(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey ladies and gentlemen, this is Matt Powell with Way of Truth. I just want to do a quick video just addressing something that's come up with Richard Dawkins recently. So recently he put out a tweet against me and said that I'm just this crazy guy who actually believes the Bible and it's so crazy and we need to put this in the news. Well what I think is so stupid about that is that Richard Dawkins actually condones and believes in mild pedophilia. He thinks that it's okay for somebody to, you know, engage in mild pedophilia, which is absolutely gross and disgusting to any normal human being. So, you know, he just comes out and says, hey it's crazy that Matt Powell and these people believe the Bible, but when you actually look at what he believes, it's like 20 times worse than what we're saying. He said in several articles that he's okay with mild pedophilia, that it's child abuse to not teach your kids evolution and, you know, teach them creation, and to mock Christians openly. So mock Christians openly when you see them in public, but let's let's accept all the pedophiles and let's just take in all the molesters of children. Any person knows that that is ridiculous. Any person that's not been given over to a reprobate mind knows that that is filthy and disgusting. And for him to make up this article and say, oh well, you know, you're crazy for believing the Bible, Matt Powell. Well the truth is you're the crazy one, Richard Dawkins, and you know it, and your viewers know that you're insane. So just the fact that you did a tweet on me, I appreciate it and I appreciate the free publicity you've given me and given the Gospel. And just to all the viewers, at the end of this video you'll see up here a link to Stephen Anderson's Bible Way to Heaven. I highly recommend you click the link, check it out. So with that said, I want to thank Richard Dawkins for the free publicity that he's given me and given the Gospel, and I'd like to wish you all a wonderful day. God bless.