(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful War Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Every single day my YouTube channel is just getting bombarded with ridiculous comments from flat earthers and this video is just going to give one simple proof that just completely destroys the flat earth nonsense and it's something that all of us can see and observe for ourselves and that is satellites orbiting the earth. I'm talking about man-made satellites that orbit the earth. You can go outside and literally see them with your naked eye. You can even see the International Space Station with your naked eye under certain conditions and I personally have seen it many years ago going overhead. Now how is it that these satellites do not fall out of the sky and I'm going to explain that to you in a moment. Now some people have said no the satellites don't exist and you know it's just cell phone towers that are giving us our GPS coordinates or whatever you know the satellite positioning system that GPS works up but that isn't true. Look I used to travel all the time and I can remember going into some very deep canyons where you have no cell service, the radio is not picking up any channels, but yet you pull out your tom tom and they can still communicate with four or five different satellites because they're directly overhead and so you're able to get GPS signal even when you can't get the cell signal. But anyway let me explain to you how this works, why the satellites are able to stay up in the sky moving through the sky for literally decades or even possibly longer than that. Okay let me explain to you how this works. So I'm going to just draw a sketch of the Earth and of course none of this is going to be to scale I'm going to exaggerate things a little bit just to help you get the concept. But basically if this is the Earth and let's say this is the International Space Station and again not to scale okay the International Space Station is like 217 miles above the Earth. Now the people that are up in the International Space Station they're floating around and experiencing weightlessness. Now a lot of people think that the reason that they're experiencing weightlessness is because there's no gravity in space or something like that, but in reality the acceleration due to gravity at the International Space Station is like 90% of what it is on the surface of the Earth and you can do the math you can plug in Newton's formula on the universal law of gravitation and you'll find out that they're still experiencing almost as much gravity as we are at that point. So why are they floating around? Why are they weightless? Let me illustrate it to you this way. Let's say you could theoretically build a tower okay to the height of the International Space Station. So if you were to theoretically build a tower 217 miles tall and then if you were to jump off of that tower it would be like jumping off any other skyscraper. I mean you would go plummeting down to the Earth you know instead of accelerating at 9.8 meters per second or 32 feet per second you know you would just you would accelerate slightly slower than that but you'd still be falling at an incredible rate and go splat at the bottom okay because like I said they have 90% of the gravity up there. Now let's say theoretically you were to get a running start and jump off the edge of this building well you're still going to go plummeting to the ground but you're going to go a little bit further you know as you jump out you're going to go a little further out before going splat. Well let's say you could move off the edge of the building at some incredible speed okay where you're jumping out at an incredible speed and then falling okay. Now here's the thing about this because the Earth is round as you get further away the Earth is also getting further away because the Earth is curving downward. So basically the idea is that if you could go fast enough off the top of this tower okay you'd basically be moving forward at such an incredible rate that as you're falling the Earth is basically moving out from under you at the same rate that you're falling and then basically you would just get in this orbit right here okay where basically you're falling you're in free fall but because you're moving forward so fast you're moving to another part of the Earth where the Earth is slightly farther away and so you can reach this equilibrium where you're basically just falling around the Earth. I hope I explained that in a way that makes sense but basically instead of just jumping off and falling straight down because you're going at an incredible speed you're yes you're falling but at the same rate you're falling you're getting further out this way from the Earth and those two forces balance out to where you're in orbit. Now the speed that you would have to go at this height right here of the International Space Station is like 17,000 miles an hour and that's how fast the International Space Station is moving around the Earth right now so it's going like 17,000 miles an hour and it's in free fall at the same time so the 17,000 miles an hour forward combined with the free fall causes it to just perpetually fall around the Earth without stopping and this is and that's what satellites are operating on the same principle now other satellites are further out so they don't have to go as fast because there's less gravity the further out you go so the the the lateral speed needed is going to be lower as you get closer to Earth you got to go faster in order to stay in orbit but once you're in orbit inertia is just going to keep this thing moving at that same rate because they're not running into a bunch of air resistance up there by the time you get out there the air has thinned out there's not a lot of resistance and so basically they're able to just perpetually because of inertia just continue orbiting it's the same same thing with the Moon I mean why is the Moon just perpetually orbiting the Earth it's it's the exact same reason okay so here's the thing satellites are up there for decades and they don't why wouldn't they run out of gas why don't they run out of fuel how can they just fly through the sky fly through the sky fly this guy without ever having to fuel I mean think about an airplane flies across the Atlantic Ocean it's got to stop and fuel up really long flights require a stop for fuel so how can satellites stay up for decades without needing to refuel it's because of the fact that it's the force of falling and the inertia of their forward movement that is just keeping them in that perpetual state of orbit okay so how would you explain this from a ridiculous flat Earth perspective okay well think about it if the Earth were flat and you've got these satellites flying around in the sky why wouldn't they just fall out of the sky what's keeping them up there and there's there's no answer for this okay and this is why one of the many reasons why it's just ridiculous and foolish to believe in this flat Earth I'm not even going to call it a theory because it's not even a theory this flat Earth delusion this flat Earth idea is ridiculous because of the fact that satellites are something that we can all observe you know like I said you can go into a very deep canyon where you're not picking up cell signals you're not picking up radio signals but you will be able to pick up satellite signals for your GPS and the only explanation for that is that they are directly overhead so the walls of the canyon aren't blocking the signal so you're getting contact with the satellites as they go over and they're over and there are tons of these man-made satellites like I said you can see them moving through the sky how else do you explain these things just perpetually going around the sky it makes perfect sense when you understand the forces of gravity and when you understand the the principles that I laid out of orbiting around a globe the heavenly bodies are doing the same thing the space station the satellites etc here's another illustration to help you understand how this works let's say that you were at the top of a skyscraper and you're in an elevator and the elevator cable breaks and the elevator just starts to drop okay basically you and the elevator are both falling at the same rate because everything falls at the same rate no matter how much it weighs so you could drop a 50 pound dumbbell and a five pill that five pound dumbbell off the top of a building don't do it but if you did they would both fall and hit the ground at the same time because weight has nothing to do with the acceleration due to gravity so basically if you drop these things they fall at the same time so you and the elevator would both be in free fall at the same time and while that elevator were plummeting like that with you inside you would actually be weightless inside that elevator you would actually be able to float around in that elevator just like the people are doing in space because it's it's not a lack of gravity that's causing them to float around like that it's actually free fall it's the fact that they're in a continual state of falling so if you were in the international space station because you're just free falling all the time you and the space station are free falling that's what allows them to float around and experience the feeling of weightlessness that's why when people are being trained to go into space they will often you know be taken up in a plane or something and then the plane will just do a dive and just go into free fall so that they can experience that and see what it's like i hope i made this clear and understandable in this video if you have any questions let me know but i hope that this was helpful god bless you have a great day