(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) If I believed that God exists, and I believed that it was the Bible God that existed, I would not worship it. Do you know how selfish that is? To say that you wouldn't worship God, you wouldn't trust him as your savior, do you realize how hateful that is? You have family members, Aaron. I have family members. Would you want your family members to die and go to hell just because you don't like Jesus? Is that what you really want, Aaron? If you loved them, if you loved anybody, you would trust Jesus as your savior, and you would tell other people the good news of the gospel of Christ. That's what love is. It's selfish to say that you're just going to die and go to hell. What about your family that's still alive? You're going to let them go to hell too? Or are you going to get saved, trust Jesus as your savior, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and do the loving thing, which is tell them how to escape hell through the free gift of salvation by faith in Christ? Do you know how hateful it is to admit that you would not believe in Jesus, or you wouldn't trust Jesus or worship him, when you have family members that are going to go to hell as a result of your bad decision and your selfless decision to go to hell? Do you know how selfish that is? The Bible says that these people that do this, they serve and worship creatures more than the creator. That's what happens. And as a creationist, at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that you believe the gospel and that you tell other people the gospel. Jesus said, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Go. This is the love of God that we keep his commandments, and his commandments are not grievous.