(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There is evidence for God, they say what's your evidence for God? Time, space, and matter being here right now is proof that God exists. The fact that I'm sitting here right now is proof that God exists. The fact that this matter and energy that we see around us exists is proof that God exists, because things don't come into existence on their own by magic. They say well where did your God come from? What do you mean come from? He didn't come from anywhere. If he had to come from somewhere that means he's created. You can't create something that's eternal. Who created God? That's like asking who created the thing that created everything and that by definition cannot be created. Who created the thing that cannot be created? That's what they're asking. Who painted the painter? Who designed the architect? Who built the builder? It's an illogical question to ask who created God. It's false.