(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) One of the most important things to note is that natural selection may act upon a beneficial mutation, something that would help you survive in a different environment. But at no point in history or in the present or even in the future will you see a group of beneficial mutations that will change an organism into a completely different type of organism, from a family to a different type of family. It just doesn't happen. Dogs will always produce dogs. Cats will always produce cats. And we did not all descend from a common ancestor. The reason that people believe that we actually descended from a common ancestor is because we share similar DNA with that of chimps and other creatures. Now this is just proof of common design, not common descent. Common design means that we are all on the same playground. We are all on the same planet. And so therefore, since we're all in one environment, it would make sense then that the creator would design us with similar strands of DNA. And sure enough, that is what we find. But this does not mean that we all descended from a common ancestor and that mutations are what brought us up to where we are today.