(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You will always have conspiracy theories when you have very challenging public health crises. They are nothing but distractions. You know, I can assure you, we have so much to do to protect the health and the welfare of the American people that I would just hope we just put those conspiracy stuff and let somebody write a book about it later on, but not now. The problem is you got some people out there who are fanning these conspiracy claims from the planet Pluto. And it's just disgusting what they're trying to say of all these crazy deep state malarkey. Well, later on, when the records were made public, it was not a conspiracy theory from the planet of Pluto, actually. There were inflated deaths. They were even taking gunshot wounds and categorizing them as COVID deaths. You're saying there is a massive pressure to artificially inflate the number of COVID-19 cases. Yeah, I have directly been told to, if a patient has fever and cough or anything similar, to put this COVID-like diagnosis on the chart. One of the big things the corporate media does to deceive the public is say, oh, there's all these crazies that don't believe a virus even exists. And they're saying nobody's dying. That's not what we're saying. COVID-19 is the greatest fraud ever pushed on mankind. It is not about a virus. I believe this is a psychological war upon society. What are the history books going to say about you? Did you stand up for common sense and critical thinking? I think the answer is clear what I'm going to be doing. What are you going to be doing? Secure your copy of COVIDland at COVIDland.com and start fighting back against the globalist lies. Wednesday, September 15th, 2021 is a special day for Infowars. It's also going to be an important day for the globalist because it's the day that we start presales on a new film. The first film Infowars is released in more than nine years. COVIDland exposes the globalist great reset corporate power grab and goes over every facet of how they launch the fraud and how they're using it to take control of our society in their own words. This is the medicine to the globalist tyranny. This is the antidote to their new world order takeover. And it's only part one in a five part series that is going to be released within the next six months. Every month and a half or so a new part of the series will be released. And the first part is incredibly powerful. You can secure yours now in the preorder that's going to go for three weeks at Infowarsstore.com or simply go to COVIDland.com. It'll take you directly to the subpage of Infowarsstore.com where you can order the film for $19.95 and get a free copy of my seminal film Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement for free. You can get a second copy of COVIDland Part 1 the film with another copy of Endgame for free for $29.95. So you have a copy for yourself, a copy to give others and a copy of Endgame that predicted all of this again from the globalist own words. But on top of that, not just Endgame, but also COVIDland has a zero country code, meaning it works anywhere in the world and you're authorized for educational purposes to make copies of COVIDland and of course Endgame as well so you can give it to your friends, family, neighbors, air it on access TV, air it on local TV, I don't care. It's free to air. We want this information to get out to the world. So take action now, expose the globalist plan and we can stop these tyrants together. Secure your copy of COVIDland Part 1 today exclusively at info.workstore.com and it starts shipping in three weeks from September 15th, 2021. We will shut you down. We will cite you. And if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail. The time for educating people into compliance is over. We're watching you and we are going to take decisive action. If you are not in essential business, I'm using my power as governor under an emergency declaration to order you to close. COVIDland is a documentary series about the global deception known as the COVID-19 pandemic. With key interviews from scientists, doctors, nurses, authors and subject matter experts, we untangle the lies about the lockdowns, the face mask and the so-called COVID vaccines. And show you how the global elite are using health and climate scares to fast track their new world order agenda. Secure your copy of COVIDland at COVIDland.com and start fighting back against the globalist lies.