(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) he just would like to know what your take on ken ham is in his ministry i do not believe that ken ham is saved um he obviously preaches a lot of hardcore work salvation i love a lot of his materials i love answers in genesis's materials now obviously you know pastor anderson disagrees with some of that and you know i would probably disagree with some of it if i read enough of it um i don't read a ton of their materials but i do know that ken ham himself preaches a hardcore lordship gospel and so the bible does say let them be accursed and so well and ken ham's got the wrong bible he's not king james and and not only is he not king james bible but he my wife was telling me this i don't have all the details on the top of my head but she was telling me how they bought out a certain curriculum that had used the king james in the past and the first thing he did was like switch out all the bible are you familiar with that my mother actually wrote him a letter when he did that and she was disgusted by it and she said hey why don't you put the king james back in there yeah and he never responded so he's got the wrong bible he's got the wrong gospel and you know frankly i i you know i don't agree with a lot of his scientific ideas either now i you know this was really rare for me at the time but back in 2014 you remember that big debate between ken ham and bill nye that was back when i kind of just was in a phase where i had no interest in science but i did watch that debate i i decided to watch because this is a big deal it's a lot of hype so i was like you know i'm gonna watch this thing you know what i watched the opening statement of ken ham and i liked a lot of the things that he said you know you know i've probably learned a lot more since then so i'm not sure how i would feel about it today but at the time i thought like hey these are some you know these are some great points and then you know bill nye's opening statement although i you know totally disagree with his his uh atheistic worldview and i think he's a pervert based on a lot of the things that he said he he he had some show where he was pushing all this like sexually perverted stuff it's like how can you be a scientist and not believe in two genders and so you know what i mean and and hetero uh biology but anyway you know i think he's an idiot and a pervert but you know his opening statement was at least like you know he was making sense obviously he was teaching false doctrine and lies but here's what i noticed about that debate it wasn't a debate you basically had ken ham give his view and then he had bill nye give his view and then like they didn't respond to each other at all like it would go to it would go to ken ham he would just say more of his points and then bill and i would give more of his points they weren't interacting with each other's material it was like they were both doing their own separate uh conversation with themselves did you notice that or did you watch that i did and this is one of the reasons why i think debating is mostly useless if not all useless and i always tell people the only reason i enter into a debate ring is just to gather footage of my opponent saying ridiculous things for your films putting them in a documentary yeah that's the only reason i wouldn't do i don't consider debating to be a very virtuous thing and because the bible says that they can turn around and rend you and so um yeah i don't think the raging atheist rend you i think he got rid he did even his own buddies even his own friends said that he got rid yep i you know at the end of the debate i felt bad for him because he began to cry he began to cry while we were off air and i told him i said look god loves you man you need to get saved um you know and i never called him a reprobate i think probably by now he's a reprobate yeah but i never called him a reprobate and it used to be a totally different person but after rejecting the truth of the word of god yeah and i didn't try to win him over with scientific arguments i want to make that very clear i preached the word of god to him in that debate and that's why he ended up crying and even the other atheists said well 40 percent of the time he was quoting the bible so i don't know how he's winning it's because the word of god has power it's not because i'm good at debating it's because god's word has power and their ideology is stupid anytime you're quoting the bible just put a hashtag winning because you know the bible is the winner yeah and i you know quit hiding behind the bible folks without the bible i mean what do we have folks it's the rock on which we stand the other foundation can no man that lay than that which is laid which is christ jesus right so and look i don't believe that science is going to get people saved at all i believe that the gospel gets people saved the gospel is the power of god unto salvation god has chosen the foolishness of preaching to save them that do believe and i believe that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god i believe that the purpose of you know debunking things like a biogenesis or macro evolution i believe that the purpose is just to remove roadblocks from people getting saved because some people that's like a stumbling block or roadblock i know with my wife before my wife got saved one of the big hang-ups for her was that she thought that the bible just completely contradicted science so she's like well how could the bible be true if it doesn't jive with science and then i explained to her how no the bible is compatible with science and then she ended up getting saved you know uh through the preaching of god's word through the power of the holy spirit and so forth but i think a lot of these creation scientists go too far where they think that like proving creation is going to like get people saved never when in reality it's just the only purpose would be to just remove an obstacle right to getting saved yeah i think i think my approach is this and this is usually what i do with atheists on the street is i'll ask them just a few scientific questions and get them to realize their worldview is crap and then at that point i say okay let's look what the bible says you know what i'll bet there are a lot of astronomers physicists and other type of scientists out there that they they love science they enjoy science but i i i think that part of them feels empty inside because they don't have the real answers that they're looking for and they don't have the peace that passes all understanding and that if the gospel would be preached unto them they would receive christ as savior and even just me personally when i go and preach and do soul-winning events around the country i constantly have people walk up to me that that were former atheists who got saved as a result of listening to my preaching i love the comments on my videos when i get a comment that says i'm an atheist but i just can't stop listening to your preaching i i really like your stuff because you know i know that guy's probably gonna get saved down the road because he doesn't hate the word of god he doesn't hate the light he's coming toward the light and and i and i think that there are a lot of scientists out there and scientific minds out there that are lovers of truth and maybe that's even what drove them to science quest for truth and i believe that these people through the through the preaching of god's word could could get saved and i i hope that there's somebody even watching this broadcast someday either on the live or on the replay that someday someone would watch this that's an unsaved person and that they would watch this and say oh you know what now i understand how the bible could be compatible with science and then they'd click on a you know oh let's hear what pastor anderson says about the bible way to heaven click on my channel watch the bible way to heaven and get saved not through a science lesson but get saved through the roman's road amen that's the whole reason i do what i do with uh science falsely so-called and other films on science trying to even reach christians that claim to be christian introduce them to our movement yeah people that people that basically um they're going to church but they actually don't know the gospel right yeah and they like creation yeah so it gets them watching and then they get the bible way to heaven we've had that happen amen yeah i've actually you know did i tell you i think i told you that i actually met someone who got saved and they said that they got saved from watching your film on uh science right that was one that i personally met that that was their testimony so and i remember i told you i was like hey man i just want to give you an encouragement your movie has won someone to christ you know amen so amen to that