(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys this is Matt Powell. So evolutionists all claim that mutations are the reason that you'll evolve from a frog to a prince over millions of years. And they say that mutations will create new information and that you go from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to mankind. And you know I used to like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but that was fiction folks. But that's what they believe. They believe that we mutated from an amoeba to a fish to frogs to all sorts of different animals. And then before you know it you've got humans. You know you go from Australopithecus afarensis, Lucy, all the way up to chromagnon man, Peking man, and piltdown man, and all these frauds that have been debunked already back in the 90s. And you know you go and you evolve through this supposed chain of evolution. But there are no missing links. The whole chain is missing according to Stephen Gould who was one of the top scientists in his day. And so they've looked for missing links in the fossils. They don't exist. That's why they're called the missing links. But back to the subject. The definition of a mutation is a copying error of previously existing information. And so it's information that gets taken from one parent and another parent that DNA gets put together but it corrupts. And so their hero is corruption. Their hero is gene degradation. So by all these errors, all these mutations, somehow we've become human. Somehow we've evolved to a point where we can live as human beings. Folks that is just utterly pathetic and ridiculous. At least 98 or even 99 percent of mutations are deleterious. They hurt the genome. They hurt your genetic build. And mutations are the reasons for cancer. Mutations are the reason for Down syndrome and autism. So the very thing that causes autism or Down syndrome supposedly is what makes us better. Those mutations make us better in evolution. Folks, what a joke. And if you're an evolutionist, the joke is on you for believing something that ridiculous. For believing that errors make information better. If I was to go to a copying machine and I took and copied a piece of paper and I took that paper that I copied and copied that and then copied that paper, copied that paper, and copied off of a hundred different copies, it's only gonna cause information to get lost. Nobody would ever go to a copying machine and say that the copy is better than the original. But according to evolution, the copy yeah that's that's way better than the original. Folks the joke is on them and the joke is on any atheist youtuber for believing something that ridiculous and teaching something that ridiculous. Just the fact that they would try to defend something so stupid. Just the fact that they'd try to defend surfing monkeys or surfing dinosaurs or dinosaurs even gassing themselves to a point where they warm the environment. Folks, that is just utterly pathetic. But they want to tell you that the Bible is inferior. But mutations are errors in the human genome. Errors will not make things better. And even if you get a beneficial mutation here or there, overall we're going downhill. The second law of thermodynamics applies to genetics. And so don't be deceived ladies and gentlemen by people that think that we came from pond scum or that we're an animal. The Bible says you were made in the image of God and the Bible says male and female created he them and it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. God bless.