, I was like, I want to make this this this documentary against dispensationalism. Okay. Just exposing because it's really big in the in the fundamental Baptist groups or whatever. But yeah, he teaches a lot of weird stuff. He teaches that there's like, I mean, he teaches there's like up to 14 dispensations. He teaches that people have to get saved by works in the end times. I mean, nonsense things. Just crazy. Yeah, changing. Like, no, it doesn't change. Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. What's called the everlasting gospel. So how is it everlasting if it has a beginning and an end? Exactly. Yeah, because I remember somebody recommended him to me one time. And I was like, Okay, this guy's got all these times and timelines and stuff. I'm like, Okay, this guy has no clue when this stuff is going to happen. I could already tell he's false from the get go. Yeah. He has a lot of clickbait stuff as far as like, oh, yeah, of the rapture and all that. And when he's a major scientist, too.