(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The flood of Noah is a fact of science. It's a fact of history. It's something that we can objectively verify to be true. And the reason that that is is because we find 10 mile thick pieces of cold rock that have been subducted down into Earth's hot molten mantle. Earth's hot molten mantle is about five to seven thousand degrees Fahrenheit. It is extremely hot there. Now, if slow and gradual plate tectonics that took place over millions of years of geological time were what accounts for these rocks being there, then these rocks would have been cooked. They would have joined their neighboring temperatures. They would have melted. We wouldn't have been able to even detect them with tomography. But yet we've been able to do seismic data scans and find 10 mile thick pieces of oceanic crust that have been subducted that are the same temperature as the surface crust that have not heated up yet. This means that these rocks were catastrophically broken up and catastrophically subducted in the recent past and very quickly. And this completely eviscerates the idea that slow and gradual movements in the Earth's crust are what created the geological formations that we see today. Because if it were the case that millions and millions of years of supposed geological time were what caused rocks to get where they are today and geological formations to form in the way that they did, these rocks would not even be able to be detected in any way whatsoever. They would have been undetectable. They would have been cooked. Now, we know that this took place in the recent past because they have not heated up yet. They have not melted, which means that they have not been there that long. Now, what would happen if you had something like that happen today? What would happen if you had a 10 mile thick piece of rock from Earth's crust get rapidly subducted into the hot molten mantle? That would cause such catastrophic plate tectonics. We would probably experience another worldwide flood. So, whenever somebody says that the Flood of Noah did not happen or that it's a primitive and superstitious idea, they have no idea what they're talking about. We know that the Flood of Noah is a fact because of geology, because of the scientific facts that we have observed and that we can objectively verify to be true.