(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, this is Matt Powell. So every once in a while on YouTube I come across a video from like a smaller channel of somebody that responds to one of my videos, or responds to my claims in general. And there was a gentleman that I came across just this morning, and he put out a video today trying to go ahead and debunk some of the claims that I've made. But I don't know if he understands that the claims that I make regarding evolution are actually... I'm just repeating what the scientists actually say, and what the articles and what the sources and papers say. So when he's saying that I'm just making this stuff up and it's creationist talking points that I'm regurgitating, it's actually the evolutionary talking points. It has nothing to do with what creationists say. These are secular scientists that believe everything that I have spoken regarding the Big Bang in evolution, cosmology, geology, biology, so on and so forth. So with all that being said, I want to wish you all a great day and I hope you guys enjoy this video. I've heard some of the decidedly bat sh** crazy things you say about quote evolutionists. I just want to point out that there are no evolutionists. They don't exist. That and nobody claims that either monkeys or dinosaurs surf across an ocean. Nobody claims this. Also, nobody says that we came from a rock. Again, nobody says this. These are creationist lies and you need to not use them anymore, okay? Learn a little bit about evolutionary biology before you go about talking about evolution as though you knew something about it, okay? Yeah, that's all for now.