(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Chapter 2. My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected. Hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith, he abideth in him, ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment, which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. Again a new commandment I write unto you, Which thing is true in him and in you? Because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth. He that saith, He is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof. But he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Little children, it is the last time. And as ye have heard that an Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us. But they went out, that they might be made manifest, that they were not all of us. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. I have not written unto you, because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is an Antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. But he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life. These things have I written unto you, concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you. But as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. And now, little children, abide in him, that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him. And now, little children, abide in him, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. It is hard to get sin. And I'm preaching against sin this morning. And I, you know, I hate to bring such an ugly sermon this morning, because things have already gotten so ugly this morning. But this is a sermon that needs to be preached. And so I'm going to preach this. And sometimes I've been reluctant to preach about this subject, because it's such an unwholesome subject. But yet, I know that it needs to be preached. And I am honestly going to do my very best to keep the sermon G-rated, because I don't want to corrupt any little eardrums with this sermon. But this is a major sin that needs to be dealt with today, and that is the subject of pornography, is what I'm preaching about this morning. The title of the sermon is Pornography and Prostitution. Now, if you look at your scripture there in Revelation 18, verse 11, the Bible reads, And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her, for no man buyeth their merchandise any more. The merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones and of pearls, and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and all thion wood, and all man are vessels of ivory, and all man are vessels of most precious wood, and of brass and iron and marble, and cinnamon and odors and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil, and fine flour and wheat and beasts and sheep and horses and chariots, watch this, and slaves and souls of men. Now, of course, this is about Babylon. I believe the end times Babylon to be a reference to the United States of America in our time. And when we see the word slaves and souls of men, those aren't necessarily the terms that we would use in today's vernacular for this type of merchandise. But the modern term for this would be human trafficking. Who's ever heard that term before? Human trafficking. So we don't necessarily talk a lot about slavery in the United States. That was, of course, abolished 150 years ago. Usually when people say slavery today, they're referring to something that's legal, something that's institutionalized. Whereas human trafficking is referring to the souls of men that are sold and the slaves that are sold illegally. And let me tell you something. There is a huge human traffic industry, a multi-million dollar, probably a multi-billion dollar, it is a multi-billion dollar, human trafficking industry, and the United States has a big part in it. Now you say, why would you relate, you know, pornography and prostitution? Or why would you relate these two things onto human trafficking? Because of the fact that those who produce pornography, those who are on camera, are by definition a prostitute. That's what they're doing. They're selling, you know, their services for money, okay? And, of course, those who are involved in making pornography are usually the victims of human trafficking, unfortunately. Sad to say. Let me give you some statistics on pornography, just to let you know why this sermon needs to be preached. Every second 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet. Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the internet. Every second, over three grand. This is a major industry. You can see why God would list in all of this merchandise of Babylon, having to do with things that we would traditionally think of as merchandise, that he would throw in the slaves and the souls of men, because it's a major industry. Every second, 372 people are typing the word adult into a search engine. 40 million American people regularly visit porn sites. 35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography. 25% of all search engine queries are related to pornography, or about 68 million search queries a day. 34% of internet users, listen to this, 34% of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to porn through pop-ups, etc., where they get a virus or it takes over their computer and starts putting pornography on their screen. A third of people have experienced that. 70% of men age 18 to 24 visit porn sites on a monthly basis. Did you hear that? 70% of men age 18 to 24 are visiting a porn site in a typical month. 69% of pay-per-view internet content market is pornography. The porn industry generates $13 billion each year in the United States. And $3 billion of that is internet porn. And of course, the USA is number one in producing and consuming pornography. Now, can anyone dispute that this is a really serious issue based upon these statistics? That this is something that needs to be addressed because it's a major, major problem. Now, let me start out by giving you the serious dangers of pornography. Turn to Proverbs 27. Here are some serious dangers of pornography. Why you need to... I want to talk to you about this, our brain. It's something that we all have, performing at different capacities, I'm sure. But still, we all have one. And it was given to us for free just for being born. And it's the powerhouse of our bodies. Without it, of course, we just drop dead because you can't function without it. So it's the most valuable thing that each of us possess. So it's pretty important that we protect it, right? And luckily, we have these things called skulls to help us out. Sometimes we challenge those skulls and do things that kind of hurt our brains. Like this. And this. This one's the worst. I don't even know what he's thinking. And sometimes we just make stupid decisions with those brains. And, you know, this guy. Luckily, this guy's wearing a helmet. What are some other things that might hurt our brains? Obviously, we've got alcohol. We've got drugs. And we've got, you know, big metal balls with spikes on the end of them. But I want to talk about a new drug. The thing is, pornography is not all that new. It's been around since the beginning. So why don't we call it a new drug? Well, that's because scientists are just now, over the last decade, beginning to understand what pornography really does. How it affects our brains. And psychologists are understanding how it affects our behaviors and sociologists, our society. And so we're just beginning to understand that it can be just as addictive as drugs. As hard drugs. And we'll explain how. Because I know that there's some skeptical eyes out there kind of thinking, Wait a second. Drugs? Really? I don't sniff it? I don't inhale it? I don't inject it? How is pornography like a drug? But first, you're probably wondering, dude, we're teenagers. Why are you talking to us? Why are you talking to us about pornography? It's an uncomfortable topic, right? In fact, I bet you anything that as you guys came into this, as you kind of found out what this is going to be all about, you thought to yourself, Oh boy, here we go. Shoot, you know, how do I get out of this? I mean, not a lot of people like to talk about it. But it's becoming more and more of an issue and we've got to deal with it. And here's why we're talking to you guys. The largest group of internet porn users is youth ages 12 to 17. You guys. 90% of the people watching this video right now fit into that group. Do you know what the average age of exposure is for pornography? 11 years old. 11. And 9 out of 10 youth ages 8 to 16 have seen it. So we know what it is. We know what it is. We're not here to define it. Get this. Every second now, now, now 30,000 people are viewing online pornography. And what was the largest group of internet porn users? 12 to 17. So you see how a lot of those are there. And girls watching this right now, listen up. A lot of you tune out for topics like this. You can think, okay, it's a guy's issue. It's not my issue. Recent statistics show that 30% of addicts are women. That number has skyrocketed over the last decade. And it's growing. So current research is showing that pornography is a drug. And that it can lead to addiction. But some of you are looking now, they're going like, well, how? It doesn't make any sense. How? Again, I don't smoke it. Well, how? Let me show you. Pornography goes in through the eyes, in through the iris. And triggers a release of chemicals in your brain. Chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine, oxytocin. Now this isn't science class, but you may have heard of some of those. And these are natural chemicals that your body produces. These chemicals are needed. When you do drugs, hard drugs, or look at pornographic material, your brain is overloaded with these chemicals. After you keep looking at porn, your brain gets used to those high amounts and builds up a tolerance. The same images that once gave you a rush don't have the same effect anymore. In order to get that same rush, it not only takes more of it, but it also takes a more hardcore version of it. Your brain becomes dependent on that rush of chemicals and literally rewires itself to think that that's normal. And so you cannot function without it. That is addiction. The same process happens with cocaine and heroin. They can't stop. The brain is a fascinating machine. In terms of brain plasticity, everything that we do each and every day shapes our brain. We call it neuroplastic. Just as plastic is changeable and malleable, we can change the shape of the brain. And I actually did a study recently on this. So we put people in the scanner and we looked at their brain structure and associated this brain structure with the amount of pornography they consume. So basically we found in our study that the gray matter in the reward center is generally smaller in those people who watch more porn. We've seen that with multiple addictions from methamphetamine to cocaine, others, and now with pornography addiction. It's almost as if the brain is saying, I like pleasure, but you're killing me. This is too much. My hypothesis was that the ventral striatum and the rewards region should be bigger in those people watching pornography. And it's exactly the other way around. So, um, yes, yes. There is solid research to show that brain functioning changes the more you watch pornography that you can get a blip up when the pornography is totally new, but totally new soon becomes old as you watch that. People need to watch more or get more interesting and novel stuff to get the same level of activity in the reward system. Yeah. So it's a paradox when it starts out, the porn is turning you on and the more porn you watch, the less likely you are to get aroused. Which seems to indicate that the normal, regular thing you were used to isn't sufficient anymore. The wonderful thing about the human mind is the power of curiosity to invent, to create. But what pornography does is it puts a straight jacket on our mind to say, no, this is the only thing I'm interested in. And then ultimately that any kind of compulsion is destructive. A pervert with your lewdness, yeah, and you'll regret it. Pornography teaches lust, not love. It never teaches about good marriages. It never teaches about the home. It never teaches about children and good children and children's obedience. It never teaches about virginity and chastity. It never teaches about self-control and purity. It never teaches about holiness. It's vile. It's out of the pit of hell. It's a tool the devil's using to destroy us and our nation. And somebody's got to say something. They want to call it lovemaking. It's lustmaking. And it's as far removed from love as I am from being a pacifist. Lust is selfish. Love is unselfish. He says, if you love me, you'll let me. He's lying to you. He loves you. Because if he loves you, he wouldn't try until you're married. Pornography is everywhere. It's on the television. It's in books. On the telephone. The films. The clothing catalogs. On music. Today they actually have a virtual reality sex experience. It's everywhere. Pornography promotes perversion. Sex tortures. Mutations where they actually cut people's body parts off. Blood. Rape. Incest. Lesbianism. Homosexuality. Bestiality. Being intimate with dead bodies. God knows we need a holy group of men to go out of this place and live right. And live holy and protect our lives and turn our country back to God. It all starts in the mind. It takes the wicked words then draws the images and watches them. Or the mind takes the images that are provided and inserts you personally into the scene as you live out the perversion that you're bumping in. What are you thinking about, young priest? God told Moses you better warn those young priests. They're going to have some problems. There's going to be temptations. I'll assure you the temptations are here today. Young priests, keep your mind holy. Young priests, keep your mind safe. Young priests, protect your mind. It's a mind that's there for God to use, not for the devil to pervert. Pornography produces problems for our society. Venereal disease. Divorce. Adultry. Sodomy. Rape. Homeless children. Crime. Kidnapping. Me. Some of you will ruin your ministry and thousands will go to hell because of pornography. Wife abuse. When someone by the use of pornography arouses themselves, there's not a maid available to satisfy their wicked arousal. My eyes affect my heart and you're not going to watch the soap operas without your heart being affected. You're not going to watch the prime time TV without your heart being affected. And you're not going to watch those little movies that you go up to video place and rent and bring them home and put in that wicked thing you've got there and show movies in your house. It's godless and it's going to destroy your heart. Why? Because my eyes affect my heart. And by the way, you know I'm telling you the truth tonight. You know I'm telling you the truth. Everybody's got any sense in this room knows I'm telling you the truth. Being destroyed by the devil using our eyes. Now you listen to me. You are not going to participate in the in succumbing to the temptation to look at things you ought not to look at and stay pure. You're not going to do it. Every young lady in this house and I've said this a hundred times. Every young lady in this house who's not married ought to have one great goal as far as your life is concerned. You ought to have a goal that when that baby there are some other place that organ the wedding march and I'm standing up here and you're on the arm of your father coming out that door and down those stairs and across and down this center aisle and there waits for you a young man there and extends his arm and god's choice for you is waiting for you every single young lady in this room ought to be able to look up and say to him I'm clean. I'm pure. I've saved myself for you. I'm chaste. I'm virgin and I'm clean. What do you say with that? That's old fogey. Well we need some old fogey people in America. Our country in the old fogey days is better off. The old fogey days we had patriotism. The old fogey days liquor was outlawed. The old fogey days no man would curse in front of a woman. The old fogey days women wore bodies clothing. The old fogey days men got haircuts. I'm saying we need some old fogey Christians. Some old fogey convictions. Some old fogey preaching. Some old fogey holy living. Some old fogey standers. I'm saying you walk down the aisle and that young man extends his arm to you. You ought to be able to look at him and say I've saved myself. Listen to me. You say that's what I want. You won't get that way watching these primetime TV shows. You won't do it. You won't get that way watching these shows where a bunch of gals showing their thighs and the bosoms almost on television. You won't get clean. You won't stay clean. No you won't. No you won't. You say open the house. It doesn't affect me. Then you ought to go to the doctor and have a checkup. Or go to San Francisco. And there's nothing wrong couldn't be cured by generation of preachers having the gumption to stand up and preach like I'm preaching right now. Now the honest simple truth is every young man in this room and I'm talking and by the way I'm not kidding right now. You may laugh after a while but I'm not laughing right now. Every young man in this room ought to so live that when he walks out that door and stands here beside the pastor and the pastor says who gives the bride away. He walks down there and extends his arm to that young lady. He ought to be able to look at her in the eye and say I saved myself for you. I'm pure. I am decent. And by the way every single mom and dad who has a little child sitting beside you tonight or a child in the nursery ought to thank God you go to a church where it's preaching like this goes from the pulpit. You ought to thank God for it. You go off and join some of these little pussyfoot near-tickling, back-scratching, penny-pinching, nickel-nipping, soft-soaping, pink-limbing, pussyfooters, churches because you don't believe our conviction. You better thank God you got somebody trying to keep your children pure and chaste and decent. I'm saying but you say brother, it's impossible for a young man to stay pure in 1990. You're a liar. It is not impossible. But it is impossible if you're going to sit there and watch that boob tube. It is impossible if you're going to read those magazines. And by the way, it's impossible even nowadays if you read catalogs. I mean the average Sears, Roebuck catalog, Montgomery Ward catalog or JCPenney catalog, nothing more than an old-fashioned play ball magazine. I want to serve notice a young man can have a pure mind. I want to serve notice a young man can have a clean life. I want to serve notice you can walk the aisle clean. You can walk the aisle pure. You can walk the aisle virgin. You can walk the aisle chaste. But you're not going to do it unless you make a covenant with your eyes. I met up with Dr. Judith Reesman, a world historian in the destruction of human sexuality. Dr. Reesman is recognized as an expert witness exposing the sex industry's hidden agenda. Playboy sued you or you sued Playboy? Playboy sued me for libel and slander. And what happened? I won. She's fought the pornography industry for decades and even won a lawsuit against Playboy. So how did we get here to where we're at today? Because I don't think pornography has always been such an epidemic cancer within our society like it is today. No, not at all. We were up to the end of the Second World War, a conservative Judeo-Christian nation. The turning point for all that was Dr. Alfred Kinsey, his book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 1948. He was the father of the sexual revolution and therefore the father of everything that has come from that. And certainly one of the key things was pornography. Dr. Alfred Kinsey ushered the destruction of our nation's moral code with his books, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, known as the Kinsey Reports. The world recognized him as the leading scientific expert on human sexuality. The reports claim that humans were sexual from birth and that what we deemed as immoral sexual behavior was actually normal, thus making it moral. Once a biologist who studied gall wasp, Kinsey's obsession with sexuality led him to found the Kinsey Institute for Sex Research at Indiana State University. What people to this day are not aware of were the methods he used to collect his data. And I looked at the graphs that he provided, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 tables. And I said, wait a minute, that's a two-month-old baby. How does he know a two-month-old baby did or did not have an orgasm? And then table 34, a four-year-old child, 26 orgasms in 24 hours. That's an around-the-clock experiment. Wow, that's torture. That's torture, you bet. He also actually employed bona fide pedophiles to do what they did to children for his so-called data. Kinsey wanted to prove that we are sexual from birth, so it wasn't surprising that he drew his data from pedophiles, rapists, and murderers. They were the perfect sample because obviously, a rapist pedophile will have a skewed perspective on sexuality, convincing himself that his victim finds pleasure in the act of being raped. Using a stopwatch and a ledger, they recorded their sexual experiments, systematically molesting thousands of young children under the guise of science. This research was compiled in his books, Sexual Behavior of the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. He said, I had 196 pre-adolescents under 12, and he broke them up into six categories. And fainting, convulsions, screaming, writhing, striking what he called their partner, that's somebody who's raping them. And they were trying to get away, but he said they enjoyed it. They definitely enjoyed it. The research in Kinsey's books were partly based on the collection of data and confessions of a Nazi pedophile during World War II. Dr. Fritz von Balusek, who raped hundreds of children. After the war, the Nazi officer was charged and put on trial for the murder of a 10-year-old girl. They found detailed records of von Balusek's heinous sexual acts with children, revealing his correspondence with Kinsey. Dr. Kinsey, who was fully aware of the Nazi officer's atrocities, warned him in his letters to be careful and encouraged him to continue his research. During the trial, the judge said, I got the impression that you got to the children in order to impress Kinsey and to deliver him material. To his surprise, Balusek replied, Kinsey himself asked me for that. And now that became the foundation for the sex educational structure that fed itself into what we are teaching our children right now as we sit here and speak. And of course, it was the foundation of all the changes in our laws, the sodomy laws, the abortion laws, everything else. I mean, he's there. His handprints are on everything that deals with sexuality. From all these people, he was able to tell us, quote, the truth about ourselves, the truth about what we were really doing behind closed doors. And he lied about our fathers, my father's generation and grandfather's. He lied about them because he projected onto them what he himself was doing, what he was struggling with. Yes. It didn't take long for Kinsey to deceive the world with his fraudulent data, convincing us that we were sexually repressed and ignorant to the truth. First, the media drank Kool-Aid and they were carefully taken care of by the Kinsey Institute to drink the Kool-Aid. OK. And then once they drank the Kool-Aid, yeah, the scientists, quote unquote, drank the Kool-Aid. And then the legislators drank the Kool-Aid and then the lawmakers drank the Kool-Aid. And here we are. Essentially, what Kinsey did was he changed our belief about ourselves. This change of belief naturally changed our behavior. Soon, Kinsey's ideas permeated everything in our society from our legal system, reducing the penalty for sexual crimes and legalizing abortion. The media promoting his philosophy to the educational system, teaching children his views on sexuality. What's more, the pharmaceutical industry capitalized from the sexual revolution. We saw the emergence of STDs, sexual enhancers and the morning after pill. The divorce rates soared along with sexual crime. As a people, we would never be the same again. Our innocence was lost forever. Ultimately, Kinsey's fraudulent data led to the legalization of pornography. One of the virgins in college that read Kinsey and believed him was a guy named Hugh Hefner. OK, yeah, so he's in college. So Hefner was an advocate for Kinsey? Well, he reads Kinsey and he says, hey, everybody's been lying to me. They've all been diddling around doing all this stuff. And I have been standing here being a nice guy. Forget it. He says, I will be and I'm quoting him, Kinsey's pamphleteer. I will be Kinsey's pamphleteer. So from there, he began to advocate for changes in law. And he created a magazine called Playboy, Playboy, which then he said would reflect what Kinsey had found about human sexuality. In his fraudulent data. America was educated by a pedophile whose work was labeled as science. Just as Darwin was the father of legitimizing evolution, Kinsey was the father of legitimizing the sexual revolution and all that's based upon that today. Sure enough, Hefner was true to his word. Not only did he popularize pornography on a global scale, he also helped to legalize it. You know, I want a congressional investigation of Kinsey. At some point, we may, in fact, be able to get a public to be aware that they've been raped. The whole nation has been raped. That is what's happened to us. We have been raped and you cannot expect to survive a rape without a great deal of illness, pain and trauma. And we've gone through it. Now we've got to find a way to get out of it. So whatever happened to Kinsey? Well, this glorified psychopath eventually died of a slow and painful disease called orchitis, a lethal infection of the testicles due to years of brutal masochistic masturbation and other vile sexual acts. How ironic. The preacher of sexual liberation died from following his own message. Sadly, his destructive work continues to live on with his lies. And to this day, we continue to fund the Kinsey Institute with our tax dollars. Now, for any man who's trapped in pornography, he must first realize that the root of the problem is based on a lie, a lie by Kinsey and a lie from the enemy of his soul. You need to realize you've been duped. You've been suckered because ultimately Kinsey's purpose was to remake man. Universal founder Carl came from a small town in Germany. Louis B. Mayer, who gave us the glory years of the MGM studio, was born in a Russian Jewish village. William Fox and Paramount's Adolph Zuker were both born in Hungary. Fox's studio merged with 20th Century Pictures to form 20th Century Fox. They gravitated towards the porn industry because it's like kind of the seedier cousin of the Hollywood industry, which had already been controlled by the Jews. So basically back in the 1960s, 70s, it was founded by people like Danny Mamey and Danny Scura. And then later in the 80s, you know, the godfather of the modern day porn industry, his name was Reuben Sterman, who was actually an Orthodox Jew. He owned over 200 bookstores all around the country. He's actually my godfather. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s, Sterman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. So back in the 80s, the only way you could get pornography was to go through someone like Reuben Sterman. And he controlled, you know, all of his stores and all the stores that he didn't own. They actually had to pay him a tax to carry his product. And he was the only place that you get product from, Peep shows from. And later, what the Jews did was they created the manufacturing side, which is the replication of printing because back in the day, if you wanted to, actually the official source of this claim in an article titled triple X, next, Nathan Abrams goes on to describe the Jewish role in erotic publications, film production, and even acting, noting their disproportionate role in this industry and saying Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana in then adds that the majority entered the porn industry just to make a buck. Also mentioned in the article is a Jewish pornographer known as the Walt Disney of pornography, Reuben Sterman, who was said to have controlled the majority of the pornography industry in the 1970s, but he remained in the shadow doing business out of the public eye. However, things took a turn for Sterman later in life, and he ended up dying in prison in 1997. Pornographer and publisher of Screw magazine, Al Goldstein also gets an honorable mention in the article with his quote, the only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism. End quote. What's been provided here are historical examples of Jewish people in the porn industry. There is an extensive list, but personally, I'd like to move away from highlighting the individuals who claim to be Jews and then do these things, and instead pose this question, is monetary property? I don't want to cross any lines or anything because, and honestly, I'm striving to keep this sermon totally G rated because the last thing I want to do is corrupt young minds in a culture that's already corrupting so many of us. Okay, but let's talk about the last thing I want to talk about, which is prostitution. Go to Ephesians five, and I'm almost done. Don't worry. It's not like we're only halfway into the sermon or anything. It's almost done, but I want to tie. I just want to tie this in. Okay, because it does tie in my friend. Like I said at the beginning of the sermon, human trafficking is where this stuff is coming from. Okay. This is the unpleasant reality that a lot of people don't think about or talk about or want to face. Human trafficking is where pornography is coming from, and it ties in perfectly with prostitution because those who produce this stuff are prostitutes. That's what they're doing. They're performing this action for pay. The only difference is it's being videotaped. That's the only difference. Okay. Look at Ephesians chapter five verse seven. Be nigh ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord. Walk as children of light for the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth, proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. So in Ephesians five, he says here, don't partake with wickedness and don't partake with people who have these unfruitful works of darkness and do these shameful things in secret. Do not participate in that. Now turn to Matthew chapter nine is the last place we're going to turn. Matthew chapter nine. And I want to say this by watching pornography, you are supporting human trafficking and the abuse of women. That's what you're doing. You are partaking with them and participating in an industry of human trafficking and abuse of women. Why? Because a big part of human trafficking is pornography and prostitution. Now let me ask you this question biblically. What was Jesus Christ's attitude toward women that are caught up in prostitution? Well, let's look at this because look, and I use that term, I use that term intentionally caught up in it because the vast majority of these women aren't just willingly just going and signing up for this. They're being pressured or forced into it one way or another. I'm not condoning what they're doing, but I'm just telling you, they're caught up into it. Then, you know, it's sort of like that commercial when I was a kid where they said, Hey, nobody wants to be a junkie when they grow up. Okay, well guess what? You know, the average girl doesn't grow up and say, Hey, I want to be a prostitute when I grow up, right? It's not, it's not glamorous. Look what Jesus attitude toward the prostitutes was. Matthew chapter nine, verse nine. And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the receipt of custom and he sayeth unto him, follow me. And he arose and followed him. And it came to pass as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, why eat at your master with publicans and sinners? But when Jesus heard that he said unto them, they the behold need not a physician, but they that are sick, but go and learn what that meaneth. I will have mercy and not sacrifice for I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to powerful and eye-opening report that might challenge everything you think, you know, about prostitution. It's the latest in our series, hidden America. And I'm here with our colleague, Diane Sawyer. Welcome back, Diane. So great to see you. It's always great to have you on Nightline, but I know this is also a story that we both care very deeply about have covered it over the years. And we've talked about it all around the world. But tonight, sex trafficking, something happening right here at home. Our colleague, Nick Kristof of the New York Times and his wife, Cheryl Wudan, have made a remarkable documentary called A Path Appears. And they have been following women, often very young girls, locked into a life of prostitution by highly skilled profiteers, pimps. And you're going to hear Nick argue when you look closely, these women are in fact not criminals, but hostages walking among us. By night and by day across the country, young American girls controlled by pimps are sent out to have sex for money, sometimes 20 men a night. We had to make at least $1,000 a day towards no days off. You have to see the 10 to 20 strangers per night. I would probably have up to like 20. I was so exhausted. I was so I didn't want to do it anymore. He hit me a few times. And then he had a gun and he pointed at me and he was like, you need to do what I say. He was like, I will kill you. Savannah was looking at websites when she was lured away. A study says the average age a girl enters prostitution is 12 to 14 years old. So one day, I think I was 13. I didn't really know a lot about anything. So I went online and I wanted to I don't know how I came across like this website for like, you know, like sugar daddy's guys would pay for yourself. I didn't know that I would have to have sex with them. I just thought they were gonna I don't know what I was thinking. But I just thought that, you know, they would buy me stuff. And just because I was pretty good. I still did not understand what was happening like completely, even when we went to the hotel room until it happened. And that is just one way pimps lay the trap. A lot of times we'll walk in. And again, it's not that bad. At New York's Port Authority, two plainclothes officers, Sergeant Hector Martinez and Officer Jack Collins, tell me we are surrounded by pimps just out of sight who come here to stalk runaways. The pimps can spot them immediately. But you're in a kind of race against the pimps. Absolutely. They see towards your left hand side. As soon as they walk into Greyhound, want to be pimps, recruiters, they sit there, they watch. The officers try to intervene. A lot of the kids are from foster care. A lot have been sexually abused. And the predators know exactly what they hope to hear. They sell them on the idea of a warm place to stay for a night. The possibility, potential for romance, maybe earning some money. So these officers may be the last chance before a girl disappears into the shadows. Maria has been looking for her daughter who ran away when she was 15. I haven't heard from her. In his documentary, A Path Appears, Nick Kristof continues his lifetime mission, going in search of missing girls. With an anxious mother looking on, he searches some of the websites where the girls are most often advertised. He spots a picture and the offer, mixed Latina catering to your needs. There's a mixed Latina catering to your needs. Emily? Can you click on it? Yeah. Would you recognize? Yeah. Well, let me see in the middle. Maria. Maria. That's her. We have to make sure. Okay. That's her. Oh my. Okay. Look at this. We found her. But listen, now we have her. Now we have her. We found her. We found her. We found her. One who gave the police. So what happened with these men? Do they find them too? As he continues his search, Nick tells Maria her daughter has been trafficked in more than one state. So she was taken to New Hampshire as well. And there's another girl with the same phone number and at least one of them, maybe a couple. So it's evidently somebody who's running a couple of girls and, you know. It's big business. A pimp can pull into a truck stop with an RV full of seven girls and make $1,400 an hour. This fundamental misperception is somehow a pimp and this girl are dividing up money or something. Every penny she earns goes to the pimp. Every penny. And if she holds them back or she doesn't meet her quota that she is given, whatever $700, $800 that day, then she is going to be beaten up. In the documentary, a former young girl on the street named Shauna drives her car to an area she knows is frequented by pimps. One pimp used to call her Shelly Money. You remember me? Who am I? Shelly Money. So like what are you doing? You got a girl out here? Three? Three girls. So you waiting on one to come back now? Yeah. In the car with her, a long-time activist, actress Ashley Judd. How much do you expect her to bring? So if she comes back with more than 40, do you expect that she'd be up front with you and give you the full whack or is she only going to give you 40 because you told her that was the minimum? The one you're waiting on now, what's her habit? So you supply her dope? And if she comes back with less than 40, I mean, God forbid, what's going to happen? As we sit, it's big profit supported by the thousands of men buying sex every day. The chance that any one of those is going to be arrested is infinitely lower than the chance they'll be struck by lightning. Last year, in one New York City court, more than 400 charged with prostitution offenses, but only 10 accused of being pimps or johns. In 19 states, they tried something different, highly publicized stings on the johns. This is Chicago, Cook County. Predictably, the men arrested say this is their first time. First time ever? First time getting caught. First time ever. How many times per month do you think would you say you do this? There isn't really demographic, you know, occupation, you know, doctors, lawyers, police. The sheriff says he always asks the men a memorably trick question. Would they like to avoid the fee for having their car towed? One of the things we always offer them as opposed to the $500 fee to get your car back will allow you to call your wife and have her pick your car up. And not one has ever taken us up on it. And so in cities across the country, thousands of young girls are at the crossroads. We're back at New York's Port Authority where the predators are stalking. I see a girl alone wonder if she's okay. Her ID says she is 19, older than she looks, and she says she has a job at the terminal. But for these two officers, a night has just begun. Last year, 69 runaways were pulled to safety. The moment probably anywhere between one to three runaways a week. And most of those would be trafficked if you hadn't intervened? Absolutely. Either they're about to be trafficked, they are being trafficked, or they're out here living a life. Around the corner from the Port Authority, Covenant House, one of the largest shelters for at-risk youth. Jane Biggleson says she hears from the girls who fell victim, how easy it was. One young person said, you know, he was the first person who ever gave me a birthday cake. He was, you know, they know what the young person needs. If there were gun traffickers out there, that we would find ways to get them out of the picture. But somehow, if it's people who are trafficking 15-year-old girls, then somehow that's not enough of a priority, and so we regret it, but they're still out there. Covenant House tries to provide housing, therapy, the real help in life, only promised by pimps. These are homegrown American girls. It's basically seen as a public nuisance issue, rather than as a human rights problem. Shauna, who started at age 14, remembers the day she couldn't take it anymore. She says, after 22 years, she was here, waiting above a filling station. You know what I'm saying? I was so tired, and I was like, if you are a god, save me. I walked back out to Murfreesboro Road right out there, and the police picked me up and took me to jail, and I was so tired, I just couldn't do it anymore. As she's driving, she sees a woman she recognizes on the street, someone who was also once young and had a different life ahead of her. What have you been doing? You're clean. I'm clean for three years now. Well, I'm not, bitch. Get away from me. Get away from me, hoe. When you get tired, I'm not a hoe no more. When you get tired, let me know. I got a number. I got a number. What's your number? 320. I am tired. You hear me? Are you tired? Yeah. Are you ready to go today? No. No? Well? I'm tired. I just want to get well one more time. Bitch, go on. I love you. I've been there. I know. God, she used to be so beautiful. She's messed up. I don't know an easy way to walk away. As beautiful as the young girls back at home tonight. The mother whose daughter was seen on that website. And that young girl who didn't know it would be about sex. I love you. Who found her way home to her mother. And as beautiful as the young girls still lost in the shadows. The article says this, as a diverse cultural center and popular destination for immigrants with multiple international borders, because California has so many immigrants and has so many multiple international borders. California is one of the largest sites of human trafficking in the United States. And of course, California is just a huge state in comparison to most states also in regards to size and population. In 2016, 1,331 cases of human trafficking were reported in California. Of those cases, 1,051 were sex trafficking cases. 147 were labor trafficking cases. You say, oh, it's all just sex trafficking. No, a lot of it is labor trafficking cases. 46 involved both labor and sex trafficking. And in 86 cases, the type of trafficking was not specified. Let's talk about human trafficking in the city you and I live in, Sacramento. Here's an article called is Sacramento a hotbed for human trafficking? This was written in on March 15th of this year. All right, so this is not an article written five years ago. This is this is written currently. And notice what they said. They said four years ago, the Human Rights Society dubbed Sacramento with the title of second worst city in the U.S. for human trafficking. In December of last year, December of 2017, Ellen Seagrave, a soccer coach at John F. Kennedy High School, was arrested on human trafficking charges and for pimping at least two minors in early February. This year, 58 year old young Escamilla was booked into Sacramento County Jail on five counts of felony pandering, the act of persuading, forcing someone to become a prostitute. Escamilla housed five young women, possibly transporting them between three different Sacramento residences. It was reported that some of the women being prostituted were from Hong Kong and all were of Asian descent. Cindy Stinson, a lieutenant for the Sacramento Police Department and co-founder of Community Against Sexual Harm, told Access Local TV in an interview. One reason that there is for human trafficking in Sacramento is because we have lots of freeways that run through Sacramento and there's something called the circuit where women will be driven to different cities where the freeways are closed. So one reason that Sacramento is a hotbed for human trafficking is the same reason that we chose to start Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento in the Natomas area or North Sacramento area. The same reason that some of you, many of you here today, find it so easy to commute from different places. Because we've got major highways. In Sacramento you'll have Interstate 80 that will take you from San Francisco all the way to Iowa. You'll have I-5 that will take you from San Diego or Mexico where the border is all the way up to Canada or wherever it ends up there in Washington. You've got Highway 50 that will take you across. You've got, you know, 99. You've got all these major highways that all meet in the city of Sacramento. So look, the goal is to get these people as far away from anybody who would know them or recognize them as possible. So it's easy to kidnap a girl in Utah or in Colorado, drive to Sacramento, get on I-5 and go up to Oregon or, you know, get on 50 and go somewhere else. Because of the city that we live in and because of the major highways that come across the city, it has created a hotbed of human trafficking in the city of Sacramento. And here's what you need to understand. Look, I'm giving you this kind of information right now. I'm going to, you know, I'm about to give you a lot of practical things and things that we can do to try to help, you know, stop human trafficking in our community. When you say, you know, should a church really be dealing with? I don't know if every church needs to be fighting this, but I will tell you this. Verity Baptist Church needs to be fighting this because it's happening in our community. It's happening to our young people. It's happening to the people in our city. And you know, you know what? Some cities, some churches, they want to give back to their community by feeding homeless people, you know, or they want to give back to their community by having a Christmas pageant or a Christmas play or by having some, you know, whatever and whatever, you know, giving water to people as they get onto the buses or the subway or whatever it might be. And look, all of that's fine and good. But you know what? Other than our soul winning efforts, other than our, you know, goal to knock every door in Sacramento and give everybody in this city an opportunity to hear the gospel, I would love for Verity Baptist Church to go down in history as our community outreach, our community involvement. You say, what does Verity Baptist Church do in the community to better the community? Do you give, you know, homeless people sandwiches? Do you give, you know, commuters bottles of water and cookies and tell them God bless you? No, I'd love for it to be said that what we do to impact this community is no one fights harder against human trafficking and the reprobates who run those circuits than Verity Baptist Church. I would love for it to be said that we are the church that stands against perverseness, that stands against the reprobate, that stands against the people who would hurt individuals in this way. You say, who are the likely victims of human trafficking? Go to Psalm 82, Psalm 82. And you know, the sermon is called the reprobate culture of human trafficking. Because to be involved in this type of business, you've got to be a reprobate. Period. And if you don't know what that term means, we'll talk about it here in a minute. But look, your conscience has to be seared. Your conscience has to be seared. You have to be rejected of God. You have to be a devil on your way to hell to be okay. I mean, think about the people that involve themselves in this type of business. I mean, look, you've got to be a devil to be willing to enter into somebody's home and kidnap their nine-year-old daughter. And you've got to be a reprobate to find some sort of wicked pleasure pleasure with, you know, physically attacking a young lady who's drugged up and chained up. There's something wrong with you. And look, I don't know if it bothers you, but it ought to bother you that this is happening here. That our city has people in it. Men in our city that are okay and are just, you know, this is the destination. This is the hotbed. I mean, if you're a pervert, this is your Vegas. And you know, Vegas is your Vegas. You know, this is your place. This is your destiny. It ought to bother you. Does it bother you? It bothers me? Psalm 82 and verse 3. Psalm 82 and verse 3 says this, defend the poor and fatherless. Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy. Rid them. Rid them out of the hand of the wicked. Psalm 9 and verse 9 says this, the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed. A refuge in times of trouble. So who are the likely victims of human trafficking? See, some of you are sitting here saying, man, I've never heard any of this. I didn't know that this was happening in our backyard. You know why? Because it doesn't happen to people like you. It doesn't happen to people like me. I mean, when it does, it's very unlikely. It's very limited. And when it does, you know, everybody hears about it. When Elizabeth Smart gets kidnapped from her, you know, well-to-do family. And I'm not, what happened to Elizabeth Smart was a terrible thing. I'm not being literally at home. But when it happens in a well-to-do family with a mom and dad, in a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, the whole world knows about it. But you know, most of these kids, nobody ever hears about it. Say why? Because it's happening to the poor and the fathers. Because it's happening to the poor and the needy. See, the likely victims of human trafficking, they purposely try to victimize the people who no one would notice and no one would care. They go for the vulnerable. They go for the disabled. They go for the poor. They go for the uneducated. In this article called, What is Human Trafficking? They said this, there is no single profile of a trafficking victim. Victims of human trafficking include not only men and women lured into forced labor by the promise of better life in the United States, but also boys and girls who were born and raised here in California. Trafficking victims come from diverse backgrounds in terms of race, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, gender, socioeconomic status, educational levels, and citizenship status. But one characteristic that they usually share is some form of vulnerability. They're usually people who are isolated. Trafficking victims are often isolated from their families and social networks, and in some cases are separated from their country of origin, native language, and culture. They purposely pick foster kids or kids who have parents that are not involved in their life. They pick people that are isolated, that no one's going to miss. They troll around. Divorce them over this issue. Is it really worth it? Is it really worth it? Look, there's serious dangers of pornography. Number one, it takes you further than you want to go. It leads you into perversion. Number two, it warps your mind and ruins your marriage in that way. Number three, you could outright lose your marriage or lose your job. It's not worth the risk, people. It's wicked. Number four, actually, there were only three under that point, but let's move on to another thing. What should we do to avoid this sin? How do we avoid the sin of pornography? Okay, because I'm going to get to prostitution a little later. How do we avoid the sin of pornography? We'll go, if you would, to Jeremiah chapter five. Now, my mom is visiting this morning, and she always taught me when I was a kid, she said, an idle mind is the devil's workshop. She'd always, you know, if we were just kind of sitting around bored, doing nothing, she would say, an idle mind is the devil's workshop. I think the number one way probably to avoid this sin is to not just be idle and bored and just randomly surfing YouTube or the internet. Just bored. I mean, you're just bored. You're just killing time. So you're just sort of randomly, idly, just going to YouTube, just seeing what's on. You know, look, use the internet with a purpose. You know, I mean, look, if you need to do your banking, type in that banking website and do your banking. You know, if you need to check your email, type in the email, check your email, deal with your emails. Okay. If you want to watch something on YouTube, let me tell you what you should not do. I don't just type in youtube.com. Because then it takes me to a home page where they just sort of advertise whatever Hollywood movie or whatever junk and whatever weird stuff. If you just go to youtube.com, whatever's trendy now or whatever. Here's what I do. When, if I go to YouTube is to watch something specific, don't just surf in it. Look, if you just surf YouTube, the problem with that is that I don't mind the devil's workshop and you can just end up falling down a rabbit hole of watching stuff that you should be watching. And so whenever I use YouTube, I type in youtube.com slash my videos. So it takes me to my own videos. Okay. So now I'm on, or I type in my own channel, right? Then I search for whatever I specifically, you know, if I want to listen to brother Jimenez's latest sermon, you know, ripping on, uh, you know, the reprobates, you know, then I type that in or whatever into the search, but I'm not just going to go to the homepage and just be like, I'm bored. What's the most popular video right now? You see how you can get into the wrong stuff, doing that, or just randomly surfing the internet, just randomly does whatever's out there, whatever's popular or trendy. Now, you know, don't just get bored and look, even just forget the internet, just being idle and bored in general, because when you're idle and bored is when you would even reach for the laptop and even begin to surf for that, which is not good for you to look at. And I'm trying to be delicate about the way I handle this, but it needs to be taught. I mean, it needs to be covered. Look at Jeremiah chapter five. This is just one scripture of many that I can turn to. It says in verse seven, how shall I pardon me for this? Thy children have forsaken me and sworn by them that are no gods. When I had fed them to the full, then they committed adultery and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots houses. They were as fed horses in the morning. Everyone made after his neighbor's wife. This is this fed horses in the morning. Analogy is referring to horses that are, they're not doing any work. They're just being fed and they're just kind of in the barn, sitting around. And then they start looking at their neighbor's wife and everything like that. Look, staying busy will keep you out of sin, working hard. Stay. Look, work hard at your job. Don't goof around at your job. I mean, a lot of this happens at people's job because they're just goofing off at their at their government job or whatever, or whatever the job that doesn't really keep them that busy. You know, if you're ever at your job and there's nothing to do, find something to do. And guess what? That's a good way to get promoted too. That's a good way to get a raise. When you show up at the job and there's nothing to do, grab a broom and start sweeping it. Take out the trash. Well, that's not my job. Yeah, but you know what? It's better than sitting around doing nothing. Your boss will appreciate it. You'll make more money and you'll stay out of trouble. And when you get home, spend time with your wife, spend time with your children, spend time working in the yard, spend time doing church activities, winning souls or reading your Bible or playing a game with the family. You know, do something quality, not just sitting around. And by the way, give your children stuff to do. Keep them busy. You probably learned a lot about the Bible lands through this film, but we'd like you to know the main message of the Bible, which is salvation through Jesus Christ. The Bible says that you can know for sure that you are on your way to heaven. And we'd like to just explain to you some things in order for you to be able to know that you are on your way to heaven. The first thing you need to understand is that you are a sinner. The Bible says in Romans chapter number three and verse 10, as it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one. The Bible here is telling us that nobody is without fault. None of us are perfect. In Romans chapter three and verse 23, the Bible goes on to say this, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The Bible defines sin as the transgression of the law. When we break God's law, we've sinned. And the Bible says here for all have sinned. There's not one human on this earth that is not a sinner. Now, the reason you need to understand that, that there is none righteous and that we are all sinners is because of this. In Romans 6 23, the Bible says for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The first part of that verse tells us that there are wages for our sin, which is death. The word wages means payment. It's what you earn. When I go to work, I earn money. But when I sin, what I earn is death. Now, when the Bible talks about death, it's talking about more than just a physical death. In Revelation chapter number 20 and verse number 14, the Bible says this, and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Here we learn about a second death. See, when the Bible says that the wages of sin is death, it's not just talking about a physical death. The physical death is just the first death or the initial death. But then when an individual gets cast into the lake of fire, that is the second death. In Revelation 21 8, God actually gives us a list of who's going to hell. He says, but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters. And then he goes on to say this, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Now, the reason that God gives us this list of really bad sins, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters, and then at the end, he adds a sin that we've all committed when he says and all liars. He's trying to explain to us that there is none righteous. No matter how good you are, you're not good enough. In fact, James chapter number 2 and verse 10 kind of puts it all together. It says, for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. The first thing you need to understand and what I'm trying to explain to you is that we're all sinners and because we're sinners, our sin has condemned us to hell. Now, you don't have to go to hell and God doesn't want you to go to hell, but you need to understand that you are condemned to hell and you need to be saved from hell. Romans 6 23, the first part of the verse said, for the wages of sin is death. The second part says this, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Bible explains that God has a gift he wants to give you and that gift is eternal life and it's through Jesus Christ. Now, there are some things you need to understand about this gift. In Ephesians chapter number 2 and verse 8, the Bible says this, for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. It says not of works lest any man should boast. The Bible tells us the gift of salvation is from God and it's not of works, meaning you don't have to earn it. Today, many people believe that they have to live a good life in order to go to heaven or they have to repent of their sins in order to go to heaven or maybe they believe they have to get baptized or go to church, but the Bible tells us that the gift is not of works. You don't have to earn it, you don't have to pay for it. Now, because it is a gift, someone did have to pay for it and that person was Jesus Christ. In Romans chapter 5 and verse 8, the Bible says this, but God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. The message of the gospel is that Jesus came to this earth, he lived a sinless life, he never sinned, he died on the cross and was buried and he resurrected from the grave three days later as a payment for our sin. Now, there are a couple of things you need to believe about Jesus. You can't just believe that he was a good man or a prophet, you have to believe what the Bible says about him, which is that he was God in the flesh. John 1 says this, in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Later on in the chapter in verse 14, he says this, and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth. Now, that only begotten of the father is of course Jesus Christ. John 3 16, the most famous verse in the Bible says this, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The message of salvation is that Jesus, who was God in the flesh, paid for our sins and he offers us the free gift of eternal life. Now, there's one more thing you need to understand about salvation and that is that it is eternal life. In John 3 16, it's called everlasting life. In John 3 15, it says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. The first part of John 3 36 says, he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life. Now, what that means is that when God gives you salvation, it will last forever. It doesn't mean that you're going to live on earth like some sort of immortal, but what it means is that when you die physically, you will not die the second death of being cast into the lake of fire, but you'll go live with God for eternity and it will last forever. Titus 1 2 says this, in hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie promised before the world began. See, the Bible says that our hope for eternal life is that God cannot lie. Once he gives it to you, he'll never take it away. Now, that doesn't mean that you can live on this earth, you know, without any consequences. Of course, we know that on this earth there are consequences for sin. We reap what we sow and God chastises his children, but there's nothing you can ever do that would cause God to take away your eternal life. God wants you to be saved and he tells you how to do that. In Romans 10 9, he says this, that if. Now, he says if because you get a choice. He says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, but it's more than just saying words. He says this, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. See, the gift of salvation has to be accepted. And the Bible tells us that in verse 10, for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Verse 13 says, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. If you believe what I've showed you from the word of God, if you believe that you're a sinner and your sin has condemned you to hell, but Jesus came to this earth, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was buried and resurrected as a payment for your sin, that you don't have to earn it, you don't have to work for it, all you have to do is receive it. And once you have it, he'll never take it away. Then God simply asks you to by faith call upon him to save you. If you believe that, I would like to help you word a prayer. Now, this prayer in and of itself does not save you. It's the faith in your heart that saves you. But if you believe it, just pray with me and repeat after me. Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner and I deserve to go to hell. I'm confessing my sin to you and receiving your gift of eternal life. I'm not trusting in myself. I'm only trusting in you. Amen. If you've prayed that prayer, I'd like to congratulate you on receiving the gift of eternal life. Thanks for listening.