(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right guys, episode three of Answers in Creation. This is gonna be an exciting episode. I really appreciate everyone tuning in to today's episode. Man, we got Matt Powell in the studio today and I couldn't be more thrilled with this show and how it's going. I just think, you know, the way Matt is just kind of putting this show together is just really working out. I love how we're playing the clips and debunking evolutionist lies. So today we're gonna be showing you undeniable proof of creation and Matt is, you know, gonna just do what he does. And so how are you feeling today, Matt? Feeling pretty good. Pretty excited about the show as usual. Awesome. Well, we're gonna start off today's episode by first playing a video that you can find on Matt's channel. It's called Matt Destroys Bad Arguments from Bill Nye. So, and I really hope you guys check out that channel and support Matt. And Matt, what is the best way to support you? Yeah, I would just say, you know, share my content. I'm not in it for money. I actually work a secular job. And so I would just say the best thing that you could do to support me would just be to share my content. Share the facts with people so that they're not deceived by the lies that are out there on the internet. Awesome. Well, yeah, guys, you heard it. Just share, share, share, share. You can go to his YouTube channel, Matt Powell Official, and subscribe to that channel. Make sure you give his videos thumbs up. But today we're gonna be doing a giveaway. And I shouldn't say today. I wanna do it for the end of the month. So at the end of the month, basically everyone that has subscribed to our Patreon this month, or increased their Patreon support by a dollar, we are gonna be giving away a 1683 Bible leaf of the first page of the book of the Bible. So this is a super cool prize you could win. It has the title page of Genesis. It's hard to see it here. You know, maybe I could go to, I think this, it's gonna be backwards though. But this, you just gotta imagine this backwards. So this is the title page of the first book of Genesis. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And that's what we believe here. And so that's what we're gonna be proving is that God created everything you see. And you know, it wasn't created by evolution. So again, guys, thank you so much for tuning into this stream. Let's get started right off the bat here with this video. And we'll get this show on the road. Compelled Unbeliever here. Today, I'm here to talk about my adventures with the young preacher, Matt Powell. As I started to watch his videos, I noticed that he was making arguments, actually putting the words into atheist's mouth of arguments that atheists just don't make. And frankly, that pissed me off. The music you chose here, Matt. Good times. So today is going to be another first from the response list. Today, we're going to be responding to a 22 year old pastor named Matt Powell. There is no logic at all into believing that one day God just decided to poof us into existence. This one atheist responded to me recently. He's like, there's no logic at all into believing that one day God just magically poofed us into existence. Isn't that what the big bang teaches? And it was a poof. So let me ask you, because they say, well, you Christians believe in magic. Okay, what's magical? Somebody creating the universe or matter and energy creating itself from nothing? So according to you, we have to defy science to believe in evolution. Well, then it obviously makes sense. You were homeschooled. Brother Powell, you seem really worked up tonight. You bet I'm worked up. It's frustrating, man, to see all my people in my demographic over here at the public fool system getting taught how not to think. And then when they graduate, they think they know how to think, but they know how to be told what to think. They don't know how to think for themselves. Funny, you said earlier, they can't think for themselves. Buddy, you are 22 years old. Buddy, if there's anyone that doesn't think for themselves, I would say that it's freaking you. I'm Egghead, thanks for watching, and good, good Lord. Even Bill Nye himself said, you know, creationism is in and of itself silly. And he says, you know what? Your worldview becomes so fantastically complicated, boys and girls, when you don't believe in evolution. Your world just becomes fantastically complicated when you don't believe in evolution. What part of believing that you came from an ape makes your world less complicated? Will somebody please explain that to me? I mean, you know what? It's good to laugh tonight, amen, because he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord laughs at these people. It's surprising to me that you, Matt Powell, would dedicate your life to lies with a belief system that is entirely fraudulent, such that you could hold up a compilation of lies and call that truth. We can prove that humans are animals. He goes, well, you know, I can't believe the Bible because your God made animal talk. And I said, well, aren't we all animals according to evolution? So you believe in 7.8 billion talking animals, 7.8 billion of us here on earth, and the Bible only mentions two. We can prove that humans are animals. Squids and octopuses have a different genetic build than any other creature in the world. So they couldn't, scientists have come to the conclusion that they couldn't have come from any other sea creature. So here's what evolutionary theory states about how they got here. Evolution says, or evolutionists claim, it says one plausible explanation. In our view is that the genes are likely new extraterrestrial imports to earth. These scientists declare that, quote, the squid eggs hitched a ride to earth on the back of asteroids. That is what evolution teaches, folks. I am not kidding. What is so wrong being drawn into something that literally takes you out of reality? The answer is that there is nothing wrong with that, you numpty. Sure enough, evolution teaches that they hitched a ride on the back of asteroids. Doesn't that sound fun? And they don't get along anyways. Squids and octopuses are constantly fighting each other, so I don't know how they made it here to begin with. But of course they were eggs, and the article goes on to say that they were fertilized. They don't know how, but they were fertilized so that they could hatch when they hit the water. Your arguments don't really look plausible. You don't seem to be making arguments that atheists would actually make. Matt, pal, I'm not gonna straw man you. I'm not gonna make up conversations that never happened and try to pass them off as real. Because I'm just not that kind of guy. So instead, I'm gonna use your words, because I am that kind of guy. It just got real. This is what happens, folks, when you go into fantasy land and when you think that the world created itself from nothing. Magically, I might add that. I better get back on track here. I feel like I'm making too much sense tonight. Let me slow down. Yeah. Thanks so much for tuning in, guys, to Answers in Creation, episode three. Let's get right to the show here today. Thank you, Matt, for joining us. Let's get it kicked off. All right, well, thanks again, Paul, for having me on. So today's show, we're obviously gonna talk about something a little bit different than we talked about in the last two shows. Obviously, in the last two shows, we spent a ton of time demonstrating that evolutionists don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to basic scientific laws and basic scientific methods. Well, in this episode, what we'd like to do is just demonstrate the facts of creationism and why we believe in creationism over evolution. Now, we've already established that Richard, or that Charles Darwin was afraid that he was living in a fantasy. He said, and I quote, "'Often a cold shudder has run through me "'and I have asked myself whether I have devoted my life "'to a fantasy.'" And so we know that science is based on fact, not a fantasy. And so the people that believe in Darwinian evolution, right at the foundation, their founder of their religion, says that he was afraid that he was living in a fantasy. That doesn't sound very scientific, does it? You know, a whole lot more scientific and a whole lot more logical approach would be one that Jesus took, which is, you know, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. Jesus spoke in absolutes, not in, well, this could be a fantasy, number one. And then number two, you know, the Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God. The firmament showeth his handiwork. And so it's obvious when you look around in nature that you see creation. You see, if you have a painting, you have to have a painter. If you have a building, you have to have a designer for that building. And a lot of atheists will say, well, I can't see God, so how do I know he exists? Did you see the people who built this building? No, but you know they exist and you know somebody built the building even though you may not see the builder. So, you know, in this idea that, you know, a lot of atheists will come at you with wild objections and they're just objections that they've repeated from other TV atheists that they've heard. A lot of TV atheists will say, well, we can't believe the Bible because there's so many terrible things in the Bible but there's also a lot of silly things in the Bible like, you know, the Lord God, he made an animal talk. Well, according to evolutionists, we are all animals and yet we all speak. So they believe in 7.8 billion talking animals. So you're a talking animal that's telling me not to believe that God can make it to animal talk when you yourself as an evolutionist are a talking animal according to your worldview, not mine. And so no matter how you want to play this game as an evolutionist, the facts will always be on the side of the creationist. So anywhere you look in the universe, you see creation. Now evolutionists claim that the cosmos is billions and billions of years old and that our Milky Way galaxy is about 10 billion years old. Well, what I think is so interesting about that claim is there is a ton of space dust out in space right now. And so, you know, Paul, if you want to go ahead and just Google space dust and, you know, pull up some images, you know, we could see what space dust looks like out in space and we can see that it's still out there and it hasn't been pulled into the planets yet. Now space dust over time will get pulled into the planets because the planets have gravity. Pretty much every planet has a good amount of gravity pulling that space dust toward it. And so with that being said, since there's still dust out in space, there's no way that the earth and the universe and the Milky Way galaxy could be 10 billion years old because that space dust is out there right now and it hasn't been sucked back in. And so that's just a proof that our galaxy is young, not old. Another proof that our galaxy is young is one star per 25 years dies. And, you know, according to evolution, you know, and there's only 200 dead stars out there in our universe and when a star dies, it explodes. Well, we only see 200 dead stars in our universe, which would limit the age of, or in our galaxy, which would limit the age of the galaxy to under 7,000 years because one star dies per 25 years, scientific fact. Now, if evolution were true, we should see over 400,000 dead stars in the Milky Way galaxy alone. But yeah, we only see 200. So we can look at the cosmos and see, just about any area in science, you can look at it and you can see that the earth is not billions of years old and that if you're being taught that, you're being taught what to think, not how to think. And the people who teach you that stuff don't want you to know how to think. They want you to know what to think. And then in the end, they want you to think that you know how to think when you don't really know how to think for yourself. And so, like I've said 100 times, evolution is the only theory protected by law. Free thought always gives both sides. And so I'm laying out the facts on the creation side and the fantasies that evolution teaches. And we're comparing them right now. And we see in the cosmos that there's only 200 dead stars. There's only 200 stars that have exploded. We would expect to see way more over time if evolution were true. And so that's pretty much all I've got on that. Yeah, you know, you bringing that up kind of made me think too about the lunar dust. You know, why isn't there more dust on the moon? Because you would think that there would be so much more dust since it's constantly getting added and there's very little dust on the moon. Can you talk about that, Matt? In fact, yes. When they landed on the moon, they were expecting to, when they stepped off of the space shuttle, to literally fall down into several feet of dust. And they were surprised when they actually landed on the moon and they stepped off. They only found, I think, about an inch or two of space dust. Yeah, it's not much. I couldn't find the exact measurement. I'm sure it's different everywhere you go on the moon, but it's not much. Yeah. And there would be much more dust on the moon if it was millions of years old. If it was millions of years old, there would be feet. There would be at least several feet of dust, yet there's only a few inches, which tells me and tells everybody listening to this show and then the atheist out there that wants to live in a fantasy, that these are the scientific facts. This is what we can observe. This is what we can test. This is what we can demonstrate to be true. Yeah. So with that being said, atheists will often claim that there's no evidence for a global flood. And we're gonna go ahead and show over on the screen some of the evidence for a global flood. But first, I want us to look at these polystrate fossils. So here you have what's known as a polystrate fossil, which means, poly means many, strata means layers. So you have many layers by which this fossil goes through. Now, if you look closely, it connects all of the layers. And these are found all over the world. Now, I recently put out a video talking about these polystrate fossils and how they prove that they wouldn't have been slowly buried for millions of years by sediments, that the sediments all would have had to collect around them at one time, only explained by a global flood. Well, here's what the evolutionists, because remember, I always want to give both sides. I want to give the evolutionist a sporting chance. And so we're gonna go ahead and play this video and see what the evolutionist has to rebut the arguments that I've presented. And we'll see if they line up with logic, science, and reason. So here we go. The tree died and began to decay. As it did, its base became covered by about 18 inches of sediment. On this layer, other trees began to grow to a diameter of about four inches, as evident in the fossil record. These plants were in turn embedded by a coarser sediment, gradually enough to allow other plants to start up, with the mud and sand eventually attaining a depth of nine feet. At that point, the hollowed out rotting top of the tree was easily broken off by something, as indicated by the non-jagged top. The shearing is a common feature in upright fossils. The exposed hollow hole in the log was subsequently filled with sand, water, and animals, according to the findings inside. This additional material helped strengthen the tree's form for preservation. One of the area's familiar swamps formed next, as indicated by the type of coal layer covering our tree. Apply pressure, mineralization, and plenty of time, and that storied piece of Canadian earth was preserved to be read as plainly in 1868 as it is today. Well, number one, when a tree dies, it doesn't stand there for millions of years while rock layers form around it. The tree will rot and fall down. And then, number two, you're saying that, well, it could have been a local catastrophe that caused this tree to be there in all these layers, maybe a volcano. I know a lot of evolutionists have claimed that it could be some other catastrophe that could have left it here. Now, I'd like you to notice this guy's diagram. On the diagram, let me pull it up here, he has the tree, you can see the roots at the bottom. Now, in his mind, the tree was slowly covered by sediments over a period of time, whether it was millions of years or however long. Well, interestingly enough, we actually find all over the world, and what this guy is leaving out is that we find these trees upside down with the trunk on the top of the layer, on the top layer with the youngest part of the tree at the bottom. So, do trees grow upside down? Doesn't make any sense. So, what these evolutionists leave out, they'll say, well, the tree could have stood there while the layers slowly gathered around it over millions of years. Well, how do you explain a tree that is upside down with the trunk at the top? There is no other explanation other than the fact that it was pulled up, it was yanked up by some type of catastrophe, a flood, and it flipped itself around through hydrologic sorting. And so, this atheist, he uses a cartoon, which doesn't surprise me because most of them like to use cartoons to explain things because their audience that they're targeting are little children. They know that little children like to watch cartoons. I liked to watch cartoons when I was growing up. And so, his argument is the tree stood there for however long while layers gathered around it. But if you look elsewhere in the world, you see, and he's just using one example of one tree that was standing. When you look elsewhere, you see that the tree was actually yanked up and not in the original position that it grew at. So, not only are the trees that we're finding not in the position or not in the spot that they actually grew at, a lot of them are missing their roots, which means that they were completely broken off by a catastrophe. So, once again, it's an evolutionist that we have here using information control, not giving both sides, making it sound like these trees were just sitting there peacefully while layers gathered around it. No, these trees were not sitting there peacefully. They were yanked out. They were yanked all over the place. And they were even, in some instances, flipped upside down. Like I said, trees cannot grow upside down. They can if you're living in a fantasy land where you imagine up things for yourself. But scientifically, we know that things tend towards disorder, number one. And then number two, trees do not grow upside down. I've never seen that. Nobody's ever observed that. It's not science. It's part of your religion of atheism. Yeah, you can see here some images of exactly what you're talking about. And you can look these up. If you don't believe what Matt's saying, you can Google this. And there's tons of different images from all over the world that you can look at. Yeah, and I always encourage people to study both sides. And I actually believe that we should know the evolutionists' side better than the evolutionist knows their side. It's important to know their beliefs better than they know their beliefs so that you can dismantle their beliefs with the truth of the Word of God and the truth of science. And you can just use basic science, folks, to debunk these people. And a lot of this is kind of technical, but I'm trying to make it as simple as I can. And I hope in this show, it'll be as simple as we can make it. So continuing on. Can polystrate trees disprove evolution in millions of years? Well, they have nothing to do with evolution. And paleontologists and geologists have no problem explaining how trees became buried in multiple layers. Geologists realize that sometimes layers are formed quickly and others take millions of years due to their depositional environment. The layers around these trees obviously form quickly. The only logical conclusion is these trees became covered quickly in local events. This information is readily available in journals, books, on the internet, and has been published for over 150 years. Why do creationists keep misrepresenting what geologists say about these fossils? The only people they're fooling are the ones who haven't studied this at all. That's actually what we're doing right now, is we're actually studying this right now as we speak. And we're comparing the evidence on both sides. And I find it interesting that you admit in this clip that these things would have had to have been buried rapidly. So you're an evolutionist that just admitted to me that the only way that these trees could have ended up in these layers was that they were buried rapidly. Once again, we find them all over the world and we don't just find them in peaceful patterns. We find them in disrupted patterns. We find them upside down. So your evolution theory has just been turned upside down. Your fantasy land has just been turned into reality. And you have the choice to either reject or accept the truth. You have the choice to either reject or accept scientific fact. We've just demonstrated scientific fact. This is science 101. And this guy that just spoke here, Bill Ludlow, he passed away last year. But one of the things that I always noticed about him was that he was always targeting the children. He would say, you know, my goal is to teach the children that the earth is billions of years old. What good is that going to do anybody? You know, what good is it going to do you in your career to think that the earth is billions of years old? It doesn't do any good. In fact, it does the opposite. It makes children feel worthless. If you tell a kid that they're not made in the image of God, do you know what that's going to do to that child? That's going to harm that child. A lot of people say religion is child abuse. You know, I find it interesting that they'd make that statement because there are a lot of people in atheism that believe, you know, like for example, Sam Harris said, and I quote, he said, if I could get rid of rape or religion, he said, I would not hesitate to get rid of religion instead of rape. This is one of the leading atheists in the world, ladies and gentlemen. And these are the people that want to tell your children how scientifically literate they are and how logical they are when this guy, one of the leading atheists in the world, can't even differentiate between whether rape or religion is worse. Now, I do think there's some pretty bad religions out there, but I find it interesting that every time these people attack Christianity, they could spend their time if they really think that we're all just a bunch of frauds and that we're all fake and that the Christian religion is a fraud, they could spend time on Islam, a religion that actually does harm to people, a religion that actually puts people to death for not believing in jihad, a religion that causes problems. They could set their sights on a religion of death or their own religion, the religion of evolution, which is a religion of death, but instead they set their sights on one of the most peaceful religions out there. Now, I understand Jesus said, I came not to bring peace, but a sword. But when we preach the gospel, we preach it in peace. And the Bible says that Jesus is the one, he is the rock of offense. The word of God is a two-edged sword, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit and the joints and the marrow. And so, the Bible is clear on all of this stuff. Science is clear on all this stuff. And logically speaking, rationally speaking, it's clear who has the truth and who has the lies. And you can choose to either go with something like Charles Darwin said, which is, there's favored races, or you could choose to go with something like what the Bible says, that says that we're all of one blood. You have to make that choice, folks. And if you guys are just tuning in for the first time here, you know, make sure you check out our other two episodes, because Matt really does destroy evolution in those first two episodes. And also guys, make sure you share these videos. We wanna get the word out about the show. And you know, these shows are powerful. So people that don't know this information, and you know, I learn stuff every time we do a show. And so, you know, I'm sure you're gonna learn a lot. And so, I know a lot of people would love to hear this information. So share this video, and help us get the word out about this new show. Bill Nye the Science Guy is in favor of evolution because he's a science guy. He should be in favor of evolution. However, he just recently made a video where he criticizes those who believe in creationism, and also teach creationism to their children. Let's watch. Denial of evolution is unique to the United States. When you have a portion of the population that doesn't believe in it, it holds everybody back. Okay, so Bill Nye's argument is that if you don't believe in evolution, if the population doesn't believe it as a whole, it holds part of the population back from advancing and whatnot. And he talks about careers and so on and so forth. Well, I don't know about you, Paul, but I work in IT and my career has nothing to do with evolutionary theory. And, you know, he says, we're not gonna have another generation of thinkers unless we have evolution taught in schools. Well, number one, we already established that evolution is protected by law. And number two, most people don't have a career in evolutionary theory. Most people's career has nothing to do with evolution. And now in 2020, we have a lot of advancement going on in different fields that have nothing to do with evolutionary theory. So when he says it's gonna affect the population as a whole if we don't have evolution taught, and if everybody doesn't believe in it, look, my goal, my job every day as an IT technician is to solve problems for other people and help other people out. You know, Paul's job is to spread the gospel and give people some spiritual help through media. Has nothing to do with evolutionary theory. It wouldn't change anything about what we do day to day. And so I think that's kind of a ridiculous statement coming from Bill Nye the Science Guy. We'll see what else he has to say. And I say to the grownups, if you wanna deny evolution and live in your, in your world that's completely inconsistent with everything we observe in the universe, that's fine. But don't make your kids do it because we need them. Wow, so it kind of reminds me of what Hitler said. Hitler said, he who owns the youth gains the future. So Bill Nye is like, if you don't wanna deny evolution, that's fine. If you wanna deny evolution, that's fine. But just don't make your kids do it because we need them. Well, it seems to me like he's using the same tactics that Hitler used. A dictator who was a very wicked person, killed a lot of people. And Hitler said, if you tell a lie big enough, loud enough and often enough, people will believe it. He says that lie has gotta be big, you've gotta keep on saying it and eventually they will believe it. He who owns the youth gains the future. And so people like Bill Nye are saying, look, you know, don't make your kids do it because we need them. And then he tells the parents, he says, if you wanna live in a world that is completely inconsistent with everything and he holds up his hands inconsistent with everything that we see in the universe, then that's fine. Look, there's nothing inconsistent about creation science, nothing inconsistent whatsoever. In fact, in 1990, they dug up dinosaur bones with tissue that had blood inside of it, still contained with the hemoglobin still in the blood. Now, do you guys think that blood could last for 65 million years, dinosaur blood? Do you think that's really rational and logical to believe that? In 2005, the same scientists went out and they discovered fossilized, or not fossilized, but dinosaur flesh. And it was fresh, it was moist, resilient, soft, they could squeeze the blood right out of the flesh. Wow. So to say that dinosaur flesh lasted for 65 million years, I mean, are you kidding me? Now, here's how the evolutionist will respond. And Paul, if you wanna go over to my screen real quick, they'll say, it takes deep time. It takes, you know, it takes not deep time. They said, here's how it survives in time. You have to have preservation. Well, here's a scientific paper stating that preservation techniques don't matter when it comes to deep time. Check this out, it says, such preservation, it's talking about the dinosaur tissues, has been attributed to isolation or stabilization by incorporation into minerals, organic, or organometallic complexing, and physical or chemical binding to mineral surfaces and anhydrous sugar protein cross-linking processes, but not, notice the words here, none of these models provide an explanation for patterns of originally proteinaceous soft tissue preservation in vertebrae hard tissues in deep time. So notice those last few words there, none of it accounts for hard tissues in deep time. So when an evolutionist says, well, the blood could last under certain circumstances, under, you know, chemical binding and mineral surfaces, the scientific consensus is, and this is a peer reviewed paper, by the way, and the link in the source is right there for the evolutionist to go ahead and grab that, it demonstrates that no matter what kind of preservation technique that you think was placed on this dinosaur, you know, tissue, no matter what, no matter what happened to the tissue, even if it was in an airtight jar that was in another airtight jar and another airtight jar and another airtight jar, deep time deteriorates or causes DNA and blood to deteriorate whether it's in a stable environment or not. These are secular scientists stating that if you think that dinosaur tissue could last and that dinosaur blood and hemoglobin in those blood cells could last for 65 million years, they're telling you that that's wrong and that it can't survive in deep time. So no matter how you wanna play this game, evolutionists, you cannot win unless you fight against your own scientists in this peer reviewed paper. And so, you know, when it comes to saying that dinosaur tissue could last for 65 million years, well, the peer reviewed papers say otherwise, they say that in deep time, it's not possible. So there's only two possibilities, either one, the dinosaur died recently or two, you're just make believing and you're continuing to be willingly ignorant of what the facts are and what the truth is. Truth is what we can demonstrate, what the facts are. And we can demonstrate that this tissue could not have survived in deep time. So I would like to see an evolutionist respond to that. I'm putting out a challenge right now and the link is there. The challenge is to any evolutionist that wants to try and justify how blood and hemoglobin and flesh and tissue, moist, resilient tissue and flash could last for 65 million years. That's what I'd like to know. Yeah, and that's absolute proof to me. Cause if you look at this article, I mean, this is deep tissue, dinosaur shocker, probing the 68 million year old T-Rex. I mean, this is soft tissue from inside the leg bone. That's what it says. So, I mean, this proves to me that there's no way this could be 65 million years old because I mean, could this even be like a thousand years old? I mean, you know, like it's gonna dry out, soft tissue. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God, the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. The Bible says knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers. You know, it's so funny. They talk, they go on and on about how crazy they think it is that Christians believe dinosaurs and man live together. That's exactly what science tells us. That's literally almost kindergarten or first grade creation science right there. Yeah, and you have to be taught this from a young age. You have to be brainwashed into believing this nonsense because anyone, if you didn't know about evolution, if that wasn't taught to you, you'd see soft tissue and you'd say, obviously this is not millions years old. Correct. Obviously we agree with him, right? No one looks more like a scientist than Bill Nye by the way. I know, with the mung and everything. You combine all scientists into one body, that's what you'd have. Yes, the thought that people who believe in creationism would take a step back and think, huh, maybe I shouldn't brainwash my children with this nonsense is a little unrealistic. I don't think that that's gonna happen. In fact, let me give you some numbers that will shock you. This is according to a Gallup poll and it's a survey of 1,012 adults in May of 2012. 46% of Americans can be described as creationists for believing that God created humans in their present form at some point within the last 10,000 years. How depressing is that? Wow. How could that be depressing if you don't care, if there's no purpose to life, how could that be depressing if you think it's just a fantasy, creationism is? Yeah, that lady is just, every time she opens her mouth is just some stupid. Right. And it's funny cause she's like, how depressing is this that 46% of Americans believe in creation? Well, that's because adults that have been taught the truth, that have been taught scientific method, like the first, second, third law of thermodynamics, law of biogenesis, law of cause and effect, they know that it's scientifically impossible to go from nothing to something without an external force or a designer. And they also know that it's impossible for life to design itself through a biogenesis, which every atheist has to believe. They know that it's impossible for all these evolutionary processes to come about by themselves. And so when they're told, hey, the earth is billions of years old, they don't believe it. But the younger generation just eats this stuff right up because they will say, well, if the majority accepts something, therefore it must be true. And so it is what it is. I can only hope that these people, these TV folks, I think these guys are called the Young Turks. Yeah. I can only hope that they'll come across this video and just trust Christ as their savior and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved and not be peer pressured by people, by your society to believe in evolutionary theory. Yeah, and I was looking up online here, some soft tissue dinosaur, and there's multiple cases where they found soft tissue. One right here on the History Channel, scientists find soft tissue in 75 million year old dinosaur bones in Canada. Yeah. Well, even Dr. Mark Armitage, who was fired after he made the discovery, found soft tissue in a triceratops horn. Wow. And it was resilient. You could pull it apart and let it go and it would snap back. I mean, this tissue was fresh, but oh no, it survived for millions of years. And you have to, and that's what they'll say, survive for millions of years and don't question it because then your tax dollars will be taken away. And so. Yup, yeah, and evolution is tax funded. Yeah, evolution didn't win in the science laboratory, it won in the courts. Because remember, the court system of the United States said that they have to push evolutionary theory in the schools, that that has to be taught. It wasn't decided by scientists, it was decided by politicians. Yeah, and that's one of the things that makes me really sad about Ken Hovind is because when he went to jail, he was just tearing it up and he was making a huge impact. I mean, they had to throw that guy in jail because people were going on their school boards and he was making a huge difference and they just had to slow him down. And so I'm glad he's back up now, but yeah. Me too. Even in prison, they had to put him in solitary confinement because he was starting churches in prison and people were getting saved left and right, revival was breaking out. And it's a lot like what happened to the apostles, a lot of them were put in solitary. And yeah. Yeah, that guy's gone through tons. Hopefully we can get him back on. Did you have, just to kind of talk here, but did you have any ideas for some guests we could get on the show? Yeah, I think Dr. Grady McMurtry would be a great one to get back on. Yeah, he did a great job last time. I would definitely love to have him back on. Yeah, and then there's also Dr. Rah Matt, who's a personal friend of mine and he's a young earth creation scientist. He's a former atheist. He was an atheist up until recently and he's very, very knowledgeable in the realm of science and he's a natural scientist. And then there's also the Standing for Truth YouTube channel which has got several people on their roster that are extremely talented and they're very good at exposing evolution. And those guys are awesome. I think it'd be cool to get some of them on sometime. Yeah, definitely, we'll have to get, I would like to have Dr. Grady McMurtry on. Hopefully we can get him for the next show. Sounds good to me. Yeah. When I read that, I went through the exact same thing that you saw Bill Nye go through on the video where he's just like, if you wanna live in that world, you're so disgusted mentally. 46%. That's a pretty big number. They think it's more likely that we co-existed with dinosaurs than we evolved over the course of billions of years as so many different scientists in different areas of science have confirmed. It's mind blowing. The reason that they can do that, of course, is that they haven't looked into any of it. He says two things here that really stick out. He says, well, three things. He says, it's crazy that they think that man lived with dinosaurs. Well, we just dealt with that and showed beyond a shadow of any doubt that dinosaurs did live recently. And even according to evolutionists, humans came into being decades of thousands of years ago. And also he says that, well, how could they not believe in evolution? This guy, he says, how could you not believe in evolution when all these scientists over here believe in it? What he just admitted to you, ladies and gentlemen, is that he doesn't think for himself. If he would have given evidence, if he would have had evidence, he would have said, oh, they don't believe in what we clearly see over here in scientific theory or scientific fact. Instead, he says, well, all these scientists over here believe in evolution. Well, what about all the scientists that don't believe in evolution? I can name hundreds of scientists just off the cuff that don't believe in evolution, that actually went to a secular college, got their degree, dealt with evolutionary dogma, and came out even in some cases in the top of their class. So whenever these people say, well, what about what the scientists say? Well, which ones? Which scientists are you gonna go with? Are you gonna go with the group of scientists that follow Charles Darwin, the man who was afraid he was living in fantasy land? And the man also Ernst Haeckel, who was convicted of fraud and said that spontaneous generation must be true, otherwise there must be a creator. They're following the most biased scientists, so-called, in the history of science itself. And so you can either follow those guys, those scientists that are the blind leading the blind with Darwin, or you can follow creation scientists that actually use the scientific method, that actually cite peer-reviewed papers. And you know, I'm sick and tired of evolutionists just coming into these discussions and not actually citing any papers. All they do like this guy just did is, well, 97% of scientists believe in evolution or all these scientists over here believe in it, so therefore it must be true. It shows that if he had evidence, he would give evidence, but since he doesn't have evidence, he has to project and say, these people over here believe in it. And then number three, the last thing this guy said that stuck out was, you know, people just don't do the research themselves anymore. Look, if you're saying 97% of these people believe in it, you're admitting that you let them do the research for you instead. So you're defeating your own argument when you say that. And look, the reason that Bill Knight's coming out and saying this is not just because he has a personal problem with the fact that people are creationists is that- I think he does. Well, then he does too, but that's not the principle reason. The principle reason is that he knows, he understands that our kids are not doing well in college, in the life sciences and related areas because they don't either believe in evolution or they're not being taught it regardless of the beliefs because their teachers refuse to teach them. That's just fundamentally not true. In order to teach in the public school system, the teacher has to teach evolutionary theory. They're not allowed to give the other side. They teach non-free thought. They don't teach free thought because remember, free thought compares two sides of an equation and you pick the logical path based on evidence. And so these folks on this show, they're just saying, well, it just is terrible. We have a generation of people that can't think. Well, you're right. We do have a generation of people that can't think because they all believe in evolution. They all believe in primitive superstition and stuff that was invented by a man in the 1800s who had no idea whether he was living in fantasy land or not. Why would you want to trust a man who is living in fantasy land or confused and wondering if he was living in a fantasy? Why would you want to associate? Let me ask you this. Why would you want to associate with a group of people that have the worst statistics it is possible to have in the world? We've got these atheist churches popping up everywhere and the atheist statistics are absolutely terrible as far as crime and other things go. Atheists lead the world in suicide, school shootings, drunkenness and alcohol abuse. And they also lead the world in drug abuse. Those four things, they lead the world in. And so when you say, well, I want to join the atheist church. I want to be like an atheist. You're joining a group of people that have the worst statistics it's possible to have in the universe, in the whole world. So why would you do that? Why would you want to join a group of people that's known for making stupid decisions? Richard Dawkins said, and I quote, he said, religion poisons the mind. Really, is that why 97% of school shootings are done by atheists? Yet Christians have their minds poisoned according to you, yet Christians have never committed such an act. Why would you say, Richard Dawkins, that Christians have their minds poisoned, yet atheists lead the world in suicide, school shootings, drug abuse and alcohol abuse. And you want me to believe that religion is what poisons the mind. Let that sink in for a minute, ladies and gentlemen. So these evolutionists, once again, I think we've demonstrated clearly that they have nothing. And there's a first year of atheism. And like I said, you're joining. If you are an atheist and you want to define yourself by what you don't like and what you don't believe, and you join one of these churches, you're joining the people that have the worst statistics in all of history. People go on and on about how terrible it is, the religious wars that killed all these people. And religion has caused so much problem, so many problems in the world. Look folks, over 110 million people have died under atheistic communism. That's more than the holy wars, by the way, 10 times more, at least, than religion ever thought of doing any killing. So when an atheist says the holy wars are so bad, all these people died, they need to turn the mirror on themselves and realize that over 110 million people died under atheistic communism. That's the fallacy of false equivalence, once again here, folks. It's when they fling their own projections and their own problems, they project everything onto the creationist. They say, well, the creationist must have all these problems that they themselves have. It doesn't make any sense. And when we listen to these clips, I feel like we really have to take some time to examine them critically because I don't want people watching these clips to lose IQ points. Because these people say the most dumb things. I could be, Paul and I could be some of the most popular people tonight, folks. If Paul and I came out tonight and said, ladies and gentlemen, we no longer believe in God, we're gonna define ourselves by what we don't like and what we don't believe. We think explosions produce life and we think that an explosion out of chaos produced order, and we think that life can come from nothing. All of a sudden, the world would be praising us because we're telling them what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. Why as an atheist would you get mad at Paul or I or anybody else that comes on this show for telling you the truth, for telling you what you need to hear? Why would you get upset about that? Why don't you get upset about the lies? R.N. Ra recently was in an interview and he said, if Christianity was true and it was the Bible God that existed, he says, I would not worship it. I would not follow it, he says. Well, that just goes to show, because R.N. Ra always says, truth matters more. That's his saying, truth matters more. Well, if Jesus is the truth and the truth is what the facts are, and you're gonna say, well, the truth, if the truth is Jesus Christ, then that doesn't matter. Then you're defeating your own statement, you're defeating your argument. So stop getting up and saying that you believe in reason and science and holding a reason rally where you hold up your signs to tell everybody how logical you are, when you've admitted, R.N., that if Jesus was God, and that the God of the Bible was the God that existed, that you would not worship him. How selfish. I mean, if it were true, even if it were true, you have family members. Would you want your family members to die and go to hell just because you don't like Jesus? Is that love, R.N.? I would say love is doing the things that you don't want to do to benefit other people. You know what, I don't like debating atheists. I don't, because I don't like having to hear a bunch of nonsense and a bunch of unscientific garbage all the time, but the only reason that I do it is because of the viewers, because of the audience, because of people that have been lied to, because of people that you've indoctrinated and told that they're free thinkers, when they really don't know what free thought is. And every time that I try to help them free think, every time I try to help them think outside of what the law says, all of a sudden, it's like a jack in the box, they're like, rawr! You help them free think a little bit, and they're just like, rawr! It's literal insanity. Don't tell me that you're a free thinker and that you're for the truth, and the truth matters more when you've denied and said that you won't believe the truth if Jesus is the truth. Yep, that's right. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes unto the Father except through him. So I really hope you guys really think about what you believe, and is what you believe how it happened? Or did God create the world? Did he make everything? Because if Jesus made everything, then a lot of things become clear. So I really hope you guys listen to what Matt's saying, and I hope this show will spark some of you to do some research into these topics, and hopefully, Matt, someone will change your mind here. Amen. And that's the goal, and that's why we do shows like this, is to help people understand the truth. Because we care for people, we do shows like this, and it's not because we just want to argue and fight. And if these atheists were interested in the facts, they would do the research. And so, you know, one of the things that the atheists have admitted recently is that if the geologic column is off in one place, that it would invalidate evolutionary theory, and it would prove that Noah's flood happened. Now, obviously, the geologic column is off and all over the place, it's off. Evolutionary theory does not work. But, and the flood is easily demonstrated in the geologic column, if you will. And a lot of atheists will say, well, how do you know that the flood happened? This is ridiculous. Like, you know, obviously, the Grand Canyon would have taken millions of years to form. It would have taken so long, and just give me more time, and everything will happen. All these canyon layers will stack up on each other. Well, if you look at the layers of the Grand Canyon, and this is a very simple way to debunk the idea that they formed over billions or millions of years. And, you know, it's funny, millions, billions, they have to pull out the numbers to sound like a magician. You know, because magicians use big numbers. They say, hey, look at the numbers over here when they got a magic trick going on over there. And so, you know, it's a magic act. It's not science, it's a fantasy. Otherwise, why would Darwin, why would all these other people say, well, we're afraid this is a fantasy? Because it is a fantasy. And so to go off, I don't wanna get back off track here. So, you know, obviously the Grand Canyon has layers of sedimentary rock all the way through. Now, sedimentary rock is dried out mud. So just by the definition of the Grand Canyon, being sedimentary rock, just the fact that it says that the evolutionists will say it's sedimentary rock, they're admitting that it's dried out mud, which could only be laid out by a flood. So that's what sedimentary rock even means. So by definition, the Grand Canyon was caused by a flood, just by the own definition that it has. And then number two, in between the layers, we don't see any animal holes, for example. So, you know, if I was to step outside right now, I would see animal holes occasionally by a mole or by a snake or by a critter that burrows down into the earth. Groundhog, for example. Well, in between the layers of the Grand Canyon, we don't see any animal holes between the layers. Now, if these layers took slowly, you know, collected over millions of years and were slow to form, we would expect to find animal holes in the layers where animals dug inside of those, but we don't find them. If they were millions of years old, we would also expect to find root holes, right? Because there would be trees growing in the layers, there would be plants, but we don't find any root remains in any of the layers of strata. You know what that tells you is that all of the layers were deposited at the same time because there was no time in between for trees to grow and animals to burrow down in. And so there are tons of other proofs that we could pull out just on the fly right here on this show, ladies and gentlemen, that the flood is scientific. And the Bible says that atheists and that the scoffers are willingly ignorant of the creation, the flood, and the coming judgment. Yeah, and there's a hammer that was found in layers. Of sentiment too, that. Yeah, that's phenomenal evidence right there. How can you say these layers are millions of years old when you have a hammer that's petrified? That's a petrified hammer right there, ladies and gentlemen. How could you say that it's millions of years old when you've got a hammer that's actually petrified? They'll say it takes, I've heard evolutionists often say it takes 50,000 years for anything to become petrified or fossilized. Well, here we have a hammer that was made recently within the past 6,000 years and one of these rock layers petrified. So two things, it proves that the layers are not all the same age and it proves that it doesn't take 50 plus thousand years for anything to petrify or to fossilize. So everywhere we look in nature and wrapping this thing up, everywhere we look, we're gonna see evidence for the flood, the creation and we'll even see evidence for the coming judgment. But before we get into that, look at planets in space. Look at the planet Saturn. You've got a ring around Saturn that's going away from Saturn. It's gonna deteriorate. The ring around Saturn is gonna be gone over time. And so if that ring around Saturn that's spreading out over time were millions of years old, it wouldn't exist near the planet. If you look at the planet Pluto, Pluto is hot on the inside. Now, if the earth and the solar system were billions of years old, Pluto would have cooled down by now, but Pluto has a hot center. And over time, things get colder inside the planets. Well, if Pluto was billions of years old, then we would expect for Pluto to be completely cold on the inside. So once again, it doesn't matter where you look. It doesn't matter how, if you look at the surface, if you look deeply, no matter how deep, how wide you look at the evidence, at any piece of evidence, whether it's in the solar system, cosmos, biology, cosmology, paleontology, zoology, all of these things point to a designer. And in closing, just to prove that there was a global flood, just to prove that dinosaurs and man live together, because they can try and rationalize the tissue away all day but nothing will ever disprove the fact that we've found, because it's already been found, it's game over for the evolutionist. Ladies and gentlemen, we have found dinosaurs and man in the same 18-inch layer of strata. Now, you guys have probably never heard of it because it's not covered in a lot of textbooks. There's only two textbooks that cover this and they cover it very briefly. So it's been kept silent throughout history. And interestingly enough, there was an author who studied this very carefully, this 18-inch layer of strata. Now, this layer is over in South Carolina. It's known as the Ashley phosphate beds. And it spans 200 miles across. And the leading geologist in the 1800s said that it was the greatest graveyard, the greatest fossil graveyard in all of history, the largest one. And so you have to ask yourself, if evolutionists are seeking evidence and they're looking in the fossil record, why don't they look at the greatest graveyard, the largest graveyard in all of history for some evidence? You'll see why they don't. There were some scientists back in the 1800s when evolution was introduced that discovered this layer of strata over in South Carolina. And they discovered dinosaur bones in the same 18-inch layer with human bones. And so they knew, hey, dinosaurs and man must have lived together because they were buried in the same layer of strata. They were buried together. And so what they did, and this is all documented folks, I've got all the sources if you would like them, what these three scientists did was they saw the human bones and they took one of the human bones and they took and they threw the human bone away to try and erase it from history. They declared it an accidental occupant. Of the area geologically. And so they were afraid that they were gonna lose their jobs because they knew that that would demonstrate that dinosaurs and man lived together and that evolutionary theory was false. Now keep in mind folks, this is back in the late 1800s. So in the late 1800s, even then they were scared that they were gonna lose their job because of the American court system that said that you had to teach evolutionary theory in schools and politicians that were pushing for that nonsense. Remember what J.D. Rockefeller said. He said that he wanted a group of people and he was basically, he's one of the top guys in the world financially that oversees some of the schools. And he said that he wants to create a generation of workers, not thinkers. So he was the one who pushed for evolution in the schools. He was the one who said, I want a generation of workers, not thinkers. And so in this book that talks about the Ashley phosphate beds by a secular scientist, and mind you, this man was an evolutionist. We can clearly see that these scientists back then completely tried to hide the evidence instead of bringing it forth to the school system and possibly getting fired. And so here's what was said in the book. It says, not long after finding the above name relics of human workmanship and engaged in our usual visits to the Ashley phosphate beds, because they went there quite often, a bone was found projecting from the bluff, immediately in contact with the surface of the stony stratum or the phosphate rocks. So it was a bone that was on the surface. We pulled it out and behold, a human bone. Without hesitation, it was condemned as an quote, accidental occupant of quarters to which it had no right. So in other words, they're saying, this bone had no right to be here. Dinosaurs and man did not live together. There's no way this bone, this skeleton has no right to be here because of evolution in the name of the law. And notice what else this book says. It says of quarters, so it was an accidental occupant to quarters which it had no right geologically. And so we threw it into the river. Alas, these scientists admitted that they threw the bone into the river. They threw away the evidence. He says, we have lived to regret our temerity and rashness. A year later or a year after, a lower jawbone with teeth was taken from the same bed and now we have it in the cabinet. So these scientists found a lower jawbone of a human. And instead of presenting the evidence out there, they just put it in the cabinet. They put it away because they know and they, even at that time, they admitted, the evolutionary community admitted that if man and dinosaurs were found in the same layer of strata, that it would falsify evolution and prove that the noetic flood was true and that it would falsify the geologic column as well. And so we have found it, folks. And there are sources all over the internet that talk about it. Now, a lot of them are creationist sources because we're the ones that like to pick up on stuff like this. And so the last thing that I wanna show you guys is a picture of the book of the scientist that made this discovery. This is the front page. This is the cover, the front cover of his book. As we can see, we have a dinosaur and a man living together on the cover of this man's book that talks about the phosphate rocks. So this man, this scientist was convinced that dinosaurs and man truly did live together. Otherwise, why would he put that on the cover of his own book? What it tells you is that he was convinced that the evolutionary timeline of the evolutionary theory was a fraud and what he had been indoctrinated with all his life. And he was convinced that dinosaurs and man lived together. And that's why, ladies and gentlemen, the cover of his book has a man with a dinosaur on it. Yeah, and you know, another great proof of dinosaurs and man being together is the Pluxy River tracks that they found. And that was in, where was that, in Texas, right? Yep, over in Texas. I've actually been there and I've seen the tracks myself and it's obvious. Evolutionists can go crying for evidence all day. Well, if you want evidence, just go ahead and run down to the Pluxy River down in Texas over by Carl Ball's museum and you can see the facts for yourself. And you can either choose to see, to reject what you see with your own eyes or you can choose to accept what you can see with your own eyes. They're like, well, where's the evidence? I wanna see it. Look, you can go down to Texas right now and see human footprints in the same layer of strata as dinosaur footprints. Ladies and gentlemen, this is undeniable proof of dinosaurs and man living together. So when that guy earlier on the show said, it's so crazy that people don't believe what all these scientists and evolutionists say. And instead they believe that man and dinosaurs live together. How crazy is that? You've seen folks that it's not crazy. And if you're an evolutionist, you've seen that it's not crazy. In fact, you've seen that it's a scientific fact. There's no denying the evidence. Awesome. Well, I really appreciate you guys all tuning into the show. Again, guys, make sure you share this stream and get this out to your family and friends. If you haven't checked out the other episodes, make sure to do that as well. I wanted to also just remind you guys to check out the Romans Road app. So if you haven't yet downloaded that app, it's a great app. I know Matt recommends it. Yeah, it's a great app. There's a lot of good preaching on there. The Bible's on there. And there's some really great material on there. Highly recommend that app. Yeah. And so the guy that designed that app, he spent a lot of time, he spent a lot of resources into making that app. And so I really hope you guys all head over to and check that out. So again, I wanna remind you all of the giveaway we're gonna be doing at the end of the month. So in a few days here, we're gonna be giving away the title page of the book of Genesis, 1683 Bible leaf. And it's an awesome leaf. It's in great condition. And it has the first verse of the Bible. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And so I really hope you guys consider going over to our Patreon account and supporting us there. Thank you everyone for tuning into this show. We wanna keep doing this and creating more content so we can wake up people out there. Cause I know all my listeners aren't Christians and some people do believe in evolution. So this is a way to kind of make people think about what they believe. So Matt, you wanna say any closing thoughts for today's episode? Sure thing. Well, I hope that you are all out there that have listened to this, that you've enjoyed it. And I hope that most importantly, you walk away today knowing what the facts are. And that's what we really wanna just demonstrate to people is what the facts are. People are looking for what to believe. I've heard evolutionists say there are no absolutes. Well, are you absolutely sure about that? Because you seem absolutely sure that there's no absolutes. And a lot of times they'll say, well, that's just a word game, that's a word game. No, it's called a self-defeating statement. And you know, when it comes to scientific theory, when it comes to logical laws and so forth, it's important to make the way plain. Jesus told Moses to write things out plain. And that's what we wanna do on this show. That's why we do this show. And a lot of this stuff, Paul and I actually just do on the fly. I don't have a lot of time to study for certain things. I try to study as much as I can, but a lot of creationists are accused of being in this for the money. But on the contrary, evolutionists are the ones making the money. And every creation scientist that I've ever known has lost money coming into this because it's a sacrifice to go against what the world is telling you. And we are the true rebels, if that's what you wanna call us. And so I hope you guys enjoyed the stream and make sure you guys support Paul. Download the Romans Road app. Awesome guys. I really hope you enjoyed the episode. God bless.