(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, this is Matt Powell. So yesterday I was doing some research on why certain of the dinosaurs had went extinct. And obviously we've seen that evolution teaches a lot of really wild things. But one of the most wild things that I've ever seen and I wanted to put out there in the public was that evolution actually teaches that certain of the dinosaurs went extinct because they farted themselves into extinction. That they literally gasped themselves to death. This is what evolution actually teaches about why certain of them went extinct. And so just the fact that any atheist YouTuber out there would put stock in evolution after knowing this, in my mind it fully discredits pretty much everything that they're saying. Because they're holding to a theory that's been debunked time and time again by true science. And it's just mind-blowing that some people would actually take the time to try and defend something that ridiculous. And so it says a lot about the people that will try and defend these unsupported assertions. They weren't there. They don't know what the environment was like. And so their best conclusion of how dinosaurs went extinct was that they literally gasped themselves to death. Take a moment to really let that sink in because here's the thing. In schools across America, kids are learning this. In colleges, in universities, and they're being taught this theory every single day. And Hitler said if you tell a lie big enough, loud enough, and often enough, people will believe it. And people will often laugh at you for not believing in evolution. And they'll mock you and say that you must just be too superstitious to believe in the facts. But the truth is that they're unfortunately the superstitious ones. Because anybody that believes that dinosaurs farted themselves into non-existence is putting trust in primitive superstition. you