(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So is salvation free? Yes, but it costs our life. Oh my gosh Okay, so I am here with Pastor Mejia and today we're gonna react to this video by Isaiah Saldivar Saldivar can even pronounce his name, but the video title is once saved only saved Can a Christian lose their salvation so, you know what let's just get into it already so we don't waste any time Are you ready? Yeah, let's do it. All right, here we go. We're gonna talk about what saved always saved Is it possible for a Christian to lose your salvation or to walk away from the faith? We've done 600 plus videos on this channel. We've never done a video on this I want to give you what I believe what I believe the Bible says about this topic You know some people teach that once you're saved no matter what you do how you live You'll never lose your salvation and the other group teaches, you know If you go live in darkness after getting saved, then you were never really saved But to me, there's a lot of word semantics when it comes to once they've always saved So my focus is not to be I'm the judge of salvation or I'm deciding who saved I really believe that God is the judge of our salvation. No one truly is the judge but God so I'm not talking about You know if you go in the world you were never really saved and how do we know if you're saved or not? I'm talking about after receiving salvation. I'm gonna keep it simple after being born again born of the Spirit Is it possible to then lose your salvation and stand before God and God say? Depart from me or you're not getting into heaven. I want to talk about that. I want to keep it simple I don't want to go into well If you were truly saved you've never sinned and if you do sin or backslide you were never truly a Christian He's never had a dumb thought I guess he's he's never done something that he knows he shouldn't do He he's preface seeing this entire video by saying I'm not the judge of salvation, but the entire video is about him Judging someone's salvation saying that they do sin then there they won't really they're not saved They lose their salvation, but it's funny that that he makes this hypocritical statement that he's not judging anybody about their salvation But then this entire video is literally about him saying that people sin they lost their salvation I mean, it's completely hypocritical, but it's only the big sins. But look you can do the little ones Jesus only died for the little ones. Yeah. Okay. Let me get back into it It just gets really complicated I think the overall view is is it possible to lose your salvation and I want to talk to you in the Bible Why I believe let me just say in the first minute of this video I believe once you're saved it is possible to lose your salvation if you live in disobedience to God Can the devil take your salvation? No, can anyone pluck you out of God's hand? No, but if you choose to Disobey God and to leave God and to follow the plan of the enemy and to turn your back on God It's possible to lose your salvation We have to remember this that God honors free will Throughout the Bible ever since the garden when Adam and Eve decided to sin against God They lost their place in the garden God from hold on a second so losing your place in the garden and Salvation are two different things I don't know what he's talking about because of the fact that when they lost their place in the garden God It wasn't that Adam and Eve did righteous works and then they were covered You know, they're the multitude of their sins were covered, you know, apparently according to the Bible they made garments of Leaves together in order to cover their nakedness and God had to sacrifice an animal Right, which is a picture of Jesus Christ in order to cover their nakedness And so according to the Bible that picture salvation not them being in the garden being in the garden and actually pictures before salvation When we're in the state of innocence When we before we reach the age of accountability and then you know Your conscience is open to good and evil You recognize you've sinned against God and you need the atoning of the Lord in order to be saved So this theology is definitely messed up in that area and when you consider that a punishment to get kicked out of the garden Yeah So God's right there that's Hebrews 12 6 for whom the Lord loveth he chaseth and scourges every son whom he receiveth So yeah, but at the end of the day, you know, the fact is is that you know prior to them Even getting kicked out of the garden They weren't essentially, you know innocent which is what Romans chapter 7 talks about that They had no knowledge of good and evil until they ate of the tree and then you know They essentially are covered by The Lord's atonement by sacrificing the animal and so that's he that's an even better picture of salvation Because of the fact that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who should take away the sins of the world once we recognize that we've sinned against God and that we're sinners before the Lord that we cannot save ourselves that we cannot so Leaves leaf aprons to cover our sin by doing righteous works Because our righteousness are as filthy rags in the eyes of God then at that point we need to go to the Lord who can Who's the only one who can essentially cover the multitude of our sins by his sacrifice? That's what that pictures All right. Let's get back into it. Um creation honors free will so this is very important when discussing Once saved always saved because people that are preaching once they've always saved I remember debating this girl years and years ago and she kept saying doesn't matter what you do You can't lose your salvation I asked her I said so if I go right now and go live in Las Vegas and I made this you know crazy made Up scenario and sin and live against God and never serve God again And you know go live a sinful life when I get to heaven when I stand before God God's gonna let me in she said Yes, because you've been saved once you're saved. You can't lose your salvation to me. That's crazy That's what I think about when people say once they've always saved I I'm not again here to judge your salvation and say when you pause it real quick you sin I do believe it's possible Yeah, it's funny. He he keeps He compares salvation to doing to serving God, which is doing righteous works Yeah He keeps saying because you're saved if I'm serving God and so he kind of lumps those two together And of course the Bible explicitly says over and over again The salvation is not our works of righteousness, which we have done But according to his mercy he saved us for my grace here You saved your faith in that not of yourself It is the gift of God not of works list any man should boast and so over and over again He keeps talking about well if I'm serving God if I'm saved and and then you know If I'm not serving God, then that means I'm gonna lose my salvation. He's adding works to salvation That's what he's doing serving God takes works I mean verse 10 of Ephesians 2 says we are his workmanship created in Christ Which got us before a day that we should walk in them and so that means serving God So if he's claiming that if you're not serving God Then you lose your salvation then what he's implying is you have to do good works in order to maintain your salvation But here's the problem with that. Is that the thief on the cross never even had an opportunity to do right words he hung on the cross and he died right then and there and Unless you want to say that he is the exception to the rule which there is no such thing as an exception to salvation You know, then this guy's wrong because the thief on the cross died a criminal He's being put to death because of a crime that he committed and he wasn't able to get baptized He wasn't able to serve God. All he did was confess with his mouth and The Lord said thou shalt be you today thou shalt be with me in paradise. So Let's continue Let's get back into it Once You serve God to turn your back on God stand before him on Judgment Day and the Lord say depart So I want to give you five verses Why I believe the Bible makes it clear that yes you can turn from God and lose your salvation the first verse I want to give you is Hebrews chapter 6 verses 4 through 8 and I want to just listen very closely to what it says here for it is impossible for those who are once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit and have tasted the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come if they fall away to renew them again to repentance since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God and put him to open shame and then verse 7 for the earth which drinks in The rain that often comes upon it and bears herbs useful for those whom it is cultivated receives blessing from God But if it bears thorns and breers, it is rejected and near to being cursed whose end is to be burned So I want you to notice first of all The people the writer of Hebrews is talking about the writer of Hebrews describes the people who he says have fallen away Four things he uses to describe them. He says they were once enlightened. They tasted the heavenly gift They were partakers of the Holy Spirit and they tasted of the Word of God Does this sound like he's talking about unbelievers falling away or losing their salvation? Again, you can't be partakers of the Holy Spirit if you're not born again So he's not talking about unbelievers here He's talking about those who genuinely were believers and they fell away because he says they were partakers of the Holy Spirit Non-believers cannot be partakers of the Holy Spirit people that weren't saved can't be partakers of the Holy Spirit Only those who were truly following Christ can be and it says they were enlightened and how could you be enlightened without truly following Jesus? I believe this verse makes it incredibly clear people that were once partakers were born again Experience the Holy Spirit experience the truth experience the Word of God. They were once saved They've now fallen away and they've lost their place in God's kingdom the message of this verse the message of this verse is it is impossible if you fall away to To bring someone back to repentance by falling away This is a choice somebody makes to turn from God and follow their own desires You don't accidentally fall away falling away is not something that the devil makes you do This is a choice of free will to turn from God and to turn towards your sin now We don't know the line that God draws from if you cross it there. It's impossible to come back to them So if you're watching don't be all freaked out saying that's me. I'll never be able to serve God It's impossible because we don't know where that line is That the writer of Hebrews describes as going past the point of no return and the writer of Hebrews uses the word Impossible didn't say like maybe and it's hard. They say it's impossible There is a line clearly here and the writer of Hebrews is describing where you're past the point of no return And once you cross this line, it's impossible to go back So to me guys if you're listening to this again, I want you to join us and think about this for sure Yeah, this is I was waiting for you So here's the thing is that you know, it always cracks me up that people who believe you can lose your salvation They love going to these particular passages to try to prove their point But they always exclude some of the most clearest passages of Scripture when it comes to salvation that you only have to believe and That you have eternal life. I mean scores of verses in the book of John scores of verses in the book of Romans they always go to these obscure passages because of the fact that they can twist it to me to mean whatever they want and It's interesting that he he says in this particular part of the video We don't know where God draws the line, you know But obviously he doesn't think he's ever crossed that line because he thinks he saved right? Yeah according to him It's just like well if you cross some sort of line out there where you're away from God Well, how do you know that you're not a way from God? I mean, what's the standard the standard according to the Bible for eternal life is perfection and There's nothing good. There's nothing to do with righteous. There's been righteous No, not one for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God if we say we have no sin We make him a liar and the truth is not in us right claiming You know by his own admission that essentially he hasn't crossed the line because he doesn't sin But let's explain what Hebrew chapter 6 is talking about here because in the very beginning of the chapter it talks about The the principles of the doctrines of Christ the foundation of principles of the doctrines of Christ it talks about Repentance from dead works and faith toward God So in other words in order for someone to be saved They have to no longer trust in their dead works to get them to heaven, which is virtually what everyone does You know, they believe that they have to do works in order to go to heaven be a good person keep God's commandments Well, the Bible says we have to repent of those dead works trusting in those dead works and place our faith in God of course more specifically Jesus Christ and He goes on in verse number four to say for it is impossible for those who are once enlightened He says they tasted of the heavenly gift were made partakers of the Holy Ghost They tasted of the good Word of God and the powers of the world to come now Not a single part of those of those two verses doesn't mention salvation Cuz he's like all behind a shadow of a doubt. This is salvation It's referring to someone who got saved and he's like an unsaved person cannot be a partaker of the Holy Ghost Well, you know that sound that may sound correct But it's not because Jesus even talked about how the Holy Spirit is gonna reprove the world of sin So the Holy Spirit is constantly working in this world reproving the sin and Drawing, you know unsafe people to the truth. He's constantly working on the other side We go out and preach the gospel. We're constantly praying Lord work in the hearts of the individuals. We're gonna go speak to right yeah, for example, if I was saying you were an unsaved person and I'm giving you the gospel and Reading you some scripture. The Holy Spirit could be working right there exactly because Jesus said in John chapter 6 the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life And so anytime we read the Bible to someone we're preaching the gospel to someone They're having the Holy Spirit work in their hearts and for when the Bible says that there were once enlightened. This doesn't mean salvation Yeah, okay To be enlightened it says here To give someone greater knowledge and understanding about a subject Yes, someone's spiritual knowledge or insight To shed light when we go to someone and yeah exactly when we shed light on the gospel We shed light in regards to the truth. We enlighten someone to the message of salvation and You know everyone has a free will to to accept or reject that message and so just because they're once enlightened doesn't mean that They were that they were saved. It doesn't mean that they understood it understood and actually received the gospel Willingly, it just means that they were given the truth They were increased in knowledge in that regard and it says that they tasted of the heavenly gift There were made partakers of the Holy Ghost. They tasted a good word of God and So, you know, this is people who these are individuals who have had the message of the gospel come to them This is referring to someone who's been on the brink of salvation Right and what this passage is specifically teaching is that there's individuals in this world who can no longer be saved Mm-hmm, and this is what the Bible refers to as reprobates Okay and a reprobate in its simplest term a simple definition of a reprobate someone who's beyond the hope of salvation and They weren't born that way. They don't You know that in adolescence that'll become like this. This is someone who essentially Rejected the gospel in such a way that they become out of a cereal towards God. They hate the Lord they hate the Word of God and The Bible says that they are essentially reserved into darkness This is a person who can no longer be saved and people may think, you know, hey, that sounds kind of crazy But you know Jesus talked about the fact that there's certain individuals in this world who have no forgiveness in this world Nor in the world to come that's that's referring to the fact that they can no longer be saved They miss their chance to be saved right is now they hate the Lord. They've been given over to a reprobate night And so this passage is not teaching that you can lose your salvation. No, we're in this passage Does it say that they lost it? No, where does it say that they even got saved to begin with it says that they're enlightened It says that they're on the brink of it so it's not a strong passage to use to try to prove you can lose your salvation because Nothing about it even talks about salvation. Yeah, it's crazy. We're already at 17 minutes Keep it going. Yeah. All right I want to challenge you How could you believe once they've always saved when the writer of Hebrews says it's impossible Once you've fallen away to come back and makes it clear. You can fall away second verse I want to give you Hebrews 10 26 through 31 for if we sin willfully After we have received the knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins But a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries Anyone who has rejected Moses's law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses of how much worse punishment Do you suppose will he be the though? Worthy who has trampled the Son of God Underfoot counted the blood of the Covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing and insulted the spirit of grace So it's saying like this is a greater covenant and how much worse is it gonna be for him that tramples us? And then it says for we know him who said vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord and again the Lord will judges people it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God Notice he says if we sin willfully after having received the knowledge of the truth now I don't think he's talking about unbelievers receiving the knowledge of the truth. This is not late So this is an easy passage to even cover a lot of people get confused about this and they think well What's going on here? Because it says if we sin willfully there remains no more sacrifice for sins But this guy obviously doesn't have a pretty clear understanding of Old Testament practices because he's he's addressing Hebrews who are well versed in the Old Testament Levitical law and Obviously in the Old Testament Sacrifices were done morning and night to atone for daily sins, right and you know if they committed some sort of Sin throughout the day they were able to atone for that sin by bringing bringing a lamb a bullock an animal of some sort to Sacrifice to atone for that specific sin. Well, obviously in the New Testament also known as the New Covenant Those things are done away with Jesus Christ has already sacrificed himself once and for all that's what the book of Hebrews says And so if you commit a sin after you have knowledge of the truth Then you can't just go To the tabernacle to Aaron the priest and atone for your sin by offering a bullet That's what I'm saying. There remain that no more sacrifice for sins Because of the fact that the practice of sacrificing animals no longer exists and then it says in verse number 28 He that despised Moses law died without mercy Here's the key under two or three witnesses now, what is this referring to this is referring to capital punishment Right for a capital crime because any time you see someone die under two or three witnesses They were typically stoned to death they were killed because they committed a capital offense that was worthy of death if they were sodomites if they were if they were guilty of Adultery if they were guilty of kidnapping Things of that regard According to the Bible they were to be stoned under the two or three witnesses. So what's the context here? It's referring to someone who's committed an offense and they physically die for their sin They physically die for their crime. Okay, then he says in verse 29 how much sore punishment suppose He shall you be thought worthy who have trodden under the foot the Son of God Counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified in unholy things So this is what this verse is teaching People in the New Testament have more knowledge Than people in the old we have more knowledge of the Bible and of God's standard Then people in the Old Testament did because we actually have a canonized Bible given to us We know what God requires of us We have both old and New Testament and the Bible teaches us that to whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required So if a person who committed a capital crime in the Old Testament was worthy to die under two or three witnesses How much more do you think God will punish you if you commit these crimes now that you have the entire word of God? That's what it's saying because the context is that you're physically gonna die It's not saying you're gonna go to hell because there's no mention of hell here. Okay, and here's the great thing about Hebrews chapter 10, okay? Number one is the fact that he says that the Lord shall judge who his people Yeah, so does he send his people to hell? No, because they're God's people. There's no such thing as God's people in hell Okay, that's number one. Number two. The end of the chapter says this verse 38 Now the just shall live by faith But if any man draw back What does he mean to draw back? Well what this guy's saying right here you fall away My soul shall have no pleasure in him So when you backslide you do you commit sin you're involved in things that are not pleasing unto the Lord that doesn't please God Right and it says in verse 39, but we are not of them who draw back into perdition But believe to the saving of the soul So even when we backslide you will never backslide so much that you'll just slide right into hell because that doesn't exist Why because we believe to the saving of the soul? Why do we believe to the saving of the soul because the Bible teaches us in whom you also trusted after that You heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after you believe you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise Which is the earnest of our inheritance and according to the Bible once we get saved the Holy Spirit of God is sealed within us Ephesians chapter 4 unto the day of redemption. It doesn't say unto you sin again and you lose it It doesn't say unto when you willfully sin and you get away from God he says he's sealed Unto the day of redemption referring to the resurrection the rapture Right. There you go. Now. Yeah when I what I was thinking when I was reading that that verse was that you know If you just continue to willfully sin, you're just gonna get punished for it Like that's exactly what I mean That's just like God's gonna you know punish I mean like just like you would punish your children or I punish my to my daughter You know, like God's gonna punish his children. He's not gonna just throw him into hell. Hey, you're not my kid anymore Yeah, exactly. I mean two chapters later. He explains the concept of chastening Yeah, I mean so if God is punishing these people for their sin, right? Yeah, because they've committed a sin Then that would mean that the Lord loves these people exactly as the Bible says Whom the Lord lovin it or excuse me whom the Lord loveth he chasin it Yeah, and scourge it every son whom ye receive it So in fact when you are punished by God, it's confirm. It's not only confirmation that you're saved It's confirmation that God loves you, right? Because it says if you be without chastisement Then are you bastards and no son? So according to this guy if you are punished by God That's a confirmation that you're not saying which means it's a confirmation that you're not a son of God You're not a Christian not according to the Bible Yeah Bible teaches that if you're without chastisement if God doesn't punish you even though you're involved in all types of sin It just goes to show that you're essentially not a child of God You're not a son of God because the Lord chases his own children and as it says in verse number 30 You know, I will recompense ate the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people, right? You know God who's our Heavenly Father does chasing us He does scourge us when we commit sin, and that's a confirmation that we're saved Yeah, for sure, let me let me get back into it here Thing would you use for an unbeliever here is the result of willfully sinning after being enlightened Here's the result if you willfully sin once you're enlightened the result is there remains no sacrifice for sins But a certain fearful expectation of judgment, it's so plain the verse explains itself Yeah, you should expect to be judged by God. Yeah on this earth Check this out. Let me read it. Let me read this verse to you. Okay. Okay, Romans chapter 8 in verse number 14 Says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God They are the sons of God and so this is a verse that guys like this would use to say you see You know if your spirit filled and your spirit led that means your son that means you're a son of God, right and So the implication here is that if you're not being led of the Spirit and you're living a sinful life Then you're not a son of God. That's what they would imply Right, but the Bible saying here for as many as are led by the Spirit. They are the sons of God so if Someone is not being led of the Spirit and they're involved in sin. What is God gonna do to them? He's gonna punish them and If he punishes them according to Hebrews chapter 12, it means that they're sons of God, right? So you're a son of God if you're led of the Spirit to do the work of the Lord And if you don't do the work of the Lord, you're not being filled with the Spirit When God punishes you it's an indication that you're a son of God There you go, exactly It's like these people never heard of that before. Okay, let me go back I don't think he has he's never willfully sinned ever Ever in here in the New King James Version if you continue on that pattern of sin Once you're enlightened or you've received the truth or the knowledge of the truth. There's no more there's no more blood there There's no more sacrifice for your sins, but instead fearful expectation of judgment Let that sink in this is not the gospel you hear in America The gospel you hear is do whatever you want and God will keep forgiving you, you know Once saved always saved you can't lose it. Just live how you want and There's plenty of sacrifice left The writer of Hebrew says do whatever you want and then who's saying to live how you want who says that? I can't hear you. You're mic muted When have I ever said live however you want there's plenty of sacrifices available Just go buy yourself a bullet go buy yourself a lamb go buy yourself a go there's plenty of sacrifices to go around I mean, this is a complete ridiculous accusation Only America we hear this I've never taught that you can live however you want And in fact, what I've taught is if you go out and sin, of course, you're not gonna lose your salvation But God will punish you here on this earth. That's the message of the Bible And so I don't know what this guy's talking about. And by the way, let me say this is that You know the Bible says if we sin willfully Just to let you know everyone Uses their will to sin. I mean if you sin you've willed yourself to commit that iniquity that transgression everyone does Yeah, I don't know. I don't know why I don't know how he's interpreting that verse, but that's what everyone does Well according to him Jesus only died for accidental sins, okay There will be no forgiveness only fiery judgment so we have to wrestle with these scriptures We can't just preach this watered-down American gospel that says do whatever you want God will keep forgiving you once they've to always save we have to be careful and take these verses and realize there is wrath and There's judgment in the Bible Verse the third verse only give you why I'm not once they've always saved and I do believe you can lose your salvation is revelation chapter 3 verse 5 He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments and I will not blot his name from the book of life But I will confess his name before my father and before his angels the book of life being a record of all those who have been born Who is he that overcoming he that he is on Jesus exactly first John chapter 5 verse 4 says for whatsoever is born of God overcome at the world and This is the victory that overcome at the world even our works No, even our faith it says who is he that overcome at the world? But he that believe it that Jesus is the Son of God So people can't just take words from the Bible and just impose their own definition upon it, which is exactly what this guy's doing He's implying that when the Bible says to overcome it means you have you have to overcome your sin Well, no to be an overcomer is to believe on Jesus Christ who is essentially the only person who has ever overcome Sin in this world because he lived a perfect life. And in fact the Bible specifically says in John chapter 16, you know Jesus said of himself that he overcame the world Romans chapter 8 says that we are more than conquerors through him that loved us So the way we overcome the way we're conquerors is by believing on Jesus Christ So let's address this whole thing that he's saying here about being blotted out of the book of life. Okay? Because a lot of people get confused about this as well. I was gonna say Just I was gonna make sure okay, so to my knowledge Everybody starts in the book of life, correct? Correct everyone's Your blood it out Yeah, exactly There's a couple things that could get you blotted out. So everyone's name begins in the book of life. The the Bible never talks about a person's name being written in the book of life as soon as they believe on Jesus Christ or as soon as they trust Jesus it never Indicates that because of the fact that everyone already starts off in the book of life and people wonder well, why is that? Why do people start off in the book of life? Well, the reason why is because God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance So he has our names in the book of life in hopes that we would you know Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved but the Bible does teach that names are blotted out now When are they blotted out? Well according to the Bible you can get your name blotted out by adding to or removing from God's Word according to Revelation chapter 22 You can get blotted out According to the book of Revelation by taking the mark of the beast because at that point you're worshipping Satan You can get blotted out by blaspheming the Holy Ghost because you won't have forgiveness in this life nor in the world to come or You can get blotted out the day that you die and you don't extend you haven't accepted Christ as your Savior That's how you're blotted out This is why this verse in Rome in Revelation 3 verse 5 says to him that overcometh, right? It says the same shall be called in white raiment Signifying that the the righteousness that is imputed upon us and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life It will permanently be embedded in the Lamb's book of life because we've believed on Jesus Christ. It's not based upon our works So that was easy Yeah, the moment the moment I saw that in the video. I was like, okay, so What do you have to do to overcome and in my mind before I even looked it up? I was like, oh believe on Jesus. Oh, well, you know believe on Jesus I mean, he should know what that means cuz his name's not there His name probably got blotted out a while ago when he started teaching a false gospel Okay Again, we've picked up their cross who bought their faith and hope in Jesus my bad. I wasn't playing it Well, I didn't have you on the screen Okay, let's go here And follow him Morning before my father and before his angels the book of life being a record of all those who have been born again Who have picked up their cross who put their faith in hope in Jesus and follow? Jesus says if you yeah, I noticed I know you're gonna say The book of life is filled with people Who take up their Christ and are serving him and are doing all these things. When does it ever say anything like that? And and he doesn't even realize that everybody's name starts in the book of life, yeah Otherwise everyone's I mean it just I mean that's just ridiculous. It says faith and hope in Jesus and follow him So that's a discipleship. That's a That's a whole different that's after salvation. Yeah, he's imposing all these definitions to that word. Yeah, let me get let me Finish what he's saying here overcome. I won't blot your name out So it's possible to have your name blotted out and if your name could not be blotted out or this didn't exist Then why would Jesus make this specific statement or argument in the first place? It doesn't make sense If it's impossible to have your name blotted out of the book of life for Jesus to say I'm not gonna blot your name out So, okay. So if you're not gonna blot my name out, is there people you are gonna blot their names out? Is it possible? For you so for him to introduce this concept this idea this principle It would only make sense that it's possible to have your name blotted out fourth verse. I want to give you 2nd Peter 2 20 for if After they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ They are again entangled in them and overcome the latter end is worse for them than the beginning verse 21 for it would have been better for them to not know the way of righteousness than to know it and to Turn from the Holy Commandment delivered to them but it has happened to them according to the true proverb a dog returns to his own vomit a so having And a so having washed to her wallowing in the mire So basically what Peter is saying is you've escaped the pollutions of the world Through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So that sounds like a Christian to me. He describes the people He says they've escaped through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. So they are a Christian their follower. They've escaped the world They're now following Jesus. Go ahead. Pause me says this So the irony of this part right here is astounding okay, and I'm explaining why 2nd Peter chapter 2 is Your your quintessential chapter on false prophets. I mean, it's the entire chapter Parallel with the book of Jude is about false prophets So it gives you all the characteristics and attributes of a false prophet the fact that they're covetous or I have eyes filled Full of adultery that cannot cease from sin to despise governments and magistrates and it gives all these examples but it's your quintessential chapter for false prophets and Right before the verse that he read it says two verses prior to that Referring to false prophets. It says for when they speak greatly great swelling words of vanity They are Lord through the lusts of the flesh through much wanton as those that were clean escape from them who live in error While they promised them liberty who's they the false prophets Promising the recipients of their message Liberty They themselves are the servants of corruption for of whom a man has overcome of the same is he brought in bondage So this is obviously in context referring to a false prophet who is misleading others by his pernicious ways. He's teaching a false gospel He's teaching false doctrine and he's leading people astray with his message And then it goes on to say in verse 20 for after they have Escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They are in getting tangled therein and Overcome the latter end is worse with them than the beginning So again, it's referring to the fact that this person this false prophet was polluted After he received the knowledge of Jesus Christ, which Hebrews 6 has told us that they basically were partakers of the Holy Ghost They were once enlightened but then they became polluted thereafter because they actually rejected Jesus Christ and people might say well you're imposing that where does it say that? Where does it say that these people rejected Jesus Christ before doing this? That's a great question Look at verse number one, but there are false prophets also among the brethren Excuse me, false prophets among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you Who privately shall bring in damnable heresies? Even denying the Lord God that bought them and Bring upon themselves with destruction. So the very first verse of second Peter chapter 2 Tells us that the way these false prophets even came to be as corrupted as they are is that they denied The Lord Jesus Christ that bought them Okay, because you said what does it say that about them because the blood of Jesus Christ has purchased everyone in this world He's the Savior of all men, but especially of those that believe You know, but that obviously that redemption is available to those only who actually believe on Jesus Christ So second Peter 2 is referring to Isaiah referring to this guy who's promising people Liberty He's preaching this message, but he's been polluted and it would have been better for him not to know the way of righteousness Right then after they had he was you know, he knew it to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto him So someone gave this guy the gospel a long time ago. They gave him the right gospel. They gave him the message of salvation and He rejected it and that's why he fits the bill in second Peter chapter 2 Alright, yeah and notice none of these verses ever talk about like they never say like and they lost their Salvation they lost eternal life. There's there's never anything that actually says that but all never an indicator that every single verse It says that you know You have eternal life is clear as day and you're cut and or or you're sealed into the day of redemption What does that mean? You are set in sealed, of course That's what I'm saying. Is that they always have to use these obscure scriptures to teach that you can lose your salvation Even though it never explicitly says that whereas the Bible is very explicit that you have salvation, right? You know, God clearly tells you you're saved you're sealed up to the day of redemption you have eternal life You know you shall never die. I mean these very clear statements that say you can never lose it Whereas the scriptures that they're using it's just like what I believe this verse is saying and I think this is saying and it's pretty Clear that this is saying but it's not clear because it's not there right exactly Let's get back into it. He's got one more here They're worse off if they've gotten saved and they've returned to the pollutions of the world then if they'd never heard the gospel at all Again, what is he saying? He's saying it's possible to be saved from the world escape the so if they actually got saved That would be good, but they didn't actually get saved He says it's possible to be saved from the from the world and escape the pollution But it doesn't say that they got saved exactly go back to the world and then he uses the proverb he says it's the true proverb a dog returns to his vomit a dog throws up and then goes and eats its own vomit and and that's what he describes somebody who Becomes a Christian and then goes back to the world So again, how could we reconcile these verses and still believe it's impossible to lose your salvation Once you get saved, you can never lose it last verse. I want to give you is Galatians 5 4 says you've become Estranged from Christ and who attempt to be justified by the law you have fallen from grace So you who attempt to be let me say it again. You've become estranged from Christ you who attempt to be justified by law You have fallen from grace How could you fall from something you never had he says here you can fall from grace So let me make a couple comments on this this is so funny and and false prophets do this all the time where They'll quote a verse Literally contradicts everything that they're teaching. Okay, because he's quoting Galatians chapter 5 verse 4 where it says Christ has become of no effect unto you Whosoever of you are justified by the law They're trying to exactly the law. They're trying to follow the law that sucks about circumcision So who are the people that are falling from grace people who are trusting in their works So someone who trusts in their works, they think they have to obey the commandments and the law to be saved They've fallen from grace It doesn't mean they lost their salvation because they never had it to begin with because they're trusting in the law Christ has become no effect unto him. So a person like Isaiah who's evidently trusting in his works to be saved He's fallen from grace Christ has become no effect unto him because of the fact that he's making the gift of God null and void By his mere belief that he has to obey the commandments and do good works in order to stay saved So this completely contradicts what he's saying, you know How can you fall from grace if you've never had it to begin with that's not what it's saying when it says you fell from grace It's referring to the fact that you were a partaker of the Holy Ghost The message of the gospel is given unto you you've tasted a good word of God But you're trusting in your works to be saved, I mean that's literally what the verse is saying right there Yeah, Galatians 2 21 says for I do not frustrate the grace of God if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain Exactly. I mean you live in your good lifestyle. It has nothing to do with you getting saves Well, we don't we don't have to go over the video that we're gonna go over later But I mean we could just cover right now, you know Matthew 7 is a perfect example of that because Matthew chapter 7 Which is a passage they love to bring up to teach that you can lose your salvation is an example of a person Who who trusts in their works to be saved? Because he says you know that he's prophesied in his name and his name Has cast out devils and in his name has done many wonderful works and I were professing to them I never knew you depart from me. Ye that work iniquity never in that passage Does it say I've trusted you as my Savior. I believe them the Lord Jesus Christ. He lists his works Try to justify himself and so he's fallen from grace. That's what that means Again not speaking of the world. It's speaking of those that have experienced the grace and have fallen from it So the argument to say and I know what the guys that preach once they've always say preach They say if you truly were saved you never fall from grace So you're once saved always saved right wrong wrong. That's the right way to say or well Yeah, it's not the right way to say it because it's never been said You know a person will we teach is that if a person believes in the gospel of Jesus Christ they trust in Jesus Christ Then you know what? They're never gonna deviate from the belief that Jesus Christ is God The salvation is by grace through faith. They'll deviate into Committing sins and committing iniquity because there's not adjustment upon earth that do with good and sin it not So I like for him to address that verse it literally says there's not adjustment upon earth that do with good Which is what he claims you have to do in order to stay saved, but it says and sin is not so how can you do good and still keep sinning and You know have the same thing at the same time. I mean the Bible says that everyone does that. Yeah, you understand So, there you go they say if you truly were saved you'd never fall from grace So you're once saved always saved right? I don't think that's the right way to say or the right idea The idea is if I genuinely be saved. These are the five verse I gave you. These are genuine believers I'm genuinely saved born-again a partaker of the Holy Spirit tasted of the Word of God tasted of the age to come These all five verses talk about falling away your name being blotted out You're returning to the pollution going back to the vomit. So do these verses say you can lose your salvation. I believe absolutely I don't know how we can take these any other way. I don't know how we could twist these to say Oh, he's not talking about believers talking about the Jews or saying about the Gentiles or he's talking about some other group It's not about us now These are some of the objections to losing your salvation Guys that absolutely don't believe what I preach what I'm saying tonight or what these verses say They'll say things like John 10 28 and John 10 28 says and I give them eternal life And this is Jesus speaking and they shall never perish neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand So they use this verse and say see right here. Jesus says no one can take us from his hand No one can take our salvation and I agree. Nobody can take our salvation This is Jesus saying no one can take your salvation. The devil can't take it No man can take it but this is not saying you can't forfeit your salvation or turn from God so I Don't think this is saying you can't lose your salvation I think he's saying no one can just you serve me and you're worshipping me praising me living Holy and then one day someone steals your salvation He's saying He literally just added a bunch of stuff to the verse and said if you're serving me if you're living Holy if you're doing good, you know, then no one, you know kids able to snatch you out of my head Where does it ever say that doesn't even say that in the Greek? I mean, like where is he getting that stuff from he's imposing all that stuff into the verse Works works. It's just like if you're doing good works What the verse is really saying is if you do good works, you're living holy You're not sinning the verse doesn't say that and where did in the Bible does it say you can forfeit salvation? That phrase is never found in the Bible It never talks about you forfeiting because to forfeit something is to essentially lose something because of wrongdoing Right, but the Bible doesn't teach that wrongdoing will cause you to lose your salvation You would think that in the entire book of John Were salvation is explicitly taught that Jesus would have one verse where he says Hey you have eternal life except for this portion right here If you commit sin, if you do these wrong things you can forfeit it you can lose out on it You can have it and then lose it, but it's never stated in the Bible right and let me just say this so Let me let me let me point out a verse here in Romans chapter 6 that people like this will often use and it's one of those things that it's like a verse that kind of Just the bunks their theology Romans 6 in verse 1 says what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid right and it says how should we that are dead to sin live any longer there in and so they'll say you know Shall we continue sin the grace may abound God forbid? So the question is what is God forbidding for us to do is he forbidding for grace to abound or? Is he forbidding for us to continue in sin now in the previous chapter chapter 5 and verse 20? It says this moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where sin abounded Grace did much more abound So according to the Bible not according to me This is what the verse literally says and let me finish it off that has sinned at the rain and to death Even so my grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord So if you sin this much grace will always be ahead if singles of this much Grace is always ahead because grace will always much more abound and sin now shall we continue in sin the grace may abound God forbid but what is the first implying it's implying that grace will always abound If you continue in sin, and in fact first John chapter 2 says, you know My little children these things write on to you that you sin not But if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins And not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. Obviously. God doesn't want us to sin. But if we do Grace abounds he's a propitiation and you know, we can never lose it. So right exactly eternal life Alright, let's go back to it Believe he's saying you could never go into the world You could never backslide and this idea of once they've always saved is like so you're saying that I could never go in the world And if I do I was never really a Christian I mean look at these preachers that will preach 20 30 years serve God live right holy pray fast God uses them and then they end up dying an alcoholic they go and cheat on their wife and they go and turn from God So your doctrine says then they were never really saved before and I don't I think they've turned from God and they've fallen from grace I don't think you can say they don't even think he understands what grace means Well, yeah, clearly he doesn't understand what grace means because he's rejected. He's fallen from grace remember Yeah, so he does it. He's trusted in his word. So he has no clear He thinks grace is merited and there's and there's so many instances in the Bible where you know, like Solomon Remember how he ended so Solomon. He started like all those all those wives and coke you binds or whatever Had false gods they worshiped idols and he was out doing stuff with them and then we got Samson he you know, he slept with the prostitute and they committed suicide and then Yeah, let me in fact in regards to Solomon because you know again people like this will Try to point to someone like Solomon and say well We think he lost his salvation because of the fact that he started worshiping He started making all these altars for his fault for his wives false gods and all these things and he ended his life wrong He lost his salvation but prior to Solomon becoming king God told David and prophesied of Solomon and he said in second Samuel chapter 7 verse 14 Yeah, I will be his father and he shall be my son if he commit iniquity. I Will take away his salvation It's not what it says It says I will Chasing him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men But listen to this but my mercy shall not depart away from him as I took it from Saul so he's saying there if Solomon sins I'm gonna chase in him just like he chases Christians in the New Testament if they sin Right, and you know he says but my mercy shall not depart from him Why because not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy saved us by the wash and regeneration Renewing of the Holy Ghost and then you got King Saul as well committed suicide Yeah, and he was saying apparently according to you know These guys none of those guys are in heaven. They're all in hell right Samuel told Saul tomorrow thou and thy son shall be with me and Samuel was in heaven But It's like I don't know like how they can twist it so much. That's that's what I'm confused about It's like how do you it's so clear Well, this is how these false prophets twist the scriptures, okay, because You would think like how do you not just see this in the Bible? Yeah, it's so crystal clear Why are you so confused about it? And it could it could really frustrate you to see individuals just completely reject clear portions of Scripture But the Bible actually teaches that there are individuals in this world That have rejected the truth so much that essentially God gives them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie It's like they love the lie so much God says, okay I'm just gonna give you a strong delusion and you're just gonna believe the lie for the rest of your life This is what the Bible says in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 when it says that they're ever learning and Never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. So a lot of these guys like Isaiah Sal D'var, whatever his name is they actually believe what they're saying but it's because of the fact that they've just they're delusional and they have this strong delusion and God's given them that because they Rejected the clear concise Simple gospel the simplicity which is in Jesus Christ, which is you just have to believe on Jesus plus nothing minus nothing, right? because remember at the end of the day anybody who teaches what this guy teaches is Essentially saying that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is insufficient to save me. I need to do something also Yeah blasphemous 100% for never truly believers in the first place. Are you the judge of salvation or is God so again? I don't think this is true and the other objection would be and I know some of you are gonna type this in the comments How could you lose a gift right if it's a gift of God? How could you lose that the same way my kids lose the gifts? I give them all the time half the things I got my kids for their birthdays. They don't have any more They've lost it somewhere in the room somewhere in the house. So just because something is a gift I don't know where we think it's impossible to lose it And if that were the case Why would Jesus say strive to enter through the narrow gate for many will seek to enter but not be able to Why would Jesus say the road that leads to life is difficult. And if you find it, why would Paul say? Oh, that's easy because he never said it What's that? Which one did he never say? He he never said that difficult is the way Yeah, you know Straight is the gate and narrows the way which leading them to life and few there be that find is referring to the fact That there are a few people in this world that are gonna get saved doesn't say the difficult is the way Salvation is easy according to the Bible It's simple and in this whole this example of like oh I give my gift my kids gifts all the time and they lose it Right, they lose it somewhere It's such a stupid example because he's still validating the point that a gift is freely given not based upon the merit of the child Yeah He's claiming is that you have to do good works in order to have Salvation right and his own example just proved the opposite which is the fact that his kids didn't do anything to merit the gift but he gave it to them anyways and Obviously, you know, you can't use that example because it's not referring to salvation right at the end of the day The Bible says that you know the work that God has begun in us. He will perform until the day of Jesus Christ Yeah It's up to us to maintain our salvation. He's the one who's maintaining it Bible says in first Peter chapter 1 in verse number 5 who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation Ready to be revealed in the last time it's God who keeps us not not Right and I was also gonna say like that's like if I have say I have two kids Oh, but this this one behaves more this this were behaves better. This one doesn't behave as well Well, this one's my kid. This one's not because this one doesn't behave. That's basically that what he's saying Like you gotta behave right or else you're not my kid. That's the stupidest thing It's a silly example because he's saying his kids lost it as if like they committed cuz he's comparing it to like if you sin Then you lose it. So are you saying your kids are like we're sinning and then they lost her gift or something They're not his anymore, okay I'm bling. Why would the Bible over and over say count the cost Jesus told the rich and ruler sell everything There's a problem. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh He's bringing up the rich young ruler when the rich young ruler was asking. What must I do to be perfect? What good thing must I do? He doesn't acknowledge he's a sinner And thinks he's perfect and then Jesus says Sell your stuff to the poor and follow me because he doesn't acknowledge that he needs help It needs to be saved and he says so all that thou hast and thou shalt have He basically says he shall have riches in heaven is what he's saying. Let me talk about salvation when he answers him Yeah, because the rich young ruler doesn't realize he's a sinner. He thinks he's perfect. Oh I keep all my commandments I keep I keep all these commandments. That's what he's saying. Yep. Like how do you come on, man? That's a simple passage To pay so is salvation free? Yes, but it costs our life. Oh my gosh It's salvation free yes But it cost our life then it's not free. No, no, it's not for one and number two It didn't cost our life. It cost Jesus's light He's the one who gave his life for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him What in the world is this guy saying he literally? In the same sentence said that salvation is free, but it cost something that something if something cost something then it's not free Yeah No, I just don't get it. He One thing but it does cost your life. It's not great. It's great, but it does cost your life Here that's like me selling you a car. Hey, it's free, but you gotta give me 20 grand. Yeah It's like what then it's not free. Yeah. Yeah, and he said he's confusing salvation with discipleship Like there cuz there's a passage about if you know if you if you want to keep your life you lose it You know that one but okay, I'll play it We have to Jesus said lay our light down if anyone hangs on to his life. He loses it So there is a price to pay Do I believe that if you get? Genuinely saved and you're serving God and you decide to turn from God and serve the devil that you will lose your salvation Yes, I do believe that and I believe the Bible teaches that and those are five reasons Why five should I say five verses? Why do me a favor? Subscribe Harris is why and let that's it. That's the whole video right there. But Yeah Easy peasy. Yeah, he makes the same arguments that everyone else makes and he takes the verses out of context You know at the end of that video was very telling I mean essentially summed up the entire his entire argument that he doesn't believe that salvation is a free gift Even if you see I mean he said it he said salvation is free But it cost something and then he says it costs our life anybody who sincerely reads the Bible knows that salvation does not require It doesn't cost our life. It costs Jesus's life. I mean who would be foolish enough to deny such a thing? So yeah, if that just means Christ died in vain then Exactly. There's no reason because you got to work your way He's saying you basically you don't have to do works to get saved But if you don't have the works you're not saved or is it already saying you don't have if you don't do works to get Saved you just have to do the labor to get saved You say the exact same thing Exactly, man. It just there's so many so many of these people and then because I know he illusion he preaches at these charismatic churches So there you go big surprise You have anything else to add to it No, just you know for the viewer remember that you know, Jesus Christ paid it all and He he essentially his sacrifice is sufficient to save you. All you have to do is place your faith in him I mean, who are you gonna believe you're gonna believe this guy or are you gonna believe the Bible? Jesus said, you know the Bible says in John 3 36 he that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life He that believeth not the Sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him So it's very clearly stated that all you have to do is believe and The reason why is because of the fact that the gift has already been paid for You don't have to pay for it. The gift has been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ He was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification Nowhere in the Bible does it teach that we have to maintain our salvation because we can't Exactly. We'd all go to hell. We'd all be damned exactly But the whole thing with one saved only saved and you know, you know that you're sealed for eternity You've been given this eternal life. You don't have the worry of oh my gosh, I'm gonna lose my salvation You're constantly worrying. You're cool. Yeah, I Guarantee you The majority of his viewers they're watching his videos and they're wondering man. I wonder if I'm saved exactly I don't know if I'm saved but the Bible says and you know in 1st John chapter 5 These things have a written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that ye may know The ye have eternal life You may believe on the name of the Son of God so God wants us to know be on a shadow of a doubt with certainty that we're saved and only thing that is sure is You know, obviously the Word of God is sure but when it comes to like our salvation, we know that it's sure It's like an anchor of the soul sure and steadfast because we've trusted Christ Right if she was based upon us, of course, we would doubt because now, you know, sometimes we we fall short We make mistakes we sin and so it's hard to determine You know if you're saved or not, but obviously when you look at God's Word, you're like Oh, I'm not saved because I sin every single day, right? So that's why it's necessary for us to trust Christ exclusively for salvation plus nothing minus nothing Okay. So hey, man, I really appreciate you doing this and working everybody find you Everyone can find me on YouTube on the channel Antipas or you can go on Instagram Wild underscore olive underscore tree and I upload content on there as well. You can DM me on there. I can answer your questions Okay, awesome, man. Appreciate it. All right