(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) One of my favorite proofs from outer space that the galaxy is young and that God created it recently is short period comets. Now short period comets, they have an orbit of every 200 years where they go around the sun and they come up right close to the sun and every time they come close to the sun they burn up about three to five percent. Now in less than 10,000 years all of the short period comets in our solar system will be completely wiped out, they'll be gone, they will have deteriorated from passing by the sun every 200 years. And so that causing them to burn up three to five percent means that they were placed there recently in time past and not millions of years ago because remember if they were there millions of years ago they would have completely deteriorated by now and they wouldn't even exist, we wouldn't even have comets in space. And long period comets that have a larger orbit, those would be gone in less than 100,000 years. So even long period comets are consistent with 6,000 year creation. And so this is one of my favorite evidences for a recent creation and to prove that evolution is also a fraud and a fairy tale. Now whenever I bring this up to an evolutionist typically they will say, if they know science, they will say well there must be some Oort cloud out in outer space beyond our solar system that is literally throwing these comets into our solar system and recreating the comets since you have ones that deteriorate in less than 10,000 years. But what's interesting is they don't even have any evidence for it. If you type in Oort cloud evidence, the first thing that pops up is that there is no evidence that the Oort cloud even exists. Now atheists will cry all day for evidence that the Bible is true or that the flood of Noah is true or that the creation story is true and they will accuse us of supposedly having quote unquote blind faith when they themselves don't even have any evidence whatsoever for this supposed Oort cloud that creates comets and somehow spirals them perfectly into our galaxy. The whole thing is just a complete hoax that these people believe in this evolution theory. It's a complete joke. And just the fact that they try to say well there must be some Oort cloud out there that spirals these things in and you ask them where's your evidence for it, the first thing that the internet says is there is no evidence that the Oort cloud exists. And of course scientific papers also state that there is no evidence for it whatsoever. There is no definitive evidence for Oort clouds. Atheists will accuse us all day of having blind faith and not having any reasons for what we believe in. But when we actually look around us in the galaxy and especially with regards to cosmology and the solar system, we have definitive proof that it was a recent creation and these comets were created instantly and placed in an orbit within the last 10,000 years. That is consistent with the scientific method. And always remember that short period comets that God has placed down in our solar system are definitive proof that the universe was created recently, not billions of years ago. God bless guys. God bless.