(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I want to make a quick video explaining to you the punctuated equilibrium versus Darwinian evolution or gradualism war in evolution otherwise known as the Stephen Jay Gould versus Richard Dawkins war that started 50 years ago approximately and has continued on today and so one mistake people make and one misunderstanding about evolution is that they're kind of taught that evolution is like 2 plus X equals 5 and everybody that believes in evolution has the same opinion it's obvious that X equals this but you have to realize there's many different fields of evolution you've got biology you've got paleontology geology astronomy you've got all of these different fields and then there's many branches within each individual field and they all agree well you know what it's not about a creator God but it's actually this system of evolution and yet all of the pieces are completely different from one another and so there is no uniform opinion on this stuff they actually contradict and disagree with one another all the time now the theory of evolution and the theory of Darwinian evolution obviously became popular in the 19th century with Charles Darwin now this is not a theory that's a new theory I mean there's no new thing under the Sun but he popularized it and it came out at the right time with his book The Origin of Species which was a very racist book and you know what it was right around the time of the Civil War so a book like that was a means to justify racism and so it's a very popular book at the time and what Charles Darwin taught is that small changes in a species over time will eventually lead to major changes will they turn into some completely different type of species or completely different type of animal and so small changes over time can lead you know a dog to become a giraffe you know something crazy that over time if there's enough time these small little changes will add up and it sounds like a nice theory until you actually look at the details and realize oh this is completely impossible now from a biblical standpoint the Bible talks about everything producing after its own kind so obviously that would disprove that right there and of course the Bible teaches the earth is less than 10,000 years old but the thing about Charles Darwin theory Charles Darwin's theory is that if this is true and he himself said this there should be evidence to support this meaning that in the fossil record if the earth has been here for 4.6 billion years then you're gonna see a ton of fossils a ton of intermediate fossils from one kind of animal to another kind of animal you're gonna see this all over the place and so two men that were trying to prove Darwinian evolution which is known as gradualism because there's gradual slow changes over time that lead to big changes kind of like a linear graph were Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldridge in the early 1970s they were trying to prove Darwinian evolution and so they were expecting as paleontologists who also had a bit of experience in biology they're expecting to see a lot of fossils that would basically prove their theory they were expecting that there'd be just these slow changes over time all these intermediate fossils because that logically would be what's true even Charles Darwin said that if gradualism or Darwinian evolution were true but they didn't actually find any fossils to support their theory there's actually really no fossils I mean they talk about we're trying to find the missing link they they're missing everything there's nothing to prove their theory there are no intermediate fossils in between different kinds of animals they just don't see it and you know various evolutionists have lied before and they've turned out you know they were found out to be frauds when they try to pretend they found you know missing links and stuff when it turned out that they were just liars they were just frauds and so they came up with a new theory called punctuated equilibrium and what punctuated equilibrium the equilibrium part basically means that when something becomes a species it is very stable over time with no evolution and then to punctuate something basically means to kind of put an end to it to a period to it so basically during this timeframe there is no evolution and then right when it reaches here there's rapid evolution so basically evolution is not a linear graph where it goes like this but evolution is more like whoop whoop and you say why is that well what they basically teach with punctuated equilibrium is that a species will be stable and you know just to give you an example to help you understand this and I'm not saying this is the same example they give but this is what they're basically teaching let's say you had a giraffes and let's say all the giraffes had very small necks kind of like the size of my neck basically you know you have all these giraffes and then all of a sudden let's say one giraffe has a freak mutation and all of a sudden their neck goes from being this long to being like this long like a modern-day giraffe that you would see and then after the mutation let's say there's a catastrophic event which basically destroys all of the food and now all of the food is really high in the air so the only giraffe that can reach that food is the one that had the freak mutation with the long neck what's going to end up happening is all the other drafts will die off and now when drafts are born they're going to have that you know long neck and so basically what they're saying is the way evolution takes place is you know there is no evolution and a mutation followed by a catastrophic event will cause rapid evolution during certain time periods and they'll say well that is why so basically a rapid change in the environment which causes in only certain of the kind certain of that animal to be able to adapt causes these rapid changes so instead of a gradual change there's nothing and then just all these rapid changes now the reason why they came up with this is that gets rid of a large part of the problem in terms of not having any fossils not having any intermediate fossils and this is why paleontologists today pretty much accept the theory of punctuated equilibrium as a fact because it makes their job easier they don't have to find all these intermediate fossils because while there there are no intermediate fossils and so they came up with this theory and it also helps explain the Cambrian explosion and the Cambrian explosion is something over a period of supposedly 13 to 25 million years there's all this rapid evolution and there's all these changes and what they find is just a ton of fossils over the period of 13 to 25 million years whereas another time period there's very little you know evidence very few fossils now this logically makes sense if your Bible believe in Christian because you just think well there was a flood that explains the Cambrian explosion why there's a lot of fossils because there's a major flood that ended up taking place but basically they're saying there was rapid change over those 13 to 25 million years and because there's all these changes in the environment which caused no animals to just really change very rapidly now there's a couple problems with number one it still doesn't fully get rid of the problem that you still need some fossils to support this it gets rid of a lot of the intermediate fossils that are necessary but you're not making a jump from being like you know a dog to a giraffe in a couple days so you're still going to need fossils to support this and they don't have those it gets rid of the need to have some fossils it doesn't fully get rid of this not only that but you know most evolutionary biologists completely reject this because it doesn't actually line up with biology Richard Dawkins considered the theory of Stephen Jay Gould he said that it was not something that you should spend a lot of study or time on because he said it was ridiculous theory obviously Richard Dawkins is an expert in his field and he said it just doesn't line up and see this is the thing about evolution you have all of these different fields and you'll talk to people and they'll tell you evolution's a fact but at best case scenario anybody who says that is only an expert at a very small realm of this huge theory where everything has to actually line up together look Richard Dawkins is not an expert on the Big Bang Theory he doesn't know anything about physics he doesn't know any know anything about astronomy what he's doing is he's trusting somebody else who is supposedly an expert but the problem is with evolution you have all of these different fields and all these different branches and they don't line up with one another and they say well this is the end we know that it's not a creator God that did this but all the pieces just don't fit with one another now what's funny is the Bible's just very clear about what took place in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and Genesis chapter 1 just goes in great detail about exactly how the creation took place and yet with the theory of evolution there's all these questions they have no idea they know it's a fact even though they don't have the evidence even though things contradict one another even though they don't know all the details but they know for sure that it's a fact you say why they don't want to believe in a creator God that's the reason why and so this punctuated equilibrium which is what Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldridge taught went completely contrasting to Darwinian evolution or gradualism which is something that Richard Dawkins and obviously Charles Darwin that's what they believed now here's the thing Charles Darwin is not an expert at paleontology so he doesn't really know much about the fossils and so for him it's not a major issue in his field that you know what there are no fossils to support Darwinian evolution he's just looking at a full small facet and he doesn't realize that his study that proves you know that it can't be punctuated equilibrium actually completely contradicts paleontology and see that's the thing with evolution there are tons and tons and tons of contradictions now if you ever call them out on this what they'll say is this well this is just a discussion amongst experts and so if you call them out and say hey your theory contradicts even your leading experts disagree with one another paleontology and biology physics and astronomy these things just don't line up in geology they just contradict one another they'll just say well you know it's just a discussion amongst experts and we don't know all the details but we know for sure that this is the end result you say why because they don't want to believe in a creator God see if Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldridge were honest men what they would have done is completely rejected the theory of evolution and just said hey I believe this theory this is my religious belief but you know what there's no evidence to support it so I have to look at it honestly and just say it's a lot more logical to believe that God created the heaven and the earth like the Bible says but Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldridge they weren't honest men basically they have a religious theory and they were never going to change it no matter what took place and it's funny because evolutionists will talk about how they let the evidence just kind of guide them and it's us creationists that don't care what the evidence says they're scientists we just have a religious theory and we're not going to change no matter what the evidence is and yet in reality they're guilty of the exact same thing they're criticizing us for i'm willing to admit my beliefs are determined by what the Bible says it is my religious belief and I do believe the science completely lines up with everything that the Bible says but I'm willing to admit I have a religious belief I believe that God created the heaven and the earth and whatever the Bible says I don't care what the so-called evidence is of man I believe the Bible above anything else now here's the thing they are the same way where their religious belief is evolution and no matter what the evidence says they're not going to change their opinion they will try to adjust it and just kind of forget about the fact that evolution contradicts itself a hundred different times but don't let anybody tell you that evolution is scientific and the Bible's not scientific evolution is mathematical the Bible's not mathematical evolution is logical it's reasonable and the Bible's not reasonable the Bible's not logical no the Bible is logical and you know what the Bible's very clear about what happened in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and he explains in great detail in six days how it happened the truth is