(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) um steve mccray i don't know if you guys are familiar with him and the great debate community these guys completely they ejected me because of this and i'm like look you guys are not teaching science this is not science this is a religion and you're accusing me of being religious you're actually accusing me of having faith look i believe it or not it takes more faith to believe in evolution and the theory of a you know the idea of atheism that just somehow out of nothing you know you could violate the laws of physics and have everything in it you'd have to have more faith to believe something like that to believe in my god because it's pretty clear that my god is the god of the bible based on just the resurrection alone just the resurrection proves and i know people are trying to discredit that other college students are trying desperately to discredit it but they can't and they won't because it is a historical fact that when jesus rose again it shook up all of history amen well matt since you've been in the the debate realm a lot with these these guys let me ask you this what's the what's the idea i mean have they pretty much abandoned the darwin all the things that charles darwin had brought forth in his philosophies uh they kind of said that that's old-fashioned and they're changing to new modern thinking or or do they still pretty much hold to that darwinian thinking well it's actually interesting you mentioned that because it's interesting you mentioned that because they even say that you're supposed to be and and they quote stephen hawkins and i don't have the quote in front actually yeah i do uh this is from a article that was written on stephen hawkins and it says uh hawking has stated that given the vastness of the universe aliens likely exist so not god but aliens likely exist just no god which is irrational um but the contact with them should be avoided and then they also say he was also making and becoming more intuitive and speculative rather than like relying on mathematical proofs so hawking just point blank admits and even his writers are like wow is he really okay yeah he's saying that we should be more speculative and more intuitive rather than relying on mathematical proofs in order for something to be science it has to be rely excuse me it has to be demonstrable testable and provable none of what they're saying and they're constantly pulling these quotes from stephen all of stephen hawkins is the greatest greatest you know profit of of of science of all time well you know what amazes me is one of his quotes i have it here for my last debate this is stephen hawkins he said the and i don't believe in the big bang but let's say the big bang's true let's just give steve hawkins the benefit of the doubt he's telling the truth the big bang's true we just bang out of nothing the first law of thermodynamics violated and notice what he says here the universe and this is steve hawkins the universe would not exist if there was a decrease in the expansion rate one second after the big bang and only one part and 100 million millionths so that number is insane i mean you have to be a total idiot to actually say okay there's definitely no creator even believing the evolutionary theory so either way you've lost if you're an evolution if you either way if you're an atheist you've lost the battle because even by stephen hawkins own admission and by richard dawkins own admission and they get mad at us for this brothers they get mad when you use their own quotes from their own profits