(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey what's up guys so I'm here with my friend Ben today and what we're gonna be doing is going over some of your comments because some of you happen to disagree with what I believe about salvation and the Bible so let's start off by going over the first comment this is from Yolo Mine Gamer so it says here if you can't lose salvation why bother living a righteous holy life might as well live it up and sin all you want if you'll make it at the end no this is wrong do not be deceived St. Paul explicitly warns Judaizing Christians you are served you are severed from Christ you who would be justified by the law you have fallen away from grace that which is Galatians 5 4 he also tells his audience of Corinthian Christians do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived and he who goes he goes on to list multiple sins which he does warning that those who commit them will not inherit the kingdom of God so those are pretty popular ones here so let's start let me start off by answering the first part which he says if you can't lose salvation why bother living a righteous and holy life so my explanation for that is that because we love God and we want to do what's right by God also we don't want to be punished by God for you know breaking God's laws that's why not because you know we don't want to lose our salvation that's like you know my my daughter why does she want to obey her parents because you know she loves her parents and she doesn't want to get punished because you know if my daughter breaks the breaks the rules in the house I'm not just gonna throw out in the street hey you're not my daughter anymore doesn't make any sense yeah amen I mean obviously you know this idea that people only serve the Lord for fear of going to hell is completely false often you'll notice that those who believe in salvation by faith are actually doing the most works and like you mentioned you know you don't want to get punished by the Lord by assuming the Lord loveth he chasteneth and beyond that there were rewards waiting for us in heaven for the works that we do and if you want to be called the greatest in the kingdom of heaven you know you know obviously that would require you living for God here on this earth Jesus Christ said in Matthew chapter 5 whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven yeah and and the thing is we were never good enough to receive the gift of eternal life notice it's a gift and so how could we be bad enough to lose it you know what I mean so if you're basing your whole salvation off of how good you are then you're just not saved you're just relying on your works because salvation is a gift from God not based on how good or bad we are so let's get into Galatians 5 verse 4 where he tells the audience just go and read the verse well let's read it in the real Bible it says Christ has become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law ye are fallen from grace Jesus Christ died for everyone the Bible says that he died for every man but the thing is is that those people who would choose to reject the gospel those people who would choose to reject salvation by faith and rather rely on their own works or be justified by the law as the text says in Galatians 5 4 are fallen from grace in the sense that the grace of God the gift of eternal life what Jesus did doesn't apply to them because they've rejected it and rather they're choosing to be justified by the law which it says in Galatians 3 11 that no man can be justified by the law in the sight of God so what does that tell you that they're just not justified because they're trying to follow the law and it's funny people use this verse and say well if you don't have the works then you're gonna lose your salvation it's like where are you getting that from you know what they're getting that from James chapter 2 which is just telling believers to get to work to do works the text is literally saying that if you're justified by the law you're falling from grace it's describing the very people who are twisting this to teach that you could do works justify us before before man because man can't see our faith only God can see our faith so who do our works justify us before they justify us before man our faith justifies us before God because only God can see our faith this you know Ben can't see my faith if I'm not doing any works so then now let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 I believe he said verses 9 through 10 but I think it's more like 9 through 11 so that you got to get the context of this to understand it so 1st Corinthians chapter 6 is talking about taking a fellow brethren to law in a secular court right so and it's and it's telling us the people that will be judging us in the secular court are first of all non-believers and people who commit these types of sins and they won't inherit the kingdom of God why they're not saved exactly they haven't believed so and it says in the book of Revelation chapter 21 that anything that maketh a lie will not inherit the kingdom so if you not a habitual liar but if you've even told one lie you're not going to heaven so but there's one thing you can do believe on the Lord Jesus Christ exactly so 1st Corinthians 6 in many ways can be paralleled with Revelation 21 8 in the sense that if you're not saved and then you commit one of those sins well now you deserve to go to hell just as sure as those who are not saved all they have to do is tell one lie to deserve to go to hell the Bible lists these sins often in scripture and then we'll say that these people are going to hell in the sense that their only way out is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ yeah and then people it's funny they'll go to Revelation 21 8 see it see look look it's talking about people who do it habitually though yeah well it's only habitual totally false so this comment is from zero something I don't know whatever who cares so his comment is typical protestant false teaching live your life as you will you are saved with just a belief love God and sin boldly dash Martin Luther okay so nobody's saying to just go out and sin and live life the way you want we're saying that it has nothing to do with losing salvation but if you're saved and you're living how you want Hebrews 12 6 says that whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth so you're going to get punished here on this earth when you're living like that and at some point if you're actually a sane person you're probably going to get tired of God continuously punishing you and your life sucking so you're going to just come to obedience I mean if you're a sane person I think it's so funny when I hear comments like that because it's like these sane people would then condemn us for being too hateful or for being quote legalistic because you know our kind of church will kick people out for committing fornication until they repent and then they can come back in we actually believe in church discipline we preach very hard about the importance of adding works to your faith and living a righteous clean Christian life we actually believe in first Corinthians five but these sane people will hear a sermon from like an independent fundamental Baptist church oh you're so legalistic and then they'll turn around and they'll put a stupid comment like that attacking us and claiming that we're teaching people to live however they want false it's a straw man a hecky three five two eight says bro what the freak I was on the phone with my man's for like three hours kind of debating about this I said you can lose it but he was like once saved only saved and he also said you can't lose it cuz it's God's gift I disagree with that because when you come to Christ behold you're a new creation and the end the old you is gone well that's not true because the new man well yes you have the new man but you still have the old man your flesh is still there until you die so that's that's ridiculous that's why Apostle Paul is saying that his flesh and his spirit are constantly battling it's a battle Romans chapter seven then it says here in Galatians also talks about the flesh and the spirit to walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh the Bible says then it says here but if you living life like you was before you receive Christ I think you can lose it well here's the thing if it was just so automatic once you're saved you're just living this righteous life then why does Paul continue to have to tell us certain things that we should be doing and shouldn't be doing if it was automatic it would just well we're all we're all perfect now well if living your life how you was in this person's words you know would make you lose your salvation then the body of God is a liar because the Bible says in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began the second that say those who are saved the second that they believed in Christ received everlasting life they got everlasting life the moment they believed and everlasting life is eternal so either God is a liar or eternal life really is eternal I'm gonna go to what the Bible says and now just to go off that in Titus chapter three starting in verse four it says but after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior that being justified by his grace we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life exactly so not by our works of righteousness that's not why we're saved okay let's go to the next comment here okay so this guy here big in Jesus he lists Hebrews chapter 12 verse 8 as that you can lose your salvation wow that's like unbelievable again it's this is another example of somebody taking a scripture that actually applies to them and then trying to use it to say that it's talking about losing your salvation so Hebrews chapter 12 let's go there verse 8 but if you be without chastisement where of all our partakers then are he bastards and not sons essentially saying look if you're not receiving punishment from the Lord as a father would punish their child you're not God's son you're a bastard that guy is a bastard yeah so and and all these people that say well the gospel the good American gospel or whatever is that you know you could just go out you could do whatever you want and you're gonna go to heaven nobody's saying that nobody's saying that because if you go out and do whatever you want commit all these things and you're really saved then God's gonna punish you Hebrews 12 or he might kill you exactly could take you home early look at Ananias and Sapphira in Acts chapter 5 yeah they lied to the Holy Spirit and drop dead yep and then then let's go to the next comment here so this is from Taylor Church Ward it says they had belief in Matthew chapter 7 but no relationship if we have integrity and aren't hypocritical will act according to our beliefs that that's not true because Matthew chapter 7 they said Lord Lord had we not prophesied in thy name had we not cast out devils in thy name have we not done many wonderful works in thy name they're just talking about have we done this have we done that doesn't talk about that they were believing on the Lord Jesus Christ it just talked about the works that they did and that's what they trusted in they didn't trust in what Jesus did the death burial and resurrection and all the miracles he had done yeah you can connect Matthew 25 to that scripture we looked at earlier in Galatians chapter 5 verse 4 these people were justifying themselves by their works and those who do that are gonna be cast into the lake of fire exactly and it nowhere in the Bible doesn't say well they just didn't have a strong enough relationship find me that word in the King James can't you can't now obviously you should pray and you should read your Bible and you should come in with God and go to church and if that's what you mean by relationship than fine but that's not what gets you saved exactly okay so this next comment is from mech said it's 1032 he says the world says they believe in God too but most of them will perish sadly we make no difference than the world if we believe in once saved only saved we could be like Catholics who say they believe but still live in sin God wants us to repent daily and trust in him Jesus said you must deny yourself and carry your cross daily then he said to him all to them all if anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me so he listed that's Luke 9 23 talks about that in Matthew as well but what he's Jesus is talking about is discipleship if you want to be his disciple yeah Jesus says he that followeth not after me he that taketh not his cross and follow it not after me is not worthy of me right in Matthew chapter 10 and the thing is it's about discipleship so this guy twisting the scriptures and turning discipleship passages into salvific passages because he doesn't understand the Bible the Bible says that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God basically you know if you're not saved you don't have the Holy Spirit then reading the scriptures is like reading Chinese so of course they're gonna come up with all kinds of weird interpretations of the scriptures because they don't have the Holy Ghost I always find it funny he says we got to repent and trust in Jesus what does that even mean if you believe in work salvation what do you mean by that trust in Jesus what are you talking about you don't trust in Jesus you're trusting in your works so why are you using that terminology yeah and it's funny because John MacArthur only sees the same thing about salvation John MacArthur doesn't even know the difference between salvation and discipleship it's completely different well I think that he's intentionally twisting or he's these verses he could be but I think it's an easy way he's definitely reprobate and he's twisting the verses on purpose to send people to hell yeah but do you think he genuinely believes that though like he's so just far reprobate that he genuinely believes what he's saying well perhaps God has sent him a strong delusion yeah so here's another one this is from Tay Taylor 24 once a person believes on Jesus name and keep the Ten Commandments of God till the end of days the same will go to live with God none of us can go to see the Father if we just live life believing on Jesus name and not following up with the works to prove our faith in Jesus well works prove us before man not before God because God only only God knows our faith and so you're saying following the law is gonna get you there no it's not because nobody can be justified by the law on the side of God Galatians 3 11 it's like you call someone a good friend but don't show them that you appreciate them for being a good friend it makes no sense you're gonna go off that well I mean you know Bible says are you now made perfect by the flesh I mean the idea that you have to have the works to prove that you're saved is totally ridiculous think about King Saul what works did he demonstrate to prove that he was saved right I mean you have a guy who murdered God's priests you have a guy that committed suicide he wanted to kill David out of envy and the Bible yet in spite of all of those wicked things that he did makes it clear that he went to heaven in 1st Samuel 28 19 when he ended up going to the place where Samuel the Prophet was so it's like you list all these different examples in Scripture you have Demas in the New Testament you have the thief on the cross these people did not necessarily well the thief on the cross see he was really really sorry and he he suffered on the cross that's what they'll say well that's he did works he was working up there was working as he was on the cross he didn't do anything there's there's multiple examples of people lot is another example give me the great works that lot did right obviously there's so many examples of people not necessarily outwardly demonstrating works and they'll get a 100% and they'll try to say well see Abraham was justified by his works but it's like okay number one yes before man not before God and they think that he got saved when he offered Isaac up on the altar but he was saved when he when he called upon the name of the Lord in Genesis chapter 12 and he was 75 years old he didn't even do that to Isaac tell it what he was he like 130 so Genesis chapter 22 contains the story of him offering up Isaac upon the altar and then you have Genesis chapter 12 where he's calling on the name of the Lord so this idea that he got saved in chapter 22 doesn't make any sense okay so this next comment is from our Lopez 3294 and he left the comment James 226 all right so how this proves he could lose your salvation or anything like that is beyond me and again it has nothing to do with heaven or hell salvation here James chapter 2 when people read this they need to get heaven and hell salvation out of their mind totally because that's not what it's talking about at all it's just an exhortation to add works to your faith for several different reasons but here in verse 26 for as the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also and this is true amen in the sense that you're not profitable to other people or to God if you have a dead faith but a dead faith still exists this isn't saying that if you have a dead faith that your faith no longer exists it says for as the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead it doesn't say faith without works don't exist now let me give you an example if my cell phone dies if my cell phone is dead it still exists it's just dead and not profitable or useful in the same way those who have a dead faith they obviously still have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ but their faith is not useful or profitable for anyone exactly I mean this is written to people who are already saved twice as my brethren over and over to the 12 tribes okay so this next comment is from the same person R Lopez 3294 he leaves Revelation chapter 3 verse 15 to 16 he says I know all the things you do that you are neither hot nor cold I wish that you were one or the other but since you are lukewarm water neither hot nor cold I will spit you out of my mouth well this again it's not describing individual spiritual salvation whatsoever what Jesus is explaining is that because this church right this is written to an entire church because they're lukewarm that they're gonna be spit out of God's mouth and basically explaining God's not gonna use them anymore as a church and that they're basically not even you know useful to the Lord whatsoever because they're so lukewarm right it's being written to an entire church and explaining that they're lame and that if you you know want to actually be used of God as a congregation you have to have work so you got to be doing mighty works for the Lord okay so the next one here is from the same person again R Lopez 3294 and the comment says Matthew 24 13 but the one who endures to the end will be saved well that's talking about physically your flesh here on this earth it's not talking about salvation yeah exactly I mean you have to understand what chapter this is right this is a classic example of ripping a verse out of context we're in Matthew 24 the Olivet Discourse where Jesus Christ is describing the events that are gonna come to pass before his second coming so we're dealing with end times Bible prophecy here and he says in verse 13 but he that shall endure into the end the same shall be saved the end of what well the end of the period of time leading up to the rapture it says in verse 22 and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened so what's he describing here what days is he talking about he's talking about the Great Tribulation where the Antichrist wages war against the Saints and that those days are going to be shortened by the second coming of Christ so essentially no flesh would be saved if Jesus didn't come back during this time period because we would all die courtesy of the Antichrist yeah has nothing to do it this isn't a spiritual salvation here yeah it's describing the salvation of the flesh which will occur you know courtesy of Jesus when he comes back yeah so the next comment here is from Craig 7 0 3 1 it says salvation is conditional to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Isaiah 8 20 well I don't know what in the world where in the world this guy is getting it from let's go to Isaiah chapter 8 verse 20 and read that in our King James Bibles it says to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them well there's no light in a lot of these people who are writing these comments and you can tell that there is no light in them by what is coming out of their mouth and this is not saying that you have to have works to be saved it's not saying anything about that it's just describing the fact that hey these people have no light in them based on what they're saying you shall know them by their fruit what's coming out of their mouth and these people who believe in damnable heresy they're not of God he that is of God heareth God's words either for hear them not because you're not of God people understand the Bible and are saying things that are true that believe in salvation by faith that believe in eternal security that's how you can tell they have the light in them they have the Holy Spirit in them and that they have the truth yep and I think that is actually the last comment do you have anything else to add no it's unfortunate that a bunch of heretics decided to comment on there but hopefully it's not too late for a vast majority of them and they actually look up the Bible way to heaven and get saved and stop resisting clear as day scriptures that teach that once you're saved you know what at the end of the day some of these people you can't even blame them because I was fooled too by a lot of these false teachers so you kind of you don't know what to believe sometimes you use because there there's so many false teachers out there and for those who are stuck in the middle and they're not quite sure or they're deceived by the false doctrine that you can lose your salvation my hope is that you would just humble yourself you would seek out one saved always saved by Pastor Anderson and other sermons about this topic and you'd realize you know the Bible does teach that it's eternal life and notice all the verses talking about eternal life one saved only saved they're crystal clear but all the ones about losing your salvation they're very wishy-washy and once you really get the context of them it's clearly not saying anything about losing your salvation it's talking about something else every single time you can't lose that which is eternal it doesn't even make any logical sense yeah and if you weren't good enough to receive it then why would you be bad enough to lose it right over and over again Jesus talks about believing the Bible talks about believing to get saved he that believeth will have everlasting life John 3 36 he that believeth has everlasting he that believeth on Christ overcomes the world right exactly right and I mean it's just the Bible couldn't be more clear that salvation is by grace through faith alone the Bible says for by grace you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God you know it works lest any man should both you know what there's people that will go to in Ephesians chapter 2 they'll say well you didn't read the last verse 10 oh okay well let's go I love that last verse yeah so Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 where it says in verse 10 it says for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them well obviously God didn't save us so that we could sit on our hands and do nothing the Bible is gonna emphasize doing works after salvation and yeah there are certain things that God wants us to do works that we've been ordained to do as his children and we should walk in those works but nowhere does this teach that you're absolutely 100% going to now you should walk in those works that's why it says that which God had before ordained that we should walk in them we should walk in these works that God has prepared for us but it doesn't mean you're necessarily a hundred percent gonna do it otherwise scriptures like walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh don't make any sense if it's automatic yeah because he keeps having to remind us over and over like the moment you're saved are you just all the sudden of 180 you're just perfect now no it doesn't work like that but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness even as David also described it the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed righteousness without works my favorite one to show them is Romans 3 28 says therefore we conclude that the man is justified justified by faith without the deeds of the law what does that mean you're justified by faith my gosh it doesn't get more clear than that all right guys so I hope you enjoyed this video be sure to comment below leave a like and subscribe to the channel and I'll go over more comments in the next one hopefully there are some more I mean actually hopefully not because I want people to understand and get it so everybody can get saved but yeah guys be sure to comment and I'll see you the next video