(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, Matt Powell here. So recently I was tuned in live listening to Aaron Ross' response to my documentary entitled, Science Falsely So-Called. And you know, he told more lies in one sentence than there are words in that sentence. And I just wanted to address one of the main lies and a couple issues as well. So first off, you know, he stated that I just went out and picked the worst atheist down the street that I could find for my movie. He said, you know, Matt Powell just went out and picked the worst guy ever and made us all look bad. Well first off, I'd just like to state that I did not just go out and choose the raging atheist. The raging atheist actually put out many videos. Actually, if you get on his channel, most of his channel's videos are against me. And he put out multiple videos stating that he wanted to come and debate me in person because he lived in Michigan. And I just kind of put it off, I put it off, I put it off. But finally, you know, he put out another video and I said, well, you know what, I'm coming out with this movie, might as well debate him for my movie, you know, because I felt it would be beneficial. And, you know, I would have been happy to debate any other atheist for the film. But since the raging atheist was begging me to debate him in, you know, the Bible says, pride goeth before the fall. The raging atheist was very proud going into that debate. And I don't believe in being proud. You know, the only pride that I have is in Christ. I'm proud to be a child of God. But the raging atheist went into that very proud. I dare it. Let's see if this happens. The raging atheist is posting a challenge to Matt Powell to have a motherfucking debate, yo. If you don't remember who Matt Powell is, he's the young, spunky preacher. You know, I challenged him in my last video to have a debate. He lives here in Michigan. I'm like, we can meet halfway. I want to make it clear to Aaron that I did not go out and just choose the worst atheist that I could find for the movie. It's just, I mean, honestly, if I would have debated any other atheist, I believe that the result would have been the same because you guys are all arguing the same thing. You guys are using the same arguments. So I just want to make it clear that I would have been more than happy to debate Aaron or any other atheist. But the reason that I chose the raging atheist is because he reached out to me. He begged to meet up in person to have a debate and I finally took him up on it. Then I thought, you know what? No, he might be just brazen enough. And this is my aspiration, Matt Powell, that you'll meet me. Meet me, bring your camera and I'll bring mine. We can do it in a public place. And let's just have a conversation. Your ideology against mine. And let's see if you got the balls for it. It's funny, I should hate Hovind and I should hate Anderson, but for whatever reason, Ginger here is really pissing me off. I think it's because he's got to be like the out of Hovind and Anderson and Powell. Powell's the one who seems like he should be the softest of them all, but he's got to be the most vitriolic of them because of the way he words things. Secondly, I'd like to just state that while I was listening to their panel, their discussion about my movie, one of the things that another atheist had said on the panel really cracked me up and they admitted that it takes intelligence to create life. Check this out. We've never created life. Well, even if we did create life, wouldn't that mean there was an intelligence behind it? Well, in that situation, yes. Well, that situation would have had to take in place at some point in the history. But I mean, you're telling me there's intelligence that created life. Oh, no, no, no. Even if we created life, then we would then assume that it took intelligence to create life. You know what? Fine. I'm willing to grant that whole fucking thing. I'm an atheist and I'm willing to grant that entire argument. Sure. Make the argument from infinite regress. Cool. Let's go ahead and grant all that. Now, where is that deity and how do we prove it's your God? One of the other things that I wanted to address as well is the fact that one of the other atheists on Aaron's panel decided to say, well, you know what? Matt Powell is right. It does take intelligence to create life. But how do you know it's your God? And in fact, I produced a whole documentary on the two world religions and showing that there is only two. You know, most people think there's just billions and billions of religions, but the truth is that there's only two world religions. So if you have any questions about who God is, feel free to check out that movie. But I just want to make it clear that, yeah, they admitted that it takes intelligence to create life. And I want to thank them for giving my movie free publicity. And I want to thank them and Richard Dawkins as well for helping this thing to explode. You know, it's exploded online. It's got over 20,000 hits just on my channel alone, not to mention the other channels that have hundreds of thousands of subscribers that have shared the movie. And so I just want to say thank you guys. Thank you to the atheist community for sharing this and for admitting that it takes intelligence to create life. And because I don't think you guys quite realized that we had another documentary debunking the idea of million religions, that there's only two religions. Then I thought, you know what? No, he might be just brazen enough. And this is my aspiration, Matt Powell, that you'll meet me. Meet me, bring your camera and I'll bring mine. We can do it in a public place. And let's just have a conversation. Your ideology against mine. And let's see if you got the balls for it. Let's get together. We'll meet in the middle, wherever you at. I think, you know, wherever you're at in Michigan and where I'm at, we'll meet in the middle and you bring your camera. I'll bring my camera and you can post what you want to post and I'll post the truth. I dare it. Let's, let's see if this happens. The raging atheist is posting a challenge to Matt Powell to have a motherfucking debate, yo. So that's my two videos on Matt Powell. This nobody who's gotten the ire of the atheist community and chose to attack the raging atheist and the raging atheist attacked back. And that's what the raging atheist does. I love debate. Let's do it, homie. Let's have a discussion. I'm right here in Michigan. This can happen. So let's do it. I think I'm an offshoot of the universe. We're all offshoots of the big bang. The universe shoots us out. The universe has a mind of its own and it creates life. It creates galaxies. It creates individual systems for life to expand. It could be a number of things. Since when do you see a big bang or an explosion creating anything? Have you ever observed that? I'm not an expert on explosion. So you can say that there's design in everything. I'm not going to disagree with that. There is. The universe could have designed itself. Maybe we came from the stars. There's a theory that we came from the stars and we just gave away all of our technology. We didn't want it no more. And we started over. And yet here we are again. But that takes faith. That takes irrational faith to believe that. No, it takes an imagination to consider it. Just imagine. Yeah. With all that being said, I want to thank you guys for watching this video. And I also want to make it very clear to Aaron I'd be more than happy to sit down with Aaron and have a cup of coffee and debate or discuss creation versus evolution. One thing I want to get out of the way right now is I will not do it over the internet. There's many atheists that want me to debate them over the internet. I find that in person it's better to have a discussion that way. That's how I did it with the raging atheist. And that's how I'll do it with any atheist in the future. If you want to have a discussion with me, feel free to meet with me in person and we'll have a discussion.