(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What do you think about Billy Graham? Billy Graham is roasting in hell right now because first of all the Bible says that the false prophets are the ones whom everyone loves. Woe unto you when all men speak well of you for so did their fathers unto the false prophets. Because of the fact that Billy Graham was just loved by all religions, atheists loved him, Catholics love him, Protestants love him, Baptists love him. He's totally loved by this world. Jesus said that every single person who's following him you know is that's actually following Jesus will suffer persecution and will be hated of this world. Okay and Jesus said the disciples not above his master nor the servant above his lord. If they called the master of the house Beelzebub how much more should they call them of his household? So basically either Billy Graham is better than Jesus or Billy Graham is not following Jesus because Jesus said that anyone who's following him is not greater than him and if they hated Jesus they'll hate you. Marvel not my brethren if the world hates you. And obviously we can point to the actual false doctrines and heresies that he spouted where he said that people could go to heaven without even believing in Jesus because they're just following the light that they have even in Islam or you know they're not even Christians. Wouldn't that completely go against what the Bible says? Yeah of course but that's why he's beloved of this world because he's a false prophet and so he's in hell. Why do you think people say you're controversial and hateful? Because I think that first of all all Christians are going to be persecuted. The Bible says ye and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Woe unto you when all men speak well of you. You know the Bible says blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice to be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you and so obviously that's why people hate and persecute me. Also just because we're living in such bizarre strange times that me just a normal average run-of-the-mill Christian guy sounds like some crazy wild man because we're living in crazy times. It's the world that's crazy and I'm sane. Yeah no I noticed that you know these pastors in the 80s and 90s these baptist pastors they were saying the same stuff you're saying now and absolutely everybody was go everybody was going with it it was normal for to be to preach like that and now you put it out a sermon like you do and people will say you're hateful and things like that so you say it's the times changing in the world. Yeah I mean I grew up with it obviously back then it was still hated of this world that kind of preaching but the difference between now and back then is that in the 80s and 90s it was normal in the independent baptist world. Yeah like the world has always been against the truth but the independent baptists all rallied behind that preaching now we're at a point where it's just a handful of independent fundamental baptists that are actually preaching the way they preached in the 80s and 90s. We've stayed with that kind of hard preaching and then 90 some percent of these guys have just backed off watered down and they're just trying to just be cool or fit in or whatever. And how many countries are you banned from right now? I forgot but it's over 30 like yeah I mean I lost count I think it's over 30. Somebody left a comment on my Instagram when I posted your video they were like yeah I wouldn't watch that guy he's banned from like 34 countries and I was like well I think the bible's banned from like 50 something countries. Yeah well I'm a glass is half full kind of a guy so I just think about the fact that there's 160 some countries that I'm not banned from. Yeah that's yeah I mean it would take so long to go to all of them. You're so optimistic. Yeah I mean I just don't want to get banned from Mexico you know because I like the tacos you know I like to go down there for soul winning and take my wife on vacation so just don't ban me from Mexico and I'll be happy. Okay so you used to go on the Alex Jones show I've seen you go on there at info wars. What happened with you and Alex Jones? Well the thing is I went on there a bunch of times and Alex Jones is not a born-again Christian he's not a guy who believes the bible or anything like that but he had me on there because some of the things that I was doing and saying aligned with his mission or whatever but what happened is years after I was on there I got in a lot of hot water around 2014 for preaching hard against the sodomites and it wasn't him but there was another guy on info wars called David Knight. Oh yeah he's not on there anymore I don't think. Yeah and then he actually actually it wasn't 2004 he was like 2016 because there's been several episodes where you know I got attacked for saying stuff about the homos but he he was like speaking against me on info wars tv he's since been fired from info wars but back then he was speaking against me and uh saying that I was hateful and wicked and and he was super blasphemous because that David Knight guy said like you know that pulse nightclub Jesus would have been at that gay bar he was trying to say that Jesus would have been hanging out at that gay bar which is super blasphemous and so you know basically info wars was attacking me but it wasn't Alex Jones it was it was this other guy and I know other people have brought me up to him and and he's just like oh pastor Anderson is kind of radical it's kind of like the same thing with you like like people are always telling you oh stay away from pastor Anderson yeah we're kind of saying the same thing to Alex Jones and and he's just kind of listening to them whereas you're not listening to them well so have you noticed that the people who only say that you're hateful and you're controversial they can never do they ever present facts typically what they'll do is just take the most radical statement from the most radical sermon take it out of context and use that to define me and and make it out as if that's just all I talk about all the time when in reality I'm getting up three times a week and giving my church members a balanced diet of the whole bible and I'm not just constantly talking about controversial things a lot of my sermons aren't controversial at all but usually when these people are pinned down like we'll name a heresy of pastor Anderson it's never a core doctrine of the faith it's always like oh he has the wrong view on the timing of the rapture or oh he has the wrong view on Israel it's these like secondary side issues which that's not heresy I mean to me like a heretic would be somebody who is denying the trinity or denying salvation by faith they're denying the blood of Christ or denying the bodily resurrection these these secondary issues a heretic do not make but my question is have they actually been ever to prove me wrong with facts no and and here's the thing I've definitely been wrong before because everyone has again I'm human I've said wrong things in my sermons but these people typically don't prove me wrong with facts you know if I say something that's factually inaccurate in my sermons I mean I have had someone point out to me before that I made a factual error in a sermon and then later I said oh I'm sorry I made this error let me go back you know because I'm human I'm gonna make mistakes but as far as like these people who are calling me hateful though yeah you know no because they don't have any facts on their side because just he's from what I see pretty much on the internet it's just either you're mean or you're hateful but I don't actually see a fact or any evidence yeah it's it's more like just oh he's mean yeah which is which is the very definition of an ad hominem argument because they're they're attacking me as a person or my well how dare he say that that's instead of actually talking about the issue rationally with facts and logic and the word of god open it's just he has a bad attitude yeah but here's the thing even if I had a bad attitude that wouldn't mean that I was wrong yeah I don't like the way he said that I believe that I have a really uh you know sweet disposition but even if I didn't you know that wouldn't have anything to do with whether or not I was right if I'm right I'm right I'm wrong I'm wrong it should be based on facts yeah now what are your thoughts on Calvinism people like John MacArthur uh Paul Washer uh John what is it John Piper very very popular preachers um you know loved by the world what's your thought of uh those are just some Calvinists I mean first of all these you know these guys like Paul Washer John MacArthur John they all have the wrong bible version they they re and they reject chunks of the bible as like oh this isn't really supposed to be part of the bible like the story about the woman who's caught in adultery and Jesus says he that is without sin among you let him first cast as senator you know John Piper said that's not that's not real that's not authentic scripture and all of these guys who use these modern versions they reject that portion they reject the last uh 12 verses of the book of mark they have the wrong bible okay yeah so you know Calvinism is one of their problems but they have a lot of other problems too the problem that I have with Calvinism is it's this doctrine that says that God chooses which people go to heaven and which people go to hell you know it's not a choice that we make it's a choice that he made on the surface you could say like oh that's so wonderful I'm chosen by God but the dark side of that is that that would mean God is just choosing masses of people to damn to hell and that they have no chance of salvation that that would mean no free will correct or am I wrong well I mean some of them will try to claim that they still believe in free will but you are correct because how can you have free will and God making the choice at the same time yeah those make sense those don't compute like either God is the one making the decision or you're making the decision and I am a very strong believer that it's up to you whether you go to heaven or hell because the bible says God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and that whosoever will let him take the water of life freely and so the dark side of Calvinism is that God would be predestining people to hell yeah and they have absolutely no hope whereas I say if you go to hell if you're damned it's your own damn fault because you know you did this to yourself that's what the bible the choice the bible says choose life that's not just an anti-abortion slogan that's a quote from the book of Deuteronomy yeah hey I've said before you life and death choose life oh just kidding I already chose death for you you're going to hell that's not what the bible teaches yeah I actually uh I watched the whole Paul Washer sermon oh this is a while back on the it was called like the gospel him giving the gospel and I watched that whole thing and I'm like wait how do I know if I'm saved and then I watched your uh your sermon on which is on YouTube uh it's once saved only saved and I was like this makes perfect sense you're explaining it with the bible verses and everything like that but Paul Washer I'm just like crap am I saved am I going to hell like where am I going you know what I mean hey you know what God is a loving God and he he wants you to be saved he wants you to be on your toes wondering am I where am I going no these he said these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the son of God and so he wants us to know that we have eternal life he loves us and and here's what I always tell people you know God wants you to be saved as much as you want to be saved yeah you know it's he's not trying to to to trick you you know but you have to come to him on his terms you have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior you can't do it in your own strength you have to trust him and that that kind of leads me into the next question which is there's a lot of these uh big time pastors who teach the repent of your sins uh salvation that you that it's not enough believing on the Lord Jesus Christ but you also need to repent of all your sins what are your thoughts to me this is just a very thinly veiled workspace salvation because you know I would point to Jonah chapter 3 verse 10 where the Bible says God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not so in Jonah 3 10 God calls turning from your evil way works because anybody should be able to figure out the fact that getting the sin out of your life or turning from your sins or forsaking your sin that's works that's following the law that's following the commandments the commandments say thou shalt not steal thou shalt not kill thou should not commit adultery so saying okay I'm going to turn from those things that's the works of the law yeah okay and and and the thing that's so dumb about this is that none of us has turned from all of our sins because then we'd be Jesus at that point yeah because every single one of us is a sinner and if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us so then they get this weird double speak like well it's not that you have to turn from your sins just that you have to be willing to turn or maybe you just have to be willing to be willing to turn or do you have to just be really sorry I saw you really really really really sorry really really really really really sorry about it that's not the gospel you know the gospel is that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you shall be saved so it's not about getting emotional being sorry willing to change turning over a new leaf for salvation yeah it's about putting your faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ obviously you have to admit that you're a sinner to be saved yeah otherwise what are you being saved from yeah so the first thing I show people is that they're a sinner that they're on their way to hell they're condemned to hell and that Jesus is their only hope and I give them the good news that if they believe on Jesus they'll be saved what not like well okay now you have to turn from a life of sin what do you say works-based salvation what didn't you say having to turn from all your sin is is not good news well it's it's not good news because basically it's like hey do this impossible thing and you'll be saved right right and then you'll be wondering like I don't know did I turn from my sins hard enough did I turn from enough sense was I really sorry about that one yeah if I was really sorry then why did I do it again because if I was really sorry maybe I wouldn't have done it again and so maybe I'm not even saved you know but the thing is that you know you could never know if you're sorry enough or if you've turned enough because every single one of us is not perfect would you would oh go ahead go ahead sorry and so salvation has to be by faith alone because if if God did part of it and then we had to do this other part of of living our life a certain way or abstaining from certain sins or turning from services we would screw our part up yeah it's hard yeah we every day we have to deny self and take up the cross and follow Christ it's hard not to be saved though but just that's what we're supposed to getting so I'm just saying getting saved is supposed to be the easy part yeah getting saved is the easy part and then the Christian life is daily taking up the cross and following Christ that's hard carrying the cross is hard denying self is hard salvation is easy the Christian life is hard these people are mixing those two and they're making salvation hard mm-hmm yeah reality salvation is a free gift what I see is I'm sure you've seen this too let me know do you see a lot of people using the book of James to promote a work-based workspace salvation absolutely yeah what they're doing is they're taking James chapter 2 they're twisting it they're taking it out of context James 2 is talking to people that are already saved and explaining the fact that nobody's gonna realize that you're saved unless you have the works nobody's gonna know about your faith unless you show it through your works because you know human beings can only see your works yeah and so God knows our faith exactly faith justifies us in the eyes of God works justify us in the eyes of man yeah and that's why the best way to understand James 2 is just read it side by side with Romans 4 Romans 4 and James 2 work together perfectly to show you that faith justifies us with God and works justifies in the sight of man right you know but here's here's what I've discovered is that people believe what they want to believe of course so people who want to believe in a work salvation they're going to grab hold of James 2 and they're going to twist it and it's going to take them straight to hell yeah because he's calling them brethren the people who are already brethren get your butts to work brethren he's not telling you how to be saved yeah the book of the bible that claims to be telling you how to be saved is the book of john and it says believe over 90 times believe yep you know in the book of acts uh what the jailer was asking how can I be saved writes the jailer act 1631 what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the lord jesus christ yeah and then the the thief on the cross yeah lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom today shalt thou be with me in paradise what is john the most famous version the bible say can you let us john 316 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life yeah the word it says that oh but gotta repent of your sins first turn from your sins yeah and good luck with that because you know no one on this earth has successfully repented of all their sins right we'd be perfect so a lot of christians today I hear them saying oh we shouldn't hate anybody we shouldn't hate anything what are your thoughts on that does the bible say that people who are ignorant they love to just oversimplify things because they can't understand deeper things and and the bible talks a lot about hate as well as love and there are about 22 verses where god specifically talks about hating people yeah you know david writes in the book of psalms do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and am not i grieved with those that rise up against the i hate them with perfect hatred so that's david the sweet psalmist of israel saying i hate those who hate the lord you know but today people aren't comfortable with that and instead of just having this overly simplistic thing of just well i just love everybody i love you know the pope and pedophiles and charles manson i mean that that's absurd it's crazy yeah and if you love everyone then you love no one you know it's just like how do you love pedophiles and love children at the same time okay if you love children you hate pedophiles if you if you love the flowers you hate the weeds and i was watching your sermon called the christians hate life which is actually on youtube guys so if you want to go watch that's a great sermon i think um you you talked about you there was some interviewer news guy and he was like oh i don't hate anybody like you want to tell that story oh yeah well this guy was from germany he was from a german newspaper and he was over here uh followed me around interviewing me went to lunch together and stuff like that and he claimed to be like i don't hate anyone and i said to him like well what about adolph hitler and he's like okay i do hate adolph hitler you know but he just finished telling me like no not me i don't hate anybody yeah yeah everybody who's honest would have person or persons that they hate yeah things that they hate ideas that they hate these people who just love everyone and everything that doesn't make any sense as a christian um should we hate wicked people who hate god here's the thing you know i'm not saying that we should just hate people who are sinful because we should love people that are wicked love people that are sinful love the unsaved love the lost but i do believe that we should hate those who actually hate the lord yeah that's what that's what i'm saying because yeah because that's what the bible says in psalm 139 i mean i didn't write the bible it's in psalm 139 and a lot of people will try to act like psalms doesn't count as the word of god or something that's absurd it's one of the most quoted books in the new testament like what i'm saying is the new testament quotes old testament books and the books that get quoted the most tend to be like deuteronomy psalms and isaiah those are kind of the three that pop up the most it seems like right deuteronomy psalms isaiah and so you know the bible repeatedly when it quotes psalms will say things like the holy ghost spake by the mouth of david the prophet and then he'll quote psalms so when we're reading psalms that is divine inspiration and they'll just say like well that's just david saying that you know david's just getting a little hateful there but then you could do that with the rest of the bible i guess i could show you something in matthew you could well that's just matthew i could show you something from ephesians well that's just paul you know yeah i show you genesis oh that's just moses folks it's the bible it's the word of god yeah we gotta believe we we gotta believe the whole entire bible right yeah and and the book of psalms has almost 20 psalms that are known as imprecatory psalms which are psalms that are psalms of cursing yeah and it'll they'll say things like let them go down quick into hell break their teeth oh god in their mouth and and all these things you know that god hates all the workers of iniquity and that him that love is violence god's soul hateth and do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and stuff you know we have to somehow reconcile those verses and make them part of our worldview yeah i feel like uh people try to avoid those verses yeah or they'll try to pit the old testament against the new testament when in reality both are true and they'll try to be like oh well back then like they act like the new testament is somehow contradicting or rebuking the teachings of the old testament that is not true what jesus taught about loving your neighbor and loving your enemy is already taught in the old testament and can you explain this because i feel like a lot of people don't understand this um so if some like they'll they'll anytime somebody points out something wicked going on or these wicked group of people in society i'm sure you know so but um they'll use this verse every time well the bible says love thy neighbor amen i mean loving your neighbor is extremely important even loving your enemy is important and what that means is that when someone does wrong unto me like let's say somebody you know gets me in trouble at work or they lie about me to the boss or they steal something from me or whatever you know i'm supposed to love my enemy and pray for them and bless them and turn the other cheek yeah you know like for example when i got my face bashed in back in 2009 and and got tasered and beaten up by the border patrol and the police i was in the back of the squad car in handcuffs and i literally prayed for the officers that had just beaten me up that they would be saved and that and that you know that someone would give them the gospel if they weren't already saved and then and that god would be good because i was like i need to love my enemies right now like i need to bless those who are persecuting me or hurting me and so that's an example of loving your enemies whereas like they have twisted scripture to instead of love your enemies or love your neighbor they're twisting it to just love everybody yeah i don't say love everybody when it says love your enemies it's talking about people who do you wrong yeah because just because someone does you wrong doesn't make them some horrible reprobate that just is too late for them like somebody that hates god but yeah but it's a different thing when somebody actually is a hater of god so like i don't hate my enemies i love my enemies but i do hate the lord's enemies or i do it'd be like if i said you know oh well this person is persecuting me i need to love them but then this pedophile over here i hate their guts you know i want them to die of course quickly because they're evil and harming children and and they're so disgusting they should just be removed from this world and sent straight to hell uh-huh i mean that's where they belong it's way because because what's the point they can't be saved they're reprobate it's too late for them but you know my personal enemies though hopefully they can be reached yeah so basically in simpler terms what you said is you know there's a difference between your personal enemies versus those who actually hate god exactly different story absolutely okay and and now another thing is next topic is i hear a lot of people talking about how the new testament like oh we're more relaxed now we have grace we're in the new testament what are your thoughts on that well it's the exact opposite anybody who's actually read the bible would know that the new testament is always stricter than the old testament that's why it always just blows my mind this idea of like oh old testament god is so unmerciful and you know it's literally the opposite because look at the stuff that the old testament guys get away with i mean look at all the squirrely stuff that guys like abraham isaac jacob are getting away with king david king solomon yeah i mean they're getting away with all kinds of stuff and in the new testament god is way stricter yeah because unto whom much is given of him shall much be required and so god is stricter in the new testament and they talk about oh well you know the old testament's more the wrath of god what's the most vengeful wrathful book in the bible hands down bar none no contest the book of revelation yeah is the most vengeful book in the bible and it's in the new testament it's it's literally book 66 so if god was ever going to soften up book 66 is his chance and yet there's more wrath in revelation than anywhere in the old yeah i feel like a lot of people in the book of revelation than in the entire old testament combined i feel like a lot of churches avoid that book and a lot of people avoid that book it's it's too harsh i guess and i mean and and you mentioned this in a sermon too like i mean look how much more access we have to the scripture we have bibles everywhere you can get free bibles you got the bible app on your phone you can look up scripture anywhere online they didn't have that yeah