(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But I've got some really chilling news for you tonight. We found out that actually, it was the United States government that was behind getting us banned from South Africa and Botswana. In fact, all of the harassment, all of the opposition that we faced, everything was paid for by the US government. And in fact, I have the document in my hand to prove it right now. Here's the letter, September 21st, 2016, okay? This is nine days ago. This is right in the midst of everything that was going on where we're being kicked out of the country. It's made out to station manager Hendrick Baird of Gay SA Radio. It's from the United States Embassy to this sodomite who organized all of the opposition to us in both South Africa and Botswana. Dear Mr. Baird, under the authority of the United States Information and Education Act of 1948, as amended, the US Department of State hereby awards to Gay SA Radio a total amount of $8,000 to provide support for the above referenced project as further described. Don't tell me it's a coincidence. This radio station has been around for almost a year. The United States government didn't give them any money before. But funny how the week that they're harassing us, the week that they're protesting us, the week that they're on stage with Minister Jigabong banning us from South Africa, getting us kicked out of Botswana, the same week the United States Embassy is giving them $8,000.